theavatarofdreams · 11 years
*!!!* *PRRRRRRRRR* *well hai Rey you have a fellow cephalopod creature attached to you being hella affectionate* *chirrrrr~*
{He’s just going to snuggle up to him, and wrap around him in an affectionate hug}
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conjurationsandhookah · 11 years
+ tenarmstoholdyou
[He stretched and yawned, managing to keep his lit cigarette stuck to his chapped bottom lip. He offered the Tentaspy a sleepy wave, strangely calm for encountering someone whose bottom half was that of an octopus.]
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falkinghannacross · 11 years
tenarmstoholdyou started following you
"Hi there!" Hanna smiles and holds out a hand in greeting. "The name's Hanna Cross."
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friedrichsteinkopf · 11 years
My Fritoling is proving to be a wonderful pet! He still is gruff with me, but has taken to my Karling well- a pleasant surprise as neither are usually social breeds. The only issue is that the Karling is occasionally a little too affectionate!
A little too much affection is actually very healthy for your new Fritoling. They may pretend that they don’t want to be loved or cuddled by both their new owners and other houeshold pets, but they actually crave some form of affirmation that their existence is appreciated and/or desired. They do quite a terrible job of pretending showing their gratitude, but, at least they do- somewhere in them- appreciate it.(Also, I hear Karlings actually make quite good and compatible friends for Fritolings.)
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dinosaursaresocool · 11 years
tenarmstoholdyou started following you
Hanna tilts his head curiously. He's never seen anyone like this man before. It doesn't frighten him, not in the least. In fact, he smiles even bigger, the fascination even brighter in his eyes.
"Hi there, Mister!"
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theoneswhobumpback · 11 years
tenarmstoholdyou started following you
A lithe, blue-skinned, scaled man turns to look at Krake, his motions, even on land, suggesting as if he were moving through water.
"Oh, hello there.  My name is Abraham Sapien.  How do you do?"
0 notes
falkinghannacross · 11 years
tenarmstoholdyou started following you
Well, this was different. He'd met vampires, werewolves, zombies, and mermaids before; but never had he met a-- whatever this man was. Still, it was no reason to be rude.
"Hi! How're you? The name's Hanna Cross."
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wingsofglory · 11 years
slimy-yet-satisfying started following you tenarmstoholdyou started following you
The shit are you two supposed to be? Some sort of... evil... Eurotrash... things? Well, whatever you guys are, YOU CAN GO BACK TO KRAUTLAND.
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catbountry · 11 years
Well hi there ms. Bountry i herd u liek Soldic. (Seriously though, it makes me very happy when people dig that pairing, it's really underrated. Plus now I'm forming wierd headcanons about the BLU Team in your ficverse ((like maybe BLU Solly is to BLU Medic what RED Heavy is to RED Medic? Which gives me heartbreaking mental pictures of a zombifying BLU Medic telling his dumb loyal Soldier to run away and Soldier not running from him (of course) making him the second BLU zombie and weh))
Honestly I can't really pair Medic with anybody else besides Heavy. I see him and Soldier having some kind of weird one-way sexual tension though.
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friedrichsteinkopf · 11 years
Flood (in reverse since gabe can't drown XP)
Then he heard nothing at all.* * *Krake saw the whole thing from the tunnel.What happened at Teufort wasn’t his business. Not anymore. He was as content as he could be avoiding battle and living quietly in the sewer networks and drainpipes about the Industries. But what happened to his new friend… well, he’d make that his business.The chaos had kicked up enough of the mud to spread the water with a cloud of dust, so Krake took a risk. He propelled himself through the water with speed only a squid could manage, wrapped his tentacles around the trapped Medigun and freed Friedrich from the mud. But it wasn’t over yet. The man was probably drowning and there was only one thing he could do for that. Don’t worry monsieur, he thought, I won’t let you Respawn. I know how you hate it. He returned to the tunnel network, moving as fast as he could. He sped through one opening, then another, and finally surfaced in a solitary chamber where only a shaft of sunlight managed to reach from a hole in the roof. He pulled Friedrich out of the water, tentacles clinging to the walls with their sticky spots. He’d done this before- living in the water for so long taught a man a thing or two, and with the possibility of mercenaries falling in from time to time, he occasionally chose those he felt were needing a bit of a rescue. "I hope you forgive me for this," He chuckled, then leaned down, pinched Friedrich’s nose, and gave him a breath through his lips. Chest compressions came next, then another breath.  He hoped he wasn’t too late. One last breath… and then Krake jerked back as the injured Medic sprang to life, coughing and choking mouthfuls of water. His throat and chest felt as though it were on fire. He could scarcely draw in a breath without coughing again. After several moments of simply trying to breathe, he finally noticed the tentacled creature hovering over him and looking… quite pleased with himself."…K…Krake?" He wheezed."Welcome to the living, monsieur."  
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grigoriousgiant · 11 years
tenarmstoholdyou started following you
"Ah!  Hello there!"
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velversus · 11 years
Ding! ahungryspider started following you.
That is.. more than a little unnerving.
Ding! mrgemstone started following you.
Well maybe I just shouldn't take screennames so literally.
This one seems quite reasonable after all?
Ding! tenarmstoholdyoustarted following you.
...NOPE. Nopenopenope.
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friedrichsteinkopf · 11 years
Frito awakens to feel something very slimy…And he screams, pushing the tangled mess of tentacles away and runs for the hills.  
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