#temp tag: steven/emma
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thexsanctuaryx · 6 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I'll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } marc and emma arrive in the same wing of the same mental hospital at the same time. { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x marc spector, emma harper x steven grant, and emma harper x jake lockley { contents: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, first meeting, angst { I guess? I don't know what else to call it. } { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I've done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. Marc is a danger to himself here but it's only really alluded to in this part. mental hospitals. triggering themes related to the aforementioned. { author's note: } I recently finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I've been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this. This series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your story DOES deserve to be told. { word count: } 969 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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They’d been admitted the same night, after lights out, two frozen bodies sitting in the darkened day room waiting to be assigned a bed.
It was unusual for two people to land in the same wing at the same time, let alone this late at night but that’s just how it happened.
She sits quietly, fully believing she’s in some kind of limbo between this life and the next – that somehow this was just how her brain was processing her passing, waiting to be judged.
She wonders if the man, slumped in the chair half a dozen feet from her is also recently deceased. Or so she believes.
He seems sullen and she wonders if perhaps he’d taken his own life to end up here in this seeming waystation.
Despite his deep scowl, she finds him beautiful. And then she thinks to herself, maybe he’s an angel and it’s some kind of test to see how she’ll interact with him.
As his eyes rise to hers, his frown etches further into his features. “You're staring…” He mutters, rolling his shoulders tensely.
“Sorry—” Emma apologizes, tearing her eyes away. “I was just—wondering if you were okay…” She mumbles softly.
“Would I be here if I were okay?” He replies.
Emma confuses his meaning, again thinking maybe this in the afterlife. And again, she thinks he must’ve taken his life.
‘Marc—come on, she seems sweet…’ A voice in his mind says, whose worried expression reflects from the window to the hallway.
“How can you possibly tell that, Steven?” He mutters again.
When he speaks to someone that doesn’t appear to be in the room, she starts to turn the options over in her mind.
Maybe he’s hearing voices like she started to this morning before…before it happened…
Or maybe she just can’t see the person he’s speaking to because that person is on a spiritual plane she can’t comprehend yet.
Still, she’s sure it’s all a test.
“Who is Steven?” she asks gently, trying to help.
Marc’s eyes flash to hers again, that seem to look on him with such an innocence that even he can’t see her question as malicious.
“Is he here too?” She asks, looking confused but somehow so compassionate.
This in turn confuses him.
‘I don’t think she’s here for the same reason we are, mate…” Steven says within their headspace, looking at the girl with such soft regard.
There’s a small pout at Marc’s lips as he studies her. She radiates a kind of sensitive and soothing energy that belongs far away from a place like this.
He can’t help but soften along with Steven.
Another presence moves into focus in their shared space. He takes one look at the girl and feels his own protective nature kick in.
‘Who’s this?’
Marc doesn’t realize how long the silence has lingered between them until Jake speaks.
All the while, she continues looking softly at him, occasionally shying away her eyes.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me…” Emma breaks the silence.
Marc shakes his head slowly, somehow finding himself more worried about her than he is about himself at this point.
“What’s your name?” He asks, tempering his voice.
She swallows, tucking some hair behind her ear. “E-Emma…” She rolls her lips in, causing dimples to dip lightly into her cheeks as her eyes glance away shyly again.
Jake watches stunned from the reflection beside Steven.
He doesn’t know where it comes from, but he only softens more. “I’m Marc…” he introduces himself.
Emma eyes rise to his again, nodding slowly.
Her mind is already moving on, asking quietly, “do you know how long we’ll be here?”
Marc mistakes her meaning, just assuming it must be her first time on a psychiatric hold.
“72 hours—they have to—”
Emma’s already talking over him, more to herself but audible enough for the three of them to hear. “Three days? Like Easter?” She wonders aloud.
Marc’s eyebrows pull together, his mouth hanging open a little. “huh?”
“Easter—” Emma repeats. “Jesus came back to life after three days…”
‘Oh I—Marc I don’t think she knows what’s happening at all…’ Steven tells him.
Marc blinks slowly, but continues to soften, “do you know where you are right now, Emma?”
She shakes her head quickly and her shoulders pulling up to her ears, “I think it’s—well it’s kinda like limbo, right?” She pauses, furrowing her own brow. “We’re waiting to be judged…” She does her best to explain.
An ache goes through his chest, somehow his situation seems to pale in comparison with hers.
“No, Emma—” He starts, but is abruptly cut off when the floor staff comes to collect her first.
Fear seems to come over her face and it’s all he can do to stay in his chair, knowing that causing a scene would end badly for one or both of them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow—okay?” Is all he can get out.
“Tomorrow?” Emma questions in a daze.
“Come on, Emma—let’s get you settled…” The woman ushers her out of the door. “Someone will be back for you in a minute, Marc.”
This does nothing to ‘settle’ Marc at all, in fact, even after they get him situated in a room he still can’t stop worrying.
And so there he lies, in the dark on his side in a twin sized bed that feels a little too small, wrapped in thin hospital blankets, unable to get his mind off of the beautiful girl somewhere in a room along the same hallway.
