receptikuvaronline · 2 years
Radionica zdrave hrane - Sretenovića vodenica, Markova Crkva
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Radionica zdrave hrane - Sretenovića vodenica, Markova Crkva
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Radionica zdrave hrane sa temom Spremamo “Tain” hleb, održaće se u subotu, 16.07.2022. sa početkom u 12h. Organizator je Sretenovića vodenica iz Markove Crkve.
Svakog meseca u Sretenovića vodenici nova radionica zdrave hrane. Ovaj put, tema je “Tain” hleb o kome će govoriti Dragana Bamdad. Ona će i praktično pokazivati kako se priprema Tain hleb.
Organizator radionice Sretenovića vodenica je sertifikovani organski proizvođač integralnog brašna nastalog mlevenjem celog zrna na vodeničkm kamenu, sa tradicijom dugom preko dve stotine godina.
Sretenovića vodenica proizvodi: heljdino brašno, speltino brašno, ovseno brašno, ražano brašno, ječmeno brašno, kukuruzno brašno: crveno, žuto, belo i šareno.
Sretenovića vodenica i vlasnik Tomislav Sretenović su proglašeni za najbolji proizvod TESTIVALA #2, održanog u oktobru 2020. godine.
Kako stići do Sretenovića vodenice? Pratite Google maps link: https://goo.gl/maps/eUAwG2vGcT3xjceH6
Radionica zdrave hrane Spremamo “Tain” hleb Subota 16.07.2022. u 12 časova Dobrodošli! Sretenovića vodenica
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dietestfahrer · 2 years
Kia glänzt beim e4 Testival und der ADAC 24h e-competition
Kia glänzt beim e4 Testival und der ADAC 24h e-competition
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dr-hedgehog-au · 1 year
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Style Test
Ive been developing a new art style and i thought it might be good for comics and stuff!  Thoughts?
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Common EV Charging Station Error Codes Recommended - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/common-ev-charging-station-error-codes-recommended-technology-org/
Common EV Charging Station Error Codes Recommended - Technology Org
The National Charging Experience Consortium (ChargeX) has released a report that recommends 26 common electric vehicle (EV) charging error codes to enable faster error reporting, diagnostics and resolution within the EV charging industry. Ultimately, the codes would improve the U.S. charging experience.
EV charging station. Photo courtesy of ABB E-mobility.
The ChargeX Consortium collaborates with U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories, EV charging industry experts, consumer advocates and other stakeholders.
The Recommendations for Minimum Required Error Codes report aims to reduce confusion between charger manufacturers, EV manufacturers and charging station operators, who currently use different messages to report similar errors.
The common codes will simplify diagnostics when a charging session fails, improving EV charging network operations and charging experiences for drivers. Further, the codes will simplify diagnostics when a charging session faces an issue, streamlining EV charging network operations, reducing workforce training complexity and improving the charging experience for drivers.
“The landscape of the American road trip is changing,” said Gabe Klein, executive director of the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, which funds ChargeX.
Electric car at the charging station – illustrative photo. Image credit: Bob Osias via Unsplash, free license
“To make an electrified road trip convenient and reliable, companies in the EV charging ecosystem must be on the same page about how they communicate, especially when issues arise.”
Launched in August 2023, ChargeX — with expert help from Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory — works to gauge and improve the customer experience with public EV charging infrastructure throughout the United States. This report is the first deliverable to serve that mission.
“We are excited to begin implementing these codes,” said Cuong Nguyen, manager of Industry Affairs and Standards at ABB, a consortium industry participant and co-chair of the working group that led the report. “As a company that helped develop these common error codes, we hope to now demonstrate their value to others in the industry, leading to widespread adoption.”
ChargeX also published an implementation guide to help industry practitioners adopt the error codes uniformly and quickly, and additional industry recommendations will follow.
ChargeX industry participants ABB and EVgo demonstrated some of the error codes during the recent CharIN Testival North America 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio.
“We are proud to work alongside ChargeX to implement root cause solutions that will lead to an elevated customer experience,” said Ivo Steklac, Chief Technology Officer at EVgo, one of the nation’s largest fast charging providers.
“Standardized error codes, which apply to both vehicles and chargers, are foundational for understanding customer experience so the full EV ecosystem can march forward together towards solutions.”
