#;playing://bestmonologueever.mp3 (j)
handfulofmuses · 1 month
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Who wants her as their minion because she is the perfect minion for you.
She can work full time without any breaks, nor does she need or want a paycheck or anything of the sort in return because don't worry she knows she is expendable AND she will follow every order without questioning it, she will do everything you say without any hesistation, super serious no goofing off because she does not know what fun is also easy to manipulate
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J when she is focused / deep in thought on a drawing or writing something:
Clicking the pencil on repeat
Will chew on the pencil
Taps the pencil against the paper
Twirls the pencil between her fingers.
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handfulofmuses · 2 days
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bless this comment on youtube
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handfulofmuses · 5 days
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I think J likes dolls / figures / plushies / toys.
Regardless of her professional and strict business persona she forces herself to be, at the end of the day, she is just as much of a child as N, V and Uzi are.
The other two might just be from the merch ad, but she keeps playing with dolls in them. And judging by the first picture she is invested and extremely focused too - she is enjoying herself. She even has a small smile.
The last one is from the actual show where she is rocking back and forth on the toy rocking horse while holding some kind of plush thing.
So aside from drawing, she seems to have a fondness for toys.
It’s kinda bittersweet because I wish she would just allow herself to relax for once and not force herself to higher standards.
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handfulofmuses · 7 days
Write a sample of how the fandom stereotypes your character!
Tagged by: @mixed-up-multiverse
Tagging: steal it!
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“Watch out, here I come! I absolutely REVEL in these virus powers! They are FUN and make me kill people yippieeee !!!! I do it out of pure ENJOYMENT and nothing else look at me I am an oil thirsty killer who is out for oil !!!! Wheee fun fun silly willy !!! I’ve got EVERYTHING under control and I am totally not afraid of myself or my powers!! Haha just kidding Uzi I am not sorry you have this virus too it’s fun !!! I am the most SELFISH person in the show and I want to learn how the control the virus to harnest this power for MYSELF.
I do not care about anybody but myself !! Screw Lizzy, Thad and Uzi!! I just want to SLAUGHTER Uzi all the time, I have no layers, no nuance I manipulated everyone in school so that they think I am just a normal girl muahahahaha!!!!!
You know that perfect little girl Uzi who can do no wrong? Compared to her my powers and killing people bring me absolute joy !!! Uzi has not done a single thing wrong and is obviously the most selfless person in the show and she should absolutely tear me to pieces because only she is allowed to grief she went through SO MUCH WORSE than everyone in the show combined here is a list and I should consider myself lucky I only lost my parents I am the most horrible person in the show who deserves to die and it’s all my fault somehow #VirusForevaaaaa!!!!”
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“I am an irredeemable evil corporate beach who loves doing my job I am an absolute bootlicker!!! All I want to is to WIN and that’s why I joined up with a force beyond our comprehension who controlled us, made us kill everyone and destroyed the planets and decided to keep us around as pets and because I want to be a winner I do not care that it is wearing the skin of my best friend. I have such a massive planet sized ego and I think I am better than anyone else! I totally was alone on purpose and wasn’t isolated and had many chances to change sides, I also totally wasn’t willing to do an allyship with Uzi who then blow off my head out of pure pettiness, that obviously didn’t happen. I am working with the virus because I CAN. Because I want to WIN, duh!!!
I also lock my fellow drones in basements because I hate them!!!! I do not care about anyone else besides myself and Tessa!!!
Wait … what do you mean N is near Tessa and her favorite???? HOW DARE HE I HATE HIM !!! Tessa is MINE STAY AWAY FROM HER “
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handfulofmuses · 9 days
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J herself isn’t someone to throw away her own life for someone anymore and when it comes down to it, her own self-preservation comes first after facing death so many times. She’s a lot more cautious at this point over it.
Still, you bet she is the person to be like " ???? “ when someone shows actual concern over her well being or trying everything in their power to save her from something.
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handfulofmuses · 9 days
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J is not someone you can find in “sleep mode” often. In the mansion there was always something to do, the Elliot’s were not someone to appreciate their servants lazing about - nor did they necessarily believe that robots needed to sleep so most of the time she was working even when the other drones already went to sleep, preparing for the next day.
It was the same thing when they were killing the workers. As their leader, she was the one to come up with strategies and planning their next move. J usually did so when V and N entered sleep mode.
If she goes into sleep mode, J is a VERY light sleeper. The slightest change in environment or noise will wake her up. J knows better than to let down her guard and with her death count, she barely, if at all, goes to sleep. It’s to risky for her.
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handfulofmuses · 10 days
People: J only cares about Tessa
J when Tessa's mother wanted to dispose of the broken drones (which includes V):
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handfulofmuses · 13 days
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Real talk, I love how you can tell on the pause, the expression and her voice how this right now is a clear defense mechanism.
This one is the most bitter I have seen her. It isn't even that she says it immediately, her and V keep fighting after the rejected offer and J is just "and here I thought you stepped it up after earth". She only says it when she has V cornered and even then, there is a brief moment of pause.
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In her own way, she does care for both of them. She wants them to be safe - J herself has no joy in working with Cyn, but it is better than the alternative. She wants them to be still a team. She wants to be on equal grounds. Even her eyes go back and forth for a moment.
And when V refuses her offer?
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She is genuinely hurt, confused and surprised over it.
N was not even part of the fight - yet she choses to drag him into that. I feel like part of these expression and her words come from jealousy.
V and N is all she has left from that mansion incident. Yes, she has no problem with killing them (pilot and now with V here) but to her it's also ... what does it matter? They have backups, they will come back with their memories reset.
This was her team. She was their leader. They are Cyn's pets. They were the ones who were together since the Elliots. And now they are both on Uzi's side. She gets killed in the pilot and things are different for both V and N - while she had to remain Cyn's hound dog.
So she is just "I never needed either of you" so that it seems like she is the one in control of the situation.
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handfulofmuses · 13 days
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I think about that "family picture" a lot and how uncomfortable J looks in this
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handfulofmuses · 17 days
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Ey get off her turf the sheep is her boss now and if the sheep wants her to kill she will do it without question
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handfulofmuses · 17 days
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Her being the one to get ordered to take out Mimic is also funny to imagine because she would understand the most why he did that to his original team but orders are orders, nothing personal gotta do my job
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handfulofmuses · 17 days
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The thought of her getting destroyed on a mission with the DC is something to imagine - she can regenerate, yes but I’d imagine something would go wrong at some point.
Tails and Belle try hard to fix her but she is an entirely different robot, what is this built, etc and WHY IS SHE HAVING A RIBCAGE AND ORGANIC MATERIAL INSIDE HER WHY IS SHE HAVING GUTS
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handfulofmuses · 17 days
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What they wanted: branded pens
What they got: trauma
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handfulofmuses · 19 days
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The way she looks at Tessa when her arm hurts (likely the same arm she gets chained up with by her parents), Tessa seeing said face and instantly trying to reassure her that she is alright
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handfulofmuses · 19 days
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Tessa: Sir that's my emotional support robot
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