#tempo matching
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chris-ostkreuz · 4 months ago
Understanding BPM and tempo matching
Understanding BPM and Tempo Matching Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re at a party, the music is pumping, and suddenly the DJ drops a track that feels like it’s dragging you down into a musical abyss? You’re not alone! The world of music is a vast ocean, and navigating through it requires a keen understanding of BPM (Beats Per Minute) and tempo matching. So, grab your…
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occudo · 7 months ago
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Smoke break
GiSA is back!
Jon and Martin can get a 'Heart to heart'- without the worms this time :D
-also, don't smoke kids-
If you are new to this AU, or don't remember: It's called Gertrude is still around or GiSA for short
More from this au
The AO3
My kofi if you like what I do, or want me to draw something for you and stickers at my redbubble
I used sims4 for most of the the backgrounds- I have no exuse. It still took me 3 months, I cut this corner...
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allgremlinart · 2 years ago
high school theater is so funny cus like. one year you can have the most cunt wrenching performance of Phantom Of The Opera ever brought to life by 17 year olds and the next year. a really mediocre rendition of Seussical The Musical.
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siblingshuffle · 5 months ago
Day 12: Regret.
This is a snippet of Sibling Shuffle’s version of Spiritus Ex Machina!
And the theme is regret!
This isn’t very happy. I mean, we’re talking about a mother who was so scared of losing her child that she technically killed her herself and is now confronting that choice. Of course it is.
It’s also a little longer than normal, so be forewarned! ————————
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“Speaking of robot girls,” Dr. Light mentioned, “Blues has been very excited to see Tempo again. Did you bring her with you?”
Dr. LaLinde froze, the mirth melting from her expression “…Right… of course…” she murmured, averting eye contact as she turned around. After a moment, she led a girl who appeared to be around Blues’s age to the group, seeming more melancholic than before. “…Quake Woman,” she addressed the girl, “You remember Dr. Light and Blues…”
‘Quake Woman?’ Roll wondered. The girl was clearly a Robot Master, yes - Roll’s sensors didn’t give any indication that she was organic whatsoever - but Blues and Dr. Light had been referring to her by the name “Tempo”.
“Yes. Hello,” Tempo-- Quake Woman-- whichever, waved. The movement was strangely stiff, with no discernible emotion behind it. 
“Why’s she calling you your Robot Master name?” Blues asked, smiling confusedly as he waved back. “You’re not working right now, are you?”
“I am not. However, ‘Quake Woman’ is my name. I am a geological surveyor robot,” Quake Woman responded. Her voice was… strange. It lacked inflection, but it sounded as though it had been designed with a range of emotions in mind. In fact, now that she thought of it, Roll hadn’t noticed her making any obvious facial expressions, either…
Blues nodded slowly, his expression faltering as though unsure of himself. He shook it off so quickly, however, that Roll had to wonder if she had imagined it, “Uh, okay…? I’d like you to meet my little sister, Roll. Roll, meet Tem— Quake Woman, my best friend.”
“Hi!” Roll grinned, extending a hand to shake. “Blues told me a lot about you!”
Quake Woman took her hand, but, looking at Blues, said, “Your statement is illogical.”
Roll blinked, tilting her head and staring at the girl. “…What do you mean?”
“Blues referred to you as his ‘sister,’” Quake Woman responded matter-of-factly. “That statement is illogical. Robots cannot have familial relations.”
Blues stared at Quake Woman, baffled. “What…?” He asked, glancing over at Dr. LaLinde as though expecting answers from her. “...Dr. LaLinde?”
Dr. LaLinde didn’t look at him.
“…Quake Woman…required some adjustments. She’s fine.”
“…What kind of ‘adjustments’?” demanded Blues, his voice low and apprehensive as he studied Dr. LaLinde’s expression, his eyes searching for something that he couldn’t seem to find.
Dr. LaLinde swallowed, biting her lower lip. Her voice was tight when she next spoke. “…I…I’ll…let you get reacquainted.”
With that, she stepped away into the crowd. Roll’s gaze followed her, noticing how stiff her posture was. And with how abruptly she had left… something was definitely wrong.
