crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
Just wanted to remind Satoko that she's amazing for standing up to Teppei! Especially since it's most likely the hardest thing she has ever done.
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baby girl is safe now
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
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{oooooo boy i wanna celebrate actually ranking up SOOOOO
Surprise!! this is Tama once again with another ICON GIVEAWAY but this time CAMERA FILTERED THEMED (OR PURIKURA WHO KNOWS). Reblog this post for a chance to get an icon drawn by me!! (examples of previous giveaway icons [x] [x]) Like always, there will be nine winners.
Some Rules:
Your blog must be affiliated with Citta Alveare
1 reblog per account / 1 icon per mun (muns with multiple accounts are free to reblog on all of them, but if more than one of your accounts end up winning pls pick one and message me! and I’ll reroll one of the slots)
Winners will be randomly chosen at the end of the next meme day (1/21); I’ll try to get prizes out before February! 
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
❝Ah…❞ She was left speechless. It wasn’t a problem to admit that she was hungry, but she didn’t want to be a burden to anyone as well.   
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❝Um… if you’re okay with it, then…❞ Somewhat leaving that on an awkward note, she felt like she had chosen a wrong path to go through. Perhaps in that state, she had reverted back to when she truly was a child. The past where she wasn’t allowed to speak for herself, and simply had to do what was given to her without going against it… 
Maybe that was why she was suddenly nervous. There was silence afterwards, before looking back at the girl hesitantly.
❝I… Thank you for everything… I should at least pay this back somehow…❞
“Would I even offer it to you if I wasn’t okay with it, wa?” Geez, sometimes people complicate things so much.
Although, coming to think of it, Satoko herself has been guilty of such an attitude in the past, so she can’t fully blame Rosa for it. Perhaps seeing her past self in her is what irks her so much about her current behavior, however.
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“Heh, don’t worry about it, wa. For all, just getting the two of us alive and well would already be enough of a reward, wa. *Sighs* What a mess Hive City has become this time, though. How long have you been here, Richi-san?”
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
“WAAAAAA!?!?!?!?” Oh, this misunderstanding. The albino jumps back and turns to look at the kid. “I was going to grab the bag and find you~.” She quickly defends herself. Oh look, she’s brought an old lady with her. Kachina is quick to wave her hands in a greeting like manner. “HI! But no, I reeeeeallllly was going to give this bag to you! I wasn’t going to steal anything.” Kachina doesn’t understand that the more she tries to defend herself, the more she sounds suspicious, even if she hasn’t done anything.
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“If you are saying the truth, then why are you still holding Ms. Houjou’s bag?” The security guard quickly pointed out. Thieves can be so transparent sometimes. Even if their words may sound convincing enough, their bodies always reveal their true intentions.
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“You heard her, wa. Now get out of here, you weirdo!!”
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
She really is adorable. Like a hamster, actually when she puffs her cheeks out. It causes the albino to grin and watch as she closes the door violently behind her. “Wowwwwww. She’s really feisty.” A giggle escapes her and she turns to on her heels. That’s when she comes face to face with the bag. “This must be her bag, wa.” Nope, sorry Satoko. She’ll keep doing it, probably!
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A few minutes later...
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“Here, oba-san. This is where she was when I last saw her, wa.”
“Understood.” The security guard said. “If she’s still here, I’ll promptly remove her from the precinct.”
Lo and behold, when the door was open, Kachina was still there... messing with Satoko’s stuff and all.
“Aaaaaahhhh!!!!! You... Stay away from my things, wa!!!”
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
❝Y-Yeah! Right, right… That’s exactly where I knew her from. She was suuper pretty, and um…❞ She tried to think about what Maria had told her in the past. ❝She also gave me candy, too?❞ It was like that, right? Something along the lines of it, at least.
She blinked widely at her, uncertain on whether she was exaggerating that or not. If it were true, how did she even get all of those things? ❝Umm…❞ Should she trust a kid? Well, what else was there to have faith in? She could do nothing but cross her fingers and pray that everything will go smoothly.
❝Huh?❞ There was a pause in between, almost not hearing what she offered before perking back up again. 
