#tensura text posts
scrivenger-grimgar · 3 months
tensura text posts 1
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i've found an unfilled niche in this fandom and im going to fill it
first edition! --- second edition! --- third edition! --- fourth edition! --- fifth edition!
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fischotterkunst · 11 months
Tempest Text translations from S1 episodes 6-10! again, apologies in advance if i get anything wrong insofar as the Japanese translations go - my understanding of Japanese is extremely limited so i am relying heavily on Google Translate for help there.
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Kaiseki taisyou = Object Analysis Jyoui seirei = Superior spirit Honoono seirei = Fire spirit Ifrit kaiseki = Ifrit Analysis
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Mado noudo = window concentration Maso kantisisuu = magic essence sensing system Maso wo kenchi =detecting magic essence (so the same as above) Keisoku sisuu = measurement index Maso Noudo Shisuu = magic essence concentration index?
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"Warning Confirmed Ergency [sic] Support Request From Ranga"
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the spacing in this one is rather strange and i don't think properly separates the words
top line: tensranotiuhi tukurunogataihen dakara bokuga hitoriedganbattetukuteiru bottom line: okimochiga kiminihawakarukai kekkoutanosiikara saikounanndato
which translates to, "It's a lot of work to make one of these, so I'm working hard all by myself. Do you understand my feelings? It's quite fun, so I guess that's why."
🥺i hear you, whoever wrote this!! whoever you are, at least one person cares about your hard work! you're doing amazing!
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nekoprankster218 · 1 year
after passing the "Diablo slams the door in Guy's face" scene, I am now craving to see how the manga and anime will do it.
and then it hit me how long it's gonna take to reach it.
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leap-loves · 9 months
Ear Scritchies - Tensura - Strings of Fate
Finally did a little somethin somethin for Soei and Meira! Enjoy... Whatever this is XD
If anyone happened to stop into Meira’s shop right now, they wouldn't be likely to believe their eyes. Or Magic Sense. 
It was normal enough to see her working at her bench, various tools and metal scraps around her, and her collection of various gemstones within easy reach. Her eyes gave away the use of her skill to magnify her work, so she could still see the finest details of her work, letting her add the detailed etching and precision she's become known for.
But that wasn't the strange part. 
The strange part was her company. 
Soei stood behind her chair, her hair tie around his wrist, and the cuffs for her bangs settled on the table corner, away from her work. He was running his fingers through her hair, braiding the longer sections of her hair and undoing them. Apparently, Shuna had taught him to braid hair recently on a whim, and he wanted to practice, but Shion and Shuna were both busy with their respective positions and couldn't sit still for any length of time. Which is why he went to Meira, who he knows sits still for far longer than he'd like. 
She didn't mind his presence in the slightest, even finding comfort in it. They weren't talking, at most a small mumble of warning if he was pulling her hair too tight, and some grumbles of frustration at the difficulty of dealing with prongs without scratching herself. Her ears would occasionally twitch if his hand went too near, but she never outright discouraged him. She hardly even noticed it when he did so after all, too engrossed in her work. She was trying to make a Rimuru-themed broach, curious if their Lord would be interested in it. If not, she knows plenty of people would be anyways. 
She was broken from her thoughts on what kind of enchantment she might want to put on the broach by Soei’s warm, heavy hands settling on her shoulders, very gently and slowly pulling them back to encourage her to sit up. 
When had she even begun to hunch over?
“You should take a break.” He encouraged, his voice soft but insistent. “Your back must be hurting from that, and you were leaning away from me.” 
“Sorry, sorry.” Meira apologized with a small, sheepish laugh as she obediently settled into a more upright position. He's not wrong, her back does hurt after that… but his touch was helping ease some of the discomfort. 
Satisfied that she would keep herself upright, Soei went back to his work. He decided to try something new, and very gently ran his claws through her hair, pulling the long portions of her bangs behind her ears to better access them. That small action led to him carefully grazing his claws around her ears, and sent a shiver down Meira’s spine that ended with a small jolt. 
Soei quickly pulled his hands away from her at the first sign of sudden movement, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?”
“I'm fine, I'm fine.” She reassured quickly, finding her cheeks to be warmer than usual. “I think it just startled me. It wasn't unpleasant.” 