The same beautiful girl who likewise lies in the dark, wondering over an angel named Marc and what will come of her.
Of one thing was certain for both of them, sleep wouldn’t come so easily tonight.
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thexsanctuaryx · 6 months ago
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{ summary: } steven takes ridiculously good care of emma while she's having a rough mental health moment. { pairing: } original character { emma harper } x steven grant, mentions of emma harper x marc spector && emma harper x jake lockley { contents: } fluff, psychic connection, energy healing, hurt/comfort esque, happy ending { warnings: } severe mental illness { hallucinations, overwhelm, overstimulation, anxiety, instability } didn't super go into detail in the piece but it's kinda the main part of this one. nothing else really I don't think? { author's note: } was gonna do some more angst and then I just couldn't last night. this piece had been sitting in my wip drafts for a bit. this one does again, tap on the psychic connection between emma and the boys that is prevalent in most of my works. they are deeply connected and can communicate telepathically, empathetically, etc. you'll notice emma is able to hear everything in their minds and vice versa. { word count: } 771 { credits: } middle divider from @bernardsbendystraws
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She can feel her mind’s instability, her brain seeming to be sore and weak. As the overstimulation begins to take over more, her breath begins to get more shallow.
Everything is too loud, too bright even as she puts in her earbuds and turns on some music known for its nervous system regulatory effects. She hides her face beneath a pillow to get away from the light.
“You’re up, Steven,” Marc says quietly as he makes his way down the hallway, relinquishing control of the body.
Steven freezes for a moment as he adjusts, mumbling, “Cheers, mate...” He doesn’t pause again until he slides up behind her in the bed, kissing her shoulder firmly.
‘Hello, love…’ he murmurs in her mind softly.
Emma’s quick to scoot back into him, settling into his arms as she tries to focus on any one thing.
He tightens his arms around her, giving another slow kiss to the nape of her neck. He breathes deeply against her, settling a hand onto her abdomen as if silently encouraging her to breathe with him.
She follows suit almost immediately, taking in each inhale with him and releasing it on his exhale.
She squeezes her eyes shut tighter, clutching the pillow over her eyes more snugly.
Steven’s thumb gently grazes over her stomach, releasing a soft sympathetic sound as he attunes himself to her presently chaotic mind.
‘You’re alright, angel—we’ll pull through just like we always do…’ His warm voice resonates through her mind, not wanting to overwhelm her even more.
At his words, she shifts to face him, hugging herself tightly to his front and hiding her face in his neck. One of her earbuds falls out and he’s quick to retrieve it and return it to its place.
He then begins rhythmically stroking his fingers up and down her spine, tucking his head over hers protectively.
Minutes pass as he continues to do what he can to soothe her overstimulation. Truthfully, he’s not sure it’s as effective as he hopes but he doesn’t stop.
She takes what seems to be a much deeper breath on her own, as well that her body seems to unwind a little.
He's relieved to say the least as she continues to slow down, her thoughts quieting.
Emma can feel a low buzz resonating out through her spine into the rest of her body, likewise traveling up into her brain. It feels so nice and so peaceful—not to mention familiar, that she starts to wonder.
She frowns lightly, shifting back away from him just enough to face him.
“Are you—…did you just—”
His scowl of concentration matches her own, suddenly more worried again, “what is it? Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” She murmurs, a little stunned, “it just felt like you were—…performing reiki…on me…”
“Oh bollocks, did I do it wrong? I was just—I mean—I thought it might ‘elp ya know—take the edge off and—bugger, I didn’t ask for consent first and—”
“Steven—Steven!” She calls gently to him, shaking her head and putting a hand to his cheek. “You didn’t do it wrong…and it did help…” She reassures him, giving him a soft smile.
“When did you learn how to do that?”
“Well, I just—y’know—I find so much of well—what you do, absolutely fascinating and I figured—‘f one ‘ve us knew how to do some of the healing bits it might help, what with y’know your conditions…’course Marc could do with some bloody healing t—”
She can’t help but beam at him as he rambles, silencing him before he can finish by rushing forward to catch his lips.
Steven’s eyebrows shoot up, his lips forming to hers in surprise but quickly moving firmly against them.
His eyes squeeze shut tighter as he shifts to pull her closer, almost completely forgetting everything else for a split second before retreating. Stumbling quietly, “maybe we shouldn’t, ya know…--I mean you aren’t feeling well…”
Emma rolls her lips in, the dimples dipping into her cheeks, her lashes fluttering shyly as she tells him softly, “thank you…”
When she gives him that look, he all but short circuits, getting stuck on her with a lopsided grin at his mouth, half in a daze, “For what, love?”
She pokes him in the chest a few times, timidly, “you know what…”
Quietly in their minds they can both hear a smug, ‘Steven Grant, King of Calm…’
Emma’s eyes flash down, trying to conceal a smile and failing as her cheeks begin to heat.
