#tessa forgive me
evadwrites · 1 year
dancing in new york, no shoes || 2222 words || written for @sapphicmicrofics
Pairing: Dorcas/Narcissa Prompt: Morning after [ April 9 ]  Also read on AO3
Dorcas Meadowes—a fiercely soft, beautiful mess Narcissa Black can’t help but love.
Narcissa moves to New York, falls in love with Dorcas, finds family in Mary and Marlene, and then goes back to England to steal a baby, reconnect with her estranged sister, and break her cousin out of prison. 
In conclusion: The Dark Lord works hard, but Narcissa Black works harder. She is certainly more competent than Wizengamot, too.
They meet during one of Narcissa’s escapades from the suffocating atmosphere of a house-not-a-home.
Narcissa is a Black, Slytherin to her very core, so she’s nothing but resourceful; she sells Father’s daggers made of malachite and goblin steel and buys an international portkey. The seller in Borgin & Burkes offers her multiple options to choose from, speaks of destinations as if he is a travel agent—wonderful beaches, not a lot of tourists, a well-developed night life—as if Narcissa cares about something as silly as that.
She doesn’t; Narcissa’s main requirement is that the place allows her to breathe. She's so tired of suffocating daily. So, she picks the first item that draws her attention. It just happens to be a garish keychain with heart-shaped maroon sunglasses and a capital D—the grade she never received, the girl who was never hers.
She doesn’t bother asking where the portkey will lead her to, doesn’t waste her time packing a suitcase. Instead, she simply disappears.
Narcissa appears in the middle of Times Square. She turns around, and—bumps into Dorcas fucking Meadowes, of all people.
Because of course she does. Narcissa’s fucking luck .
Dorcas takes her to an apartment she shares with a bunch of people in downtown Brooklyn. She’s careful with Narcissa, as if talking to a hunted bird—afraid Narcissa will fly away if Dorcas spooks her. They don’t chat about anything of importance as Narcissa takes in the overwhelming noise of Muggle New York.
Soon enough, they get to Dorcas’ building—a four-story brownstone in a quieter neighborhood, surrounded by trees. There’s a school nearby, Narcissa thinks; she can hear children’s laughter, carried by the wind. A place untouched by war wrecked upon her home.
“There's a bunch of us,” Dorcas explains, and her hand trembles as she fishes her apartment keys out of her jacket pocket. Narcissa doesn’t bother to look down, but something flashes a slightly familiar shade of maroon in the corner of her eye right before Dorcas clutches the keys in her closed fist.
“Oh?” she prompts after the silence stretches between them. It's thick but easy to mold, like dough.  
“There's Mary and Marlene,” Dorcas stars, and Narcissa watches the corner of her lips twitch in a small smile. Narcissa tries not to wonder what name causes such a reaction, ignores the desperate tug of distinctly familiar something in her chest back from her days in hogwarts. “Alice and Frank rent an apartment a few blocks down from us. we come over often.”
And although she knows the answer, Narcissa still asks, “And Lily?”
Her voice breaks, and she doesn’t try to cover it, even as Dorcas shoots her a surprised glance. The urge to inquire about her never-meant-to-be is almost even primal, something she would be unable to stop, so she doesn’t waste her time trying.
A shadow flickers in Dorcas’ eyes. They’re so close that Narcissa can see amber speckles in the midst of dark brown. She had never seen them before.
“Sirius refused to leave, and so did James, and Lily—she wouldn’t leave him,” Dorcas whispers.
“Of course.” Narcissa laughs, humorless.
She can almost taste the question on the tip of Dorcas’ tongue—it’s ashes mixed with crushed raspberries, and Narcissa chokes on their particles. She knows she won’t be able to hold it in if Dorcas asks, and perhaps that’s why Dorcas doesn’t ask—brushes her curiosity under the imaginary rug, tucks it into the back pocket of her jeans; but she will remember to take it out right before laundry, Narcissa knows.
So, Dorcas doesn’t ask. Instead, she invites Narcissa into her home. And then, after a brief conversation with Mary and Marlene in the middle of a living room in hushed whispers, Dorcas invites her to stay.
“For how long?” Narcissa asks, and if her hands shake around her scorching-hot mug of tea with a chipped handle, nobody mentions it.
“For as long as you want.”
Narcissa doesn’t dare ask, Is forever alright with you?  
Instead, she smiles.
It is, in fact, alright with Dorcas.
The fourth bedroom is filled with cardboard boxes and lots of junk (according to Dorcas; Mary and Marlene insist all these things are necessary) and only has a bed frame, no mattress, so Narcissa spends the first few nights in Dorcas’s bed—because of course she does. That's just her luck.
Each morning, they wake up in a tangle of limbs and stolen sheets the color of Narcissa’s favorite burgundy. They’re a stark contrast against Narcissa’s too-pale and just the right fit to the pale-pink scars on her wrists, yet look perfet against the dark-brown shade of Dorcas’ too-soft skin. And Dorcas is like a cat in her affections, whether awake or asleep. Lazy and languid, gentle yet teasing.
