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sophiasoni · 2 months ago
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amit-convent · 7 months ago
Especially the backbenchers 😅
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prabhatjairam · 1 year ago
7 Tips to Help Students Overcome Test-Day Jitters
A test-day jitter is normal and happens to every one of us. Everyone feels nervous and anxious before approaching an exam or test. During exams, we all have anxiety, due to which we might not do well. However, worrying about failing or overthinking about not doing well might cause test jitters. 
Many parents become worried as they see their children struggling with stress and nervousness. They pick up these cues and become panicked themselves. They want to protect their children from these mental disorders by motivating and encouraging them. To avoid such test-day jitters, it is important to make children relax and chill.
Pupils must have peaceful minds so that they can concentrate on their examinations. They should cut off all their worries and tensions to get high grades. Make sure that their stress does not become their weakness. All they have to do is stay calm and positive.
This blog post will be very beneficial for all the students as it delivers effective ways to calm their nerves before an exam.
Tips to Overcome Exam Jitters
Here are some useful and effective tips for students that help them in getting rid of exam jitters.
1. Meditation
The real struggle for many children who deal with test anxiety occurs when they appear for their exam. In this situation, meditation can be the best solution. It makes their mind peaceful and helps them focus on what they do. Meditation techniques can be practiced anywhere, anytime, altering the brain with tranquility and calmness. Many schools teach how to meditate correctly so that students can have a daily practice of meditating. Once they become focused, they can complete their task before the deadline.
2. Reading Habits
Reading plays a vital role in a student’s life. It develops their mind and gives them excessive knowledge. Daily reading habits can increase learners’ overall comprehension and help them become better students. If students read the passages thoroughly, they will have a full understanding of the chapter. They could be aware of the protagonist, characters, causes, and effects, as well as the story's moral. As a result, children will be able to attempt any question confidently, reducing test-day jitters.
To get a daily booster, please visit Daily Booster Article| study24hr.com
3. Have enough sleep
Everyone knows that sleep is necessary for good health, but only a few realize that it is also a requirement for academic success. If children don’t get proper sleep, they might face various problems, including depression, Alzheimer's, decreased affability, nervousness, and many more. Moreover, a lack of quality sleep can cause anxiety and exam stress. To overcome this issue, kids should be focused on getting good sleep for at least 7-8 hours while preparing for their examinations. This can help them recall the information and sharpen their memory.
4. Consult with Your Teacher
Usually, students have several doubts right before their exams. But they hesitate to ask for help from their teacher. This increases worry, stress, and anxiety in pupils, which makes them do poorly on their tests. However, talking to an educator solves many issues when things are going wrong. They give learners the best solutions and easy tips to crack their exams smoothly. So, connect with your teacher, ask queries, and solve your problems, as they are always ready to help their students. It’s worth letting them know that you have doubts that you’d like to know about.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact  “study24hr.com”. It is an online education platform that aims to provide the best facilities and opportunities to its students. “study24hr.com” instructors and teachers provide effective solutions to help children improve their academic performance. Apart from that, the site allows teachers and educational institutions to promote and publish their notes and get leads from students.
5. Make a list of things to do
While preparing for the exams, students should make a to-do list that enables them to mark off the tasks they have done. It increases their focus while studying and creates a plan that they can easily tackle. If children make a to-do list, they can identify their priority tasks, so they complete that first and then put their hands on something different. At the end of the day, they will feel accomplished and satisfied after managing all tasks effectively.
6. Outdoor Activities
Another strategy to get rid of test-day jitters is outdoor games or outdoor activities. As we all know, kids love to play games, so it can be a really good idea to refresh their minds and help them remain strong and fit. Sometimes, students get so worried about their exams that they become anxious and demotivated. They have a fear of not doing well enough. At that time, outdoor activities act as a miracle for them because they keep them active while developing their mind and physique. In addition, teachers and parents should try to engage children at least in one game so they can concentrate more on their studies.
7. Practice Mindfulness
If children are feeling nervous because of an upcoming test, they might benefit from practicing mindfulness strategies. These strategies can include positive self-talk, deep breathing exercises, meditation, or simply taking time to look at their thoughts and feelings before starting an exam. There are a lot of benefits to mindfulness that can improve physical well-being, enhance focus, reduce stress, and even improve test scores. Moreover, students should try to relax and chill before appearing for an exam.