‘Oh yeah—overstimulation doesn’t stand a chance…’
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thexsanctuaryx · 6 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I'll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } a different kind of morning after. marc learns a little more about what emma is going through and emma becomes more certain than ever that marc might just be an honest to god angel. { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x marc spector, emma harper x steven grant, and emma harper x jake lockley { contents: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, slight bullying by another patient, angst { I guess? I don't know what else to call it. }, hurt/comfort-esque vibes { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I've done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. marc is a danger to himself here but it's only really alluded to in this part. mental hospitals. bullying by emma's roommate. typical misunderstanding and misinterpretation that comes with psychosis. due to the nature of emma's psychosis, things are very unhealthily skewed in a religious context. triggering themes related to the aforementioned. { author's note: } I recently finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I've been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this, especially not actually written by people with firsthand experience of things like psychosis. this series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your stories DO deserve to be told. { word count: } 1,599 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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The next morning, Marc wakes up on too little sleep, vaguely aware of the nurse wrapping a blood pressure cuff around his arm.
He takes in a deep breath, forgetting where he is for a second before the memories come flooding back to him.
He releases the breath in a heavy sigh, inwardly hating himself for winding up here. Again. The nurse finishes taking his vitals and tells him they’ll be leaving for breakfast soon.
Somehow, eating food seems like the last thing he wants to do and he debates whether or not to stay back.
His eyes pop open with a start when he remembers her. His resolve to talk to her again is challenged by both his exhaustion and the self-loathing belief that he couldn’t possibly help her.
‘I want to see her again, Marc…’ Jake sounds off.
‘And you need to eat something—can’t go runnin’ around on nothing…’
“I don’t plan on doing any running, Steven…”
‘Marc…’ Jake presses.
Marc pushes out another sigh, swinging his legs out and leaning over the side of the bed, burying his face in his hands.
He walks over to the small plastic cubby on the wall that holds his clothes, pulling on an oversized sweatshirt and running a hand over his face.
He steps out into the hallway, looking in either direction, and notices he’s one of the first to be up. Typical. He releases a yawn and moves toward the day room to see if she’s in there.
The room is all but empty but he finds a seat, slumping back the same way he had the night before.
‘I hope she’s doing a bit better today…she looked so frightened last night…’
Marc doesn’t want to show any concern for her, a girl he doesn’t even know, but there’s an underlying worry in his gut.
“Me too, buddy, me too…” He mumbles, telling himself it’s only for Steven’s sake.
More patients filter into the room and still she’s nowhere to be seen.
Half an hour later they’re calling everyone to line up if they’re going to breakfast.
He pushes from the chair and makes his way to the line.
She catches his eye, coming out of the room furthest to the end of the hallway on the right, just before the locked entrance to the wing. He notes that she’s still wearing a standard issue hospital gown instead of real clothing.
She’s talking to one of the floor staff, looking confused the same way she did last night, before they usher her to the end of the line.
Marc abandons his place near the middle to join her.
“Hey…” He gently greets her. “How’d you sleep?” He asks, hoping she’s more lucid today.
“Sleep?” She repeats, her mind working over his question.
Another voice chimes in over her, “she slept in the shower after she put on my clothes…” Another girl says grumpily, before she really looks at Marc.
When she takes him in, she clears her throat, straightening up a little bit and smoothing out her clothes. “You’re new…” She says, brightening a little.
Marc pays less than an ounce of attention to her after she explains what happened with Emma.
“Are you okay?” He asks her softly and frowning, wanting to reach out to give her some kind of physical comfort but knowing he shouldn’t.
Emma’s eyebrows pull together, shaking her head quickly just before their attention is pulled away to the staff leading them out of the wing and down through the building to the cafeteria.
As they go through the line, Emma takes hardly anything to eat which only settles more worry in Marc’s stomach.
She goes to sit alone, setting her tray down and pulling her hands into her lap, fiddling anxiously with her fingers.
Marc makes his way over, eyeing all of the other tables of people who’d grouped up.
Her roommate can be seeing staring at her from one such group, clearly gossiping about ‘the new girl’ to avid listeners.
“Can I sit with you?” He asks, keeping his voice as light as he can.
Emma nods quickly, scowling at her lap.
“Thanks,” He replies, trying to get her to talk as he slides into the chair next to her that intentionally blocks her from her roommate’s view.
“You should try to eat something, it’ll make you feel better…” He suggests.
Emma shakes her head, avoiding his eyes.
Marc nods, scrunching up the side of his face, “yeah…I’m not really hungry either…”
The other two in his mind watch quietly with bated breath.
“Y’know, I wanted to say last night…you’re not dead, you’re in the hospital, this isn’t—”
Emma looks up at him wide-eyed, so sure once again that it’s a test. She can’t even form coherent words.
Marc pauses, able to tell that no matter what he says, she’s just not capable of understanding right now.
“Are you scared of me?” He asks gently.
Emma is quick to shake her head.
She wants to tell him that she’s sure he’s an angel, sent to guide her through this process.
