#tevene fashion
eluviansandevanuris · 2 years
Fashion of the Winter Palace: Dorian
When Josephine announces that they are to chose their own clothes for the ball at the Winter Palace Dorian retreats to his library corner to think.
For all his glib jokes, Dorian is intimately aware of how mages from the Imperium are perceived, it doesn’t matter that he’s not actually a magister. For the nobles of Halamshiral that is all they will ever see him as.
He could wear one of the uniforms that Josephine commissioned, but hiding who he is has never been one of Dorians’ strong suits. He will not hide, not here and not in Tevinter. 
He will never ‘play the part’
And so Dorian gets to work, he will treat this as any other soirée in the imperium, he will dazzle and intimidate, enthral and horrify. Orlesian fashion is oddly simpler than Tevene fashion. Yes more styles come and go every year, but it’s not like the secret language of Tevene fashion where every stitch speaks.
When Dorian is announced at the Winter Palace, a momentary hush falls over the ballroom and one Orlesian noble faints, Dorian looks majestic, he looks regal, he looks like a magister of old.
The outfit he wears in many layered and complex, with whisper thin inky black silk as an under-robe , the ends peaking out making it appear as if he’s walking on smoke. The over robes are rich and heavy with golden embroidery, glimmering in the light of the Winter palace.
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If one looks closely many of the looping swirls of brocade hide glyphs of protection and resistance to poison. 
The black velvet surcoat is a thing of beauty, wide shouldered and high collared adding to Dorian’s daunting appearance.
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The sleeves of the ensemble are eye catching and mesmerizing, the eyes of a dozen peacock feathers wink at the gathered masses.
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Dorian leaves no part of himself unadorned, his eyes are lined with shimmering gold and curved around his ear is a golden serpent cuff.
As he walks through the halls of Halamshiral scandalized whispers bouncing off the marble walls, Dorian cannot help the small satisfied smile that curves along his lips.
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gallusneve · 3 months
neve gallus proudly showing off her 999+ fascinators to rook for several ocassions
neve gallus speaking/cursing in tevene
neve gallus helping the inquisitor get a super cool dwarven prosthetic for their arm
neve gallus, dorian pavus, and maevaris tilani drinking together and discuss fashion or trying to fix tevinter
neve gallus and bellara lutara discussing cool features of their prosthetics/gadgets together
neve gallus being fascinated by emmrich volkarin's research/published papers
romanced!neve gallus using her ice specialty to help a rook struck with a fever; cooling hands on their forehead
romanced!neve gallus having her neck scarf tied by rook lovingly to get ready
romanced!neve gallus, being a cynic, will probably need some convincing that rook's love and affection are sincere
romanced!neve gallus sharing her smoke pipe with rook
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ashenlavellan · 4 months
Dragon Age: Veilguard - Thoughts
Disclaimer: This is MY opinion - please note that everyone has differing opinions and that I am not intending to offend anyone. Simply voicing my concerns/thoughts.
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First off - the name change.
Honestly, I'm not too bothered with the name change from "Dreadwolf" to "The Veilguard," because it still feels like it will involve the Veil/Solas/etc. It's sort of like an extension to the "Inquisition" for me and I'm alright with that.
Secondly - the companions.
Now, I'm pleased to see our favorite aged characters - Varric Tethras and Lace Harding, who have had an understandable change to their appearances, which means more time has passed since Inquisition. I'm happy that Varric will return as a companion once more and Harding will join us, rather than just being a scout for the Inquisition.
Now, the listing of new companions -
Neve - 'The Detective'
I like their design and the fashion slightly reminds me of Vivienne de Fer from Inquisition. Obviously, there is more of a Tevene twist to their clothing due to the placement of where we'll be heading towards. I can't necessarily gauge their personality from the few seconds we saw them in the trailer, but I admit that I'm intrigued and was somewhat reminded of Vivienne.
Lucanis - 'The Mage Killer'
Honestly, I'm always drawn to the (possible romance) companions that are the rogues/assassins of the party (ahem, Zevran and Isabela); I'm intrigued by the bestowed title and wonder if it's simply contract work, or if they opposed the mages... I believe it would make an interesting connection, especially if you get to play as a mage.
Taash - 'The Dragon Hunter'
We love a woman (if they identify as one or not) that could not just kick our ass, but a dragon's too. I'm glad to have another qunari companion within this game (I loved Sten and Iron Bull too); I can tell that they'll be such a badass and if they're romanceable, I can't wait to see what it's like.
Bellara - 'The Veil Jumper'
I really like their name and their design; I can't fully gauge their personality, but it seems like we have our adrenaline-junkie of the group and I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in their story.
Emmrich - 'The Necromancer'
Honestly, I was pleased that necromancy was a specialization within Inqusition, so I'm a little hesitant with this character, due to their class already and what specializations could be offered. Intriguing character, but a little concerned about how they'll be built.
Davrin - 'The Warden'
Anytime there's a warden involved, it always makes me wish that we could have our own Warden make an appearance of some sort, but that won't be possible. Simply mentions - however, I was extremely surprised to see that a griffon was accompanying them in their fight against darkspawn. I have questions as to how much time has passed and what they've learned.
So, overall - I'm intrigued by what I'm seeing for our future companions, but I'm a little hesitant. Mainly due to how many stories there are and what/how/when they tie into the plot and how they're approached.
Thirdly - cameos?
We've all mentioned/talked/seen others posts about this, but there's hope that we'll see some familiar faces and possibly tied into the story too.
Will we see Zevran? Shale? Isabela? Sebastian?
That's just a couple to list off, but I'm seriously hoping that we see some of our favorite familiar faces or more mentions of them because I'm a little upset with how quite a few were wiped out Thedas' existence.
Is there a possibility that we may run into Sten after all this time, since he had returned to the Qunari at the end of Origins? Maybe we'll run into Zevran, who has successfully slipped from the minds of the Crows yet is still out there? Hell, maybe we'll run into Admiral Isabela at a docking port in Tevinter?
There's no way that we won't run into some familiar faces rather than just Varric, Lace, possibly Leliana (since she's appeared in every single game). I'm alright with some mentions here and there, like what they did for Inquisition, but please don't practically erase some of our favorite characters.
Fourth - the combat.
This. This will be my biggest concern and I'll make an edit or reblog this once I've seen the official gameplay trailer once it's released. This will make or break the game for me.
I'm slightly hesitant to the change of the amount of companions that will be deployed - we'll be going on missions with two other companions, rather than three. It's been mentioned in conversation that this is a likely consequence due to the time limit that Bioware has - that makes sense and I understand that now.
However - depending on this trailer, this could be a big change... in the worst case scenario, I won't play it and with my fanfiction stories will simply purge it from existence and come up with something else. The good scenario (since I'm not sure if there will even be a best), it'll be tolerable and I can implement it to an extent within my headcanon universe.
There's some other stuff, but I'll hold off on it for now. I don't want to hope too much since I witnessed the events of ME: Andromeda and all of the troubles it had and it brought out some distrust. So, I'm intrigued yet I'm on the fence for the time being...
It could be another character for me to write a story for and develop, or it may simply be erased from my headcanon universe and will have a different ending in my series.
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choccy-zefirka · 4 months
OC info under the cut! (The list is not exhaustive, I just 1. Have not made much content for others; and 2. Run out of poll options)
Yvie is a half-elf, half-dwarf from a small mountain village from Orlais. I often tag her as Lavellan because that's her father's last name; he was, however, fully adopted into the extensive family of Yvie's mother, the Kaders, and Warden Kader from Awakening is Yvie's older sister. Yvie is a humble and peaceful gardener, but getting the Mark essentially turned her into a DnD bard (in that she casts spells by singing). She bonds with Alexius over her unusual magic, which intrigues him enough to feel almost not depressed from time to time, and over her overall compassion for her fallen enemies. Posts about her can be found here, here , here and here
Una is a Carta thug with a secret passion for nerd shit, which she hides out of insecurity. The Mark also turned her into something of a mage, though she favors elemental battle magic that she uses in unusual ways, similar to ATLA-style bending. She bonds with Alexius after he discovers her two deep dark secrets: that she sneaks into the mage tower at night to read books, and that she has a little son whom she gave up for adoption to keep him away from the Carta. Posts about her can be found here, here , here, here, here and here
Pilar is a former Antivan crow assassin that was trained in blood magic. This weighs heavily on her conscience, and she acts pretty much like a broody gothic antiheroine. She bonds with Alexius because she considers them both to be villains on a redemption arc. Posts about her can be found here, here, here, here , here, here and here
Sophia is a Circle mage who, despite being an elf, grew up Andrastian and landed with heavy religious trauma. She is afraid that if she ever strays from the straight and narrow, even by as much as thinking an "impure" thought, demons will snatch her up. She bonds with Alexius after a long and painful period of silent agonizing over her tragic villain crush. Posts about her can be found here, here, here, here, and here
Solange is a Tal-Vashoth that got her fashion talents recognized by Duke Bastien and Vivienne when she saw the former gallantly throwing down his ornate cloak so the latter could walk across a puddle, and heckled him for ruining good fabric. Since then, she's been rubbing shoulders with Orlesian courtiers, amid much grinding of teeth because how dare an oxwoman be so talented. She bonds with Alexius when she comes to him and Dorian with ideas over how they can incorporate Tevene robe design into Inquisition mages' uniforms for better casting (yes, Dorian talking about fashion has poor optics, but my idea is that Tevene mage robes have practical elements to buff their wearers, like glyphs hidden among embroidery etc.). Solange is also a mother who loves and supports her child instead of shaping them into her own image, which is similar to how Alexius supported Felix despite him not being a mage. Posts about her can be found here, here , here and here (with a bit of an outdated horn design). Bonus post about her family story!
