swagstar · 1 month
i was wonderig why poeple often portay heavy speaking in third person whn in "poker night in inventory" he didn't and I completely forgot THE COMICS EXIST
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Eu já te amava antes de saber que você era brasileira, agora que eu sei te amo mais ainda kkkkk
Você tem os melhor imagines do Mick!!!!
🥹🥹😂😂😂 aweee, que coisa fofa! Ily2
OBRIGADAAA AAAAAAAA 💖💖💖💖 Muito bom ler isso! Fico feliz que esteja gostando dos imagines
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piristephes · 8 months
O Bacchic wonder, lord of parties Liberator of ill-begotten anxiety Come close to your loving mortals Stay around us not only in joy and comfort For I know Dionysus hugs us tightly Showing himself both kind and mighty And collecting our tears along our mirth He mixes it up and says,: "Take thy cup!"
Ó maravilha báquica, senhor das festas Libertador da mal-nascida ansiedade Vem perto de teus mortais amáveis Fique conosco não apenas em alegria e conforto Pois é sabido que Dionísio forte nos abraça Mostrando-se ambos, gentil e poderoso E coletando nosso choro junto ao deleite Ele mistura tudo e diz: - "Toma teu cálice!"
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hellosweetart · 1 month
Can I hear some headcanons for Lilith and Drugia? :>
I'll do my best to explain my headcanons. Quick heads up- I might say something that doesn't make any sense so I apologize in advance 😵‍💫
She and her soul-eater husband are one of the first occupants of the Astral Circle building. While she doesn't have any personal hatred towards humans, she likes to mess them up by invading into their dreams and create their worst nightmares for own twisted pleasure. She control the magic orbs that allows her to spy on the victims' activities and once she identified what fears them the most, she will take every opportunity to make their nightmares as hellish as possible. Drugia is part of Yog's circle of allies. He often asked for her alliance in case he needs more blood to consume and more pets/brides to abduct. The vampire pays her with human souls in exchange, much to her husband's delight.
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She and her twin sister's natural beauty are frequently compared to Yan Luo's but their powers are as level as the common ritualists in Astral Circle markets, so they're not as popular as the Princess of Death. She has practiced witchcraft all her life by making enchanted potions, and any type of incantations. (She charges her clients per one magic spell) Lilith is good friends with most of the ritualists, and has maintained a healthy rivalry with them, (mainly Zoth) and seeks mentorship when needed. While her human counterpart is more of an extrovert, Lilith is the opposite. She prefers to work by herself and is not fond of showing off her talent. She is also more of a neutral one towards humans.
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Here is a bonus one:
Teutates (or Teu, as he's called by some of his peers) is one of the newest occupants in Astral Circle building. Because of his cold and ruthless demeanor, he earned the title of becoming one of the most feared beings in all of Astral Circle. While he does not hesitate to annihilate any humans (regardless of their race and gender), he does not find any enjoyment of any kind of torture, and prefers to finish the job quickly. (He can commit merciful killing the handicapped if needed.) He is professionally trained both in gun and knife combat, much like his human counterpart Steven, but he is more of an assassin rather than a soldier. Like Drugia, he is also part of Yog's circle of allies. He may have done something controversial that causes Yog to lose his trust towards him, but they've eventually made an agreement to not bring up their personal agenda into their work moving forward.
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Do you guys like these type of headcanons? Feel free to leave a comment 🙂
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laymedowntorest · 5 months
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Teu! No particular fish in mind for them. I did debate an Oarfish, as them being illusive in the deep twilight zone of the ocean only to sometimes come up seems to fit them a lot lmao extra kind of introvert
Tbh none of my ocs have particular fish in mind
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geniousbh · 4 months
caras, é incrível né, você abre teu blog e se esforça pra poder escrever coisinhas legais, pra distrair, pra exercitar a escrita, a leitura, a imaginação e criar conexões leves e divertidas com outras pessoas que tenham o mesmo interesse. e não só isso, você sempre pondera sobre assuntos importantes (do seu conhecimento, até pq n sou uma estudiosa) e quando existem provas concretas contra algum """ídolo""", n passa pano pra esses. e ai vem uma pessoa (se escondendo em anônimo), achando que tá cuspindo fatos - baseados em não sei o quê - pra te testar a paciência numa segunda/terça feira. e tipo im not a bad guy okay perhaps im kind of a bad guy porque PORRA? vamos supor que seja real sim, que fulano e ciclano sejam podres, mas você acha que vai educar politicamente/convencer QUEM mandando a merda de uma ASK no tumblr falando "aiih que mico blablabla"? se for pro bem de várias pessoas, pq não junta provas e expõe os dois? (como já foi feito antes com os não nomeados) da licença né krl
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
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Photos: quinto being played in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Catalonia). Photos from Tot Sant Cugat. Close up to the numbers carton taken in Sabadell (BMA, Catalonia), by Óscar Espinosa for Diari Sabadell.
