#temp writing
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sadisthetic · 1 year ago
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limewire virus
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the-magpie-archives · 7 months ago
The vast is so commonly associated with rain and thunderstorms, as everyone's favourite vast avatar so boldly represents it, but I think a heatwave presents it just as well.
The spanning empty skies of a truly sunny day, not a cloud in sight - nothing to protect you from the burning heat. Everything feels so much bigger when the skies are opened...
Sweeping shadows cast by tall buildings behind sprawling fences, those shaded spots are never so big, yet when they could provide some respite those fences seem taller than ever.
And the walk home, has it always been so long? Have these pavements been so wide, is there really this much space until safety? Walking forever, the heat beating down upon you, a headache forming as you wish you'd packed a water bottle. Did you? Has the walk really taken so much time that your supply has been drained?
The outside world is bigger than you could imagine when the sky is open and oh so bright, maybe there never was a way to escape it.
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considermeharmless · 1 month ago
En Temps et en Étoiles - À la belle étoile
A fun little challenge I gave myself! Translating an In Stars and Time scene (Stargazing with Isabeau) in French! I don't know if something similar already exists..? But hey! It was a funny frenchifying exercise, so I hope you guys will enjoy =v= And to @insertdisc5 J'espère que j'aurai fait honneur à ton superbe jeu et à cette fantastique scène :3
Oh! And if it's enjoyable to anyone else, please send me other scenes you'd like to read in my French way!
(Tu lèves les yeux vers les étoiles.)
(Tu n'en reconnais aucune.)
Siffrin: "Non, je n'en connais pas."
Isabeau: "Oh."
"... Tu dis que je n'ai pas mis les pieds dans le plat, mais…"
Siffrin: (Change le sujet.) "Non, non, c'est bon, hahaha !"
"Raconte-moi quelque chose ?"
Isabeau: "Quelque chose ?"
Siffrin: "Quelque chose sur toi."
Isabeau: "Oh, ok! Hm…"
"Bon, ok, tu sais que je suis de Jouvente, pas vrai ?"
"J'y ai vécu toooooute ma vie !"
"C'est une chouette, grande ville. Avec plus qu'une seule Maison, aussi. Bieeeeen plus grande que Dormont."
"Assez grande pour ne pas connaître la vie entière de chaque personne que tu croises, haha."
"... Bref, tu vas peut-être trouver ça surprenant, j'sais pas…
"Mais quand j'avais l'âge de Bonnie, j'étais genre, le PLUS INTELLIGENT des surdoués du coin."
"Pas légèrement intelligent, ou quoi…
"Mais genre, le gamin le PLUS INTELLO que tu puisses imaginer."
(Tu as du mal à imaginer Isabeau autrement que comme l'homme exubérant qu'il est.)
Isabeau: "Hah, vraiment imagine ça !"
"Grosses lunettes. Tresses super soignées. Connaissant toujours la réponse aux questions du professeur. Toujours de bonnes notes."
"Toujours trop timide et concentré sur les notes pour savoir comment se faire un ami dans la cour de récréation."
"Ca c'était moi !"
"Et, euh, je ne m'aimais pas vraiment."
"Parce que, et bien j'étais intelligent, mais… Je détestais vraiment être timide. Etre seul. Même pas capable de demander un crayon à un camarade, parce que j'étais trop paralysé par la peur."
"Et j'étais prêt à passer le reste de ma vie comme ça."
"Mais un jour, après des années à vivre comme ça, je me suis regardé, comment j'étais, la façon dont j'existais dans ce monde…"
"J'ai regardé à ce gamin dans le miroir, et je me suis dit…"
"Est-ce que c'est ça ?"
"Est-ce que c'est vraiment qui je veux être ?"
"Est-ce que je ne pourrais pas être quelqu'un d'autre ? Quelqu'un qui peut se faire des amis, quelqu'un que les autres pourraient aimer ? Quelqu'un'un que je pourrais aimer ?
"Quelqu'un que je n'aurais pas honte d'être ?"
"Ne pourrais-je pas juste… Changer ?"
"Et, c'est une des raisons pour lesquelles les gens vont dans les Maisons, tu sais ? Pour apprendre des choses, s'entraîner, pour faire du Façonnement Corporel sur soi…"
"Pour Changer !"