Elgara (named so by her parents because she was supposedly a real ray of sunshine during her alienage childhood) is a Tranquil who failed her Harrowing because she took pity on the demon meant to test her. The Mark cured her, and she now has twenty years' worth of emotions to grapple with, which she handles as best she can with the help of her new friends and some calming elfroot now and then. She bonds with Alexius because she is not as afraid of being vulnerable and emotional around her former enemy, as around people who look up to her as a hero. They've already seen each other at their worst, so might as well! Posts about her can be found here, here , here and here. Bonus long-ish fic about the exact circumstances that began Elgara and Alexius' eventual friendship. Also this one of the most on-point faceclaims I ever had for an OC!
Issala is a former Tamassran who was briefly engaged in sex work but was then reassessed and appointed to teach the Qunari children and help new converts adapt. (She did contribute to breeding a couple of times, and one of her biological children grew up to be Hissrad/Iron Bull, though he was raised by a different Tama and Issala did not keep track of him). Only one of the children in her care turned out to be a mage, and even though she'd read about the process of subduing a Saarebas, seeing it happen proved too much for her, especially considering that the terrified child turned into an abomination and had to be put down. Shaken by the experience and blaming herself for not mentally preparing her student enough, Issala left the Qun (choosing her new name, meaning Dust). She struggled to find a purpose at first, but managed to fit into the Inquisition. She bonds with Alexius over them both being teachers; she also flexes some of her past Tamassran skills and offers him to become friends with benefits for stress relief... Unless... Posts about her can be found here (bottom left, also featuring Solange and Vhenas!) and here. I ought to repost fic of her some time too!
Vhenas is, probably, one of the most chill and mentally stable characters on here. She is a Dalish Keeper who was getting ready for retirement when the whole Breach thing happened. Irreverent, adventurous, slightly crass but intelligent underneath, she is the Cool Mom TM to her three adopted children, now young adults by the time of Inquisition. She bonds with Alexius because she can sympathize with a fellow parent, and he is incredibly fun for her to tease; also Dorian and Warden!Felix are also her sons now, she just has a knack for taking in troubled youths. Posts about her can be found here, here , here and here. Bonus time loop fic that's Alexius-centric but features Vhenas as the active Herald/Inquisitor!
Lira is a self-taught shapeshifter; her favored form is a cat, and she is stuck with a tail after messing up her first few transformations. Originally coming from a broken home in an alienage, she used her covert magic to break her neighbors out and seek out the Dalish, earning a place of respect in her new clan that weighs heavily on her because she feels like she peaked at the age of fifteen, and will never be able to do anything as grand as her escapades as a teenage elf liberator. When the Conclave, in a manner of speaking, promotes her to saving the world, her gifted kid burnout leads to impostor syndrome. Lots of struggles under that cutesy cat girl exterior! She bonds with Alexius after he vents out his disillusionment with Corypheus, regret over pushing Dorian away, shame over how low he's stopped etc. etc. to what he thinks is a regular stray cat lounging around Skyhold, but is actually Lira in disguise, hiding from Josephine because she is terrified of war table meetings. This turns them into each other's confidantes, and then, well. Posts about her can be found here, here, here (butt warning!) and here.
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aithne · 2 years
Old Roads: Inquisition
So that ask from @darkspawntaxcollectors that I answered last night has really gotten me thinking about Old Roads and what I would have written had I decided to extend the series through the Inquisition timeframe. It would absolutely been a book-length fic that I 100% do not have time to write, so!  Here you all go: an outline of what might  have been called Faithless Convocations.
Taking Cullen’s place as Commander of the Inquisition would likely have been Matias, the Templar who was sent to Kirkwall after the breaking of Kinloch Hold’s Harrowing Chamber. He’s a Templar, he’s Fereldan, he has leadership experience, and he has had quite a bit of character development in the form of Shit That Happened in Kirkwall. He’s a darker personality than Cullen, less stodgy and more temperamental, and his personal character arc over Inquisition involves kicking lyrium and also dealing with the issues that taking lyrium was allowing him to cover up and ignore.
Leliana spends less time as Left Hand of the Divine in this version, but she still does become the Hand a couple of years before the Conclave. She brings her partner Amity with her to Haven and then Skyhold. Amity is Tevene and a mage, though she never participated in the power structure of Tevinter since she was part of a now-defunct intelligence organization named the Daughters of Dumat.
I’d skip over the first part of Inquisition except for establishing that the Inquisitor is Reshlyth Lavellan, a Dalish mage who is very not cool with being called the Herald of Andraste. Pretty much everything there proceeds according to the game’s story beats…
…right up until Etain Hawke leads Reshlyth to a cave in Crestwood to meet his Warden friend, who turns out to be none other than Kathil Amell, Etain’s cousin and Hero of Ferelden.  Reshlyth also gets to meet Cullen, Zevran, and the three kids--as well as Anders, who’s Etain’s partner and has been staying with the Amell family while Etain was at Skyhold. Kathil happens to be immune to the false Calling because it doesn’t register over the constant screaming of the shadow of Urthemiel in her head. Anders is immune because of Justice.
Someone eventually asks Leliana about this, and she admits that she was actually in contact with the Hero of Ferelden. When asked why she didn’t originally ask for her help, she says, “Because Kathil Amell’s method of solving a problem is to create ten worse problems to take its place.”
Kathil and Cullen help find out what’s going on with the Wardens, while Zevran, Anders, and the rest find somewhere quiet and out of the way to stay for the moment.  Kathil, in classic Kathil fashion, is very fucking angry with both the Wardens and the people manipulating them. She insists on going to Adamant Fortress with the Inquisition, and Cullen insists on going with her, because he knows damn well what happens when he lets Kathil out of his sight.
Here Lies the Abyss proceeds as usual right up until Adamant proves not structurally up to Clarel’s last spell hitting a damaged walkway and dumps Reshlyth, Cassandra, Varric, Iron Bull, Etain, Kathil, Cullen, and a badly wounded Clarel off of it, prompting Reshlyth to open a rift into the Fade to catch them. (I like Clarel, so she gets to survive.)
As usual, Kathil becomes Urthemiel the moment she hits the Fade. Fortunately, Kathil has been finally working with the Old God’s shadow instead of against her, so while it’s extremely unsettling to have a dragon with them, disaster does not immediately ensue. They patch up Clarel as well as they can (Etain has some healing magic but more importantly he’s gotten some medical training from Anders), figure out something for a litter for her, and head out to find Nightmare.
Everyone has so many questions here, and Cullen is just like “look, if we survive, you can ask, but right now we need to focus.”
Nightmare taunts everyone, but once it realizes that the Thrice-Bound is in its realm and Moros is likely not far behind (and might be able to use her to invade if she feels like), it starts to panic. Justinia shows up, bringing Reshlyth’s memories with her, and the realm itself starts to fight, warping and shifting and screaming at them.  There’s a lot of [cool shit happens here] going on. Possibly a couple of disasters.
Once they find Nightmare and kill its lieutenants, Nightmare focuses on Kathil and Reshlyth, because both of them represent opportunities to get out of the Fade. Kathil is like, “you all go ahead, I’ll catch up” and Cullen panics, because fuck if he’s going to have this happen again. Kathil, with a massive effort, becomes herself for a couple of minutes, they have a quiet conversation, Kathil hands him something, and then Urthemiel folds out around her again and Cullen is like, “Let’s go.”
[cool shit with Kathil happens here. Maybe Moros does show up? Maybe Nightmare and Kathil already know each other?]
Everyone except Kathil tumbles out of the Fade and the rift seals.  They deal with the immediate situation at Adamant (including getting Clarel off to the Inquisition’s healers) and then Cullen grabs Reshlyth and Etain and goes “we’re gonna get Kathil out now. I need some insulated gloves and can you do a small rift, Reshlyth?
Reshlyth opens a little rift and Cullen and Etain call Kathil/Urthemiel to it with whatever it was that Kathil gave Cullen, and Cullen reaches into the Fade and grabs her.  Turns out that Kathil and Cullen were prepared for this.