After all, no one had been nearly as kind to her since she’d gotten here. And he had been there as soon as she’d landed here, wherever here was.
Her response provokes Marc to worry that if Steven or Jake were to come forward she might become scared.
He tries to find a way to tell her without perpetuating whatever confusion is going on in her brain right now.
‘Careful, Marc…’ Jake reminds him.
Emma seems to be lost in her own thoughts as Marc watches her. He can almost see her battling people within her own mind.
“Are you hearing people in your head?” He asks, keeping his tone in check.
Emma nods quickly, casting her eyes to her lap again.
“I know what that’s like…” Marc nods.
Again, he wants so badly to explain to her about Steven and Jake but he knows how tricky it would be to do so without scaring her in her present state.
“Sometimes—…” He starts.
He presses his lips together with another scowl.
“Sometimes, I might not be…me…sometimes you might see Steven…or Jake…they’re friends of mine and we…we sorta—share— a body…”
Emma’s eyes fly to his, widening again, looking more than a little nervous, her voice tremoring, “l-like possession?”
‘Well done, Marc, scare the poor girl…’ Steven rolls his eyes.
Marc keeps his tone light, with a quiet, tense laugh. “More like roommates…in my brain…”
“A-are you sure they’re not…demons?”
“I’m sure…” He nods, taking no offense to the question as he starts to piece together what her brain is going through at present.
“Is that what you think you’re hearing right now?” He asks.
Emma nods quickly and then shakes her head, “That is what I’m hearing…and—I think some of the people here might be—ya know—” She pauses, giving him a look, “too…”
Marc glances around, nodding again with a pinch of his eyebrows. “I can see why you’d say that. But they’re not…they’re just sick…”
Emma stares at her untouched meal tray, swallowing, unconvinced.
“I promise if you see Steven or Jake, you don’t have to be afraid of them, in fact…they help me when I’m  scared…”
“Th-they do?” She stammers.
Marc gives her a look of certainty, nodding slowly with a warm hum of an, “Mhmm…”
“So they’re more like, angels then?” She asks hopefully.
Marc can’t help a soft but good natured laugh, “Yeah, kinda I guess…”
His laughter puts her more at ease. She nods in seeming understanding.
Marc eyes her tray, knowing it can’t possibly be good for her condition to not eat.
“I’ll eat three bites if you do?” He offers, strategically inserting a number of significance to the kind of spirituality that her brain seems fixated on.
Emma summons a deep breath and lets it out in a huff of a sigh through her nose, scowling at her plate.
But her brain deduces that three is a good number, like God. So she agrees.
Marc can just see the gears turning in her brain, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been hoping using the number three specifically wouldn’t make her more inclined.
She reaches for her fork, stabbing at her eggs haphazardly. She gives him a questioning look when she raises the first bite to her mouth, waiting for the go ahead.
Marc nods and offers a quiet smile, likewise reaching to take a bite of his own.
Emma watches him carefully, waiting for him to do it with her.
As they take the bite together, in some indescribable way, it makes her trust him.
She takes the second bite more easily, doing so without him but still keeping an eye on him to make sure he’ll eat too.
She’s not sure if angels eat human food, but her logic is that if it’s good for her to eat, it must also be good for him. And despite everything, she wants so badly to help him too.
Marc takes a sip of orange juice and then repeats the bite from before.
This affirms to her that he keeps his promises and she takes the final bite.
‘Nicely done, Marc—think she’s starting to like you…’ Steven tells him more genuinely this time, the grin in his voice evident.
Marc likewise can’t keep another light smile from his lips as he finishes his own third bite.
It doesn’t even occur to him, that in this moment, he’s all but completely forgotten the real reason he’s here.
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I'll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } another patient makes inappropriate advances toward emma and jake has something to say about it. { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x jake lockley, emma harper x steven grant, && emma harper x marc spector { contents: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, another patient being a little icky { mildly written aka jake puts a stop right to it }, angst { I guess? I don't know what else to call it. }, hurt/comfort-esque vibes, jake doing what jake does best and protecting { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I've done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. mental hospitals. gross patient trying to make a pass at emma, typical misunderstanding and misinterpretation that comes with psychosis. due to the nature of emma's psychosis, things are very unhealthily skewed in a religious context. triggering themes related to the aforementioned. { author's note: } I recently finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I've been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this, especially not actually written by people with firsthand experience of things like psychosis. this series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your stories DO deserve to be told. { word count: } 1,185 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sub-aro
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When the boys had decided to – hopefully – prolong their stay by intentionally showing the staff Steven and Jake, they hadn’t exactly planned for it to go like this.
They’d meant for it to be strategic – methodical.
That was until one of the other patients decided he was going to get a little too friendly with Emma.
Marc had, had his eye on him from the beginning, something just not sitting right about him. This included the fact that he had the word, “Maid,” burned into his arm with what appeared to be the cigarette lighter from an old car – definitely self-inflicted.
He’d gotten a little too comfortable in the hallway with Emma that afternoon, trying to somehow charm her. That had been his first mistake.
