#teri baby reindeer
finnyboychee · 5 months
i would treat her so well. donny really had her and fucked it up, i would not fumble that bag personally
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giuliadrawsstuff · 3 months
Pride Month Fanart 2024
Here’s the collection of all of this year’s Pride fanarts, enjoy ❤️🧡💛💙💚💜
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Bob from Bob’s Burgers, bisexual.
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Guillermo from What We Do in the Shadows , gay.
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Teri from Baby Reindeer, trans.
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O from Sex Education, asexual.
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Ymir from Attack on Titan, lesbian.
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Oberyn from Game of Thrones, pansexual.
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The Doctor from Doctor Who, non binary.
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Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, intersex.
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brilarsn · 2 months
people should have pitched baby reindeer to me as “you will get to meet Teri, a badass trans character played by the most beautiful woman you’ve ever laid eyes on” i would’ve watched WAY sooner
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
Speaking of baby reindeer have you guys seen how on TikTok ppl are trying to find the "real life Martha" and "real life Teri"
DISSREGARDING RICHAD GADD'S BOUNDIES like tf is wrong with y'all and then also commenting under every post "snet from my ipoen" do you find yourself funny? Why would you think that's okay to say? You're literally mimicking his stalker and assaulter.
Can you imagine just pretend you have empathy for a second and fucking imagine creating a show, relieving all your trauma to share your story with others to show that they're not alone and acting like a human with mistakes and bad decisions is okay and doesn't make you any less traumatized, and finding a video of people appreciating the show you've poured everything into and open the comments to find the words your stalker left burned into your skull? CAN YOU FUCKING IMAGINE HOW THAT FEELS? And it's always the top liked comment. How can y'all live with yourselves the fuck is wrong with you?
AND THEN I saw someone post an image of Gadd and then the top fucking comment was "he really does look like a baby reindeer" I'm starting to think none of you are mature enough bc what makes you think that would ever be okay to say YOURE AGREEING WITH HIS STALKER AND ASSAULTER?!!? Are you not seeing how insane you're acting?
I think they genuinely are seeing these real life human beings as characters in their show. Yes Gadd made a show, that does not give you the right to treat him and the other people in his life as a character. These are real human beings you're fucking with and I'm tired of all this shit.
Anyways TikTok isnt cool enough or mature enough for Baby Reindeer obviously
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anqaspond · 5 months
still thinking about how in baby reindeer how donny wont kiss teri or go around town with her out of fear of the judgement he'd get for being progressive or just in general dating someone with a controversial identity. Thats horrendous.
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gothicprep · 8 days
i know i'm very late to the party, but i watched "baby reindeer" incrementally over the past week. i liked it a lot, but IMO they really dropped the ball on teri's dialogue. it's just horrible at times.
this character is supposed to be a therapist and the protagonist describes her as intelligent. that said, half of her lines sound like they were ripped from meme-y instagram self help accounts. she says something to the effect of, "i'm here with my friends so i can break my pattern of going back to toxic men". who talks like that irl? honestly? if you want to characterize someone in your screenplay as smart, it's helpful to give them original thoughts. or original sounding thoughts, at the very least.
i was very frustrated with that part about it. she seems dumber than a box of rocks when that obviously wasn't the intention. oof.
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stargirlsuicide · 4 months
watching baby reindeer. losing my mind also teri i would die 4 u
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kaelio · 5 months
what i wasn't expecting from baby reindeer is teri kinda sucks as well tbh. imagine being a therapist and calling people "crazy" and "sick in the head" and when they tell you where they work (normal blue collar job) acting like that's inherently fake because no one could want to only be that. really fuckin mean. saying it's weak to be afraid of a stalker if it's a woman when a guy is scared for his life. awful.
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mi-ciudad · 5 months
baby reindeer was pretty good and all but after all that i really just wanna see Teri get a spinoff tho.
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giuliadrawsstuff · 4 months
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Pride Month Fanart. Teri.
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jjsanguine · 5 months
I'm watching « baby reindeer » and Teri rocks hoping the real person she's based on is doing great
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quotethatshow · 4 hours
I'm back
I manage to find some time for shows this month.
