#tenth docotor
Headcanons: 10th Doctor x Autistic!Reader established relationship
A/N: I've been rewatching the 9th and 10th Doctors' series recently, and found myself getting attached all over again, so I've decided to add the Tenth Doctor to my list of characters I write for! Enjoy!
The reader here is gender-neutral.
Content warnings: None.
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Loves any happy stims you have! He finds that it makes your joy more contagious – and since his positive energy tends to similarly rub off on you, he gets to see you stim often, to his delight.
Like Thirteen, he’s genuinely interested in any toys or jewellery you may use to stim, and likes to learn about how it helps you. If he comes across anything that might serve a similar purpose for you during his trips, he won’t hesitate to get it for you, if possible.
He listens enthusiastically to you when you talk about your special interest(s). While he may struggle with explicit verbal affection, he more than makes up for it by giving you his full attention, and watching with sheer adoration as you engage with the things you love.
Even if you can't tell how he feels about you from his facial expression alone, you can rest assured that once there's someone else around you (especially if it's Donna), you'll be made aware by them teasing him relentlessly for his heart-eyes.
Once again, there’s a sensory room in the TARDIS all for yourself! It has everything you could need to calm down from sensory overload, meltdowns, or just feeling a bit “off”.
The Doctor won’t go in unless you explicitly allow him to – though admittedly, he's happy if you do, because he also gets some use out of some of the stim and sensory items!
While he’s often quite energetic, he knows when to calm down, if you get overstimulated. You may not always be able to avoid things that make you feel that way in your adventures, but he’s mindful in finding ways to help you endure it, at least until you make it back to the TARDIS.
Those moments where his darker, “oncoming storm” side comes out can be a bit complicated. He'll most likely tell you to go back to the TARDIS, because he doesn’t want you to get overwhelmed from seeing him like that, but he usually also needs you there to reign him in.
By the time you’re together, you’ve come to recognise this, and always focus on stopping him from going too far. He feels awful if you do get overwhelmed, so he’ll either give you some space for as long as you need it, or stay with you to help you calm down, depending on what you want.
If you lose speech for any reason, or are nonverbal, the Doctor will gladly talk enough for the two of you, and will immediately steer anyone who asks any uncomfortable questions about it away from the subject. He also isn’t afraid to call them out if they don’t relent.
He'll do anything you need to keep you safe during your travels, because he genuinely loves being with you!
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magiccath · 10 months
Every Word
Tenth Doctor x GN!reader
Summary: In which two idiots who believe their love is unrequited finally admit their feelings for each other
A/N: My old account got accidently deleted so I'm using it as an opportunity to rework some of my older fics.
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Sometimes, you were so distracting to the Doctor. Often, you weren’t even trying to be. You just were. Your existence was enough to make him forget what he was doing. Like, right now. 
You were sitting in the TARDIS control room, a book in hand. You leaned casually back against the console, one foot crossed over the other. You bit your thumbnail anxiously as your eyes darted across the pages. Whatever the story was, it had you fully engaged. 
He loved how focused you were - like the book was the most interesting thing in the whole ship. Your head was bent over the pages, causing your hair to fall in your face slightly. He had to resist the urge to reach over and brush the strands away from your eyes. 
He was supposed to be fixing the console. Even if he wasn’t doing that, he should be doing things that weren’t staring at you. He couldn’t help but feel that it was wrong, looking at you like this. He shouldn’t be as enamored with you as he was. 
He ran his hands over his face, tugging slightly. He needed to snap out of it. You shifted slightly, the motion causing his eyes to wander back to you. It was so hard to look away. 
Sensing his eyes on you, you peeked out from behind your book. The Doctor turned a deep scarlet and whipped his head away from your direction, pretending to act busy. You chuckled lightly to yourself and returned to your book. 
The Doctor couldn’t help himself, his eyes drifted over to you again. And again. 
“Doctor?” You laughed when you caught him again. The man blushed and rubbed his neck anxiously. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked, setting the book down. The Doctor looked at you, confused. 
“You’re staring,” you elaborated, narrowing your eyes. 
He shook his head vigorously, mumbling something you couldn’t quite hear.  
“Do I have something on my face?” you rushed out, raking your hands across your face. 
“No, no,” The Doctor blubbered, “you look beautiful. You always look beautiful.” 
He regretted it immediately. He really shouldn’t have said that. 
You raised your eyebrow inquisitively. The Doctor was prone to rambles and word vomit, but they usually didn’t involve him calling you beautiful. This was uncharted territory, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t interested.
