snoreyua · 1 year
₊˚ෆ ⁀➷ come back to me // ep. 3
synopsis : you and riki were childhood best friends doing everything together. when you entered middle school, you overheard him talking shit about you to his so-called friends. out of frustration, you moved schools and cut all contact with him. now starting a new year in high school, what will you do when riki unexpectedly transfers to your school? can you rebuild your friendship or will something much deeper will bloom?
word count : 1k
warnings : angst?? lowercase intended, lmk if i should add anything
yua's notes : y/nki ship ?!?!!? 😍😍
previous masterlist next
story written under the cut
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you span your pencil in between your fingers, not paying any attention to your teacher's monotonous lecture. you looked to your side, looking at riki who also seemed bored, his face resting on his arm. your mind traced back to yesterday, the events repeating in your head. the chocolate milk, his awkwardness, the way he ran away after. it felt weird but in a good way. as you daydreamed, riki noticed your gaze on him lingered on him than normal. you quickly turned around, feeling embarrassed. "and y/n! can you answer the question on the board?" the teacher picked at you, an impatient smile on her face as she tapped her foot on the floor. she cocked her head to the side, waiting for you to answer.
the equation on the board was like gibberish, none of it making sense in your head. you panicked, scribbling down random numbers making the best of what you knew. you felt a nudge, your eyes landing on riki again. he swiftly slipped a note to you with the answer. "uhh is the answer 91?" you read off the sticky note, hoping that he had given you the right answer. the teacher looked at you, then looked at riki, staying silent for a while before speaking up. "the answer was 128. looks like you need to pay more attention to my classes," she said disappointed before facing back to the class.
you elbowed riki, glaring at him. "good job genius you're 26 off the answer," you sarcastically congratulated him. he looked at his notes before looking back at you. "actually, it's 37-" you shot daggers at him, almost looking like you wanted to strangle him. "well close enough… you already know that neither of us are good at math," he scratched his head. you ignored him as you folded your arms on the desk, laying your head on top of your makeshift pillow.
as soon as you heard the bell go, you shot up from your seat and stuffed your things in your bag. you slinged your bag over your shoulder, trying to leave the classroom when riki appeared. " I know you told me not to talk to you unless you talk to me first but you have sport next right?" he stood in front of you, stopping you from leaving. you rolled your eyes, mumbling a bunch of swears trying to get pass him but he wouldn't budge. he blocked the doorway with his body, preventing you to leave the classroom. "answer the question." he tried to sound more demanding but failed. you groaned and nodded. "yes I have sport now why does it matter to you?" you crossed your arms, becoming annoyed. "can you show me the way to the gym?" he asked, coming closer you to, towering over you like a castle.
you knew there was no use in rejecting his request. "fine," you muttered, finally getting past him. he followed you, like a lost puppy. you looked him up and down, your eyes glued onto the blue bracelet he was wearing. "how come you still wear yours? it's not like we're best friends anymore," your feel your chest becoming heavy, as you tried to contain yourself. riki lifted his wrist, observing the bracelet. "it's because I miss you y/n. everyday since you left I've been thinking about you and I-" you cut him off, not looking at him. "just… don't. please," you felt your eyes stinging with tears. you took a deep breath before stopping in front of the gym. "just walk in and you'll see the boys' change room," you mumbled, still not looking at him. he nodded, looking inside for the change room. he then turned back, about to say thank you when you ran inside into the girls' change room.
"alright guys who's pumped for dodgeball?" the gym teacher hyped, signalling everyone else to be excited. most of your class cheered, people already making bets on who was gonna thrash who. you weren't bad at dodgeball but you weren't exactly good at it either. the gym teacher split your class and of course, riki was on your team. the whistle echoed in the gymnasium, chaos beginning to break through. balls were being thrown at every direction possible, people getting hit and balls were being caught every second. you felt an intense stare on you as you picked up a ball that rolled towards you. you looked up, seeing jihyun smirking at you before hurling a ball at you. you froze in shock, accepting that you were gonna get hit. you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the ball to hit you when you felt someone tackle you to the floor.
your eyes fluttered open. you found yourself on top of riki, way closer than you would of liked. you felt the heat rush to your face, as he softly smiled at you. "that was close… are you ok?" his grip around your body slightly loosened. it felt like the world had just stopped, all attention on you and riki. "I'm… alright," you were barely able to talk, feeling your heart beating out of your chest. before he could say anything else, you quickly stood up and walked towards the back. jihyun glared at you, throwing the ball away in anger. you were trying your best to calm down, but whenever he glanced at you, you felt like you were going to explode.
