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geezerwench · 1 month ago
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Why do I use Terracycle for recycling some items? To try and make a difference.
Being the end of an interesting year, and coming up on what appears to be another interesting year, I’m going to tell you about Terracycle. They recycle practically everything, and as you’ve come to notice, trash is big business. I’d even say that we need trash men and people to handle trash more than we need brain surgeons or rocket scientists, because we’re all drowning in our own trash and waste. Recycling in my area is non-existent, but I do what I can.
I can’t change the world. I can’t change our government, but I can do this small thing with the hope it makes some difference in the world.
I currently have Terracycle boxes for bottle caps, candy and snack wrappers, pet food containers and packaging, and shipping waste. I need to get another container for alkaline batteries. Just waiting for another good sale.
Right now, I’m returning a filled Small: 11"x11"x20” Terracycle Zero Waste Box for Candy and Snack Wrappers. I bought it for $85.50. It took 13 months to fill it. 
(11/19/2023 – 12/29/2024. I write the dates on the boxes.)
That works out to $6.576 per month. The last one I just bought was $73.50. I’ll start filling that one. If it takes 13 months to fill, that’ll be $5.65 a month.
I could cram more stuff in there over the next few weeks, but I figured I’d send it in.
Currently, the price for that particular box, size small, is $105 ÷ 13 = $8.076 per month. If it takes me longer to fill it, that means the cost is even less per month.
Yes, the boxes do seem to be quite expensive, even when you break it down to how much it might cost per month.Why are they so expensive? They are shipped to you, and when you fill them, you ship them back for free. It’s not really free, because you paid for it, but there is no additional charge. Once the box is received, they sort through them, and people have to be paid for their work. For now.
Meanwhile, I do try to use less plastic. It’s not easy. I recycle as much as I can of other items, and haul them 30 miles to the nearest recycling center. Not that I actually trust the company running the place, but it’s all we’ve got here. I take metal and aluminum cans 10 miles in the other direction to recycle those. It’s the best I can do for now.
Give Terracycle a look. They have many free programs as well as their Zero Waste boxes. They also make stuff from the plastic they recycle. 
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what-marsha-eats · 1 month ago
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seriousbusinessforhumans · 2 years ago
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catsandcoffeebycc · 3 years ago
How to Recycle Beauty Products
How to Recycle Beauty Products
Recycling Empty Beauty Products Beauty products account for a huge amount of waste in landfills, as many as 2.7 billion plastic bottles a year. It can be difficult to figure out how to recycle beauty products, since many municipal recycling plants cannot accept them. This is where TerraCycle comes in. Photo by Johanne Kristensen on Unsplash What is TerraCycle? TerraCycle, a private recycling…
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anser-crystallan · 3 years ago
So here's the latest on ‘not everything that claims to be recyclable actually gets recycled’
(TLDR some of the materials they took for ‘recycling’ got smuggled out of the country and sent to incinerators, and there's an entire system that does this)
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alicecanthang · 3 years ago
For one of my classes, I have to find recent articles about different issues in sustainability and then write a comment about them. And each time I find something on the surface that look like an amazing solution, after I really dig in and analyze it, there are so many issues.
I've come to the conclusion that TerraCycle and Loop and Tom Szaky are fancy greenwashing, and Tom Szaky says so many things that show he doesn't actually give a damn.
For example, have a look at this article. Loop is testing reusable packaging in fast food and grocery stores that will be returned, washed, and reused. Referencing Szaky, the article states:
"He recognizes that transporting all that material has an environmental impact, but he says reusing a container dozens of times is still less harmful than repeatedly extracting material from the earth to make new packaging."
That is not a good response. The response should be that the price that companies pay covers mitigating actions for the additional environmental impacts from transportation (which is now twice what it would be with disposable packaging) and cleaning (which was not required for disposable packaging). He should then say what those mitigating actions are.
But the lack of transparency TerraCycle is known for tells me that they probably don't have any mitigating actions in place.
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geezerwench · 3 years ago
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We’re often asked if we make products from the waste we collect. The answer is now YES!
Introducing TerraCycle® Made! Celebrate #AmericaRecyclesDay with products made from the trash we’ve recycled together. Garbage has never looked so good. 😍
Shop now: https://shop.terracycle.com/tcmade?utm_medium=post&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=us_terracycle_made_launch_2021
#AmericaRecyclesDay #TerraCycleMade
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what-marsha-eats · 3 years ago
Launched in 2021.
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catmnewyork · 4 years ago
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Whether it's called reciclando, 再生利用, reciclaje, or Wiederverwertung in your part of the world, we're the experts! Take a look at the “unrecyclable” things that we’re keeping out of landfills around the globe.  If the branded program you’re looking for isn’t available in your part of the world yet, a Zero Waste Box™ is always an option for disposing of your waste sustainably.  Tag one of your #RecyclingHeroes to show them some love.🦸😍 #GlobalRecyclingDay  #TerraCycle #RecycleEverything #EliminatingtheIdeaofWaste #EliminateTheIdeaofWaste #zerowastebox #zerowaste #recycle #recycling #recyclinghero #dontfeedthelandfills #ReduceReuseRecycle #sustainable #sustainability #sustainableliving #environment #singleuseplastic #nonrecyclable #BeTheChange #SaveThePlanet #oceanplastic #circulareconomy #loop #eco #plastic #newplasticseconomy #plasticpollution #green #waste https://www.instagram.com/p/CN-XNTfjUsc/?igshid=1w2dtjm7n18b8
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kim · 4 years ago
Similarly, I only learnt sometime mid‐last year what can or shouldn't go in our yellow recycling bin from Geelong council's actually‐quite‐comprehensive website:
Transparent plastic food containers, rinsed clean of food residue, can indeed go into recycling.