Emma, however, was not at all comfortable with him as he grinned at her, leaning closer to her. And she’d stepped away to get some space, to which he quickly moved to advance toward her again.
That’s when it started to fall apart. Jake pulled to the front before Marc could stop him, but the latter couldn’t blame him.
Jake had quickly stepped between Emma and him, looming menacingly over him. “Somehow I don’t think she appreciates your attention…” He says through his teeth and a very forced smile.
“Somehow I don’t think it’s any of your business…”
Jake takes a step forward, forcing the other man in the opposite direction as Emma noticeably hides behind Jake.
“I’m sorry—you mistook my politeness for meaning you had a choice—” He pauses, his face falling from that fake smile. “Back. Off.”
“And if I don’t? I think she likes me…”
“And I know she doesn’t…” Jake sneers.
‘Careful Jake—the last thing we need is to get in trouble, can’t protect her from the isolation room, can we?’ Steven reasons.
Jake throws one more threatening glare and turns to escort Emma down to the day room. “Come on, cariño…group starts soon…”
The other patient doesn’t seem as wary of Jake as he’d like, but stays back all the same.
Emma walks closely beside Jake, looking as though she somehow understands that he isn’t Marc, correctly deducing— “You’re Jake, aren’t you?”
Jake pauses to frown lightly at her, “How did you know?”
Emma raises her shoulders in a slow shrug. “I just knew—sometimes I just know things…” She pauses. “Maybe it’s the spiritual plane…” She suggests softly, her face scrunching up a little thoughtfully.
Jake nods, knowing that she probably wouldn’t understand if he told her that she was just having an episode of what seems to be psychosis. The system had been incorrectly diagnosed that way before, so he’s fairly familiar with it.
Still, he can’t dismiss the uncanny way she seemed to immediately know it was him despite having never met him before. He tells himself she had a 50% chance of getting it right, but even he doesn’t wholly buy that explanation, himself. His voice after all wasn’t too different from Marc’s which only makes it more impressive that she just knew.
He gives a smooth graze of his hand between her shoulder blades, realizing he hasn’t replied yet. “Maybe…” He agrees.
As they enter into the day room, Jake spots a chair against the wall, away from the long table in the center of the room. He scans the room for another empty chair to pull beside it but Emma, as if already knowing where he means to sit, lowers herself to sit cross-legged on the floor beside it.
He immediately frowns, going to speak to stop her but she just looks up at him, softly smiling. He falters, clearing his throat. “Let me get you a chair—”
“No, I don’t mind…”
“Unless you weren’t gonna sit here—I was kinda hoping to sit next to you…”
‘Don’t you dare let her sit on that floor, Jake…’ Steven demands firmly.
Jake clears his throat again, pulling another chair over. “Come on—up…” He gently instructs Emma, reaching a hand to help her stand.
“You’re not sitting on the floor, cariño…”
She rolls her lips in, furrowing her brows together as she takes his hand and stands.
In the brief time he’s fronted, it only sinks further in that he doesn’t want to leave her here alone if they get discharged before her. He doesn’t realize he's staring at her, lost in thought until the group leader calls everyone’s attention.
He snaps free of his reverie and turns toward the woman who will be guiding the exercise they’ll be doing, all the while wanting to reach for Emma’s hand, more for his own benefit than hers he’s sure.
The group session seems to be going well until the woman calls on who she thinks is Marc – when Emma interjects.
“Jake…” She corrects the leader.
“I’m sorry?” the woman asks.
“This is Jake—Marc’s not here right now…” Emma explains quietly, before seeming to remember that sometimes Marc can talk to Jake and Steven even when they’re not in control of the body.
She turns to Jake, curiously, “or is he?”
There’s a round of judgmental scoffs around the room, the leader’s voice a bit tight as she replies, “Emma—this is—”
Jake cuts in, “she’s right—I’m Jake, not Marc…”
It once again, hadn’t been how they planned to execute things but it seemed as good as any other way.
The woman clears her throat, “right—well I think that’s all we have time for today…”
Emma turns to smile at Jake, sure that she’s been helpful, and frankly just as seemingly enamored with him as she is Marc.
Jake reaches to give her hand a squeeze, shooting her a wink that absolutely makes her cheeks heat.
It isn’t long after – impressively so – that one of the nurses tells Jake the doctor would like to speak to him. He can’t help but roll his eyes.
He turns to Emma, speaking gently, “why don’t you go wait in your room until I get back? I’ll come get you…”
His intention, of course, is to keep her away from that creep – knowing that he can’t enter her room without someone noticing and therefore getting in trouble.
Emma frowns slightly but seems to understand that he’s trying to protect her and nods. The more she interacts with him, the more certain she becomes that somehow the three of them are her guardian angels. The thought provokes her to speak, “will I get to meet Steven soon?”
Jake has to resist the urge to put a hand to her face, his heart aching, “do you want to?”
Emma nods quickly an adamant and excited look across her features.
“Okay,” He smiles softly at her.
