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queretarotv · 2 years ago
Querétaro se suma al reciclatón 2023
Por segundo año consecutivo la Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable (SEDESU) se suma a la campaña “Reciclatón”, cuyo objetivo es la recaudación de fondos a través del acopio y valorización de residuos en beneficio de personas con discapacidad, cáncer y autismo atendidos a través de Fundación Teletón. Los materiales a recuperar a través de este proyecto son PET, HDPE (plástico de alta densidad),…
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edsonjnovaes · 10 months ago
Quantas latinhas precisam ser coletadas para conseguir um salário mínimo?
Com a queda nos preços da venda de materiais recicláveis, os catadores enfrentam mais dificuldades para chegar em uma quantidade de material equivalente ao salário mínimo, atualmente em R$ 1.412. Dados da Associação Nacional dos Catadores (Ancat) apontam que há mais de 1 milhão de homens e mulheres na função. Terra – 12 mai 2024 CNN Mais Verde: Brasil atinge 99% de reciclagem de latas de…
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bakingmoomins · 8 days ago
quick question if you could have stickers or shirts or something made from science/math nerdy shit in general what niche concepts would you like to have?
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classket · 11 months ago
don't think we can reduce reuse recycle our way out of this one gals
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deutsche-bahn · 4 months ago
Tetrapack-Glühwein kaufen, nur um den Topf dann auf dem Herd zu vergessen bis der Rauchmelder rhythmisch deine Unfähigkeit verkündet und dir auffällt dass der Glühwein inzwischen nur noch eine brodelnde Masse in den Farben rot-schwarz-verbrannt ist. Advent, Advent, die Küche brennt. Hilfe.
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etraytin · 4 months ago
Emergency Preparedness On A Budget
Hey all, just a reminder that even though many of us are looking at a warmer-than-average winter this year, warm on average does not mean we won't see winter storms! In fact, warm winters can produce some really unusual weather patterns that are even more likely to produce severe storms. The best time to prepare for a winter storm, or any other natural disaster, is well before it happens, ie, right now.
"But wait," you might say, "the economy is stupid and everything is expensive! I'm afraid my survival bunker is just going to have to wait until my lottery numbers come up, which will take awhile because I also can't afford to play the lottery." First off, good job not playing the lottery, and second, preparing for a disaster does not have to be expensive. In fact, if you start early enough, disaster preparedness can be done a few dollars at a time without much of anything in the way of special supplies.
In order to not make a single post that is a billion lines long, I am dividing my advice into a few different posts and will link them together when I am done. The links will be right here: Part 2: Medicine and Power
Food and Water Preparedness
FIrst and most important: food and water. The motto of disaster preparedness is "The first 72 is on you." In a major disaster situation, if the situation has not resolved itself within three days, that's about the amount of time it takes for outside help to get itself organized and start arriving in a meaningful way to a disaster area. Objectively three days is a pretty short period of time, subjectively it is a small eternity if you are not prepared.
Preppers (people who do disaster preparedness as a hobby, to greater and lesser levels of unhingedness) spend a lot of time discussing the best types of food and water prep for long-term storage and/or end of the world scenarios. We are not going to do that. We want cheap, easy, effective preparations that we can ideally do while grocery shopping in a Walmart. The easiest, simplest and cheapest way to do your food prep is this: Buy one or two canned, jarred or tetrapacked (that waxed cardboard box pack) meal items every time you can afford it, then set them aside. Find a little space in a closet, a cupboard, a shelf, whatever, and just keep those foods there until you have three days worth for everyone in your household, including the pets.
"Fine," you might say as you look skeptically at the back of your cupboards, "but that doesn't seem very specific. There are a lot of canned goods out there!" And that is fair! The basic rule of thumb is "Buy something you will eat, ideally without heating it up if necessary, that doesn't require much prep or cleaning." For example, my family is two adults and one adolescent, none of us with major food allergens or aversions. If I were trying for a 72-hour food prep for us on the cheap with no cooking available I'd probably go with six cans of chunky soup, which I get for a dollar each on sale, three small jars of applesauce (smaller jars are better if you have no way to cool food), a box of saltine crackers, three cans of tuna, and a big box of granola bars if I could keep them out of reach of the kiddo long enough.