I finally watched BABY REINDEER and wow that poor guy... I was so scared for him. The first 3 ep. were tensed, she sent him like 100+ emails a day and he still didn't blocked her WTH. I expected the story to go down the Shephen's "Misery" way but somehow this got even more scarier. Teri was such a lovable character I wouldn't mind a spin off show with her.
I don't know if Baby reindeer is a true story or not but I know that QUIET ON SET is true... That show broke my heart. Drake Bell went through the same as the reindeer with that man and we didn't know that until now.
This and all that P Diddy stuff rn, are making me sick to my stomach. Hollywood is so going down... or not???
I love Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman but PRESUMED INNOCENT and LADY IN THE LAKE were so fucking boring.
I expected ERIC to be bad too but it was great. The story was presented brilliantly. Even though it explores complex social issues: child psychological and SA, police corruption, homelessness and drug abuse... all of that was presented more lightly and with great characters. Benedict Cummerbach did a phenomenal job.
I also watched MY LADY JANE, nothing special just fun and easy fantasy show with cute couple.
A GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDER was not bad. Visually it has the vibe of Sex Education and Emma Myers is so freaking cute.
I finally found some good fresh comedy FANTASMAS was crazy weird Loved it! and DICK TURPIN was ok. You can never get disappointed with British comedy.
AGATHA ALL ALONG seems promising... and
3 BODY PROBLEM OMG OMFG that is totally my kind of show❗❗❗ can't wait for the next season! and I also started watching CONSTALLATION... bad... but I'm kinda hangry for scifi so... I'll watch anything scifi and horror, feel free to recommend something
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transamorousnetwork · 2 months
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No, Sexual Abuse Doesn’t Create Trans-Attracted People
Back in May I gushed about the Netflix Limited Series “Baby Reindeer”. My focus, obviously, wasn’t on the main plot, but the sub plot; that being the main character “Donny’s” trans-attraction. I gushed about it because I thought the entire series did a great job describing how shame and self-loathing can create a truly, sucky life.
Which is exactly what Donny lived.
While writing that series of posts, I received an interesting comment from a trans-attracted guy. The comment made a point I hadn’t considered. I hadn’t considered it because I don’t believe the point the writer made about trans attraction or about the show. So the point went right over my head.
I’m glad then, that the commenter made the point. It’s worth taking a closer look at it.
So let’s take a look at what he wrote, then unpack what he’s saying.
The comment
Reading between the lines of his comment, it’s clear the writer isn’t ashamed of his trans attraction. Not only that, it seems he’s out about it. That’s great. So here’s what he had to say. I’ve added some clarifications [in brackets] for reasons that will be obvious:
I was baffled at first that people kept asking me if I’d seen Baby Reindeer – I’ve never seen *any* must-see TV shows. Then I realised there was this cis-trans relationship subplot. People I know wanted to know how I felt about that because they know of my own orientation and dating experience… I thought [transgender actress] Nava Mau’s performance was fantastic and [her character] “Teri” was probably the only likable and relatable person in the show tbh. But I did feel that the show let her down in plot terms. No exposition at all for *why* the main character decided to go on a trans dating site. In an ideal world, sure, it would be unremarkable, but in the real world, it’s obviously not something everyone *just does*. And in that absence of explanation it felt uncomfortably like we were supposed to see it as some kind of sexual trauma response to his previous experiences as revealed in ep. 3. When, after their split, he hardly seemed to give her another thought, that seemed to reinforce that she was almost just a plot device to show him going through stages of trauma and self-questioning. Given that it’s based on a true story, of course, that may just be a reflection of this individual’s reality. And yes, that reality may reflect a wider reality of a lot of cis man/trans woman relationships. But I guess I’m just disappointed that the plotline in that regard always seems to be one of trauma, hangups, internalised shame, etc. That’s not at all my experience in my own relationship, and I’d like for once to see that portrayed! So as representation goes, yes, Teri was a triumph, but as a portrayal of a relationship between a trans woman and a trans-attracted man I felt it was a lot less positive.
