dinosaursaresocool · 2 years
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something for everyone :)
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dinosaursaresocool · 2 years
R-Really? Cool! I hope you like it!
Nah, no need to share. It's all yours! I even made room in the fridge for leftovers. I got a cupcake, so I'll be fine.
[Yep, there was also a little cupcake on the other end of the table, with a swirl of icing and sprinkles on top. Listen, he needs his own fix too.]
There's some veggie stuff on top, I can get all that off if you don't want it. Just like... how they put parsley on your dinner plate at a restaurant. What am I, supposed to eat that?
Anyway, Happy Birthday! Eat up! You deserve at least eight more of these but I could only afford one, so yeah!
[Hanna gently took Charlie’s hand and led him to the kitchen. Sat him down at the table. He might be able to smell meat because THIS
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is there next to him. ]
Okay, so, it’s just for you, and it’s for your Birthday! It’s kinda late, I’m sorry. [He cleared his throat and got all movie announcer– about as much so as he can get.]
In a world, where it’s Charlie’s Birthday– [explosion sounds, pew pew lasersss] –there’s only ONE CAKE that can do the job! It’s– [severe whooshing sounds, what is happening] –Meat Cake! Coming soon to a tummy in you.
[He did jazz hands. he knew it would go unseen, but it was the flourish and it was necessary.]
Happy Birthday, Dad.
[ He sure did smell meat. Real hard to miss when it was right in front and raw and waiting to be EATEN. So he sat as instructed, ears perked with interest as he listened to Hanna’s revelry about said meat cake. It was an astonishing display, really, making him grin and laugh aloud as Hanna brought it to a close. ]
Y’know, I don’ think I’ve had such a quality present in all my years o’ life. 
[ Took a second to orient himself to make sure Hanna was close enough to do so, but he brought his hand out once he knew the boy was within reach, setting hand atop his head and ruffling his hair. ] 
Thanks, kiddo. I would offer t’share it with you but, uh… I guess this is a particular taste, huh?
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dinosaursaresocool · 2 years
[Hanna gently took Charlie's hand and led him to the kitchen. Sat him down at the table. He might be able to smell meat because THIS
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is there next to him. ]
Okay, so, it's just for you, and it's for your Birthday! It's kinda late, I'm sorry. [He cleared his throat and got all movie announcer-- about as much so as he can get.]
In a world, where it's Charlie's Birthday-- [explosion sounds, pew pew lasersss] --there's only ONE CAKE that can do the job! It's-- [severe whooshing sounds, what is happening] --Meat Cake! Coming soon to a tummy in you.
[He did jazz hands. he knew it would go unseen, but it was the flourish and it was necessary.]
Happy Birthday, Dad.
[ Charlie offered his hand to the boy, curious. Fully expecting him to offer a whole handful of gummy worms or a cool bug he found outside. Wouldn’t mind either.
Unless it was a cricket, maybe. He wasn’t overtly fond of crickets. ]
Now is this somethin’ specifically for me or jus’ somethin’ you thought would be int’restin’ to me?
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dinosaursaresocool · 3 years
Huh. If I stuck a plunger on my butt I'd probably walk funny too. D'you think you would?
I learned the other day that chickens are basically dinosaurs and now I want to find a chicken so I can pet a dinosaur.
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dinosaursaresocool · 3 years
Whoa... but, wouldn't that hurt the chicken? I guess we'd have to ask first.
I learned the other day that chickens are basically dinosaurs and now I want to find a chicken so I can pet a dinosaur.
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dinosaursaresocool · 3 years
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dinosaursaresocool · 3 years
I learned the other day that chickens are basically dinosaurs and now I want to find a chicken so I can pet a dinosaur.
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dinosaursaresocool · 3 years
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William Stout
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
[Stands back, for sCIENCE.]
I mean, don't hurt yourself. Maybe just sit down in a chair and see if it'll crunch.
dinosaursaresocool replied to your post: I’M ITCHY GODDAMMIT
Uhhh Daisy maybe gave you fleas?
Nah, it’s this sunburn. Healing now but look– [Reaches under his shirt and peeeeeels a big old piece of skin off to show the poor boy, who’d most likely been traumatized enough in his life without having to see that.]
[Does like an ‘ew’ with a giggle.] It’s like you’re made of potato chips or something.
yANNO I might be… Wait. Wait, there’s a test we can do. If I fall down an’ it sounds like everything’s crunchin’ like a potato chip bag then it’s true….