"Et tu peux y rester pendant un moment, et revenir Changé, et personne ne dirait quoi que ce soit. Ils accepteraient simplement la nouvelle personne que tu es devenu."
"Alors je suis allé à une des Maisons de Jouvente et je me suis jeté à l'eau ! Pour essayer d'être la personne la plus cool, forte et fiable qui soit !"
"Soulever des poids ! Entraîner ma voix à être plus grave, plus puissante ! Façonner mon propre corps pour qu'il soit plus cool, plus fort !"
"Me regarder dans le miroir tous les matins et hurler "Je suis le plus cool !!!" !"
"... Le Changement est destruction, tu sais ?"
"Pour initier le Changement, tu dois savoir que tu risques de blesser des gens. Te blesser toi-même, peut-être."
"Donc tu dois toujours être prudent, et te demander si la destruction que tu apportes en vaut le coût."
"J'ai décidé que c'était le cas."
"Alors la personne que j'étais avant…"
"Je l'ai faite disparaître."
"Tuée de mes propres mains."
"Fait en sorte qu'elle ne revienne plus jamais."
"Pour que je puisse vivre."
"Ah, ça sonne si terrible, quand je le dis comme ça !!!"
"L'enfant que j'étais avant est toujours là ! J'ai juste, euh, grandi autour de lui ? Pour le protéger ?"
"Construire une armure, jusqu'à ce qu'elle devienne réalité ?"
"Pour que je puisse devenir quelqu'un de fort, quelqu'un d'extraverti… Quelqu'un de réconfortant à côtoyer."
"Quelqu'un que j'aurais aimé connaître, avant."
"Bah. C'est pas si important."
"Je suis là, c'est ce que je veux dire ! Et je m'aime tellement plus qu'avant !"
"Mais même la personne que je suis maintenant est un projet en cours. Je veux toujours Changer."
"Je suis devenu un mec grand, fort, fiable et optimiste, parce que c'est ce que j'avais besoin d'être."
"Mais récemment, je me suis senti comme si j'avais besoin… De laisser tomber un peu la façade d'écervelé ? D'agir moins bêtement, ce genre de truc."
"C'est pas très agréable, quand les gens pensent que je suis stupide, juste parce que j'agis d'une certaine manière."
"Alors, je pourrais peut-être Changer encore bientôt ! Et devenir quelqu'un de légèrement nouveau !"
"Ca sonne cool, hein ?"
(Tu l'ignorais.)
(Isabeau voulait changer, devenir quelqu'un d'autre, et il l'a fait.)
(Il a dû travailler pendant si longtemps, pour faire de son souhait une réalité…)
Isabeau : "Ha… Je pourrais changer pour être un mélange entre un sportif et un intello."
"Equilibrer les deux, tu vois ?"
Siffrin : (Ha.) "Alors tu vas te changer en intellortif ?"
Isabeau : "Plutôt en sportello ! Ca sonne mieux, non ? Meilleure sensation en bouche."
Siffrin : "Les deux sonnent mal, Isa."
Isabeau : "Nooooon, dis pas ça ! Hahaha !"
Siffrin : "Tu peux être un sportif intelligent."
Isabeau : "Un sportif intelligent… Plutôt avant-gardiste, pas vrai ?"
Isabeau : "E-en tout cas, une fois qu'on aura battu le Roi demain, et qu'on partira chacun de notre côté, je vais juste changer en quelqu'un d'autre !"
"Quelqu'un qui peut être à la fois fort ET intelligent !"
"Les deux à la fois ! Quel concept ! Est-ce que ça ne donne pas l'impression de quelqu'un de cool ?"
"Est-ce que cela ne ressemble pas à quelqu'un que tu n'aurais pas honte de connaître ?"
(Est-ce que c'est ce qu'il pense..?)
Siffrin : "Isa…"
Isabeau : "... Ouais, Sif ?"
Siffrin : "Je n'ai jamais eu honte de te connaître."
"Même pas un petit peu."
Isabeau : "..."
"Ha, tu vas me faire rougir, Sif..!"
"Et… Ben, tu sais que je pense pareil, pas vrai ? Tu es genre, peut-être la personne la plus cool que je connaisse… Tu le sais, non ?"
