#tenko shimura x male reader
gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
Hey! I hope you’re doing good in ur exams!!
Can I request a Tomura x Male reader?
Before the whole war…please, I’m grieving a lot for way too many reasons. ☹️
Tomura Shigaraki x male reader
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Big sucker for gamer Shigaraki, why did people stop writing it. So im basing this off earlier season Shiggy, but you can imagine him how you want.
Reader has a quirk vaguely based off Yaga from JJK, cuz I love JJK, and I love Yaga.
Dating Shigaraki was an… experience to say the least. He could be quite bratty or childish at times, but you couldn’t really blame him, especially after hearing about his relationship with that sensei of his.
You weren’t a villain. But you just… didn’t respect the system and thought the hero system was corrupt beyond redemption. You didn’t think Shigaraki’s Sensei had the right idea either. But you had been ignored more than once by the so-called heroes meant to save you.
You had what most would call a “villain” quirk, having the ability to make something akin to dolls or golems, some even being so complex they could think and feel on their own. You had even created more than one that didn’t know it was a doll.
Being raised by golems was an experience, as your parents had been so offput by your quirk and interest in how everything and everyone worked. They’d fed you and clothed you, but that was it. and when your younger siblings developed more “appropriate” quirks, the gap became massive.
It had led to you leaving home as a teen, having finished and graduated online school earlier than most.
You had left a small unnoticeable golem in your home, just to see how long it took your family to realize you were gone. The answer was three months, and it was only because your rich grandpa who had a string quirk, who had always supported your love for puppets, came back from abroad to visit.
The gratification of hearing and seeing your loving but serious grandpa rip your family apart verbally, and then take away all the monetary support he had been given them, was almost enough to cover up the pain of your empty stomach and warm you where you were huddled in an alley.
Meeting Shigaraki had been an accident in the beginning. Your golems had only gotten more and more complex, meaning you suddenly had an income that was more than enough to get your own place, with one of the golems as the “owner” of course.
After that you started selling information and different kinds of “defense” work. That meaning, you helped people hide from the hero commission, and get information other people couldn’t. what was better for that situation other than an army of people that just didn’t exist.
You were picked up by Giran, who had taken notice of your large net of people, whom he didn’t know were your puppets and golems. He, or rather All for one, paid much more than you really needed. But all these years had taught you more than most knew about the inner workings of hero society, so you didn’t turn it away.
You did have a slight feeling that All for one wanted to eat you after he learned about your quirk. But the whole having to build the skill and mental capacity seemed to stop him, for now, since he apparently didn’t have time to perfect it in time for what he had planned.
You were the first outsider in the league of villains, way before anybody else joined, which was how you and Shigaraki started spending time together.
In the beginning hed been his dry snappy bratty self, and he just reminded you of the dirty street cats that you used to feed when you still lived in alleyways. They’d hiss and spit, trying to puff up and look tough, but they always just looked so frail and vulnerable.
Neither of you could tell when your relationship became more than just coworkers. Maybe it was when Shigaraki had Kurogiri warp him to your penthouse since your tv “was bigger and better” than the one he had in his room.
Or when you started bringing him designer clothes that would fit him better than the rags he wore, or had your golems break into different shops to get him some ointment that would help with his scratching.
You even caught yourself once or twice trying to play his games, but you figured out your usual strategic and put together mind lost all its footing playing LOL. Never before had your age quit, and you were too shamed to try again after that.
Shigaraki would admit later that he had tried to get into your hobbies too, with a big blush on his face and a sour expression, like he didn’t want to admit that he had feelings. He couldn’t really get into the art that was doll and golem making, and just how detailed it got for you had his head spinning.
Neither of you ever outright asked the other to date, it just kinda progressed to that point. Shigaraki spent more time at your place than at the “villain hideout”, even after the rest of the league joined.
You started going on dates, which were you booking an entire arcade or restaurant, and having your golems serve you. Or letting Shigaraki lean against you playing his handheld as you planned stocks or different businesses you had your fingers in.
In front of others, you two just seemed like allies, maybe friends on a good day. And it only came out after Magne and Toga had been teasing Shigaraki about having no experience, where he snapped at them that he had a boyfriend, you.
The rest of the league were shocked to say the least, since you two didn’t act anything like a couple around them. But both you and Shigaraki just raise a brow going “why would we be all lovey at work”.
It didn’t surprise you that Shigaraki was touch starved and loved to cuddle. In the beginning he would almost act like it pained him to be touched and cradled. but so many years with no normal human contact always had that effect.
You weren’t used to it yourself, having gone so long with only the touch and comfort of your dolls and golems, but none of it was the same as when it was another person.
The two of you were pretty much dating in your shared opinion, before you ever really got physical. And by that, I mean, you started out by just sitting close or you wrapping your arms around Shigaraki.
Your lover was understandably scared of touching you with his hands, even when he wore gloves to stop his quirk from working. So, it was a major breakthrough when he did return the hugs, or would hold your hand.
But when the floodgates for affection opened, Shigaraki would always find himself clinging to you like a cat searching for warmth. It was pretty damn cute in your eyes, and whenever he would shuffle into the room, you just life an arm and let him melt into your side.
Most days you could keep working, answering the phone, checking your laptop, and what else. But there were also days where Shigaraki would grumble about dusting your stuff if you didn’t cuddle him right.
Part of you had a feeling it was Shigaraki wanting you to take a break, and the other part was sure it was just cuz he liked to be squeezed tight and snuggled. But who were you to complain.
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butterfly-writer · 2 months
Ello! I just read your Dabi x Mother figure reader and I really really really loved it a lot! I was wondering if you could make a similar fic with the premise of Shigaraki x an older male reader who is a father figure towards him? You don't have to of course, I just really liked that Dabi fic and thought it was sweet!
A Father’s Love
Shigaraki x Male!Reader [PLATONIC]
Summary: Shigaraki grew up with an abusive father and a weak mother. He was traumatized after killing his whole family, and ended up living with All For One. It didn’t do any good for him, All For One was a controlling father figure who acted like he was doing what was best for him. All changed after recruiting a man with a unique Quirk.
★☽A/N: To be completely honest, A Mother’s Love is definitely one of my favorites!! That and Unexpected Interest. If you guys noticed my writing is slightly different, it’s either because I’m lazy, have improved, or have Writer’s Block… ANYWAYS, ENJOYYY!! <333
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The League of Villains is a dangerous organization, known for their evil crimes. All orchestrated by All For One himself, a centuries old threat to Japan’s society. His successor, Tomura Shigaraki, isn’t much different from his mentor.
Tomura Shigaraki grew up with an abusive father and a weak mother. At age 4, he killed his whole family, leaving him alone with no guardian and ended up living with All For One. It didn’t do any good for him, All For One was a controlling father figure who acted like he was doing what was best for him.
All changed after recruiting a man with a unique Quirk.
He was an old soul, a man in his 40’s with a unique Quirk. His name was Y/N L/N, known by society as Poker Face for his card-related Quirk. He was recruited by Dabi a couple days ago and he had already made his impact in the League.
The reason why he was invited to the league was because of his Quirk, which allows him to have any ability to extract any meaning from a card and use it to his advantage. Despite being called Poker Face, the cards that he can only use are tarots cards.
Dabi deemed his Quirk useful and recruited him to the team. With time, he slowly went up the ranks and was side by side with the main league. He was hard-working and focused at any task he was given. He was an impressive addition to the team.
By the time he joined the main league, he became very well known in the LOV. Known for his fatherly aura. He used to have a daughter that would’ve been Shigaraki’s age if she hadn’t died in an accident. An accident that All Might failed to save everyone in. Because of this, his hatred towards All Might was born and it grew everyday by the amount of people praising him for his work.
Toga absolutely loved him! Her parents had always found her weird as a child. Y/N? He doesn’t give two shits about her quirks. “You want to drink my blood? Okay, just don’t drink it all!” He would say with a big smile on his face, offering his arm towards her. “You want me to find a bird to drink all its blood? Give me the whole afternoon and I’ll find you a juicy one!” Another thing he would say, a huge smile on his face.
Of course, his treatment towards her is different since he’s a girl dad inside and out.
