#test your iq
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quizyquiz77 ¡ 3 months ago
Are You a Genius? 30 Hard General Knowledge Questions Are you ready to put your brainpower to the test? Take on the ultimate General Knowledge Quiz with 30 Hard Questions designed to challenge even the smartest minds! This trivia challenge will cover a wide range of topics, from history and science to pop culture and beyond. Think you’re a genius? Prove it by answering these tough trivia questions and see how much you really know.Perfect for those who love brain teasers, knowledge tests, and trivia challenges, this quiz is not for the faint-hearted. Whether you’re testing yourself or competing with friends, this is your chance to show off your smarts. Can you score a perfect 30/30?Don’t forget to share your score in the comments and challenge your friends to see who’s the ultimate trivia master! This is the perfect quiz for anyone who loves a mix of fun and learning. Think fast, think hard, and most importantly—enjoy the challenge!Take the quiz now and find out if you’re a true genius. 🌟
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triviamastery ¡ 6 months ago
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Are you ready to challenge your mind with this ultimate IQ test? 🧠 In this video, we’ve gathered some of the toughest IQ test questions to test your deductive reasoning, logical thinking, abstract thinking, and numerical patterns solving abilities. Each question is designed to enhance your cognitive skills and improve your mental sharpness. From identifying patterns to cracking complex logical puzzles, these questions will stretch your problem-solving abilities and help you see the world from a new perspective. In addition to testing your critical thinking skills, this video is perfect for those looking to prepare for IQ assessments, or just those who love mental challenges and brain teasers. We've also included step-by-step explanations for each answer so you can learn new techniques to approach tricky problems and improve your IQ score. Whether you're taking this quiz for fun or to sharpen your cognitive abilities, this IQ challenge is a fun and rewarding way to push your mind further. Test your limits, track your progress, and compete with your friends to see who scores the highest! 🏆 👉 Hit that subscribe button to never miss out on more fun and educational trivia challenges, puzzles, and IQ tests. Don't forget to turn on the notification bell so you're always up to date with our latest content! Let us know your score in the comments! How did you do compared to others? Doesn't hurt to click the Like button as well! #IQTest #LogicalThinking #DeductiveReasoning #AbstractThinking #NumericalPatterns #BrainTeasers #MentalChallenge #CognitiveSkills #CriticalThinking #IQChallenge #BrainTraining #ProblemSolving #TriviaMastery #TestYourIQ #MindExercise #EducationalGames #mindgames
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romanceyourdemons ¡ 4 months ago
sucks being a person who is morally opposed to the concept of iq when you live in a world that requires you to take an iq test like thee iq test to apply for a corporate admin position
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reality-detective ¡ 2 years ago
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sweettsubaki ¡ 5 months ago
Officially ADHD or as they told me : "you've got literally all the points of the innatentive type and like 1 part of the hyperactive type which is linked to the innatentive type aka impulsion".
Also apparently they couldn't give me an IQ answer because I alternated between average and really above average in between each exercise within the same parts of the tests. Which I personally find hilarious (tbf I think the IQ test is not particularly useful aside from testing somebody's memory and between my anxiety added to my then suspected ADHD, my memory has always alternated between excellent and absolutely terrible, so my main surprise was the average instead of terrible here). They did say I'd have some number about I don't remember what when they'd send me the file tho.
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lezzybeaverman ¡ 2 years ago
So I was originally going to respond to a post about the wga and sag-aftra strike by A Beloved Author Popular on Tumblr, but it's responding to a non-anonymous ask, and said author is discouraging piling on, so I will JUST SAY that:
There is every difference in the world between a person making art in their free time/as a side job/as a hobby (especially while they're working their way up to getting paid the real moneys for this) and a person working an art-based job that is SUPPOSED to pay a reasonable amount of money, but does not because CEOs are greedy. Writing for a TV show? Usually a FULL TIME JOB. Acting, ditto. Yeah, sometimes a person will pop in for a few hours and then be done, but frequently we are talking about considerably more than 40 hours a week. They shouldn't be paid less for these hours because it's not "real work" like physical labor.
Also does that extend to other non-"blue collar" jobs? When I was dreaming about spread sheets and worsening my eyes and back crouching over a screen in data entry, was that also not work enough to count as work? Where do you draw the line, o arbiter of What Counts As Work?
And for the fucking record, no, having a degree in fine arts does NOT qualify you to make that distinction. And having a high IQ DEFINITELY doesn't, since that just measures that you are good at memorizing and regurgitating information in a specific type of testing scenario, not that you are smarter than the rest of us, which you clearly think you are.
