things-ya-should-know · 10 months
Lobe finned versus ray finned fish
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Short answer: ray finned fish evolved from from lobe finned fish
Long answer: Lobe finned fish were dominant for a long time in the waters before they climbed up onto land and evolved into you, dear reader. This occurred around 400 MYA (million years ago). Sometime before that, about 425 MYA, ray finned fishes had evolved, but remained relatively small. This was until the permian mass extinction (290-245 MYA), when many lobe finned fish died out, and ray finned fishes (teleosts) were left to flourish and evolve to fill the empty evolutionary niches. The only lobe finned fish left behind today are the elusive coelacanths and lungfish. ***AND*** as the awesome people in the notes would like me to add, all tetrapods (tetra meaning four, pod meaning foot) are phylogenetically lobe finned fishes as well. this means amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
@marinebiologyshitposts @fuckyeahcoelacanths
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chipped-chimera · 6 months
Since you guys liked the finished planted tank so much, have the tetra update!
A little bit of glass surfing is still happening but honestly was more because I was bugging them with my phone camera than anything. Most of today they were all over the place exploring~ also weird thing in the tank is a Banksia Seed Pod, threw it in for some extra tannins to help with any transition stress (natural antibacterial).
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
what do you mean by black water? I'm Curious but I don't know fish things.
it's a style of aquarium where you add tannins to the water to get this tea coloration
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tannins are released by wood and what's referred to as "botanicals," stuff you find in nature like seed pods, pine cones, leaves, basically organic matter that breaks down slowly in water. it's cool cuz the idea is that you're mimicking the natural environment of the fish, and it's really good for them! you can look up the benefits of adding tannins. i put leaf litter in my tanks, just not enough to make my water too dark. when i boil the leaves i even add some of the "tea" for an extra little boost.
visually it's just sooooo cool.... you can't go too crazy with plants since the light won't penetrate, but the botanicals plus just a few pops of green is gorgeous
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neon tetras are considered ideal for black water because it's so close to their natural environment in the Amazon. they're happy in it, and in fact their bright colors are that way BECAUSE it shines so brightly through the tannins; in the wild it helps schools keep track of each other!
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wwraithsart · 5 months
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Finally finished the updated reference sheet for Gale's team (that I started back in... january). Click for better quality!
More about each team member below:
Main gear: Tentaclinger Earring (not pictured), Urchins Jersey, Blue Slip-Ons
Favors mid-ranged slayer type weapons (sloshing machine, slosher, most blasters but especially range blaster) but is generally pretty flexible
There's a somewhat small independently published magazine in Splatsville about what's currently popular (fashion, weapons, splatfest speculation, etc). He writes articles for it, mostly noting what is currently popular, what that means for the direction of the meta, that kind of thing.
He's one of the founding members of Gale's current team. He likes to analyze how teams play and experiment with different team compositions and strategies. He tries his best to stay on top of what's new.
Outside of competitive stuff, he likes card games. He likes to collect stuff and is kind of a completionist.
Main gear: Retro BluFocals (not pictured), Patchwork Bomber, Mako Bucket Hi-Tops
Really enjoys backline, anchor type weapons. On her own she plays the Hydra, though she's skilled with most other splatlings. She also likes long range chargers (scoped E liter, splatterscope, snipewriter), and if you give her enough time to de-rust she's good with the jet squelcher.
She plays X rank in her free time, her peak power being in the 2600s, though she still has plenty to learn. A goal she sets for herself is to have more self discipline, since she occasionally feels herself get impatient and "one more set" or "one more match" when she probably shouldn't.
She and Monty are the founding members of Gale's current team. She'd known him from seeing him a lot in X rank, since they had similar powers at the time. They both share a similar philosophy regarding competitive play; not doing it for the glory of winning, but for self improvement and enjoyment.
Outside of competitive stuff, she likes to play video games. She's really into open world games. She also sometimes offers individual, one on one coaching for younger players.