He gave a thoughtful hum before nodding, slowly continuing what he was doing. At first he was careful to completely avoid her ears. Perhaps they're extra sensitive and delicate, since they're so large? Perhaps it was an unpleasant sound? A subconscious need to protect her ears? And yet she has them pierced… 
So he decided to experiment a little. She clearly trusts him enough to let him do this in the first place, after all. So he ran his fingers through her hair again, this time intentionally running the tips of his claws along the skin behind her ears. Not near hard enough to hurt her, of course! But enough to certainly be felt. 
It earned another small shiver that she managed to control much easier, so he didn't move his hands away. Instead he continued with the gentle scratches, watching in amusement as the tension in her shoulders began to all but wash off of her. Her shoulders gradually began to droop, her eyes half lidded and back to normal. How interesting… 
Meira didn't even realize he was testing anything, simply enjoying the sensation. It was a wonderful feeling, relaxing but also attention grabbing. Almost akin to a massage, with considerably less force. Her ears twitched a little more before also drooping slightly, catching up with the rest of her body. She's safe, and Soei won't hurt her. His apologies every time she’d warn him he was tugging her hair too hard was proof enough of that fact. So she could let her guard down and just enjoy having this affection. A nice quiet moment with him, not having to think about anything aside from how wonderful the scratches felt. Is this how the Tempest Wolves feel? Now their begging for pats makes so much sense. 
Truthfully, Soei had sought out Shuna to learn more about what can be done with long hair, not the other way around. Styles and maintenance, the likes. He had hoped to be able to help Meira with hers should she need it, or have an opportunity just like this. To help let her relax and take a proper break. Having someone play with your hair requires you to be still, after all, else you'll disturb their work and it'll risk hurting you. The discovery of how sensitive her ears are was a welcome surprise, however. One that he fully intends to store away for future reference. Looks like he's found a surefire way to help her relax and distract her. 
Ear scritchies. 
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occasional-drabbles · 5 months
Lady Elaine (Demon Lord Carrion x OC)
Elaine kept finding herself startled by how quickly everyone's perception of her in Eurazania has been changing. Not that the people had ever been terrible, of course! At worst, a healthy dose of skepticism, considering she was a complete unknown who looked like she belonged but didn't act like it. An alien attempting to blend in. 
She still remembers having to try and convince her boss at the inn to even take her in. She didn't have a reputation yet, no one could vouch for her. Fortunately though, she had experience from her past life, and it was enough to exceed expectations from day one. Juggling all of the customers who needed help, getting food to the right rooms and table, and even managing to keep a customer from being upset when an order wasn’t cooked right. Even now she's rather proud of how well she handled it. 
It hasn't even been a year since she first reincarnated into this world, and things have changed so drastically. She apparently managed to draw the attention of the ruler of this country, Demon Lord Carrion. He's checked in with her a few times, even encouraging her to learn how to fight. He asks about where she came from, and her interests, so it doesn't feel like he's just learning how she could be useful. 
Clearly, the rest of the country has taken note. It didn't take long after her first time interacting with the Demon Lord for people to start treating her better. To accept her more openly, and the strange looks when she asks questions to go away. It helped that she didn't have to ask as many ‘stupid’ questions, since she worked on taking notes on everything she's learned about the culture and the world. 
However, recently there was a very strange development that led to her tracking down the Demon Lord himself. Not that it was particularly difficult, just go near his palace then follow the sounds of fighting. 
Looking out over the courtyard-turned-training grounds from a covered walkway, she couldn't help but snicker at the sight of poor Phobio being pummeled by his king. Phobio was hardly a bad fighter, far from it. Elaine has yet to even come close to beating him, even if she's starting to understand how he fights. Carrion is just in a league all his own. 
Phobio came flying towards her, grunting as he skidded along the ground, coming to a stop just a few feet away from her. 
Elaine grinned as she walked over, putting her hands on her hips playfully as she bent over slightly to look down at him. “You two having fun~?”
Phobio groaned as he sat up, accepting her offered hand to stand, rubbing his shoulder. “If it looks so fun, you can try fighting him.” He grumbled, though there wasn't really any heat to his words. 
Snickering a little, she gently reached out to inspect the damages. “No thanks, I'd rather not get my ass kicked today, thank you very much.” She hummed, eyebrows furrowing a little at some of the scrapes. “You should get these taken care of soon, and get some ice on your shoulder.” 