Everyone heads back to Skyhold. Kathil is in not-great shape and needs some time to recover, so she convalesces at Skyhold and gets to know the members of the Inquisition. Meeting Matias again is…awkward, to say the least, but Kathil and Dorian are immediately sympatico. She twigs to Blackwall not being a Warden, and is very, very uneasy about Solas. Reuniting with Dagna is definitely a good thing, since they hadn’t seen each other since Kathil crashed at Dagna’s place for a few weeks while she was out of her head post-Blight.
Reshlyth more or less turns around and heads out to the Winter Palace, and comes back with (of all people!) Morrigan and her kid in tow. Kathil is like, “You know what? Let’s get Zev and the kids here. Anders, too. Skyhold’s safe enough for a little bit.” Etain agrees to put off heading for Weisshaupt for a couple of months, since it’s the dead of winter and they’re just gonna get stuck in the snow somewhere anyway.
At this point, plot ceases for a bit and we get to just live in Skyhold with these characters for probably 50k words.  Reshlyth recruited the mages, and between them, Dagna, Dorian, Kathil, Etain, Amity, and Morrigan, there is a tremendous amount of magical research going on. Vivienne even gets in on the fun.  Zevran more or less becomes everyone’s therapist. The builders working on Skyhold start making breakthroughs in material science as they rediscover elven building techniques and start applying them with modern methods.
Solas is initially extremely put out and angry around Anders/Justice/Vengeance, but eventually calms down and agrees to help them. Between him and Zevran, Anders and Justice start to actually heal some of the trauma that they’ve been through. Etain keeps putting the trip to Weisshaupt off because he’s actually enjoying himself for once and this is the first time Anders seems to be actually getting better since pre-Chantry explosion.
Clarel recovers, in large part due to Anders basically taking over her care.  She and her magical ability will never be the same, though, and it’s somewhat obvious that even if she wasn’t hearing the false Calling, her true Calling is almost upon her. She and Kathil kind of become friends, and she does become friends with Morrigan.
At some point, someone figures out that the dude who blew up Kirkwall’s Chantry is being harbored in Skyhold, despite them taking care to not actually call him Anders. Reshlyth and Josephine have to do a lot of very fancy footwork to make that chill out enough that they don’t have an Exalted March show up on their doorstep. Reshlyth, personally, has zero problems with Anders except for the fact that for whatever reason, he’s still Andrastian.
Reshlyth and Kathil have a bunch of conversations. They discover they’re distantly related, which is fairly awkward because, well, Kathil is from Fereldan nobility and Reshlyth is Dalish soooooo that was extremely unlikely to have been a consensual relationship.
All of the kids, Cole, and the various Amell family dogs run around in a pack. There are Shenanigans.
Cassandra gets to know Kathil and forgives Leliana for not mentioning that she knew where she was, because the Hero of Ferelden is not nearly as awesome as she had made her out to be in her head. In fact, she’s kinda scary. She likes Cullen and Zev a lot, though, and thinks it’s very romantic that the three of them are together.
Arbor Wilds happens offscreen, kicking off a series of decisions – is the Amell family going to stay for the fight against Corypheus? Are Etain and Anders ever going to leave for Weisshaupt? The major change that everything in the story has been building to is that Morrigan does not seek out Flemeth, instead allying with Kathil to learn the form of a dragon.  Flemeth doesn’t get possession of the Old God soul in the same way (I would need to figure out if she still gets it, or if Branwen (who is Morrigan’s kid’s name in Old Roads) keeps it).
[cool shit happens here]
In the end, to align with the established Old Roads timeline, the Amell family takes off again.  They show up again briefly for Trespasser, mostly because I’m interested in what Teagan and Kathil have to say to one another after all these years.  Kathil doesn’t live long after Trespasser—she dies sometime between 9:48 and 9:51 Dragon—but I am fairly convinced that Cullen and Zevran help with the search for Solas, and her daughter Cerys is helping run some kind of rebellion by the time she’s in her early 20s.
I actually wish I had the time and energy to write this.  This is about a 200k word commitment, sooooo it is unlikely to happen.
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gxldencity · 3 months
Dlgkkvnmfmgfmfn Dolores and Domenico's rs in dragon age would be a lot sadder in forgotten realms/bg3. In Forgotten Realms/BG3, she left before fully knowing who he is as a person and not as a child she was forced to care for. His image of him as a 12 year old is perpetually stuck in her head bc that's how old he was when she last saw him. So when Dolores met him again at 17, she has to grapple with how she wasnt there for a huge part of his formative years and if she wants to have a rs with him, she has to stop seeing and treating him like a child and that he is a fully realized person.
Dolores also feels a connection towards him because they are the last two surviving members of their family. She would've had the same feelings if say Dulcinea or Dora survived
In Thedas/Dragon Age though, Domenico is the only family Dolores has since she was about 10 and in the Circle. They survived the Circles's disbandedment and the Mage Templar war together. They survived the trip to Tevinter to get Domenico some sort of teacher for his dreamer powers and blending in Tevene society as elf-blooded mages from Orlesian Chantry controlled Circles. She has seen him grow up and IS the only one who could understand everything that she has been through and yet, she still sees him as a child who can't make his own decisions.
And Domenico hates her for it. If he could he would leave her but he can't because who else could he turn to? Tevinter is still foreign to him despite living there for several years. He can't turn to his teacher because if she finds out that he's not just keeping his hair long for fashion but to hide the small little points in his ears then she'll throw him out or worse. So he Has to stay with Dolores.
At the same time, Dolores isn't fond of being basically his mother instead of his sister. She's only in Tevinter for him. She'd love to go back to Antiva but she can't because there's no where else in Thedas where she could find someone to train him.
So basically they spent years just...having this unspoken and unsettling feeling lmao
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fandomsinabookshelf · 4 months
Geluksarmbandje Be Happy
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Geluksarmbandje Be Happy Geluksarmbandje Be Happy Deze geluks armband bestaat uit vier fijne rode koorden met goudkleurige kraaltjes & drie geluks bedels: een klavertje vier bedel, een schattige hartje en een ankertje(het teken voor hoop). Het armbandje heeft een karabijnsluiting met tevens een bedeltje met de tekst " Be Happy " en is in maat verstelbaar. Deze armband is mooi om los te dragen maar ook heel leuk te combineren met andere armbanden om je armcandy compleet te maken. Bekijk hiervoor onze armbanden collectie en creëer je eigen stijl ! Mix & match met meerdere armbandjes voor een fashionable arm party! Lengte armband : 18 cm + 3 cm Kleur : rood; goud
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De Vrije Akademie werkt met professionele kunstdocenten en is sinds 2021 een gecertificeerd kunstencentrum. U kunt vragen stellen en kennis maken met de kunstdocenten en alle informatie krijgen over zo’n 60 cursussen op de open dag. Er is van alles te doen en te zien.  In Kerkrade zijn 2 nieuwe jonge vakkrachten aanwezig die u alles kunnen vertellen over nieuwe cursussen  edelsmeden. Tevens kunt u in Landgraaf informatie ophalen over een nieuwe cursus kunstgeschiedenis en het pottenbakken eens ervaren. Er zijn ook komend cursusjaar weer diverse losse workshops gepland zoals bijvoorbeeld een sjaal vilten, werken met droogbloemen, kralen van keramiek, mozaiëk en zeepjes maken. Diverse cursussen tekenen & schilderen De cursussen schilderen bieden uiteenlopende technieken zoals ‘schilderen in olieverf, acryl, aquarel, pastel, abstract schilderen met acryl, model en portretschilderen. Alle cursussen zijn geschikt voor zowel beginners als gevorderden en worden gegeven in groepen waarin iedereen ook individueel wordt begeleid en zijn eigen stijl ontwikkelt. In Kerkrade starten onder andere Martijn van Erp, Wim Albrink, Joop Noordkamp en Esther Bour weer met hun cursussen tekenen & schilderen. In Landgraaf gaan Martijn van Erp en Ton Laeven (schilderen zoals de oude meesters) starten met een nieuwe schildercursus. Thea Dautzenberg geeft in Kerkrade de intuitieve cursus schilderen via de methodiek van ‘Vedic Art’. De lessen en workshops worden gegeven door vakkrachten; ‘toppers’ die vanuit hun opleiding en passie grote affiniteit hebben met het vak en dit kunnen overbrengen op de cursisten. Cursussen boetseren & keramiek, pottenbakken, edelsmeden en fotografie Marlies Noordkamp, Marjo Boesten, Ivon Drummen en Maria Stams starten met nieuwe cursussen in boetseertechnieken en portret & model. Ook voor edelsmeden, pottenbakken en digitale fotografie kunt u terecht bij ervaren docenten op onze open dag en allerlei vragen stellen. Saïd ten Brinke zal een presentatie geven over zijn fotografiecursussen voor beginners en gevorderden in Kerkrade. In Kerkrade kunnen volwassenen bij Arno Sijben deelnemen aan de cursus ‘verbeeldingskracht’. Deze cursus sluit aan bij hoe kunstenaars ‘denken en werken’ en is bedoeld voor volwassenen die zich willen ontwikkelen volgens aanpak die past bij profesioneel kunstenaarschap. Orientatiecursus kunstacademie en het open jongerenatelier Wil je weten of de kunstacademie voor jou een geschikte opleiding is? Dan is de Oriëntatiecursus Kunstacademie echt iets voor jou! Een aantal professionele docenten verzorgen diverse blokken in deze cursus in diverse technieken zoals tekenen, schilderen, kunstgeschiedenis, druktechnieken, fotografie, 3D en theatervormgeving. In deze cursus wordt aan opdrachten gewerkt waardoor een basis ontstaat die aansluit bij de inzet die men verwacht op de kunstacademies. In de eindfase gaan de deelnemers aan de slag met het presenteren en exposeren van hun werk. Als de deelnemer deze cursus met een goede beoordeling bij de Vrije Akademie afsluit, wordt hij of zij toegeleid naar de kunstacademie in Maastricht. Er zijn ook andere mogelijkheden voor  jongeren zoals het open jongeren atelier in Landgraaf en een speciale cursus tekenen en schilderen (Young Akademie). Fabulous Fashion, Kleileuk, kunst-bouwers, striptekenen en tekenen & schilderen voor de jeugd Nieuw is de cursus ‘kunst-bouwers’ in Kerkrade waarin kinderen gaan bouwen met diverse materialen. In de Fashion-cursus in Kerkrade gaan kinderen aan de slag met het maken van kleding, een ‘moodboard, ontwerpen en kennis over vormen en materialen. In ‘Kleileuk’ in Landgraaf kunnen ze bouwen en boetseren met klei. Op zaterdagochtend kunnen de kinderen in Landgraaf werken in het creatieve jeugdatelier waarin van alles aan bod komt zoals tekenen, schilderen, met klei, stof of papier maché. Er is ook een aparte cursus tekenen & schilderen op woensdagmiddag in Kerkrade. Verder kan er op woensdagnamiddag striptekenen worden gevolgd in Kerkrade en in Landgraaf op dinsdagnamiddag.