Main gear: Cephalo Pods, Lime Ski Jacket, Gray Sea-Slug Hi-Tops
Likes weapons that skirmish a lot, and was a tetra dualies one-trick for a while. She doesn't mind playing support roles either, so she'll play the n-zap or splash o matic if the situation calls for it. She also likes the trislosher, but that's more for when she's playing soloqueue rather than on the team.
She's pretty new to competitive play. She met Jessica through X rank lobbies, where Jessica saw a lot of potential in her. Leela occasionally struggles with coordination-- she's very used to soloqueue, so she'll miss callouts and get caught off guard. As such, it's her main focus of improvement.
Outside of competitive stuff, she loves music. She almost always has earbuds in and is trying to discover new bands. She also plays the saxophone. She's optimistic, talkative, and can be stubborn to a fault.
Main gear: Knitted Hat (+ heart pin), Chili Octo Aloha, Violet Trainers
She's fairly flexible in what she can play, but she's strongest with shooters (her favorites being 52 gal and splattershot, sometimes splash o matic). If she can be aggressive with it, she'll play it.
She's the newest member on her team. She met Leela after regularly seeing her in anarchy lobbies, and Leela introduced her to the rest of the team. At first, Gale would fill in during scrims when one of the team members wasn't available, but when that team member had to leave, Gale took their place.
Gale hadn't played on a competitive team in a while, so they were a bit rusty. Monty recognized them from their previous team years ago, though he never mentioned it. He knew they had potential, though. They take their role on the team very seriously out of a desire to do better than last time.
Outside of competitive stuff, they like to cook. They're very social and dedicated to their work, but tends to hold themself to impossibly high standards.
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lackoftrumpets · 2 months
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Decided to go all out with another massive attack this year. I went around the artfight website and other online places I frequent to gather characters I thought looked neat. I hope the attack looks alright because my monitor has been compressing it when ever I try to look at it outside aseprite. Scale and size might be a bit awkward in the attack because I draw most sprites in 36x36, so I'm sorry if some details look a bit strange. It was an interesting and fun challenge to draw some characters that had so many small pieces that added a lot to their design. Below is a list of where the characters are all located on the mass attack. If I accidently missed you or made a credit mistake, feel free to reach out so I can fix it! I hope you all enjoy the attack as much as I had making it! Link to the attack! Ship Beam: Kailani (@something-paranormal), Nous (TheQueenOfSpades), K.E.R.F (Kerfus)
Beach (Right Side): See Lion (axowotls), Perri (xazzy), Kal of the Sile Forent (KRoland2000), Hewei-Mota (@cobaliuu), Jowan (SpaceMermaid001),
Beach (Left Side): Icho (@metsaahenki), Typhon (@xenoscribbles), Starseeker (Itsa_ArtfightAccount), Lime (Paraclipse), Iris and Benjamyn (@plaguedogs123), Llanite (@spiralflute), Beach House: Tony (@130bpmnot2slow), Toshi (ceoofsilliness), Aza (MauDarling), Kai (@uyukat), Mr Midnight (Trashpandaowo), Cate (@snipdoodle), Dock: Pancho (Astro_Eastie), Savour and Sammy (@kittyknight), Seltur (Kosys) Beach Sky: Bane (AsimiLykos), Scareye (@ivi-ivisek), Hue (@maple-and-pie), Quill (Esmont), Sparkle Puff (Winelys11) Ocean (Left Side): Dave (@katicin), Reid (@spetatler), Pod (abhorror), Shard (@trikstergodessstudio), Samantha (cleoziep), Lorelei (@that-space-ace), Jellyfish Princess Oe (O3Oyh), Spotty (MonSonia_Gator),