On the evening and night of Christmas (December 25th), Saint Stephen (December 26th), and sometimes more days around it, many people in the Catalan Countries will be playing a very fun game called quinto, quina, plena, rifla or loteria vella, depending on the area. To summarize it, it could be described as an unhinged traditional kind of bingo, but words can't do it justice.
Social centres (social centres are a big thing here) and other organizations set up the game, which is attended by many people of all ages. When you come in, you pick up a carton with numbers for yourself (each carton has all numbers from 1 to 90 but organized differently) and a handful of dry beans for the table. A person known as "the parrot" (el lloro) will pull out balls with numbers from a bottle basket or a hollow dry squash, but for many numbers he will not say the number, he will refer to it in a cryptic way, through a rhyme, an idiom, a pun or a joke. Each town or area has their own way of naming each number, some of which require the players to sing back or complete the sentence. Here are a few examples of how the "parrot" can say the number 1:
el més menut ("the smallest one"), to which the players shout back to the "parrot" el teu canut! ("your wallet!")
la més petita ("the smallest one"), to which the players say to the "parrot" la teva! ("yours!", you can guess what the innuendo is)
el més petit de tots ("the smallest of them all"), to which the players sing back tocava la trompeta ("played the trumpet"). This is part of a traditional Catalan song about kids who were sent to war.
Cap d'Any ("New Year's Day")
és tot sol ("he's alone")
el primer de mil ("the first of a thousand")
el primer ("the first one"), to which the players reply el Barça! (Barça is Barcelona's football club, meaning it's on top of the charts, the best club)
The rest of numbers follow the same idea. A few more examples:
2: un dos ("a two", said the same way as "one two"), to which the players say tres quatre ("three four").
6: el sis ("the six", pronounced the same as "please, stand up" in formal you), followed by the players' reply alci's vostè ("YOU stand up").
8: un que és vuit/buit ("one that is eight" which is pronounced the same as "one that is empty"), followed by the players' reply el teu cap! ("your head!) or el teu llit! ("your bed!").
2: un aneguet ("a little duck"). 22: dos aneguets ("two little ducks").
4: una cadireta ("a little chair"). 44: dues cadiretes ("two little chairs").
75: l'any que va morir el Paquito ("the year Paquito died", in reference to 1975, year when the despised dictator Francisco Franco died. Paquito is a diminutive of Francisco, here used to ridiculize him)
90: pelat l'avi (all multiples of 10 are called pelat, this one is "pelat the grandpa").
The number of the day of each festivity: 17 is Sant Antoni, 23 is Sant Jordi, 28 is els sants innocents ("holy innocent's", 28th december), etc. 25 is sang el 25 de desembre (December 25th) with the players singing fum, fum, fum (lyrics of a famous Catalan Christmas carol).
Every time a number ends in 1 (21, 31, 41, etc), the players say in a high pitched voice "uuuu uuuuu!"
The list would be never ending if we could see what is said in every town. Some "parrots" might also add some new way of saying it according to some common reference for the people of the town, or even a historical event (I've seen some refer to 23 as "todo el mundo al suelo!", Spanish sentence meaning "everyone to the ground!" which was said by Tejero in the 23rd February 1981 failed coup d'etat).
As you see, there's many things to remember, and the "parrot" sings quite quickly, so you're always busy placing the dry beans on top of the numbers that have been said, trying to get a line or a square. Whoever gets it will shout línia! ("line!") or pleno! ("full!"), and their carton will be taken to the "parrot" to check if they did it right. If it's correct, this person will win the prize (usually consisting on a basket with products donated by local shops as well as the money being played), and then the rest of players might whistle and shoot dry beans at the winner, especially if they or their surroundings have already won a previous round.
But, as if the players didn't have enough things to be busy with, at any moment they can shout more things at the "parrot":
If you have only one number left: busca-me-la! ("search it for me!").
Or you can be more specific with what you need: una de petita! ("a small one!"), una de gran! ("a large one!"), i els vuitantes? ("what about the 80s?"), petits a dormir ("the little ones, bedtime" if you don't want small numbers)...