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
[Does like an 'ew' with a giggle.] It's like you're made of potato chips or something.
dinosaursaresocool replied to your post: I’M ITCHY GODDAMMIT
Uhhh Daisy maybe gave you fleas?
Nah, it’s this sunburn. Healing now but look– [Reaches under his shirt and peeeeeels a big old piece of skin off to show the poor boy, who’d most likely been traumatized enough in his life without having to see that.]
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
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Hi all! I’m a little short on funds this month after tax season in February wreaked havoc on my finances (I owed like $2800 in taxes) and I just got done paying off my credit card which, unfortunately, left me short on rent this month. I’m in need of some assistance to ensure that I have a little bit of cushion in my bank account, so I’d like to take some commissions to hopefully give me a little bit to rest on until payday. 
Everything pictured here will be between $20-40, depending on how many characters and whether or not you’d like a background or shading! I’d like to just take two or three to help. 
If you’re interested, please send me an ask, an email at [email protected], or you can fill out my commission form here. 
If you’re unable to commission, a reblog will help too! I would appreciate it. I have one commission in my queue but then I’d be able to get to these right after.
Thank you!!
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
Char. lie.
Are you gonna teach me KUNG-FU???
[He perked up a bit at that.]
Oh yeah? I’d love to help! I think I’d be a good blood-taker! Or maybe a security guard? Whaddya think?
[Not being sarcastic. He wants to help.]
A blood-taker, huh?
[ Hmm… Not quite what he had in mind, but that was a thought… Something like that might be simple enough to teach him. At least the basics of prepping someone for bloodwork or a blood draw would be simple enough. 
He’d field that for later. ]
I was more thinkin’ about teachin’ you how t’defend yourself. 
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
[He perked up a bit at that.]
Oh yeah? I'd love to help! I think I'd be a good blood-taker! Or maybe a security guard? Whaddya think?
[Not being sarcastic. He wants to help.]
[He’s on the couch watching Netflix nature documentaries about predatory cats and eating ALL the Cheetos. Offers Charlie the bag when he plops down.]
You look like you need some of these.
[ Charlie’s gonna eyeball those Cheetos for a moment before reaching into the bag and munching on a few of them. Thinking things through before saying anything. ]
…Y’know, I think it’s about time we actually teach you somethin’ ‘round here. 
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
[He's on the couch watching Netflix nature documentaries about predatory cats and eating ALL the Cheetos. Offers Charlie the bag when he plops down.]
You look like you need some of these.
@dinosaursaresocool [ He is gonna go find Hanna and just flop down next to him. Maybe gather him up into a bit of a hug. Trying not to look concerned. Mostly just looking tired. ] 
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
Oh look, a basket! There's a humongous chocolate bunny inside! And several little easter breads! And foil-wrapped chocolate eggs, and marshmallow chicks, and jellybeans. AND a hand-painted Russian matryoshka set that look like rabbits! Someone's getting spoiled this Easter.
Alexei certainly has spoiled him! He would probably eat candy all week, thanks to him. And the matryoshka would find a special place on his bookcase for everyone to see.
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
[His face brightened as more and more was put on the plate. Grinned wider than ever and graciously took the plate.]
They're perfect! Thank you, Charlie!
Oh, I made some special for you, kiddo. No line waitin’ needed.
[ He’s gonna hold up a claw before digging around in the fridge to get a few things. Putting some pancakes on a plate for him and then topping them with some strawberries, whipped cream, and sprinkles, all with a big ol’ berries and cream smiley face on the cakes themselves.
Presented them to him with a grin. ]
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
[The worry is noted, and his stomach sinks a bit watching Worth acting almost frantic. Brow furrows when he hears that.]
It... wasn't? But he acted so... like him. Not to mention he looked just like him.
[Probably didn't need to know all of it now. Maybe after the fact. But maybe Hanna kind of understood, in his own way.]
...Is he sick?
Uh? Big Brother came over. He brought shakes and we sat and drank ‘em!
Why? Did you need to see him for some reason? He said he didn’t want to bother you.
[First thing he did, before anything else, was go and lock the front door. Then he jogged over to the other side of the clinic and locked the BACK door. And THEN, even though it was a LOVELY day out, he made sure every window was closed and locked.
When he finally came back to kneel in front of Hanna he was out of breath. Eyes a deep, worried blue, he set his hands on Hanna’s shoulders. There was no question in his mind that the kid deserved to know, especially when he was being used as taunting bait.]
That weren’t yer big brother. Ya remember…
I don’t know if ya remember.
[Okay, but did Hanna really need to know the FULL truth???]
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