Ocean (Right Side): Abyss (@themermaidslagoon), Lunar Tides (yewrunner), River (@jokester71), Seavarin (Merlebirb), R'lyeh (TheKraut), Vanilquana (_0liM4ma_), Seafood (ToxicElysium), Do-Ve (@ebony-the-dork), Poogie (DragonThatDraws), Beam Room: Tania (niachic), Landon (kadothorne), Beau (goosejohn), Nova (SZ11) Window Room 1: Nas (Karlach), Nova (@tem-tem-timmy), Mono (@apolloprophecy), Bastion (RatBoulevard), ORBIT-3 (folykl) Ship Engine: Kai (Argo_Chicken), Kara (Karacreations), Goldshine (@iridiss) Greenhouse: Larimar (Januzs_), Tetra (@neonwabbit), Quinn (GhostCats) Cafeteria: Benjamin (@saveraedae), Billy B. (GUARDTEN), Echo (Khryso), Cat (SilverTheCat), Red Mungus/Cooper (@sillypotatochipz), Goople (Sashi The Okapoi), Jupiter (@sillybr3ad), Maroon (Freighter), Tia [Mogus] (ManaketeSilver), Frostbite (YoshiKid141) Vents: Radi (Mooncaller), Suri (@to-much-a-thing), Monotone (@sillypotatochipz), Ricochet (eggtoasty), Reni (adenator) Main Deck: Howell "Wiz" Larson and Sophia "Fi" Gilmartin (@kayspaceprinceart), Fletcher (@deepspaceart), Quince (@beakerhoneydew), T'Sel (@cattrek) Window Room 2: Nova (eggtoasty), Luna (EllaPlay), Anya (@jinxedjay) Computer Room: Pudim (Clearth), Somni (@takonyatchi) Andromeda (Elizadesu), Osmium (@astronomalyy), [] (Spoopybug), Hannie (Hanniebaby) Window Room 3: Anpu (Lxylia), Echo (@darkecho17), Diz (DizSlime),
On Top Of The Ship: Pleiades (Xephina The Eleven), Cosminior (@npc-arts), The Lich (@meemrasmus-stash)
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taudad · 1 year
Major Takeaways I had from my first tournament
T’au are fighting an uphill battle right now. It’s sad, but true that right now we don’t have much that hits hard and we don’t have much staying power
1st turn is REALLY important for how we play. Since Kauyon doesn’t kick in till turn 3, the difference between 2 and 3 rounds of getting shot at is significant when it comes to your Kauyon Output. Plan accordingly to hide if you get 2nd turn
Strategic Reserves are your friends. Especially when fighting Space Marines, you need to keep your big targets off the table at the start of the game. My Stormsurge was Oath of Moment’d in 2 of my 3 games before it could get a single round of shooting off. If you’re playing a big crisis bomb or Stormsurge you need to keep it in reserves until you know you can shoot with it
Ghostkeel and Piranhas are our MVPs. I’m not including Tetras here because they’re Forgewold and hard to get, but these two did WORK. The durability of the Ghostkeel on my Home Objective is what made me present a challenge at all to my opponents, and the two Seeker Missiles on each Piranha plus the drone harassment are crucial to hurting enemy vehicles and knocking opponents off of objectives for secondaries
Ethereals are worth it for the CP alone. I had two Ethereals, one leading a strike team, the other alone, and the extra CP generation gave me some much needed flexibility. It allowed me to use great stratagems like Tank Shock and Grenades that I otherwise wouldn’t have the CP for. Plus if you put a gun drone on them, they act as a pretty good action monkey once you bring them in from Strategic reserves
STEALTH SUITS. Between the rerolls of 1s to wound for guided units, to Infiltrating with Stealth, to bring a cheap source Markerlights guiding, to the FREE once per game Rapid Ingress, this is a must have unit. I ran 3 minimum strength units and will likely be doing so indefinitely
Our enhancements are great! I used Exemplar of the Kauyon, Puretide Engram Neurochip (PEN for short) and Through Unity, Devastation and all of them came in clutch at different points of my games. In particular, the PEN was fantastic as it allowed me to Rapid Ingress 2 Crisis Bombs (for FREE with the Stealth suits) on my opponent’s turn two when I went second and it gave me the possibility to Overwatch a second time as well
It’s still possible to have fun in 10th. I lost 2/3 games, but my second loss went 54-56 and was one of the best 40K games I’ve ever played. Play your best, aim to have fun and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do well. We got this, Shas’os!
