#terfs are mad dumb lol
animentality · 2 years
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euniexenoblade · 4 months
1) Egg jokes aren't misgendering and they aren't telling someone what their gender is.
2) being compared to trans people is not a bad thing because being trans is not inherently bad, but getting upset at the idea of egg jokes is not your personal experience, it's clearly getting mad that people are getting compared to trans people
3) "people did egg jokes to me and it made me sad :(" sorry to hear that! Your experience is not universal however! Talk about your experiences but when you use them to talk about other people and other friend groups who are fine with it, it's not about your personal experience anymore (some Mario wikis and Chongo blogs fit for this)
4) this dumb discourse has been overwhelmingly used to call transfems terfs, transvestigators, "Christian missionaries," and run them off the site, this factored with the previous poll where tme people overwhelmingly said you're not allowed to tell your friend they might be a trans woman but it's ok to tell your friend they might be a trans man, kinda paints an interesting picture.
5) the discourse keeps getting changed into "don't call strangers eggs" which whatever. No one's walking straight up to a dude on the street and saying theyre an egg. Random bloggers on Tumblr dot com? Sure don't call em eggs I guess.
6) "don't call random people egg!" Kurt Cobain is an egg. Die mad about it lol.
7) "you can't tell people what their gender is" not what egg jokes are but actually yeah you can that's a common thing about trans people who don't realize they're trans yet is you gotta tell em. Yeah not everyone needs that approach but some do. As someone who spent years helping people realize they're trans and find resources, I know this for a fact, I know more about this than random 20 year old bloggers whining on Tumblr. Get over it.
8) "you can't tell people what their gender is" my husband can call me what ever gender he wants so long as its hot when he does it
9) all the "don't tell someone what their gender is egg jokes bad" people keep misgendering us
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txttletale · 2 months
i got an anon ask saying i should kms bc i "reblog from antiblack racist txttletale" and i deleted it bc like. hello. but i am kind of curious if u even know what the basis for that accusation is or if they're just completely talking out of their ass 😭😭😭
a long while ago (well over a year at this point) i said some dumb and racist shit about #sayhername and was very needlessly snippy and glib to ppl, esp. Black women, trying to talk to me about it in good faith. i since apologized and obviously realized why i was wrong after some people explained it to me but i'm sure there's people still mad about that somewhere (and to be clear i don't blame them--this is just a blogging website and i don't think anyoine needs to like, be aware of my Vast Oceanic Soul on it, god knows there are tons of people here who to me are just usernames i associate with some horrendous take from forever ago).
that said i think most people saying that nowadays are either saying it because of that ridiculous 100-blog long blocklist that went around of any communist who pointed out that usamericans benefitted from imperialism, or from a circle of terf blogs who got really mad at me (correctly) pointing out that 'kill your local rapist' is lynch mob rhetoric. or from when people were just saying that about any trans woman who pointed out that mr. trances and his friends love harassing trans women. so idk i doubt that anyone anonymosuly sending that accusation around unsourced is doing so in good faith lol
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rewritingcanon · 6 days
lmaooo omg I just saw that the children had found your magnus opus post and I'm cackling! they always do that: they literally go to anti-jegulus tag, they get offended that it's full of (SURPRISE!) jegulus hate, they get offended that people dare hate their nazi ship, they get offended that people dare to voice the hate in the proper tag, they get offended when people respond to their dumb, rude, demanding, condescending and nonsensical reblogs, they call you a 14yo for actually having rational thinking of an adult, then they pull out the minor card in the end lmfao. it's such a circus around here!
im cryinnnngn 😭 of course my magnus opus post is the one where im crashing out online bru 😭😭😭🙏
i mean i’ve faced worse on this app then being called 14 (funnily enough this is the second time after a terf called me that for hating on jkr LOL), but the sheer self righteousness was crazy work. like the bottom line is to be fr with yourself— if you love something weird then its going to get deserved slander (we should know this, this is literally the harry potter fandom 💀), and if you dont want to see that then filter ur shit and then you! dont! have! to! (my mutual literally told them this protip but then they blabbed on about their rights to be mad at my tone or something i can’t really remember lol) if its tagged right then they can cross their arms and pout and fume all they want idrgaf at the end of the day its all fiction 😭
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tocomplainfriend · 4 months
REMINDER! Some things about this Blog!!!