If numbers that end with the same show up on a row: remena! (shake it!) or remena, nena! ("shake it, baby!", in reference to a famous 1930s song).
If the "parrot" is not saying any good numbers for you or has been the same person for a long time: canvi de lloro! ("change the parrot!") clapping or banging the table three times, said repeatedly. It can be a joke just to say it's not working for you, or if more people join and if the clamor is sang by many players, the person who says the numbers will change.
You can also shout things that rhyme with the number that has just been said, for example: dos! - que n'ets, de gos! ("2!" - "you're such a dog"), set! - tira't un pet! ("7!" - "fart!")
These are only a small percentage of the sentences said, and many jokes and puns can't be translated outside of the Catalan language. It's difficult to explain how fun this game is and how unhinged it can get in some occasions, but I hope you could imagine it with this explanation.
Merry Christmas! Bon Nadal!
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chubbymuffinclub · 9 months
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Seja gentil✨ Aceitação, amor próprio, não tem haver somente com a imagem. É ser cuidadoso consigo no geral: pensamentos, atitudes, palavras.. O teu pior inimigo são os teus pensamentos, eles são os únicos que de fato podem te parar. Não se coloque pra baixo, não duvide da sua capacidade, não haja ou pense em você como se tu fosse a pior pessoa do mundo. Isso não te leva a nada só te deixa mais infeliz, e ser infeliz não é meta de ninguém. Veja quantas vezes você se recusou a pensar algo positivo sobre você. Da mesma forma você deve negar os pensamentos negativos. Se não te agrada, não serve, ou se não te acrescenta em nada. Não mantenha. Seja gentil, seja o seu melhor amigo e companhia isso amadurece e transforma. Você merece todo amor do mundo, mais ele precisa existir primeiro dentro de você. - texto da luaccastilho ❤️
"Acceptance, self-love, is not just about image. It's being careful with yourself in general: thoughts, attitudes, words… Your worst enemy is your thoughts, they are the only ones that can actually stop you. Don't put yourself down, don't doubt your ability, don't act or think of yourself as if you were the worst person in the world. It doesn't get you anywhere, it just makes you more unhappy, and being unhappy is no one's goal. See how many times you refused to think anything positive about yourself. In the same way you must deny negative thoughts. If you don't like it, it won't work, or if it doesn't add anything to you. Don't keep it. Be kind, be your best friend and company, this matures and transforms. You deserve all the love in the world, but it needs to exist within you first.
text by luaccastilho ❤️ "
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islandtarochips · 4 months
Happy Memorial Day
*Tiala and Kanoa visited their family for Memorial Day as they all went to visit the grave*
Tiala, stepped out of the truck while holding the teu: You…guys cleaned it up very well.
Elei (the mother): *smiled softly at Tiala before touching her arm* O le mea moni, matou te le mananaʻo e faʻafefe uma tuugamau o lou uso.
*Tiala smiled at her mother before hugging her*
Tiala, leaned back before looking at Kanoa: Ready?
Kanoa: *nodded* Ready as I’ll ever be.
*the two carried the one teu each as they walked up to the grave*
Tiala, was looking at the grave: ……
Kanoa: *saw how Tiala’s expression looked before clearing his throat* Hey big bro…still looking handsome than ever.
Kanoa: Well um…got your favorite flowers here…*slowly put down the teu in front of the grave as he leaned back and looked at him*
Tiala: *saw Kanoa was trying to hold back his tears* Noa…?
Kanoa: …to be honest…I should’ve gone with Rangi and him. Then he wouldn’t make that choice of using his life to save them.
Tiala: Noa…*slowky hold his hand* He said for you to stay for a reason. You weren’t ready. And now, look at you.
*she smiled softly at Kanoa and nudged him a bit*
Tiala: Captain of the Marine Corps AND the leader of the most powerful Task Force in the Pacific. What more can he be proud of?
Kanoa: *looking at his little sister before giving her a small smile* Heh. I guess you’re right.
Kanoa: *cleared his throat* I’ll…let you two talk. Waiting for you at the truck.
Tiala: *nodded and saw him walked away before she looked at the grave* ………
Tiala: *slowly knelt down and placed the teu on top before looking at the old photo of her older brother* ……Wish you were here. Wish that you could see of how much I accomplished for our family’s name.
*she gently touches the old photo on the tombstone as a drop of tear fell down from her eyes*
Tiala: I love you…and I miss you. *gently kissed on the old photo before standing up and walked back to her family*
Just to let you guys know of what is a TEU. It’s like a flower decoration. Where they put different kind of flowers and leaf together. Which will show it at the end! So yeah, the teu are mostly for like Memorial Day or funerals! Just to show our respects to the one who passed. Even to the ones who fought in the military!