For my personal list, I’m likely going to revise the armament of my second crisis team to have Fusion Blasters and Missile Pods as the Burst Cannons and Flamers are just useless against anything T5 or higher and might swap out the Coldstar commander for a Crisis Commander as the reroll 1s might be worth the lost movement and assault if I’m Rapid Ingressing the unit anyways
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bsaka7 · 1 year
tetra i need to ask and im asking thru here in case this helps anyone else: do you listen to any arsenal podcasts ?? ive had aftv recommended to me but i wonder if theres anything else out there thats worth listening to
i am so honored u came to me but i am NOT a huge podcast listener so I can really only give you one! I have become a recent fairly regularly listener to a handful of the suite of footie podcasts from The Athletic which includes the Arsenal podcast Handbrake Off. The episodes are reasonably short (30-45 minutes usually), which I like. It's chatty between Ian Stone (comedian), Amy Lawrence, and Adrian Clarke (ex-footballer who came through the Arsenal academy in the 90s), and I think also Art de Roche occasionally. I just read Invincible by Amy Lawrence about the 03-04 season and she's got a really, really lovely way of speaking about the team and the game, so I especially like hearing from her. They have like a neat little...gimmicky structure that I sort of enjoy by starting with kind of a silly icebreaker -> 2 segments of footie talk -> ending with a "representative" song from each of them. I wouldn't say it's the greatest podcast of all time, but it sort of hits on what I want (different-ish perspectives, knowledgeable, fannish but not crazy, fairly reasonable). so hopefully that's a little useful to u?
I've been recommended Arseblog Arsecast by @longeyelashedtragedy but the episodes are way too long for me (1-1.5hrs), so I haven't actually listened....if anyone else has any comments on which pods they like and why, please weigh in!!!!
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generateaworld · 2 years
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ground view of a solarpunk City on alien world, towering large organic buildings, shop fronts, buildings inset on large epic cliff face, arches, valley, ground view, vivid retro style, floating pods, domed building, pedestrian pathways, alien beings, squid, neon tetra, lizard, blooming orchid, retro nasa punk, waterfall, bright neon, volumetric light, highly detailed, sharp focus, key visual, matt painting, Fujishima Takeji, Yuri Ivanovich Pimenov
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sooyun-ichtama · 2 years
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{ credits } decor. Apple Fall Bohemian Coffee Press BackBone Farmhouse Spring - Spice Rack BROKEN ARROWS - Anne Kitchen - Cabinet (White/Porc) dust bunny & con . adaline living room . rug . black dust bunny . bunny's wok takeout . fried dumplings dust bunny & con . shirley kitchen hive // wall pot rack . black KraftWork Draycott Bar Collection . Set of Bottles GIFT KraftWork Kitchen Rails . Spoons Clutter KraftWork Multi Coffee Machine KraftWork Vinegar & Oils . ALL (Brass) [Merak] - Coffee Jars [Merak] - Coffee Syrups [Merak] - Espresso Pod Machine - Black [Merak] - Oatmeal Station O.M.E.N - Dog Park Day - 7 - Basket O' Goodies Soy. the soy sause (gift) {vespertine} - potted hibiscus / yellow outfit details. Ascendant - Skye Denim bonbon - nyra hair Bonnie - Almond Natural Nail (Enfer Sombre*) Sam skin - Mocha @ anthem LOTUS. Tikka Eyes 06 MOVEMENT - Icecream specials (Boba tea icecream) @ anthem TETRA - Serenity Top Vincue / Harpie Jewelry Set
flickr | instagram
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friesian · 2 years
🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊 for any character/s you feel like talking about (@likemesomesalads)
OHOHOHOH okay!! i'll give one for each. or i'll try. i don't have too many guys entirely fleshed out yet.