This account was originally going to be about complaining many other things (I wanted to create this account to complain the ending of aggretsuko when it came out lol) It turned mainly about HB/HH cause that's what I was watching at the time! And it made me real mad as the series continued to have all these things I saw and wanted to point out. If I lost interest, I would just stop posting- or post about other things. I have other vlogs and more social media, this not the only thing I do (which I thought was obvious, but many people in inbox didn't! So...)
As a reminder, i wanna also tell people that one of the main reason I'm real critical of so many things in both series, creators, and fandom... is because of it all together. If I had this blog at the time of SVTFOE... god it would've being CRAZY. I'm not this "puritan" about content in media, but it pisses me off when creators want to be viewed as the most progressive and the BEST (which many in the cast and Viv have done) and then do all that's on the show or in fandom. I'm less critical of these aspects in media that doesn't pretend this much. I like many things in the shows still!
BTW, please don't be dumb, do not do the "if you don't like it don't watch it" Media is made to be consumed, talked about, used, understood criticized and all. If no one watches something they didn't like, more problems would be in media. I hate the live action of Lion King and I still watched it (not on cinema, lol)
It's obvious but: Necros, Pedos/Lolicon/Shotacons, Zoos, R*pist, SA/R*pe apologist, Valentino fans, Stolas fans, Racist, Zionist, Nazis, Fascism, Centrist bitches, Fujoshis, If you ship Incest - r*pe - childrenXadults (I think that's what prosshiper means? Not sure!). Transphobia, Terfs, Homophobia, Misogynist, "Fiction doesn't affect reality" weirdos, Drake fans (lol), dungeonmeshi HATERS
me putting this here doesn't mean i think they are on the same level, just get the fuck out.
Idk what else I could put here.
For the record for many of these posts: I'm an enby, trans, queer person, ace spectrum. Latino. And given, I talk about SA?R* I'm a victim. I like to complain, go figure! About media and fandoms specially.
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lesb0 · 2 months
White women, white women-ing.
It's crazy how they talk mad shit about terfs in the name of being anti-racist and then proceed to parrot takes that border on race science. Hilarious, truly. Look at how she dismisses the one black woman sweet enough to educate her in the comments section. And of course we've got white leftists in their hundreds reblogging the post (no nuance, no critical thinking) in the name of "speaking up against racism 🥺" meanwhile the take itself is racist.....
What a dumb racist weirdo
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homosexchad · 7 months
seeing the “cis is a slur, so is TERF, look at these people being mean about cis TERFs” has me real tempted to make a blog or website where i collect all the transphobia and bigoted content in the world, all the death threats, all the doxxing, all the harassment targeted towards trans people, and then start a trend of going “trans is a slur! im not a trans man, im just some guy! you can no longer define me as trans. or cis, since that’s also a slur. i’m just a man, die mad” or smth lol.
or, even just do it with smth way smaller. find all the posts where people rag about how they hate short men, or gingers, and then claim that short is a slur, and calling someone ginger is bigoted.
idk, i just find it so dumb bc like ?? i could gather endless evidence of people talking about how billionaires should kill themself, and how they’re inherently selfish and evil, but billionaires aren’t an oppressed class, and billionaire isn’t a slur ffs
like, ok, racists and transphobes and homophobes and misogynists and all kinds of bigots get death threats, threats of violence, and general hatred thrown at them. don’t tolerant the intolerant and all. does that mean, or has it ever meant, that bigots are oppressed? is “bigot” a slur? is “misogynist” a slur? no. because that would be fucking stupid.
how the hell are transphobes getting away with defining terms to call out their bigotry as “slur”, it’s absurd
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walks-the-ages · 2 years
Uh oh! Looks like either the TERFS or Self Shippers are mad, it's so hard to tell when they're so afraid to come off anon lol
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[ID: a cropped screenshot of anon hate that reads "go fuck yourself you dumb ugly slag" end ID]
Literally I have to chuckle when I get stuff like this. It's also so amusing what gets people ticked off enough they feel the need to insult people over the internet, while simultaneously being too cowardly to do it to my face lol.
Like, literally? The most recent posts I've made or reblogged that could have generated this would be ...
1) blocking and mocking TERFs for their stupidity and rampant racism
2) reblogging and commenting/confirming a post about the rampant problem of self shippers clogging the tags of every single modern fandom and reducing any media work to generic and faceless shipping/porn, including stalking and writing porn about real life people
3) oh wait you know what. What would be really, really funny is if this was someone mad that I laughed/didn't care about old man Yamamoto dying in bleach LMAO. I think that would be absolutely fucking hilarious.
You know what, as the most humorous conclusion, I'm just gonna accept this is why the anon hate was sent.