“I mean, you’re just naturally a really gorgeous person. More stunning than any star I have ever seen. Very possibly the most beautiful creature to exist. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone or something that matched your beauty,” the words came out in rushed clumps and you had to bite back a laugh. He was tripping over his words in an attempt to save face, but really he was just digging himself into a deeper hole. 
He averted his gaze and tugged at his hair. You found that he usually did that when the cogs in his brain were racing to keep up with his babbling mouth. 
“What I’m trying to say is there's nothing wrong with your face,” He gasped desperately, putting an end to his ramblings. 
You giggled quietly, trying to hide your laughter with a hand over your mouth. The Doctor chattered on all the time, but it was extremely rare you got to see him this flabbergasted. If you didn’t know better, you would think that he might actually have feelings for you. Ones that weren’t of the friendship variety, that is. 
“Thank you,” You grinned. The Doctor could feel his hearts melting. The minute you flashed him that smile he knew he was a goner. He loved your smile and even more, he loved being the cause of your smile. 
“You’re quite handsome yourself,” you smirked before walking to the other side of the room, averting the Time Lord’s gaze.
You didn’t want to ever admit out loud that you found the Doctor attractive. It’s not that you were ashamed of it. Practically everyone fancied the Doctor, he was just that kind of bloke. Rather, you couldn’t imagine him viewing you as more than a companion. But the way that he had been rambling on only a few minutes ago suggested otherwise…
The two of you never really bantered like this. Is that what this was? Was the Doctor flirting with you? The mere thought of it left you shaky and breathless. It felt too good to be true. 
The Doctor was shocked by your compliment, the words leaving him motionless. His reaction left you scared that you had gone too far, so you busied yourself with the numerous buttons on the console in front of you. Idly, you traced your fingers across them. 
“Really?” The Doctor asked, wide-eyed. You smiled to yourself. He could be so daft sometimes.
“I suppose so,” you said, finally lifting your eyes to meet his. Your words made the Doctor light up, a wide grin quickly taking over his face. 
“I’m quite fond of you, y’know?” You blushed, turning your head back towards the console. 
“I’m quite fond of you as well,” He said, moving closer to you. 
“Insanley fond,” you added. “You might even be my favorite person,” you shook your head.
“You’re mine,” he whispered, taking your hand in his. 
“I am?” You asked, genuinely shocked. 
“Of course! Have you met yourself?” 
You threw your head back laughing, the action making the Doctor smile to himself. 
“I love you,” he smiled adoringly, his wide toothy grin igniting a warmth in your stomach. You blushed and looked away, his gaze feeling insanely heavy.
“I- I mean... Uh,” He stammered, suddenly embarrassed by his confession. 
“Me too,” you interrupted his bumbling thoughts, looking up at his tall form. The Doctor stopped his blubbering and looked down at you. He swallowed anxiously, the action making his Adam’s apple bob aggressively. His eyes darted across your face, settling on your lips multiple times. 
“As more than a friend,” he whispered. 
“As more than a friend,” you repeated with a smile.
The Doctor's eyes darted from your eyes to your lips and back, silently asking for permission. You nodded gently, the motion hardly noticeable. It was all the invitation he needed to grasp your face in his hands, delicately leaning in. He hovered for a few seconds, still giving you time to pull away. 
You sighed with frustration, grabbing his tie desperately and using it to pull his lips into yours. 
The Doctor was stunned at first but quickly relaxed into the kiss. His hands draped around your waist, gently pulling you closer to him. 
Your own hands found their way into his hair, fingers tangling with the messy brown strands. You sighed deeply, the warm feeling in your stomach spreading across your body. 
The Doctor smiled against your lips, unable to contain his joy. 
After a moment, you pulled apart to gasp for air, your breaths coming out in quick pants. With red faces and lips plumped from the kiss, you smiled at each other before letting out a lighthearted laugh. His thumb trailed lightly across your bottom lip, the gesture gentle and loving. You ran your fingers along the seams of his suit, tracing the familiar lines. 
Still not getting enough of you, the Doctor plastered kisses across your face. He kissed your cheeks, forehead, chin, and collarbone lightly before landing on your lips again. This kiss was softer, more delicate. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours. You let out a relaxed sigh and danced your fingers across the nape of his neck. 
“I meant every word,” He whispered, which made you laugh. 
“So did I,” you smiled up at him, before pulling him back in for another kiss.