Er zijn mogelijkheden om via het jeugdfonds sport & cultuur financiële ondersteuning te krijgen. ‘Samen creatief’ Samen creatief is op maandag, dinsdag en donderdagmiddag in Landgraaf en op maandag tot en met donderdagmiddag en vrijdagochtend in Kerkrade. Op deze middagen kan iedereen aansluiten. Er wordt van alles gedaan zoals schilderen of werken met klei of hobby materialen. De bijeenkomsten staan in het teken van contact, ontmoeting en samen creatief bezig zijn. U kunt ook op werkdagen bellen met de Vrije Akademie (045-7370302), stuur een mail met uw vragen naar [email protected] of neem een kijkje op onze website www.vaparkstad.nl Via de site kunt u ook informatie opvragen of zich inschrijven. Open dag De open dag is op zondag 10 september 2023 van 11.00 tot 15.00 uur in An de Voeëgelsjtang 12 Landgraaf en in Kerkrade in Spekhofstraat 15.
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felassan · 4 years
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don’t know what it is or how to describe it in words but aspects of Sera’s concept art outfit designs remind me of if like a Greco-Roman-style soldier entered the Thief franchise, and I think that’s very metal of her
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seahaloed · 4 years
As Viscount of Kirkwall, Shepard’s wardrobe moves away from her Champion armor and typical ferelden style clothing. She begins to incorporate bits of Imperium fashion into her court/finery wear when the truth about who her father is comes to light.
She enjoys the dramatics of the fashion, but she doesn’t have the stamina to keep up with it in terms of making her hair/makeup equally as presentable
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cool-kink-sis · 3 years
Ancient Elves
I have only played DA:I but I'm scouring wiki as we speak but does anyone know or headcanon anything about the ancient elves? Like fashion? What are the dresses like for balls? Were they barefoot? Were the slaves? Mythal/Flemeth isn't and Abelas weren't, Solas isn't when he comes out as Fen'Harel but maybe M/F isn't because she's in a human body and the sentinals and Solas wear shoes because they're preparing/are in a fight.
What architecture is like? The Qunari, Tevene, Orlais all take after some countries and their languages and architecture in real life, do ancient elves??
Trying to find info for a fic I'm writing and I'm getting overwhelmed.
Does Solas ever reveal much? Is there more info in the others games or the books?
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eluviansandevanuris · 4 years
Tevene Fashion
In the Art of Dragon Age Inquisition Tevene fashion and style is described as “dire opulence”
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It’s style at a knife’s edge, with a hint of violence and power behind it. It’s not just dire opulence, but decaying opulence. The Alti clinging onto the corpse of and empire and keeping power through blood and magic.
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In Tevinter power is worn like a second skin, statue, wealth and magical abilities are reflected in the clothing of the wearer. 
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In Orlais the clothing is style over substance, but in Tevinter it is all substance. Each item of clothing is chosen with calculation among the Alti. In Tevinter the clothing speaks.
Tevene fashion is high necklines and sharp lines, it’s heavy material which richness speaks to the wealth of the wearer, it’s intricate designs.
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In Tevinter fashion is not just clothing, it’s a language unto itself.
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Dareth Shiral
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serahlink · 3 years
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can’t stop thinking of Dorian post-trespasser,, like DAMN thats one smooth dilf 
Also I know the outfit is atrocious,, pls forgive me I dont know Tevene fashion :(
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borisbubbles · 4 years
My favourite Dorian Quotes
Just as an addendum, since my previous didn’t exactly put across the hilarity of Dorian, here are my favourite quotes/conversations/reactions by Dorian Pavus in Dragon Age 3.  Edit 22/01: added a few more because Dorian just keeps giving.  60.  Dorian: Come on Varric, just answer the question. 😣 Varric: My mother didn’t raise any morons, Sparkler. 🙄 Dorian: But you must have an opinion! And you’re a Dwarf! Completely unbiased. Varric: There is no way I’ll answer “Which Inquisition Mage is the best dressed?”, not for all the gold in Orzammar. Vivienne: Also, the answer is obvious. 🙂 59. Dorian: So what's your estimation, Varric? Think we could win? Varric: 😱 You aren't asking me to give odds on our beloved Inquisitor's success?! 😛 Dorian: What would that look like? Three to one? 🤣 Varric: In his favor?  Dorian: After Corypheus pulled an archdemon out of his arse, are you joking? Inquisitor: You would actually bet against me?  Dorian: Now now, if I weren't here, it would be five to one at least. 😘 Inquisitor: I’ll take those odds, actually. 😏 Dorian: This is why I adore him so.  😍 58.  Cassandra: So Bull, about Dorian... Iron Bull: Yep, it’s true. 😁 Dorian: By all means, let’s discuss this all together. 🙄 Cassandra: If you’re both pleased Dorian: He’s happy, I’m happy, everybody’s happy!  Iron Bull: Awww, you’re happy. 😍 Dorian: 😣 Cassandra: 😄 57. You joke! they’ll be writing books about you, boring ones that will get it all wrong. Just you wait!   56.  Iron Bull: Yesss, we’re going to fight the dragon, boss? Oh THIS is gonna be GOOD.  Dorian: You are way too excited about this. 😑
55.  Blackwall: How do you get your hair to do that, Dorian? With magic? Dorian: With proper hygiene and grooming. Maybe the three of you should get acquainted. 🙄 54.  Cole: You’re happier now, Dorian Dorian: Oh is that what this light tingly feeling is? I suppose you’re right. 😏�� Cole: Wishing but wondering, wounded and whistful Cole: What if he doesn’t want me after? Dorian: But he did. 😁 Cole: Now you’re smiling. It’s good.  😃 53. Varric: Does this shit make any sense to you? Dorian: Are you referring to the giant gaping hole in the sky, or the creature from a Chantry cautionary tale pretending to be a god? Varric: Either. I’m feeling generous. Dorian: What’s the matter? Some pretender comes along, tears the place down, declares himself king. That’s half of history. Varric: Corypheus is like that drunk uncle who refuses to leave the party? Dorian: Even after he puts a hole in the ceiling. Terribly common.  52.  Sera: You gonna warn me the next time you’re throwing your magic around? Dorian: As long as you’re careful where you shoot all those arrows Sera: You magic me, I’ll put three in your eye! Dorian: 😅 Now we can live together in peace and harmony!  51. Vivienne: Dorian, what did you think of little Sera’s last Red Jenny mission? Dorian: Hmm... I’d call it ‘medium’. 🤔 Vivienne: ‘Medium’, my dear? Dorian: It wasn’t rare, and it certainly wasn’t well done. 😏 50. Cole: Dorian, what is 'a slave'?  Dorian: FESTISBEIUMOCANAVERUM! 😨 Cole: You said I could ask questions! Dorian: I know I did, just... go ask the Inquisitor that one. 49. An optimist! 🤣  such a rare breed, I have stumbled upon a unicorn. 48. Dorian: What I wouldn't give for some proper wine.😫 Vivienne: Skyhold's steward is a sadistic little man who is trying to kill us. 🤢 Dorian: Perhaps he found a bargain he couldn't pass up, on vats of vinegar? 47. Cassandra: Why are you looking at me like that, Dorian? Dorian: I am trying to imagine what you would look like... in a dress.😈 Cassandra: Keep wondering. If my uncle couldn't put me in one, neither shall you. 46. Dorian: How do you want to be remembered, Cassandra? Valiant yet sexy rebel against the status quo? Cassandra: I don't have any control over how I'll be remembered. 🙄 Dorian: Sword raised high, blue scarf dramatically fluttering in the wind, sun rising behind you? Cassandra: Blue scarf?😒 Why would I be wearing such a thing? Dorian: It's a painting, of course! Work with me( It'll be fantastic! 🤗 45. Dorian: Why is it so cold? How do you southerners stand it? Iron Bull: What's the matter? Not enough slaves around to rub your footsies? Dorian: My ‘footsies’ are freezing, thank you! 😒 44.  Blackwall: Dorian, I’d appreciate it if you stopped refering to me as ‘that hairy lummox”.  