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❝Oh no, I’m fine-❞ Growl. 
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Such lies she was spewing out right now.       
“Huh, I guess that makes sense, wa.” Even if people’s powers were blocked for the event’s duration, there was a lot of candy available for people there. It wouldn’t be hard for Beatrice to hand some to this girl, although she could also have gotten some herself. But well, sometimes people are more impressed by the way you do something then the act itself. Shape over substance.
As for how she got all of those things, months of hard work and having been graced by the scientists with her full trap arsenal a while ago. The day they gave her that was the day her empire of terror began...
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“Ara, what’s the problem with admitting that you’re hungry, wa? Just take one and enjoy yourself, wa.” Satoko was eating one herself. All of that running made a number to her energy reserves.
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
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“OHOHOHOHOHO!!! Excellent Luck!! Victory and all of your candies are mine, wahahaha!!”
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
“Waaaaa????? I’m not making fun of your verbal tiiiics! I think it’s really cute~” and that’s the truth. Look at how tiny she is, too! Kachina just wants to pick her up and squish her tightly. “Let’s be friends, wa~! Tell me which classes we take and I’ll be in the same classes~!” 
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“Noooooo, it’s not cute, poop!!” Satoko was now puffing her cheeks in annoyance and storming out of the classroom.
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“And you’d better have stopped saying it by the time I’m back, wa!” She then closes the room’s door violently. This could be the end of it, except... she’s forgotten her backpack at the room. Oh noooo...
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
          Of all the outcomes nothing could really prepare Lucas for… that. 
          His pace eased as he looked on at the stunt before him. Worried eyes followed the trajectory of the snowball with an odd sense of wonder. How it did not crumble on impact was both horrifying in that it would definitely hurt yet impressive that he managed to concoct such a study thing. Such thinking made him even more relieved that the other kid was unharmed. 
           With a sigh he continued on towards the girl, hands up apologetically. Honestly, he felt a bit awkward for worrying as much as he did. He could only stand there looking on at the other kid dumbfounded as he tried to form any semblance of a coherent sentence.
          “I uh- I’m sorry, that was mine, I-I threw it wrong…” He took a quick glance at Satoko and her crew and lightened up a bit, 
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          “B-but that was a really good hit…!”
Well, that solves the mystery. Satoko approaches the boy while holding her bat over her shoulder. She wasn’t expecting anyone else to come to Auburn at this time of the year, but she supposes that she can always be surprised.
As for the Nincada, it approached the boy and sniffled his shoes. Then, it started prodding them with its antennae. Satoko had to call it back to her side to stop that.
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“Ohohoho, I know, right, wa? I have the best batting from Hive Academy, wa! Although that could be because there’s barely nobody in the baseball club currently, wa. It’s gotten so boring that I got out of it, wa...”
She had to say, though, this guy must have quite the strong arm too, to throw that snow ball from that far. “Who’re you, by the way? I don’t remember seeing you around the city, wa.”
Flurry worry!
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
Being around water always reminded him of Nosgoth, the way he could swim so easily was nice if he had to. The other live vampires would of simply burnt up if they tried to swim… He supposed that was one plus side to his wraith form. He thinks to walk to the end of the dock when hes interrupted by a human.
He looks down at the girl, did she possibly need help with something… She seemed rather distressed over it. Had he any idea how to help this… Child? The girl looked rather small… He crossed his arms and clears his nonexistent throat,
“Do you require aid of some sort?”
A teenager. At 13, Satoko shouldn’t be THAT small anymore, please. It’s a good thing that Raziel didn’t mention it out loud, then, otherwise she might have gotten angry at him.
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Right now she’s just... bugged at his appearance. She could have gotten frightened had she met him longer ago, but eh, this city has pretty much killed any sort of fear Satoko would have towards the weird looking ones. The scientists know that she’s seen far more bizarre things in her time here...
“Uhhh... Do you have any experience with fishing, wa?” She throws off a question. Satoko is not really expecting this guy to suddenly mprove her situation, though.