Dr. Light placed a hand on Blues’ shoulder. “I’ll be right back,” he told him before running after her.
Blues just stared numbly in the direction the two roboticists had disappeared to. Hesitantly, Roll reached out her hand to him, but Blues withdrew, pulling his scarf up to his cheeks and turning around sharply. Before Roll could stop him, he slipped away into the crowd in the opposite direction, leaving Roll and Quake Woman alone.
“Noele, wait,” Dr. Light called out, catching her by the arm before she could lose him. She stopped but didn’t turn to face him. “What’s going on? Tempo - and you, as well- are acting strangely,” Dr. Light eventually asked, a mix of concern and confusion coloring his expression.
Dr. LaLinde still didn't turn to face him. “…You have a lot of people you should catch up with, and there’s not a lot of time to do it before you have to be onstage for the debate,” she said, her voice tight.
Dr. Light nodded. “You’re right, but that can wait,” he insisted. “Something’s going on with you.”
Dr. LaLinde took a shaky breath. When she turned towards him, her eyes were more tired and sad than he’d ever seen them before.
“You know that you can talk to me, right? Any time that you need me, I’m here for you,” he offered gently, taking her hands in his. His eyes were filled with a warmth that could melt the sturdiest of defenses - a familiar, understanding, comforting warmth, but one that burned if Dr. LaLinde tried to look directly into.
Dr. LaLinde extricated hands from Dr. Light’s.
“Thomas, I know you mean well, but…” she shook her head. “…nothing is wrong.”
“…You’re sure?” Dr. Light asked, his voice soft. He knew Dr. LaLinde was brilliant, the dark circles under her eyes made him wonder how much sleep she had been losing as of late.
Dr. LaLinde inhaled sharply, but nodded, though her eyes remained downcast. “I’ll see you at the debate, Tom.”
Dr. Light watched her leave again, a sense of helplessness, concern, and worry pressing down on him.
Dr. Light couldn’t help but reflect on the LaLindes he had known before - the vibrant, happy family that only nominally resembled the lifeless one he’d just met. It seemed impossible to reconcile the two, yet he knew they were one in the same.
Dr. Light sighed deeply, his hand combing through his beard, his mind racing with questions and concerns. The loudest question of all, though, was this: what happened to the LaLinde’s?
Story Notes:
My autocorrect tried to call this segment “Sorry Notes” and I think that’s kinda fitting lol
I know you guys know what happened, and furthermore that Dr. LaLinde had sympathetic reasons. However. No one else does at this point on the timeline. All they know is that Dr. LaLinde seems sadder than normal and Tempo isn’t emoting at all. And it’s freaking Blues TF out—
Dr. LaLinde mostly keeps her reasoning to herself because of grief & guilt & regret (as well as the narrative reason of “it makes for a better story if we don’t learn her reasoning until the timing it took canonically”)
DISCLAIMER: Dr. LaLinde is a very compelling character to me! I like that she’s a flawed parent trying her best! In fact, I like all of the LaLinde’s! They’re awesome characters and fantastic foils that I could go on for hours analyzing if I had the time! That aside, though, Dr. LaLinde is a foil to Dr. Light just as much as Tempo is to the Light kids. They’re both parents who care deeply about their kids and would do anything to protect them. The thing is, Dr. LaLinde took it too far by removing the possibility for Tempo to feel anything at all, pain included, and ended up hurting herself and others in the process.
This is a snippet from before any of the Healing Journey character arc starts - she misses her Tempo, yes, but she can’t really bring herself to admit that she was wrong quite yet. Surely it’s better that she removed the part that was her child but kept the part that was a tool. Surely then it would hurt less. Surely it’s better to feel nothing than to feel pain. She must be doing the right thing. She doesn’t know what she’d do if she were not.
Can you imagine having to re-introduce your newly-emotionless child to your child’s former best friend though. Can you imagine that.
I didn’t write it in here (because it would end up turning into a whole novelization of the Sibling Shuffle version if the first comic in this arc by that point), but Blues is so distracted that he ends up knocking over Kalinka and meeting the Cossacks in a way that is similar to the original story, just with the Cossacks not getting to catch up with Dr. Light quite yet.
