umber-penumbra · 1 year
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One very good softboi, Alexei. Commission courtesy of @booletsandblossoms!
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Follow where I am with commissions via my Trello
Reach out to me via my linktree to inquire! (Currently only accepting portrait requests) ⭐🌜⭐🌛⭐
@cuddlyplaguedoctor (cause I know you'll want to see this too ;D)
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booletsandblossoms · 2 years
^previous -------- "Oh... does not matter. If are busy I can vait." Not that he minded. Aldous never had a problem with his Heavy watching him work, for the most part- unlike far too many people, Alexei was quiet enough not to be a distraction. He also didn't touch anything he clearly shouldn't. He just liked to watch, sometimes playing with the sleek unkindness of ravens that Aldous kept. Alexei wondered if Aldous knew how graceful and brilliant he looked while he was working. He always seemed to know exactly what he was doing, expression so intense, eyes brightening (even the blinded one) whenever he found a solution to some problem he'd been working at. In the Russian's mind, completely gorgeous. But he also knew that Aldous' real passion was the piano. Always the perfectionist, he hated making the slightest mistake, his finger touching a single incorrect key. And yet, he also looked so peaceful, even while wearing that same expression of intense concentration, his beautiful fingers dancing across black and white with, yes, surgical precision. Alexei always did what he could, from time to time, to nurture that gift. "Es just sad to tink of dat beautiful piano gathering dust. Do not know if anyvun es going into arthaus anymore." The person who'd established it, first as a dance studio and then branching out to create spaces for literature, music, and visual arts, had left some time ago with his beloved. The proud and poisonous Oleander had taken off with the bitter Kowhai to the latter's homeland. He wrote often- it wasn't an unusual sight to find his Medic poring over the latest piece of correspondence from New Zealand.
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dodomedic · 2 years
@booletsandblossoms "hallo!" Waves once , runs up real close. "I think we've met before why back, you are the garden Heavy?" Hartmut didn't recall a name er Axel but that was something on a car, he tapped his chin. "Lovely spring may your garden be green!"
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zehypocriticaloath · 2 years
"Red rose." Gently, Alexei tucks his arms around Aldous from behind, giving him a kiss on the temple. "Vas vondering... could hearing you play piano? Have not been hearing you play for vay too long and am missing et."
Ah, the piano. It had been a long time since he last played it. He couldn't quite recall his last session gently coaxing out sweet notes from those ivory keys. Quiet as he pondered this revelation, he looked up towards the towering Russian. "It has been a while, yes." He missed it, too, but he wondered how easily he could get back into playing it. "Now? Or later?"
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falkinghannacross · 2 years
What's this? A green and pink plastic basket full of chocolates and fragrant spring blossoms. A note tied to the handle reads- 'to H. Been a while, but thinking of you fondly, my friend. Hope you are doing well. Love, A.'
The pleasant aroma is hard to miss, but if he had, the bright plastic basket did a wonderful job of catching Hanna's eye. The note brings a smile to his face. He'd have to visit his friend to thank him in person.
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allysdelta · 7 years
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FINALLY THIS MONSTER IS DONE. (the painting, not the Orc.)
To celebrate the purchase of my new computer (and by extension, the consistent function of my new tablet), I began work on a piece that I’d promised my friend @booletsandblossoms​ over a year ago. Not only did I actually take the trouble to paint a background for once, I learned a few things along the way, one being that apparently I am capable of drawing elaborate armor on-model. Barely.
This is Alex’ei Greensower, “green” in every sense of the word but well on his way to becoming a standout shaman. He’s much sweeter than the stereotype of his people would suggest, and he’s a heck of a healer besides.
I’m thinking of doing some more Warcraft-themed drawings in the future (though probably not as detailed as this). Anyone interested in commissions?
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bonecarvedquiver · 7 years
Well, aren’t you a big fella. RED, huh? Guess that makes us natural enemies. No hard feelings for the next fight we’ve got scheduled, yeah?
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blusollyjd · 2 years
Ketchup post!
OK SO I’m slowly re-establishing J.D. here. For those of you who remember me, HI THERE. For those who don’t, HI THERE ALSO LET’S BE FRIENDS, MAGGOTS. Anyway, I’m getting back into the swing of things, starting out with two of my kids and slowly waking more up as I go if I can keep up- my Heavy, Alexei, @booletsandblossoms, and this guy. Now, Alexei, I’m playing like he’s been here the whole time- hiatus? What hiatus? Jane, though, that’s not so simple.