🖊 MARWYD -- has some weird insecurities about the whole scarlet briar thing. they're both really similar. both sylvari. both engineers. both prodigies in a way. yet only one thing really decided their fate was different and it was that damned machine. a part of him feels a little guilty for being able to walk out of it okay.
🖊 TIYRNAN -- his favorite thing to sing is lullabies. they fit his voice the best. he likes old folk ones the most, that seem to be lost with time, and who's meaning has been completely lost. sometimes when alone in the woods, you can hear a distant hum of an orrian lullaby.
🖊 GYAEL -- makes marwyd's clothes! all of them! he's made numerous on commission for him because marwyd keeps FUCKING RUINING THEM. luckily he doesn't have much to do when it comes to being his apprentice. sometimes he jokes that he's marwyd's tailor first and the apprentice second. he. may be a LITTLE insecure about that. maybe.
🖊 AIYNDREAS -- he wishes he was marwyd so bad. he looks up to him every other day. someone with a spine. someone with a bullheaded personality. someone who could toss people to the side with ease. he wishes he could be mean, but, he's far too small, far too nervous, and far too... unimportant, he realizes.
🖊 LONG XUE -- long makes carvings of soo-won out of thicker tree branches. he's very passionate about it. however-- he never keeps the carvings. he instead returns them to echovald forest and allows nature to grow around them. it's what she would want.
🖊 TU YING -- where did he get the glasses? i dunno. it's a mystery to even the speakers he works with. some of them say he popped out the POD with those things on. he BARELY EVER takes them off. apparently tetra knows where the hell they come from, but it's almost entertaining to keep it as a mystery. tu ying plays along with this.
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aliendiety · 2 years
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my new aquarium :3 I'm gonna get some fish soon
the first pic is when I first planted two weeks ago. second I took just a bit ago. the brazilian pennywort (tall plants in the back in first pic) died back pretty aggressively but there is some new growth on them! I'm just letting them float for now until they get their shit together tho lol. added some botanicals (all various pods so far) and have more I will add in like a week. planning on going to get another plant because the rock in the front is an easy planter I haven't used yet. will inevitably move the wood and rock around.
anyway, I'm excited and wanted to show off! I'm planning on getting a betta, 6 ember tetra, 6 pygmy cory catfish, and a nerite snail :3
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cpbhomes · 2 years
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Biodegradable Plastic Packaging Market Size, Share, Trends and Forecast Analysis to grow at a CAGR of 19.2% by 2028
The global biodegradable plastic packaging market size is anticipated to register a ~19.2% CAGR between 2021 and 2028 and reach an approximate value of USD 13.02 billion in 2028.
The global market for biodegradable plastic packaging market has been segmented on the basis of type, application, and region. Based on type, the biodegradable plastic packaging market is segmented into starch based plastic, cellulose based plastics, polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), and others. Polylactic acid (PLA) continues to capture a leading share in the global biodegradable plastic packaging market. Polylactic acid (PLA) is broadly used in different applications such as healthcare, pharma, packaging, and automobile. Polylactides break down into non-toxic products while degrading and biodegradable and biocompatible, reducing plastic waste.
Based on application, the biodegradable plastic packaging market is divided into food and beverage, pharmaceutical, personal/homecare, and others. The food and beverage segment continues to hold the leading share in terms of revenue. Growing concern about the environment has led to increased biodegradable plastics in food and beverages. Biodegradable plastic packaging is being used for everything from bottles and cups to chip bags and coffee pods. Plant-based plastics and other biodegradable polymers are used in food and beverage packaging because they are more environmentally friendly than traditional plastic.