“I'm fine, I'm fine.” Phobio insisted dismissively, standing straighter when Carrion called out to them. 
“Giving up already, Phobio~?” He taunted with a grin, his fists on his hips triumphantly. 
Elaine rolled her eyes, gently patting Phobio’s arm to encourage him to leave as she approached Carrion herself. “I'd say call it a draw, but there's hardly a scratch on you. Either way, I'm intervening. I want to steal you for a bit.” She called, her tone playful, mixing with laughter as Phobio groaned behind her at the lighthearted jabs, taking the chance to leave though. 
Carrion quirked a brow, amused by the interruption. “How bold you've gotten, Elaine, to interrupt our fight.” He commented, though seemingly rather proud of the fact. 
“Bold, foolish, either or.” She dismissed with a small hand wave and a smile. “I think you've tortured poor Phobio enough for the day, I think I saw the formings of a black eye already.” 
“That just means he needs to work even harder, then! His dodging game needs work, he's too sure he can brute force any opponent.” Carrion countered, shifting to a more relaxed pose and crossing his arms. 
Elaine huffed, getting on tip toe and poking his chest. “I wonder where he could have possibly learned that from.” She teased before shaking her head. “But I'm not here to critique your training methods… this time. I actually had some questions for you.” 
“Oh?” Carrion asked, not surprised by the mention of questions, but it has been a bit since she's had something to ask him. Perhaps she wants to know more about some history? Further clarification on what she called the ‘magic system' of the world? 
Elaine hummed and motioned for him to follow her before beginning to meander out of the courtyard. “I've recently noticed a change in how the people of Eurazania have been treating me. It's not bad, of course, everyone so far has been absolutely wonderful.” She reassured quickly, able to feel the moment of tension radiating from the demon lord at the possibility of someone mistreating her. How strange, that he would get so defensive for her. “While I appreciate them trusting me more, and being more willing to explain even the basics of this world, I think I've managed to somehow garner more respect than I've earned?” 
Carrion looked down at her curiously, tilting his head in a way that reminded her so much of a puppy. “How so?” 
Elaine sighed, her ears twitching back as she thought of how to tactfully explain it. 
“People have been calling me ‘Lady Elaine’, which is… strange.” 
“Do you dislike it?”
Puffing out her cheeks, she did a so-so hand motion. “I don't hate it, but like I said, it feels undeserved. I'm hardly of note, I don't think I've really done anything to earn such a title. Especially since it feels like I'm being put at the same level of respect as Suphia and Albis, as a result, and I'm just… me.” 
Carrion paused in his step to look down at her, watching her for a moment. 
Blink blink. 
Then, he burst out laughing, the hearty laughter of genuine amusement. 
“You don't feel you deserve that respect, when you have the courage to march into the palace of a Demon Lord, unannounced, interrupt a fight, and speak to me and the Beastketeers as equals? When you have the ability to bend others to your will with just your words, without the use of a Unique Skill? When you have been here not even a year and made yourself a place in this world through hard work and dedication?” 
When he put it like that, Elaine couldn't find a fault in his logic. That doesn't change the fact that it felt strange, however. 
Looking up at him, not realizing she still had a small pout from his outright laughter, she huffed. “That may be so, but I'm not as powerful as any of you. I'm still barely dodging Phobio’s attacks in training, let alone matching him in strength. I'm not even in a position of power, no special ranking or anything. I just work at an inn. It's barely different from what I used to do in my past life.” 
Carrion’s amusement softened, but his smile never left. “That's not true, though. Yes, you do work at an inn, and you may not have an official title of political importance. However, you are a fascinating person, and you never give up. You adapt and learn and keep fighting, in your own way. Despite not being from Eurazania, you manage to perfectly embody everything we value. Courage, honor, loyalty, drive. And you don't let it go to your head, you're humble too. Something that honestly Phobio and Suphia both need to learn from you.” He mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully before shaking his head. A thought for another time. 
“You may not think so, but you have more than earned the title of ‘Lady’. If you can't take it from me as your friend, then take it from me as the Beast King of Eurazania. I didn't encourage them to start calling you Lady, but I have no plans of discouraging it unless it truly upsets you. You have done nothing but your best to serve our people, and they have seen that and acknowledge it. Going above and beyond to learn and adapt and help.” 
