#defying cyn is a death sentence
handfulofmuses · 26 days
J / Doll / V / Pomegranate / Lanolin
it is a repeating pattern that the more a fandom hates a character the more i like them
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handfulofmuses · 24 days
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"It tricked you. If I promised you ANYTHING .... it tricked me too."
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"You know there is NO ESCAPE. EVEN IN DEATH!"
Genuinely though this scene just shows how desperate she is about all of that. The lines under the eyes only appear when these robots are scared / stressed.
She knows she was tricked but she still goes along with Cyn until the bitter end. Defying Cyn isn't just a death sentence, it's eternal suffering. You can't rebel. you have to do its bidding or else you will get killed and just replaced with another copy of yourself. Over and over.
It would break anyone's mind to contuine this cycle that likely went on for decades. J had no reason to think that one single drone could make a difference.
It is also worth noting just how isolated J actually was and how much time she spend with Cyn. N said in the second episode that J was getting orders from someone and we now know that someone was Cyn.
Cyn promised V to leave her and N alone as long as she does her job - it stuck to that end of the deal until they no longer were.
Nothing was said about leaving J alone. She was the one who had to take its orders and was a lot more involved with Cyn from the beginning.
J was not given a chance to grow - she was willing to do an allyship with Uzi but she blow her head off.
As a result, Cyn fixed her and they arrived together on this planet again. N and V could grow, but J's death in the pilot brought her closer to the clutches of the virus. She was getting orders before, but now she is with it in person.
And then? Cyn wants her to watch the ship. N and V were actually happy to see J again - despite everything and despite how J treated them and also attempting to kill N - they were both excited. "It is you!" "Hehe, Classic J"
J herself appears to be confused about the order, but she does not question it. It feels like she was isolated from Cyn a lot.
It also begs the question - how long has this been going on for J to view the situation as entirely hopeless? It took control of them while they were still working for the Elliots and after they slaughtered everyone they were repgrommed by it with the personalities of N, J and V.
N has no memories of the incident. V appears to have some memories ("New body, same horrors, huh, Cyn?") but does not seem to know everything either while J appears to have all her memories.
And the fact remains that these deaths she had to deal with were traumatizing her. She is absolutely terrified of the railgun, freezes, eyes go wide and show "prior hazard".
Every death she had? It's a cruel cycle that goes on and on - with Cyn bringing her back from it and she cannot escape its clutches no matter what.
The situation is hopeless for her - so she just gives up and carries out her orders.
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