Tiala, Kanoa and their other two older brothers will try to get the chance of visiting the grave every year during Memorial Day weekend. To see his resting place before going back to fight to protect their family.
And now, I shall show you of what the teu looks like! Happy Memorial Day everyone!
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randomvarious · 6 days
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Today's mix:
Wetmusik - Mix Up Volume 1 - Live @ Storey Hall by Simon Digby & Will E Tell 2000 Techno / Tribal Techno
Big advantage of being producers and record label owners who also happen to be DJs is that you can lace your own sets with all the stuff that you and your roster have been working on and then gauge a crowd's reaction to it all before officially releasing any of it to the public. That whole tedious process of having to send your music to *other* DJs in hopes that they themselves like it enough to play it is completely eliminated, because you're your own DJ in this situation. No middle man, no waiting on the whims of someone else's taste; you have full control from start to finish! 😎
And such was the case with this live recorded set from February of 2000 by Simon Digby & Will E Tell, a pair of techno dudes from Melbourne, Australia who were running a label at the time called Wetmusik, and were plying their appreciative crowd on the campus of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology with a blend of a bunch of  ground-pounding heaters of their own that they hadn't released, along with some great stuff from people who weren't on Wetmusik as well.
But be forewarned: this mix really isn't for the faint of heart. It may have some comedown moments that break the tension and serve as a bit of a brief cleanse—only for things to ramp up again—but for the better part of 70+ minutes, this is relentlessly percussive techno that you better have a couple Advil on hand to take once the set's over. Rattlingly primal shit with some touches of dystopian futurism, all soaked in a constant thooming that simultaneously beats against your chest and vibrates the soles of your feet.
And honestly, this type of hyper-intense techno isn't necessarily always my favorite in the world, but if you can handle all this pummeling percussion, you'll find that this is a style that can really end up yielding all kinds of novelly nutty, thick slabs of rhythm, and Simon and Will have a whole lot of it in store here, which ultimately makes this mix worth a listen, even if there's a good chance that you might be seeing stars afterwards 🫨. 
So the best rhythmically unique selections here come courtesy of Will E Tell himself, with his tribally thumping "Teu Teu Haka" as well as "Strange Behaviour," which has manic claps, lots of wood block reverb, and a respirating bit of noise that's hard to describe, but manages to hold it all  together.
Favorite track on here of all, though, is one that's not a Wetmusik original and, therefore, is also far less likely to make you feel like eggs being beaten and whisked around in a bowl: the y2k-era techno standard and masterpiece that is Andrew McLauchlan's "Love Story." Around a quarter-century ago, this Scotsman, who's not really known for much else other than this total bop, managed to catch lightning in a bottle with it. A dusty and obscure 1970s rendition of a Brazilian song gets set to some modern dancefloor techno, and out of that combination comes pure fuckin' magic—a wholly unbeatable tune with a delightfully catchy Portuguese-language chorus that'll linger in your head long after the song itself is over. If you've heard your fair share of early 2000s techno sets, then you're already likely to be familiar with this track, but if that whole era ended up passing you by, you absolutely must listen to this song. One of the greatest pieces of dance music ever made, as far as I'm concerned.
But, yeah, the vast majority of this set from this enterprising Aussie pair still more or less teeters on the edge of my own techno sanity, because of how hard and heavy it tends to be, but the experience can still be a gratifying one if the way I've described it here doesn't actually feel too dissuading to you. Plenty of well-crafted and rhythmically inventive techno to be heard here, but only if you really think you've got the stomach for it.
Listen to the full mix here.
Will E Tell - "Taha Ua Tolu Fa" Ben Long & Umek - "Audio 16" Simon Digby & Will E Tell - "Unfinished Business" Ben Long - "Syndrome" Thomas Schumacher - "Shelford Rd (Devilfish Remix)" Will E Tell - "Teu Teu Haka" Umek - "Lanicor" Simon Digby & Will E Tell - "Moving Wallz" Umek - "Mamomit" Will E Tell - "Strange Behaviour"* Alpharisc - "From Hell" Will E Tell - "Dipped in Pitch" Alpharisc - "Playing With Words" Joel Mull - "The Mole (Ben Sims Remix)" Oliver Ho - "Awakening the Sentient" Andrew McLauchlan - "Love Story"
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the-sky-queen · 8 months
I’m kind of intimidated by the Tachophobia extended universe lol
So, like, where do I start?