It's months of soft-soft hands on Narcissa’s lower back whenever they’re cooking together, and Dorcas would like Narcissa to move out of the way. It’s months of going out to bars on Friday evenings, of Narcissa having to hold onto Dorcas’ hand when she’s too drunk, of Narcissa taking her heels off as soon as they turn the corner onto their street; months of of walking on grass and dancing barefoot with Dorcas under the streetlights (Dorcas keeps her shoes on, though; she was smart enough to wear Converse). It’s months of watching movies on the living room couch, with Dorcas’ feet in Narcissa’s lap, the two of them laughing like they’re closest friends, all while Mary and Marlene watch them with an identical twinkle in their eyes, as if they’re more entertaining than whatever is going on on TV.
It's months of secretive looks that are obvious to pretty much everyone, including them; months of lingering touches during dinner at Alice's and Frank's place; months of gentle love and healing and safety Narcissa knows she wouldn’t have had otherwise.
It's months of everything Dorcas simply is; it’s months of little things that make Narcissa fall in love with her, inevitably and irrevocably.
Dorcas is the softness under Narcissa’s fingertips; she is dancing in the refrigerator light during their attempts to cook a new recipe after getting inspired by yet another rewatch of a popular cooking show. Dorcas paints her lips scarlet when they go out on Fridays, pretends to be Narcissa’s girlfriend to ward the guys at the bar off, and mars Narcissa’s white shirts with her favorite burgundy every time she wears heels.
Dorcas Meadowes—a fiercely soft, beautiful mess Narcissa Black can’t help but love.
Where Dorcas is softness, her humor completely different from Narcissa’s, Marlene’s is a perfect match. She is a mirror image of who Narcissa could’ve been if only she was raised more freely. Marlene is bite and bark, yet in her smile there’s the warmth of the sun, and she shines her light upon Narcissa almost even eagerly. They have the same cynicism towards certain things that Dorcas and Mary are more hopeful about.
(“No, we cannot get a cat—because it’s a baby. ‘Cas, Mary, I swear, a cat is a baby. Today you’re offering we get a cat, tomorrow it will be a dog, and the day after—a baby.”)  
And Mary—she is almost even motherly towards Narcissa. Mary covers her and Dorcas with a blanket when they doze off on the living room couch, brews coffee every time Narcissa is hungover on Saturday mornings, and makes sure to soak Narcissa’s white shirts as soon as possible to try and get the burgundy off. Mary is the kind of person to take polaroid pictures of the four of them and pin them to the fridge with weirdly-shaped magnets.
So, before Narcissa knows it, she’s in love, and she thinks she has a family.
Narcissa appears in New York in early March, and it’s on the first day of November that the news that draw Narcissa back reaches them.
Because the Dark Lord is gone.
But so is Lily.
They get drunk, and they mourn, and when Narcissa sobs so hard she ends up throwing up, Dorcas rubs soothing circles on her back and holds her.
And then, at the end of the first week of November, Narcissa steals a baby.
Is that legal? No. Does she still do it? Absolutely yes.
It’s not even surprising that it was Marlene’s idea, after a few bottles too many of a cheap-ass screw-top rosé shared between her and Narcissa, and Narcissa knows Marlene didn’t actually mean that.
It was just wishful thinking on her part, after they’ve received the news Harry would be going to a family of less-than-trustworthy Muggles to keep him safe from the Dark Lord’s reach.
(“I wish we could raise him. All of us. Here. Because it’s safe here—we are safe here. Harry would be safe with us. I think—I think this is what Lily would’ve wanted,” Marlene said as she dozed off on Narcissa’s shoulder.)
And the thing is—Narcissa knows it’s what Lily would’ve wanted. Because Lily told her as much.
With startling clarity, Narcissa remembers the last time she saw Lily—two or three weeks before her reckless departure from England. It was the night Emmeline Vance was killed in an Order safe house raid, and Narcissa walked into the Leaky Cauldron to find Lily nursing a drink at the half-empty bar. It clearly wasn’t her first.
They talked the way they hadn’t done in years—since their sixth, Narcissa knows; she might have been counting days at some point, but not anymore. The conversation left Narcissa raw and split open, a wound covered with a thick layer of sea-salt, and Lily’s admission was etched into her skin with the intensity of self-inflicted scars:
(“God, Narcissa, I just wish we could all leave. Leave all of this behind. I don't want Harry growing up with the pressure—the knowledge that a powerful dark wizard tried to kill him when he couldn’t walk yet. I want him to be away from Dumbledore, but most of all—I just want him to be safe and happy, surrounded by people who love him.”)
So, Narcissa steals a baby. Because of course she does.
She also steals Sirius—plucks him out of Azkaban with practiced ease of their (thankfully) late mothers, because, come on . There’s absolutely no way he betrayed the Potters; if Wizengamot is stupid enough to think he did, well—that’s not really Narcissa’s problem, is it? And Sirius just insists on grabbing Remus, which makes perfect sense; Narcissa hopes that they will get their act together soon, before Marlene feels like playing matchmaker.