"Et j'aime vraiment passer du temps avec toi ! Quand on traîne ensemble, je découvre toujours de nouvelles choses, comme des trucs cools sur le théâtre, ou même juste quelque chose de nouveau sur toi,"
"Et j'aime le fait que tu aies toujours un jeu de mots prêt pour n'importe quelle situation,"
"Comment tu respires d'une manière particulière parfois, et j'aimerais pouvoir respirer avec toi pour que tu te sentes mieux,"
"Et j'aime comment ton visage change quand tu manges tes plats préférés,"
"Et je veux te connaître plus,"
"Parler plus avec toi,"
"Rire plus avec toi,"
"Et… Et je…"
(Tu ne peux pas détourner ton regard de lui.)
Isabeau : "Je…"
"W-wouah, est ce que c'est une étoile filante ?! Hé, regarde là-haut ! C'est pas génial ?"
(Tu détournes le regard, et tu lèves les yeux vers le ciel étoilé.)
(Il n'y a pas d'étoile filante.)
(Mais ça ne te dérange pas.)
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inkedhorror · 1 year ago
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yeesh... been a while since i posted art. hey chat
reblogs much appreciated tyvm
killer -> rahafwabas
nightmare & dream/dreamtale -> jokublog
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gilly-moon · 10 months ago
rediscovered this snippet of Blackice writing recently:
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and I stand by the headcanon that Jack is colder on the inside. so many fics have him exhaling frost particles, or talking about his frost power being a sort of "core" inside him, so it makes more sense to me if his skin is actually slightly warmer than his insides!
also, just to clarify, i don't just mean the inside of his mouth.
(tw - gore)
i also mean that if you vivisected him and played around in his organs, those would be colder too ♡
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I'll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } marc and emma arrive in the same wing of the same mental hospital at the same time. { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x marc spector, emma harper x steven grant, and emma harper x jake lockley { contents: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, first meeting, angst { I guess? I don't know what else to call it. } { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I've done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. Marc is a danger to himself here but it's only really alluded to in this part. mental hospitals. triggering themes related to the aforementioned. { author's note: } I recently finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I've been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this. This series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your story DOES deserve to be told. { word count: } 969 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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They’d been admitted the same night, after lights out, two frozen bodies sitting in the darkened day room waiting to be assigned a bed.
It was unusual for two people to land in the same wing at the same time, let alone this late at night but that’s just how it happened.
She sits quietly, fully believing she’s in some kind of limbo between this life and the next – that somehow this was just how her brain was processing her passing, waiting to be judged.
She wonders if the man, slumped in the chair half a dozen feet from her is also recently deceased. Or so she believes.
He seems sullen and she wonders if perhaps he’d taken his own life to end up here in this seeming waystation.
Despite his deep scowl, she finds him beautiful. And then she thinks to herself, maybe he’s an angel and it’s some kind of test to see how she’ll interact with him.
As his eyes rise to hers, his frown etches further into his features. “You're staring…” He mutters, rolling his shoulders tensely.
“Sorry—” Emma apologizes, tearing her eyes away. “I was just—wondering if you were okay…” She mumbles softly.
“Would I be here if I were okay?” He replies.
Emma confuses his meaning, again thinking maybe this in the afterlife. And again, she thinks he must’ve taken his life.
‘Marc—come on, she seems sweet…’ A voice in his mind says, whose worried expression reflects from the window to the hallway.
“How can you possibly tell that, Steven?” He mutters again.
When he speaks to someone that doesn’t appear to be in the room, she starts to turn the options over in her mind.
Maybe he’s hearing voices like she started to this morning before…before it happened…
Or maybe she just can’t see the person he’s speaking to because that person is on a spiritual plane she can’t comprehend yet.
Still, she’s sure it’s all a test.
“Who is Steven?” she asks gently, trying to help.
Marc’s eyes flash to hers again, that seem to look on him with such an innocence that even he can’t see her question as malicious.
“Is he here too?” She asks, looking confused but somehow so compassionate.
This in turn confuses him.
��I don’t think she’s here for the same reason we are, mate…” Steven says within their headspace, looking at the girl with such soft regard.