Is there a definitive beginning?
Good, you should be. XD
Okay, so the best place to start is really the original story, Tachophobia. We've got everything currently written organized chronologically here. Keep in mind, that we jump all over the timeline when we post, so there are some things that take place way later and some things that haven't even been written yet (like Sonic's actual capture). But yeah, this is where you start.
After that, I'd recommend reading Pragmatophobia, and then Athazagoraphobia. We've also got everything written for the TEU compiled here for you to explore to your heart's content. :) All the other AUs haven't really been posted outside of talking about them as of yet.
I'm so happy you're willing to try to understand this crazy AU of ours. Have fun!
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piristephes · 2 years
Ó Febo resplandecente, filho de Zeus Canto a ti na certeza que sua clareza Ilumina a vida e afasta a ignorância funesta É próprio aos mortais entoar o Peã e Queimar os louros em tua honra Pois teu fulgor bondoso nos toma
Tornando a vida algo dedilhado por ti Nós mortais, ó Apolo de Delfos, Deus brilhante Pedimos tua sacratíssima harmonia constante
O resplendent Phoebus, son of Zeus I sing to you in the certainty that your clarity Illuminates life and banishes disastrous ignorance
It is proper for mortals to chant the Paean and Burn the laurels in your honour For your kind glow takes us
Making life something touched by you We mortals, O Apollo of Delphi, bright God Ask for your constant sacred harmony
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Okay, now I--
...Huh. What is... ... ...Oh! Jumpy creature! C'mere little dude! ... . . .. Let me analyze you!
Stay still a sec!
...phewww, god it's fucking fast! Uhh.... .... ..oh. I'm still recording. Um. Found another jumpy dude from earlier! Still just as confusing. Apparently they're called O. Chalk...no..teus. Chalknoteus. Jumpy dude is better, though. Apparently they're highly intelligent, and have a 'non-uniform' gender spectrum, which is pretty interesting.
It kind of looks like a flower upside down.. with a beanbag in the petals. Yeah. It jumps on the beanbag part and the little bulb on top is its head with all the eyes. It's brown but the petal pieces have a white pattern on them. I would like to give it a squish.
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laymedowntorest · 2 years
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New Mer! Beware, they bite-
A Sailfish/Shark mix because I couldnt honestly decide what Teu would’ve been. Both combine the speed and power with the sneakiness (though that is somewhat up to question considering their sparkling fin).
Nonetheless they’re an odd thing. Wears a cloth fashioned into a hood and while helpful is quite cold and distant, rejecting long conversations. Despite their colours they quite hard to find and just kind of turn up when needed, and leave when they’re not. They’ve yet to be caught.
They’ve also yet to be seen eating anything veg or flesh despite their rather sharp teeth...
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floofyangelkitty · 9 months
It’s not really a “connection” but I sometimes wonder if Travis stumbled across anything related to Taylor while he was in Nashville for his TEU camp. Just happened to sit on the Invisible String bench in Centennial Park? 😂
lol well it isn’t impossible. I love how he kind of got to know her personality before meeting her by liking those interviews from Fallon. The one where she is in the black and white suit is one of her best where she seems comfortable and funny. The fact that he loves humor so much and he finds her so funny just makes my heart soar for her.
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rarascalmas · 10 months
Uma nova carta aberta a mim
Chegadas e partidas
Mais 365 dias estão sendo somados à tua história. O ano passado parecia ser o ano mais difícil da tua vida até aqui, mas foi, sem dúvidas, deixado para trás por esses dias que também formam um ano. Entre chegadas e partidas, provastes do amor, ou algo muito próximo disso, de diversas formas . Contudo, a dor veio na sua mais nua e crua versão. Caíste de joelhos alguns dias e, em outros, te faltou o ar.
Te apegasse ao que o amor te sussurrava ao ouvido nos dias mais doloridos. Na boca, sentistes o gosto mais amargo e doce de ambos. A dor doce? Sim, pois foi em teus dias mais nublados que melhor provastes do amor, e vice versa. Te despedisse de uma parte de ti, que agora responde como saudade. Em contraponto, ganhasse mais uma vida, que agora também carrega um pouco de ti e se parece muito com a tua saudade.
Um ano e tanto eu diria, um ano gravado em ti como uma tatuagem, que se junta às três que fizeste no decorrer dele. Uma delas, inclusive, uma lembrança diária a ti "Be kind", diz ela, ou "Seja gentil" no melhor do português. Seja gentil, principalmente consigo mesma. Porque dentre chegadas e partidas, tu permaneces.
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