senjuofthesea · 4 years
Did someone say tacos?
Knew it would summon you.
Taco Bell opened in Konoha, I am using it as a way to extract my vengeance against the Uchiha.
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tenzoyamato · 4 years
Had a brainchild moment hit me with the image of what a Modern AU Forest Ranger Tenzō would look like. Then with the most amazing contributions from @nki-stories and @rengonemad on the @tenzoscabin Discord server, this AU has came to life with a name and some delicous meaty bits to it!
Your Turn To Stay
What we have so far is:
Tenzō the Forest Ranger, he enjoys befriending the wildlife and protecting the forest, helping out visitors, saving the stranded as well as [but not limited to] informing adults and children about the different ecosystems, flora, and fauna.
Shapeshifters come into the mix one day when Tenzō’s out in the forest taking in the scenery on his lunch break. Turns out the wildlife he was befriending and enjoying are mostly shapeshifters.
It’s a happy accident because they all show Tenzō their appreciation for him protecting the forest and their habitat.
This is when Tenzō meets Kakashi the wolf shapeshifter, and leader of the Hatake pack. [The Hatake pack is made up of various shapeshifters, not just wolves.]
Naruto is a fox cub shapeshifter who was adopted by the Hatake pack. [Feel free to send in additional suggestions for other Naruto characters as shapeshifters and members of the Hatake pack!]
Kiba is also a wolf, but he’s of the Inuzuka pack. [Which is mostly made up of his family of shapeshifters, but they also take in a few strays as well.]
Next we have the Akatsuki Hunters. Their goal is to hunt down and steal the souls of the shapeshifters. It’s believed that when you drink the soul of a shapeshifter it gives you unbridled strength/powers, preserves your youth, and you gain an amazing healing factor.
Kakuzu’s only goal is to collect their pelts because money. 🤣
By now it’s been two years and Tenzō has spent so much time with his new shapeshifting friends that he’s fallen in love with the leader of the Hatake pack, Kakashi.
One day, somewhere not too far away from the Hatake pack’s land [which is also part of the forest in which Tenzō patrols], the Akatsuki Hunters manage to get their hands on a Inuzuka shapeshifter who was trying to save a young boy [Sai] from drowning. They managed to pull him from the river, but they ultimately they were knocked out and captured when they were caught off guard. The unconscious boy is found later that evening by another Inuzuka pack member who went out searching for their brother and brought the boy back to the den to be cared for. Unfortunately, Sai is sick with hypothermia and they’re not sure he’ll last the night so they turn him into a shapeshifter to save his life. 
The next day, before Tenzō leaves the station for his patrol, he is informed that poachers [the Akatsuki Hunters] have been spotted in the area. Tenzō tries to get to Kakashi and his pack as fast as he can to warn them, but he runs into trouble. Right when Tenzō is far enough into the woods, he is ambushed by Kakuzu and Jūzō. They don’t want any witnesses to their business, and the only reason Sai was left alive was because Hidan didn’t realize what the Inuzuka shapeshifter was doing. He simply thought they were getting a drink of water from the river.
Tenzō is stabbed in the back and stomach then left for dead [or so he thinks], but Kakazu and Jūzō know that shapeshifters are cautious when it comes to the scent of blood and that they’ll investigate it. 
Kakashi gets a whiff of coppery scent first, then the familiar scent of Tenzō and he tells his pack to run and hide while he goes off to investigate. Of course Kakashi is panicking because he’s in love with Tenzō too [but they just haven’t admitted it to each other yet]. When Kakashi gets there, Tenzō is already unconscious and he’s ambushed by Kakuzu and Jūzō. 
Shapeshifter Kakashi is a forced to be reckoned with and the pair sent out to this area can’t keep up with his attacks. It isn’t until Kakuzu realizes that Kakashi is protecting the Forest Ranger, he see an opportunity to save their own skins as well as some prized pelts. Clearly, the shapeshifter has softspot for this person to which he can use to their advantage. He tells Jūzō to stop fighting, but he doesn’t listen and Kakuzu can’t stand it. He tells him two more times, but by the third time he strikes Jūzō down, killing him. That’s when Kakashi stops, shocked that the Akatsuki Hunter would turn on their own partner and now that Kakuzu has Kakashi’s attention he quickly grabs Tenzō and tells Kakashi that if he wants the Ranger to live, he best come quietly without fighting him. Kakashi doesn’t see any other recourse so he begrudgingly agrees.
Once they make it back to the Akatsuki Hunter’s hideout, Tenzō and Kakashi are placed in a cell together. Unfortunately, Tenzō isn’t going to wake up because he’s lost too much blood and the only thing Kakashi can think to do is turn him into a shapeshifter [I have am still mulling over if shapeshifters become the same animal as the person that turned them, or if they shapeshift into the animal they’re more akin to].
