#tenka birthday
daeva-agas · 7 months
Hi! Do you have screenshots from last years Tenka birthday prizes?🥹
It got turned into a gacha in SLBP instead of the really painful cake event. Here they are:
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There's all the chibi too, but I might already hit image limit for Tumblr LOL.
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yeonban · 4 months
What if I celebrated Sethos' birthday (31.05) and release (05.06) with a graphics revamp and him as the new poster boy for the month of June...
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waterlinkedgirl · 9 months
Toumyu Hanakoyomi 8&9
For something different from usual (no fancy picture because the Hanakoyomi is a drama cd and so doesn't have one), I'd like to give you all the 8th and 9th Hanakoyomi episodes! It's not very likely I'll be posting the rest of the Hanakoyomis, as it's very likely the episodes will be released on CD and I'd like to prevent folks substituting the tls for the actual episodes ^^;
The choice of Hanakoyomis is not at all because I'm biased noooo
Hanakoyomi 8 - Higanbana featuring Minamoto Kiyomaro, Nagasone Kotetsu, Kogitsunemaru, Suishinshi Masahide, Hachisuka Kotetsu
Hanakoyomi 9 - Cosmos featuring Onimaru Kunitsuna, Daihannya Nagamitsu, Kogitsunemaru, Tomoegata Naginata, Heshikiri Hasebe
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imasallstars · 9 months
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The 25th of December is the birthday Tenka Osaki (cv. Ryoko Maekawa). Various campaigns will occur in celebration of the idol. All of these campaigns will occur until the day ends
Special Birthday Line Login and spend 200 Feather Jewels to purchase a gift and give it to the idol for a special birthday line! Along with the line, your stamina will also be refreshed by 100
Birthday Home Screen Lines For as long as the day runs, special birthday lines from other idols will appear on your home screen! Listen in to hear just what everyone has to say about today’s star!
Birthday Gacha A special gacha box will be available until the aforementioned time. The SR/SSR content of this gacha will only feature LIMITED cards of the birthday idol. The box only takes PAID Feather Jewels
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satosuguswife · 1 year
Series Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
Poly!SatoSugu x Toji'sSister!OC
A story about Tenka Zenin, the little sister of the man dubbed as the “Sorcerer Killer'' - Toji Fushiguro. Just like Toji, she is also blessed, or cursed based on how the Zenin clan sees it, with heavenly restriction.
Toji sibling fluff to angst, No SatoSugu yet, The Zenin clan being shit
Word Count:
2,059 words
A/n: feel free to request AUs for this through the asks :> if you want to be tagged for this story just leave a comment or ask
Ten years after Toji Zenin was born, came a little girl. She was named Tenka - meaning heaven and flower. The clan hoped she would be better than her brother but to their disappointment, it was another failure. The Zenin clan all thought that except one - her brother. While the rest of the clan looked at her as another stain to their name, her brother saw otherwise.
At first, Toji just pitied the pile of flesh that was unfortunately born into the vile clan. But when he held her for the very first time, it was also the first time Tenka ever opened her eyes. Toji feared that she would cry the second she saw him but to his surprise, she giggled as she reached out her dainty little hands to him. It was at that moment that Toji saw her as his light.
Life was not kind to the two siblings as they suffered from the constant berating insults of their own clansmen and the disappointed stares of their parents. Although that did not matter as long as they had each other by their side. Unbeknownst to them, their time together would be cut short on his 14th birthday.
"Aniki!" The 4-year-old girl shouted as she ran into her brother's arms. "Look! I made you a flower crown made from the Azlea flowers that grew in the gardens for your birthday!" Tenka beamed at her older brother, proud of the gift she made him. Toji chuckled at his sister, grateful that she remembered his birthday. It wasn’t common for him to be noticed but that was one thing Tenka never failed to do; after all, they were each others’ world.
They walked through the clan grounds as Tenka babbled to Toji about random stuff she thought of. The sun soon set and painted the sky with hues of gold. Toji stopped by the stairs and sat on them while they watched the sunset.