There’s a small pout at Marc’s lips as he studies her. She radiates a kind of sensitive and soothing energy that belongs far away from a place like this.
He can’t help but soften along with Steven.
Another presence moves into focus in their shared space. He takes one look at the girl and feels his own protective nature kick in.
‘Who’s this?’
Marc doesn’t realize how long the silence has lingered between them until Jake speaks.
All the while, she continues looking softly at him, occasionally shying away her eyes.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me…” Emma breaks the silence.
Marc shakes his head slowly, somehow finding himself more worried about her than he is about himself at this point.
“What’s your name?” He asks, tempering his voice.
She swallows, tucking some hair behind her ear. “E-Emma…” She rolls her lips in, causing dimples to dip lightly into her cheeks as her eyes glance away shyly again.
Jake watches stunned from the reflection beside Steven.
He doesn’t know where it comes from, but he only softens more. “I’m Marc…” he introduces himself.
Emma eyes rise to his again, nodding slowly.
Her mind is already moving on, asking quietly, “do you know how long we’ll be here?”
Marc mistakes her meaning, just assuming it must be her first time on a psychiatric hold.
“72 hours—they have to—”
Emma’s already talking over him, more to herself but audible enough for the three of them to hear. “Three days? Like Easter?” She wonders aloud.
Marc’s eyebrows pull together, his mouth hanging open a little. “huh?”
“Easter—” Emma repeats. “Jesus came back to life after three days…”
‘Oh I—Marc I don’t think she knows what’s happening at all…’ Steven tells him.
Marc blinks slowly, but continues to soften, “do you know where you are right now, Emma?”
She shakes her head quickly and her shoulders pulling up to her ears, “I think it’s—well it’s kinda like limbo, right?” She pauses, furrowing her own brow. “We’re waiting to be judged…” She does her best to explain.
An ache goes through his chest, somehow his situation seems to pale in comparison with hers.
“No, Emma—” He starts, but is abruptly cut off when the floor staff comes to collect her first.
Fear seems to come over her face and it’s all he can do to stay in his chair, knowing that causing a scene would end badly for one or both of them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow—okay?” Is all he can get out.
“Tomorrow?” Emma questions in a daze.
“Come on, Emma—let’s get you settled…” The woman ushers her out of the door. “Someone will be back for you in a minute, Marc.”
This does nothing to ‘settle’ Marc at all, in fact, even after they get him situated in a room he still can’t stop worrying.
And so there he lies, in the dark on his side in a twin sized bed that feels a little too small, wrapped in thin hospital blankets, unable to get his mind off of the beautiful girl somewhere in a room along the same hallway.
The same beautiful girl who likewise lies in the dark, wondering over an angel named Marc and what will come of her.
Of one thing was certain for both of them, sleep wouldn’t come so easily tonight.
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deoidesign · 9 months ago
#ok finally making a post about meds#I've not ever tried taking medication before. I was sorta raised with that classic 'dont rely on meds you have to learn to manage without'#I mean I was also raised with the idea that therapy is stupid unless you have 'real' trauma. and also like idk.#can't stay home from school unless your temp is over 100 or you're throwing up. etc. very suck it up mindset#so I was just really nervous to start. also of course worried about losing myself or whatever I know that's a silly fear but#it's also a common fear for a reason!!! anyways#so I finally was like 'I need to do something' when I realized I was so anxious I couldnt even get myself to go outside alone#like I just don't want to do ANYTHING alone to a detrimental effect. and it was butting into my ability to do my work...#for various reasons. but then ALSO adhd has been a constant issue with my work as well!#it is SO hard to write and draw on a weekly pace like I am without being able to focus#my whole life I've had these terrible nightmares constantly and I've always woken up constantly in the night#sleep has always been terrible so I've always dreaded going to bed.. ESPECIALLy because it didnt even make me less tired#it was more something that I just did because I had to.#but going to bed was always terrible. there have been times I was too scared to go to sleep for weeks on end...#I've been mitigating this for years of course. and recently I've been taking melatonin which has been helping too.#but I've also always struggled to get up. because I've always been EXTREMELY exhausted#but also anxious of what the day might bring... idk.#anyways it has all hit a point that I was like okay. I am doing as many coping mechanisms as I can. the psych said they were good too#but... it just has never been enough. it's never been enough to make me not tired it's never been enough to make me not scared#so I finally talked to the doc about it. and she was like youve def got smth wrong basically. which yah I know.. but yknow#anyways so I started taking wellbutrin. and I am so frustrated now. because it's WORKING#that constant looming sense of dread is gone. I'm excited to get up. I'm excited to go to bed BECAUSE I'm excited to get up#I feel like for years I've been holding on to the idea that I have to get up because I have to put something good out into the world#and I've been clinging to knowing that if nothing else. I am able to help other people feel better.#but now for the first time in my life I'm like. free of it. I didnt even know it was possible... and I'm so sad how much I've lost out on#and so frustrated how my whole life I've been told to put up with it and push through it. and treated like a failure for it being too much.#and just. It has only been 2 weeks. but the lack of anxiety is SO noticeable I'm so...#I'll never miss it. the adhd is still pretty present but like whatever. I can manage that better.#and I'm just crying because of all this combined.#I just. I hope I get to finally be the best I can be now. for myself but also for you guys!