“Jake…” The nurse says impatiently.
“Coming…” He calls, maintaining eye contact with Emma and nodding his head in the direction of her room.
They get up at the same time and move to enter the hallway. “Be careful…” Emma warns him weakly, fairly certain he’s about to do battle out of eye sight.
His chest only tightens more, assuring her, “I will…”
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I'll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } emma and steven talk and the boys find out more about her. a plan is hatched...hopefully... { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x steven grant, emma harper x jake lockley, && emma harper x marc spector { contents: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, angst { I guess? I don’t know what else to call it. }, hurt/comfort-esque vibes { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I’ve done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. mental hospitals. typical misunderstanding and misinterpretation that comes with psychosis. due to the nature of emma’s psychosis, things are very unhealthily skewed in a religious context. triggering themes related to the aforementioned, vague mentions of abuse { author’s note: } I recently finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I’ve been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this, especially not actually written by people with firsthand experience of things like psychosis. this series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your stories DO deserve to be told. { word count: } 924 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sub-aro
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Emma plays with her fingers lightly some more, chewing on her lower lip as she looks at Steven.
Steven who – despite himself – can’t seem to stop himself from looking back at her with a soft, almost lovesick expression over his features. Almost – he lies to himself.
“You’re not American—like the others…” Emma observes.
It snaps Steven out of his thoughts.
“Oh—no, no—not really, I suppose…”
Emma nods, “I didn’t know angels could be British…”
“Oh I’m not—I mean—we—we’re not angels, love…”
Emma shakes her head, “I think you are…”
Steven has to once again try to stop himself from melting. He doesn’t intentionally want to confuse her but the words slip out before he can do anything about it.
“The only angel here is you.”
Emma frowns slightly, trying to piece it together in her struggling mind.
There’s a soft chuckle in his head from Jake, as Marc calls to him. ‘Steven, she’s gonna take you literally, buddy…’
“Right—sorry—I didn’t mean literally, love—I was just—well I s’pose I was just trying to—give you a compliment.” He corrects himself.
This only causes her to flush, looking away as she openly tries not to smile. A soft, “oh” escaping her lips.
Her mind seems to shift quickly, her expression saddening, a pout at her lips.
“What happens when we leave this place?”
Steven is somewhat caught off guard when she seems to take a dip emotionally. His chest tightening.
“Well—they release us and we get to go home…”
Emma only looks more troubled.
“What if I don’t want to go home?”
‘Keep her talking, Steven…’ Jake speaks up, just having a feeling something isn’t right by her response. ‘I wanna know what we’re up against.’
“Why don’t you want to go home, angel?”
She swallows roughly, her arms slipping around herself to hug her middle as if trying to hold herself together at the question. She shakes her head quickly, avoiding eye contact.
There’s a round of Spanish cursing in his head.
‘She’s completely shutting down—find out what you can, Steven.’ Marc’s voice tightens.
“D’you live alone?” He asks softly.
Emma shakes her head again, releasing a strained exhale.
“Is there someone at home that makes you feel—unsafe?”
Emma is quick to nod, hugging herself tighter.
“But you’re safe here—well maybe not here exactly—but right now, with, with us—you know that?”
She nods again.
“Good girl,” he says softly, searching out her eyes.
“D’you have a partner—that makes you feel unsafe?”
Jake is already cursing again, ‘I’ll fucking kill him…’
Emma shakes her head again, attempting to speak, “my—my m-mom…”
A shock goes through their system, a quiet, ‘oh baby…’ escaping from Marc.
“Your mum, makes you feel unsafe?” Steven seeks confirmation.
Emma nods quickly again, sniffling and squeezing her eyes shut as tears burn at them.
She tries to find the words, “if I have to go back home—does that mean—does that mean I’m going to hell?”
‘She did not just compare her home to hell…’ Marc seethes.
Steven moves closer, slowly so as not to scare her, showing her his hands before he brings them to cradle her face. He waits for her eyes to meet his, brushing away the tears the fall. “You’re not going to go to hell, love…”
‘We can’t let her go back there.’ Marc cuts in darkly.
‘I’m working on it, hermano…’ Jake agrees.
Emma falls into almost silent breathless sobs, her body trembling.
“Fuck the rules…” Steven mutters before protectively pulling her into his arms.
Emma immediately clings to him, because she does feel safer when they’re around. Safer than she’s maybe ever felt with anyone else.
She holds onto him as long as she can, everything seeming to slow down even for the moment.
‘We need to find out where she lives—’ Marc cuts through the silence.
‘We don’t even know her last name, Marc—and we can’t just ask her for her address…’
‘I don’t trust her mother—especially not in her current state. Hell, she could be the reason Emma went into psychosis in the first place.’
‘Steven.’ Jake interjects.
Steven smoothes over Emma’s hair, holding her against himself. When he pulls back, he cradles her face with one hand.
“What if—when we get out of this place—we came to see you?” He pauses, looking her over softly and speaking quietly. “Would that be alright, love?”