Tenzō’s life is saved and he wakes back up finally, but when he does, he’s no longer human [Either he turns into a wolf, bear, or a big cat? I welcome thoughts, suggestions, and speculation on this! Halp!]. He can’t turn back into a human yet, not until he’s healed up some, and even then he doesn’t know how.
Kakuzu comes in with Kisame and Itachi to show them his catch and he’s satisfied that his impromptu plan paid off. Now they have two shapeshifters for the price of one, which means another pelt for him and another soul for the Akatsuki Hunters [I totally imagine the Akatsuki Hunters being an occult now. Lmfao! 🤣] 
That’s all we’ve got for now! If you wish to ask any questions, want to add to this, make suggestions, or comments, please feel free to send them in! 💜🌱🙆‍♂️
@superbacongirl @hades-bitch @tenzosnewleaf
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uchihaeyes · 4 years
"Don't go into the attic! And don't ask why!"
“Huh? But why though? I need to know the reason!” He said as he crossed his arms on his chest, “What's going on, Yamato? Tell. Me”
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thatsneakymedic · 4 years
Continued from HERE
Kabuto keeps his smile but he has a nervous energy about him but then he stops smiling. He completely forgot that root members are not supposed to show much emotion. Something that Kabuto himself is still learning how to. Internally, Kabuto is grateful that his roommate isn’t an adult, not that they would mix them up since even the adults have to share a bed with each other just like the kids. Hopefully the same gender but he wouldn’t know about that.
As the other walked close to the bed, he removes the sheets to prove to them that he wasn’t lying and that the bed was clean. “See? Clean as a-!”  His eyes widen as Kinoe leans uncomfortably close towards him to examine his hair and... did he just smell his hair? He doesn’t move as Kinoe inspects him and the bed itself as well and a light blush flushes his cheeks from embarrassment, “I’m not dirty, I always take a bath before bed and another one in the morning...”  He wonders if they noticed his hidden scar in his scalp from when he was first found by Mother.
Kabuto moves to the right side of the bed to let them sleep on the left side of the bed since Kabuto always did prefer that side. But he blinks when Kinoe just decides to lay down on the bed without putting the blanket over him. It’s a shame that the pillow isn’t big enough for the both of them to share, unless Kabuto gives it to him, which is debatable since it smells like Kabuto’s head. His dark eyes peek at Kinoe’s face from behind the blankets. He had to admit that they have much prettier hair than he does, and it looks clean too. Thank goodness. “I-I know, the body retrieval mission right?  That was why they made us roommates as a convenience so that we would spend less time having to find each other when we have to leave in the morning.”  
Somnolence? What’s... Oh! He means sleep. He nods, “I know, usually I wake myself up since I hear the adult’s footprints outside of my room. But sometimes I tend to oversleep or not sleep at all in some nights so it would be nice if you could do that for me. I’m working on it thought. And I think we both have to wake up and arrive at the same time but do you think that you can wake me up 30 minutes earlier before we have to leave our rooms? I like to do a little maintenance in the room to keep it clean.” 
“Umm... you can use the blanket if you want too. I don’t mind sharing it with you... but if you don’t want too, that’s fine. I also don’t move a lot in my sleep as far as I know. ” He lightly tugs at the plain white sheet under Kinoe to try to get him to move so that they both can be covered. 
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haruno-sakura-san · 4 years
orochimaru X yamato by Kibbitzer
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anti-climactic · 4 years
You're so sweet. Mucho amor mi esposa! 💜🧡💜🧡💜🧡
Mucho amor Mi esposo!!!! 🧡💜🧡💜
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rinmedic · 4 years
“What do you mean, we’re fucked?”
“We're absolutely fucked, Yamato. That's what I said.” Rin pushed Yamato's head down behind the rock they hid behind.
Kami knows how Rin's plan fell apart. She planned it so carefully. The mission was supposed to be a Joint one with an ANBU. and to her luck she was placed with Yamato. She didn't hate him, but she didn't know anything about him, other than he was a close friend to Kakashi.
Sighing as she tried to hide her Chakra signature, considering it was quite large. Right now, she had to make sure Yamato was okay, afterall, if worse case happens, and she turns into the Sanbi, she had to make sure Yamato was safe.