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deiaiko · 5 months ago
#22.7 Lunch
Grace had led their guests to the cafeteria, where rows of dishes had been arranged and carefully prepared.
His team took the initiative to make a buffet where each of them cooked a few dishes for their guests and served them anonymously, though that led to a wide range of food, from modified instant noodles to expensive roasted meat. At least there was variety, and hopefully it could cover everyone's preferences.
Grace had given a short speech to thank everyone for participating in the game, and to welcome them to enjoy the buffet. Though the atmosphere was a little awkward with half of the team away to accompany Agni.
At first, the princesses looked at the food warily. But after an explanation from Grace, and after Dan and Gyetang ate their portions to prove them safe, they were finally willing to get their servings.
They gathered together around the long table specifically prepared for this occasion, enough for everyone present. Currently, it was only occupied by Endorsi, Anaak, Hatz, Gyetang, Dan, and Grace himself. Laure was left to sleep on the sofa by the window. Hopefully, he wouldn't be forgotten later on.
It seemed like Gyetang and Dan were having the time of their lives just by talking to Endorsi, and Grace really appreciated that she took the time to indulge his team.
Anaak definitely looked like she would rather be anywhere else but there, but Grace believed that she also found the situation amusing. Especially when Endorsi looked like she wanted to throw hands at her fanboys.
In contrast, Hatz had been eating his lunch quietly. Only speaking if he had to, and only after his mouth was empty. The scene reminded Grace exactly of how it played out all those years ago on the second floor. He felt nostalgic.
Grace obviously didn't want to miss the opportunity to get to know everyone, and began asking questions on mundane things, like their favorite foods, favorite activities, recommended places they would like to revisit, why they were climbing the tower, some fond memories of their past…and so on.
Of course, questions were also thrown his way. He tried to answer it as best as he could, but he avoided telling anything that concerned his past. It was still a sensitive topic to get through, even between him and Agni. He only hoped this wouldn't lead them to think that he was cold.
The elevator behind him let out a soft chime. He turned around to look and beamed when he noticed Agni and Novick. Though he wished the others had tagged along as well.
Novick went to get his servings, Agni only spared Novick a glance before making his way to the empty seat next to Grace.
"Isu and Bam said they'll wait for Ran," Agni informed as a greeting. "I've told them where to find us."
The conversations afterward were mostly led by Endorsi and Agni. Not the friendliest exchange, unsurprisingly. It was more like a business deal with some sarcasm, but it kept the room alive.
Soon Novick joined them, sitting near Dan and Gyetang. Endorsi scanned him once and looked pleased when Novick didn't give her as much of a reaction.
Between the banter, Grace noticed that Agni was sitting quite stiffly. He did a check on him earlier after the game ended, so he knew what was wrong. It was the usual cold and ache that Agni had gotten used to. The game earlier and the days of preparation beforehand definitely had put a lot of strain on him. Was that why he didn't get food along with Novick? What could he do to help in this circumstance?
After a few moments of pondering, Grace downed his glass of water and turned to Agni. "Do you want to eat anything in particular? I'm going to get refills, so might as well."