Emma nods quickly, screwing her fist in her eye as she pouts.
“We’ll give you our number, yeah? And you can just call us when you want to see us…” He brushes his thumb over her cheek.
Again, she nods vigorously, holding up a finger but not speaking as she disappears into her room for a moment.
He gives her a puzzled look, waiting for her to come back.
When she returns, she hands him a piece of paper that she’s scribbled her name and phone number on.
Steven only brightens, speaking softly so as not to overwhelm her.
“Emma Harper—that’s you?” He says fondly.
She gives a soft sob of a laugh, nodding again.
Taking the paper back, pen still in hand, she flips it over against a wall and scrawls her address on the back. She then hands it back.
“Thank you…” He says, giving her a gentle smile as he finds her eyes again.
‘Very good, Steven.’ Jake voices proudly in their headspace as Marc breathes a sigh of relief.
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
{ i'll follow you into the dark }
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The world can be an especially dark and isolating place when you suffer from a mental condition that no one else can see or hear. This is where our story begins as Emma's world is turned upside down with an episode of psychosis - the first of its kind for her. She winds up in the mental hospital for likewise, her first time ever. It's there that she meets Marc and his system as he's been admitted on a psychiatric hold of his own for being a danger to himself. { Note from the Author: } This was an idea I’d been playing with for some time about Emma and the Boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really AREN’T works out there like this, especially not actually written by people with firsthand experience of things like psychosis. This series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your stories DO deserve to be told.
➳ chapter one ➳ chapter two ➳ chapter three ➳ chapter four ➳ chapter five ➳ chapter six ➳ chapter seven ➳ chapter eight ➳ chapter nine ➳ chapter ten ➳ chapter eleven ➳ chapter twelve ➳ chapter thirteen - coming soon
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thexsanctuaryx · 3 months ago
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{ summary: } emma has a night terror and accidentally injures jake in the process. { prompt: } “nightmare” from spring 2024 mk bingo @moonknight-events { pairing: } original character { emma harper } x jake lockley && a sprinkle of emma harper x steven grant { content: } hurt/comfort, real fluffy angst, established relationship, twin flame relationship, OC is deeply psychic and can communicate with the boys telepathically due in part to twin flame bond  { warnings: } nightmares, allusions to being attacked in said nightmares but left vague { author’s note: } this is from 2024 mk bingo that I wasn’t well enough to participate in at the time. I’m slowly chipping away at the bingo cards I was given even though the event is long since over because the prompts were great and the whole point was after all to get more mk content out there! so that’s what I intend to do! { word count: } 874 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction { credits: } middle divider from @bernardsbendystraws
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He’s quick to wake when he feels her start to become restless, his senses ever hypervigilant.
It happens so fast it all gets blurred together.
He calls to her once, a soft, “nena…” as he cradles her jaw, attempting to gently wake her.
She releases a distressed moan, shifting to get away from where he holds her in the darkness of their bedroom.
“Nena—" He attempts to carefully shift her awake.
And in a microsecond, she thrusts the heel of her hand up, colliding firmly with his nose as she wriggles to get away.
“Fuck!” he whispers as blood starts trickling from his nostrils, too concerned about her to worry about himself.
Her eyes finally pop open heavily, darting around the inky blackness that surrounds them, a gasp drawing in the air she struggles to take in.
She releases it heavily and attempts to suck in another breath.
Jake swiftly reaches for her again, his voice is quiet but audible enough that she knows it’s him and not whoever she was attempting to fight off.
“Hey—it’s me, mi vida—”
Her eyes slowly come to focus on him, a choke of a sob leaving her.
“You’re safe—you’re home…” He tells her, reaching to comb his fingers through her hair.
She nods quickly, her face crumpling as she releases another sob, curling up against him the way she had been before.
He wraps one arm securely around her while pinching the bridge of his nose with the other hand so as to keep from bleeding on her.
“You’re safe, mi alma, you’re safe—it’s okay…” He consoles her further.
She buries her face in his chest, shaking it as she continues to cry.
He’s used to her night terrors – they all are, in fact, good dreams are rare for her – something she shares with Marc.
There are a few different kinds of subject matter but the reaction she had upon waking was pretty telltale of a certain type.
He frowns deeply as she works through it, gently rubbing her back and reassuring her softly with his words until she slows down.
He knows better than to suggest going back to sleep right away, and he wouldn’t risk her going back into such a nightmare – not when he couldn’t protect her from the demons she faced.
“Come on, sweet one—let’s get up for a little bit…” He murmurs, reaching to turn the light on, on the nightstand behind her.
She nods quickly, sniffling quietly as she untangles herself from him.
She squints as the light illuminates the room, her eyes almost immediately falling on the trails of blood from his nose.
“Jake—did I—”
He takes her hand – the same one she’d struck him with – with his that’s now free, carefully pressing a kiss to it while avoiding his nose.
“I’ve had worse, amor—though it was impressive—I don’t think it’s broken…” He smirks at her.
She scoffs, a quiet smile coming to her lips despite her tear-stained cheeks, giving him a soft shove.