"and he saved me from getting hit from jihyun…" you furiously explained to eunchae, who was just able to understand what you said at your word spitting speed. she chuckled, putting her spoon down and scooching closer to you. "I think there's love in the air~" she teased you, making hearts with her hands and making kissing noises. you blushed, slapping her hands down. she laughed at your reaction, slinging an arm around you. "you know, I wouldn't be against it if you and riki were together. honestly, you should talk to him again. who knows? maybe you guys can become friends again or maybe even more," she smiled at you, wriggling her eyebrows at you. you rolled your eyes jokingly as you took a bite out of your sandwich.
you weren't totally against the idea of becoming friends with riki again.
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taglist (open) : @viagumi @lilriswife4life @keiipopped @w0nslvr @mizomani @k25vi @bacterla @yumilovesloona @wendypopsi @ak-aaa-li @flwerfield
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laikaflash · 2 months
I've had this headcanon about Yoshimitsu having some sort of connection with the Fu-Ma clan because they raised Yoshimitsu II, and I've just remembered today that there is another connection: Nki.
No, that wasn't a keysmash.
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Nki is easily the most enigmatic Fu-Ma members. They are described as being rarely seen by clan itself, their face is covered in a cloth mask; even Nki's gender is unknown. The relationship chart above shows that they are a survivor from Yoshimitsu's clan, which had been massacred by Oda Nobunaga's forces.
My one complaint is that this puts a hole in Yoshimitsu being the only survivor, but I'll just pretend that it's a secret in story. Things are further complicated by the Fu-Ma leader Toki being the one who helped Oda nearly annihilate the Manji clan in order to steal the cursed blade Mekki-Maru. (Thereby setting up an important subplot for Taki, by the way.) I might also add that Nki is part of a faction whose job is to be a living sword of Damocles for the clan leader. By SC5, with Toki dead, they're described as monitoring Taki and Mekki-Maru (I'm guessing because of the latter more than anything).
...Kee-RIST! I was only just checking to make sure I didn't miss anything and just look at the paragraph above. It just can't be simple for me, I tell ya.
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teaveetamer · 2 years
It wouldn't surprise me if there was a combination of r*df*ms, t*rfs and, t*nkies who are taking part in these harassment campaigns, and the only reason they get away with it is because they hide between vaguely progressive rhetoric to justify their actions and/or claim victimhood when they cross the line and get called out for it. We're kinda seeing that with R*xis as a good chunk of twitter sorta took his side.
I think a lot of fandom discourse is very performative, and also, Twitter is not a good platform for nuance or context. I'd like to think a lot of people "siding with" the guy aren't actually bad people who encourage harassment, just people who have been fed a particular narrative and don't know that there's another side to the story that's a lot more nuanced. It's a lot easier to fire off a pithy two word tweet with some out of context screenshots than it is to actually have an informed discussion about a topic. And most people on Twitter know that if you try to approach anything with nuance or context then at best you're going to be buried by the horde that piles on without thinking or questioning, so it's in your best interest to stay silent or join the bandwagon to protect yourself, and just hope you aren't next.
And you know, there are a lot of people and groups out there who do take advantage of that. I don't think it's coincidence that we saw a huge uptick of these mentalities, especially in fandom, once a lot of fandom moved over to Twitter.
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tenzoyamato · 4 years
Had a brainchild moment hit me with the image of what a Modern AU Forest Ranger Tenzō would look like. Then with the most amazing contributions from @nki-stories and @rengonemad on the @tenzoscabin Discord server, this AU has came to life with a name and some delicous meaty bits to it!