Final Thoughts
Stress and worry can negatively harm students. Anxiety disorders can make it difficult for children to focus on their studies if they are not treated on time. It may affect their exam performance and grade levels. Therefore, teachers and peers need to look after their children so that they can achieve academic success.
If any child feels low or nervous, try to help him or her with the above-mentioned techniques. Motivate them and make them believe that they can achieve good grades through hard work and dedication. So, it’s a request to all parents- don’t ever let your kid be upset with negative thoughts or hopelessness. Give children your full support & care and assist them in achieving their career goals.
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flokkyn-s-cellar · 1 year ago
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Today was Test Day! Two groups tested my paper prototype and gave me feedbacks.
Morning group:
Too much elements at the same level, do a better hierarchy of these
They didn't understand they had to communicate
Didn't know when they should continue or not.
I made adjustements at lunch and the afternoon group had a better feedback. I give them more informations and I cleaned the space to make it more clear.
Afternoon group:
They think I should put the white light more in evidence when they find the right combination
More interactions when they discover something, put more interest and "rewards" of making the effort to do it.
Does it have consequences to be in black or in light? (ex: black = character fear the dark)
What I thought I should adapt in futur:
If game is silence or with not a lot of texts to relate the story, the introdution should be perfect to give them enough informations to be more autonomous
More feedbacks between players instead of just texts but without split screen(what is the other doing? How to know without speak?) -> give a goal of being together maybe?
Give more interests in the game than just contemplative effect.
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drivingtestroutes · 1 year ago
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We have just uploaded our Bristol (Kingswood) Driving Test Routes to our site www.drivingtestroutes.uk, these are current test routes for the Bristol (Kingswood) DVSA Driving Test Centre located at The Siston Centre, Station Road, Kingswood, Bristol, Gloucestershire, BS15 4GQ.
In this pack there are 20 .GPX files for Bristol (Kingswood) Test Routes used at Bristol (Kingswood) DVSA Driving Test Centre. They are compatible with iPhone and Android using the TomTom Go app and also compatible with TomTom, Garmin, Navigon and CoPilot Live SatNav systems. 
Learn More About Bristol (Kingswood) DVSA Test Centre – Click Here
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racing-is-passion · 2 years ago
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Mick Schumacher will drive the Mercedes for the first time on next weeks Pirelli testday in Barcelona. He will drive the whole wednesday after George Russell driving on tuesday. For Mick Schumacher this will be the first time in the real car of his new team Mercedes.
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epaily · 10 months ago
fuzzy and the terrible horrible fuckass testday he did NOT wantt to to but had to anyway
reader bewarb this this shit is long may or may not be hard to follow because i talk about (my) degree jargon
ok lessgo
to begin. you need context. theres an organization (one for every country im assuming) that issues tickets stating "X CAN WELD" or else some schmuck with a helmet can walk in and work.
theres a ticket for every process in every position and then some. it was these tickets i was testing for today and i was WILDLY unprepared. it isnt the first time ive done them but i was super out of practice. they are flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead.
so cut to february, the last time we did tickets. remember when i wanted to end it all because i failed a test i spent a hundred dollars on? yeah this was one of those. i failed my horizontal so this time around i thought "i dont wanna do my fuckign horizontal cause last time i failed and i felt like shit so im gonna do my vertical instead"
what no one told meeeee was that you have to get your tickets in position order. and i KNOW i take forever and a day, hence me only doing one.
well i didnt do one. i did two. i have no idea if i passed or failed them and tbh im too scared to check because i was completely out of fucks two beads into my vertical.
but lets not get ahead of ourselves.
the test sheets had to be reprinted twice because the first go around they missed imputting someone into the system and the second time around someone got lost, and then got registered twice. great lovely. so because of this all of our test plates were wrong because we all got new assigned numbers.
we finally get our sheets we go and pay and while im in line in the bookstore to pay for my test (remember this) guess what fucking hit me. the cramps i had spent all night hoping for. at 8:30 in the morning. litterally 2 hours behind schedule. i was FURIOUS. so now i had that to deal with all day thankfully ive had worse but because they didnt arrive on time i have full permission to bitch as much as i want.
so back to the shop. i was trying to set my peremiters for my vert so i hadnt even started yet when my instrucor pokes his head into my booth and says "(tester) wants to see you" so i go and thats when i find out that you have to do the tests in order. so i tack and stamp up some new plates which was probably the least annoying part of the whole day
so i do the new plates first. welding it out goes relatively fine. it took forever to find an instructor to verify it but whatever.