Our local supermarket is a collection point for soft plastics and packaging, processed by REDcycle rather than council.
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catsandcoffeebycc · 4 years ago
What Can You Recycle with Terracycle?: Unusual Things You Might Not Expect
What Can You Recycle with Terracycle?: Unusual Things You Might Not Expect
Traditional Recycling Compared with Terracycle I’ve written before about how much I love using Terracycle for recycling items our municipal plants can’t accept. Plenty of things are technically recyclable, but because of limitations on funding and availability, many things are simply thrown out instead of processed. For example, in my county, we cannot recycle shredded paper, wire coat hangers,…
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nyuszimotor · 4 years ago
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tiwaniheritage · 4 years ago
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Guess what?! Our recycling scheme will very shortly be live! @iamhamamat looks ALMOST as excited as we are to roll this out- we’re so proud to partner with #terracycle on this brilliant initiative Scroll 👉🏾 to find out how it works Cheers! 🥂 📸 @iamhamamat #tiwaniheritage #tiwanilife #recycle #sustainablebeauty #zerowastebeauty #noissue #recyclablehair #synthetichair #naturalhairextensions #afrohairextensions #naturalhair #protectivestyles #bighairdontcare #motherland #africa #blackownedbusiness #blackowned #shopblack #supportblackbusiness #blackgirlmagic #blackqueen #blackisbeautiful #helloweekend https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6cGnwpcyc/?igshid=1y0ub5yy8vagf
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rivotrips · 5 years ago
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Brigada de Esponjas Scotch-Brite . Hoje vamos falar de #Reciclagem da famosíssima Esponja de lavar louças! Que já aconselho que você substitua por bucha ecológica que é facilmente encontrada em qualquer mercado ou lojas próximo da sua casa, além de poder fazer tudo que a bucha de #PLASTICO faz e mais, você ainda pode dar um descarte ecológico para na sua #composteira ou vasinho de planta que se você ainda não tem demorou pra ter coleguinha! . Essa é uma daquelas iniciativas que merecem e precisam ser difundidas. Se você já lavou louça alguma vez, sabe que usamos uma esponja durante a lavagem da louça, certo? Essa esponja tem um tempo de vida limitado (em média 4 semanas) e depois de algumas semanas invariavelmente temos que trocar, pois a esponja já está muito gasta e não cumpre mais sua função. Mas então, o que fazer com a esponja usada? #RECICLE . Pensando na quantidade de esponjas que são descartadas anualmente no lixo, a Scotch-Brite se juntou à TerraCycle para criar, pela primeira vez no mundo, um sistema de coleta e reciclagem das esponjas – de todas as marcas do mercado e suas respectivas embalagens plásticas para transformá-las em produtos sustentáveis: a Brigada de Esponjas Scotch-Brite. . Além do aspecto ambiental, a Brigada de Esponjas Scotch-Brite dá a chance aos consumidores de se engajarem em uma causa social. Isso porque a cada esponja enviada para a reciclagem, será doado R$0,02 para uma escola ou organização sem fins lucrativos escolhida por cada participante. . RECOMPENSAS TerraCycle . Para cada 8.5 gramas de resíduo enviado (peso médio de 1 unidade), o seu time de coleta receberá 2 pontos #TerraCycle que equivalem a R$0,02 e poderão ser revertidos em doações para uma entidade sem fins lucrativos ou escola de sua escolha. . Sigam o @terracyclebr para mais informações! . Agradecimentos ao @Razoesparaacreditar #razoesparaacreditar que nos inspira a sermos melhores diariamente! . Vamos juntos? . #reciclagem #doações #sustentabilidade #socioambiental #doar #recicle #reciclavel #reciclable #reciclagem #reciclamos #desperdiciozero #zerocarb #biodegradavel #biodegradable #lixo #plastic #plastico #zeroplastic #plasticozero #menos1lixo https://www.instagram.com/p/CCJf_61pE6U/?igshid=hbhouh3vzl2
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geezerwench · 3 years ago
FREE recycling programs. But you do need someplace to store the stuff while you fill the box.
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seewheelers · 5 years ago
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Barilla Partners with TerraCycle on Recycling Program: Italian food company Barilla is partnering with TerraCycle to provide a free, easy way to recycle its Ready Pasta packaging. “The well-being of our planet, our communities and our consumers is at the very core of Barilla’s business philosophy and operations,” said Giorgio Beltrami, vice president of Research and Development, Barilla America. Source: Packaging Strategies #PackagingStrategies #Terracycle #Barilla #ItalainFoodCompany #Reuse #Reduce #Recycle #Philosophy #Operations #ResearchandDevelopment #SDG #PrivateSector #SustainableDevelopment #SocialMedia #SustainableSocialMedia #SEEWheelers (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5BNK4nMYJ/?igshid=6oh0gm47cq4e
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