😠 Dorian: When did I do that? Blackwall: At the tavern, the blacksmith’s, the stable. You said it to the gateguards when we left Skyhold! Dorian: hmm... 🤔 yes, that does sound like me.   🤗 43. Dorian: Watch out where you point that thing! 😡 Iron Bull: Dirty! 😏 Dorian: Vishante kaffas, I meant your weapon! 😡 42. Dorian: What would you say Blackwall's best feature is, Vivienne? Vivienne: His absence, of course. 🙄 Blackwall: I can hear both of you. 😒 41. Dorian: Did you know we are actually related Inquisitor? Inquisitor: We, what? Dorian: Not first cousins or anything. Can you imagine?  Dorian: I however did a bit of digging in my family tree, and somewhere down the netheregions of my line there was also a Trevelyan. Dorian: Perhaps the one who went to Ostwick to establish the branch? I knew we looked so alike for a reason. 😏 Inquisitor: Um, yay?  Dorian: Indeed! 😁 Yay! 40. I’m always nice. 😏 39. Dorian: I don't know if you've heard, but the rumours are that you and I are... intimate. Inquisitor: That's not such a bad thing, isn't it? Dorian: I don't know, is it? Inquisitor: Do you always answer a question with a question? Dorian: Perhaps you would like me to answer in a different fashion? 🤔 Inquisitor:  If you're capable. 😅 Dorian: 😘🥰😚 Dorian: 'If you're capable.' The nonsense you speak. 🤭 38. Dorian: You caught the eye of a young woman in that last village, Blackwall. Blackwall: I'm sure you're mistaken. 😒 Dorian: You're right. She was undoubtedly looking at me.🤭 37. Dorian: Vivienne, I have only the one question - why the Orlesian fixation with masks? Vivienne: It is The Game, darling. You never show the players your true visage. Dorian: A strange custom in a culture where people assassinate each other for putting too much salt in the soup Vivienne: An extra hurdle to be overcome. Fail at The Game, and you die. Dorian: And you people call Tevinter barbaric. 🙄 36. Dorian: You are smiling a great deal these days, Cassandra. 😉 Cassandra: I am not... smiling. 😒 Dorian: Now you're not, but only because I pointed it out to you. Cassandra: I am not a giddy schoolgirl! 😡 Dorian: That would have been easier to believe if you hadn't just blushed. 🤗 35. You’ll be surprised at the credit my tongue gets me, your Reverence.  34. Dorian: Sera, I see you are having fun with your illustruous paramour- Sera: WHAT? 😨 Is it showin'? Dorian: What? NO, oh heavens NO. 🤢 Dorian: I meant to ask if you're enjoying your new relationship. Sera: Then why not just say that? 🙄 Dorian: I did... in words you apparently don't understand. 😑 Sera: What's the point of words you know and others don't? Who'd you say them to? 🙄 Dorian: Letmejustdobothofusafavorandretractthequestion. 😡 Sera: Pity, because we're doing great. That's why I'm following her around with weirdies 🤗 33. It was fun to goad you, Cassandra. You get that knot between your eyes when you're flustered - Ah, look, there it is! Delightful!  🤗 32. Dorian: I half expect my mother to materialize from the crowd to criticise my manners. Inquisitor: Where would we be if you mother we really here? Dorian: Short one mage, after he's been dragged out by his earlobe. Inquisitor: I have a hard deal imagining that. 😅 Dorian: Picture me a young boy of five years then. She certainly always has. 🙄 31. Dorian: 'Official Mage to the Orlesian Court'. Well that sounds exciting. 🙄 Vivienne: It's an esteemed position, darling. One many mages should envy. Dorian: Yes, I suppose being paraded around like an exotic peacock is better than frantically running from templars. 🙃 Vivienne: Better an exotic peacock than one Tevinter rat amongst many. Dorian: Oh? A dig at my homeland? This should be fun. 😏 30. Sera: Dorian? Those words you say. What do they mean? Dorian: What, you mean like mendicant or ultimatum? 🤨 Sera: No, arse, when you're mad. 'Pish-anty cough-ass'. You're swearing, I know it. Dorian: Ah, 'vishante kaffas'. It's Tevene, relics of the old tongue. We still use the colorful phrases. Sera: And it means what? Dorian: Literally? 😏  'You shit on my tongue.' Sera: 😂 Why not just say that?  Dorian: A mystery for the ages.  29. Sera: Demons! Flappy robes! Dorian: Thieves! Dog Stink! Sera: Culty shits! Dorian: Treacherous teyrns! Sera: Wha- It’s not a proper game of ‘Your people are shit” if you just make up words. 🙄 Dorian: A ‘teyrn’ is a Fereldan title, just below that of a king. I thought you of all people would know that. Sera: Well that’s just... I... smartasses 🤬 Dorian: Too late! I believe that’s my round. 🤗 Sera: Piss! 😠 28.  Vivienne: You’re rather amusing, Dorian. Dorian: Your outfit’s entertaining, I’ll give it that.🙄 Vivienne: Pretending to be a shark from a land of sharks. But you’re not a shark and you’ll never be one, darling. They knew this as much as we do.   Dorian: I could have of course pretended, wore fancy clothes, convinced everyone I’m something I’m not.  Dorian: Then I could take a position at court, whore myself out, and desperately hope no one realizes what a fraud I am.  Vivienne: Such snapping for a fish without teeth! 😂 Inquisitor: I cannot believe the way you two speak to each other. 😨 Vivienne: Inquisitor whatever is the matter? We’re having a perfectly civil conversation. Dorian: It’s true. I’ve heard worse from the gardener back home.  27.   Dorian: Varric, you owe me five royals. I’d like them paid in candied dates. 😉 Varric: I haven’t lost that bet yet, Sparkler. Dorian: You said we would be arse-deep in trouble. This is more like knee-high. Varric: I didn’t specify whose ass, did I? 😏 Dorian: Leave it to a dwarf always lowering the bar. 🙄 26. I hope you tried the ham they were serving, by the way. Tasted of despair. Fascinating. 25. Dorian: Vivienne, we can continue this dance forever if you like. Vivienne: Certainly. Provided both of us are capable. Dorian: I mock Orlesian frippery and nonsense, you slam Tevinter decadence and tyrrany. Dorian: There's however something more important we must remember. Vivienne: And what might that just be? 🤨 Dorian: At least we're not Antivan. Vivienne: 🤢 Quite right. Thank the Maker. 🙏 24. Cassandra: You're not as handsome as you think, Dorian. Dorian: Ah, but I must be! Or you wouldn't have been thinking about it all this time.  😏 Cassandra: Anyone who claims it as often as you must be dreadfully concerned they're not. Dorian: Look at this profile - Isn't it incredible? Dorian: I picture it in marble. 😏 Cassandra: 😒 23. Flying cows over Minrathous? Preposterous! Okay that one is actually true, but the cows didn't have wings. 22. Dorian: I have only one question, Sera: did you cut your own hair?  Sera: Yeah. Why wouldn't I? 🙄 Dorian: You could try using something other than a rusty butter knife. Sera: Oh, excuse me while I dig up my diamond-studded hair-cutting whatevers. 🙄 Dorian: Scissors. 😏 The word you're looking for is "scissors." 😏 21. Iron Bull: Quite the stink-eye you've got going, Dorian. Dorian: You stand there, flexing your muscles, huffing like some beast of burden with no thought save conquest. 😡 Iron Bull: That's right. These big muscled hands could tear those robes off while you struggled, helpless in my grip. Iron Bull: I'd pin you down, and as you gripped my horns. Iron Bull: I. Would. Conquer. You. 😏 Dorian: Uh. What? 😨 Iron Bull: Oh. Is that not where we're going? 🤐 Dorian: No. It was very much not.😳 20. You can't call me pampered, Varric. 🙄 Nobody has peeled a grape for me in weeks. 19. Sera: Dorian are you going to warn me the next time you bust out in demons or sumthin? Dorian: 😂 How exactly do you picture me 'busting out’? Dorian: I am just walking along and *OOPS* - demon? Dorian: I mean it could happen, after years of training. You could also trip and impale your eye on an arrow. 😏 Sera: So are you going to warn me or not? 🙄 Dorian: Certainly. But only because you're so dear to me. 😘 18. Dorian: For being so unnerved by magic, you aren't shy about benefiting from its effects.🤔 Sera: I don't. I use normal things, not magic. 🙄 Dorian: You consider swathing yourself in flame or ice 'normal' and 'not magic'? 🤨 Sera: For one: it comes out a bottle. Sera: For two: I mess up, I get burned. You mess up, your head chucks up a demon. Sera: For three: Bottle, little burned, no demons. So there. 🤗 Dorian: That was only... you know, if it lets you sleep at night, never mind. 