Shallow thinking creates condemnation
I really like this guy’s perspective. And, he’s right. I believe a trend exists in the minds of people that trans attraction is a response to some unsavory past. Often, that past includes sexual “trauma”. And while that may be true for some, I don’t think that’s true for the majority of trans-attracted men.
The commenter, clearly, hasn’t had that experience. As well, most of the men I’ve worked with also don’t have sexual “trauma” they’re responding to. Many of them did experience an event which surfaced what may have previously been unconscious orientation behavior. But sexual abuse “trauma” doesn’t create trans attraction in people.
Take me, for example. I didn’t realize my trans-attraction until a girlfriend in Japan took me to a bar that featured trans go-go dancers. That doesn’t qualify as sexual trauma or abuse. But it did open my eyes to an aspect of who I was.
One could say the trope that trans-attracted men trans attracted because of past sexual abuse parallels the idea that trans women are just “men in a dress”. Like the latter, the former offers no introspection or analysis. Nor does it reveal any effort on the part of the speaker to understand trans attraction, nor the men (and women) who orient that way sexually. Such comments don’t point to a truth. They just represent shallow thinking on the part of the person expressing them.
Which is why they’re worthy of us ignoring them.
Another trope needing examination
Trans-attraction is just as valid as any other sexual orientation. For transgender people, it is an important orientation. That’s because such people represent perfect matches for trans people. And because of that, trans people can find love they desire.
I’ve written before about how every sock finds its shoe. The way the Universe works, no aspect of being goes unmatched. There always exists someone to match someone who wants to match with someone.
Now, some people do exist for which no match exists. Such people eventually discover they are happier without relationships. I’ve known women who, after dating men and women, for example, discover their best relationship is with themselves.
That’s a great realization to come to. But it often comes after trial and error. Because all of us are conditioned so strongly to have a relationship. Otherwise something is wrong with us. And that’s another expression that’s gone without much examination.
A lot more happiness would exist if people didn’t try fitting themselves into the box the peanut gallery prescribes. That goes for trans people, trans-attracted people and everyone else.
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Stories DO create reality though
All that said, I did have a client who believed part of his experience in desiring trans women came from what HE considered to be sexual trauma involving a relative. After looking at what happened over several months, however, we discovered a couple things about that experience. One, such sexual experimentation between relatives is very common. It’s not sexual abuse. And two, his role in it was far less offensive than he was making it.
In other words, his stories about what happened shaped his judgments about what happened. They also shaped his self-judgement. A self-judgement so harsh he contemplated suicide many times. 
These days, however, this client is becoming more and more free of his negative stories. As a result he’s finding himself more comfortable accepting who he is, what he likes, and what happened in the past.
And that’s the point of all of this. Our stories create our realities. That’s why it’s so important looking at the stories we have. Looking at them we change those that create experiences we don’t like. Every experience we don’t like comes as a result of beliefs we hold. That means any experience we don’t like we have the power to change.
I think Donny, the main character in Baby Reindeer showed us this. By changing his stories he came to embrace who he was. The result not only transformed his life, it also produced a sensational hit streaming show.
Read my series on that show here: Post one, post two, three and four.
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allthegeopolitics · 4 months
New Netflix mini-series Baby Reindeer, featuring up-and-coming trans actress Nava Mau as Teri, looks set to be one of the most-talked about TV shows of the month. Based on real events, the Netflix drama tells the chilling story of Scottish comedian Richard Gadd being harassed by a middle-aged woman he meets at the pub where he works. The star first shared his experience in the form of a one-man play at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2019, which went on to win an Olivier Award. While the stage show depicted the stalker in question as a bar stool, in Baby Reindeer, she is Martha, played by Pride star, Jessica Gunning. Gadd stars in the lead role, although he’s not exactly playing himself. He is Donny, a writer and comedian struggling to find the success he craves.
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lifewithaview · 4 months
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Nava Mau in Baby Reindeer (2024) Episode 2
On a date with Teri, Donny opens up about his stalker. Trying to be kind, he gives Martha false hope, which only encourages her further.