Dabi was a bit defensive around him. Although he was the one who recruited him, he only did it for the sake of the LOV. (Shocking!) But, with time, he grew to love the man as a father who supported his dreams. Touya grew up with Endeavour as a child, who filled him with so much hope and expectations, only to tell him to give up because of his Quirk. Y/N wasn’t like that. Anything Dabi suggested, he would give a pat on his back and tell him “it’s a great idea!” with a thumbs up. He was like any old dad. But to Dabi, he was the best.
Due to Shigaraki’s past, he learned to not trust people. The only people he trusted were the main league, Kurogiri and “Master.” All For One wasn’t exactly the best father figure after his late father died. He wasn’t abusive, surprisingly, but was controlling and manipulative. He always said that he was doing what was best for Tomura and to trust him.
All these years, Tomura was brainwashed to think that All For One was the best thing that happened to him.
But he was wrong.
When Y/N greeted himself, Tomura saw him as a disgusting old man. He thought, How could an old man like him be so great? with a scoff. He didn’t even shake his hand!
Shigaraki was bothered every single day by the older man. Everytime he was having a tough time, he found it annoying that L/N would go out of his way to comfort him. Everytime he was motivated or had done something successfully, he was there to cheer him on.
Slowly, even though it was unintended, his trust in Y/N increased. He found it trustworthy enough to handle things on his own without having to report anything to him.
And by now, he trusted Y/N with all his heart. All For One did not like this “new recruit.” He found him distracting towards Shigaraki. He despised how Y/N was basically stealing his successor.
Shigaraki didn't know that he saw Y/N as a father figure. He was caring and much more considered than All For One. He couldn't believe he was comparing Y/N with All For One! The very being who saved him.
But he wasn't considering his opinions, he never was there when he was having his breakdowns.
Y/N was. In one of his breakdowns, he scratched his neck to the point it was red and blood started to seep out. All For One wasn't there, but Y/N was. He quickly helped him, stopping him from causing more damage to his skin. He helped him calm down and regain control over his emotions again.
He was kind enough to put some ointment or cream to treat his wounds. He was still shaking but Y/N didn't mind. He just smiled at him and reassured him that everything was fine.
That was probably the first time in ages. The first time he cried, sobbed, in ages.
He couldn't stop the tears from falling from his eyes. His body shook even more as tears started to flood his vision.
He didn't know if this was from relief or what. He didn't know why he was crying, he just was.
Y/N sort of panicked when he suddenly cried in front of him. He rushed to comfort him with a comically sweaty state. “Hey, hey, it's okay!” He embraced him and patted his back.
Shigaraki couldn't move, he didn't even hug him back. He just sobbed the entire time, wetting Y/N's shirt in the process. Y/N was still shocked by this reaction, unable to react except trying to soothe him by rubbing his back.
Let’s just say that Y/N is his favorite person now. More than All For One.. (AFO is definitely angry about this revelation).
Oh! And he’s not afraid to call Y/N “dad.” <33
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cult-of-husbandos · 1 month
yandere!shigaraki tomura - until he met you
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🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki is not a people person. His childhood should already be a big enough indicator of that.
🖐🏻 ━ His quirk always kept others miles away and his appearance didn’t help much.
🖐🏻 ━ He always saw love as a fatal flaw that could bring to the downfall of the strongest heroes and he’s witnessed it firsthand how true that sentiment is.
🖐🏻 ━ Until he found you.
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki would become fixated on you, constantly thinking about you to the point where it affects his judgment.
🖐🏻 ━ The LOV would be caught off guard when they walked into the bar area and saw a random civilian sitting, smiling, and drinking with their crusty, dusty leader.
🖐🏻 ━ This is clearly a date. Right?
🖐🏻 ━ Noticing their presence first and oblivious to their flabbergasted faces, you introduced yourself first.
🖐🏻 ━ Or at least you tried to.
🖐🏻 ━ “Oh! Hi!”
🖐🏻 ━ “Um… hello…?” Twice would be the first to greet back, albeit confused.
🖐🏻 ━ “Wow! You’re really pretty! Who are you? Are you new?” Toga rattled off, excited for a fresh cute face.
🖐🏻 ━ “Aw thank you! My name is–”
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki cuts you off by pulling your arm forcefully, pulling you off the stool and into his arms.
🖐🏻 ━ “Don’t waste your breath on these insignificant morons.” he snarled.
🖐🏻 ━ Toga and Twice gasped loudly and shouted back to their offensive leader.
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki drags you away from the bar, careful not to grip your wrist with all five fingers but still maintain an intense grasp on you.
🖐🏻 ━ “Oh, um! Bye guys! It was nice meeting you! And you’re really cute too!” you yell back, still smiling as if you weren’t being dragged away.
🖐🏻 ━ As soon as you both reached his room, he slammed the door and flung you onto his bed.
🖐🏻 ━ He flopped on top of you and immediately buried his face in your neck.
🖐🏻 ━ “Why’d you talk to them?” he grumbled.
🖐🏻 ━ You softly rubbed his back and giggled when you felt his dry lips graze your skin as he talked.
🖐🏻 ━ “I was just being nice.” you answer.
🖐🏻 ━ “Don’t be nice,” he snapped. “Don’t talk to them. Don’t look at them. Don’t smile at them. Don’t breathe around them.”
🖐🏻 ━ You laugh. “That last one might be hard.”
🖐🏻 ━ He gripped your waist tightly and growled harsher into your neck.
🖐🏻 ━ “I don’t care. I’d rather soon dust this entire league than have them so much as be in the same room as you.”
🖐🏻 ━ “But that would be rude. I can’t deliberately ignore a person when they talk to me.”
🖐🏻 ━ You spoke very calmly.
🖐🏻 ━ “And I want to get to know your friends.”
🖐🏻 ━ “They’re not my friends!”
🖐🏻 ━ You laughed and peppered his face with kisses.
🖐🏻 ━ “Please Shiggy~?”
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki fought with himself. As much as he wanted to say no and keep you locked in his room, he couldn’t resist your soft pouting lips.
🖐🏻 ━ “Ugh! Fine!” He finally gave in.
🖐🏻 ━ “But listen to me (Y/N). You’re mine now. No one else gets to have you, understand? If anyone tries to come between us, especially those worthless rejects out there, I’ll make them disappear… right in front of your eyes.”
🖐🏻 ━ “Lmao OK.”
🖐🏻 ━ He won’t tolerate anyone getting close to you. If he perceived someone as a threat, he’d remove them, either by intimidation or more extreme means.
🖐🏻 ━ The only person he’d trust you around is Kurogiri.
🖐🏻 ━ But, that wouldn’t really matter since he’s forbidden you from leaving the hideout. Which you didn’t mind as much since Shigaraki would cater to your every need.
🖐🏻 ━ Before getting together, he would stalk you. Always needing to know where you were and who you were with. You didn’t have a quirk so his need to “protect” you from anything and anyone would be overwhelming to everyone around him but you.
🖐🏻 ━ You find his overbearing attitude towards you to be endearing and sign that he really cares for you in a way you’ve never felt before.
🖐🏻 ━ “You don’t need anyone else. I’ll protect you from everything… even from those “heroes” that would love nothing more than to rip you away from me. And even if a hero could take you away, I’d kill them before they could lay a finger on you. Remember that. No one can save you from me. So don’t even think about leaving me. Because if you do… I’ll destroy you, and I’ll destroy myself so I could follow you.”
🖐🏻 ━ “But if you destroy yourself… I wouldn’t be able to hold and kiss you anymore…”
🖐🏻 ━ He uses his influence and power as leader of the league to isolate you even further from the outside world. Wherever you were living before would be cleaned out of your stuff and moved into the hideout. Your job would try to contact you, but to no avail. Friends and family would reach out to the community to ask where you went and search for you, but with no luck. To everyone from the outside, you no longer existed. You had seemingly disappeared without a trace.
🖐🏻 ━ He also makes the others go on errands for anything you needed, no matter the time or how busy they were. If they didn’t want to be dust, they’d be your loyal servant.
🖐🏻 ━ However, one day after waking up from a nap, he would feel around the bed after not feeling you in his arms and when he opened his eyes… you were nowhere to be found.
🖐🏻 ━ No one, not even Kurogiri, could stop the rampage that followed after Toga, Twice, Dabi, and Mr. Compress told him that they had no idea where you were. They had just gotten back from a mission. They had no text from you and Kurogiri also admitted that he saw you in the bar area for a while, but when he went to check on something for a minute, you were gone and he assumed you went back to his room.