@Lastsarafan: Winter Fishing Chapter
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
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(Because I’ve seen plenty of people mentioning this in replies to Satoko, I felt the need to point out an important fact about her apperance:
She’s not a ‘little’ girl, a ‘small’ child. She’s an early teenager with the proper physical development for such an age. She’ll be rightfully annoyed at anyone who calls her a little girl at this point. And I’d expect other muses to see that she’s not that small anymore.
I’ve left a disclaimer in my Stats page regarding this, for those not online right now to see this later.
Thank you for your time.)
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
@wingheadcaptain Continued from here:
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★— It was GREAT to see a familiar face during the holidays – but given the nature of the place, faces tended to come and go. There was no COUNTING on them staying; there was always the chance of them getting to go home. Regardless – to focus on the question;
         ❛ Miss Satoko! S’great to see you around. I’ve been well– uh, Tony’s business? Stark Industries? Yeah, it still exists in this joint. He’s been tryin’ to recruit new folks too, get them all involved in some new medical technology he’s trying to build up. You interested in giving that a shot? ❜
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“Ohhh, really? Yes, I’d be totes interested, wa! Although, I’m not that particularly interested in medical stuff per se, wa. I’m more a fan of building things, wa. You said last time that this Toni guy makes robots on his company, doesn’t he, wa! I wanna learn how to make robots, wa!”
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
Evie excelled in skating; as it was like dancing with razor sharp blades on your feet. With expert poise and balance, it came as easily as breathing. There were perks to being a fairytale princess. Her graceful movements were not infallible however. They were interrupted when a girl smashed right into her. “Ow!” Thankfully due to her innate composure, she could catch herself and. “What do you think you’re doing!?” The girl looked a bit annoyed.
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“Oh, I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry, nee-san!!” Once she manages to stand up again, Satoko doesn’t hesitate in apologizing to the poor woman she’s hit in her clumsiness.
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“It’s just... I’m not very good at ice skating yet, so I tend to fall down a lot, wa. Why are these blades so thiiiiiIIIIIII-” *SPLOTCH!* There she goes, falling yet again on the ice. She desperately needs some help with this...
@Inherited-vanity: Ice Skating Chapter
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
“…Huh?” Makie blanked. A little girl just asked her to go with her on a reindeer ride…right?
Makie had traveled to the Eta district on a whim. She had heard about the sleigh rides up in the sky and decided to take a look. At first it was a mild interest, until she saw the reindeer themselves. Then cynicism took over. Like hell this was going to work.
Or so she thought. After viewing several sleights take off and return safely…
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“…I don’t mind. Knowing that it’s safe now.” She replied.
Success!! “Thank you very much, nee-san! Promise that it’ll be real fun, wa!” At least if everything went according to the pamphlet. With an adult accompanying her now, the manager saw no problem in letting Satoko enter now. She paid her and Makie’s tickets (it’s only fair when the other didn’t come here fully on her own) and sat on her place.
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It didn’t take too long for the sleigh to depart. For some mechanism that Satoko couldn’t begin explaining (magic perhaps?), they suddenly got on the air, not taking long for them to distance themselves from Olympia’s grounds. Needless to say, Satoko was enchanted by this.
“Woooooow!!! Look, nee-san, we must be so high, waaa!!”
@Pathwaytothefuture: Reindeer Flying Chapter
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
Satoko, which is your favorite pokemon?
“Ummm... I’d say Nincadas, wa? It’s the only one I’m familiar with so far, so... There’s it, wa!”
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
@Pathwaytothefuture: Reindeer Flying Chapter
“What do you mean, you wanna fill this thing more before letting me in?” Satoko pouts at the person responsible for the reindeer sightseeing services in Olympia.
The blonde doesn’t have much of a habit of visiting the floating District, but she sure wants to enjoy her highest rank when an interesting event like this appears. Yet, the one holding the service today doesn’t want to let her travel alone, the bugger. Something about her ‘not being an adult’ and crap.
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If only she found someone else to make her company, then...
“Oh, hey, you!” She waves to a random woman passing by the streets. “Do you wanna travel by reindeer with me, wa?”
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