😒 17. Festis bei umo canaverum! I swear, if you don't come through this, I will kill you. 😖 16. Dorian: The first time I entered the Fade it looked like a lovely castle full of silks and gold. 😍 Dorian: I met a marvellous desire demon as I recall. We chatted and ate grapes before he tried to possess me. 😇   Vivienne: 🙄😒😠😡🤬 Dorian: Yes? I hear your southern Harrowings are slightly more strenuous. 😏 15. What do they call this place? A "bog"? Lovely word for it.  🙄 14. Dorian: Solas, what is this whole look of yours about? Solas: I am sorry? 🙄 Dorian: No, that outfit is sorry.😷 What are you supposed to be, some sort of woodsman? Dorian: Isn't that a Dalish thing? Don't you dislike the Dalish? Or is it some sort of statement? Solas: No. 😠 Dorian: Well, it says "Apostate hobo" to me. 😏 Vivienne: Unwashed apostate hobo, more specifically. 🙂 13. I AM TOO PRETTY TO DIE 😭 12. Dorian: Amatus, it's been so long. Did you miss me? Inquisitor: A little bit. Dorian:  😂 'a little bit' he says. I'll show you a little bit! Just you wait. 😏 11. Dorian: Sera, where do you get your arrows from? You have so many. 🤔 Sera: From your arse. That's where. 🙄  Dorian: My arse should open up a shop. It's apparently quite prolific. 😁 10. Ah, this reminds me of the time Mother took me boating in summer. Or rather, she had the servants take me on the boat while she sat inside with a cool drink.🙄  09. Inquisitor: Things are going well with the Bull, I take it? Dorian: He's glad I've returned, if that's what you mean. Nearly crushed three of my ribs with that ridiculous hug. 🙄 Inquisitor: You say that as if you don't like it. 🤨 Dorian: For such a great beast, he can be such a terrible sap 🙄 Dorian: [bullvoice] "I want to talk about my feelings, Dorian". Dorian: Ugh. 🙄 Inquisitor: 😂 you do like it Dorian: Quiet you! He'll overhear, and then where I'll be?🤫 08. Dorian: Sera, I cannot believe you, of all people, are scared of magic. Surely you can see nothing wrong with a properly used tool? Sera: What about all the mages waving their proper tools in people's faces? Dorian: There's an image. 😁 Sera: "What about Corfyface? How many proper tools does he have under him? Dorian: That's not... I don't think I can continue. 😬 Sera: I don't care how gifted you are, don't cram it where it's not wanted. 😡 Vivienne: Maker, how does she not know? 🙄 07. Just once we should enter a cave and see normal sized spiders. 🙄 06. Cassandra: After all the places we have been, I hardly expected us to find ourselves in another cave. Cassandra: Still, as mad as our lives had been, I would take any chance to be together.  😘 Dorian: Why seeker, after all these years, I never realized you felt this way!! Cassandra: ... Dorian: ... Cassandra: 😒 Dorian: Oh, you meant him. 😶 05. Mountains! 😠 Cold! 😠 "Let's bring Dorian!". 😒 04. Dorian: I heard a little rumour that somebody has been doing some training. As an assassin no less. Inquisitor: I thought the skills might come in handy. Dorian: Yes, I suppose a little flair is welcome, with all the killing you do. Inquisitor: I don't kill that many people. 🙄  Dorian: Are you joking? I'm only surprised you didn't kill someone walking over here. 🤨 03. Cole: Breath painful, stabbing, and then real stabbing, lungs full, frothing, scent of apples as it all goes black. Dorian: 'Death By Applepie' - A lovely poem by our dear friend Cole.  02. Blackwall: Corypheus, one of yours isn't he? Dorian: One of my mine? 🙄  Like a pet? 🙄 Like a giant darkspawn hamster with aspirations of godhood? 🙄 Dorian: "Dorian, why can't you look after your little friends. Corypheus peed on the carpet again". Dorian: In this analogy, 'the carpet' is Haven. 😏 Blackwall: Is he or isn't he a Tevinter magister? 😒 Dorian: Meaning 'the source of everything bad in the world'? They are the same, yes? 😑 Blackwall: Sigh. Feels that way at times. 🙄 01. Inquisitor: No matter what happens, I wouldn't trade the years I spent with you for anything. Inquisitor: I love you. Dorian: I knew you'd break my heart, you bloody bastard. 😭
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lesetoilesfous · 3 years
I can’t decide if I want “sensory overload” or “on a leash” for Fenris and Fenders, so um, whichever sparks your interest please!
Oh my gosh I had too much fun with this. And "on a leash" gives me a bingo, thank you so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Fandom: Dragon Age 2
Prompt: On A Leash
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Slavery, Brainwashing, Mindwipe, Implied Sexual Abuse, Attempted Prositution, Graphic Depiction of Injury
Pairing: Fenders
Characters: Fenris, Anders, Isabela, Varric Tethras, Merrill
Additional Tags: Angst with a Bittersweet Ending, Hurt/Comfort (mostly), Evil/Red Hawke, post-canon, what if Hawke sold Fenris back to Danarius and then the gang went and saved him
Anders knew it was going to be bad. He was - had been - blinded by his own ignorance and pain in the past, too busy trying to scream loud enough to get people to stop ignoring the people murdering children to listen to anyone else. He’d been young and single minded and irrational, and then older and bitter and furious with a terrible, poisonous kind of pain that made it hard to see the world around him. But he wasn’t naive. He’d spent ten years nursing criminals and refugees. Before that, he’d spent nearly a decade in the Grey Wardens, with former slaves and blood mages and Dalish hunters and Antivan crows. Anders had not been naive since he’d first drunk from the Joining Chalice.
It’s almost impossible to see in the placid, polite, half-naked man the proud warrior he’d once known. Fenris’ hair has been shaved close to his head, a fuzz of powdered snow that’s bright as the moon against his brown skin. There’s a thick, silver collar hanging around his neck, and in it the reflections of his lyrium tattoos twist and shine like mercury. His chest is mostly bare, and thin white linen is wrapped in a loose skirt around his waist. His body is sculpted and unmarred and beautiful, and Anders does not for a moment believe that it means he has not suffered pain. His wide, green eyes no longer hold any of the intelligence, or humour, or fury that Anders had once fallen in love with. Instead he stares, docile, into the middle distance. A greatsword is slung on a strap of leather over his back, but like this Fenris looks no more capable of wielding it than a kitten. Again, Anders knows better than to trust in appearances.
Attached to the collar is a long, silver chain that ends in a black loop of leather. There are runes stitched into the leather in silver thread, though Anders cannot see what they are from where he’s sitting. Opposite him, relaxed, fingers hooked in the loop of Fenris’ leash, Danarius studies him with open curiosity.
Anders tries very hard not to vomit.
“So, you’re a Spirit Healer?”
Anders ducks his head, feeling his fingers beginning to shake and fighting hard to resist the urge to fidget. There’s a clocktower visible through the white marble arches of this balcony. He only has to last until the hour. Five minutes. He can do this. He tries very hard not to look at Fenris, or the way Danarius’ thumb is stroking possessively over the handle of his leash.
“I - I am, yes. I showed a talent for it when I was young.” Anders twists his hand in the air, summoning a wisp without catching his breath, and Danarius gives him the same indulgent, condescending schoolteacher kind of smile that Uldred used to offer before he beat you. Anders snaps his fingers, and the wisp returns to the Fade. At the back of his mind, Justice shifts uneasily, trying hard to resist his own urge to set the whole blighted mansion on fire. Anders tries to ignore the heat racing up the back of his neck and into his cheeks, and clears his throat. “I, uh, heard you were looking for apprentices?”
He can’t help the nervous tic that has him looking up, again, at Fenris as the lithe strength of his muscles. Again, he looks into those green eyes, searching for the spark of defiance that had drawn him so close so many years ago, like a moth to a flame worth dying for. “I’ve read your work an anatomical augmentation. It’s...fascinating.” Horrifying, he means. Anders had read the essays, in preparation for this. He doesn’t think he’ll ever stop having the nightmares. Not least the ones which superimpose Fenris’ face and body over the all too familiar anatomical sketches of Elven Subject 003.