Your Turn To Stay
What we have so far is:
Tenzō the Forest Ranger, he enjoys befriending the wildlife and protecting the forest, helping out visitors, saving the stranded as well as [but not limited to] informing adults and children about the different ecosystems, flora, and fauna.
Shapeshifters come into the mix one day when Tenzō’s out in the forest taking in the scenery on his lunch break. Turns out the wildlife he was befriending and enjoying are mostly shapeshifters.
It’s a happy accident because they all show Tenzō their appreciation for him protecting the forest and their habitat.
This is when Tenzō meets Kakashi the wolf shapeshifter, and leader of the Hatake pack. [The Hatake pack is made up of various shapeshifters, not just wolves.]
Naruto is a fox cub shapeshifter who was adopted by the Hatake pack. [Feel free to send in additional suggestions for other Naruto characters as shapeshifters and members of the Hatake pack!]
Kiba is also a wolf, but he’s of the Inuzuka pack. [Which is mostly made up of his family of shapeshifters, but they also take in a few strays as well.]
Next we have the Akatsuki Hunters. Their goal is to hunt down and steal the souls of the shapeshifters. It’s believed that when you drink the soul of a shapeshifter it gives you unbridled strength/powers, preserves your youth, and you gain an amazing healing factor.
Kakuzu’s only goal is to collect their pelts because money. 🤣
By now it’s been two years and Tenzō has spent so much time with his new shapeshifting friends that he’s fallen in love with the leader of the Hatake pack, Kakashi.
One day, somewhere not too far away from the Hatake pack’s land [which is also part of the forest in which Tenzō patrols], the Akatsuki Hunters manage to get their hands on a Inuzuka shapeshifter who was trying to save a young boy [Sai] from drowning. They managed to pull him from the river, but they ultimately they were knocked out and captured when they were caught off guard. The unconscious boy is found later that evening by another Inuzuka pack member who went out searching for their brother and brought the boy back to the den to be cared for. Unfortunately, Sai is sick with hypothermia and they’re not sure he’ll last the night so they turn him into a shapeshifter to save his life. 
The next day, before Tenzō leaves the station for his patrol, he is informed that poachers [the Akatsuki Hunters] have been spotted in the area. Tenzō tries to get to Kakashi and his pack as fast as he can to warn them, but he runs into trouble. Right when Tenzō is far enough into the woods, he is ambushed by Kakuzu and Jūzō. They don’t want any witnesses to their business, and the only reason Sai was left alive was because Hidan didn’t realize what the Inuzuka shapeshifter was doing. He simply thought they were getting a drink of water from the river.
Tenzō is stabbed in the back and stomach then left for dead [or so he thinks], but Kakazu and Jūzō know that shapeshifters are cautious when it comes to the scent of blood and that they’ll investigate it. 
Kakashi gets a whiff of coppery scent first, then the familiar scent of Tenzō and he tells his pack to run and hide while he goes off to investigate. Of course Kakashi is panicking because he’s in love with Tenzō too [but they just haven’t admitted it to each other yet]. When Kakashi gets there, Tenzō is already unconscious and he’s ambushed by Kakuzu and Jūzō. 
Shapeshifter Kakashi is a forced to be reckoned with and the pair sent out to this area can’t keep up with his attacks. It isn’t until Kakuzu realizes that Kakashi is protecting the Forest Ranger, he see an opportunity to save their own skins as well as some prized pelts. Clearly, the shapeshifter has softspot for this person to which he can use to their advantage. He tells Jūzō to stop fighting, but he doesn’t listen and Kakuzu can’t stand it. He tells him two more times, but by the third time he strikes Jūzō down, killing him. That’s when Kakashi stops, shocked that the Akatsuki Hunter would turn on their own partner and now that Kakuzu has Kakashi’s attention he quickly grabs Tenzō and tells Kakashi that if he wants the Ranger to live, he best come quietly without fighting him. Kakashi doesn’t see any other recourse so he begrudgingly agrees.
Once they make it back to the Akatsuki Hunter’s hideout, Tenzō and Kakashi are placed in a cell together. Unfortunately, Tenzō isn’t going to wake up because he’s lost too much blood and the only thing Kakashi can think to do is turn him into a shapeshifter [I have am still mulling over if shapeshifters become the same animal as the person that turned them, or if they shapeshift into the animal they’re more akin to].
