aisforinterval · 11 years
Aima: every time i use myself as a ref, i always have to make the head smaller
Aima: cuz i gotta BIG HEAD
MrGemstone III: ...
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velversus · 11 years
Ding! ahungryspider started following you.
That is.. more than a little unnerving.
Ding! mrgemstone started following you.
Well maybe I just shouldn't take screennames so literally.
This one seems quite reasonable after all?
Ding! tenarmstoholdyoustarted following you.
...NOPE. Nopenopenope.
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edgec · 11 years
Tumblr media
So I sat down in front of my computer this morning and started drawing.  After about an hour-ish, I ended up with a ref sheet similar to Gem's(who am I kidding, it's exactly like gem's).  Also trying to mimic his drawing style a bit because it looks so good!  Also here's his sheet: http://mrgemstone.tumblr.com/post/52923776166/since-yallve-been-nice-about-letting-me-post-a 
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gemstonesketches · 11 years
Poll Time!
I posted something like this on DA, so I thought I'd post one here too.  Since I only seem to be good at reference sheets as of lately, who should I make on for next?
-R229 and HB
-Someone associated with HB's facility (like a minion or one of the three Cerberus leaders)
-Kit and his Robo
-Someone else who's overdue for a ref sheet or an update
Thankfully for yall, finals are almost done so I can get back to work on Shela's blog, personal projects, and anything else that you guys might be interested in that I happen to do!
So then, who shall it be?
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gemstonesketches · 11 years
The Great Gatsby and the Not-So-Great Music from the movie
I'm sorry to those reading who aren't up for a little rant tonight, but if you aren't, then move along; I'd hate to hold you any longer than you feel so inclined.
Now then, I want to make something absolutely clear here, that was an excellent movie!  Sure, there were some parts that didn't fit the book more than others, but I could look past it all since I was still enjoying the movie despite it all.  What I couldn't quite get past, however, was the selection of music, which I found in my mind to be essentially a selection of dubstep and  rap (or more possibly referred to as hip-hop in this case) to appeal to today's less "retro-connected minds" if you will.  Sure, they were oozing with energy, and their placement swept you up into the life of the party, but I felt it just wasn't very fitting.  At the least I'd expect them to have used some electroswing since it carries that 1920's vibe and delivers the high-intensity sound that we've become so accustomed to today.  Mind you, they did have a track or two in there that could be considered electroswing, but I found it to be far more electro than swing, if you can see what I'm saying here.
With that being said, I'd like to place an argument here to counter my opinion that other people share as well (and then counter it myself just because).  Some say that it's to appeal to the modern crowd since the story can be applied to just about any time period.  This is true in a way; the basis of the story's conflicts can be rolled over to a modern time-period if one desired, but I have a problem here.  You may have heard the same thing of Shakespeare's work as well, and this is not only true, but it has been done!  The easiest, direct example I can pull for you is "West Side Story."  A little bit of a strech perhaps, but it was almost a direct transfer of Romeo and Juliet into the modern age.  I have no problem with this (however I'm not a particular fan of the movie itself).  When you apply this concept to the music selection in The Great Gatsby is when I have a bit of a problem.  If they wanted to use that concept of taking the story and making it modernized, then I'd prefer them to not just do the music only and leave everything else 1920's based.  If you want to modernize it, then modernize all of it, or at least meet me half way and make the modern music more relate-able to the setting instead of the audience.  It just feels off if it all isn't able to connect very well.
Alright, one last point to grumble about, and I'll be out of your hair for tonight, and this one's a more personal complaint than anything.  I'm starting to worry that I won't be able to purchase the ORIGINAL Great Gatsby soundtrack.  What I mean by this is that there were some great instrumental pieces composed for the movie, just like any movie, but there were so many licensed songs put into this movie from big-name artists that I'm afraid I'll never be able to hear the instrumental pieces again simply because they'll be overshadowed by the licensed ones.  Simply put, I'm worried that the soundtrack they'll sell in stores and online will just be one big mix-tape of the very songs that put my jimmies in such a twist tonight.
So, I'm done.  Take it as you like it.  I'm sure there are plenty of counter arguments out there, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who would like to disagree with me with or without an argument; it's just how musical taste works.  I'd also like to apologize if I came across as a bit overbearing.  I sometimes get a little ahead of my better judgement from time to time when I get a little riled up.  Anyway, thanks for reading this far, and have a good rest of your night!
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