Source: Idaho National Laboratory
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rostyslavua · 8 months
Росія відмовилася від договору про заборону ядерних тестів
https://antiraid.com.ua/news/rosiia-vidmovylasia-vid-dohovoru-pro-zaboronu-iadernykh-testiv/ Сьогодні нелегітимна російська Держдума відкликала ратифікацію Договору про всеосяжну заборону ядерних випробувань. Депутати РФ підтримали законопроєкт у другому і третьому читаннях. Міністерство закордонних справ закликало світ відреагувати на чергові провокації з боку Москви. “Сьогодні світ є свідком чергового провокативного кроку держави-агресора, спрямованого на посилення ядерного шантажу”, – заявили у відомстві Дмитра Кулеби. В МЗС наголосили, […] Повідомлення Росія відмовилася від договору про заборону ядерних тестів з'явилися спочатку на ANTIRAID. via ANTIRAID https://antiraid.com.ua/home/ October 18, 2023 at 08:53PM
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flyeurope · 1 year
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VOLO LIBERO - TROFEO MONTEGRAPPA - Come da consolidata tradizione, durante il periodo pasquale dal 5 al 10 aprile 2023, torna il Trofeo Montegrappa, manifestazione internazionale alla 37.a edizione che vede sfidarsi nei cieli veneti i più noti campioni di volo libero in deltaplano e parapendio. Il centro operativo e l’atterraggio ufficiale saranno allestiti in frazione San Giacomo di Romano d’Ezzelino (Vicenza), salvo sabato 8 aprile quando si atterrerà al Garden Relais di Borso del Grappa (Treviso). Come decollo è stato scelto quello di Rubbio Brombe, frazione del comune di Conco Lusiana (Vicenza), sito a quota 796 m. Da qui i piloti dilagheranno lungo percorsi contrassegnati da punti salienti del territorio, in gergo detti “boe”, che dovranno obbligatoriamente aggiratre prima di raggiungere l’atterraggio. La convalida avviene tramite il GPS in dotazione di ciascuno dei partecipanti. Il teatro è l’arco delle Prealpi trevigiane e vicentine, ma soprattutto il Massiccio del Monte Grappa, recentemente insignito del bollino Mab Unesco. In caso di meteo ottimale una task potrebbe superare i 100 km per i parapendio e ancora di più per i deltaplani. Vince chi, affinando tecnica e strategia, impiega meno tempo; la classifica finale è data dalla somma dei risultati di tutte le giornate di gara. Si prevede una partecipazione di circa duecento piloti scremati da una lista di oltre 330 richieste da trentatre. In concomitanza si svolgerà il cosiddetto Testival del Volo Libero, gioco di parole tra "testare" e "festival". Infatti saranno presenti i rappresentanti di molti brand di volo libero pronti a far testare i loro prodotti agli interessati. Sabato 8 aprile gli stand saranno aperti presso l’atterraggio Garden Relais, mentre domenica 9 e lunedì 10 aprile presso gli impianti sportivi di Romano d’Ezzelino. Gustavo Vitali - Ufficio Stampa FIVL Associazione Nazionale Italiana Volo Libero (registro CONI n. 46578 #flyeuropesocial
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sports-insider · 2 years
Berlin Trail Testival: Gigantischer Trailrunning Test Event im Grunwald
Berlin Trail Testival: Gigantischer Trailrunning Test Event im Grunwald
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It was 3 wonderful days playing at Jazz Baltica, in Germany, meeting wonderful people and sharing the stage with great musicians, thank you very much to all the organization of this beautiful festival and also to dear master Nils Landgren for the invitation and for the incredible work on this testival. @deodatosiquir @steinarguitar thank you Brothas❤️ #jazzbaltica #ndr #kultur #radio #Mr #Red #Horn #theseedsofthefreedomtree #FreedomTree #frigazzentertainment 📸 Stefan Gerdes https://www.instagram.com/p/CfWnw_ataTg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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receptikuvaronline · 2 years
Recepti i Kuvar online - HOME
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Gomboce ili knedle sa šljivama – Jelica Podraščanin
Recepti i Kuvar online - 25/09/2022
DOM OMLADINE BEOGRADA – POKLONI, POKLONI – TESTIVAL #5 je obezbedio vredne poklone posetiocima!
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Hleb iz tegle ili čaše sa ovsenim pahuljicama – Milica Živković
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Ilija Ilić solunski dobrovoljac
Miodrag Ilic - 15/09/2022
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Opanak – Verica Poznanović
Recepti i Kuvar online - 14/09/2022
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Recepti i Kuvar online - 23/09/2022 0
Svi posetioci koji dođu na TESTIVAL #5 u Dom omladine Beograda, 15. i 16. oktobra 2022., konkurišu za mnoge vredne poklone a najsrećnijem na poklon ide FRIŽIDER CANDY FRESCO!
Momčilo Popović
Magazin 27/08/2022
Starinske potkovice sa orasima – Vesna Pavlović
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Domaće sušene smokve i da li je moguće osušiti smokve u...
