#text: Kurt
wmublaine 5 months
馃摫 TEXT: Blaine 鈫旓笍 Kurt
Blaine: Hi LBK! Blaine: I've got a very important question: do you have plans for tonight? Blaine: There's a Karaoke Night at Breadstix and I feel like you and I should do a duet together.
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teddyrhodesx 6 months
text馃摬 teddy & kurt
Teddy: morning, Kurtster! Teddy: that was weird, did that seem weird? Teddy: okay so really I gotta talk to you man... so much has happened just over this past weekend and I need someone that isn't my sister or hadley or amber or ana to talk to about it.
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jacksonrose 3 months
text 馃摬 jackson & kurt
Jackson: Waking up with a half-eaten pizza on the bedside table is always a sign of a successful night out, right? At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
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mercedesjonesx 11 months
text 馃摬 mercedes & kurt
Mercedes: So.... can I assume that the lack of communication from you is because you're actually training for Amazing Race? Because if that's not why you haven't spoken to your bestie in over a week then I have to assume that you've died and I'm not ready for a life without Kurt 馃槩
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wmu-cedes 4 months
[text] Good morning! 'Tis I, Kurt Hummel, wondering if you could spare some time for little o'me today? Just want to have girl time, because boys are exasperating and I need balance.
Text: Morning babe! You wanna go get a coffee and go shopping?
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Text from Kurt: Hello, sir. I hope you're doing well. Sir Wyatt told me we'll be handing people at the shop cookies you'll be baking for Valentine's Day. But he didn't mention if we're suppose to sell them, or just to give them to people who comes to the shop that day. Would you please clarify that for me?
Text: I may be nice, but I'm not /that/ nice. Plus, both Wyatt and I have businesses to run, so $3/cookie or $34/dozen. We'll be selling them starting this Friday, so thanks for following up.
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carterjhudson 11 months
text 馃摬 carter & kurt
Carter: have you seen my lucky baseball cap and also what night this week are we doing family dinner? Carter: follow up question, what are we having for family dinner and can it please be hot dogs on the grill and tater tots? Carter: scratch all that and ignore this because you kurt are not my mom and I'm so sorry I don't know how I hit the wrong message before realizing I was not texting the right person. guess my last message to my mom was right by the last message to you, my bad
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charlierhodes 1 year
text馃摫charlie & kurt
Charlie: Good morning sunshine 馃尀 it's a fabulous morning already, can you feel how amazing today is going to be?
Charlie: I woke up in the best mood, just absolutely ready to take on the world! How's your day shaping up, buttercup?
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anastasiabeiste 1 year
text 馃摫ana & kurt
Ana: Hi! Totally random, but do you happen to have any bits of fabric laying around that you don't need? I'm making curtains for my apartment and my goal is to give it like a quilty feel without hanging an actual quilt over my windows, you know?
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gabrielcohen-chang 1 year
text 馃摫gabe & kurt
Gabe: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 鈥淚鈥檓 possible!"
Gabe: Saw that and it reminded me of you so I had to send it to you right away - save it for a day you need it!
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thattripleabattery 7 months
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fr3ckl3z 2 months
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High key left the trigun fandom ummmm have this nightcrawler doodle
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jacksonrose 11 months
text 馃摬 jackson & kurt
Jackson: you're probably the wrong person to ask about this since it literally runs through your veins, but why did i think coffee at 9pm was a good idea? mix it with bailey's, jackson, it'll be fine! well, it's not. it's not fine and now i'm too awake for my own good. Jackson: also irish coffees suck. i've never had one before tonight but i don't like them. at least we learned this about ourselves. Jackson: wow, when did it get to be 2 am?
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mercedesjonesx 1 year
text 馃摫mercedes & kurt
Mercedes: Next time I say "I'm just gonna watch this before I go to bed" and it's already past 11pm on my off day, slap me. I made that mistake and now I keep passing out during Your Place or Mine 馃槱
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amazing-spiderling 1 month
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An EXTREMELY cute doodle done for me by @lesbiandaredevil as part of their donation drive. I just think these two should hang out more (at all)- it would be good for them. Well, it would be good for Matt, at least. Hanging out with a moody dude who's taking his demons a little too seriously is just a day's work for Kurt.
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one-time-i-dreamt 8 months
Kurt Cobain knocked my retainer out with a shoe and mailed me 75 replacement retainers that fit me perfectly. He also mailed me a signed ketchup packet.
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