And, in an act of bravery Narcissa has only done twice before—her first kiss with Lily when they were fourteen and her purchase of a garish maroon-colored keychain with heart-shaped sunglasses and a capital D—Narcissa shows up at Andromeda’s place and fumbles through, “Hi, how are you, I stole a baby and broke our cousin out of prison—say hi to Sirius—oh, and would you and your family like to move to New York with us?”.  
And the thing is, Andromeda isn’t even surprised. She smiles at her as if Narcissa has been stealing babies since she was eleven, greets a very amused Sirius, and asks Remus to help her and Ted pack a few things.
The morning after Narcissa leaves New York, she knocks on the door of not-her-house-but-her-home with a sleeping Harry in her arms and four people lined up behind her: her sister, her sister’s husband, her cousin, and her cousin’s—Remus, who will most likely be her cousin’s boyfriend by the end of the week if Marlene has anything to say about it.  
She thinks of everything she can say to Dorcas to explain, but all the things she comes up with are absolutely ridiculous (case in point: “I grabbed them on my way out”, as if four people and a goddamn baby are a forgotten umbrella or a set of keys).
Dorcas has a spoon of peanut butter in her mouth when she opens the door, but as soon as her eyes land on the line-up behind Narcissa, her lips part, and the spoon clatters to the ground. It barely misses her feet.
“Hi,” Narcissa smiles like an idiot, because oh , she’s so far gone for Dorcas Meadowes that she’s not even ashamed to admit it anymore.
“Cissa,” Dorcas gasps, shakes her head fondly, as if she had known. “Of course you had some machiavellian plan all along. Marlene thought you were robbing a bank, but now I get to tell her you stole a whole baby. Delightful.”
From behind Narcissa, Sirius snorts rather loudly.
All of them end up living on the same street, and although Harry lives with Sirius and Remus, they all sort of raise him. He is safe and happy, surrounded by people who love. Narcissa has never been so happy about committing a literal crime.
And when Narcissa finally kisses Dorcas after weeks-months-years of waiting, it’s right outside their home as they get ready to head to Sirius' place for their weekly Sunday brunch. Narcissa’s lips meet hers, and Dorcas’ keys fall from where they were nestled in her right hand.
A garish maroon-colored keychain with heart-shaped sunglasses and a capital D hits the ground.
Dorcas Meadowes—Narcissa Black's meant to be.
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a1brix · 3 months
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It’s been awhile!
This is my first time doing a « sketch render. » Hope it looks alright!
(drawing clothes and hands is hard ok?? )
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handfulofmuses · 29 days
J / Doll / V / Pomegranate / Lanolin
it is a repeating pattern that the more a fandom hates a character the more i like them
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mxwhore · 2 years
I know our relationship is parasocial but I’d marry u and ur art fucks
i love this trend of describing my art in debaucherous terms. please continue
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Not that Death 1.0 didn’t have immaculate vibes but I am always thinking about a version of the show where Lisa Berry had played Death from the start
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karouvas · 1 year
there are definitely things to critique about cc’s writing and her writing of female chars but I do not think “all of them are the same” is one of them sorry like idk how you look at Clary Tessa Emma and Cordelia and are like “ah yes these are the same people” :/
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kkolg · 1 month
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Forgive Me
2 Days Remain
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Plain Tessa Render
This was originally supposed to be for nuzi week but I gave up🧎‍♀️
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shinxeysartgallery · 29 days
J is kind of an asshole and I think we all realize that especially after what she did in Episode 8. Still think she's being hated on a bit too hard though.
She knowingly sided with Cyn, despite knowing what she was responsible for, and that's obviously not a good thing. However, do keep in mind that all of the affected Elliot Manor drones are just traumatized children at the end of the day. Cyn put all of them through immeasurable horrors. Even without Cyn's influence, the drones were treated horribly by the humans (other than Tessa). And based off the scratched-off armbands that we saw N, V, and J have that also match Cyn's armband, there's strong implications that all three of them are also "zombie drones" much like Cyn is herself. We don't know what they were subjected to before being tossed into the dump and later being found by Tessa.
As J and V are fighting, J makes an interesting comment that sheds some light on her motivations. "...It tricked me, too." Obviously, that was never elaborated on, but it strongly implies that she had made some sort of a deal with Cyn for an unknown reason. We got confirmation that V also had made a deal with Cyn, which was basically that she'd do whatever Cyn wanted as long as she wouldn't hurt N (and then would leave them both alone). Don't know if N also made a deal, but he's likely there as a part of V's deal.
So it makes me wonder, what exactly did Cyn promise J? Did she tell her that she could bring back Tessa? Promise to not let her die again? Something else entirely? Based on her comment to V, SOMETHING was definitely promised that ended up being a lie. Everyone reacts to trauma differently. Saw a post a while back (will hyperlink it later if I can find it again) by another user doing a very good breakdown of how they perceived the drones' personalities changed as a result of their trauma. N became a doormat because he kept getting hurt or hurting others every time he stood up for himself or someone else. (They also add that V's coldness towards him contributed to it and made him lose a lot of self-confidence.) V became rather cold because she was basically forced to turn off her emotions to cope with what she was doing. And she was purposefully mean to N to chase him away as an attempt to protect him from Cyn. J became a corporate bootlicker because she was terrified of being discarded again, so now she feels like she has to prove that she's useful.