🖐🏻 ━ This began the ultimate decay storm. He screamed, he threw punches and furniture. The members were awestruck by the insane scene happening before them. Over you. A quirkless random. There was nowhere to go.
🖐🏻 ━ When Spinner walks in, he barely manages to dodge a half-dusted stool hurling towards his head.
🖐🏻 ━ “What the fuck?!”
🖐🏻 ━ “(Y/N)?! They’re fine! They went to go get something to eat like 15 minutes ago!”
🖐🏻 ━ Suddenly, the raging storm turned silent. The other members took this as a chance to make a run for it.
🖐🏻 ━ “Outside?”
🖐🏻 ━ Spinner gulped anxiously, feeling a chill run down his spine.
🖐🏻 ━ “You let. MY (Y/N)! GO OUTSIDE?!”
🖐🏻 ━ The remaining stools in his hands quickly turned to dust as he gradually trudged towards the green lizard with heavy, ominous steps.
🖐🏻 ━ Spinner froze, unable to move an inch.
🖐🏻 ━ “I-I was busy! I was getting information and there was no food in the fridge. The others weren’t here and (Y/N) said they were hungry so I gave them the keys–”
🖐🏻 ━ Spinner could tell Shigaraki wasn’t listening. All his excuses were falling on deaf ears.
🖐🏻 ━ Just as Shigaraki’s hand was mere mere inches away from Spinner’s face, he knew what would get him to stop.
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki stopped in his tracks and pulled his hand away as he stared down at the shaking heteromorph.
🖐🏻 ━ Spinner is Shigaraki’s loyal right-hand man. The first person he met when all hell seemed to be on them. The first ones to bring together this league. To bring down the heroes. Spinner would never lie to Shigaraki. And he knows that.
🖐🏻 ━ “Tell me where they went… please…”
🖐🏻 ━ Spinner and Shigaraki have always had a soft spot for each other.
🖐🏻 ━ When you first came into the picture, Spinner saw this as just a passing fling – mere puppy love – and soon Shigaraki would get bored of you and throw you away.
🖐🏻 ━ Looking at the nearly destroyed common area and how close he came to being dust himself, he was obviously wrong. He realized that Shigaraki would destroy everyone and everything around him if he were to lose you.
🖐🏻 ━ Meanwhile, you are having a great time. You’re sitting in a restaurant waiting for your to-go order and scrolling on your phone.
🖐🏻 ━ It was pretty peaceful despite the busy lunch rush. The only thing on your mind is getting the food and going home. You were honestly starting to get sick being around others and their loud conversations. Shigaraki really spoiled you by keeping you inside all the time and having others get food for you. You honestly wonder how you put up with this in the past. You cursed under your breath when you felt your pockets and forgot your headphones.
🖐🏻 ━ You checked the time again for the fifth time when a huge crash rattled the entire store.
🖐🏻 ━ Customers started to scream as bodies flew across the restaurant slamming against the floor and walls. Customers and staff that weren’t blocked by debris ran from any exit they could find, trampling over bodies and others trying to flee as a white unmarked van skidded into the entrance, the bumper and blood covered in blood.
🖐🏻 ━ You were about to make a run for it too when you heard a familiar voice.
🖐🏻 ━ “(Y/N)!”
🖐🏻 ━ You whipped your head back and immediately smiled at the familiar face emerging from the van.
🖐🏻 ━ “Shiggy!”
🖐🏻 ━ You ran towards Shigaraki, nearly tripping over the broken glass and concrete debris blocking the way.
🖐🏻 ━ As soon as Shigaraki felt your arms wrap around him and your body press against him, he nearly forgot how mad he was.
🖐🏻 ━ Nearly.
🖐🏻 ━ “I warned you. Did you really think you could leave me (Y/N)? I told you that I’d kill everyone around you if you ran away from me.”
🖐🏻 ━ The leftover customers and staff stood shell-shocked at the scene playing out before them. A few are already on the phone with the police.
🖐🏻 ━ You tilted your head quizzically.
🖐🏻 ━ “But I didn’t run away.”
🖐🏻 ━ You said it so calmly. Like you weren’t afraid of him or perturbed by his words.
🖐🏻 ━ “You disobeyed me! You went outside! You left me!”
🖐🏻 ━ “Shiggy, I told you I was going to get food. Don’t you remember?”
🖐🏻 ━ “Don’t lie to me, (Y/N).” He stared you down intensely and gripped you tighter like you were going to fade away right before his eyes.
🖐🏻 ━ “I’m not, babe! During our nap together, I went to the kitchen to get a snack and the fridge was empty. Toga, Dabi, and Twice weren’t there and I didn’t want to disturb them because they’ve been so busy lately so I asked Spinner if he could pick up some food for us.”
🖐🏻 ━ Spinner, still sitting in the driver’s seat, halted his breath wondering if you were going to throw him under the bus since he didn’t get the chance to fully explain the situation.
🖐🏻 ━ “But Spinner was also really busy so I asked him if I could borrow one of the cars to go get some food. He said he would only allow it if you approved.”
🖐🏻 ━ “I don’t remember you asking me anything…” Shigaraki remembers falling asleep in your arms, but nothing else.
🖐🏻 ━ “Awww~! Was someone half asleep?” you teased. “That’s so adorable~!”
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki couldn’t stop the blush that spread to his face. If Shigaraki was really awake, there would be no way in hell he’d approve any of this.
🖐🏻 ━ You stood on your tiptoes and gave Shigaraki a gentle kiss on the lips. Surprising everyone including Spinner and Shigaraki.
🖐🏻 ━ You’d only given him cheek and forehead kisses. This is officially his first kiss. You pulled away and smiled at him lovingly.
🖐🏻 ━ “I’m sorry for worrying you. I won’t do it again.” you apologized. “Honestly, being outside sucks. I just want to be back home with you.”
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki felt a warmth in his chest enveloping his heart. Without a doubt he knew what this feeling was. He hadn’t felt it in a long time.
🖐🏻 ━ “U-Um…”
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki’s eyes turned sharp as he glared at the vile creature ruining the moment.
🖐🏻 ━ “Oh! Is the food ready!” You smiled at the stunlocked worker covered in the building’s dust holding two large plastic bags trembling in his hands.
🖐🏻 ━ You took the bags from their hands and gave it a quick lookover. You hated it when workers gave you your food and left out important utensils or missing items.
🖐🏻 ━ “Yep! This is it! Thank you–”
🖐🏻 ━ “Didn’t I tell you not to be nice to others?” He grabs your face to look only at him as he glared at the worker you were freely giving your smiles to.
🖐🏻 ━ “Look! I got the league and us ramen! And look at this! They also have ohagi! Your favorite! I had a feeling you’d want something sweet after your nap.” You raised the bags and turned around to face him.
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki felt even more confirmation about this feeling than he thought possible.
🖐🏻 ━ This is love.
🖐🏻 ━ He wants to snatch you away from this place, away from the leering and perverted eyes of the disgusting NPCS walking this earth, but…
🖐🏻 ━ A honk cut clear through the tension.
🖐🏻 ━ “Okay, lovebirds! We gotta go unless we want to get some heroes to-go too!” Spinner called from the car.
🖐🏻 ━ Shigaraki led you by the waist and carefully placed you into the backseat of the van like you were made of porcelain.
🖐🏻 ━ Before he got in himself, he turned to the dazed customers and staff one last time.
🖐🏻 ━ “I guess I won’t blow this place up… Maybe I’ll decide after eating.”
🖐🏻 ━ As Spinner drove off, he kept glancing at the backseat as you and Shigaraki continued talking light-heartedly like they hadn’t committed domestic terrorism in a search for you.
🖐🏻 ━ Spinner sighed in relief as the storm finally blew over.
🖐🏻 ━ Call it true love or obsession, Shigaraki had no intention of letting you go.
a/n: my first reaction post for mr. hands aka crusty dusty. my love for him out weighs my love for sleeping. so i turned him into a yandere. pls enjoy!
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despairots · 1 month
what if you were there to save shigaraki instead?