Tenzō’s life is saved and he wakes back up finally, but when he does, he’s no longer human [Either he turns into a wolf, bear, or a big cat? I welcome thoughts, suggestions, and speculation on this! Halp!]. He can’t turn back into a human yet, not until he’s healed up some, and even then he doesn’t know how.
Kakuzu comes in with Kisame and Itachi to show them his catch and he’s satisfied that his impromptu plan paid off. Now they have two shapeshifters for the price of one, which means another pelt for him and another soul for the Akatsuki Hunters [I totally imagine the Akatsuki Hunters being an occult now. Lmfao! 🤣] 
That’s all we’ve got for now! If you wish to ask any questions, want to add to this, make suggestions, or comments, please feel free to send them in! 💜🌱🙆‍♂️
@superbacongirl @hades-bitch @tenzosnewleaf
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comradegeorge · 3 years
the thing about. literally everyone george meets irl describing him in the nicest, warmest light is that they don't Have to say it? more often than not, no one expects them to say anything other than a "we had fun!" but they still drop these fond tidbits about him, talk at length about how much they enjoyed their time together and tell stories about his kindness and i think that is very telling of the kind of person george is, especially off camera :]
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enneamage · 2 years
could you do an enneagram about nikibur? 🙏 I know this relationship was bad and I'm glad Niki is better now, but I'd like to know about them, their problems.
I can give my Spicy Opinion based on what I’ve deliberated about their personalities, but truth be told the two of them are further from their textbook descriptions. Wilbur is less reliable than a healthy three, and Niki has a difficult history that gives her certain reflexes on top of her predisposition. There’s also things that will probably be too specific to guess that happened behind the scenes, but I’m willing to bet that Wilbur’s push-and-pull problems became a big issue between them.
(I will do a writeup in an ask later about how Wilbur collects Nines like stickers, but that’s slightly less relevant here because of the way they met.)
I think they fucked up, together.
The blame shifts to Wilbur as time goes on, but through naivety and badly calibrated strategic thinking, they introduced the stressor of being a public couple who made their content about being a public couple. They knew what their gimmick was, and they both invoked it from the get-go—they would flirt on stream, farm awws, and then play coy when people asked about the obvious. They wanted to do the will-they-won’t-they bit and were in open competition with Carson & Kate. I think people feel morally obligated to forget how blatant they were, but they were incredibly in-your-face, and they mostly did it on purpose. They were more than just a public couple: they were straight-baiting, and they held onto it for a while because it gave them content.
And then the cons outweighed the pros. People started buying exactly what they were selling, finding them cute and investing in their personal lives. The thing is, they weren’t actually prepared to be any more demonstrative than they already were, and they both have a private streak that they wanted to hide each other behind. In a way it was an innocent failure to understand what crowds are really like, and what happens when you give a mouse a cookie. They found that they couldn’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, and at that point it was too late.
As an aside, women are competitive. They’re actually as competitive as men, but we treat the spite they treat other women with as anomalous because we think they’re supposed to be collectivistic or something. (People not noticing the double standard here is something that bothers me :P.) Needless to say, we usually don’t expect a female streamer to roll up and flirt with her Chad boyfriend without chat going nuts, because we know that people can be petty and jealous with the object of their affection. The same logic applies the other way around, but people tend to expect it less because women are meant to be more civilised or something. In the end we’re more equal than we know :P.
Niki doesn’t deserve the hate she got by any stretch of the imagination, but she got it all the same. She was heavily associated with Wilbur and had a personality people offhandedly summed up as ‘wholesome’ and ‘bland.’ She was endearing to some people, projected onto by others, and the object of vicious jealousy to (what I hope was?) a vocal minority. Not much active effort was put into seeing and understanding her as an individual, which has gotta be a mindfuck to go through, especially If you’re going through it virtually alone.
