#tempted to do a movie night/day kinda thing but i’d have to design a super cool invitation and who would even join lol 😞
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chikoyama · 1 year ago
chiyori’s fav movies/tv shows/animes:
twilight (movie)
love actually (movie)
howl’s moving castle (anime movie)
train to busan (movie)
card captor sakura (anime)
sailor moon (anime)
beastars (anime)
fruit's basket (anime)
various k-dramas and j-dramas that i haven't watched, lol
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flirting-with-psychology · 8 years ago
Pick a word that starts with the third letter of your first name: Always The past 72 hours have you been under the influence? I had a little mead but not enough to get drunk What were you doing at ten last night? Either online or watching Downton Abbey What was the last thing you drank? Water Who was the last person you hugged? My mom
Did you have a dream last night? Yes How many piercings do you have? Just ears If you could have something right now, what would it be? A boyfriend Have you ever had a panic attack? No Have your parents ever smoked pot? My dad has Last time you cried really really hard? Sometime before my surgery. If I cried hard now it would hurt What’s your favorite color? Green Do you think your last ex deserves to die? No Will your next kiss be a mistake? Probably not Who texted you last? My mom. God I’m boring Who was the last person you talked to in person? My mom Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? Yes Have you lost friends in the past 3 years? Yes Is tomorrow going to be a good day? I hope so Do you listen to music every day? No Are you listening to it right now? No Are you talking to anyone while doing this? Kinda talking to my mom but not really paying attention Do you own more than one cell phone? I only use one, but I still have my old ones Whose phone number did you get last? Someone on the camping trip I think Have you ever been asked out? Yes Your current relationship status? Single If you could go back in time and change something, would you? Not sure Ever had a near death experience? Not really What is something you do a lot? Procrastinate If you could have one super power, what would it be? Shapeshifting What do you usually order from Starbucks? Hot chocolate or a pastry Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Some What are you eating or drinking at the moment? Water What is your favorite smell? Citrus
When was the last time you gave/received a hug? Today Ever been kissed in the rain? No What should you be doing? Idk
Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? My mom If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want? My future husband’s Do you act differently around the person you like? I think I probably do, and anyone who sees me around him probably knows What is your natural hair color? Brown How many keys are on your key chain? Only like 5 actual keys but a bunch of keychains If you were given a canvas and watercolors, what would you paint? Some abstract design Whose mind, besides your own, would you like to control? None, I don’t want to get in the way of free will What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed? Turn off my alarm. I can’t trust myself to turn it off before I get out of bed What are you thankful you are not doing right now? Being in school with this surgery What is your favorite kind of candy? Jelly belly raspberries and blackberries What is your favorite thing about the beach? The waves
If you were invisible, where would you go? I’d sneak into places I don’t have free access to, and I’d spy on people and maybe mess with them What is one object in your home that you are embarrassed to own? Depends who’s looking Who is one person you wish you would have never met? No one really What is your favorite fruit? Blueberries What is your favorite kind of cookie? Frosted What do you need to get right now at the drug store? Idk What was the happiest age of your life? Idk What color looks best on you? Turquoise What is your favorite thing about being sick? I can’t think of anything good, because it usually means having the same amount of responsibilities but less ability to do them. I don’t usually get sick enough to get out of anything What commercial do you find most annoying? Anything that plays all the time over every video. I’m not any more likely to buy in the 20th time What was your favorite meal growing up? Breakfast What body part aches you the most right now? My neck What is the longest you have ever gone without a shower? I think I went like a week one time in elementary school What was your 1st alcoholic beverage? Wine Are you getting along with your parents? For the most part Whats on your feet right now? Nothing What do you think of your last ex? Still cute and it’s kind of hard not to be tempted by him, but I also know I’m better off without him Are you a good speller? Yes Is your hair curly or straight? Wavy Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you? She’s my mother Where is your phone? Next to me Last time you felt bad about something? Earlier when I was oblivious Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Maybe, who knows. Certainly not the person I want though or else he would have responded to my snapchat Do you mind sleeping on the floor? It’s not great Honestly, do you hate the last girl you were talking to in person? No Spell your name without an E? Star
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twistednuns · 6 years ago
March 2019
ॐ नमः शिवाय oṃ namaḥ śivāya ♥ / reading a book about the background and effects of different asanas
Friday evening with Lena: Yuzu ramen at Takumi, watching Green Book at the City Kino near Sendlinger Tor. Getting my favourite mix of sweet and salty popcorn.