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self harm (shiggys scratches), reader has a cancelling quirk that only activates if they touch them, gn! reader. reader is the same age as shigaraki when he was a kid.
a normal day with your parents, smiles on their face when they watch you hop from one place to another, your tiny little feet’s fitting perfectly into the cement rectangles.
you giggled, turning to your parents with a smile before turning back and accidentally bumping into another kid. you pouted and whine, rubbing your head as you peered up to see the person you bumped into.
what you didn’t expect was scary red eyes looking directly into yours, “… are you okay?” he asks quietly, almost expecting you to cry and run away from him. a smile appeared on your face, grasping onto his hands as stars danced in your eyes.
“your eyes are so pretty! it reminds me of rubies, i love rubies! what’s your name?”
he was not expecting such a happy reaction.
but he found comfort in it, his fingers curled around your hands not knowing if you would decay right in front of him, but you didn’t. you noticed his eyes looking down at your intertwined fingers, “i have a cancelling quirk! i don’t find it that useful really but erasurehead really inspires me into being a hero!”
he’s speechless, watching you as the lights in his eyes return. he continues to listen to you talk, body jerking everytime you get a bit too excited on a subject you like but he doesn’t let go, actually, he craves more from your touch, smooth skin making contact with his rough ones.
“oh! i’m talking too much. i’m [name] [lastname]! what about you—“
you get cut off when your parents pull you away from your newfound friend, he could hear your parents scolding you as you respond with a small shout of protest.
“no! i’m not leaving my new friend!”
you push past your parents to hold his hands and pull him towards you, “this my new bestfriend! if you wanna bring me back home, you’ll have to bring him too!” his heart flutters by your words, his eyes were only pinned onto your determined look before tears started to stream down his face.
“ah! did i do something wrong? why are you crying?”
his free hand goes up to wipe the tears but more kept coming, your parents kneeled down and placed their hands on his shoulders, concern on their face as shigaraki’s tears kept coming.
“my name’s.. tenko shimura.”
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thetreefairy · 1 year
First sleepover
Warnings: mentions of isolation, reader is oblivious to who the LOV are. Drinking, smoking. Taglist @slasherscrybaby @yandere-city Words: 951 p.2 had to re-publish this due to massive spelling mistakes, hope you guys like it,
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But Tomu-Tomu will take Reader away from them.
“Bye~ I’ll be meeting up with Tomu-Tomu and his friends!” Reader shouted as they put their shoes on, they were going to get drinks with Tomu-Tomu and 2 of his friends. “Make sure to bring your self-defense kit!” Shota shouted, Hizashi rushing towards Reader with the self-defense kit. “Call us if you are in danger, alright?”
“Of course, pa, I will be home before 12 and I won’t drink too much.” Reader kisses Hizashi's cheek and waves as they leave the house. Reader sends a text to Tomu-Tomu.
player two to Tomu-Tomu: Can you send me the addresses, Tomu?
tomu-Tomu to player two: {insert random address} it’s a bit difficult to find, I will be at the start of {random street that is close by}
Player two to Tomu-Tomu: Thank youuu, I am so excited to meet your friends :D
Tomu-tomu to Player two: They are excited to meet you too, do mind Toga however, she is obsessed with blood due to her quirk.
player two to Tomu-tomu: :00, that's so interesting, I can see you. hehehe imma scare you : )
Tomu-tomu to player two: If you want to scare someone you shouldn’t, you know tell them.
Tomura chuckled as he re-read Reader's message, he had seen them himself. But with how cute they are, he couldn’t help but pretend to be scared when Reader hugged him from behind. “So scary~!” He said in a teasing tone. “Almost as scary as you trying to trash talk in Valaront.”
“Hey!” Reader shouted, realizing that he’s making fun of them. “I was really trying, but my little sister was in the same room!”
“Excuses, excuses.” He grinned as he ruffled their hair. At first Tomura wanted to use you, but after just a week of playing video games together he had grown fond of you. His master, AFO, likes you as well and his anger issues have died down now. “Now come on, before the burned bitch is going to call us and complain.”
"Burned bitch?” Reader asked with a curious tone as they started walking to Tomura’s hideout home. “Yeah, my friend has a lot of burns because of his quirk.” He said casually. “Look, we are here.”
When they got inside, a girl immediately hugged Reader. “Is this your friend Shiggy? They are so pretty!” Reader instinctively petted her hair. “Can I drink your blood, pretty please?” the blonde girl asked, drawing out the e of ‘please’. 
“Maybe you should introduce yourself first, Toga.” A man with burn scars asked as he smoked. "Yeah! Nuh uh! Don’t tell them our names!”
“Jin, do me a favor and tone your other side down, I already have a headache.” the lizard type a guy hissed. “You can call me spinner.”
“Hello everyone, I am Reader.” After the introductions and small talk they started to play games. “My god, how did that crispy bitch pull you?” Dabi chuckled out drunkenly. Toga was drinking Reader’s blood happily but that comment made her gasp. “Shiggy and Reader are dating?!”
Tomura looked like he was about to burst and was red. “No no no, we are besties.” Reader chuckled, they were a bit tipsy. “But I do think he’s pretty.” Reader tried to whisper into Toga’s ear making her chuckle. Tomura had heard this and his brain isn’t braining right now. Reader then got a call from Hizashi.
"Papa!" Reader greeted him happily.
 ‘You forgot the time didn’t you?’ His voice sounded amused, but a bit strict as well. This caused Reader to gulp, they truly had forgotten the time! How stupid of them.
“Ah yes, I did, I am sorry but everyone is just so fun! I can go home right now.”
Tomura pushed a bag of blood towards Toga and whispered in her ear to pretend to be his girlfriend. When Toga transformed she said: “N/n, can I talk to your dad?”
“Ah, papa, Tomu’s girlfriend wants to talk to you, is that okay?”
‘That would be wonderful.’
“Hi, sir, I am Lily,”
‘Hi Lily, it’s nice to finally picture a voice by the person.’
“I was wondering if Reader could perhaps stay over at my house, I would feel awful if they had to go home this late.” Toga lied smoothly and before Reader could interrupt Tomura placed his hand over their mouth. Kissing their cheek when he saw their terrified expression. 
“Don’t worry, you won’t get isolated.” He whispered in their ear. He had told the league about the heroes' strange punishments towards their oldest child, so none of them were surprised at his words. 
Toga gave back the phone and winked at Reader.
‘Tomu’s girlfriend is such a lovely girl’ Hizashi told Reader. ‘Your dad and I agreed that you can stay over just this once.’
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Reader happily squealed.
‘Just make sure that you are home before Hitoshi returns from the class trip.’
“So at 4 pm I have to be home.” Reader asked to make sure.
‘Yes, and make sure to not tell Hitoshi, as you know he heavily disapproves of sleepovers.’
“I won’t, talk to you later and goodnight, pa.”
‘Talk to you later and sleep well, dear.’
When Reader hung up she looked at her new found friends. “Well I guess I am staying here.”
“Yay!” Toga shouted happily.
“You should sleep in handy man’s room.” Dabi said with a smirk.
“Sure!” Reader agreed, Tomura looked at Dabi, annoyed.
‘What if I talk in my sleep?’ He thinks. ‘What if they hear my thoughts about them?’
And that was exactly Dabi’s plan, and hopefully make Reader hate heroes, but that might be a long shot.
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My Ko-fi page
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qtipcottonbuds · 2 years
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hello yes this is something. shy tomura, but shy alien tomura teeheeeheheheheh
warnings ;; elements of aphrodisiacs, mild language, use of tentacles, alien!shigaraki, monsterfucking, not so much spit soz, uh oviposition, eggs, aprodiasics or however you spell it, tomura is trying his best whilst horny i prom.
by qtipcottonbuds 2022. Do not repost.
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He hadn’t intended to have held back for so long - he was all the more aware that he should’ve allowed the process to happen sooner, instead of making things more difficult for himself. He always had a habit of doing so - near enough across the threshold to be seen as self-destructive in nature. But, it was humiliating, especially within an interspecies based relationship - opening up on such a vulnerable level about an upcoming clutch, to a human of all species? 
Breeding and rearing young, between both his own species and yours, were two worlds apart entirely. A matter of finding the right place, a safe one at that, reliable and perfect regarding comfortability - no potential risks of any stress in the chosen environment. A planned, meaningful selected area perfect for incubating his young with his chosen partner. If anything, Tomura had planned to avoid freaking you out at all costs - avoiding all potential interactions with what he had below the belt.
To make things worse, the levels of humiliation had reached a fever pitch as you’d returned home from a shift, letting yourself in at the sight of him slouched against the hallway, having been unable to make it any further into your shared home, stumbling into the wall, and slinking down in the journey. 