"Well…Okay." Agni gave him a brief smile, and glanced at the buffet table. "Is there any warm soup?"
Grace had the urge to tuck Agni under a warm blanket and tell him to take it easy for the day. Alas, they need to host for the occasion today, so that wouldn't do. He pushed the thought away and recalled the menu they had prepared. "We have rawon."
Agni raised his eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yes." Grace grinned. He knew Agni wouldn't say no to that.
"Can you get me the meat and soup only?"
"Of course. With tea?"
"Yes. Thank you."
And so Grace went to the buffet table and prepared Agni's order. A medium bowl, some chunks of meat, and then soup. A cold water refill for his own glass. And lastly a steaming cup of tea with an extra spoonful of honey. 
As he was stirring the drink, Rak and Khun joined him to get some food. Seeing them together, still bickering, made his heart swell. It almost felt like he was reliving the past. Which he kind of was doing, in a way.
Khun examined each of the menus, holding up a spoon indecisively. "Which one did Bam cook?"
Grace smiled and put his pointer finger on his lips. "It's a secret."
"It's just food, what's the big deal?"
"Exactly," Grace winked. "Does it matter who made which?"
Khun raised an eyebrow, challenging him. "It matters to me."
A chuckle escaped his throat. Has Khun always been this sappy? That was cute. But Khun should have tried better if he wanted to get that information from him. Definitely not with that attitude. "Just get some of each, then it’s guaranteed that you'll get Bam's in the mix."
"Best turtle is right!" Rak laughed, with his plate already filled to the brim. "I'm trying everything regardless! They all smell good!"
"See? Rak gets it." Grace laughed as he summoned his lighthouse to place Agni's order on. Truly, Rak was the best. His heart unhelpfully ached at the thought. He needed to think of something else. "Are Isu and Bam still with Ran?"
"Yep," Rak was the one who answered, since Khun was purposely ignoring him. 
Grace felt his chest squeeze at the realization. Maybe he should've told Khun the answer he wanted to hear? But that would be against the rules that his team had agreed on. Khun had always been cold to him anyway, though the silent treatment was new.
Grace didn't know where he went wrong the first time, and this one seemed to be too petty to get mad for. Maybe he was just overthinking it.
Don't mind, don't mind. He told himself as he focused back on the task at hand. He had kept Agni waiting long enough. He should get back to him while the meal was still warm.
Grace took notice of Khun taking several servings of food. He was probably going back to the medbay. So Grace turned to Rak and asked, "Care to join me here, Rak?"
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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inkyquince · 1 year ago
This is what matching with professor Eden through Grindr is like
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quaranmine · 3 months ago
oh my god??? he survived for seven weeks. this guy is insane GOOD FOR HIM!!! and his family must be so grateful!
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considermeharmless · 27 days ago
En Temps et en Étoiles - Aveu
Another French translation made for the fun of it! Contains spoilers for Act 6 though, you've been warned!
Send me your favorite scenes if you want the same treatment for them :3
Isabeau: "À-À propos de choses à dire…"
"Est-ce que je peux te dire quelque chose, peut-être ?"
(Tu essaies de ne pas inspirer brusquement.)
Isabeau: "S-Si tu es d'accord. J'ai juste quelque chose à te dire, et j'ai l'impression que c'est le moment.
(. . .)
(Tu hoches la tête.)
Isabeau: "Oh crabe !"
"Ok, alors, hum–"
"J'sais pas, Sif– Tu es sûr ? Ça va aller si je te dis quelque chose maintenant ?"
"Parce que ça pourrait faire beaucoup et tu as déjà traversé beaucoup de choses aujourd'hui et je veux juste m'assurer que tu iras bien si je te le disais et–"
(Hah, comme c'est intéressant !)
(Même maintenant, sa main se dirige vers toi, suspendue, incapable de faire le premier pas.)
(Doucement, tu prends sa main, et la tiens fermement.)
(Il inspire soudainement.)
(L'Univers semble retenir son souffle.)
Isabeau: ". . ."
"Je ne devrais pas attendre, pas vrai ?"
"Je devrais me lancer, non ?"
"Et te le dire ?"
(Tu le regardes simplement dans les yeux et attends.)