The on-paper ‘healthy’ love story between Threes and Nines is that Nines give Threes a space of unconditional and unjudgmental love. In return, Threes encourage Nines to develop themselves and shine on their own. The ideal is a feedback loop of mutual safety and encouragement, a very comfy duo. I won’t lie, I’ve seen this combination in the wild, they seem to happen more frequently than some other pairings and I can see why. This is also why I can only use the enneagram roadmap for them so much, because these two (or at least Wilbur) went off the rails.
Judging from what we’ve established about Wilbur so far, he’s good at making himself seem reliable, and then the payoff is so-so. To avoid being overly cruel I will say that Wilbur’s mental health was outstandingly bad at certain points in their timeline, so the situation has layers, but it probably activated some of his worst habits and Niki seems to have gotten the brunt of it. He liked being loved by her, and probably loving her back, but he didn’t have the mind to be her safe space consistently, which is a big part of what she needs out of a relationship.
Wilbur’s love interest persona is so distinct from the rest of him that it comes into question how real it is, and what the hell that even implies. The answers can range from ‘maybe he just gets inspired by the people he loves to behave differently’ to ‘American Psycho acting ass motherfucker.’ Threes can be a type that does romance, performs charm and builds fantasies about perfect love for them and their partner to live in. I think he pulled back when he was at his worst, maybe self-consciously hiding himself because he knew he wasn’t living up to his hype, maybe abandoning her when he wasn’t capable of meeting her needs. I don’t think he was entirely synthetic with her, because truth be told he’s not that good at lying for very long, but he did seem to make explicit and implicit promises that he went on to not keep. I remember the ”men are disappointing, actually” Niki clips, and I can tell who they’re about.
Some of the on-screen magnetism between Niki and Wilbur came from her being a cheerleader when he was feeling down. This is something that she elaborates on indirectly in her Dr. K video, she likes finding the places that she can slot into other people’s lives. Tragically for her, this is implicitly tied to the hope that they won’t leave her, which ended badly this time around. Wilbur was simple, in a way, just make the sad boy smile and make him feel better. Niki was on caretaker duty, which wouldn’t have been bad if he was able to match her energy and make things more reciprocal. Whether he was capable of returning her efforts in a way that wasn’t token or performative is up in the air, but in fairness, it looked like he had his moments.
Ultimately Wilbur couldn’t match Niki’s faithful, caring energy. Wilbur gets very self-absorbed in times of stress, and I’m actually kind of worried about what that looked like between them, because abandonment might have only been the tip of the iceberg.
I’m going to do something kind of rare and give Wilbur the benefit of the doubt on a few points. Wil, having a relatively functional sense of cause and effect, could probably put together that he was a big part of the problem whether he wanted to be or not. It was interactions with him and his audience that would wind up getting her attacked, so the simplest answer on that front was to just not do that. I also think he knew that their power gap was sketchy, and he might have been concerned about what it said about him. Ironically this might have caused him to hurt her more in the process as he was wrestling with it, but chat had her call him a nonce in their first date video, and in a roundabout way they had a point.
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kalira · 4 years
Frightful Flight
This is a birthday present for @nki-stories and also a gift for her wishes on @the-umino-hours quarantine boredom buster! Hope you enjoy~
T; 10.9k Kakashi/Iruka, Iruka & Naruto
Iruka's team is caught by an Akatsuki team while out on a mission, and one of the exceedingly dangerous nin has a pleading request for him that, if he accepts, will change the course of both his life and Naruto's. 
(. . .it may potentially have a sequel (or two) and/or a prequel percolating.)
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magnustesla · 4 years
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The wonderful Nina aka @nki-stories drew me this beautiful mer Iruka for my bday! ♡
I'm still so blown away by how kind and supportive this community is, and I'm especially thankful for all the amazing people in my discord server.
Again, thank you Nina! I absolutely love him! (Please do go check out her tumblr for more amazing artwork!)
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anannua · 2 years
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fanart for @nki-stories 's amazing work, To Be Yours, which you should go read and comment on 💕 I was feeling grumpy and disgruntled, and this sweet little slice of fluff and pining and happy ending was just what the doctor ordered!