It's not fancy and it may not provide great long-term nutrition, but it's enough food to keep us alive for three days in a form that will hold in storage for 1-2 years without needing to rotate. Even on a very tight budget you can probably accumulate this much food in a pretty reasonable amount of time (and a lot of it is the sort of thing you might get from a food bank anyway!) For pet food, pack up three days worth of your pet's food, ideally in a glass jar but any sealed container will do, and add any cans of wet food they'd get as well.
Water is another big prepping topic that we're going to go easy-peasy on. You need, at minimum, a gallon of clean water per person per day, plus extra for cleaning and washing. Water is annoying to store and takes a lot of room, so for a quickie 3-day prep, minimizing water use is ideal. If you can scare up enough paper plates, cups and utensils to last you three days, you save ever having to wash dishes. If you can get hold of a pack of wet wipes, you reduce the amount of water for washing your body. If you can bring yourself to pee in the woods or at the very least let urine sit in the toilet unflushed, you save a HUGE amount of water on flushing.
For your water prep, you can use the bit-at-a-time strategy again. Every time you get groceries, try to bring home a gallon or two of purified drinking water. They should be very cheap, usually around 1.25 in my neck of the woods, and they last for awhile. If you have a few extra dollars, buy a flat of bottled water until you have at least three gallon containers and one 12-pack for each human member of your household Tuck them away somewhere out of direct sunlight, and rotate them regularly, taking out an old gallon and flat and replacing them with new every couple of months.
Once you have your basic setup, you can start thinking about getting fancier. There are ways to find things like camp stoves and water filters fairly cheaply, usually by hitting up garage sales or looking in the clearance sporting goods section when camping season is over, but that's basically gravy when compared to just having something to eat.
Next Time: Medicine and Power
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atlierlagaillarde · 1 month ago
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Recherche et test. Figues, gravure sur tetrapack.
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rutlancecf · 3 months ago
Sleepover, part 2. (Fragment)
- What do you need to have a sleepover?-
Grayson blinked a few times at the question. Diverting his attention from the television, he fixed it on the 10 years old girl, who was looking at him with the greatest seriousness in the world.
- What did you say, Dami?-
Annoyed by how distracted her older brother was, Damiana crossed her arms and pouted.
- What do you need to have a sleepover?- She asked again, drawing the attention of the other two boys in the room.
- Woah, woah, woah.- Jason muted the television.- Is the demon princess going to have a sleepover?-
- Ha!- Tim laughed, pointing a finger at her.- To have a sleepover you need friends!-
- Tt, that's covered.- She said, looking disinterestedly at Drake.
The three brothers stared at the news for a moment and reacted differently.
- Since when are you able to socialize with someone without breaking their face?-
- You blackmailed someone, right? Or possibly you threatened them, right? Oh, oh! Surely they are part of a gang, right? That, or they have a possible mental disability.-
- Oh, Dami!- Dick, unlike the other two, took the infant in his arms and hugged her tightly.- You're finally going to bring girl friends home! I am so happy!-
- Enough.- No matter how much time had passed, she still couldn't stand being hugged and having her cheeks rubbed against those of others.- They're not girls.-
- WHAT!?- They yelled at the same time, so stunned that even Richard let go of her.
And immediately the scolding, lectures and threats began.
- Drake has sleepovers with Brown, Cain and his stupid boyfriend Konnor!- The girl replied.- So your aphorism has no foundation.-
The little girl rolled her eyes, she had her suspicions but she wasn't going to waste time arguing with Tim.
- Whatever.-
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Taking advantage of the fact that the Demon Princess wasn't there, the three plotted their evil plans.
- All right, guys. First things first: No bottles.- Dick warned them.
- That will be difficult, remember that soft drinks come in bottles.-
- Well, we drink them, what a problem.- Jason answered.