Danarius twitches his hand with a tinkle of the chain like the ringing of a bell, and to Anders’ horror Fenris folds onto his hands and knees in one fluid motion to kneel beside Danarius’ feet. No emotion passes across Fenris’ face. Danarius runs his fingers over the fuzz of Fenris’ shaved head, and Fenris shuts his eyes in open, simple pleasure and Anders nearly throws up. Danarius runs his fingers down the back of Fenris’ neck, squeezing the back of it posssessively before looking up at Anders’ with a terribly possessive gleam in his clear grey eyes. “You’re a fan of my little wolf, then.”
Anders swallows the bile in his throat and stares at the clocktower. Three minutes. He can do this. Sweat tickles down his spine beneath the loose Tevene linen robe he’d bought for this occasion. He resists the urge to fuss with his hair, braided out of the way of his neck and ears in a fashionable Minrathous style. He forces himself to incline his chin. “Y-yes. Among other p-things. Among other things.”
Danarius chuckles, sitting back with a creak of his wicker chair, the crushed purple silk cushions huffing behind him as he moves. “Why so nervous?” Anders forces himself to huff a self deprecating laugh. “You knew him, didn’t you. In Kirkwall.” Anders’ jagged, insincere smile stiffens on his lips and Danarius laughs, moving forward to press both hands onto Fenris’ bare shoulders. Fenris shudders and looks up at him, eyes wide as a child’s. Danarius caresses the back of his head, and leans down to murmur intimately close to his ear, still loud enough for Anders to hear. “Do you recognise him, little wolf? Do you know who this is?”
For the first time since Anders had arrived at Danarius’ damn mansion, Fenris’ expression shows a flicker of emotion. Confusion flickers across his brow in a brief wrinkle followed by sudden, mute fear that freezes his expression with stiff tension when Danarius slips his fingers beneath Fenris’ collar and shakes him, gently. (Like a dog, Anders thinks, and imagines what setting this man on fire would smell like.) Danarius laughs, polite and performative. “How rude, Fenris! This man has come all the way from Kirkwall just to see you! Go on, thank him.”
Fenris hesitates for a millisecond, and Danarius sets a sandaled foot on his shoulder and kicks him forward hard enough that he chokes, briefly, as the leash goes taut and pulls on the collar around his neck. Anders sits forward without thinking, the muscle memory of ten years spent protecting this man’s life before Garrett Hawke ruined them both taking over any conscious thought of deception. Danarius doesn’t remark on him giving himself away - Anders is well aware that that game is long since given up.
Instead, the magister sits back, adjusting his grip on the handle of Fenris’ leash as Fenris sits up with tears of pain bright in his eyes, his fingers moving to dip beneath the skirt of Anders’ robes as he lowers his head towards Anders’ lap.
Anders has about three seconds to look up at Danarius and see the perverse glee in the old man’s eyes before Fenris' mouth bumps his cock through the fabric of his robes and his smalls, and suddenly Anders is two years younger on his back in The Hanged Man with his hands buried deep in silver hair thinking hopelessly that he’s fallen in love again.
Then he’s touching Fenris - ignoring the lightning bolt of rage that twists Danarius’ face as he does so, and gently pushing him away. Fenris looks up at him with an expression of quickly stifled terror, and Anders’ heart shatters. “No, no, it’s alright, it’s not you.” His fingers squeeze, reflexively, against the warm, smooth skin of Fenris’ biceps. “It’s going to be ok. I promise, love.” Again, a flicker of confusion wrinkles Fenris’ brow.
The clocktower strikes twelve. As the bells ring throughout the city, Anders becomes abruptly aware of the street below them: the sound of hawkers and tourists, the shouting of slaves and soft music of minstrels. Danarius is staring at him with a sneer twisting his thin lips blue. Anders gives him a wide, open smile. “Well, since we’ve given up on pretenses.” Then he punches Danarius in the face, harder than he's punched anyone since he escaped Kinloch Hold, relishing the way the man’s nose buckles beneath his fist.
He has a heartbeat to think, Nice job bleeding a Blood Mage, idiot, before Danarius’ blue-veined hand is curling into a rigid claw, and Anders’ body is lifting off the ground, his limbs contorting behind him in an agonising rictus that rips his left arm out of its socket and twists his ankle until it cracks.
Then there’s a thunderous BOOM that rumbles through the building, shaking plaster dust from the painted canopy over their heads, and the balcony on which they’re standing begins to list like a ship at sea. Danarius loses concentration on the spell, and Anders falls to the ground. He doesn’t take the time to breathe through the white hot splinter of pain in his ankle. He grabs the leash and pulls fire into his hands until his fingers are blistering and melts the metal until it breaks. Then he turns to Fenris.
Fenris, who has drawn his greatsword. Anders stares at him, and thinks about sitting with him beside a fireplace, sleepy and soft with wine, and stroking his hair as Fenris admitted that of all the things he feared, one of the ones that terrified him most was killing his friends. The building lists with a grinding rumble like a broken bone beneath a qunari sten, and amphorae and flower pots go flying across the tiled floor, hitting the building across the street in fireworks of soil and clay dust.
Anders’ bad ankle slips on the tiles and he grunts and turns it into a smile, and meets Fenris’ eyes. “No matter what, I want you to know that I forgive you.”
Then he runs forward and tackles Fenris, throwing them both off the side of the balcony. Behind them, Danarius screams, and Anders calls up a shield around them both that materialises a hair’s breadth away from the clinging red vines of Danarius' magic.
It’s only when they’re airborne that Anders registers the blade skewered through his chest.
He breathes, and salt and copper splatter against his lips and tongue. For a moment, in the golden, multicoloured kaleidoscope of sky and street, suspended in the air in a terrible embrace, everything is quiet. Fenris frowns at him, and blinks, and his green eyes flood suddenly with recognition and grief as he looks down at the sword hilt between them, intimate as a lover’s embrace. “Anders.”
Anders grins at him, and thinks he isn’t crying because of the pain, his tears rising behind him as they fall like backwards rain. He cradles Fenris’ head in his hand, and wraps his arms around his shoulders, and chokes as his organs shudder against the blade attempting to split him in two, and he feels Justice’s presence building in his mind like lightning in a thundercloud. “Be right back.”
What happens next returns to Anders in snatches of lucidity. Justice takes over, and draws the fade around them like a cloak as they fall through the wall of the building across the street like a comet. Fenris is unharmed and panicking, covered in Anders’ blood, his white linen skirt pink and red with it, the damn collar still locked around his neck. Justice had drawn the sword out of their chest and filled the wound with a magic simulacra of the blood vessels, muscles, organs and nervous system that needed to be there, in the way he had once reconstructed Kristoff’s corpse. (Both of them had quailed, at that comparison, but neither had time to linger on it.)
The building they’d fallen into was, of course, riddled with magisters, but before Justice could exorcise his frustration with a little smiting, all three men and women were dead with a bolt to the back of the head. Isabela appeared from the shadows in a puff of smoke like a mage herself, and Varric waved at them to follow him onto a waiting carriage. Merrill barely waited for them to get on board before she snapped the reins, and they bolted into the panicking crowds, most of whom were running to get away from the collapsing mansion.
In the carriage, consciousness had begun to make its slippery way out of Justice’s hands like a wriggling fish. Both of them had registered Fenris’ wide-eyed panic: the way he’d stared at their old friends with no hint of recognition, and held Anders’ arm so tightly it would bruise. But at that point, the blood loss had overcome them both, and they had passed out to Fenris shouting Tevene interspersed with Anders’ name, and Isabela trying to understand why.
Two years after Garrett Hawke sells him back into slavery, Anders, Isabela, Varric and Merrill free Fenris from Danarius’ service. They don’t go back to Kirkwall - all of them are too conscious of the so-called Champion’s stomping grounds to trust those streets. But Isabela has a contact in the Antivan Crows (or formerly of them - it’s complicated), so instead they go to Antiva City. Two days later, Anders wakes up.
Fenris is staring at him, wearing real clothes that seem to sit uncomfortably on his shoulders. His collar is gone, and there’s a small frown on his brow - a lifting of his eyebrows towards the bridge of his nose that he always used to wear when he was puzzling over particularly cramped handwriting (or, later into his studies, when he was attempting to accurately interpret and summarise abstract Qunari poetry). Anders breathes, and his chest sets itself on fire, and he groans and lets his head fall back against the richly perfumed pillow behind his head. It does relatively little to drown out the thick stench of hot leather that is as thick in the air as molasses.
Fenris startles when he moves, and stands, moving to the door. Anders frowns at him, turning his head to one side with all the energy he can muster. “Where’r’you’goin’?”
Fenris hesitates, turning back to him before lowering his gaze to stare at his still bare feet. There are new scars there, Anders registers, sadly, in neat white bands around his ankles. “I thought I’d fetch the mistress.”