Elaine's cheeks felt hot by the time he was done, enough so she had to look away and rub at her cheeks in an attempt to will herself to calm down. “Since when do you go around making so much sense…?” She mumbled sheepishly. 
Carrion laughed again, moving one hand to give her a friendly pat on the back, nearly knocking her over with the force on accident. She managed to keep her ground, though, snorting as she straightened herself back up. “One of these days you're going to do that and I'm going to go flying like Phobio did earlier.” 
“You stand your ground much better than he does.” Carrion reassured with a grin. “Now then, I say we go grab a bite to eat! I'm starving! What do you say, Lady Elaine~?”
Flushing again at the teasing, she rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the side with a small laugh. “Well I certainly won't say no. But don't call me that! It's weird!” 
Carrion's laughter echoed off the walls as they continued down the hallway, conversation turning to more mundane topics than Eurazania’s new honorary noble. 
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skinnyhyena · 7 months
Me after being broken up with: Nothing is worth it, throw the whole spring season away. Wake me up when it's summer and I can vegetable my way through every day
Media: *releases Avatar, 3 Body Problem, and Tensura S3 all in Spring*
Maybe I'll actually survive
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fleur-de-leap · 5 months
I... may or may not have just spent the past... hour or two uploading all of my drabbles that I can find onto AO3 XD That was fun
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mydarlingedits · 2 months
Hi! We're back!
Instead of whatever we asked before can we just have random Veldora Tempest and Rimuru Tempest graphics, with siblings vibes instead of romantic vibes?
Both characters are from That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime/TenSura.
- 🐉🌩
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Not really ever sure how to portray "sibling vibes" no matter how many requests/edits for it I've done. So. Uh. Apologies for that. Hope these work alright anyways ;; ᯓᡣ𐭩
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Requested by 𓇿 🐉🌩️ .ᐟ
        𐙚˙⋆.˚ Date Posted 𓇿 8/7/24 .ᐟ
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Terms of use 𓇿 Free with Credit .ᐟ
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[PLAIN TEXT: 'op is an adult' on the top left, and 'No DNI ! Just be nice' on the bottom right].
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lets-make-a-thing · 6 months
tl;dr - This is a text post. Rambling about fantasy vs isekai lol. Let's decide between Fantasy or isekai in [7b].
The Genres Have Been Confirmed
Alright, so the genres have been confirmed. Fantasy/isekai, psychological/suspense, and mystery. Those three are the main genres.
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You guys came in close with Comedy at 16%. Because of this, while Comedy won't be a main genre, I'll be sure to keep it in consideration while structuring our project.
Background Info on Fantasy vs. Isekai
There are so many types of fantasy worlds and isekai. Before we start worldbuilding, let's get a general sense of the two.
Fantasy genre has a broad/unspecific definition. It takes place in a world unlike our own. When you think of knights, princesses, dragons and magic, you are thinking of fantasy. But fantasy can also include mechanics not limited to RPG or medieval inspiration. Some more alternative fantasy examples can include Wakfu (2008), Made in Abyss (2017), and Land of the Lustrous (2017).
Isekai is from Japanese 異世界(いせかい) meaning "different world." It is a genre that usually has a person from "Their Own World" being somehow transferred to a "Foreign World" (for example, being spirited away, dying and reincarnating, teleporting or transporting with fictional powers, or just traveling regularly). It can be fantasy, but can also be included as a subset of Fiction or Sci-fi genres.
Well known anime examples include TenSura (2018), Shield Hero (2019), KonoSuba, and Re:Zero. An example of a "reverse isekai" is Dead Mount Death Play (2023). "Alice in Wonderland" could also be considered an example of an Isekai. Unfortunately I could not find any fiction/sci-fi examples of Isekai.
Click on these links for more background on Fantasy and isekai.
The next posts [7b] and [7c] will be using this information.
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shypandachan · 1 year
Uhhh…. So between being busy (I CALLED IT YEARS AGO LOL), forgetting my password, trying to figure how to adult on my own, qualifying exams, experiments that made me work from like odd hours, then having to work regular 9am~6pm hours, having to replace my laptop after fan failures crashed my computer somehow (thankfully all my data was backed up), mental and physical heath issues (thankfully nothing life threatening) , somehow getting sick for a solid 3-4 months and having to work through pretty much all but 2 days of it 🥲, and forgetting my password several more times throughout the whole endeavor (lol) amongst other things, I’m just here to post I’m alive! and sorta here!
