#temporary hiatus
dandylion240 · 1 month
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As you may have guessed my queue has run out and I haven't had time to replenish it. Work has sapped all mmy energy and now I'm leaving for vacation so it'll be a while yet. I do have a chapter written. So once I'm back I hope it won't be too long before I'll have story posts again. Until then enjoy this possible spoiler...
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blot-squisher · 2 months
Surviving the Game: Level 2 and Whispers of Insanity will be going on temporary hiatus starting Thursday, August 1st, and returning to regular posting Sunday, September 1st!
Hey ya'll, I know this isn't something anyone was expecting so soon, but I'm going to be going on hiatus for the month of August. Everything is okay and neither fic are going anywhere! A lot of stuff is slated to happen IRL next month and I don't think I'll be able to write or post as consistently as I'd like, so to give myself a little breathing room and to (hopefully) rebuild my chapter stock a bit, both fics will be going on a break. I'll still be around on tumblr and Ao3 if anyone has questions however 🙌
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Hi, all...I might be taking a temporary hiatus from Tumblr. Nothing is wrong. I just need a little break. I might come back on ever so often to check messages, but right now, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and I want to sort things out in my brain.
Again, nothing is wrong. I just want to give myself a little break.
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shironezuninja · 23 days
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One of the causes for going on a Social Media posting pause was to finish watching Demon Slayer’s Hashira Training Arc’s episodes in English Dub within my main bedroom during the Labor Day weekend. It won’t be long until a Lucky Star pinup magazine poster falls off the ceiling next to the door’s exit. I’ll put it back up, but above my own bed, as reminders of The Banished One’s career needs to get taken down after 5 years.
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Welp! It's back to college time. And at the time I'm posting this, I'm moving into my dorm, so I'm gonna post this now before things get hectic with the sign in and all that fun stuff.
This comic will now be updating on Saturdays and Sundays! [and maybe Fridays, if I find time! :D]
But... during the week I will be making arts on the side. Refs and stuff, and maybe a few tweaks here and there to current pages and update the comic blog and this spruce up this art blog. Idk.
In general, since I'm still trying to grapple comic creation, it still needs improving, so I'm gonna be working behind the scenes and try to get better with this. (Keep on the look out for redrawn pages!)
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Until next update, Feral-kin!
Wish me luck ;w;
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Bunny: Hey everyone. I'm sorry but I'm putting this blog on Hiatus. This is due to a number of factors, including but not limited to not having the time to properly run it, and a lack of motivation.
Again this is TEMPORARY! So nothing is being deleted. It's just...on the back burner for now.
thank you all for your patience! and please check out my other blogs to keep you entertained!
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agere-infection-au · 2 months
Temporary Hiatus
I'm sorry, for lack of updates, guys, especially given I have questions in my inbox at the moment, but I'm afraid I've hit a little burn out with that AU...
I promise, I'll get back to it eventually, but I'm afraid I'll have to go on a hiatus with this Au for some time.
I apologize again for ruining expectations, ESPECIALLY to people, who had sent their asks and still waiting for them to be answered... I promise, I'll get to them when I can. Just... not right now.
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project-doomsday · 7 months
DD Progress/Updates 17
Hey everyone! How did you like the new pages? Coming up with any new theories I hope? Oh, did you also check out the website too? Lots of cool stuff in there! Just don’t click on any of the photos… especially the glitchy ones. Gotta love website builders, am I right?
Besides that, I’m here to bring you some news. The comic will be on a temporary hiatus now! I gotta catch up with some important stuff, plus there’s a tons of projects I wanna work on. Don’t worry, they’re all Doomsday related! I definitely wanna work on those before the comic.
Speaking of the comic, I’m officially going to post just 4 pages from now instead of 6. I know, I know! Total quality drop but hey it’s gonna be a lot quicker this time!!
Anywayssss, that’s all the news I have for today! I’ll let you know when the hiatus is over! Thank you all for the continued love and support! Love ya and take care!! ❤️❤️
- EMatooney
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Hey imma be on a temporary hiatus cuz a lots going on rn, but I will be active still I'll send asks and stuff I just won't be posting for a bit, I hope you all have an amazing time and I'll be posting again in a bit<3
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eboni-napalm · 6 months
Hi, everyone. I know this is sort of coming out of nowhere, but after giving it some thought over the last week or so, I've decided that I am temporarily stepping back and removing myself from the self-shipping community. This wasn't an easy thing to do, but I've noticed almost acutely so that nothing I post seems to get any interaction anymore, and none of my reblogs or ask games get any activity. Whether or not this is Tumblr eating the asks and being glitchy as hell lately, or I've been either shadowbanned or just flat-out ignored by everyone else. I feel ignored, unimportant, and invalidated as a self-shipper. I don't know if it's the characters I ship with from the sources I like not being popular or worthy of being noticed, or my much older age than the majority of people I see in the community, I'm not sure if others look at me with disgust because of how old I am in comparison to everyone else or what it is, but it sucks, and it has me feeling like I don't belong here.
I don't know how long I'm going to be "away" from self-shipping- whether a month or a year, although a big part of me thinks it won't matter anyway because no one seems to give a shit- but I need to be away. I'll probably still lurk on Tumblr or on the Discord servers I'm in, but I more than likely won't be doing much until I feel like I can come back without feeling like this. Like I have to bend over backwards just for more than two people to make me feel like I'm still allowed to be here.
Thanks for reading this (if you did). See you later. Maybe.
