#tf2 horseless headless horsemann
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catsurfavs · 1 year ago
The soldier crashes merasmus' party
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boniestbooty · 4 months ago
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Hey! Been a while...sorry about that, just haven't used this in a while, but I'm back with some Scream Fortress characters. First time drawing horseless headless horsemann and Zepheniah's ghost lol
Anyway, I'll be sure to post more TF2 when I,have the chance. Happy Halloween~😈
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szeengames123 · 5 months ago
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(via https://comic.studio/s/9138)
Horseless Headless Horsemann bashes the RED Scout
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gnarlysheepsart · 5 months ago
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happy scream fortress everyone, have a good season ^_^
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troublesomerevolvingdoor · 5 months ago
I adore him greatly very much
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inbarfink · 3 months ago
I’ve said it elsewhere but although the idea of Silas Mann being Zepheniah’s brother that he not only killed, but totally wiped off the Mann Family History seems to be a pretty popular Headcanon/fan-theory (and often also paired with the idea that the Administrator was his daughter and that this is what originally sparked her eternally burning hatred for Zepheniah).....I personally can’t bring myself to buy it.
First of all, the one confirmed image of Silas Mann in life is in this Mann Family Portrait
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Which doesn’t seem to have been retconned out of the comics, considering it literally appears as an actual physical object in “The Days Have Worn Away”
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This picture shows him as an aging man alive at the same time that Zepheniah was old and dying and the Administrator has already been working for him for decades. On the most basic timeline level, him dying before the Administrator became the twins’ governess obviously doesn’t make any sense.
(Even if we were to assume the Silas in this picture is some ghostly apparition, he’s just too old to be a brother Zepheniah killed when they would have both being young-ish men and/or the Administrator’s father)
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And much more importantly for a story whose big thematic point is “the lore was ultimately Meaningless, what matters is the characters”, the idea of Zepheniah hiding the fact that he has ‘bested’ his brother and instead pretending he’s an only child just feels flat-out Out of Character for me with the way “The Days Have Worn Away” characterizes Zepheniah.
Zepheniah sees the act of killing your own sibling for fun and profit as an inherently noble act and a prove of one’s worthiness and determination. He talks about his father and grandfather’s dead siblings, without technically legally admitting that they killed them, but heavily implying it and clearly admiring them for it.
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And he very very heavily insinuated to his new governess that her goal is to raise his more ‘worthy’ son to engage in fratricide.
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The whole point of him saying he’s an only child ‘sadly’ is because he thinks it’s unfortunate he never got to prove himself by killing a sibling.
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So the idea that he would somehow draw a line at mentioning the brother he himself defeated, that he wouldn’t mention it as to not.... tarnish his good name (even though he is proud of his ancestors’ fratricide and brags about it) or to give himself farther legitimacy as the worthy Mann Heir (even though he views being ruthless enough to kill your own sibling as the ultimate proof of being a worthy Mann heir) or to just not discuss his crimes with a total stranger (even though his explanation of his father and grandfather’s deeds didn’t technically incriminate them of anything and he also pretty clearly admitted to her that he wants his kids to be raised to be brother-killers) is just… it just feels totally antithetical to how Zepheniah is written in this comic.
However, I actually don’t think this totally deconfirm the “Administrator is the daughter of Zepheniah’s brother out for revenge”.
After all, Zepheniah is not the only possible Unreliable Narrator of this flashback. The Administrator is the one telling the story.
And the Administrator totally forgot what Zepheniah did to make her hate him so much.
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And while it’s implied that he might’ve been responsible for her parents’ death in some way, it’s also implied the specific details have become hazy and unclear through the years….
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So, like, if the Administrator is the daughter of Zepheniah’s dead sibling (It being Silas still doesn’t really make any sense timeline-wise so let’s call this Hypothetical Mann ‘Barshnibnab Mann’, okay?)… Would she remember that? Would she remember any detail about Zepheniah having a sibling if her own familial connection to that sibling was wiped away by the waves of time?