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dwficfinder · 5 years
I've been looking for three fics for a long time. They are all older fics, 5 years old or older. If you can't find them, that's fine, they are all pretty obscure. 1) A fic with the Doctor (either 10 or 11) where he's traveling with the Master after locking him up in the TARDIS, I think after LotTL. River was in it, all though I don't remember if it was a Doctor/River fic. She seemed to vacillate between being intrigued and being disgusted with the Master. (1/2)
More info added in 2nd ask: “The first fic was definitely on ffnet. 2) This one I remember only vaguely. It was an AU, I think that takes place in the US, and it had Nine, Ten and Rose, plus other characters. I just remember a scene where Nine was talking to Rose about Ten (one of them named John Smith I think) and encouraging her to give him a second chance I think. I believe the scene took place on an airplane. It was on either ffnet or TSP. 3) A RP fic with Matt Smith and Alex Kingston. It was on ffnet.”
EDIT: @lastincurableromantic has found the first one.  Last Children of Gallifrey, by Doctor WTF, wip/unfinished.
Still looking for the second, the AU.
The RP fic request is broad, but since @doctorroseficreclists doesn’t make RPF lists, I’ve got a list for you of some authors on ffnet who’ve written older MSxAK stories.  (These are not recs since we don’t do that; this is simply a list of the authors I found with these works listed. -EDIT TO ADD: I know @lastincurableromantic wasn’t asking for a rec list, and this isn’t meant to be one.  Just covering my bases  I found some fics that fit the description and thought, “Oh, okay, a list then!”. ;))  I hope one of them has the one you’re looking for!
You-Me-Handcuffs (most in Spanish, but scroll down and you’ll find the fic in English)
Phoebs1235 (this is Ao3 - she moved her stories there).
if you haven’t already, you can also check out @mattexficexchange and @mattexfiction.  More generally, the ship tag is #mattex.
The list goes on a long way, but I should stop here.  To find more, here is a Googling tip just in case you didn’t already know: you can narrow your search to a specific site by typing “site:url” then specific words you may be looking for.  If you want to get even more specific, put phrases in quotes.  For example, I used this search for what I found above: site:fanfiction.net “Matt Smith”+“Alex Kingston”
Hope this is helpful!  ~pyf
As for the one remaining fic, might anyone be able to help? ~pyf
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I don't want to say doctor who got worse after david tennant but it definitely peaked with him ya know
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let it be known that on September 23rd, 2019, at 9:37 in the morning on my way to my Intro to Politics class, I finally winessed Nine regenerate into Ten. 
Did the fans who first watch it happen also feel as devasted as I do now, seeing it, or is that just me?
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I dont think anyone really understands how much I physically need the tenth doctors coat. I am yearing for that coat
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thefandomsghost · 5 years
Chapter Text
"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint—it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly. . .time-y wimey. . .stuff."
-The Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who
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dw-public-call · 4 years
Sign-up reminder
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We're already half-way through the sign-up period - come and join us for this year's public_call exchange! Sign-ups will remain open until 8pm GMT on Saturday, 17th October (When is that in my time zone?)
Full sign-up instructions | 2020 Rules & FAQ
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ao3feed-crowley · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30yi5fy
by sennhang
Words: 2346, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Good Omens (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones, Aziraphale (Good Omens), mention David Tennant, mention Eleventh Docotor, mention Twelfth Doctor, TARDIS(es) (Doctor Who)
Relationships: Crowley (Good Omens) & Tenth Doctor, Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: plus a tiny bit of Horrible History, 沙雕向, 片段灭文, Doctor Who References, yeah of course with Harry Potter, crowley learned the power of words from doctor who s03e02, guess who got a recommendation of harry potter books, Ficlet Collection, im not sure about the last tag, when crowley met 10th doctor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30yi5fy
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30yi5fy
by sennhang
Words: 2346, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Good Omens (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones, Aziraphale (Good Omens), mention David Tennant, mention Eleventh Docotor, mention Twelfth Doctor, TARDIS(es) (Doctor Who)
Relationships: Crowley (Good Omens) & Tenth Doctor, Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: plus a tiny bit of Horrible History, 沙雕向, 片段灭文, Doctor Who References, yeah of course with Harry Potter, crowley learned the power of words from doctor who s03e02, guess who got a recommendation of harry potter books, Ficlet Collection, im not sure about the last tag, when crowley met 10th doctor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30yi5fy
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sasiefox · 11 years
Alright Tumblr dashboard you're starting to freak me the hell out... it's like the people I follow KNOW I'm watching the tenth doctor's seasons again!! WTF!?
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magiccath · 10 months
A matchmaker of sorts
tenth doctor x GN!reader
summary: In which Donna is fed up with her love-sick, oblivious best friends.