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blot-squisher · 2 months
It’s super late buuuuut
✨🔥Chapter 82 is now up!🔥✨
This will be the last chapter for now! As previously announced I’ll be going on a temporary hiatus for the month of August. I’ll still be around on Tumblr and AO3 during the break!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Short- Term Hiatus
Hey y’all, I hope you’re all doing okay! Due to some less then stellar life chaos going on right now, I’m gonna be off for then next couple of days. I don’t know when I’ll be back but I know it’s not gonna be a month long break- just long enough for me to figure things out.
Blog related updates:
-Monday, June 10th’s Dabbles will come out as normal. I already had them written and queued up, but after today I don’t know when or if I’ll have the time/energy to write more. When I come back I’ll jump right back into them.
- Fics will come out as usual: I’ve been blessed by the writing gods the last couple weeks and managed to get a good chunk of requested done and queued, so those will still be coming out. I just won’t be online to answer asks or DMs at this time.
Thank you all for being understanding and patient- things suddenly nosedived and I’m struggling irl right now. I’ll try to be on soon, but until then I wish you all the very best! Take care, drink plenty of water, and make sure to treat yourself to a nice treat!
Talk to y’all soon!
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doodlesdreaming · 8 months
As much as I hate to do this, recent events in my life has lead me to make this decision. Until further notice, I'll be temporary closing C0mmissi0ns.
Reason being is that my health, physical and mental, has gone down a sudden downward slope. Nothing extremely serious! But I have been bedridden for the past week, taking medication and trying to stabilize my anxiety levels. I'm starting to feel better, yet I still feel like I'm on seriously thin ice. So I need to step back and get my strength back, in every sense of word.
To those who I still owe doodles, I will do my absolute best to get them done as soon as possible. It just won't be at my usual speed. I apologize for the inconvenience.
I'll re-open shop soon. Hopefully...
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cheeriecherrymain · 10 months
I uhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,
,,,,,would like to issue a formal apology about these last several months. By which I mean, my complete and utter radio silence (aside from the occasional shitpost).
Life has been hectic! In great ways, in wonderful ways, and,,,,in some not so good ways, too.
In June, my baby sister was born! She's amazing and incredible, and she's so so cute! I've never wanted kids of my own (neither adopted or biological) but I love taking care of kids. I love teaching them, and playing with them, and I love seeing what kinds of wacky shit they do.
I've been really involved with helping my parents with my sister, and such a duty has taken up a lot of my time. My whole world has basically been revolving around this tiny little human, and around the rest of my family.
And as such, I started neglecting my desire to write. At least in the beginning.
In April of 2023, something happened. I don't really know what, but I can pinpoint the exact day that my mood shifted. Nothing overly concerning, but a moment in time to be slightly suspicious of: a feeling I haven't felt in many years.
Not a crisis or anything like that, but the beginning of what could become a months-long episode, if I wasn't careful. I've dealt with this kind of thing for nearly twenty years now, which means I know my own signs. I know not to ignore those seemingly-small actions and thoughts, because they can absolutely lead to something bigger.
So for a little while, I tried to really focus on writing - something I love. Something that I'm passionate about. I tried to focus on art, and on painting, and on music. But it slowly became harder and harder. My thoughts grew muddled and slow, new ideas weren't forming, no matter how hard I tried. Even when trying to find different subjects, it was the same.
My creativity had just. Stopped.
So I set it all down for a bit. Slowed down my progress, and gave myself permission to rest and recuperate and take care of myself. I was hoping that I had just 'sprained my brain', and that soon I'd be back on my dramatic nonsense, typing away and having fun.
But that...didn't happen.
And my mood kept sinking lower and lower. No matter how I kept up my self care routines, no matter how much I tried to do the things I know that I enjoy.
So I talked to my parents. I set up an appointment with my doctor. I got in to see my therapist again. I feel like I'm failing, for not being able to keep up with a community I love. I know that I'm not, deep down, but the anxiety is still there, on the surface.
I'm sad that I'm not able to write anything right now. I'm sad that I'm not able to create art. I'm sad that I can't sit down and read, and enjoy, and scream about all sorts of beautiful pieces that get posted. I'm sad that i'm not able to keep up with the friends I've made here.
Having a supportive household has been an incredible benefit for me, it always has. But especially now, when my own brain is kicking me in the ass for reasons I can't even figure out.
I'm so grateful to have a tiny human to focus on, during a time when I'm not able to do much else. All these people bring light and happiness and peace to my life, and I don't know where I'd be without them.
All this being said, I hope you guys understand! I'm not going away any time soon: I'm still here. Lurking. And I absolutely plan on coming back to writing, eventually. That's not something I'd ever give up. Ever.
But I am taking a break, for my own benefit. We gotta take care of ourselves, the same way we desire to take care of others!
So instead of 'goodbye', I'll say this instead: I'll see you guys in a while!
With love,
Cherry <3
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alitteraladhdmess · 2 months
Really inactive here cuz autism is tizming and I’m stressing over some stuff
Plus I’m drinking coffee (I have my regrets) imma sniff my moots blogs once I’m back up and figured life out
For now I won’t post (unless I have art I really wanna/need to share) and I’ll still respond to some asks or tags that I get
Farewell for now! Cheerio<3
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sentient-rift · 3 months
Going on a Full Hiatus.
Do to my busy schedule becoming very high IRL, I'm afraid I have to switch my activity level from semi hiatus to full on hiatus. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I will try to get back into things as soon as I can get proper free time again. Until then, keep up the good work, and God bless.
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