And I think those theories all definitely hold some water here and help to explain why J still chose to side with Cyn, even after realizing that whatever their deal was was a lie. It's likely that she realized that if she decided to side against Cyn, Cyn would've just killed her straight-up. And that's really not out of the question, considering what she did to N and V once she realized that those two had asked too many questions and realized that she was the bad guy they wanted nothing to do with. If J had also gone against her, she'd just be replaced with either a clone that had its memories wiped (as evident by Cyn's comment to N in Episode 7: "your clones will forgive me") or a personality shift, or just flat-out a completely different drone altogether. There's also her comment towards V during their fight. "I promise it's better on the winning team.", which implies that J had full belief that Uzi wouldn't have been able to stop Cyn and Cyn was going to get her way no matter what. That paired up with the personality shift might imply that she felt trapped. Cyn preyed on her vulnerability and fears of being discarded and weaponized them against her. She believed that Cyn was going to win no matter what, and if she went against Cyn, she was going to be discarded again. Despite knowing she was tricked, she probably stays loyal to Cyn because she's terrified of that outcome. She doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to be thrown away again. But the only person she feels she can get that security from is the same one that basically caused all of her problems. That same person is practically the equivalent of a god in the universe and seemingly NOTHING can stop it. What choice does she have in that perspective?
I still feel like she's an incredibly tragic character. Horribly mistreated by humans, forced to watch (or participate in) her best friend's death at the hands of the one she despises the most, sees the same bestie be horribly mutilated and disfigured, be forced to commit horrible atrocities herself, and be manipulated and lied to. She deserves a redemption arc.
You're obviously allowed to still hate/dislike her, but that's just my thoughts on it!
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Looking back on the entire show after watching the finale makes me realize just the insane amount of detail and foreshadowing present.
Whenever N’s memory gets brought up, it’s usually paired with him being beheaded
Ep 1: Gets his head blasted off by Uzi and loses 2 hours of memory
Ep 3: Brings up his memory to V who slices his head off
Ep 5: The episode is all about N’s memories and we briefly see his worker drone body missing it’s head when they get to the basement
Ep 8: The Solver rips N’s head off, and after regrowing it, he recalls another memory of the Solver tearing him apart as a worker
The constant emphasis on hands in the show
The disassembly drones having swappable hands
Uzi gets stabbed in the hand in episode one
The Solver and eldritch J with the weird human hand tentacles
The fact that characters are constantly losing hands and arms
V’s weird monster arm from the flashback
The handlights indicating whether a drone is possessed
The constant close ups of whenever N and Uzi hold hands
The secret handshake
Uzi’s hand burning in ep4 and her hand burning as she destroys Cyn’s heart in ep8
The Solver using Tessa’s hand and fingerprint to get past a Captcha Test
The solver powers revolving around hand movement
The hands on Uzi’s wings
Doll’s knife going through Uzi’s hand
Alice chopping Uzi’s finger off
N chopping Uzi’s hand off to save her
There’s more here, and it happens in the other Glitch shows too. For example, Pomni’s glitched hand, the Meta Runner arms being the main catalyst for the conflict in MR, and meme guardians holding hands for power in SMG4
The constant foreshadowing for CynTessa and the little details that make so much more sense in hindsight
Episodes 6 and 7 we see N, V, and J’s yellow eyes reflected in Tessa’s helmet
The creepy apparition of CynTessa in Ep4
Cyn and Tessa having the exact same haircut
The whole entire scene with Tessa and the sentinels
Without the context of ep7, that scene plays out like Uzi’s stress at seeing N get attacked by the Sentinels causes her to be briefly possessed by Solver in order to override the controls
Looking back at it, however, the Solver only fully possessed Uzi when Tessa got bitten by the sentinel. It was trying to save itself not N.
It literally saved itself and disguised the attempt as Uzi trying to protect N. If that’s not a perfect metaphor for who and what the Absolute Solver is, idk what is.
And it did it again at the end of the episode where it yet again it possessed Uzi to get the door open right when the sentinel charged at Tessa.
The Sentinel briefly shutting down and getting confused at what it thought was human blood, and then a few scenes later it comes back and guns directly for Tessa, with her blood no longer working to distract it.
Tessa and Cyn’s matching fondness for N in particular.
Tessa outright beheading a drone in her first introduction which contradicts her character in ep5
Then there’s the Solver/Cyn’s almost stalker-like obsession with N
N being the only DD to not feel pain. J and V grunt and yell when they get stabbed or lose a limb, but N gets ripped apart and doesn’t even blink
Cyn calling N “big brother” which the Solver does as well. V and J are never once called “big sister”.
N being the only DD to have lost his memories, possibly so the Solver could control him better. N is a sweetheart by nature and by continuing to override his memories every time he tries to protect the Workers, the Solver can keep him bloodthirsty and feral.
The weird hologram of Maid V that the Solver used to taunt him
The Cyn hologram hugging him
The Solver purposely exploiting N’s feelings for Uzi to keep him from fully attacking her while she’s possessed.
The whole puppy dog eyes thing
“Your backups will forgive me” and the fact that she has backups of N even before the mansion massacre.