*Donny Dunn: Sometimes you create such a web of lies that you almost forget what you started runnin' from in the first place. But here I was, the woman of my dreams before me. Tony the builder, four stops away from a sex crime.
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scaryspears · 5 months
Baby Reindeer Review + Rant
So I watched Baby Reindeer. I'm going to be honest, I wasn't interested at first, but it gained a lot of attention by Tiktokers. I don't have my own Netflix account, so when my mum travelled and I had access to her TV, I took a chance while I could. 7 episodes, 20-30 minutes each. 
I feel like the suspense was ruined since I knew it was a stalker situation, but I guess I was patient enough to see what would happen. I heard people talking about how Martha was scary, or how they found Baby Reindeer to be a horror, and I must admit that it wasn't the same case for me. When I think of horror I think of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Ichi the Killer. If we're going to argue about realistic situations when I'm going to throw in Audition 1999, a film about a man ignoring red flags and suffering the consequences of chasing after a woman he had no business chasing. Perhaps I have tainted my mind of so many disgusting images that I didn't register that I was watching a horror.
Speaking of ignoring red flags, I understood that Donnie was a victim, and I understand that trauma can affect how a person views the world and how they may navigate certain situations. I know Richard Gadd was sort of confronting himself when retelling that story, and how it's to investigate his psychology. But I also understood that he was an idiot.
A part of me genuinely thought his gender had something to do with it. How men will see a situation vs how women will see a situation. The Man vs Bear situation influenced that thought process of mine. But the episode that opens up about him being groomed and taken advantage of cancelled that out. Maybe he kept underestimating Martha because he sees a poor little woman who needs help.
Martha is a dangerous person, yet he entertained her, sort of. It was clear that he wanted to set boundaries, but didn't know how to, especially if her feelings were going to be hurt. Somehow Martha found her way around it, and when he did set a boundary for sure she started lashing out. She became worse, and yet somehow he was still able to hold sympathy for her. I think that sympathy is forgiveness, but not the kind that demands you to run with caution, the kind that convinces you to give one more chance.
One act of kindness was punished. Is punished. While I can relate, a vengeful part of me scolds him instead. Martha attacked Teri. I hated how Martha was made out to be someone to sympathise with. She threatened and hurt people, and is shown to be a bit of a racist and maybe a homophone, meaning she's an overall unpleasant person. I don't care if she has mental health problems, that doesn't make her innocent or someone I should sympathise with. Do you know what's also mental health? A 36 year old man stabbing a 14 year old boy to death in Hainault. That actually happened.
As soon as a mentally unwell individual starts harming people it's wraps. Donnie contacted the police, but didn't tell the police about Teri. He went along with his dead-end-job coworkers about not reporting what Martha did at the bar to the police because it would be bad for business. The same coworkers who looked through his email and sent that inappropriate message to Martha, making things worse for Donnie. He willingly associated himself with bad people, and willingly put himself through sticky situations. Also, faking who he is on a dating app? Scary. Yes, Donnie is a victim, but he's a massive idiot. Like people who continue to let others suck the life out of them even though they know they shouldn't. Dogs returning to vomit.
I didn't psychoanalyse him while watching the show, but now that I think about his actions, he's just as bad a person. Yes, he told off Martha after she attacked Teri, but it shouldn't have ever gotten that far in the first place. Richard Gadd was honest about not being a 'woe is me' character, and how his younger self made many dumb decisions. I also know that info on stalking was quite limited at the time, such as the fact that giving them attention makes things worse. Donnie saw her at the bus stop, spacing out, and instead of leaving her there to suffer he got her home. But even that act of kindness, Martha still contacted his family to send threats. She didn't stop being a horrible person. No good deed goes unpunished with people like this. No matter what way it is framed, Martha is not a poor little misunderstood creature, she's a monster.
Conclusion: Baby Reindeer, while an entertaining watch, just made me angry. It makes me think of people who are naive and are forced to learn the hard way. No matter how many times they learn, the lesson doesn't hit.
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