Maybe Zepheniah did tell her “Ah yes, and I became an munitions magnate after I took over the company from my sibling Barshnibnab who died under very unfortunate and mysterious circumstances lol” but because she has forgotten everything about her parents and her original motivation she just flat-out forgot it and misremembered that Zepheniah was an only child?
I think that works a lot better with the themes and the characters’ personalities. Really emphasizes how the Administrator’s hatred has become such a singular and twisted thing, that it literally wiped away all memory of the people whose loss was the source of this hatred. Her quest of vengeance didn’t just drag down, like, the entire world for the last hundred years - it basically wiped out all possible memories of her parents. Really shows how it turned from revenge to just Fuck This Guy In Particular.
If Zepheniah killed a sibling, he would have wanted it memorialized as a proof of his own cutthroat ruthlessness - but the Administrator’s hatred is the one who wiped them from history as collateral in the way of her burning loathing.
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rogerrrroger · 1 year ago
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iamdoru1 · 5 months ago
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Team Fortress 2 Halloween Bosses
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jevilowo · 6 months ago
Not sure if ive already done this. But.
Predictions for COMIC 7
CHARLES DARLING WILL BE THE FINAL ENEMY besides Helen. Trust me on this one I swear they wouldn't have brought him in if they didn't have plans. ALSO the mother of the Mann triplets (Bette Mann neé Darling) was RELATED TO HIM HE'S RELEVANT. I'm so convinced he's the one Helen made a deal with and he's going to make a grab for Mann Co.
We'll get to see Bilious Hale in a flashback and find out what happened to him. Bilious Hale, oh guy who punched coal out of mines and sat on John Wilkes Booth while other people shot at him, my beloved. I hope they don't reveal he was a bad father or anything.
A woman is nice to Ms Pauling for once and she gets a smooch. She deserves it. Hopefully it won't be a smooch from Helen (DAMN YOU 4CHAN LEAKS), the old lady's had her hired since Pauling was in her mid teens.
WE GET HORSEMANN LORE! this is just wishful thinking on my part the Horsemann makes me insane. Shout out to Silas Mann fr. If he doesn't show up, I hope they at least acknowledge or reference him. I swear they had plans for him back in 2010. Which they then immediately abandoned in favour of developing Mann vs Machine.
Spydad reveal. Pretty much a given. No need to elaborate. I hope Scout’s mother shows up I love her.
Demo gets something important to do! He's only been there for comedic bits so far really, so I think he deserves some Serious Plot Stuff.
Build up to and cop out on Pyro face reveal. The whole thing of Pyro's character is the mystery, so I think the funniest way to go about a face reveal would be for us to only see the team's reactions and have them all react very differently e.g. Scout vomits, Demo gives them the thumbs up, Spy starts taking horrified notes, Engie looks vaguely lovestruck, Saxton Hale expresses annoyance that they aren't actually *insert obsucure species of something here* like he thought.
CONAGHER LORE!! By which I mean Engie shows up and has a chat with Fred about Radigan and immortality and whatnot. Fred has to have been spared from the bloodshed for a reason, right?
Classic Medic shows up! Or they confirm he is dead. Or they confirm he is Pyro which is a funny theory I read once but sincerely doubt. Maybe they'll pull a Bea and have him have been a girl the whole time.
I have a crackpot theory that Helen/Elizabeth is actually Bette Mann (again, mother of the Mann triplets), and while it's unlikely to be true, it would genuinely be so funny if I'm right so WATCH THIS SPACE. My main reasoning is Helen started her Australium search the year the triplets were born, aka the year Bette DIED, and also Bette is a nickname for Elizabeth. Also also it adds to my theory that she will team up with Charles Darling, who is, as I've already said, related to Bette.
Olivia gets to do something important also. Saying this bc she's mostly been a prop so far. I'm manifesting a sideplot where she summons the Horsemann to beat up Charles Darling for her.
Merasmus returns! Last we saw he was arrested, but Jay Pinkerton really likes his Soldier/Merasmus interactions so chances of him coming back are high.