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yamagaiweekend · 2 years
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💚Thank you everyone for participating in our mini-event!!💛 You’re fabulous, talented, amazing artists, writers, and spectators!! It was incredible to see you come together to give so much love and attention to this rare pair 💕 We appreciate you!! 🌺🥰🌺
Perhaps, one day, we will bring this event back for another fun weekend 😘💕 In the meantime, check out all the amazing work below, in case you missed anything and give some love to the creators!!
We also accept late submissions until the end of August! We just ask you to either mention @yamagaiweekend in your post or DM @jinxkirin with the link to your work.
Training Buddies Art by @13bella-bell
Unexpectedly In Love Fic by @mightguyi
Under Construction Fic by @miluielhun
Training Fic by @mrs-iruka
First Date Fic by @mrs-iruka
Drinking Buddies and Blind Date Two Fics by @kaoruhana08
First Dates and Sunflowers Art by @animetrashmuffin
Sunflower Hello Version Art by @13bella-bell
Sunflower Goodbye Version Art by @13bella-bell
Unexpected Soulmates Art by @13bella-bell
The First of Many Fic by @jinxkirin
Wedding Fic by @mrs-iruka
A Ray of Sunshine by @nki-stories
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asiriyep · 3 years
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@nki-stories gift for you 💛.
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ennajones · 3 years
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« Sharingan by Iruka »
Yo !
I have just been welcomed in the Umino Hours discord server and… like… my dear @sweetysamaa told me : « Ok, YOU MUST PARTICIPATE TO DTIYS » and I was like : « OK ».
So, I don’t even know what was the prompt @nki-stories has but I saw sharingans XD
Hope you enjoy it !
Kisses 🌞
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asumaweek · 3 years
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only 3.5 months late
Day 1: Shikamaru | Rainy Days | Modern AU
Need a light? by Woofgang69
Rainy Days - Rated: Teen and up; Asuma/Yamato; Romance; 3,622 words
a pink cloud summer. by sketchy_and_unformed
Shikamaru + Modern AU - Rated: Teen and up; Asuma/Shikamaru; Romance; 3,405 words
It's time you gave yourself a little color by Venia
companion piece to 'a pink cloud summer' - Shikamaru + Modern AU - Rated: Teen and up; Asuma/Shikamaru; Romance; 5,658 words
More Than This by Velocity_Owl87
Modern AU - Rated: Mature; Asuma/Yamato; humour & romance; 1,422 words
Art by sweetysamaa
Rainy Days - no content warnings
Art by newt-scarmander
Rainy Days - no content warnings
Day 2: Enemies to Lovers | Akatsuki | Military AU or Western AU
Find me in the Drift by Velocity_Owl87
Military AU - Rated: Teen and up; Pacific Rim crossover; Asuma/Yamato; Action & Romance; 2,715 words
Traitor by kaoruhana
Akatsuki - Rated: Teen and up; gen; canon divergence; 957 words
Art by NKI-stories
Akatsuki - no content warnings
Art by sweetysamaa
Western AU - no content warnings
Art by newt-scarmander
Enemies to Lovers - no content warnings, implied AsuYama
Day 3: Onsen (hot spring) | Friendship | Edo Tensei
mind if I make love to you? by sketchy_and_unformed
Onsen + Friendship - Rated: Explicit; Asuma/Yamato; porn without plot; 4,785 words
I Can't Seem To Slow Down When I Worry About You by Velocity_Owl87
Friendship - Rated: Teen and up; gen; hurt/comfort & friendship; cw: mentioned domestic violence; 2,351 words
Art by Talpy
Onsen - no content warnings
Two arts by newt-scarmander
Onsen / Edo Tensei - no content warnings
Day 4: Sensei | Smoke | Canon Divergence
Picking Up The Pieces by Matsukisama
Shikamaru + Rainy Days + Sensei + Smoke + Canon divergence - Rated: Explicit; Asuma / Shikamaru; major character death (and revival), angst, hurt/comfort, first times, teacher/student romance; 12,896 words
i won't try to fight it (don't feel like it) by sketchy_and_unformed
Sensei - Rated: General audiences; Asuma / Iruka (one-sided); Fluff / pre-relationship; 985 words