He recalled briefly keening high in his throat, wavering into two different pitches, merging into one, and awkwardly palming against his ovipositor through his slacks, heavily engorged from a lack of relief. Continuing to unbuckle his belt, unlooping it through the jean hoops, his sex had slid out with a pop! slapping up against the expanse of his lower abdomen - the relief immediate. At the time, Tomura knew it was far from appealing - having unintentionally allowed the build up of his brood with no release, it left his ovipositor bulging; one of his eggs, having attempted to make the journey out had rooted itself in the swollen opening, unable to slip out, regardless of the obscene amounts of clear juices, thick and sticky, that had gathered across the fat head. Small oval-shaped eggs bulged against the surface of his balls, distended and puffy from the amount, overwhelmed from the production. 
(Why had he allowed it to get this bad again? Right. Work).
You’d just about managed to guide him up from the floor and into a more safer space,  your shared bedroom, settling him down onto the bed before his desperation had finally taken hold of him, overflowing and swallowing him whole - you, now on your back, pinned by translucent tendrils varying in thickness and length. His ovipositor, almost turning a deep purple, pushes against your rim, already abused and puffy from the relentless stretching from his tendrils, stretching you further and further to allow his eggs to slip through - a few of the clutch already situated in your lower stomach, bumping together occasionally underneath the stretched skin, hot to the touch. 
Your hands shakily had found comfort in rubbing over the warm skin, soothing the clutch.
The initial shyness Tomura had at the thought of engaging in something so primal, raw, with another for the first time had gradually started to fade away, his mind occupied by nothing but static and white noise - his hearing having been reduced to that along the lines of cotton stuffed in his ears. As his brood sloshes heavily in his balls, taut, still filled to the brim and a consuming reminder to breed, a stray tentacle, thin and slick, nudges against your lips. It’s gentle and tentative, brushing back and forth. 
Almost questioningly.
Beyond the glossy haze over his eyelids, he barely just makes out your nodding, quick and rushed - a yes - and responds back a low coo. 
Pushing past your lips, the tendril strokes along your gums and across the small crevices of your teeth, circling and exploring, before driving farther in, prodding against your tonsils. It taps against the flesh, somewhat experimentally, before continuing once more, settling comfortably in the confines of your throat, flattening against your gag reflex and relaxing. Twitching, the slender tendril gapes briefly, supplying a numbing agent, filled with an aphrodisiac, thick and sweet, seeping down the back of your throat, and past the corners of your lips, pooling there.
In his addled mind of nothing more than mating and breeding, Tomura knows this agent could only do so much for the time being - but it allowed you the relief of a well-deserved break, you’d already taken some of his brood. 
Yet, there was so much more to go inside. He wasn’t done.
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loveriotss · 5 days
Yo! I was wondering if you could do some headcannons for Shigaraki, Aizawa, and Dabi with a male reader? I also thought it would be cool if reader had a quirk that had the abilities of a wendigo or skinwalker, and he would be really tall (around 6”6 or 7ft maybe?). I think it would be cool to see them with a guy that has a creepy quirk and personality, but really he is a gentle giant.
Anyway, have a great rest of your day/night! Thank you!!
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HIM WITH A WENDIGO/SKINWALKER QUIRK USER ⸻ tomura shigaraki + shota aizawa + touya todoroki
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# tomura shigaraki + shota aizawa + touya todoroki INCLUDES — male! reader, fluff(ish), headcannons
main masterlist — mha masterlist ༊*·˚
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when you both first met, he thought you were some kind of nomu.
was surprised to find out that you're a human but he respects you nonetheless.
he's intrigued by your quirk's eerie and supernatural nature.
very very curious about the details of your quirk but he won't ask you about it, he will just stare at you a bit creepily.
as you two grow closer, he's drawn to the contrast between your menacing appearance and your gentle demeanor.
he’s used to being misunderstood and understands the feeling of being seen as something to fear rather than to be understood.
he likes how your personality doesn't undermine your abilities.
if you're in the lov with him, he will rely on you a lot.
he trusts you, even if he doesn’t always express it verbally.
when it comes to missions or plans, shigaraki values your input and abilities.
your quirk’s versatility and your understanding of the darker side of things often make you a crucial ally in his schemes.
he respects your contributions and sees you as an essential part of his plans.
despite your imposing stature and fearsome quirk, you have a way of creating a soothing environment.
shigaraki treasures the quiet moments you share, where you can both escape from the chaos of the world and simply enjoy each other’s presence.
he's an odd guy who likes odd things and trust he will yap to you about it.
you just stare at him like '😀' while he casually talks about some gruesome thing that he's hyperfixated on.
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[💤] SHOTA AIZAWA . . .
when you and aizawa first met, he was a bit cautious of you.
the appearance your quirk gave you was something he had never seen before.
that paired with your personality began to intrigue him.
feel like it would be funny if he had a pet cat who never really warmed up to everyone but the first day you visit his house he finds his grumpy little cat on your lap in minutes as you happily pat it.
will apologize on your behalf if you accidentally startle someone.
(which is like everyday 😓)
however if anyone tries to be rude to you because of your appearance he will defend you firmly.
has tried erasing your quirk which takes away whatever additional abilities you have but you appearance remains as towering as ever because of it being a physical quirk.
aizawa finds your quirk fascinating and is eager to understand it better.
will occasionally request training sessions with you where he will face you with scenarios that challenges you to use your quirk in different ways.
he values the calm and thoughtful conversations you two have.
you're one of the few people who can match his vibe since he is mostly surrounded by loud extroverts 🙏 (a/n: looking at you present mic).
if you were a hero, he would be one of your biggest supporters and will not tolerate any disrespect towards you from other heroes or even civilians.
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[🔥] DABI . . .
when you and dabi first met, he was intrigued by you but still kept his distance.
your towering height and the unsettling nature of your quirk made him cautious.
if you were introduced to him through the lov he wouldn't really speak to you much in the first few days, opting to just observe you from the sidelines.
your personality was bit of a surprise to him.
it made him suspicious of you as he thought you were hiding your true personality and whenever he tried to bring it up with the other members they just laughed at him.
eventually he decided to 'investigate' you on his own and found his assumptions about you terribly wrong.
as you two grow closer and become 'friends', he starts teasing you.
will call you the most oddest nicknames but it's okay because you call him odd things back.
friendly fire between the two of you is common but a very fun sight to see as whenever the argument get's a bit heated, dabi tries to look menacing but compared to you he looks like a little kid throwing a tantrum.
despite his jeers and sarcastic remarks, he genuinely respects you.
he acknowledges your strengths and doesn't doubt your abilities.
he is a horror/supernatural freak so seeing someone who looks similar to the creepy books he snags from corner bookstores in front of him makes him fanboy internally.
he occasionally lets his guard down around you, sharing bits of his past or personal thoughts.
is also a very good listener. during your rooftop conversations he will patiently listen to your stories or whatever struggles you've faced.
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NOTE — posting this embarrassingly late, really sorry to the anon who requested this 😓😓.
©loveriotss — all rights reserved to me. please don’t try to copy/steal my work. please do not use any of my ideas/translate my work without my permission.