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Američke palačinke sa bananom – Recepti i Kuvar online
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Gomboce ili knedle sa šljivama – Jelica Podraščanin
Desert Recepti i Kuvar online - 25/09/2022 0
Gomboce ili knedle sa šljivama.
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Hleb iz tegle ili čaše sa ovsenim pahuljicama – Milica Živković
Doručak Recepti i Kuvar online - 20/09/2022 0
Hleb iz tegle ili čaše sa ovsenim pahuljicama.
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Opanak – Verica Poznanović
Isprobani recepti Recepti i Kuvar online - 14/09/2022 0
Opanak. Moram odmah da napomenem da mi opančići nisu isti, ali ni patlidžani nisu bili isti. Jedan opančić mi je otišao malo nakrivo.
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TESTIVAL u gostima kod Turističke organizacije Opštine Ražanj
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Miodrag Ilic - 21/03/2022 0
Isprobani recepti
TESTIVAL #4 – radionica Kakva je lenja pita sa aronijom? –...
Miodrag Ilic - 20/03/2022 0
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Magazin 23/09/2022
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zanimljivaekonomija · 3 years
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Otvoren Festival testa, testenine i hleba Testival #3
Danas je u Dorćol Placu otvoren Festival testa, testenine i hleba Testival #3. Manifestacija koja je okupila oko 30 izlagača traje danas i sutra od 11 do 19 časova. Među izlagačima su, između ostalih, proizvođači testenina, hleba, kora, instant nudli, pita, brašna, kolača, ali i sokova, džemova, ajvara, vina,…Tu su, na primer, “Marco Polo” testenine, Sretenovića vodenica i valjarica (sa organskom proizvodnjom raznog vrsta brašna), Baš domaće kiflice, Porodično gazdinstvo Stepanov, Kings shop koradžijska radnja, Rada Bogojev sa raznim vrstama hleba od organskog brašna, Bimarni sokovi od aronije, plus namazi i salse, Turistička organizacija Ražanj sa sedam izlagačkih stolova, Šarenika (ajvar, sokovi, džemovi), Fakultet za hotelijerstvo i turizam iz Vrnjačke Banje, Podrum Tatalović sa kupinovim vinom, i drugi.
Osnovna tema radionica trećeg TESTIVAL-a su vanilice, pa je prva na redu bila radionica “Kako se prave vanilice”, a ove kolače spremali su i članovi Serbian Juniors Chefs Club-a u okviru master chef radionice u organizaciji METRO Horeca centar . Danas su vanilice mladi kuvari pravili od slanog prhkog testa sa različitim punjenjima, dok će sutra (13 h) master chef radionica biti u znaku slatkih zalogaja od prhkog testa tipa vanilica sa fokusom na funkcionalnom punjenju (kremovi sa liofilizovanim voćem). Sutra će i Milica Bosnić iz Savršenilice - hand made vanilice otkriti kako se prave savršene vanilice (od 12h). U 14 časova planirano je predstavljanje grada Vranja i Turisticka organizacija Grada Vranja, dok je u 15 časova rezervisano vreme za radionicu WaiWai nudle - testo sa ukusom Istoka, koju će voditi Dejan Ilić, profesionalni kuvar. Proglašenje najboljih izlagača i proizvoda održaće se u 16 časova. Cena jednodnevne ulaznice je 200 dinara.
Foto: M. Karan, B. Tomović
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ramillionaire84 · 4 years
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Not trying to blend in 🎨 “Be yourself—not your idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be.” ~Henry David Thoreau How many times have people told you to just be yourself? A million times perhaps. How many times have you felt able to do this? Until a few months ago, I thought this was frighteningly hollow advice, like “Don’t worry.” And I had no clue how to be myself. What does it even mean? The Simple Secret to Being Yourself My friend continuously tells me that being yourself means doing things you want to do and not caring about what others think. I disagree with that definition. It makes “being yourself” too simplistic. I learned what it really means to be yourself after an eye opening incident. I always thought clubs signified fun, but no matter how much I tried to enjoy them, I couldn’t. I hated the entire process of getting ready, going, dancing, eating, and coming back. To me it’s a waste of a fit! I would have preferred going to a fabric store look at fabrics or visit a monument any day. For years, I thought I didn’t know how to have fun. But I have fun when I design thing or visit monuments, the same way people have fun when they go to clubs. I struggled to accept that, because this required me to accept that I didn’t have fun in the conventional sense. It meant accepting that my idea of fun might be boring to many people. Being yourself means having the courage to accept yourself. It means having the courage to understand that you are a particular set of characteristic and no matter what you do, there will be a few things that will never be you. It’s hard to do this because you have to accept that you’re different from other people. But that difference doesn’t have to depress you or define you. You cannot be everything. You don’t have to be everything. You simply have to be you. And that is enough. . . . . 📸 @rayvaldezphotography . Suit @opposuits #testival #opposuits #summersuit (at Philly) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_PYMrCBL4c/?igshid=41aozml34wno
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wilstudies · 3 years
24. do a five minute tidy up of your room and/or study space
day twenty-four of my april study challenge
so, i’ve been in self-isolation this week, after coming into close contact with someone who had testive positive for COVID at schook. and that’s been the perfect time to clean out my room, put all of my laundry away and organise my study space!