- Don't be silly, we can make Alfred empty the sodas in jars, or buy canned ones. It's that simple.-
- What if someone wants juice, Replacement? That also comes in bottles.-
- So buy those that are in tetrapack.-
- More than a sleepover, it looks like a preschool meeting. The Demon Princess is going to get very angry.-
- I don't care.- Grayson said very seriously, making the other two see him.- I don't care if Dami doesn't speak to me again for the rest of my life, I won't allow a brat to take her by the hand and give her her first kiss. NOBODY!-
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unscharf-an-den-raendern · 1 year ago
Liebe es, wenn ich morgens in die Küche komme und mir erstmal denke
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Warum ist da eine riesige Milchpfütze auf der Anrichte? Warum ist die genau unter dem Gefrierbeutel mit den Brötchen?
Und was zur Hölle wurde diesem Tetrapack angetan?
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Befragungen folgen sobald der Verdächtige zurückkehrt. Bleiben Sie dran.
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perroulisses · 2 years ago
Other versions of the last art work
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all of this is done by drypoint engraving, made in tetrapack
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that's all thank you 💋
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okenki · 9 months ago
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this one goes out to young me that got scared of asking for things on forums because some people were mean and called her an idiot for not knowing everything already while dipping into something new… : (
i forgot the asterisk for those, but flo.p.t. and lil moon sailor are fictional too! same for tetrapack... only mc solaar remains…
again, i'm not right, you're not wrong, this is not a "there is one truth and it is mine" at all! i got, again, a little too passionate about… things…
if you read [the_ish], on prends les même on recommence, it's that same AU and same characters. It is NOT the same AU as "goth boyfriends", it has overlapping character, but they are not the same. They share their names, apprences and some personality traits, but most of the rest is very different. Sorry if it is confusing! ToT
sorry again for the comic quality… i heard that some time ago it was crappy comic day but you know that for me this is the daily grind, ayoooo!!!
as usual this is not meant to offend anyone, it's all fictional. im not very smart and i am always having an awful time communicating anything, hahah aaaaaaa
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superconfusedcoryn · 9 months ago
Bei Rewe werden heute die Kassen getauscht.
Deshalb besteht der gesamte Eingangs- und Ausgangsbereich meines lokalen Rewe-des-Vertrauens aus einem Schlachtfeld voller klobiger Selbstbedienungskassen die provisorisch angeschlossen wurden, von der Decke hängenden Kabeln, Staub und vor allem: Verdammt genervter Kunden und Mitarbeiter.
Irgendwer in der Betriebsleitung kam wahrscheinlich auf die großartige Idee dieses Unterfangen ausgerechnet an an einem Montag in Angriff zu nehmen.
Es ist ja allgemein bekannt, dass das kaufwütige Publikum dazu neigt Supermärkte, nach der sonntäglichen Zwangspause des Kaufrausches, zum Wochenstart zu meiden. Deshalb ist es durchaus (k)eine Überraschung, dass sich endlose Schlangen mit übervollen Wocheneinkaufskörbe und -wägen einmal quer durch den gesamten Laden ziehen.
Kurz überlege ich, ob ich meinen Einkauf, eine Flasche extrem billigen Chianti und ein noch billigeres Tetrapack Traubensaft mit dem Nutri-Score E, einfach zurückstelle und am nächsten Tag wiederkommen soll. Leider möchte ich heute Abend nicht auf meine bastardisierte Version vom Ballerman-Kultgetränk Sangria (oder: Anti-Glühwein; wie ich es nenne) verzichten und reihe mich hauptsächlich amüsiert in eine der unübersichtlichen Schlangen ein.
Von den üblichen 8 Kassen sind insgesamt nur noch 3 in Betrieb - zwei Selbstbedienungskassen und die Kasse mit der anliegenden Tabakwarenabteilung, die von überentusiastischen Teenie-Azubi geleitet wird. Die Schlange, in der ich stehe, zieht sich einmal quer durch die Getränkeabteilung, wobei niemand so wirklich zu wissen scheint, wo die Reihe son genau anfängt und wo sie aufhört.
Der Mann vor mir hat einen Einkaufswagen voller Proseccoflaschen. "Meine Mutter wird 60," erklärt er stolz, auf die Frage was er denn für eine Feier schmeißen will, "das wird eine ganz große Party!" Das Kind hinter mir beschwert sich bei seiner Mutter, dass das Überraschungsei in seiner Hand schon ganz weich sei. Eine ältere Dame herrscht lautstark ein junges Mädchen an, die sich von der falschen Seite aus anstellen wollte. "Die Schlange beginnt ganz da hinten!", deklariert sie und fuchtelt dabei wildstark in eine nicht genau deutbare Richtung, denn so genau scheint sie sich auch nicht sicher zu sein, wo genau "da hinten" jetzt eigentlich ist.