Everyone ends up present for the debate, with Roll meeting Kalinka when they sit next to each other. Blues ends up storming out of the lecture hall after connecting a couple dots, and from there the Emerald Spears attack.
Art Notes:
Reference: Tempo’s introductory panel.
Someone pointed out that her eyes half-lidded “made her look high” so I just didn’t make her eyes shiny instead. This is a serious emotional scene lol
Lowered the color saturation & brightness slightly to play more into the mood
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hope-ur-ok · 4 months ago
Did you know wicked isnt even the whole movie? It’s just the first part and i feel like so many fans will be disappointed after. It’s nowhere on the f poster! Like twlight had the last film split and socdid other movies this is screaming greed. Also cynthias overreacting to a fan edit left a bad taste in my mouth
I'm gonna be so honest and it might make some people mad, but I've been questioning the creative choices since it was announced that Ariana would be Glinda, after how she played Penny in Hairspray Live I don't want her anywhere near adaptations of musicals that I like. And then finding out it was gonna be two movies my first thought was "If Les Mis could be done reasonably well as one movie, this could be too". Like normally I don't like to spread negativity before things come out, I withheld judgement for Cats until I had seen it (and for the record I was gonna watch Cats no matter who was in the cast), but it's been just so many things that irritate me with this. And yeah, Cynthia's over reaction is a strike against it too. Like I am not going to see it theaters that's for sure
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euthymiclurker · 1 month ago
good enough
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noneedtofearorhope · 5 months ago
something i think punk/metal bands could take from jazz when it comes to doing covers, especially out genre covers, is how to maintain the feel of a melody, while doing your own thing with it. way too many covers are just this sad barebones powerchords with shadow bass and some gruff vocals instead of pop singing type thing.
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jupiterjunebug · 9 months ago
funniest way to watch through a backlog of wrestling is to watch at somewhere between 1.25 and 1.5. a) you can get through more faster, b) all the wrestlers that look a little slow normally now look really fast, c) sometimes someones theme music will hit and itll be so fast you feel like youre experiencing a caffeine crash
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drakefruitddg · 1 year ago
🎶Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination🎶
🎶but he has to🎶
🎶go to a court🎶
🎶to fight the allegation 🎶
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giulia-liddell · 11 months ago
Il colpo fortissimo che è stato vedere un servizio al tg1 su The Rock a WrestleMania mentre sentivo comunque il bisogno di correggere metà di quanto detto... La mia famiglia non può capirlo
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theystarsoyco · 2 years ago
how do u get into succmblr. im normal btw
step 1 get as weird as possible immediately. step 2 treat shame like rot and cleave it from your system. step 3 post about hole.
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pygmalionpining · 2 years ago
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ok i will actually write. soon. but i love the bus.
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phjlavtia · 2 years ago
sono su tinder perché non voglio precludermi esperienze etc etc etc ma porco dio quanto fa schifo
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doux-amer · 2 years ago
Look at Leo singlehandedly (or nearly singlehandedly. Busquets is there too and it's hilarious seeing how unaccustomed he is to how low the bar is in the MLS and Miami just signed Jordi) take the worst club in the league—the one that's literally dead last—to first place. It's going to be hilarious.
And the petty vindication I'll feel when that happens will be great. People can finally shut the hell up about how Leo's brilliance will fade/has faded when he's out of a system that was essentially constructed around him and for him to win. I'm sure the argument has shifted to "Well, the MLS sucks so of course he'll look amazing and in fact look even better than usual," but it doesn't hold any water because many former greats have tried to make a big splash in the MLS and none actually succeeded to the degree that Leo's already changing things.
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biomechanical-magitech · 2 years ago
listening to electronic music can be hazardous sometimes. the fire alarm came on and I thought it was just a part of the music
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pekasairroc · 2 months ago
I’ve been listening to a reorchestration of Clock Town in the morning to get myself up and at ‘em. It’s nice and fitting for the walk to the train and commute, especially when I see that my train is 1 min away (next in 7 minutes) and the song hits a minor key and speeds up for the 3rd day
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