The Solver N, V, and J retain their personalities only because it liked N’s in particular
The fact that it sent the nicest, kindest drone in the entire show to slaughter its own kind
The low, annoyed “Hello Uzi” followed by the high pitched, upbeat “Hi N :D”
How the Solver plays around with Tessa’s corpse and her affection for N
Again with how it plays with N’s relationship with Uzi by using Tessa’s voice to tell him that he has to kill Uzi to save the universe
The Solver using a hologram of N to fuck with Uzi twice
The Solver using the hologram of N to fool V into calling out for him so it could lure the real N out
The Solver’s obsession with N technically never going away. With Cyn as the main host it was a sibling bond, but with Uzi now the main host it’ll likely latch onto her romantic love for N
The absolute insane foreshadowing to Uzi becoming the Solver itself
The occasional reflection of N and V’s yellow eyes in Uzi’s visor
Uzi overwriting Cyn’s admin control and replacing it with her own
Uzi possessing the Solver cameras while in N’s memories, and the cameras having purple eyes
The protagonist’s journey graph in presentation in the very first episode alluding to a big fight and monstrous transformation at the end.
Uzi overpowering CynTessa with her own Solver
Uzi breaking through possession via the powers of angst and teenage rebellion, without even needing the patch like Nori and Yeva
Uzi and Tessa having the same fleshy bat wings
Uzi’s core number being 1001 just like Cyn’s
Uzi’s tail chewing on N’s head for some reason in episode 6, likely foreshadowing to Cyn being in her tail
Uzi possessing Braiden just like the Solver would
Other little details
Uzi’s purple being a perfect complement to N’s yellow which also matches their personalities
The background posters having just the stupidest/funniest notes on them
Uzi’s tail looking like a sentinel head
Lizzy having seemingly infinite phones
The drones treating the school bus like it’s an animal with sentience
Braiden’s head literally always being on fire, even in death
The references to Until Dawn and Friday the Thirteenth in episode 4
The soundtracks having just the stupidest fucking titles (affectionate), with some of them even referencing each other.
N going from being J’s doormat in episode 1 to outright beheading Tessa in episode 7 when he realized she lied to him
The Solver making its biggest mistake asking N to choose “the universe over the life of one little drone” because it didn’t account for the “one little drone” being Cyn, not Uzi
The Protagonist’s Journey chart foreshadowing Nori being alive with the “help from an unexpected source” close to the end of the timeline
Khan going from leaving Uzi for dead to rebuilding her rail gun and directly attacking the Solver in the hopes of saving her
Also Khan’s behavior and bad parenting suddenly making a lot more sense once we finally see a full photo of Nori and realize that Uzi is damn near identical to her mother.
Uzi’s teeth aren’t sharp until after her transformation in ep4
In a roundabout way, the humans on Copper-9 were successful is making something that could stop the Solver, as they caused the incidents that would eventually lead to Nori meeting Khan and passing down her genetics to Uzi
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roseredsnow · 2 months
Just announced at San Diego Comicon
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For the non book Yorde Horde and Jecki Jam fans know you are in such good hands.
Tessa Gratton is amazing we praise the land they walk upon, especially after Temptation of the Force.
If this book is not incredibly gay I will eat my tabbard (do not hold me to that)
And Justina gets control of Vernestra again meaning I will be emotionally distraught after this.
Non book Indara fans you are also in excellent hands but ones that will make you cry I am yet to forgive Justina for the opening of the force provides.
(Another thing not to hold me to but I'll mention is Vernestra seems to be constantly befriending lesbians so sapphic Indara fans you've got a chance of it being canon)
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marcygoo · 5 months
okazyyyy here we go. parts from murder drones eps 6-7 that really tickle my brain that i never see people mention like ever (if you come into the reblogs or comments of this post being like "why didnt you include (x part that everyone talks about)!!!" then that is why. and also i am going. to Eat You.) this isnt really going to be organized or anything. basically just me being abnormal about sounds and movements and other minuscule details that im really fond of for however many words
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okay, first thing is gonna be a sound thing. i absolutely LOVE the beeping sound uzi's visor makes in this part. i really like sounds.
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cant get a good screenshot of the movement cus.. yknow. duh. movement. but the way alice moves from there to the ground to where v is so. idk. fluid. its so fun to look at i really like it
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the finger snap here. i love this finger snap. the noise. the movement. its so good. its so crisp. i love it
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the lighting on uzi's face. forgive me for using the word crisp twice in a row but its crisp. its really good. okay
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and the lighting on n's face here??? the colors are so harsh. i really like looking at it. okay. i feel like im not writing enough to just describe how much i like the lighting here. i really like it. its cool. okay i think its cool. i dunno
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i really like this hallway. thats it. thats the section. the way the camera slowly tilts just a little bit while it zooms in? the way the slowed down music in the background almost sounds like alarm sirens? like okay
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another thing i cant capture properly because, duh, movement! but the way the red sentinel kind of dips down here? i dont know why it did that but it slayed. and id like you all to ignore the fact that my nyan cat youtube bar got caught in the screenshot
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the sound effect that plays here when "tessa" cuts herself with the sword. i dunno. its just a really satisfying sound to me thats all
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another thing about sound effects really close to the last one but. the sorta crunching noises that uzis hand being contorted here make. im normal about sounds i promise. ok on to episode 7
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the lighting here. on nori. insane. im not normal. as mentioned before with n i love this kind of harsh lighting especially with the drones it just looks so visually appealing
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okay ANOTHER part i cant properly capture. this bit where it zooms in on the screen and shows the elevator. im. not normal about it. i really really like it alright.