i could not. for thee fucking life of me. unscrew the cutting tips from the oxy torches. ive seen people do it. ive done it. it is Not Hard. i used a wrench n all on all 3 tables and it would Not Come Off. so i said to hell with this and went to the carbon arc room.
carbon arc cutting is using specialized electrodes to vaporize metal. you drag it over metal and it carves into it. fast and easy.
but i of course had a hell of a time doing it like i do anything and it was Not Working. by the time i did figure out what i was doing wrong there were carbon deposits coming out the yahoo and it which are difficult to gouge through. so i had half of it very nice and the other half a melted amalgamtion of metal and didnt gouge very much off. great.
so i finish that. away i go back to my booth. to grind for the next i dont even know how long because oh my fucking god SO much grinding. im not big enough to use the 7 inch grinders so i have to use a 5 inch one which is yk what let me just show you
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these are all cordless but you get the fuckin gist.
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what everyone else got to use vs what i got. dying.
so i finally fucking got it flush. cut it. not a big deal. onto the second one at 1:30. i feel like i should mention that at this point everyone else has been done for like two hours.
i didnt even start welding until like 10ish so i was already 2 hours behind everyone only doing one plate. most everyone else did 2 and so did i BUT I ONLY WANTED ONE
my vertical was so bad i was way too hot and shaking and i didnt put them in in a very good order i would genuinely be surprised if it didnt snap. i needed a practice one but i had No Time so it was messy and the cap was large and my rods were sticking so i was frustrated aND OH THATS SOMETHING IM FORGETTING
some electrodes need to be baked/stored in an oven to keep moisture content low. when i ran out i went to get more and the oven was empty so ithought i'll be a good samaritan and fill it up AND I GOT THE BOX THAT SAID. 3/32ND. MATCHES THE OVEN. AND I OPENED IT. AND IT WAS THE WRONG KIND OF ELECTRODES.
and once you open these they cant be resealed they need to be either used or cooked within 4 hours.
so i started stuffing as many electrodes into the oven as i could and in my haste i sliced both my fucking hands open. i didnt even notice the cut on my right palm because the one on my left pointer finger was just gushing blood all over soaking my glove and getting over the electrodes (absolutely my fault btw i should of been wearing gloves. i deserved this one) and so i stopped and said i need to handle this. so away i went. bandaged now all good. just again. annoyed. and i still didnt have any 7018s.
i found some. eventually. fuck.
i finished my second test at idk 2:30 or maybe a bit later, begged one of the instructors to mill the back off for me because i was NOTTT doing the carbon arc/ grinding for forever again. once it was done bc time crunch i p much just got to look at and get excited over the smooth mill peices before my instructor whisked it away to grind/cut himself. which - i understand completely time crunch im slow i get it im not bothered.
and then we cleaned up. and i was talking to the tester a little bit before i left and he said "glad you paid because theyre checking who didnt hoho"
now. guys. recall at the start of the post where i said that 2 tests are a hundred bucks. and i only paid for one.
i did one of my tests for free afusdiaksoqondiakdka. he said he'd get the paperwork later and he never did 😭
then. fucking FINALLY it was 3 and i got on the bus and came home and i was so spent i had an alcoholic freezie. i dont drink.
i should of fucking stayed home.
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ipman2019 · 1 year ago
testday from North York Wing Chun on Vimeo.
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formulares · 6 years ago
Second week of testing; I arrived in the paddock for my first day on Tuesday around 2pm. My biggest mission? meeting Lewis. I waited outside the Mercedes motorhome for around 4 hours before he finally came out. Roscoe was with him so he was already quite energetic, running with his dog. I called his name, asked him to sign my cap. I usually don't like people running after drivers but I had a 'now or never' feeling. I got to him and asked for a picture, after the picture I thanked him and I got the most sweetest smile I've ever seen. I met my hero, finally.
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On Wednesday I didn't really have time as I was doing Red Bull hospitality.