Isabeau: "D'accord… D'accord, alors… !!!"
"Sif. J'ai vraiment vraiment aimé voyager avec toi pendant ce périple. Je tiens beaucoup à toi, tu es l'un de mes meilleurs amis, mon partenaire de comédie, une personne incroyablement importante pour moi, et…
"Et je…"
"Et je t'aime, Sif !!!"
"Je t'aime tellement, tellement, tellement fort !!!"
"J'adore te parler ! Et entendre tes blagues ! Et voir le petit sourire que tu fais juste avant que tu en dises une !"
"Et j'aime à quel point tu es gentil ! Comment tu écoutes toujours ce que tout le monde a à dire ! Comment tu essaies toujours de donner des conseils, même si tu n'es pas toujours très doué pour ça !"
"Oh ! Et j'adore ton œil ! Tes cheveux ont l'air tout doux ! Et j'adore que tu sois petit et mignon ! Mais petit et mignon comme un couteau de cuisine très aiguisé avec des fleurs et des petits cœurs !"
"Et j'aime ton visage quand tu manges quelque chose que tu aimes ! Et comment tu caches ton visage sous ton chapeau quand tu es gêné ! Et comment tu as l'air tout concentré quand tu regardes une pièce de théâtre ou que tu lis un livre ! Et–"
(Oh astres !)
(Tu as la tête qui tourne.)
(Tu chancelles un peu.)
Isabeau: "Oh !!! Pardon !!! Je me suis un peu emballé…"
"Oh, bon sang... J'avais l'impression de ne plus pouvoir m'arrêter de parler ! Comme si je gardais ça pour moi depuis toujours !!!"
"Est-ce que tu as déjà entendu tout ça ? Est-ce que je viens de me répéter comme un idiot alors que j'ai déjà avoué mes sentiments un tas de fois ?!"
Siffrin: "Non, c'était la première fois pour moi, aussi."
Isabeau: "Quoi ?!? Trop bizarre !!! Et cool !!!"
"Et ben ! Maintenant tu sais, heh !"  
"Je t'aime, Sif ! Je t'aime !!! Tu as intérêt à ne pas l'oublier !!!"
Siffrin: "Je n'oublierai pas, Isa."
Siffrin: "Merci. De me l'avoir dit."
"E-et je t'aime aussi, Isa !"
Isabeau: "Oh !"
"OH !!!"
"TROP BIEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Enfin, pour être honnête, je le savais, parce que j'ai des yeux."
"Mais, est-ce que tu m'aimes de la même façon que je t'aime ?"
Siffrin: "Donne-moi un peu de temps pour y réfléchir."
Isabeau: "Bien sûr ! Prends tout le temps dont tu as besoin, Sif !!!"
(Ton visage est chaud.)
(Tu ne peux pas arrêter de sourire.)
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aroace-shumika · 9 days ago
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do we like how my shmk scrapbook is going
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booasaur · 2 years ago
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Ted Lasso - 3x07 - requested by anonymous
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
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{ summary: } steven takes ridiculously good care of emma while she's having a rough mental health moment. { pairing: } original character { emma harper } x steven grant, mentions of emma harper x marc spector && emma harper x jake lockley { contents: } fluff, psychic connection, energy healing, hurt/comfort esque, happy ending { warnings: } severe mental illness { hallucinations, overwhelm, overstimulation, anxiety, instability } didn't super go into detail in the piece but it's kinda the main part of this one. nothing else really I don't think? { author's note: } was gonna do some more angst and then I just couldn't last night. this piece had been sitting in my wip drafts for a bit. this one does again, tap on the psychic connection between emma and the boys that is prevalent in most of my works. they are deeply connected and can communicate telepathically, empathetically, etc. you'll notice emma is able to hear everything in their minds and vice versa. { word count: } 771 { credits: } middle divider from @bernardsbendystraws
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She can feel her mind’s instability, her brain seeming to be sore and weak. As the overstimulation begins to take over more, her breath begins to get more shallow.
Everything is too loud, too bright even as she puts in her earbuds and turns on some music known for its nervous system regulatory effects. She hides her face beneath a pillow to get away from the light.
“You’re up, Steven,” Marc says quietly as he makes his way down the hallway, relinquishing control of the body.