Still: Obsessively reading the Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch. It's like one of those nasty TV series you just can't stop watching.
Noticing more visible veins and sinews on my body. Getting stronger and leaner! Yes! I can even see a little shadow where my ribcage is supposed to begin and my tissue is getting softer which means I'm losing fat and I can feel more muscles than before. Very rewarding.
Saturday lunch with Lena and her family. I hadn't seen her brother in maybe 10 years. My highlight: warm banana bread with slightly salty, thick caramel and homemade vanilla ice-cream.
Dressing up for the Of Sailors and Whales concert at Gasteig. I felt incredibly stylish in my outfit: mustard yellow headscarf, a side braid, oblong hoop earrings in rose gold, a green dress and coat, mint-blue purse, a dark plum-coloured lipstick, black tights and satin heels.
The PhysioFlow yoga teacher (Ulf, what a comical name) complimenting me on my perfect Viravadrasana pose because apparently I did the advanced version with my arms held up high over my head. Unfortunately my poses only look so good because of my hypermobility but the other day we started talking after class. He is such a nice and calm person. And married to a lady from my hometown. I love how he touches our faces, heads and shoulders in Savasana.
Thai massage. The best treat after messing up my neck with futile headstand experiments.
The perfect batch of smoky veggies in tomato sauce. Add a hand full of couscous and tiger beans and you'll feel full for hours.
A week-long holiday. Not leaving the bed after waking up, reading for one or two hours. Enjoying the morning light, having warm breakfast. Lena sending me a picture of a bunch of purple flowers she saw on one of her walks on Monday, telling me to enjoy my vacation.
Gorgeous yoga mats - I just ordered one with a gemstone design from Mala. // EDIT: It just didn't have enough grip for me so I had to send it back. Got a simple purple one from Jade Yoga instead. They're supposed to be the best.
Fried Tom Yum seaweed strips.
A dinner and movie date with Lena, Barbara and Maike. We watched Vice (2019), the movie about Dick Cheney. Quite uncomfortable. But I loved the scene with Alfred Molina.
Spending an afternoon with Franzi at Trachtenvogl. Pear juice spritzer. Decidedly non-vegan spinach dumplings. Stopping at &otherstories as usual, getting two beautiful bowls at Motel a Miio. Finding a purple edition of H.P.Lovecraft's ghost stories on top of a trash bin.
My mum visiting for the first time since I moved in. She helped me get rid of my old clothes and other miscellaneous items from the basement. Then we got a trunk full of flowers for my balcony and had dinner at VorOrt - vegan pizza and celeriac schnitzel. I got so many presents that day. A dark purple orchid with pointy blossoms, some books and a bottle of Jo Malone perfume. She also paid for some of my plants... It kinda felt like my birthday. Maybe she had a guilty conscience because my brother still keeps raiding the fridge at home? Anyway. It's funny that I can actually talk to her now that I'm older, have my own thing going on... and we have so much in common, I notice that all the time. Or interests and taste, habits. Could be worse though, she's an amazing woman.
Swiss cat ladders.
My first time at Boulderwelt! Frank finally took me with him and we spent two hours there, climbing up the yellow (me) and white (him) routes. I even dreamed about climbing up a tree that night and I could hardly move the next day. Hardcore sore muscles, oh boy.
Hanging out with Frank. Playing Scrabble. Acting really weird around someone who just gets it or isn't put off at the very least. Making gross jokes about guacamole-producing guys over burritos in Werksviertel.
Hanging out at bridal shops with Lena, making her put on gorgeous dresses.
The fresh spring green gradient you get on your cutting board when you're chopping up leek for a potato gratin.
Staring at a long-haired guy in a club for a pretty long while on a Friday evening because he was just that gorgeous. Then he suddenly showed up on the internet a few hours later an we have been talking ever since. Exciting! And yeah, I love good coindidences. I would have never mustered up the courage to talk to him that night.
The other day we saw a cat from our classroom window, casually walking down the stairs. And we had nothing better to do than running up there in middle of our English lesson to catch her. I guess I'm a quite easily distracted teacher.