For the record, I am not actually now, nor have I ever been, a professional artist of any sort. I decided against it a long time ago, largely because it's so damn hard to make a living doing so. But I stand with the striking workers, because work is work and you should always get fucking paid for it, even if some people think the kind of work you're doing is lesser. I certainly can't imagine deciding that when someone has finally managed to climb the slippery pole of bullshit and knowing the right people and sheer dumb luck and managed to get paid for their art, that they should be paid less because Captain High IQ had to work a blue-collar job and so should they.
In conclusion- BITE ME MENSA BOY.
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chikoyama ¡ 10 months ago
continued from this | @opalchoi
The corners of her mouth remained uplifted in her usual gentle smile once Chiyori observed Opal-chan reanimate after her display of affection. Chiyori was aware that Opal-chan had a tendency to disconnect from the world, so seeing her zap back to reality like that wasn’t exactly novel, but watching her become flustered was cute regardless. “Oh, I- okay..” she returned, smiling still, though couldn't help but feel a little rejected once the other turned down her offer to help.
When the pinkette proceeded to tumble down — clumsy as usual — Chiyori instinctively took a step backward to prevent herself from getting tangled in her friend’s fall. Her brows arched in half surprise, half concern, and she was about to extend her hand toward her friend. However, Opal-chan seemed to be up on her feet again before Chiyori could actually offer her any assistance.
Luckily, though, Opal-chan didn’t seem to be badly hurt, and with a smile of relief, Chiyori mirrored the finger heart gesture. "You know, I'm always here to help you, Opal-chan," she returned before her hand fell back to its natural rest at her side.
Casting her eyes downward, Chiyori considered the question about her day for a moment. “It was… okay,” she shrugged, not sure if there was anything new to bring up. Her day had been as per usual — not really bad, but not amazing either. Studying to become a nurse wasn’t exactly a struggleless journey. Like most things in life, it had its own ups and downs.
Amber eyes landed back on the pinkette once Chiyori remembered why she’d come to visit her friend at the coffee bar today. “Ah, Opal-chan, I saw they offered a good deal on clothes at the mall this week." With both hands holding onto the strap of her bag, Chiyori tilted her head sideways. "Would you have time to go shopping with me one of the coming days?”
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iqmetrics ¡ 1 year ago
Take our free IQ test at IQMetrics.org to uncover your cognitive abilities. Get insights into your intelligence quotient with our accurate and comprehensive IQ assessment. Start your IQ journey now!
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puppy-the-mask ¡ 2 years ago
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Fiddle take 2! Here are the new edited colors ^^ This time I color picked the purple off of the actual skin rather than the shading (on accident) I also made the legs and spider arms the same color for both versions since the contrast looks a lot nicer
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ribbonmiku ¡ 2 years ago
i took an iq test with my adhd testing and i didnt score lower than i did in middle school. i didnt get stupider despite the everything, lets GOOOOOO
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triviamastery ¡ 6 months ago
Ultimate Skateboarding Challenge Full video
It's finally here, the ultimate skateboarding trivia video. In this video you will get tons of trivia, a fun fact and an awesome Guess the trick with real video clips of skaters. Do you have what it takes to master this quiz? It takes a real pro skater to answer all of these questions. We don't even think the legend Tony Hawk is able to get 100% right. Even if you weren't a skateboarder, this is still a fun trivia quiz. Challenge your friends and family. Be sure to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to win free stuff! The next giveaway is a 12oz bag of premium ground coffee medium blend. Do the 3 to get entered to win. Also make sure your profile is public so I can contact you if you win.
#skateboard #skateboarding #skateboardingisfun #insanetricks #besttrick #tonyhawk #proskater #rodneymullen #trivia #challenges #hardestdifficulty #hardest #funfacts
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batcave-dinosaur ¡ 13 days ago
Me, a freak (psych student): I wonder if anyone's written any fic about any batfam members dealing with the effects of a TBI
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quantix745 ¡ 1 month ago
Only for Genius || IQ Olympiad Question || Other Try Not to Solve || IQ ...
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worldtravelandnaturegrid ¡ 2 months ago
Travel And Nature Trivia | Test Your Nature IQ!
We're exploring the most incredible facts about our planet.
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jayther ¡ 3 months ago
50 TOUGH TRIVIA NIGHT PUB QUIZ Questions To Test Your IQ! via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwRfhsI8Ic4
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granhairdo ¡ 3 months ago
i truly do have a love for chemistry but I just TOO fucking stupid for it. in another life where i was smarter i would’ve been a chemist
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