Steven freezes for a moment as he adjusts, mumbling, “Cheers, mate...” He doesn’t pause again until he slides up behind her in the bed, kissing her shoulder firmly.
‘Hello, love…’ he murmurs in her mind softly.
Emma’s quick to scoot back into him, settling into his arms as she tries to focus on any one thing.
He tightens his arms around her, giving another slow kiss to the nape of her neck. He breathes deeply against her, settling a hand onto her abdomen as if silently encouraging her to breathe with him.
She follows suit almost immediately, taking in each inhale with him and releasing it on his exhale.
She squeezes her eyes shut tighter, clutching the pillow over her eyes more snugly.
Steven’s thumb gently grazes over her stomach, releasing a soft sympathetic sound as he attunes himself to her presently chaotic mind.
‘You’re alright, angel—we’ll pull through just like we always do…’ His warm voice resonates through her mind, not wanting to overwhelm her even more.
At his words, she shifts to face him, hugging herself tightly to his front and hiding her face in his neck. One of her earbuds falls out and he’s quick to retrieve it and return it to its place.
He then begins rhythmically stroking his fingers up and down her spine, tucking his head over hers protectively.
Minutes pass as he continues to do what he can to soothe her overstimulation. Truthfully, he’s not sure it’s as effective as he hopes but he doesn’t stop.
She takes what seems to be a much deeper breath on her own, as well that her body seems to unwind a little.
He's relieved to say the least as she continues to slow down, her thoughts quieting.
Emma can feel a low buzz resonating out through her spine into the rest of her body, likewise traveling up into her brain. It feels so nice and so peaceful—not to mention familiar, that she starts to wonder.
She frowns lightly, shifting back away from him just enough to face him.
“Are you—…did you just—”
His scowl of concentration matches her own, suddenly more worried again, “what is it? Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” She murmurs, a little stunned, “it just felt like you were—…performing reiki…on me…”
“Oh bollocks, did I do it wrong? I was just—I mean—I thought it might ‘elp ya know—take the edge off and—bugger, I didn’t ask for consent first and—”
“Steven—Steven!” She calls gently to him, shaking her head and putting a hand to his cheek. “You didn’t do it wrong…and it did help…” She reassures him, giving him a soft smile.
“When did you learn how to do that?”
“Well, I just—y’know—I find so much of well—what you do, absolutely fascinating and I figured—‘f one ‘ve us knew how to do some of the healing bits it might help, what with y’know your conditions…’course Marc could do with some bloody healing t—”
She can’t help but beam at him as he rambles, silencing him before he can finish by rushing forward to catch his lips.
Steven’s eyebrows shoot up, his lips forming to hers in surprise but quickly moving firmly against them.
His eyes squeeze shut tighter as he shifts to pull her closer, almost completely forgetting everything else for a split second before retreating. Stumbling quietly, “maybe we shouldn’t, ya know…--I mean you aren’t feeling well…”
Emma rolls her lips in, the dimples dipping into her cheeks, her lashes fluttering shyly as she tells him softly, “thank you…”
When she gives him that look, he all but short circuits, getting stuck on her with a lopsided grin at his mouth, half in a daze, “For what, love?”
She pokes him in the chest a few times, timidly, “you know what…”
Quietly in their minds they can both hear a smug, ‘Steven Grant, King of Calm…’
Emma’s eyes flash down, trying to conceal a smile and failing as her cheeks begin to heat.
��Oh yeah—overstimulation doesn’t stand a chance…’
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the-messenger-of-the-gods · 8 months ago
i have too many wips rn but GOD im so obsessed w a giant that is truly dangerous like its so hot. i don’t just mean dangerous to a tiny person, any giant can be potentially life threatening to a tiny. i mean a giant who kills other giants. like a devotional giant who is so compassionate and caring and considerate and they fuck you so gentle and so tender and also they’ve felt a man’s neck break in their hands. they’ve never hurt their tiny guy on purpose and they do everything in their power to be gentle but god by nature they are just not.
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thenexusofsouls · 23 days ago
{i am the caretaker of souls} Not me considering adding Aeryn Sun from Farscape as a muse on here. Someone please stop me, I have a problem. XD
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