"Aniki? What's your wish?"
Toji's eyes widened. No one has ever asked him what he wished for on his birthday or even any day. For once in his life, someone bothered to know what he wanted. He softly patted his sister's head and spoke. "I wish to see you happy and safe Tenten." Silence swept the air as the siblings didn't bother to speak a single word and enjoyed the peace, but little did they know it would soon be ripped away from them.
The eerie silence cuts through the night as an unknown man spoke with the head of the Zenin Clan - the father of Toji and Tenka.
“We’ll pay you any amount you want. All we need is the kid with the heavenly restriction.” 
“You can have the girl. She has no use for us anyways.”
The two men shook hands and sealed the deal that would forever change the lives of the two siblings for the rest of their life.
“Let go! Help me! Aniki! Please let go of me!” The cries of the young girl were left unheard as she was dragged away from the place she called home by men she knew nothing about. Marks of blood were left with every step she took from her wounded feet. Tenka struggled and tugged her arm, trying to break free from their grasp but it was all rendered useless.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the estate, Toji lay restless on his bed. ‘Why do I feel like something is wrong…’ he thought. He tossed and turned but to no avail, he still felt wide awake. Minutes passed until he finally decided to take a walk and see if Tenka was awake. It was not out of the ordinary for Toji to feel sleepless at night, which is why he brushed his suspicions aside. Unfortunately, he was sorely mistaken.
The moment he reached Tenka’s room, he realized then and there that he should have trusted his instincts the moment he had it. The room was a mess - the picture frame that held a picture of Toji and Tenka was now shattered on the floor with blood staining it. It seemed as if someone stepped on the broken shards of glass. Having seen this, Toji was now in a panic.
‘What happened?’
‘Where is Tenka?’
‘Is she safe?’
All these questions swirled inside the mind of the 14-year-old boy. Toji never feared anything - not his clan, not his brother, and not even his father, but for the first time in his life, he was terrified. He ran out of the room shouting his sister’s name, not caring whether or not he was bothering the people in the estate. He searched for hours but he never found her. He knew that his last resort in finding his sister was asking his father. He knocked on his father’s study and to his surprise, he was still awake.
“Come in.” a gruff voice came from behind the door.
Toji never liked his father and neither did Tenka but unlike her, Toji never hid his hatred for the man. The two glared at each other the moment Toji stepped in the room. Toji wasted no time and asked. “Where is Tenka?” Their father sipped on his tea, simply glared through his cup. Toji, irritated by his actions, jogged to his father and slammed his hands on the desk. “Answer me old man! Where the hell is Tenka?!” The older man set his cup down and stood up. “I sold her. She was useless anyways.” He spoke as if the girl that was sold off wasn’t his daughter.
Toji stood there in disbelief. He looked at the man before him with pure resentment. “Well? I answered your question, now leave.” The man dismissed his son without even taking a glance at him. Toji left with a heavy heart. If only he listened to that voice in his head, and now he is forced to live a life without the one and only person he cared for.
Screams and cries echoed through the room as men strapped down Tenka on a table. She thrashed as much as she could to try and escape her bindings but this all stopped once she felt a painful sting across her cheeks. Her hair was grabbed, forcibly turning her head toward her captor.
"Stop thrashing around little girl. You will never escape, for you will be my little secret weapon"
Tenka could only stare through her tears in horror at the madman who cackled about all the experiments he would do on her. All to form the deadliest human weapon in his disposal.She suddenly felt something pierce her neck and a groggy feeling washed over her body. No longer able to feel her limbs, Tenka had no choice but to slip into the inky void of unconsciousness.
For several years, Tenka was stuck in an endless cycle of suffering just so that she could be the perfect human weapon. The sorcerers that held her captive saw potential in a child that had heavenly restriction, especially one that had no cursed energy at all, because everything comes with a price. The price for having no cursed energy is heightened physical attributes. The group of sorcerers thought that the Zenin clan was stupid for ignoring the children that could open up new opportunities for them.