Bisher haben wir uns nur wenige Milimeter vorwärts bewegt.
Bei einer der Selbstbedienungskassen ist die Kassenzettelrolle leer und muss ausgetauscht werden. Ein allgemein genervtes Stöhnen geht durch die Reihen.
Der Mann mit den Proseccoflaschen erklärt mittlerweile zum vierten Mal einem der schaulustigen Umstehenden auf Nachfrage, dass der Wagen voller Spirituosen für den 60. Geburtstag seiner Mutter gedacht sei. Irgendein Teenager in einem Check24 Trikot lässt einen Monster-Energydrink fallen, welcher in seinem Elend spontan entschließt zu explodieren und die Anstehenden mit einer lauwarmen, klebrigen Flüssigkeit zu besprühen. Allgemeines "Ihhhh!" und "Ahhhh!" und "Och nein!!!" tönt durch die Warteschlage. Die ältere Dame weißt erneut eine andere Person herrisch darauf hin, dass man sich doch an anderer Stelle anstellen muss.
Ich starre derweil auf meinen Traubensaft. Warum hat der eigentlich Nutri-Score E? Eine kurze Google-Suche später bin ich genauso schlau wie vorher. Dafür ist ein bisschen Zeit vergangen und die Schlange hat sich gemächlich ein Stück vorwärts bewegt.
Irgendwer fährt mir mit seinem Einkaufswagen in die Hacken. Das Überraschungsei des Kindes hinter mir ist in der Zwischenzeit vollends geschmolzen und verteilt sich jetzt auf dessen hellblauem T-Shirt mit Fußballbezug, während sich das Kind geistesabwesend in der Nase bohrt. Ein Telefon beginnt im Standart-Samsung Klingelton zu läuten, weshalb mehrere mittelalte Frauen simultan beginnen nervös in ihren Einkaufstaschen kramen. Der Mann mit dem Prosecco wird zum achten Mal gefragt, was denn sein Plan für den vielen Alkohol sei. Langsam komme ich mir vor wie in der sehr, sehr anstrengenden und niveaulosen Version eines Loriot-Sketches.
"Was ist denn hier los?", höre ich einen alten Mann entsetzt fragen. "Wir bauen gerade um, deshalb ist hier ein bisschen Chaos," erklärt einer der Mitarbeiter, mittlerweile auch zum wiederholten Male. Der alte Herr zuckt mit den Schultern, lässt demonstrativ seinen bis an den Rand gefüllten Einkaufswagen mitten im Gang stehen und verlässt den Laden auf direktem Weg, während der am Rande der Verzweiflung stehende Rewe-Mitarbeiter ihm etwas bedröppelt nachschaut. Irgendwo schreit ein Baby.
Die Schlange setzt sich in Bewegung. Ich schaffe es bis zu einer der drei Kassen zu hechten und scanne beglückt Wein und Saft ein. Der Mann mit dem Wagen voller Prosecco wird vom zu Scherzen aufgelegten Azubi gefragt, ob er denn schon über 18 sei. Für einen Moment sieht es so aus als wolle der Schaumweinentusiast etwas nach dem Kerl werfen. Hinter mir tönt es wieder, die Schlange beginne am anderen Ende des Ladens, man möge sich doch bitte dort anstellen. Ich suche derweil schnell das Weite.
Beim Verlassen des Ladens fällt mir mit Entsetzen auf, dass ich eigentlich auch zum Disounter nebenan hätte gehen können.