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LETS EAT!!!! DUDE. UGHHHH. AUGH. i LOVE this part SO MUCH you guys have no idea. im obsessed with it. the line delivery. the pose. the shot. the implications. the way that its just such a simple and commonly used phrase. do you get it. do you understand. genuinely one of my favorite little parts in the whole series im not kidding. let's eat
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o-o-o-o-ow! ! !!! i always love the glitched voice effects alright. and that combined with the movement of nori's body being forced back by the crucifix. idk. i dunno man. i just like it
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and UGH. LITERALLY right after that. the lighting flash just as she pulls it out of her face????? i hate this show so much guys. aughhhhhUGHHHHHHHHH AUGHJJ
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grrrr this part. i literally NEVER see people mention it but. the way uzi.. the solver.... uh. whagever. the way their eyes sorta wobble when they turn to look up at n and nori. its a really cool movement to me i dunno
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no comment needed. the 😁
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ok im kinda putting a lot of stuff from this fight on here. forgive me. its got a lot of really cool stuff. this part like. like. the way all the sound gets kinda muffled and crunchy.. aughh.... i love it. hurts me in my bones. 10/10
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ok bit of an unusual thing to point out here but. the solvers flapping here. its so strange. it looks so weird and mechanical to me. in a good way i love it
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the hand twitch. no further comment.
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eugh. this part. the way the coagulated blood (???) almost jiggles like jelly. eughhh ewwwwwww. why are you like thattttt. (positive! i love blood.)
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drone sound: much, crunch (i REALLY like the sound effect that plays when uh... flesha. bends down and Crunches dolls core. the sorta glass breaking sound. sorry doll.)
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the fucking frog blink. why are you like that. i hate this thing so much.
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the music that starts up right as j lands.. eughjghgjhhhh. augh. dies. also side note that i wasnt able to fit really anywhere. but i love the sound that the ship makes. dont know how to describe it but yknow what im talking about right
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the fucking. sound effect. of uzi stabbing her own hand with the protruding bone. crunch. i really really love crunchy crunching sounds. theyre so good. one of my favorites honestly
uh. okay. well thats it thats the post. thanks for coming to my Autism. walks away
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helenofblackthorns · 2 months
Top 5 fav TSC characters ?
oh my god this is so hard 😭😭 I love so many of them idk how I can pick just five... they are in no particular order mind you I could never actually rank them
1. Alastair - I love him he's so iconic & i will always be kinda sad that's he's stuck in the worst tsc series (imo). he deserves the world & I'm unbelievably excited for his better in black story
2. Clary - extremely obvious I fear but she's my girl what can I say. doesn't deserve all the hate she gets she was a 16 year old girl experiencing the worst week of her life like get off her back. also extremely iconic, truly an it girl of ya.
3. Raphael - first ever aroace characters I ever encountered & for that he will always be deeply special to me. it's a bonus that he's such a good character who's so fun to read about (although he would hate that lol). will never ever forgive the show for what they did to him, it's extremely personal to me 😭
(at this point I really had to think hard about it because there's so many characters I love equally 😭)
4. Mark - love him & very excited for his better in black story & whatever role he'll play in twp. honestly tho I love him pretty equally to all his siblings (except maybe tavvy since we see so little of him), he's kinda here because I need to have at least one blackthorn on this list lol. he comes out just a little on top because he's so entertaining to read about
5. Sophie - my underrated queen 👑 everytime i reread tid im reminded how much i love her and yet she gets paid dust by the fandom. i love her friendship with Tessa & she was so real for hating Will because he absolutely deserved it
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lullaebies · 1 year
Can I request when Daeron either claim Tessarion/ or she is hatched? It will also be amazing if it's slapstick funny at the expense of either Aegon or Aemond. Because we know that Helaena is too smart to be caught up in shenanigans.
This was very fun to write! Ended up as a whole sibling set moment, hehe. I went the hatching route as I generally believe in it! Hope you'll enjoy <3 (also forgive me for any mistakes, I ended up writing this till 1am lol) -
“I told you it will hatch,” Aegon says, the cobalt dragon fighting against the folds of the bedsheets squeaking. Aemond looks at the little hatchling intensely, but only Helaena dares to sit on Daeron’s bed, overwatching the dragon clawing the furs as if they were bears or stags.
“Is Tessie!” the four-year-old Daeron proclaims aloud, gathering the face of the beast into his hands. The dragons squeaks in his hands, but those squeaks turn to croons when Daeron nuzzles against its face.
“You can’t call it Tessie,” Aemond says, appalled. “That’s a tavern girl’s name, not a dragon’s.”
“What tavern girls do you know already?” Aegon snorts at him, poking at his side.