For days on end, they put Tenka into experiments that would leave her wishing to be in the arms of death. Dosing her with different kinds of poisons so that she could build immunity against it, grueling hours of harsh training that left her with large cuts and bruises, and even going so far as to give her meals that could rival the taste of wet rags covered in vomit. 
It has been 9 years since Tenka was taken from her clan’s estate and it felt like she had gone through all the 9 rings of hell during those years. Until one day, it seemed as if the gods finally heard her prayers for the past years because they at last brought someone to get her out of the hellhole.
It happened after Tenka had gone through the day’s experiments. As she laid unmoving on the cold floor of her cell, she heard shouts and screams from outside her cell door. “Someone has breached the facility, all security personnel are requested at the ground level immediately!” Tenka heard a guy shout through the intercom. Tenka’s eyes widened to this information. She dragged her battered body near her door and started slamming her fist against the metal. She called out for help, shouting for someone to save her amidst the chaos, despite her dry throat already screaming for her to stop.
Suddenly the door opened and all hope in Tenka’s eyes faded as it was the man in charge of her experiments that stood in front of her. He grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up, a sadistic grin plastered on his face. “You really think you can escape me little girl?”. The man cackled as he threw her to the ground and looked down at her. “You will never leave this place until I’m done perfecting you! Never–!”. His words were cut short as a blunt side of a katana hit the back of his head knocking him out cold. 
Tenka looked in fear, unsure whether he had good intentions or not,  at the man that stood before her with katana in hand. He looked as if he was in his late 30’s. He had black hair with gray eyes and was dressed in a black button up paired with black slacks. He crouched down and reached out to her, only to pull away once Tenka flinched. “Hey kid, let’s get you home hm?” He smiled while reaching her hand out to her. Tenka, once hearing this, immediately hugged him and cried in her arms - thinking she was finally saved.
The man could only look at her in pity after seeing her current state. The man walked through the facility, removing anything in his path just to make sure he brought this kid out of the building and into safety.
The middle aged man didn’t bother on reporting first to the higher ups about his mission. Making it his first priority to get home and take care of the girl. The moment he opened the door to his home, he was greeted by a gasp. His wife stood there in shock to see her husband carrying a wounded girl. She immediately rushed to them and ushered them in. “Oh my god! Is she alright? Are you injured?”. The man nodded. “I’m fine dear, but the girl… Can you help her?” He asked his wife, looking down at the child in his arms. The wife nodded and went to get supplies to help the young girl. The man walked to their spare room and laid the girl on the bed. He sat on a chair by the bedside, waiting for the woman to come in. The woman came rushing in and immediately tended to the girl. 
After tending the last of Tenka’s wounds, the woman sat and tried to talk to her husband on what happened to his mission. “Honey… What happened? Where did the girl come from?” she looked at him in concern as she put her hand on his thigh.
"I just found her there… they were keeping her – experimenting on her. Based on the files I got in their lab, it seems she has been there for 9 years, my love.." The man spoke in a sullen tone as pity paints over his wife's face. He gently but firmly held his wife's hand and looked her in the eyes. "Love.. you can say no to this but… is it okay for you to let us adopt her? This can also be a way for us to finally have the kid we always wanted…" His wife only smiled. "I'm fine with that, my love." The two looked at Tenka with a smile, ready to take care of her as if she was their own.
From that day forward, Tenka's life finally changed for the better. No longer will she wake up to the horrendous cycle she called life for the last 9 years as she was now with the two people who would bring her unconditional love and happiness.
Series Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Meet the Seiyuu: Cheka Kingscholar
Cheka is voiced by Shibata Mei, who says that her inspiration to pursue voice acting was the anime Durarara!!
Today is her birthday!
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Shibata’s seiyuu debut was in 2017’s Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time for the PlayStation 4.