Warnings: brief use of y/n
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Donna had always known that her best friends were in love with each other. She wouldn’t call herself the most observational person, but it really didn’t take much to notice. She was honestly surprised that neither of you had figured it out by now.
The two of you were different in the ways that you showed your affection, but she had picked up on it.
The Doctor always looked at you with that big, stupid grin. He only ever smiled that much when you were around. He looked at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She supposed to him you were. 
He always made excuses to touch you, even in the slightest of ways. He would ghost his hand on the small of your back when you were in crowded areas, something he never once did with her. He was always holding your hand, and you were the very first person he hugged after any victory (no matter how small).
You, on the other hand, were always flustered around the Time Lord. You turned scarlet from his little touches, especially when he hugged you. When he got super excited he would sometimes pull you into a tight hug, spinning you around the room ceremoniously. She could have sworn she once saw you grin bashfully into his shoulder as he whipped the two of you around the room.
When he walked around the ship your eyes would always follow him. Even off the ship, you seemed to be constantly looking at him. You always managed to look away embarrassed before getting caught, though.
The two of you were clearly head over heels. Donna would even admit that you were good for each other. The only issue was that neither of you could seem to see the other’s feelings, no matter how glaringly obvious they were. 
Donna was pondering this issue one afternoon when she got an idea. She could try and mastermind the two of you into each other’s arms. At the very least, maybe she could encourage you to admit your feelings. Mischievous antics were already brewing in her brain. 
“Doctor?” Donna asked, walking over to lean casually against the TARDIS console. 
“Yes?” He acknowledged, not looking up from his work. He was fiddling with the controls in front of him. You and Donna had stopped asking specifics beyond that long ago. Sometimes he just needed something to do with his hands. 
“Let me set you up on a date,” Donna smiled cheekily. 
“Not interested,” he grumbled, eyes still trained on the console. Maybe he actually was doing something purposeful.
“Why not? I know you’re lonely.” 
“I have you.” 
“Oi!” she gasped, slapping him, “not like that!” 
“I mean, I have you to keep me company,” he sighed, taking his glasses off to pinch the bridge of his nose. “And y/n.” 
“Don’t you want someone you can be with romantically though?” 
“It doesn’t work like that,” he sighed, turning away from her, “I don’t age, I regenerate,” he said, a twinge of sadness riddled in his voice. 
“That’s not a valid enough reason,” Donna put her hands on her hips. If that’s all the cause he had for never asking you out, he needed a proper whacking.
“I can’t spend the rest of my life with someone.” 
“Can’t you just enjoy the time you can?” “Why risk it? It eventually ends,” he groaned, moving back to the console. He was clearly done with this line of questioning, but she wasn’t.
 Donna knew the Doctor could get lost in his thoughts, but they usually weren’t this pessimistic. Self-effacing and anxious? Sure. But properly “glass half empty” wasn’t the Doctor’s style. 
“What about y/n?” She gandered. She examined her nails as if her words weren’t carefully planned. 
“What about them?” The Doctor raised his eyebrow in confusion. 
“Why don’t you go on a date with them?” She clarified. The Doctor's eyes widened and he looked away with a scarlet flush. 
“I- uh.” 
“I see the way you look at them,” Donna poked, feeling she was getting somewhere.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, avoiding eye contact. 
“I think you do!” Donna groaned, moving away from him. He could be so stubborn at times. 
She started to walk away when the Doctor’s voice caught her attention. His gaze was glued to the console, so she wasn’t even sure if he was talking to her at first. 
“What if I did?” He finally whispered. Donna looked back with interest, her eyebrows raised. “What if I did have feelings for them?” 
“Do you?” She asked lightly. 
“What if I’m so very in love with them and it scares me more than anything ever has before? What if I think about them all the time and the only thing I want to do is kiss them?” He shoved himself off of the console and started pacing, his hands raking through his hair anxiously. “What if they’re the most beautiful being I have ever seen and I want to spend as much time as I can with them?” 
Donna stared at him wide-eyed and flabbergasted. She hadn’t expected him to admit his feelings to her. 
“Hypothetically,” he added. Donna chorted. Of course, he needed some plausible deniability in the matter. 
“Hypothetically,” she confirmed, smiling to herself. 
“It really hurts, Donna,” He looked at her, pain etched into the features of his face. “Being this infatuated with them, and knowing it can never happen.” 
Donna leaned her head sympathetically on his should, but before she could respond a crash came from the nearby hallway. Both Donna and the Doctor turned in the direction of the noise, clearly confused. 