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cullen-blue23 · 1 year ago
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UAL Level 3/4 Foundation Dip in Art & Design Unit 2: Print Pathway - Lino Printing
As it's been a long time since I did a post, I thought I best do a catch up one now, as I am now midway through my Level 4 unit, which is my FMP. The work here is from the Spring term and is a selection of some of the work I did for my Unit 2: Print Pathway, which was a 10 week project running from Nov 2023 to Feb 2024. This post is just about the lino printing. The screen printing I will save for another post. The tetrapack printing, well...I may just give that one a miss altogether, it doesn't look as impressive and I didn't enjoy it as much. I enjoyed the lino printing the most out of everything we did, as it was more familiar as I had done some in a previous project. The rest of it however, had its highs and lows. This was one of the highs. I didn't enjoy it because I found it easy mind you, in fact my classmates were terrified I would accidentally take a chunk out of my finger with the carving tool! But despite my classmates lack of faith in me, I had a lot of fun doing this. The fish lino print (Mr Fishie) was a challenge, as that process involved carving some of the lino away, printing, washing off the ink, carving again, printing again, you get the picture. I think the print of the fish on the Khadi paper was the most successful.
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soup-mother · 11 days ago
One Nation really do have supersoaker colours for their shirts and stuff lol. Fucking ...those tetrapack iceypoles. sunnyboys. same colours as those.
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(pauline hanson jumpscare)
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deutsche-bahn · 1 year ago
Ich war letztes Jahr mit Freunden auf einem großen Rock- und Metalfestival. Jeder hatte sich um irgendwas gekümmert, einer besorgte ein großes Zelt, jemand brachte Getränke mit, eine wollte sich um's Essen kümmern.
Leider wurde uns wieder mal zum Verhängnis, dass wir bei Freunden keinen Background-Check durchführen, oder nicht einmal das Führungszeugnis sehen wollen.
Die, die sich um's Essen kümmern wollte hatte vor Jahren mal Orthorexie gehabt. Also, so erzählte sie das zumindest immer. Betonung auf "hatte". Jetzt tauchte sie allerdings mit unserer Verpflegung auf: Reiswaffeln, rohe Eier, Tofu und Karotten. Mit den rohen Eiern hätte man sich ja zumindest noch nen anderweitig interessanten Abend gestalten können. Aber wer, in dieser gottverlassenen Welt, kommt angetrunken vom Festivalgelände auf den Campingplatz, pfeffert den Campingkocher in's feuchte Gras und brät sich ne Tofu-Gemüsepfanne an??? Ich bin ja immer schon überrascht wenn ich motorisch noch im Stande bin den Eingang des Zeltes zu öffnen. Wenn du mir dann einen Campingkocher überreichst, endet es wahrscheinlich darin dass der Zeltplatz geräumt werden muss bevor die scheiss Möhren überhaupt durch sind.
Die Ratten verlassen ja bekanntlich das sinkende Schiff. Da mein Vorarbeiter mich damals immer als Ratte betitelt hat, tat ich es ihnen gleich, drückte den Bikern von Nebenan ein kleines Fässchen Bier in die Hand und bekam im Gegenzug Pringles und Tetrapack-Weißwein. Wochenende gerettet, Campingkochern und jeglichen Nährstoffen erfolgreich ausgewichen.
Also, Fazit: Wenn eure Freunde zu vielen Fitness-Influencern folgen ist das ein absolut ausreichender Grund für eine Intervention.
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r-today-i-fucked-up · 1 year ago
TIFU by reheating soya milk coffee in the microwave several times since I have the memory of a stale bread stick. I usually have oat or cow milk instead.
I heated the coffee up in a brilliantly orange mug. I did... Something of sorts (probably reading). It went cold; I reheated it. It went cold again; I reheated it.
I noticed it looked a little strange. I decided to put in the fridge in the hopes that this would fix things. It did not.
Next morning, I woke to a simaltanously gelatinous and grainy coffee sludge/coffee like subtance. I prodded it. It wobbled back at me. Curiosity possessed me and I took a swig. Not as bad as I expected for day old cheap instant coffee combined with 50 pence soya milk that the microwave had attacked a few times before being left to marinate in the cold. Which is to say. Still very bad.
It almost... Wobbled its way out of the cup when I poured it down the sink.
After all of that, I read the warning on the tetrapack: to avoid curdling in hot drinks, add before hot liquid. Do not mix with boiling water
Ah dang. That makes sense at least. I never knew not reading the back matter could have such awful tasting yet perfectly safe and technically edible* consequences.
I do not recommend doing this unless you enjoy suffering or really want to try curdled instant coffee for some reason.
*The coffee was only edible by that point. Definitely not drinkable.
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