Hand embroidery on linen. It's baby bonnets, okay. But still super pretty.
This idea I had while in downward facing dog pose during one of my yoga classes. I really want to go to a yoga retreat in the summer. Either in Bali or, even more exciting, an ashram in India. I'd also visit Nepal or Bhutan while I'm there.
Aidy Bryant. She's my gorgeous heroine. I loved watching the first season of Shrill.
Alpro cherry soy yoghurt.
New earrings from &otherstories and COS. And a new hair ribbon, too. Can't help it. Building my collections.
That whole Margo-banging-Josh-situation on The Magicians? I'm into that. And when she was tripping on lizard and saw Eliot in a python trenchcoat performing the Pretenders' "Don't Get Me Wrong"? The 80s choir they formed in the desert? So amusing. Seriously, this is one of the few shows which is absolutely not afraid of weird shit and doesn't take its writing too seriously. I don't entirely get it and it doesn't have anything to do with Lev Grossman's books anymore but I'm so grateful it exists. And I'm always down for a good musical episode (see: Once More with Feeling a.k.a. the single best Buffy episode ever made).
Finding the most incredible reed green silk dress at Hallhuber one afternoon after seeing a dermatologist in the city. Unfortunately even my ribcage is too wide for its narrow cut but perhaps I can convince Lena to buy it for the summer.
New idea: should I ever get a cat I want to name it Miso.
Seeing the first butterfly (European peacock) of the year enjoying the sunshine while sitting on my pink hyacinth.
After more than 20 years I accidentally found out that one of my favourite songs from the ZDF Christmas series Anna is in fact a Queen song! I'm also pretty sure that my taste in men, my "type", was significantly affected by João Ramos who played the role of the dancer Jacob. Swoon!
Using a sheep skin as a pillow. Oddly comforting. I was reading a book about the sense of touch when I noticed this connection. I also learned that most people prefer firm hugs and massages over soft strokes. Apparently gentle touching reminds some of insect's feet but it seems to be a matter of personal preference.
The crispy greasiness of butter croissants.
Finding out about banana twins (two fruits in one peel).
Enjoying a nice, sunny Sunday. Cycling over to Westpark and playing badminton with Frank in the middle of hundreds of families having picnics. Clumsy yoga poses on a towel. A little boy telling me that his penis was more important than my face when he hit me with a football. But to be fair, I made him choose. I even went to the gym afterwards, doing my strength routine and an hour-long spine workout. I was pretty exhausted that evening and made a delicious dinner with ratatouille, soy "meat", olives and capers, whole-wheat pasta and pine nuts.
Breaking news: my body contains over 66kg of muscle mass! Am I a superhero or what? (Well, also 36% body fat, gotta work on that...)
Giving the avocado seeds a new home. I've given them a large pot now so each time I eat an avocado a new member can join the gang.
Spending most of the week with my favourite colleague, espectially on Girls'/Boys' day duty: I liked meeting at the fire brigade in the morning, getting to know a firewoman, making one of my students climb up the pole at the station. Walking over Viktualienmarkt and Gärtnerplatz, getting some fresh juice, talking all the time. We visited an old folk's home, a garden center, a vet and an architect's studio. So much better than being stuck at school until 4pm.
Pancakes with mushroom filling. Strawberries with coconut cream. Delicious.
Finally performing a Nina Hagen Song on karaoke night. And Elle King's Ex's & Oh's which made Carlos, the Spanish guy, think of old ex-girlfriend trauma.
Uhm. I read 21 books this month. Wow? To be fair, I spent most of my weekends in bed with a stack of books next to me. I'm kinda hoping to read less in April - but since I'll be in Canada for two weeks this will probably not be an issue anyway.
My breakfasts keep me healthy, I really believe that. Extremely tasty and full of good nutrients. Latest addition: strawberries and pumpkin seeds.
Spending the whole afternoon with Anika in my kitchen, making vegan macarons. I almost couldn't believe it but chickpea liquid works just as well as eggwhites! And we came up with pretty good fillings: lemon buttercream, chocolate-raspberry and banana-peanut butter. Nom. Now they're sitting in my fridge, tempting me to eat them. Sigh.
Going to the gym after a week-long hiatus. Breaking the spell, you know?
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