She has had roles in over 40 anime, 15 video games and 11 audio books including Bakugan Battle Planet, Deca-Dence and Tenka Hyakken Zan.
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She also voiced San-x character Corocoro Coronya in an adorable web anime.
Her Twitter involves a lot of pictures of her chinchilla, and sometimes she will post about Leona SSRs!
Celebrating getting Leona’s Tamashina-Mina card ↓
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Ensemble Stars Music Showdown Bracket
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The brackets have been all set up! Round one will begin tomorrow, 5/11, around 5 PM EST and will run for 1 day
Make as much propaganda as you want and if you want me to rb it make sure to tag me in it
Going to put the brackets in text format under the cut
Bracket A
Left Side
1: Crazy Roulette (Crazy:B) vs Date Plan A to Z (√AtoZ)
2: PARANOIA STREET (Crazy:B) vs Rakuen Tsuihou -Faith Conquest- (Eden)
3: Omoi no Kakera (Switch) vs Promise Swords (Knights)
4: You’re Speculation (ALKALOID) vs RIOT WOLF (Koga)
5: Sei Shounen Yuugi (ex-Valkyrie) vs TRICK with TREAT!! (2wink)
6: Yuukyou Seishunka (Valkyrie & AKATSUKI) vs The Beast of the End (Adam)
7: Little Little Prince Star (Tori) vs Zan -Ketsui no Yaiba- (AKATSUKI)
8: NA NA NA SUMMER NIGHT BeeAT (Crazy:B) vs Kanata e no Uta (Kanata)
9: Black Ball-Room (DEADMANZ) vs d’Arc (ex-Valkyrie)
10: Daydream×Reality (Trickstar) vs VIVID ROLE-PLAYING (Sora)
11: Sleeper Mystery Train (Double Face) vs Tell Your World (2wink & Switch)
12: Sajou no Roukaku (ex-Valkyrie) vs Yoru ni Kakeru (ALKALOID & Double Face)
13: Twilight Pentagram (Altered/Five Eccentrics) vs Heart aid Cafeteria (BLEND+)
14: Voice of Sword (Knights) vs Living on the Edge (ALKALOID)
15: The Tempest Night (fine) vs Ryusei Hanabi (RYUSEITAI)
16: Honeycomb Summer (Crazy:B) vs Kiss of Life (ALKALOID)
Right Side
1: Fight for Judge (Knights) vs Melody in the Dark (UNDEAD)
2: Midnight Butlers (XXVeil) vs VERMILION (ALKALOID)
3: U.S.A. (Crazy:B & UNDEAD) vs Moonlight Disco (Getto Spectacle)
4: Have you been naughty or nice? (Flambé!) vs Uruwashi no Nightingale (Valkyrie)
5: Magic for your “Switch” (Switch) vs Matsuriyo Emaki (AKATSUKI)
6: Meikyuu Denshi Kairou (Valkyrie) vs Heart Prism・Symmetry (2wink)
7: FIST OF SOUL (Butou-kai) vs Feathers of Ark (fine)
8: BRAND NEW STARS!! (All) vs Feather Heartache (Kaoru)
9: How to move’n chess (Izumi, Arashi, Nazuna, & Kuro) vs Unstoppable Love! (Trickstar)
10: Yukai Tsuukai That's Alright! (MaM) vs Shippuu Jinrai Shinobi Michi (Shinobu)
11: Savage Love Affair (UNDEAD) vs Nekketsu☆Ryusei Ninpouchou (RYUSEITAI)
12: Or the Beautiful Golden Drop (Knights) vs Birthday of Music! (Leo)
13: Death Game Holic (DEADMANZ) vs Noir Neige (La Mort)
14: Stippling (Double Face) vs Cloth Waltz (Shu)
16: Eccentric Party Night!! (Five Eccentrics) vs Genuine Revelation (ex-fine)
Bracket B
Left Side
1: =EYE= (Double Face) vs Awakening Myth (Eden)
2: Crush of Judgement (Knights Killers) vs Knights the Phantom Thief (Knights)