On Thursday I arrived at the track early, I brought a card and a gift for Lewis and since no one is really around that early I thought I could give it to him around that time. When he came out of his trailer I asked if he had a minute, but he was busy, that was okay though. I continued to wait outside the garage, hoping to catch him but no luck again. Everyone around me left to go to other stuff so I was standing there on my own. Dan (the guy that handles all the social media for Mercedes) came up to me, he said 'the team has seen you stand outside, do you want to go in the garage?' and I just couldn't believe it. I was in there for around two hours, got a whole tour, got to stand around a metre away from the most beautiful car on the grid and had such an amazing time. At one point when Lewis came out of the car he looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.
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After that I had a bit of a wander around before I came back to maybe try and get another picture, I still hadn't been able to give my gift yet. I didn't catch him when he was done driving for the morning. A while later I caught Angela and asked her when the best time to catch him was and she told me he would actually be coming out in a bit so I hurried over to the back to stand in front of the garage again, I caught him there. I got another picture with him and he told me he loved the top I was wearing before asking me if it wasn't hot in the sweater. A little while later I got him to sign another cap for me and he told me he liked my hair.
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I had already asked Angela that if I wasn't able to give him my gift I could give it to her so she could give it to him, she said 'yes ofcoure I'll give it, he's seen you in the garage so he knows who you are'. A little while after he signed my cap I did get the chance to give him the card and the little gift which were vegan stroopwafels (stroopwafels are a typical Dutch biscuit). When I told them they were vegan he responded with 'oh my god they're vegan?!' and it was just the cutest thing. He thanked me and called me sweetie.
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So overall, it was such a good week.
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scrawnsenior · 7 years ago
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Today I’ve been back to basics. Gene, fuel, bike and toolbox just inside the van. Test day at Cadwell park with no frills. Good fun and achieved a lot, gearing change every session to try some different things. A knee skidding, elbow scraping wheelie fest! 
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weehughie · 3 years ago
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Triumph T110… • • #triumph #t110 #triumpht110 #32 #caferacer #aircooled #revival #goodwoodrevival #testday #twin #paralleltwin #retro #spokes #tiger #motorbike #motorcycle #instabike #instabikers #moto #goodwood #goodwoodcircuit #goodwoodaerodrome #airfield #aerodrome #triumphtiger (at Goodwood Motor Circuit) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-hfbeoGML/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sophiasoni · 4 months ago
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amit-convent · 7 months ago
These School Moments😛
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minoiaboardco · 4 years ago
AUDIO ON! Oh yeah. #awakers siamo tornati con #ilferragostochevolevi ! @awakesportcenter La festa più figa dell'estate è pronta! #poolparty starts @ 10.00 to closing FREE #wake all day #live with @dellinofarmer_agrorap 4 #djset with @stevennicoladj // @ale_ranzetti // @michaelsenatoredj // @lebdeejay Voice with @aladinvoice #temporary shop with @algalboard // @memorink_tattoo_studio // @puravida_beachwear Torneo di #calcioa5 ALCOOLICO by @futsal_league_championship Torneo di padel with @il_cernu & @padelset_x3 #awakesoulfood day + night #drinks a pioggia. NEED MORE???!!! FOLLOW US FOR UPDATES !! #dello #bassabresciana #brescia #testday #cablewake #partyhard #perchèlestateèawake #ferragostoabrescia #eventibrescia #bresciaeventi #estateabrescia #estateaddosso #estateincitta #pool #gasati #padeltournament #futsalbrescia #torneiestivi #torneibrescia #calcetto (presso Awake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSTsayfnfew/?utm_medium=tumblr
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flokkyn-s-cellar · 1 year ago
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A lot of things have changed since 12 december 2023. I'm not anymore focused on the gestures but on the idea of colors but I'm keeping some aspects of the puppet shadow.
I'm inspired by Prince and Princess Michel Ocelot with these colored backgrounds and black foreground.
In the idea of my world the white light has disappeared and you have to simulate it through the chromatic circle. When you put complementary lights together it creates white light.
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drivingtestroutes · 1 year ago
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We have just uploaded our Warwick Driving Test Routes to our site www.drivingtestroutes.uk, these are current test routes for the Warwick DVSA Driving Test Centre located at Ground Floor Wedgnock House, Wedgnock Lane, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 5AP.
In this pack there are 20 .GPX files for Warwick Test Routes used at Warwick DVSA Driving Test Centre. They are compatible with iPhone and Android using the TomTom Go app and also compatible with TomTom, Garmin, Navigon and CoPilot Live SatNav systems.
Learn More About Warwick DVSA Test Centre
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