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luffyvace · 8 months
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a masterlist of all hcs I’ve done~ (any characters who are not here or in part 2 have not been done—link to part 2 in my pinned post)
One piece
Luffy D. monkey
Luffy relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Luffy x reader x Zoro
Luffy x black reader ♡
Luffy x male reader hcs ☆
Luffy x heroic fem! reader (requested)
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro’s kisses headcanons
Zoro x male reader headcanons
Zoro x reader x Sanji poly relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Luffy x reader x Zoro
Zoro x overly sweet reader (requested)
Sitting in Zoro’s lap hcs
Strawhat headcanons
Nami x male reader
Nami x black reader
Nami x female reader
Nami x poker faced male reader (who’s Robin’s brother)
Nami x fem! Reader ft. Jealous! Sanji
Vinsmoke Sanji
Zoro x Reader x Sanji poly relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Sanji x black reader (also has Ace separately) (requested)
Sanji x overly sweet reader (requested)
Nico Robin
Brook and Robin thoughts
Nico Robin x morbid gn! Reader hcs
Strawhat headcanons
Hcs of what I think Robin’s ideal s/o would be (requested)
Robin x male! Reader neglects himself from always taking care of the crew (requested)
Robin x (biological) younger brother! reader (requested)
Nami x poker faced male reader (who’s Robin’s brother) (not my idea)
Brook and Robin thoughts
Strawhat headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Portgas D Ace
Ace x amab! Reserved! reader
Ace adopts a dog headcanons
Ace x black reader (also has Sanji separately) (requested)
Ace x childhood best friend! Reader who he has a crush on
Akagami Shanks
Red hair pirates x male reader who has heterochromia (requested)
Shanks x fem reader (a mini scenario in hcs format)
Shanks x male reader (a mini scenario in hcs format)
Boa Hancock
Boa x older brother! Male reader platonic relationship hcs (requested)
Buggy (relationship) headcanons
Perona x male reader
Monkey D. Garp (platonic)
(Platonic) Garp x younger fem! Reader who looks up to him as his apprentice (requested)
Kurtapika Kurta
Kurapika fluffy relationship headcanons (requested)
Cute domestic hcs of kurapika x fem reader (requested)
Big brother kurapika hcs (requested)
Chrollo Lulcifer
Chrollo x outgoing reader
Feitan Portor
Feitan fluff hcs (requested)
Feitan x seemingly angelic and innocent reader who’s actually in an criminal organization too (requested)
Feitan x a truamatized reader who’s a sadist and has hemokinesis powers (requested)
Machi Komachine
Macho relationship hcs
Shaknark Ryusei
Shalnark x closed off reader (requested)
Shizuku with a S/O she thought she was already dating
Bonolenov x reader who’s from his (gyudondond) tribe
Uvogin x reader who’s as big as him
Phantom troupe relationship hcs (separate):
(Separate) phantom troupe relationship hcs
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku x male reader hcs
Bakugo Katsuki
Katsuki x shoto twin reader
Katsuki x male reader
Katsuki x black gn! Reader
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto hcs for his big day
Shota Aizawa
Aizawa crush headcanons
How Aizawa courts you/relationship headcanons
Aizawa’s kisses headcanons (mini series by me)
Mina Ashido
Mina x gn! Reader
Minnax black gn! Reader
Uraraka Ochako
Uraraka x shy fem reader
Tsuyu Asui (Fixed! Tsuyu relationship hcs
Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura)
Shigaraki x scholarly reader with glasses (has dabi separately)
Touya Todoroki
Dabi x scholarly reader with glasses (has shigaraki separately)
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Fukuzawa’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Ranpo Edogawa
Ranpo x lazy male reader
Ranpo’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Yosano’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Kunikida’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Osamu Dazai
Dazai’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Tanizaki Junichiro
Tanizaki’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Naomi’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Kenji Miyazawa
Kenji’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Mori Ogai (i don’t condone his behavior)
Mori’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Hirotsu’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Koyo Ozaki
Koyo’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Chuuya x gn reader
Chuuya x male reader
Higuchi Ichiyo
Higuchi’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Higuchi Ichiyo as your girlfriend
Tachihara’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Gin Akutagawa
Gin’s reaction to screwing up her first date with yo
Tanjiro x male reader
Inosuke x black male reader
Rengoku x gn reader relationship headcanons
Obanai x chubby gn reader
None yet~ coming soon!~
None yet~ coming soon!~
None yet~ coming soon!~
List of characters I want to write for eventually
List of character I want to write for eventually
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fertilize-my-eggs · 1 year
Getting some sugar from the king
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A/N: this is other reupload, don't worry I'll be making three parts to this, I remember someone ask me for a sugar daddy shigaraki x reader soo I hope the smut in the next few days, btw this older tenko and he's gonna be season six soo not a skinny gamer boy. ( I KNOW THIS IS CRINGE LEAVE ME ALONE )
Warnings: ddlg + age gap + insecure reader + slightly antsy + little masturbation.
You sigh heavily, your face is covered in sweat as you begin to tear up a bit, you are on the floor curled into a ball… crap I can't pay rent for this apartment.
You feel stressed from college, having a job and still can't pay the rent. You pull your phone out and ask your friend for advice.
You: [ hey bestie… I need some advice for paying this rent and I… Idk what to do please help >n< ] 
You click send and wait for a few minutes, you hear a bing from your phone and begin to read.
Number 1# bestie: [ Hoiii~!! Uhh I'm not sure bestie but you have to promise not to get mad? ]
You: [ mhmm why? If it's something crazy then I will murder you -_- ]
Number 1# bestie: [ pleaseeee bestie promise me >.< ]
You remove the sweat from your face as you begin to type.
You: [ alright… fine I promise now tell me. ]
They were typing, then pausing for a few seconds then typing again.
You let out a loud gasp as your eyes wided.
Number 1# bestie: [ okiee!! How about you find yourself a sugar daddy?? 0.0 I meant I've been a sugar baby for quite a while and I-... Been thinking they will help you out plus you need to relieve some stress girly… gets some d in you😏😜  ]
You cover your mouth, start to laugh.. Me as a sugar baby??? Would anyone give me money that easily? You begin to sigh long and heavily as your head taps the wall.
No one's gonna want a fat woman like me, you knew your best friend almost your whole life. You were more curvy while they were slim and petite. She could get anyone that fast and you weren't really interested in dating in the past but hey gotta get some quick buck to pay rent.
You: [.... Okay I'll try but it's just gonna paid rent… you play too much lmaoooo 💀💀 ]
You: [ soo uhh how do I get a sugar daddy? ]
You hear the bing again and see she's sent a link.
Number 1# bestie: [ this is where I find my men!! Goodluck on finding some men and good dick~!! >v<]
You: [ STOP YOU PLAY TOO MUCH!! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN…. But thanks you bestie luv u😊💕 LMAOOOO  ]
You see the laughing emojis and some spicy emojis along with it as you roll your eyes.
You click the link and it pops into a website as you begin to read, you get a little nervous but you need the cash fast..
After creating an account, you start to scroll, you see different men with different status and your eyes begin to wided.
How the hell do they get so much money??
You click on a profile that has very interesting photos and status.
Name: tenko shimura
Gender: male
Age: 45
Status: one billion
 looking for a long term, someone to keep me company and unlock a player two to play with. (Looking for 20-45 women, close by)
He's really an interesting human being… Wait, is he a gamer?? You look at the photos of him as he is in some casual wear, sometimes even a shirtless pic or two… you can't help but get flustered, he's pretty athletic and has some scars on his-... Oh my god is that a cat???
You zoom in to see he has two cats and corgi.
Oh my god… I need to message him.
You begin to type a simple sweet message hopefully he'll be interested in me.
You slowly get up from the floor to get ready for a shower.
You check your phone to see if he messaged back and he did.
Tenko: [ Hello Y/n, thank you for the message. Do you want to meet up? ]
You thought about it and messaged back.
You: [ sure!! We're can meet up by that new coffee cafe shop I hear it's has cats and I've never went there =D tomorrow? I'm available. ] 
You put the clothes on the counter of your small restroom as you begin to remove your clothing as you look at the message.
Tenko: [ sure wear something nice okay pretty? ] 
You start to blush red, wear something nice.. I-.. Uhh I don't have anything fancy like a dress.
You: [ oh I-... I don't have an nice outfit tho. ]
There was little silence in your room until you heard the bing again and your eyes wided more.
Tenko: [ don't worry, we can go shopping after coffee ;) ]
Your cheeks feel like it's on fire and type back.
You: [ awww really? You don't have to… you're too sweet. ]
Tenko: [ shush, I gotta spoil my player two after all. ]
You felt more red and had a huge smile on your face… it's just a payment for rent that all.. As you message back.
You: [ *link* There the coffee shop meet at 8am goodnight tenko~!! ]
Tenko: [ goodnight player two hope you sleep well ;) ]
That wink emoji… I think he's just being playful, you sigh dreamily as you hop into the shower, taking a long shower to get ready for tomorrow.
You feel your belly getting warm and giggle softly.
You start to clean everything, shave your body parts.. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care, he seems very laid back and chill to talk to for 45 years old.
You wonder, he has very long hair, he probably wears it in a bun or ponytail then you feel your core getting heated.
You slowly have dirty thoughts going through your head as you dream of having a rich gamer have his way with you.
Your fingers slide down your wet body to rub your clit.
Imagine it's his finger and soft gentle voice whispering in your ear.