“There’s one in that song…” Helaena supplies, which only adds to make Aemond red. She briskly moves away from the topic, however, waving her hand. “But Daeron had a maid named Tessie,” she moves closer to her youngest brother, pinching him at the round of his cheeks. “Didn’t you?”
Daeron reddens and moves away from her grip. The little dragon releases a puff of smoke in discontent, and Helaena slides away carefully back to the edge of the bed, staring down at it.
“You are going to make the hatchling burn up, Hel,” Aegon says, and promptly brings his own hand to Daeron’s hair, if only to indicate further he does not mean the blue beast in their midst. Said blue beast tries to lunge at Aegon’s hand while Daern’s ears turn redder, too. He yelps and snatches it away quick enough, however. “Are baby dragons supposed to act like scaled rodents?”
Certainly, the whole of them wouldn’t know; little Tessie is a first hatching for their family.
Daeron, mildly offended on his bonded dragon’s behalf, hugs the dragons close and yells at him. “It’s Tessie, not rodent!”
The dragon even manages a little, blue flame that escapes from its mouth, to further drive the point in.
Aegon takes a step back defensively and puts his hands up in defeat, a goofy expression on his commonly sullen face. “Bah. Fine, it’s not mousy, that’s for sure. But Tessie is too normal of a name though, Mond’s right.”
Daeron pouts at that. “But…”
“It can still be Tessie,” Helaena says from the side of the bed. “But it might be nice to make it a part of a grander sounding name, for when it’s going to be big and mighty?”
“Part of…?”
“There’s a family of bush crickets named Tettigoniidea, we can change the spelling some—”
“No.” Aegon promptly halts her, and looks back at his youngest brother, trying to think. “Tessiefyre…? Like our dragons..? ugh, doesn’t sounds right,” he complains to himself, and turns to mutter. “Though it could hardly compare to Sunfyre, anyway…”
Aemond seems to give it the most thought, of the three. “Tessa… Tessarys? Tessaerra? Tessarion?”
“Tessarion,” Daeron seems to brighten up at that. He says it a couple more times to make it slide clearly off of his tongue, and looks down at the dragon in his arms. “Tessarion?” he asks. The dragon croons and presses its head against his finger.
“A good name,” Helaena says, and then dares come closer again, brushing a finger against the dragon’s wing. Aemond dares to come by closer as well, after standing stoically for quite a while. He has always wanted to get close to a dragon, but could never. The dragon he helped name lets him touch its back, for a moment brief, under Daeron’s approving gaze. There’s some calmness in Aemond, then.
Aegon then comes by himself, trying to reach for Tessarion too, last of the three. An inch from the dragon, and she tries to bite again. He shrieks away and escapes behind his baby brother on the bed. “That’s a goddamn snark, not a dragon!” he proclaims, to the rest of the sibling’s laughter.
“That’s a Tessie,” Daeron laughs as he pats the dragon again, smile positively vibrant.
“Tessie, schmessie,” Aegon says, bringing his hands to Daeron’s hair. “I still have you to pet, squirt.”
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raster-rest · 4 months
still warm. //tw: injury??? and blood??//
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that binary code on the background IS ACTUALLY CAN BE TRANSLATED LMAO
conditions for that text in the code to work[it was written not for art from the start]: Tessa is alive and Cyn apologizes to her for all the good//sarcasm// things
if she needed forgiveness for funs or smth
that's how we thought she would probably do it and it was some kind of joke with OOC, and yeeaa.. here, take a look;
oh, Tessa.. you don't know what it's like to be, in your plain language, sizzling, incredibly painful to have your entire being broken down into atoms, if not quarks and less... your death was my gift to you.... 👉👈 gift, an escape from more suffering than what I did to you... and you would stay with me and I would always be in your arms.... :з ..in the hands of the immortal being, the Solver, you would live forever. forever, in the memory of my hard drives, of my code lines.. roughly speaking, there would always be something dedicated to you in me, there would always be a place for you, a place for your name and image.. people don't live forever, and you couldn't neither...that's the most I could do for you... and all you had to do was accept what was going to happen...and it wasn't even my fault, Tessa..~ the program wanted the best for me.. for us! <3 and I helped them with my shell, and they were filled with joy.. you are believe me, don't you?