I also got side tracked with Rune Factory 4 Special, Rune Factory 5, LoZ: BotW, AoC, and TotK (I fell in love with the series🥰), Hollow Knight, and others. Realize now I could’ve posted about it now, but uh…. Hindsight??
AND SO MANY GOOD ANIME/MANGA CAME OUUUUT!!! Haikyuu!! To the Top, Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer, Boku no Hero Academia, Violet Evergarden, (and I finally watched Kono Oto Tomare), TenSura, Given (!!) and sooo many others!
I also have an AO3 addiction now…. I liked it before, but I found out I have it bad during the Internet withdrawal I went through during the domain attack back like a couple weeks ago (lol).
Notes about communication/posts:
I should still get notifications for messages, so feel free to chat with me but still busy so def not gonna be able to post or draw frequently - still busy… if any of my IRL friends are reading this, feel free to text me to catch up!
I might post some stuff I did a while back as well, but later on. :)
I experimented with some digital and traditional art stuff and dabbled a little with some simple animations. Some I’m quite proud of, so I’ll prob post some stuff later when I have time to transfer the art to my computer.
Last fun side note:
Me after realizing my last post was like 5 years ago:
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scrivenger-grimgar · 3 months
tensura text posts 2
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first edition! --- second edition! --- third edition! --- fourth edition! --- fifth edition!
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fischotterkunst · 11 months
Tempest Text translations from S1 episodes 1-5, excluding the outro cause. yeah that's beyond my capability. BUT there are some neat bits here! apologies in advance if i get anything wrong insofar as the Japanese translations go - my understanding of Japanese is extremely limited so i am relying heavily on Google Translate for help there.
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This is scrolling text that repeats to read "Koyuu Gukiru wo Kakutoku shimashita Garou", in effect meaning "Obtained Unique Skill [of] Direwolf" (Tensura uses "garou" for the direwolves rather than "okami"; "garou" meaning "hungry wolf" and also being French for "werewolf")
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The text on the sides is cropped repeats of the bottom text: Akumanimi wo sasageyo. My translation efforts led me to believe this read "Give Your Life to the Devil" which. is doubtful. so I had to consult a buddy who has MUCH more knowledge of Japanese than I do and she said, "sagase is imperative for "look for" so it's more like "look for the devil", but also it might be a pun since "ma" is the same character in the "magisteel cluster" we see. The devil is in the details?"
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This one is self-explanatory xD
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"Kaiseki taisyou" = "Object Analysis"
there was also some text that as far as i can tell was a keysmash since it didn't work out to Japanese OR English:
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so if anyone can make any sense of that please lmk XD
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reincarnateslime · 3 years
Can't believe they didn't put the gayest thing I've seen in the manga so far in the anime smh
Guy literally nibbles on Rimuru's ear, come on man... woulda been funny to see in animation
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thinkin' about that tensura/bnha au I thought of but can't share because I realize that there's too many spoilers in it to morally share on social media
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occasional-drabbles · 5 months
Woven Through Your Strings - Strings of Fate (Soei x OC)
Meira hummed quietly to herself as she walked through the Jura Forest, just outside of the town of monsters. Typically she wouldn't wander out of the town, but she wanted to track down Soei and get his approval for an enchantment she'd been working for him. Based on what the front guards had said, he had gone out to train and had yet to return. 
Using her ability and wandering a little, she was able to find where he was training. As she approached, she could make out the network of strings he had set up between the trees to challenge himself, if barely. Hopefully he won't mind if she interrupts… it shouldn't take long, at least. 
When reaching the small clearing he was working in, she hummed and carefully held the box with his order to her chest. After looking around some and adjusting her vision, she started to carefully step over and duck under the strings. 
Soei, who had been moving throughout the strings himself to practice his ability to dodge at high speeds, paused in the center of the web of strings to watch her. He had fully intended to step out and speak with her so she wouldn't risk getting hurt! Yet… she didn't seem at all hesitant or uncertain about giving it a try to help him. If she stumbled or seemed stuck, he was more than prepared to help her back out or take down all of the strings all together. For the moment, however… he wanted to see how this goes. 