 When we last left this loud, obnoxious, painfully loyal doofus, he was filling in at Ravine, meant to come back to his main base of Coldfront in a couple weeks. Which became months. In the meantime, his beloved Abelard (@zecuddlyblumedic) wasn’t answering his mail. Jane practically begged the Ravine administrator to go back, was refused, and then did the most logical thing he could think to do. He decided to walk. From Ravine to Coldfront. This fucking guy. Well, he made it to 2Fort at least, where his old friend William and WIlliam’s companion Elwood came up with a plan, as teleport and train travel would be blocked for him (being AWOL)- put him in a huge crate with some food and water and mail him back to Coldfront, a plan that Jane eagerly agreed to. It would have worked just fine if the mail hadn’t gotten lost. Extremely lost. In transit, Jane has been bounced to practically every *other* TFI base but the one he’s been trying to get back to, sometimes twice- a journey of over two years. A normal person would have thrown in the towel long ago. But anybody who knows Jane knows he’s far from normal. He has finally arrived home to Abel and is currently getting his bearings and recovering from, well, two years being stuck in a box for the most part. He will be available for play with everyone else after his re-introductory thread. In the meantime, expect some short drabbles involving Jane’s thoughts while on his journey. I’m glad to be back. Feels like coming home, in a way. :) -Jess
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zecuddlyblumedic · 7 years
Vibes: Warm, inviting, trustworthy. You just seem so friendly and kind, invested in everyone's safety and happiness. Strange as it sounds, you seem like you'd be a great mom. Even though you're a guy. :P
[LOL. No, you’re completely right. He would make a great mom. Even though he’s a guy. He’s got that kind of vibe, doesn’t he? This guy is going to continue worrying over everyone, making sure everyone eats good, takes care of themselves, gets plenty of sleep, and water… ]
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pushspacetocontinue · 7 years
Rabbits and REDs (closed for booletsandblossoms)
@booletsandblossoms He couldn't help but head back towards the RED base. Maybe it was the hare traits he now possessed telling him to seek out plant life. Maybe it was just because he needed to know if it was still even after being gone for too years. His eyes widened when he saw the green house. It really was still here. A smile crept across his face and he couldn't help but start to hurry towards it. He needed to take a closer look.
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nichtschaden · 8 years
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Rules            Overwatch            TF2            Resident Evil
Hey guys! I don’t know how it happened, but here we are. Time to gush about people you should follow.
@mxcreed The cowman of my nerd’s dreams tbh. Mimi makes McCree feel like a living, breathing person who’s loved and lost and has so much left to give. 13/10 would firmly hug
@chronal-anomaly The little sister he fucking needs. Will kick his ass with love. Grace brings so much life to Tracer, it’s amazing. 13/10 sassy af
@soldiier / @ofbsaa Cake is my favorite shy snail. He’s an absolute sweetheart, and his writing is so good. Highly recommend his Soldier 76 and his Chris Redfield. 13/10 would send him actual cake
@repentiing / @ofraccooncity Basically introduced myself by sending angsty ship songs. For some reason, he stayed. His Reaper and Leon Kennedy are So Good fam. 13/10 will make you sob
@zehypocriticaloath / @zecuddlyblumedic Where??? Do I start??? These two Medics were who I aspired to be back when I made this blog in 2011. Cuddly is the nicest person on the fucking planet. These characters have YEARS of material behind them. 14/10 has put up with me forever and I love
@captain-outoftime It’s not even the right blog but I don’t care, Abby is one of my best friends. If you like Steve Rogers at ALL, fucking follow her. Her Steve is so real, and I’m happy to call him one of my sons. 15/10 can write angst that will make you bawl in public
@manofmedicine @themostpeculiarman @gamblingwithlove @memoiresdouloureux @warcommanded @warcommanded @warcorrupted @hucklexberry @sigrunvalkyrie @purehardt @iironhardt @shiizukesaa @stcrmforged @sane-soldier @askblupatriot @meithebae @red-boston-batter @gildedgoldwords @ttaube @dancing-death @booletsandblossoms @shootingsharp
there’s more but I can’t think of any at the moment ahhhhh thank you so much for giving my nerd a chance!!!
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zehypocriticaloath · 2 years
Hello, what's this? A black and red wicker basket filled with fine German chocolate eggs and a matryoshka painted like rabbits of all colors. The tag on the handle is signed with several red hearts and the letter 'A'.
He had just arrived to the infirmary with a few traditional treats he made for Pesach. He was caught off guard by the basket, and he quietly sifted through its contents with a sense of intrigue. It wasn't until he found the hand painted matryoshka did he give a small smile.
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dinosaursaresocool · 5 years
Oh look, a basket! There's a humongous chocolate bunny inside! And several little easter breads! And foil-wrapped chocolate eggs, and marshmallow chicks, and jellybeans. AND a hand-painted Russian matryoshka set that look like rabbits! Someone's getting spoiled this Easter.
Alexei certainly has spoiled him! He would probably eat candy all week, thanks to him. And the matryoshka would find a special place on his bookcase for everyone to see.
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warriororc · 6 years
Lok'tar, fellow Orc! You seem to be very wise, so I too will seek your advice. My mate is a Forsaken. He is very smart and fierce and strong, but he always seems to think he isn't good enough for me, no matter what I say. How do I make him love himself as much as I love him?
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pushspacetocontinue · 7 years
Cognitive Assessment
alcoholism. amnesia. anxiety. appetite loss. binge eating. codependence. cynicism. defensiveness. denial. depersonalisation. depression. derealisation. devaluation. displacement. dissociation. drug abuse. dysphoria. emotional detachment. flashbacks. flat affect. guilt. hallucinations. hypersomnia. hypervigilance. hypochondria. idealisation. insomnia. intellectualisation. introjection. isolation. low self-esteem. narcissism. night terrors. obsessive compulsion. overeating. panic attacks. passive aggression. paranoia. phobias. projection. psychosis. rationalisation. regression. repression. restrictive eating. risky sex. self-harm/self-destruction. somatization. splitting. sublimation. suicidal ideation. sleepwalking. suppression. thousand-yard stare. triggers. trust issues. violence. whiplash temper.
Tagged by: I stole it from a certain RED Russian. (aka @redheav )
Tagging: @blue-haired-tales @brawla @viktor-the-medic @by-a-longshot @f-reedomfighter @booletsandblossoms @boostbonkbam @bloodiedforest @lil-lady-lily @lcbrat @zehypocriticaloath @closeknithearts (any muse you like) @mixedfcclings (any muse you like) and anyone else who you like to do this. 
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