" you're so wet for me angel. " you pant softly, would he be gentle or rough with you.
Your finger speeds up faster and your other hand moves to your entrance.
"such a filthy whore, you love being played like this?" You nod your head fast into your own dirty fantasy.
You wonder if he can last long or have a big penis… I mean size doesn't matter to you but god hopefully he will be a great lover in bed and doesn't last like two seconds like older men do.
You quietly giggle, your high getting close as you slide two fingers inside.
" mhmm don't stop.. Tenko. " You mumble to yourself.
You finally reach your high when you rub your clit fast, imagine his body being close to you and smelling your sweet scent.
Your body twitches, shaking a bit as you sigh softly.
Fuck… yeah my friend right about one thing, I need to get laid fast.
You quickly get out, take a quick dry off your body then head to your bedroom.
can't wait for tomorrow you thought as you begin to sleep cozy in your soft queen size bed.
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ruu-https · 6 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Masterlist ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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ᥫ᭡ — Genre Keys.!
✿ - fem!reader ・❖ - gn!reader ・♛ - male!reader
✲ - smut・※ - suggestive・❀ - fluff・♨︎ - angst・✂︎ - hurt・☂︎ - comfort
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Newest Release — Nightmares ft. Dabi & Shigaraki
Last Updated — July 16th, 2024
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ᥫ᭡ — Bakugo Katsuki
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— Headache - drabble ❖❀
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ᥫ᭡ — Kirishima Eijiro
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— 10:59:01 - "I missed you" ✿❀♨︎
— 10:59:02 - in progress ✿❀♨︎※
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ᥫ᭡ — Todoroki Shoto
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— no works yet
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ᥫ᭡ — Dabi (Touya Todoroki)
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— Nightmares - DabiShiggy - ❀ ☂︎
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ᥫ᭡ — Tenko Shimura (Shigaraki Tomura)
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— Nightmares - DabiShiggy - ❀ ☂︎
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ᥫ᭡ — Other
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— class - m x gn!reader ❖❀☂︎
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@ruu-https -----2024 || All rights reserved. Do not repost, re-upload, translate, modify or claim my work as your own.
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butterfly-writer · 14 days
A Father's Love SHIGARAKI X MALE!READER [PLATONIC] TW: NONE Contents: FLUFF & SLIGHT ANGST? Summary: Shigaraki grew up with an abusive father and a weak mother. He was traumatized after killing his whole family, and ended up living with All For One. It didn’t do any good for him, All For One was a controlling father figure who acted like he was doing what was best for him. All changed after recruiting a man with a unique Quirk.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 41
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The first time heroes lost and time to recuperate was not going to be given. The world had lost faith in heroes.
Words- 1570
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Warnings: Angst, slight violence, blood, hospitals, (TW: PTSD), MHA WAR ARC SPOILERS
“Is it safe to wake her up…? I mean she is his sister we don’t know..” A voice muffles as you floated in darkness coolness covers you like a sheet.
“That’s not our decision if the patient is in a stable condition you can’t force her to stay comatose.” Another voice speaks up and light touches grace over parts of your body and you continue to let the darkness consume you.
“Now begin pushing .02 mg of Zolpidem.” The voice returns again and trembling hands grace over your wrist before a liquid flood your body. It trails up your wrist through your heart spreading throughout your body before reaching your brain.
Your eyes shoot open ripping a scream from the one nurse as they jump back and the other one comes closer to you.
“Ms. Shimura…can you hear us you’re safe.” A feminine voice speaks above you shining a light in your eyes and you groan swiping your hand out and she jumps back. Forcing yourself up your body screams in pain as you look around, seeing the male nurse pressed against a corner and the other holding her hands out to you.
“Just calm down Ms. Shimura…you’re in no condition to be up and moving.”
A ringing fills your head and you slam your hand against your head to stop the ringing. Flashes past through your vision of the battle. Hands grab your wrist to stop yourself and you swing your other hand out pushing her back.
“don’t….touch me!” Your voice is raw and you stumble out of the bed hitting the floor and shaking slightly your wrist bleeding from the IV being removed. Pushing yourself to your feet you stagger hitting the wall your ears ringing the lights too bright.
You swing your arm out in the direction of the voice letting out a screech. Like a rabid animal, you act savagely to the area around you and the two people in the room cower back. Falling through the door in the hall you hit the wall on the other side trying to catch your footing,
His voice rings in your head shadows reaching out from the corners grabbing at your clothes and ripping through and carving up your skin. Stumbling forward dodging an attack to get caught in another, pool trails behind you. The thundering booms follow behind you.
Hitting another door you fall forward hitting the floor with a smack your hands barely catching you as your body cries out in pain. Snapping your head up your gaze meets multiple people in the room, nurses and doctors stand frozen in the middle of their duties. People dressed in regular clothes, men and women, and children all look at you as you stare back at them.
Chaos rushes as screams fill the hall people shoving and trampling one another trying to escape somewhere. Your hands slam against your ears trying to dull the ringing. Scrambling to your feet a body crashes into you and you slam into someone grabbing them to stop yourself from falling. You make eye contact with a woman and she screams shoving you away from her and you crash into a desk your back seizes. A hand grasps your throat and you let out a shriek as you’re thrown against a wall. Their fingers tighten around your neck as you claw at their face looking up and seeing him standing in front of you. His skin was covered in injuries and scuffs from the battle his white hair was a shade of grey from the rubble. Your father’s hand covers his face but behind it, his scarred face hides behind it.
You gasp for air pulling your hands back and pressing yourself further against the wall a different man stands in front of you. He stares at you in surprise his face has a few scratches on it but it is currently hardened. Kirishima….
“Get everyone out of here!” He says his voice firm but his eyes are still focused on you, you look over seeing who were still left standing behind people you knew…Iida...Uraraka…Kaminari...Mina. They all look at you surprised almost scared to be near you. Fighting within his grasp he holds onto your shirt tight.
“L-et me go!” Your voice cracks shaking within his grasp and your hands shove against him and he stumbles back and you hit the ground your head on your knees clutching your hair by the roots.
“Y/n…” Kirishima’s voice is light as he crouches down in front of you his hand reaching out but you flinch back your fingers digging tighter into your head flashes of the fight fill your vision the screams and the smell clear in your senses.
“Hand over One For All, Izuku Midoriya.”
Shigaraki slams Gran Torino into the ground a crater forming and blood flies into the air.
“SENSEIII!” A scream rips through your throat as the bullet hits Eraser’s crimpled leg just as fast as it hits him his leg is a stump of the limb on the floor.
Looking at yourself you look in horror as your arm barely hangs onto your shoulder and the gash running across your chest is similar to Shigaraki.
“A connection runs deeper than you think Y/n! You will feel the pain I feel!” 
“Never let that hatred die. Tomura.”
“Very well…I will be taking something for me though.” He says and his hand slams against your face red smoke flooding from your face into the hole in his palm.
Your scream fills the air as you thrash in his grasp feeling every ounce of your body be stripped from you.
Rivets dig straight into your chest and stomach as you stare at him in horror.
“Y/N!” A voice has your head snapping up to look to see Kirishima looking at you, tears streaming down your face, your fingers bloody from clawing at Kirishima shakes taking over your body erratically, blood slides down your forehead mixing with your tears. Those red eyes look at the boy in fear.
“Shimura.” A new voice speaks out and you flinch shoving yourself further against the wall and seeing the new people joining you. Hawks and Best Jeanist stand further away looking at the scene before them. A sharp pain rushes through your arm looking down you see a needle being pulled from your arm. Looking up at Kirishima as he tosses the needle aside as a wave of dizziness floods you. Sluggishly shoving him aside you try moving away from him but your legs give out and you are grabbed by the boy as he catches you.
“why…why would…” Your words slur as more doctors crowd around you and you fail at getting them away from you dark spots filling your vision.
“I’m sorry…”
Then everything stops.
“Ms. Shimura…” A voice calls out and you shuffle trying to ignore the voice…the light through your closed eyes irritates you, “Ms. Shimura…” Slowly your eyes open your vision blurry before it clears and there is a woman sitting in a chair across from your bed her voice echoing in your head. You let out a groan trying to move your hand to cover your face but nothing happens, letting out a noise of confusion you look down at your hand that lies limp on the bed.