Impressively, Meira didn't seem to be struggling too much. While she didn't match the level of the Kurayami, it was phenomenal for a civilian… It's as if the clumsiness she seemed to exhibit in her normal day to day, tripping over her own feet if she doesn't pay enough attention or walking into things, was completely absent. She almost appeared to be dancing through the strings, her steps light and even the fabric of her dress not snagging on any of the strings. It reminded him of the festivals they've been having as of late, whenever he would catch her dancing with the others and so clearly enjoying herself. So fluid and carefree, even if she always seemed to stumble on the last step. 
Soei couldn't help but be enamored by her skill, especially while she was far too distracted to notice. How her brow furrowed with the intense concentration, how gracefully she moved even in such an unfamiliar situation. The confidence in her movements, even while each step was so obviously calculated and considered.
It didn't take long for her to finally reach the clearing that Soei had made in the center, blinking her eyes back to focus at a normal depth, causing her to stumble on her last step out of the strings. Soei quickly moved to catch her so she wouldn't risk falling to the ground after such an impressive feat, instead letting her crash into his chest with a small yelp. The wooden box she'd been so carefully holding fell from her arms in an attempt to not hurt either of them with it, but Soei easily caught it with some strings, his other arm wrapping around her to help stabilize her. 
Meira's face and ears turned red in embarrassment once she realized what had happened, standing up properly again quickly, gently placing her hands on Soei's chest as she backed up a step, trying to put some distance between them in her fluster. 
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” She apologized quickly, bowing her head a few times in emphasis. 
Soei only released her properly once reassured she wouldn't fall anymore, releasing all of his strings to give her his undivided attention. “Are you alright?” He asked, glancing her over. He didn't see any cuts or tears, be they on her skin or her clothes. 
Meira hummed and looked down at herself, checking the hem of her dress, then nodding. “I'm fine, I'm fine. Thank you, though.” She reassured, offering a sheepish smile. “I apologize for interrupting your training, though… I wanted to have you check if the enchantment I did is to your liking, and figured there's no better time to find out than the present.” 
Giving a small grunt of response, Soei opened the box to check it's contents before nodding approvingly and closing it again. “I'm sure that it’s fine. The quality of your work is never lacking.” Meira's flush only deepened at the compliment, but he continued speaking before she could try to deny it. 
“How did you get through that so well?” He asked, quirking a brow slightly. “It's not a feat just anyone is capable of.” 
“Oh, that?” She asked, blinking in surprise at the topic change. “With my unique skill, I was able to see the strings and just move past them? I didn't want to risk damaging your hard work, after all.” 
Soei honestly hadn't been expecting that kind of answer, needing a few beats of silence to process before nodding slowly. Interesting… 
“How does your unique skill work?” He asked, tilting his head slightly. 
Meira mimicked his head tilt before explaining with a small shrug. “When I activate it, I can either see things with greater detail, or see greater distances. For example, it took a little wandering, but I was able to find you pretty shortly after leaving the town. Or when I'm working, I can see the very fine etching I do without having a magnifying glass or anything.” 
What a useful skill… perhaps Soei should mention this to Lord Rimuru. If she's willing… 
Dismissing the thought, he nodded again to her. “That is a very useful skill. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to come and bring this out to me. Would you like an escort back to town?” 
She opened her mouth to reassure him that she'd be okay, and she didn't want to risk interrupting his training if he wasn't done yet… but also, this is Soei. He wouldn’t offer that if he didn't want to. So instead she offered him a playful grin. “I would appreciate that, yes please, yes please. Plus then I can ensure that you eat a proper lunch, if you're willing to put up with me for that long.” She teased. 
Soei chuckled quietly and started to lead the way back to the town. “You say that as if it is difficult to enjoy your company.” 
Meira didn't know how to answer to that, her ears and cheeks pink again as she followed after him, once again having to be mindful not to trip over her own feet again. 
It looks like Soei is going to be paying much closer attention to her in the future…. 
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ninja8tyu · 5 years
I checked to see if that text box I made got any more notes, but found out that the ben 10 v green lantern post is back at it again, and I can't see what people have written unless I figure out how to on my phone. At least my tensura posts are getting notes.
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