I fucking love this drone in human clothing i_swear_to_god
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f10werfae · 2 years
Holland’s Girl
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pairing: Boyfriend!Tom x Cavill!Reader
summary: Hi there! I don't know if you still write for Tom Holland but could you do one with him in a relationship with henry cavill's little sister? With the twitter format? Love all your Henry cavill blurbs! (Requested by Anon)
Requests are open!/Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Full Masterlist, Taglist Form Tom
@/dutchnesslove: Tom just confirmed his relationship with Y/n Cavill on instagram!! He uploaded a picture of them cuddling in bed and everything, even Tessa was in between them with her head on Y/n's chest
@/HenryCavill: @TomHolland take care of my sister or else our weekend pints will have to stop mate 👍👍
@/Y/nCavill: Omg fuck off Hen, he loves me more than you do🙄
@/britishstarq: Did anyone see the pap video of Tom and Y/n buying groceries?? He pushes her around in the trolley while handing her the stuff from the shelves. Someone save me bc they are just too cute😭
>> @/marveltrick: Ok but did you see the party where Y/n secretly swipes her card to pay for the groceries and Tom literally tackled her into a big hug and tickled her because of it
@/Littlebunbun: Why the fuck are people hating on Tom and Y/n? So what if she isn’t some big time actor? She literally has her own career path in (insert job), she doesn’t need Tom’s money bro☠️
>> @/birdiebye: I know, fans ambushed her outside of her workplace and she had to stay inside and wait for Tom to get her. This is ridiculous. She’s just trying to live her life, she doesn’t need whiney teenagers trying to attack her. No wonder Tom doesn’t like doing lots of autographs in public anymore
@/retrotro: Henry just posted his annual family bbq picture, and just saw Tom sitting on a chair by the fire with Y/n tucked under his jacket with him😭😭 He was kissing her forehead with his arms locked around her and everything
@/beautifillife: In Y/n's first interview she mentioned how she first met Tom at an award show where Henry brought her along as his plus one. She ended up getting lost from Henry during the big rush inside and bumped into Tom, and quotes, “He hasn’t let me go since”
>> @/beautifillife: Don’t even forget when she said that Tom insisted he bring her home because she couldn’t end up finding Henry, AND THEY HAD THEIR FIRST KISS THAT NIGHT. Although feels bad because Y/n said he was so awkward like a little boy with his first crush☠️
@/turusbeixh: Since the lockdown I think Y/n has moved in with Tom, just because Henry posted turning her room in the family home, into storage for his war figurines. Also Y/n has been posting reels on instagram on how to choose the correct colour furniture, and she’s just the cutest
@/TomHolland: @/Y/nCavill Babe please forgive me, I didn’t mean to walk Tessa without you this morning💔
>> @/Y/nCavill: So first I wake up alone in bed, and then I don’t even get to walk my baby. Unforgivable, unless you’ve somehow got a tub of Ben and Jerries with you. And Kisses
>>> @/TomHolland: Don’t worry got lots of kisses for you, in all places
@/pinkputter: In a friend’s youtube video when playing Hide and Seek, Y/n decides to hide on Tom’s lap under a massive blanket, AND THIS MAN DID NOT RAT HER OUT FOR A WHOLE 30 MINUTES. THAT IS LOVE.
@/DailyTelegraph: Teary Tom Holland seen sending off his girlfriend Y/n Cavill at the airport. The young businesswoman is off to start a new branch in Japan, hopefully she’ll be back soon! Reports say 2 weeks!
>> @/tomholland101: You’re tellin me that mans cryin over his girl being gone for two weeks😭
@/user28373792: Tom holland said that he and Y/n can’t share showers often because she actually makes it boiling warm. But he does it anyway because she wants to 😭♥️
@/User29282803: Y/n posted a photo of Tom rubbing her feet, that mans whipped
>> @/twinkletoerz: Remember the picture of
Y/n braiding his hair. Love.
@/Y/nCavill: Why is Tom crying at the airport😭 He literally booked a flight to Japan for two days from now, he’s staying with me until I have to fly home
@/Northfacepole: When is Tom gonna propose, they’ve been together for AGES (3 years) THAT WOMANS FINGER NEEDS A RING!!
>> @/Y/nCavill: Don’t worry babes i’m on it 💪
@/DailyTelegraph: Y/N CAVILL AND TOM HOLLAND ENGAGED! The pair got engaged at the rooftop of a secluded bar in the west of London, Y/n reappeared today adorning a stunning lab created diamond on her ring finger, a smitten blushing Tom by her side. Sources say the superstar got down on one knee after a romantic Italian dinner and asked the question, we can only anticipate the wedding date which is supposedly next Spring!
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @vrittivsanghavi @Tinyelfperson @fdl305 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @aerangi @alina02 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry
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angelasscribbles · 9 months
One Million Words
Guys! Guys! Guys!
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I just passed one million words posted to Tumblr!! I'm not counting words written. I'm not counting my short stories, flash fiction, poetry, novels in progress, etc. that live on other websites (or just on my laptop). I'm not counting my fanfic stuff that's partially written sitting in a WIP folder. I'm only counting chapters completed and posted on Tumbler.
I just posted chapter 9 of Unexpected, officially hitting the one-million-word mark. 1,001,092 to be exact.
I'm stupidly excited and proud of myself for this. I've been on here for 28 months. By word count, I've posted the equivalent of between fourteen to seventeen novels here. 😧That's like six books a year.
Forgive my babbling but I am ridiculously chuffed about this!!! Thank you all for reading, commenting and generally tolerating me for the last twenty-eight months. 😆
I'm tagging my permas under the cut because I just want to share my excitement with you all!!! It feels like some sort of milestone. Thank you all for being on this journey with me!!! 💕
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @nestledonthaveone @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973 @secretaryunpaid  @irishgrl2022
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @kristinamae093 @tessa-liam
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia
 @bascmve01 @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234 @jared2612
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater  @bebepac
@lunaseasblog @belencha77  @gabesmommie1130
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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