Based on region, the biodegradable plastic packaging market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World. Asia-Pacific accounts for the largest market for biodegradable plastic packaging worldwide, followed by Europe, given these regions' flourishing food & beverage and healthcare industries.
Ask for your specific company profile and country level customization on reports.
Key industry participants in the biodegradable plastic packaging market include Tetra Pak International SA (Switzerland), Plastic Suppliers Inc. (US), Kruger Inc. (Canada), Amcor PLC (Switzerland), Mondi PLC (UK), International Paper Company (US), Smurfit Kappa Group PLC (US), DS Smith PLC (UK), Klabin SA (Brazil), Rengo Co. Ltd (Japan), Rengo Co. Ltd (Japan), Stora Enso (Sweden), Toray Industries Inc. (Japan), Bemis Company Inc. (US) and Rengo Co. Ltd (Japan).
This research report provides insights into various levels of analysis, such as industry analysis and market share analysis for the leading industry competitors, along with their profiles. It also helps in studying the target segments by providing views on the emerging and high-growth segments. The market data comprises the basic assessment of the competitive scenarios and strategies in the global biodegradable plastic packaging market, including high-growth regions and/or countries and political and economic environments. The project report further provides both – historical market values and pricing and cost analysis.
Industry News
In July 2021, Tetra Pak partnered with Stora Enso to launch the large-scale carton repulping line in Poland. The facility will more than triple Poland's annual recycling capacity of used beverage cartons from 25,000 to 75,000 tonnes. This facility will allow the recycling of the entire volume of beverage cartons sold in the country and neighboring countries, including Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and others.
In December 2021, Amcor, one of the leading players in developing and producing responsible packaging for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home, and personal-care industries, opened its greenfield packaging facility in Singapore. The facility will provide a solution to the increasing demand for healthcare packaging across the region. The new Singapore facility produces cleanroom manufacturing environments, co-extruded three-, seven- or nine-layer blown film, and flexographic printing.
In June 2021, Mondi, one of the prominent leaders in packaging and paper launched a new range of MailerBAG. MailerBAG is a new range of biodegradable, compostable mailer bags that replaces plastic packaging in eCommerce with a recyclable solution made of responsibly sourced renewable materials.
Browse the Complete Report: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/biodegradable-plastic-packaging-market-10752
Wantstats Research and Media Private Limited
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wwraithsart · 1 year
Gale's team!
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more about them below:
Leela (she/her): -Trislosher and tetra dualie main, typically plays on the frontline -She'll also play with the inkbrush and painbrush, though on her own time. -Very bubbly and optimistic -Outside of anarchy battles, she plays the saxophone and likes to run. As a result, she is very agile. This makes her especially good at filling skirmish roles when the situation calls for it. -She also loves music and is almost always listening to it. -Cephalo pods, lime ski jacket, gray sea slug hi tops
Jessica (she/her): -The team's anchor. Mains E-Liter and Ballpoint, but can use other chargers, and plays Hydra on her own time. -She plays X rank frequently, reaching a peak X power of around 2600, though she is constantly trying to push this higher. -Outside of that, she sometimes coaches younger teams as a way to make money. -She's very analytical, composed, and witty. -(not pictured) king facemask, navy college sweat, transom note boots
Roy (he/him): -Sloshing machine and blaster main, though sometimes flexes to splash or splattershot. -Loves to come up with new strategies and tricks, like ways to coordinate specials against other specials. -As such, he spends a lot of time analyzing matches in his free time, to come up with stuff and understand why things are popular. -Outside of this, he makes money by writing articles for magazines. These are usually about what weapons or gear is rising in popularity and why. -He has spent a reasonable amount of money at the shell out machine -tentaclinger earring, urchins jersey, blue slip ons
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andytriboletti · 2 years
Aquaponic and hydroponic herb garden.
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I picked up the 10 gallon aquarium at Petco for $10.
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keepingitneutral · 4 years
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‘Tetra Pod Studio’ Uluwatu, Bali,
Stilt Studio
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