There will be a joke like "geez it feels like it's been seven years since we beat grey mann" and a panel where everyone just lets that process before going back to plot stuff
Chances are, a new comic after so many years means there will be new writers, and the fandom has changed quite a bit since the last one. There will be SUBLIMINAL SPEEDING BULLET SHIPPING. There will be MORE FOCUS THAN IS REALLY NECESSARY on Scout. SOMEONE WILL THEY/THEM PYRO which sounds great actually you know what I forgot where I was going with this godspeed.
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the-1-foxy · 1 year ago
Happy Halloween, Mortals!
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Personally I think Merasmus keeps up with Mann family drama like its a weird sitcom, and now he's hosting the reunion episode!
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coolhorse · 4 months ago
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daily-purple-character · 4 months ago
day 255! happy halloween!!
horseless headless horsemann! (TF2)
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Hidden illustration of the original Mann Co. lineup, including Silas Mann, who became the Horseless Headless Horsemann upon his death, on the right, from the first Scream Fortress Update in 2010 (the portion on the left was originally included in the first Halloween update in 2009)
(descriptions in alt text)
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figbarofknowledge · 5 months ago
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Been working on this one for a little while! Don’t usually do much fanart but I really like his design and wanted to get back into some quick simple pixel art
(in all honesty I feel like it’s easier than drawing physically because the Limitation allows me to put down my vision as accurately as a 90x90 canvas will allow)
Happy Scream Fortress XVI!
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dino-burger · 2 months ago
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several more reuploads, featuring Silas's better known alter ego 🎃
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inbarfink · 3 months ago
Early TF2 Lore Bits that I’ve seen people claim that are contradictory to the central revelations of “The Days Have Worn Away” ranked according to how contradictory I personally think they actually are
1 - The Administrator's Senate’s Hearing
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Not contradictory at all! I I think actually fits extremely well with “The Days Have Worn Away”!
Sure, the blanked-out explanation and the senators’ reactions for it are bound to make one think the Administrator has some grand conspiracy, but these reactions actually make just as much sense if what she said was like “yeah I’m gathering Australium to keep myself alive far beyond the natural human lifespan and also to maintain the Australium-powdered resurrected zombie of Zepheniah Mann who I am eternally torturing by Clockwork Orange-ing him into witnessing his sons disappoint him and disgrace the Mann legacy by squabbling using the most incompetent and destructive mercenaries I could find so that he would always know that I bested him”.
They’re shocked and appalled at the cruel pettiness of it all, rather than because it’s a grand and sinister conspiracy. And the fact that the obstruction of information creates an implication that this plan must be incomprehensibly grandiose actually plays into how Miss Pauling was totally in the dark about the Administrator’s motive and therefore assumed she must’ve been planning something Big. If anything, this hearing is one of the things that does makes me think the whole thing was planned way ahead in advance. 
2 - Zepheniah Mann’s Ghost’s presence in Scream Fortress
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I think this is technically not actually contradictory to the Administrator keeping his body alive for all this time!
Considering The Days Have Worn Away’s Zepheniah seems to be basically catatonic and the difference between his resurrection and the Administrator’s (she was brought back almost immediately, while he was already rotting in the ground for a while), it’s not implausible to assume the Administrator basically brought back a biologically-functioning but empty shell while Zepheniah’s actual spirit moved on to the afterlife - making her revenge even more pointless.
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However,  the idea was not directly brought up in the actual text of the comic despite the thematic resonance. So even if there aren’t any real serious inconsistencies that can't be explained away, it also doesn’t feel fully intentional and pre-planned. 
Not to mention the Administrator was also Administrating maps that included Zepheniah’s ghostly presence, and the idea of her being actually aware that she wasn’t tormenting the ‘real’ Zepheniah but just a mindless corpse does not make any sense to me.
3 - That guy in the middle of the Mann Family Photograph -
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??????????? maybe it was a smidge on the camera??????? or something????????????? I dunno????????????????????? 
4 - Horseless Headless Horsemann AKA Silas Mann
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