Because I made a text post that says "Lmao bye Yamaji ~"
And this anon is blocked too, so I guess we'll never know what they were so mad about! So we'll just have to accept they were mad at me liveblogging Bleach lol.
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thisisthevoice · 2 years
hey idk if you knew this but that “ihatemenandtherearereasoms” blog is a terf
Yeah I know, was rbing just as an example of them being mad over something dumb as hell. Immediately blocked them cuz I'm not actually interested in engaging lol. Can delete if ppl perceive the rb as endorsement bc I hate terfs
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powerfulkicks · 2 years
I wish terfs all explode today. <3
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arthropodliker · 4 years
do terfs really believe the shit they say. like.... girl....... you can’t possibly actually think that right.
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zisveryconfused · 4 years
Ok im done on tumblr fhfjjffj
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Lol the TERF is mad I admitted to being white. THE HORROR! White people that experience misogyny defending women of color! So scary!
If that's the only goddamn criticism that you have of me, the fact that I'm WHITE when I'm defending one of the women of color I follow. Then you're just proving how your stance was rooted in white supremacy to begin with.
Follow @crazycatsiren if you like BIPOC people talking about witchy shit. They're pretty cool.
(I never hid the fact that I'm white. It's literally in my pinned post. Bitches just be dumb af.)
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hackoftheyear · 3 years
That’s why 90% of anti terf jokes and some posts are dumb as hell. “I bet terfs love the submissive and breedable meme because they love that thing lol”you’re a fucking idiot that doesn’t even know their enemy because you think that reading anything not pre approved by a select few is literally dangerous. Someone got sooo mad when I pointed this out one time. It’s for real embarrassing to see adults do that.
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You don't have to bend over backwards for other people. Women are worthwhile. The truth is radfems aren't the TERF bogeyman you've been told about. Our most atrocious belief is that sex is real. We don't wish harm on the transgender community. Some radfems participate in ace discourse and may have shitty opinions but asexuality is not central to radical feminism - well, we do think anyone has the right to choose to not have sex with anyone, for any reason. Radical feminism isn't a cult and we don't hve secret evil intentions, we just care about women. And I care about you, radical feminism liberated me and I see you standing on the brink too.
Lol you actually mad me laugh, good job! Who ever said I’m bending over backwards for other people? It doesn’t hurt me that gender exists. it’s just not that important to me. It would hurt people who it matters to if we tried to dismantle it altogether. That’s a dumb argument.
It’s not enough to not wish harm on the transgender community. Terf rhetoric has DEMONSTRABLY harmed transgender communities and to ignore that is irresponsible. Be critical of gender, sure. I encourage that. Thinking critically about gender is what lead me to draft that original post in the first place. But pay attention to how your actions affect marginalized communities. If we’re not protecting the most vulnerable people in our society then we’re not promoting true equality. It’s anti-progressive.
Take your average terf as ask them if they think the asexual “A” belongs in the LGBTQ+ acronym. Chances are they will say no. Aphobia doesn’t have to be central to the movement to be a prominent aspect of it. When you ally yourself with a group like the terf community, you take on all the common attributes of that community, and I’d rather not ally myself with such an exclusionary and hateful community, even if there are some decent people in there. I much prefer my open, accepting, progressive side of tumblr to a side that routinely excludes entire groups of people, thank you.
I care about you too, and I encourage you to take a more critical look at the effects your community has on marginalized communities and what kind of message you’re spreading. If your personal ideology is truly liberating and progressive, I think you’ll find that the impact of your community is much different than you may hope. The terf community is harmful even if some people are not necessarily hateful, and I can’t respect a community that decides their ideology is more important than the real life consequences of their rhetoric. Please take a more critical look at your community and decide whether the harm and hate it spreads is worth it to you.
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corrucyst · 3 years
ive seen terfs reblog like trans womens donation posts especially ones victim to transphobic violence and that two faced shit makes me so mad. how are you gonna pretend to be compassionate and spout the exact same bullshit that the people who harmed these women say. terfs say a lot like "ummm lol i guess calling people their REAL SEX is violence now" and im not gonna say they dont know what theyre doing cuz they really are just acting dumb about it. when all you fucking do is bash trans women and disrespect their identities and pass around "receipts" of trans women being violent misogynists and fetishists and pedophiles you are contributing to the culture that harms these women and it is downright fucking insulting to pretend to care about helping trans women. like ive genuinely seen a terf reblogging a post about transmisogynistic violence and say "THESE are the trans issues that matter" like seriously fucking stick a fire poker down your throat
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