3: Be the Party Bee! (Crazy:B) vs Gate of the Abyss (UNDEAD)
4: Mystic Fragrance (Knights) vs Eternal Weaving (Valkyrie)
5: Poison Strategy (Ibara) vs Psyche’s Butterfly (Eden)
6: Hysteric Humanoid (ALKALOID) vs Marine Blue Rendezvous (Kanata)
7: Akatsuki Iroha Uta (AKATSUKI) vs Niichan Cheer Squad☆ (Nazuna)
8: Endless Vide (Fraternity) vs Gekkou Kitan (AKATSUKI)
9: RAINBOW CIRCUS (fine) vs See You Again (Madara)
10: Brilliant Smile (Switch) vs Sunlit Smile (Eve)
11: Kohaku to Ruri no Rondo (Mika) vs Melty♡Kitchen (Ra*bits)
12: Tenka Muteki☆Meteorangers! (RYUSEITAI) vs Secret Gravity (Natsume)
13: Little Romance (Knights) vs Artistic Partisan (ALKALOID & Valkyrie)
14: Coruscate Breeze (Knights) vs Ironic Blue (Izumi)
15: Ghostic Treat House (fine) vs Helter-Spider (Crazy:B)
16: Mayonaka no Nocturne (Ritsu) vs Bloody Moon Vampire (Rei)
Right Side
1: Yubisaki no Ariadne (Crazy:B) vs Distorted Heart (ALKALOID)
2: Acanthe (Valkyrie) vs Noisy:Beep (Crazy:B)
3: Article of Faith (Knights) vs Raisanka (Valkyrie)
5: Believe 4 leaves (ALKALOID) vs Nightless World (UNDEAD)
6: Mémoire Antique (Valkyrie) vs Saql Faith (Adonis)
7: Play “Tag” (2wink) vs JEWEL STONE (Arashi)
8: Life is so Dramatic!! (SCREEN10) vs Rainbow Stairway (Jin & Akiomi)
9: Owaranai Symphonia (fine) vs Romancing Cruise (Switch)
10: Heart Heat Beat (RYUSEITAI) vs Fantastic Days◎ (Hiyori)
11: Majestic Magic (Switch & Eden) vs IMMORAL WORLD (UNDEAD)
12: Break the Prison (UNDEAD) vs Silent Oath (Knights)
13: Honey Milk wa Okonomi de (UNDEAD) vs No name yet (Double Face)
14: Tsubasa Moratorium (ALKALOID) vs Miwaku Geki (Valkyrie)
15: Melting Rouge Soul (Adam) vs Ruby Love (Eve)
16: Valentine Eve’s Nightmare (UNDEAD) vs Trap for You (Eve)
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queenharumiura · 1 year
Alias/name: Neo
Birthday: March 5th
Zodiac: Pisces, and a Monkey. I'm a SEA MONKEY!
Height: Between 5'2" and 5'3" the thing was broken at the doctor's so they told me I could choose between 5'2" and 5'2.5" and I ofc chose the 2.5" but then another doctor said 5"3" and so I'm left not exactly sure how tall I am.
Hobbies: I like to doodle from time to time. I like to sing, and I enjoy writing and reading manga/manhwa/manhua. Collecting art from artists I like by commissioning them. I also like origami!
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite Book: I don't really do favorites, but I feel like 'Anne of Green Gables' left an impression on me. I remember liking it a lot.
Last Song: LOLOL '2 Hour long piano music for studying, concentrating, and focusing' by Study Music Project. I trained myself back in highschool to focus to study music things so when I need to FOCUS and write, I turn on the playlist.
Recent Read: //stares at her long list of manga/manhwa/manhuas that she's following. As for novels, 'The King's Avatar' is the last thing I read. There is no official English publication as far as i'm aware, so I had to read the web version of the novel that was fan-translated.