i find that if not, i’ll get into a slump whilst working from home, and my body will use the time off as an excuse to let me have some sucky cold, haha.
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jokers-masquerade · 7 years
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Testival Morphsuit
Morphsuit from: Joke.co.uk
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lulu2992 · 6 years
Did you know? In the French version of Far Cry 5, they called the Testicle Festival the "Testival" and I was very disappointed to see it was not the case in English.
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fan4van · 2 years
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Die Gleitschirmszene trifft sich gerade im Stubai zum großen Saisonopening und Testival. 🪂🤙 Mich treibt es mal wieder zu einem neuen Fahrzeugtest. Den Ahorn 620 für 2022. Ist der Camper billig oder preiswert? Das wollte ich mal wissen! 🤓 Und dennoch habe ich es nicht lassen können mit meinem Lieblingsschirm ein wenig zu spielen… das macht es für mich aus! Mit dem Camper kann ich meine Hobbys noch mehr leben 🚐🪂😀 Zu welchem Ergebnis ich komme werde ich Euch zeitnah zeigen, aber eines steht jetzt schon fest, in dieser geilen Umgebung wird mir mal wieder aufs neue klar, warum ich Camping so liebe!!! Was fasziniert Euch sm meisten beim Camping? Lasst es Euch gut gehen, Euer Markus . [unbezahlte Werbung] für eine mega Gegend, den „kleinen“ 🍁 Kasten und natürlich meiner grünen Tüte?!? . #camping #homeiswhereyouparkit #kastenwagen #campinglife #camper #campervan #campervans #campingmoment #vanlife #rvlife #vanyourlife #ontheroad #onwheels #paragliding #wohnmobil #freistehen #nature #ahorncamp #campervanlife #kastenwagenliebe #kastenwagenreisen #homeonwheels #homeontheroad #travelphotography #travelgram #abschalten #campinglust #campingindernatur #roadtrip #campinglifebalance (hier: Austrian Alps) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbCLvKtsXpw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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codelance · 3 years
What is the use of learning the Python language?
In recent times, Python has been the most versatile in its functioning and the most popular programming language which has got a serious use in the industries. Many industries use Python as the primary base of their work. It is usually used for developing software applications and websites, data analysis, data visualization, and task automation as well.
Web Development, Data Science and Analysis, Machine Learning, finance Industries, and growing StartUps, etc. rely on Python in order to get their business needs sorted. Besides, Python has also been adopted by most non-programming entities such as scientists and accountants for myriad everyday tasks like organizing their finances.
In all, Python has got the maximum indulgence in approximately every field. Various primary uses of Python are:
It is used in Web Development & Building Web Applications, as its syntax is simpler than many other languages. This makes it easy to write algorithms and Data structures. It is the best for those who wanna have a career in backend programming. Tech Giants like Instagram, Spotify, Uber, etc have used Python as core of their app development.
For Data Sciences and Data Computing, Python is famous because of its open source Python Libraries which includes Panda What is the use of learning the Python language?& NumPy are vividly used for this purpose. Many of its tutorials are free which makes it more preferable. It helps to navigate the data sets and visualization, so Python is ‘the choice’ when it comes to big data.
Machine Learning is a part of data science that involves speech recognition, deep learning, AI, etc. as per the above point. Python can be effectively used for machine learning through its specific machine learning libraries and framework such as scikit-learning and TensorFlow.
Fintech + Financial Industry : Python is widely used over the entire financial industry. For fineTech, Python dominates the arena. If you’re willing to work as a software engineer then this is best to choose. Bank of America, Robinhood, Entrepreneurial Financial Lab are some of the finetechs that use Python.
Startups, especially Tech Startups, primarily have titled themselves toward Python based on its ease of application and has a large scope of potential.
There are also many non tech companies like Harvard Medical School, Testive, etc that also use Python for their needs.
If you wish to learn more about Python, do feel free to check out our website or use the Testbook App. There you can find specialized learning and study material focussed on such professional tools. We provide you with the best courses as well as a regular questionnaire to track your progress.
Hope this answer will help you and keep asking questions!
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