I will bury my old heart there by sketchy_and_unformed
Canon divergence - Rated: Mature; Asuma / Kurenai (past); cw: major character death, angst; 2,788 words
Have Heart, My Dear, We're Bound To Be Afraid by Velocity_Owl87
Canon divergence - Rated: Teen and up; Team 10 gen; cw: serious injury, angst, happy ending; 1,536 words
Art by cryptic_summons
Smoke - no content warnings
Art by newt-scarmander
Smoke - no content warnings
Day 5: Only One Bed | Hokage | What If? / Fix-It Fic
making something happen by sketchy_and_unformed
Only One Bed - Rated: Teen and up; Asuma / Yamato; comedy, romance, mutual pining; 7,127 words
Yeah, You Know You Look So Good When You Let It Show by Velocity_Owl87
Only One Bed + Rarepair - Rated: Teen and up; Asuma / Kakashi; Romance, mutual pining; 2,687 words
Day 6: Rarepair | Summer / Beach Trip | Fatherhood
Day 7: ANBU | Flirting | Free Choice
hazardous terrain. by sketchy_and_unformed
ANBU + Flirting - Rated: Explicit; Asuma / Yamato; dark themes and smut, cw: gore, rough sex; 4,541 words
Expect the Unexpected by Phlebas
Free Choice - Rated: Mature; Asuma/Kurenai; Asuma & Team 10; comedy; 547 words
Freaky Friday by Woofgang69
Free Choice (Bodyswap) - Rated: Teen and up; Asuma / Kurenai, Asuma & Akatsuki, Itachi, various other characters; humour, character exploration, gen; 11,773 words
I'll Be Your Man, If You've Got Love To Get Done by Velocity_Owl87
Free Choice (a/b/o) - Rated: Mature; Asuma / Iruka; omegaverse, mating cycles/in heat; 2,735 words
The Coincidence of Carrot Loaf by panda_shi
Rainy days + Military AU + Sensei + Flirting + Rare-pair - Rated: Explicit; Asuma / Iruka; Modern AU, romance, smut; 13,019 words
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sloaners · 4 years
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Happy birthday to you! 🌿✨
A ko-fi sketch for @nki-stories gifted by @magnustesla!
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tenzoscabin · 3 years
Tenzō's Cabin In The Mist, 2021 Masterpost
In July we did an event requested by our lovely members, where they had to make Tenzō related works based on these prompts. We had some amazing entries! 
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Beautiful banner created by @dunloth​ <3 He lied, Once again by @sweetysamaa​ Content Warnings: Mayor Character Death Rating: Teen and up audiences Relationship: Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou https://archiveofourown.org/works/32647873
You never loved me, did you? by @jinxkirin​ Rating: Teen and up audiences Relationship:  Tenzou and mysterious person https://jinxkirin.tumblr.com/post/656066399204229120/it-came-as-to-no-surprise-that-i-got-caught-in  
For us left behind by @nki-stories​ Rating: Teen and up audiences Relationship: Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou https://archiveofourown.org/works/32551720/chapters/80741455
Emotional by @hades-bitch​ Content Warnings: Mayor Character Death Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Mitarashi Anko/Yamato | Tenzou https://archiveofourown.org/works/32748277 
Caretaker by @sketchy-and-unformed​ Rating: Teen and up audiences Relationship: Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou https://archiveofourown.org/works/32946196
Tell me when you get there by @sketchy-and-unformed​ Rating: Teen and up audiences Relationship: Sarutobi Asuma/Yamato | Tenzou https://archiveofourown.org/works/32813245 
Back With Us by @kaoruhana08​ Rating: Mature Relationship: Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou https://archiveofourown.org/works/32774560 
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positivelynaruto · 3 years
@jinxkirin @kalira @nki-stories @dunloth @sketchy-and-unformed and so many others I forgot. Thank you for welcoming me to the fandom, and BIG thanks for being so supportive!!
@jinxkirin @kalira @nki-stories @dunloth @sketchy-and-unformed , thank you for being sweet souls. and you, @kaoruhana08 , welcome to the fandom. ❤️
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