“It’s just a sedative to keep your calm Ms. Shimura…we need to make sure you’re stable mentally before we can lighten the dose.” She explains and you frown after a second of staring at her, “I know this might be a bit confusing but you were involved in an incident and you’re in the hospital. You’re safe…” A knock fills the room and the door opens a man walks in dressed in a suit his hair yellow like straw two long strands falling in front of his face.
“All Might..” She says and a slight grin forms on your face hearing that name. He was that hero..he was super strong. A silent giggle causes the two adults to look over at you as your eyes almost glazed over giggling at his presence, “The sedative usually relaxes the patient sometimes in a loopy sense but it’s good that she isn’t acting agitated.” She says and a dopey smile crosses your face as the two adults look at you almost in pity.
“Young Shimura…I’m…so sorry. I wasn’t there for you.” He steps forward kneeling down in front of you his hand heavily pushes your hair back stroking your skin and your smile at the feeling.
“why….you didn’t..do anything,” You mumble blinking slowly, “you’re number one.” He frowns looking away and a stray tear slides down his face he quickly wipes it away turning back to you.
“I’m going to be there for you…I promise you.” He says leaning down and pressing a kiss onto your forehead and a drop of water hits your face.
“izuku…i..i want izuku.” You mumble and he stiffens above you pulling away and you frown in confusion. His face held many words he wanted to say but knew they would destroy you, especially in such a fragile state you are right now.
You may have lost everything nothing hurt more than finding out from him…
Izuku Midoriya was gone.
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A/N: AHHH THIS CONCLUDES THE 1ST ARC/HALF OF MIMIC!! I'm so grateful for everyone who enjoyed this story and has either been here since the beginning or has just joined! I want to take a short break from this story to try to give the anime some time to release more episodes so I wouldn't be giving out manga spoilers but after a bit, I will return to this story. DO NOT WORRY! I have literally 10 chapters already written! I'm not leaving though! I will be posting chapters of Fallen Angel and a new story I hope you all like called the Hellish Todoroki Family! Thank you for all the love and support and I can't wait to continue this amazing story!
@jazzylove @coochiehaitachi @me-e-mo @galaneiaeris @nothingtoseehere-01 @endlessmari @twitterpat @one-hell-of-a-potato29 @stxrrielle
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 28 days
My Hero Academia X Reader
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Z1W0NLh by Ace_hazbin You can request fluff and cute shit or Give me anything your freakish little minds can think of the only things I draw the line on is (non-con, shit kink, anything to do with kids) anything else is open. Character: Deku Bakugo Todoroki Mina Denki Kirishima Dabi Shigaraki Toga Aizawa All Might Endeavour Midnight Say if you want fem, male, non-binary, trans, anything you want! Words: 76, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Rei, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shinsou Hitoshi, Toga Himiko Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Reader, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Shouto, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Yagi Toshinori | All Might/Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kayama Nemuri | Midnight & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Reader, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Reader, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Todoroki Rei, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Smut, Lemon, Face-Fucking, Breast Fucking, Fucking, Fucking Machines, Threesome - F/M/M, Students, Doggy Style, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Sex Toys, Gay Sex, Public Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Lesbian Sex, Shower Sex, Phone Sex read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Z1W0NLh
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thetreefairy · 1 year
Teen reader playing just dance with dabi and Shigarki is in my head atm
very short no warnings really. Except talk about past punishments
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Teen reader is a menace, so for to get rid of their energy Dabi bought just dance.
He just didn't expect to be roped in to doing the dances with them.
So what did he do? He made Shiggy dance with Reader as well.
Reader had gotten another high score in Just Dance and laughed at their dad's score. "Papa! Even Dabi has a higher score than you!" Reader laughed out loud causing Dabi and Tomura to look offended. "Hey! I have way better at Just Dance than handy job!" Dabi shouted offended.
"Dabs, you and dad have a star difference. And with me you guys have like 2 stars difference."
"I should isolate you more..." Shiggy mumbled, causing reader to whine. "You are getting to cocky thanks to burnt bitch."
*cue offended Dabi noises*
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qtipcottonbuds · 2 years
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this is from last year, something I didn't finish 🕴🏼but here it is now yes yes !! dis is a bit short though - it’s more like a ramble ish thing. 
warnings ;; deepthroating, oral sex, possible mild language, hinting towards facials, werewolf!shigaraki, borderline hinting at face-fucking really, (this is a negotiated kink between the pair of you in the scene), rough sex etc
by qtipcottonbuds 2022. do not repost.
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He’s barely hanging on by a thread, much more than he’d like to admit.
 Strained in his movements, treading on the threshold between humanity and instinct - most notably by the way his palms grip into jean-clad thighs harshly, clawed fingernails scratching into the fabric. Tomura was far from inexperienced, having his fair share of sexual escapades; yet, he was anything but gentle. He didn’t want to be gentle - it wasn’t in his nature. Raw and desperate was his default approach, innate and primal - he didn’t have it in him to be kind, didn’t think himself capable of doing so.
Tentatively, he reaches out a shaky hand, unsure as to whether to latch onto the crown of your head, grounding himself in the tufts of hair. He didn’t want to hurt you. Instead he opts to allow his fingernails to graze across your scalp, catching through the strands. He could allow himself that, at least.
The reaction is abrupt, visceral; Tomura hadn’t expected you to be so sensitive, the mere actions of his fingertips guiding through your hair left you grunting, moaning into the engorged slit of his dick. If anything, it renewed your enthusiasm further, now suckling on the fattened glans, your own fingers sliding back and forth, nudging against puffy veins.
The vibrations from the groaning hit his cockhead immediately, thrumming through the flesh, and it’s all the incentive Tomura needs to shove his palms into your hair. Fingers thread through the tufts, curling and hooking into the roots, as he rocks his hips upwards without restraint, forcing your throat to accommodate to his girth - his eyes honing in on the sight of your throat visibly bulging around him, tears beading in the corners of your eyes and clinging to your eyelashes. 
(You could take him, couldn’t you?)
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loveriotss · 2 months
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REQUEST — "may i request shiggy boyfriend texts? pref with a female reader........... 👁👁" INCLUDES — fem! + gn! reader, fluff, crack, headcannons, social media au WARNINGS — reader is implied to be a part of the lov/lives together with the members, swearing, swearing, murder implied, doxxing, kys/kms jokes
main masterlist — mha masterlist ༊*·˚
: ̗̀➛ click here to read other character versions !
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because of his quirk, he holds his phone with four fingers and types with one finger from the other hand, making his texting speed kinda slow.
uses abbreviations that toga taught him so he can type faster.
expect him to have a new replacement phone every week (he disintegrates his previous ones by mistake or on purpose when he gets angry at posts).
he's a bit blunt in text and it will either make you very flustered or will provoke you to block him.
does not understand your little memes or tiktok references so he would download facebook thinking it's the same thing.
just imagine it being 5 in the morning and the first text you receive from him is a minion meme he got from facebook.
he genuinely finds them funny
he got instagram solely to look at your posts.
he won’t interact with your posts so you’d assume he doesn't see it until he randomly brings it up. “you looked nice in the pictures you posted today” and then goes about with his day as you just stand still, shocked that he actually pays attention to your posts.
if he sees a creep in your comment section, he’d get one of the lov members to doxx them and then goes on a fun little field trip to their house. 
after a bit of coaxing you managed to make him download tiktok but you regret it because he makes references all the time.
sometimes he gets confused on what certain things mean and toga and twice take advantage of that teaching him a completely different meaning, snickering when they see you glaring at them after you received a text from tomura saying his 'gyatt hurts'.
before y’all started dating, kurogiri definitely had a screen time limit on shigaraki’s phone because he would just keep hating on stain videos all day and almost got himself doxxed once for fighting with an all might fan.
whenever the screen time limit was over he would yell at kurogiri and end up disintegrating his phone.
after you guys began dating, kurogiri finally removed it.
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NOTE — had to do a bit of researching for this one since im not that big of a shiggy fan so wasn't sure how to portray his personality. might be a bit ooc but i tried my best tho so hope yall like it 😭😭. ALSO THE IP ADDRESS IS JUST SOME RANDOM ONE i deadass searched 'random ip address in japan' and put the first one that came up but anyways pretend it's some creep's house.
©loveriotss — all rights reserved to me. please don’t try to copy/steal my work. please do not use any of my ideas/translate my work without my permission.
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