You cursed to yourself, bending down to pick up the book you had dropped. You had been walking down the hallway when you heard Donna say your name. You picked up that she was talking to the Doctor and didn’t want to interfere, so you just remained in the hallway. You hadn’t intended to eavesdrop at all. Once you started listening, it had just become a little hard to stop.
So much for subtly you thought to yourseld, moving slowly out of the hallway and into the room with a wince. Talk about awkward.
The Doctor looked at you with shockingly wide eyes before quickly averting his gaze. He acted as if you had just walked in on him admitting something horrible. 
“Hi,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. The Doctor was still fidgeting his face bright red, refusing to look your way. You stared at him awkwardly, the tension in the room at an all-time high. 
You wrung your hands anxiously, not sure what to do now. You hadn’t exactly thought this far ahead.
“Right!” Donna sprung up, her voice breaking the deafening silence. You stared at her in shock, her sudden contribution had startled you.
“I have things to do,” she lied, pointing to the hall. You nodded meekly, and the Doctor didn’t respond. Awkwardly, Donna made her way to the door. She turned back around to send an encouraging thumbs-up in your direction. You smiled painfully back at her.
The room remained silent for a few minutes after she left. It was an awkward and uncomfortable kind of silence.
You sulked over to the console to stand adjacent to the Doctor, but you didn’t know where to go from there. You settled on leaning back against the cool metal, your eyes focused on your trainers.
“How much of that did you hear?” The Doctor finally mumbled. 
“Quite a bit,” you admitted, rubbing your arm absent-mindedly. You really hoped everything he had said was true, but a small part of you still refused to believe it. You’d been in love with the Doctor for so long, the thought of him feeling the same way was so far fetched. 
“I- Uh, well,” He choked. You tried again to catch his eyes, but he averted his gaze. 
“Doctor?” You asked, running your hands along the console next to him. Next to you, he stiffened. 
“Just forget it ever happened,” He said, shoving himself off the console. He ran his hands through his hair aggressively, still not looking you in the eye.
“What?! No!” you gasped, shoving off the console too, “you can’t take it back! That’s such a coward move!” You snapped.
The Doctor looked at you, shocked. His mouth was slightly agape, and he met your eyes for the first time since you had walked into the room. 
“Especially not when I feel the same,” you mumbled. Now it was your turn to avoid his gaze, your eyes settling on the floor.
“What?” He asked, stunned. He didn’t know what he had been expecting, but it wasn’t this.
“You heard me,” you whispered, deciding it would just be worse to double back on yourself. 
The Doctor moved closer to you so he could delicately trace the lines of your jaw, guiding your face gently upwards. Your eyes landed on his and you had to fight the urge to look away. 
“Do you really mean that?” He whispered, his breath dancing across your face. 
“Yeah,” you gasped, voice hardly a whisper. 
The Doctor smiled brightly before lightly gripping your face to guide it up to his own, his lips crashing into yours. 
The Doctor kissed in a way that was so very him. He couldn’t stay still, his hands constantly moving in one way or another. They danced around your face, rubbing small circles into your cheeks, they tangled themselves in your hair, or ran elegantly down your sides. Every touch sent sparks through your body, a warmth spreading with it.
He wrapped his long arms around your waist, lifting you off the ground. Your feet dangled comically, and you couldn’t help but feel silly. 
You hummed happily, sinking deeper into the kiss. You felt more at home than you ever had in your life, and you never wanted it to end. 
The two of you were happy, the world only consisting of each other. 
That was until Donna started loudly clearing her throat. 
The Doctor pulled slightly away and lowered you down to the floor slowly. However, he didn’t remove his grip on you, still holding you gently against him. He wasn’t ready to let you go yet. Begrudgingly, you turned your head to look at Donna. 
The fiery redhead stood with her hands on her hips, eyebrows raised in question. You felt a scarlet flush flood your cheeks, and you avoided eye contact. 
“Been waiting for you two to stop being so thick,” she rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. “Now, if you two will stop snogging, I would like to go somewhere” 
The Doctor threw his head back laughing, arms still lightly wrapped around you. After a minute, you joined in. 
“Allons-y!” He cheered, grabbing your hand with a bright smile.
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magiccath · 10 months
requests are OPEN
Tenth Doctor x reader
he gets a whole masterlist (he's that special)
Twelfth Doctor x reader
Same Alien, New Face
The Doctor isn't sure you'll still love him
Eleventh Doctor x River Song
Between A Goose And A Hard Place
The Doctor is plagued by the soulmate goose of enforcement
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