“We won't be able to hide forever, they'll find us soon if we don't do something"
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😶 - nudges my muse
Touch Starved Prompts Send one of the following symbols for a starter from my muse where your muse:
😶 - nudges my muse
 It was late afternoon as Itachi laid in his bed sound asleep after seeing Sasuke leave before his mission, as the Uchiha continued to sleep peacefully for a few more hours, he had no idea that Yamato had entered his and Sasuke's home, most likely to check up on him. or to tell him that Lady Tsunade wished to see him about something, but since Itachi had no idea that it was the wood style user who was now standing over his once sleeping form, he gripped the kunai that he kept secretly under his pillow and once he felt someone touch his back, his eyes flickered open and he was prepared to attack the other before he was the one that was attacked, jumping out of bed he held the kunai to Yamato's throat with his sharingan activated, but once Itachi realized it was the wood style user who nudged him awake, the Uchiha's eyes grew wide with shock and instiantly lowered the kunai away from the other's throat with an apologetic expression appearing on his face while his eyes drifted away seconds later."My apologizes Yamato..." he spoke quietly in a apologetic tone of voice while his attention drifted back to look at Yamato.
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shikaku-the-nara · 4 years
Sitting in one of the chairs, the Mokuton user slides down in his seat to try and take a nap after waiting for several hours. Closing his eyes, Tenzō sighs heavily to try and relax his nerves, but his attempt at a nap was interrupted by the approaching Medical Ninja. Upon hearing fast paced footsteps approching the waiting room, Tenzō Anbu reflexes caused him to shoot up from the chair. Almond eyes shot open but they take a moment to focus before they land on the ninja stopping in front of him.
Hearing his real name being used as the first word being said, the Mokuton user takes it as a good sign; that Shikaku must be alive and told the staff who had brought him in. Listening to him go on with the status report, relief washes over Tenzō like the first rain after a drought in summer.
“I’m just glad he’s okay and that you were able to stabilize him,” the brunette says in a soft tone as he rubs the back of his neck. “And yes, I would like to see him. Lead the way.”
Following close behind the Medical Ninja, Tenzō only hopes that his Commander stays on the mend. Some measure of guilt remains in the back of his mind for having not noticed, or suspected that the Nara was poisoned. Especially since he was specifically trained for these things while in Root and Anbu. Perhaps it was his current position as a Jonin Captain that caused his skills to rust.
Once they arrived at Shikaku’s room, Tenzō slowly walks in, unsure if his Commander is awake. Moving over to his bedside, he looks over his shoulder at the Medic-Nin for reassurance. As he nods at the Mokuton user, the brunette turns to look the older Shinobi over. His eyes are closed, but he decides to greet him anyway to see if he’ll get a response. “Glad you pulled through, Shikaku. How are you feeling?”
Shikaku laid in the hospital bed and listened to the ambient sounds around him as his mind tried its best to catch up to the situation that had unfolded. It felt like one minute he was in his office and then the next he was laying on a bed. He could vaguely remember something occuring in between those two events.. Something to do with being sick or something? He wasn’t sure. 
He took note of his body and how it felt as he lay there - something he had learnt to do many times after a night out with the boys and not wanting to sit up too fast just to vomit on himself.  It felt like everything was where it was meant to be. He could move his fingers and toes and his breathing seemed relatively stable. 
He did notice a lethargy in his mind though, and wondered vaguely if he had been drugged. It was obvious by the smell of bleach and the beeping of machines that he was in a hospital, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe that he had been medicated. 
A short while later he heard footsteps approaching and the sound of someone sitting next to his bed. 
If it’s Yoshino then perhaps we should just pretend to be sleeping still and keep the peace... He thought idly to himself before the visitor spoke.  The Nara patriach opened his eyes slowly and let his head lull to the side to look at Tenzo.  “I feel like shit. What happened?” 
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kakakakashi · 4 years
Senpai... Next time you want me to dog sit, call me in advance! Leaving your dogs at my doorstep with a note that says, "Be back later" is not sufficient enough!
Kakashi, visibly liking dog photos on Instagram: I don’t have a phone.
Kakashi: You wouldn’t give them back last time.
Cherry: That’s because they like me more.
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alumort · 4 years
💌Just a reminder that you are awesome and your blog brings me joy! Spread the love if you'd like! 💌
Tumblr media
Thank you for sending me this🥺 it made me smile
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senjuofthesea · 4 years
“If it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck."
“Then there is a high chance it’s a duck,” Tobirama confirms. He’s not sure if the thing in front of him even clarifies as such. He leans over, critically eyeing the bird.
“I think it’s a goose pretending to be a duck.”
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illwork4anime · 4 years
😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.
♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ thanks!!! I'm glad you think I'm friendly! Always fee to reach out when you need a friend. 🥰
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bitchiha · 4 years
13. I’ll talk about my favorite character
Enjoy this I was itching my mosquito bite and that took up most of my braincells so sorry if this is a little stupid 🤩🤩
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haruno-sakura-san · 4 years
@tenzoyamato it finally happened where I can't sleep. You better be sawing logs. Pun intended.
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anti-climactic · 4 years
"Just wanna be, wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Just wanna be, I wanna bewitch you all night."~Ghost ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤😘
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