#terrorism charges
headlinehorizon · 9 months
Tragic Case: Toddler's Kidnapping and Death at New Mexico Encampment
Federal prosecutors present tearful testimony from the mother of a sickly toddler who was kidnapped and found dead at a remote desert encampment in northern New Mexico. The family members face kidnapping or terrorism charges related to the shocking incident which involved alleged firearms training and bizarre beliefs.
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peglarpapers · 1 year
one of the funniest changes made by the terror amc is that historically officers on the ships wouldn’t have been shaved by their stewards. like they would have been brought hot water and shit but not actively shaved/washed. which means jopson is never beating the allegations
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vampirechatroom · 3 months
legal advice for all activists: saying things like "by any means necessary" or anything that can be construed as a threat attached to a direct action can and will land you with trumped-up terrorism enhancements if you are charged. be careful what you say publicly, including speeches at protests and on social media, if you are planning to engage in direct action. there are people doing a lot of extra years in prison because of this.
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larkandkatydid · 1 year
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wigglebox · 1 year
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(Post) First (Kiss) [x] 🌼
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lave-ium · 8 months
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sky au depth charge and rampage!!! dc is a manta (obviously… cuz thats his og alt mode too duhh) and rampage is a krill!!
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and heres a little comic i did based on how you can ride the mantas in daylight prairie (ft my old sky kid before I LOST MY ACCOUNT💀💀💀💀)
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vox machina: half of a coed secret society currently facing university crackdown due to excessive rowdiness and flagpole scaling get a sizable townhouse; there they handle lizard escapes, child support requests, police scrutiny, many villainous professors, and members who won't stop getting engaged to each other.
the mighty nein: paranoid houseboat owners renting the absolutely cheapest moorings at a marina in a midsized european canal city band together against judgemental neighbors/local boat safety inspections/the concept of decay/ecosystem degradation in their waterways/their own dark pasts/two art-student ass cults; against all odds succeed at everything.
bell’s hells: posters on a queer housing page in toronto pack 6-11 people (depending on the day) into a two bedroom; ping-pong between icily polite spy warfare and cloying codependence, all while ostensibly working together to save a critically endangered species of salamander—end up involved in years old industrial drama opposing their friend’s shady mining corporation mom.
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I'm tired and I'll probably pass out in 2 sec but I saw a post -that I can't share no matter what I do - with the main subject being "It's ironic that the P Bros complained about Curze being a monster when they were literally worse in terms of numbers of kills"
Can't give it much thought now because my brain is in safe-energy mode but I believe one of the main reasons why they all complained about his way was because even in war there should be rules to respect.
NL never gave a shit about rules in general,and so they did whatever they felt like doing.
On one side this was highly efficient: you brutally kill a small city to save 3 worlds worth of population.
On the other side, what they did to those people in the small city were the worst war crimes ever made in this grimdark future.
Also, no rules, no honourable war/battle, so most of the primarch would shit on their ways just for this.
I'll may make a better point when I'm able to form a coherent thought tomorrow byeee
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hiraethy · 11 months
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Jared Harris and Tobias Menzies as Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens. is this anything 🍸
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Look man I just think it’s a shame that Lon Chaney Jr’s horror film debut usually gets cut from the roster.
#also I understand this is the rare pair of all rare pairs#but god I’m fascinated by the potential dynamic of Dan McCormick (the man-made monster) and Frankenstein’s creature#because their fascinating inversions of each other?#like Dan is this good hearted circus performer who’s taken the various tragedies of his life in stride#(from his backstory of being an abused orphan to right when the audience meet him when he’s the sole survivor of a horrific bus crash)#only to get his mind melted when some mad scientist figures out that Dan’s apparently immune to any sort of damage by electric shock#who then takes advantage of said mind-melt to make him kill the only doctor who might have saved him and to turn himself over to the police#go through the entire trial unable to defend himself and then be PUT TO THE ELECTRIC CHAIR#walk out now that he’s juiced up enough on electricity to function#stumble through the woods killing and terrorizing people because he’s physically incapable of touching anything#kill the mad scientist behind it all and then kill himself by draining all the electricity from his body#which all seems just kinda like excellent set up for SOMETHING with the creature#if only because with the creature’s modern electricity thing pairing nicely#with Guy who needs to be charged with deadly amounts of electricity to function#like I don’t have coherent thoughts but it feels like it’s got so many fun opportunities.#my art#man-made monster#universal horror#lon chaney
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news4dzhozhar · 3 months
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To cover their own butts, Canada seeks to remove the appearance of complicity. A little late. The damage from their weapons of war have already been done.
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Are 70+ year old bombs even going to work? Mass malfunctions would be what they deserve.
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hussyknee · 6 months
I can't believe that my Egyptian eyes have witnessed a Zionist tweet saying " If you HaTe The IdF and Call them IOF WeLL yOure anTisEmItiC"😭😭
I wanted to punch that Bitch
They're actually so virulently antisemitic it's insane. "If you hate child murderers you hate Jewish people" is the kind of blood libel not even Qanon could dream up.
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horror-aesthete · 2 years
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Why is he so fruity??
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stoportotouch · 8 months
rewatched episode 3 of the terror with The Gang last night and. i think a deeply underrated scene is blanky trying to very politely sidestep the fact that he clearly doesn't think little is fit for command when crozier's like "right i'm off for a walk. yes i am going about 300 miles over land hauling a sledge this does not change the facts." just... so many words for "THAT WOULD ALL BE VERY WELL IF YOUR EXECUTIVE OFFICER WOULDN'T DISAPPEAR UNDER HIS DUVET AND LET US ALL DIE IF YOU DID THAT"
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mylittleredgirl · 4 months
continuing to rotate margaret houlihan in my head (it will continue), and today's observation is that she NEEDS structure, and becomes a holy terror when she's trying to create it herself. not to always be comparing my faves to dogs (affectionate) but she's an Experienced Handlers Only working dog, and under henry's "let's just all be cool" style of leadership, she gets nervy and starts biting people. she's constantly going over his head because he's not giving orders The Right Way. she can't let it slide when hawkeye and trapper aren't toeing the line, even though it'll only bring her grief. she bullies her staff over minor infractions, and it's not even effective!! because while they're in henry's office crying about her harsh methods, she's also in there complaining that she can't control them.
then potter shows up, and her behavior changes. the second he calls her to attention, her objection to her and frank losing power disappears. she's not chaining nurses to their beds anymore. she appeals to him when she disagrees in deluge, but there's no threat that she'll do an end run around him, which used to be her go-to move. she even relaxes long enough to join in the jeep fun for a minute (even though it's "beneath her" as an officer), and enjoys it! she's not nice, her personality hasn't changed, but it's all bark. she's content to have a solid place in the pecking order and is no longer fueling chaos by frantically trying to control it.
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afurioushawk · 1 year
So for the past several months, I’ve been closely following 45′s massive legal troubles (which should be considered an Olympic sport), and the next few months are gonna be wild, y’all. The NYC porn star hush money 34 counts of felony business fraud case was the least serious crime committed. All the other stuff is closing in and pretty damn fast. Shit’s only gonna get more coconuts from here.
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