Last movie/show: Oh... this is awkward... it's still 'The Legend of Hei' when I watched together with @dyingresolve (hey Tenka!) That was a while back. I uh... don't watch movies often and I don't watch many shows anymore. I just read things.
Inspiration: I let my brain just randomly go: 'Hey, what if???' My brain is always running around with thoughts and I can inspired by all sorts of things around me, so-- yeah.
Story behind url: Haru Miura is my Queen, my LIFE, my EVERYTHING. Therefore the world should know first off how important she is to me. Therefore, Queen (of my life) Haru Miura.
Fun Fact: I had a can of an energy drink this morning at 7:30am and it had like 160mg of caffeine or something and I was JAZZED. My hand kept twitching and everything. I am able to function fine with just 4 hours of sleep and without caffeine. I am fine with surviving a week with a single bottle of soda. That's the extent of my caffeine intake. I made mistake finishing off the can like I did. It was tasty-- and free (lol). Mistakes were made and I'm very regret. Hopefully I can sleep soon--
Took from : @whiskeysmulti
Tagging : I don't tag
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myscrap · 2 years
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ApholisさんはTwitterを使っています: 「Happy Birthday Amana Osaki & Tenka Osaki . . . #シャニマス #大崎甘奈 #大崎甜花生誕祭2022 https://t.co/urxHNTu0Xq」 / Twitter
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╰ ☆ ✧ — @zcitgcistcr asked: Happy Birthday! I hope you're having a good day!
↳ -: ☆ ( Today I have unfortunately aged. ) ☆ :-
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Thank you so much Tenka ! I appreciate it ! <3
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infintasmal · 6 months
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Shirasu / Birthday
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Shirasu's birth has never seemed like something worth celebrating. The Fūma weren't exactly the celebrating kind but when it came to the twins, their birth was reviled. There were many times they wished to never have been born, wishing to unburden the other from their fate. Their mother celebrated quietly with Isame, more so after Isuke (Shirasu) passed his initiation, passively excluding the elder twin. But it always seemed a bitter event.
After Shirasu came to stay with the Kumo brothers, he observed them celebrate birthdays, always vibrantly with as much splendor as Tenka could manage. Eventually, Tenka realized that he didn't know Shirasu's birthday and the brothers pestered him until he revealed it; the first of April. They had already missed it. He insisted that it wasn't a big deal, that he'd rather not celebrate and it didn't mean much anyway. But Tenka wasn't having it. So Tenka, along with a young Soramaru who was coming around to Shirasu, decided that Shirasu's first celebrated birthday with them would be big enough to make up for the ones they'd missed.
And sure enough, it was a big occasion. Shirasu awkwardly got through the day, not sure how to react or deal with the warmth building in his chest at the idea of someone being happy he was born. From then, Shirasu's birthday was celebrated like all the others, Tenka ignoring any protests.
But when it came to his brother, Shirasu always did something for their shared birthday. After Kotarō infiltrated Gokumonjo, Shirasu made a point to always bring a special dessert for his brother. He, on a day meant for both of them, always celebrated his younger twin and never himself.
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daeva-agas · 1 year
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More birthday cakes
(previous set here)
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apfleur · 4 years
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Voltage posted a notice to explain about the renaming of the birthday stuff. Instead of going by the calendar year, they switched to using numbers instead (refer to yellow column). So now we are currently in the 6th year, and of course, the original warlords are all up to date. Nobuyuki, Shigezane, Kageie and the ninjas are slightly behind, and babies like Jinpachi and Shima are only just getting their 1st birthday stuff (omg, such a long way to go before we can get the more exciting stuff for them...༼ಢ_ಢ༽ ).
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arlome · 3 years
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imasallstars · 2 years
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Voice Provider: Ryoko Maekawa (前川涼子)
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cloudy-reverie · 3 years
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Tenka - July 7, 2021 Birthday Artwork by Karakara Kemuri
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