Anders snorts, “Have you told her you’re calling her that?” He tries again to force himself to sit up, and Fenris starts forward, hands freezing in the air between them. His fingernails are neatly, perfectly filed and it ruins Anders’ tentatively building appetite.
“You really shouldn’t be moving.”
Anders grins, trying to ignore the sweat running down his temples as pain racks through every muscle in his body. “Why? Worried I’m going to split in two?” Fenris grimaces, and Anders grunts, giving up and collapsing to the bed with a thunderbolt of pain. “OW. Sorry. Bad joke.” There’s a rustle of fabric, and when Anders is able to stop seeing stars, he turns to find Fenris on his knees beside the bed, head lowered, hands palm up in front of him. “What in the name of Andraste’s perfect silky knickers are you doing?” Anders asks as if he doesn’t know. He thinks it’s going to be easier not to take this seriously, at first. At least whilst he recovers from the mortal injury.
Fenris flinches, and Anders regrets his bad attempt at humour, feeling Justice rumbling in the back of his head like a bowel movement. “Sorry, sorry. Look, Fenris, I’m not going to...punish you, or fuck you, or whatever it is you think I’m going to do to you. I actually have a very busy day planned of, uh, staring at that crack on the ceiling and pretending it doesn’t hurt when I breathe. Or speak. Fuck. I talk too much. I need to - ow - work on that.”
For a long moment, Fenris says nothing. Outside, there’s the sound of someone playing violin in the street, and the rich, warm sound of Antivan spoken loudly and with laughter. Now that he’s acclimatising to the leather, Anders thinks he can smell cured meat frying, and he’s beginning to reconsider his aborted appetite. He’s trying so hard to see if he can actually hear the sizzling of street food that he almost doesn’t hear Fenris’ voice when he speaks, barely above a whisper. “Why?”
“Because I love you.” Anders responds, more muscle memory than conscious - hey he doesn’t remember anything about you maybe we should start slowly - thought. Fenris stares at him, eyes wide, though his mouth twists in apprehension before he smooths it back into impassivity.
“Domine - My master loves me.”
Anders sighs, falling back in the bed to stare up at the crack in the ceiling and try to ignore the hot-cold flushes of pain rocking up through his body. “You don’t remember anything about me, so I’m not going to take that personally.”
Fenris is very still. “You do not...like him?”
Anders chuckles, and regrets it when his tattered organs throw a violent protest. “What gave that away.”
“You broke his nose.” Fenris says, solemnly, and Anders does laugh then, so hard he thinks it splits something open, and he finds himself clutching at his side in the sudden fear that his organs are going to fall out. When he can breathe again, he coughs on his dry mouth and shifts his gaze to Fenris, who’s watching him with wide eyes and the curl of a smile at the corner of his lips which Anders doesn’t think he knows he’s doing.
Anders’ gaze falls to a pewter jug of water on the bedside table and a wooden cup beside it. It may as well be in the Nocen sea, for all the nauseating pain running through him.
“Would you please pour me a glass of water?”
Fenris immediately hurries to obey with a soft, stifled sigh of something terribly like relief. He offers Anders the cup, and when Anders’ shaking, sweating fingers slip on the wood his hand comes up to cup the back of Anders’ head whilst the other pours the cup against his lips. The feeling of Fenris’ fingers in his hair, after so many years, holding him like this, is almost too much for Anders to bear. He keeps his eyes shut for a long time after swallowing, and breathes as tears tickle between the seams of his eyelids and run quietly down his cheeks.
Fenris’ thumb gently catches a tear and brushes it away from his skin, and Anders forces himself to open his eyes and stare up at the elf in the sunshine yellow and orange painted room in which he’s been laid to recuperate. Fenris meets his eyes, so briefly Anders thinks perhaps he imagined it, and draws his hand away. “My master said that I knew you. But that I had forgotten.” Fenris hesitates, mouth stiffening into a firm line that is so painfully familiar Anders thinks he’d choose the greatsword again. Then he looks up, “Did I - did we - it seems as if I meant a great deal to you.”
Anders smiles at him, though his lips tremble, and tries to ignore the feeling of his heart breaking. Outside, on the street, an older woman walks past, singing quietly to herself and humming when she forgets the words. “I think we meant a great deal to each other.”
Fenris purses his lips, and looks away, out of the window. Over the street, the silver-green leaves of an olive tree brush the windows of nearby buildings. Elsewhere in the building, Anders can hear the familiar purr of Isabela, and Merrill’s chirping, and the soft old gravel growl of Varric. Occasionally, the floorboards creak when they move across the lower floors. At last, Fenris’ shoulders drop, and he shakes his head. “I don’t remember you.” The words are rich with regret and apology.
Anders blinks against the new tears tickling his cheeks, and shakes his head. “I know.” Then he reaches out, his fingers cold and numb with pins and needles. Stiffly, fumbling, he grabs Fenris’ fingertips in his own like a much older man, and squeezes them. “I just wanted you to be free.”
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contreparry · 3 years
I'm, there is something beautifully regency / fancy outfits for fancy parties / formality and intricate rituals about this and so I am forced to request Fenders, please. Thank you so much! “I was just holding your hand to convey sincerity and you said something I don’t have an immediate answer to, so I’m going to kiss your hand instead.”
You’ve got it! Here’s some dubiously accurate regency Fenders for you (and @dadrunkwriting)
Balls and assemblies were exhausting affairs, but Fenris could admit that they were beautiful. There was something enchanting about the way the candlelight flickered and turned polished brass to gold. The scent of perfume and the heat of the crowd made him feel a little dizzy, a little foolish, a little daring. And there was Anders, his hair swept back from his face, crisp white cravat neatly folded and tied, dancing with Merrill and paying great attention to whatever it was she was speaking on, and Fenris... pined rather uselessly, really.
He and Anders had a tumultuous relationship. They argued at every opportunity, and the opportunities were endless as they shared the same circle of friends. Every dinner party, every card game, every visit to Hawke’s summer home- they were all marked by their colorful arguments. And Fenris lived for those arguments, for the moment Anders’ composure cracked and his eyes blazed with indignant fury as he snapped back, and then they were off arguing philosophy and astronomy and poetry and whatever else came to mind. Maker help him, he and Anders argued over some ancient Tevene sculpture that Fenris didn’t even care for, he simply had to argue with Anders because he was so wrong-
“You could ask him to dance, you know,” Isabela suggested slyly, brushing against his shoulder as she moved closer. Her silk gloves brushed against the velvet of his coat, and she carelessly flicked her fan open and fluttered it in front of her face. There were dance steps scrawled on the inside of her fan, every little footprint carefully labeled. It wasn’t as if she didn’t know how to dance, Fenris thought, but that Isabela never much cared for convention in the first place and hadn’t bothered to learn the intricacies of every new, fashionable thing that took society by storm. The fact that she had that fan meant that she was making an effort to impress someone- and it wasn’t hard to guess who.
“I will ask Anders to dance when you ask Hawke,” Fenris declared, and he really should have realized that that was Isabela’s plan from the start. Her little smile grow positively devious, and she shut her fan with a sharp snap.
“Why, Fenris, I’ve already claimed the waltz! Go ask Anders to dance the quadrille with you, I know he’s open,” Isabela ordered. Once the dance was concluded Isabela swiftly collected Merrill from Anders and herded Anders directly into Fenris’ path before sweeping away with Merrill in tow. Fenris admired her directness, even as he fumbled for something to say.
“Well. Fenris. You’re... looking well,” Anders remarked, looking over him as if he were trying to find something to criticize. It seemed as if he had nothing to critique, as he sighed and folded his arms over his chest.
“Are you amusing yourself by lurking in the shadows?” Anders asked, and Fenris wanted to laugh. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run into the safe solitude of the card room and play a round of Wicked Grace, because Anders was smiling at him, face flushed from the dancing and his hair slightly ruffled, and Fenris wanted to take his hand and sweep him off his feet.
“I haven’t the talent for dancing,” Fenris mumbled, but Anders seemed delighted by the confession?
“Truly? You? That I can’t possibly believe,” Anders insisted, and he pulled a small card out from his coat pocket, along with a pen. “Here, the next dance is a quadrille. You’re light on your feet, I’ll guide you through it. We’ll have you dancing every dance by the end of the night.”
Fenris took the pen in his hand, not quite believing that this moment was real. Even as he scribbled his name into the blank space for the quadrille he couldn’t help but wonder if this was a strange bit of mischief on Anders’ part. Yet Anders looked utterly sincere, even pleased with himself.
“Why help, Anders? It can’t be a pleasurable experience for you,” Fenris said. Anders took his arm, tucking his hand into the crook of Fenris’ elbow and leading him onto the dance floor, where couples were gathering. He grinned brightly at Fenris, and it was dazzling.
“Fenris, it would be my honor to teach you to dance,” Anders murmured. “I plan to monopolize you for the rest of the evening.”
Perhaps that should have been alarming, but Fenris was delighted.
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