He combs his fingers through her hair again, the corner of his lips tugging up a little more.
“Come on, up…”
She doesn’t hesitate to do as she’s told, immediately getting up and entering their bathroom to retrieve a damp washcloth.
Jake takes the moment she’s gone to more properly appraise his injury, rotating his face and gingerly pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Think we’re wasting your talents as a mixed martial artist.” He calls to her as he shifts to sit up.
She comes back with one of those shy smiles he’s famous for bringing out of her – you know – the one where she does her best to fight it and pretends her heart isn’t fluttering on the inside.
Those are some of his favorite smiles and to elicit it from her so soon after such a bad night terror is a sure victory.
She feigns a laugh as she climbs into his lap and starts gently cleaning his upper lip and nose.
“Is it okay if I hold you or should I put on protective gear first?” He continues to tease.
She gives him another shove and he immediately grips her from behind, dragging her closer as she finishes cleaning up any residual blood, his lips coming to capture hers slowly.
She all but melts into him, wrapping her arms around his neck, tossing the washcloth back over her head as she deepens the kiss.
He gives her lips a long, slow pull before retreating.
“Are you okay?” He asks warmly between them, dropping any humor in favor of genuine concern.
She nods firmly, giving one last sniff, shifting to nestle her face back into his throat.
He cradles the back on her head one hand, his other arm wrapping snugly around her waist.
“Hopefully we gave you something sweeter to dream about…”
Emma only tightens herself around him, hiding a shy smile against him with a tiny nip at his skin.
There’s a quiet – judgmental – voice that sounds off in his mind—a voice which both of them can hear.
‘I would’ve made her a cup of tea…’
This, of course, only causes both of them to fall into soft laughter.
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I'll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } steven gets emma to take her meds -- but it backfires and they only make her more sick. after heading to her room, marc takes over. { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x steven grant, emma harper x marc spector, && emma harper x jake lockley { contents: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, angst { I guess? I don’t know what else to call it. }, hurt/comfort-esque vibes { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I’ve done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. mental hospitals. typical misunderstanding and misinterpretation that comes with psychosis. due to the nature of emma’s psychosis, things are very unhealthily skewed in a religious context. triggering themes related to the aforementioned { author’s note: } I recently finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I’ve been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this, especially not actually written by people with firsthand experience of things like psychosis. this series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your stories DO deserve to be told. { word count: } 1,155 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sub-aro
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The following day – Steven remains in control of the body.
After breakfast, they line them all up for morning meds which only leads to the next problem – Emma refusing to take the meds the doctor has prescribed.
As she stands three people from the front of the line she tells Steven she’s not going to take the “poison.”
“You’ve got t’ take them, love – or they’ll make you stay longer…”
“But they’re making me sick—my body is upset…” she tells him.
“If you refuse that bloody doctor is going to raise—”
‘Don’t Steven—she’ll take it literally, she already thinks he’s the devil…’ Marc stops him just in time.
“Right—” Steven mutters out the side of his mouth.
“We can’t getchu better unless we find the right meds—and we’ve gotta rule these out first, yeah?”
Emma huffs a sigh and nods, “okay…”
“Good girl.” Steven repeats, scooting her up just as it’s her turn.
She takes a long look at the cup they hand her. “This tastes like battery acid…” she informs the nurse before swallowing the liquid medicine.
Then she’s handed another cup with a few more pills.
She quickly swallows them too before tossing the empty cup in the trash.
Not long after she finds herself in the bathroom feeling like she’s gonna be sick but can’t.
She groans and throws her head back against the hard wall, her face contorting with pain as she hugs herself.
She sniffs back tears, not wanting any of them to see her this way.
The floor staff on duty is a sweet man named Moses who knocks on the wall outside of the bathroom. “Okay in there Emma?”
She pushes out a sob and sucks in a shaky breath.
“I feel sick…” she says weakly.
“Maybe a shower?”
The thought of hot water does sound soothing so she slowly climbs to her feet. “O-okay…” she says shakily.
He walks her down to the counter for her toiletries, passing the day room on the way.
In the meantime since going to her room, Marc has taken over again. He sees her pass with one of the staff and worries.
He notes that even the short time she’s been gone, he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about her, wondering if maybe she shouldn’t be taking the particular meds they have her on.
He's all but certain that whatever diagnosis the doctor has given is likely wrong as well.
When he eyes the toiletries being handed over he sighs, muttering to Jake himself this time as he makes his way to the hallway. “we’ll be lucky if this place doesn’t kill her…”
‘I know,’ Jake agrees, as she makes it back to her room.
“I’m going to stand watch…” He mumbles as he heads toward her room, stopping outside and leaning against the wall.
He's about to speak again when he hears her voice. Except she isn’t talking to the people in her head this time. She’s singing to herself.
When the water comes on he slides down the wall  sitting just outside the door, just listening.
He can all but feel Jake softening, or was it himself? He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t having that effect on him.
She sings a quiet song that sounds like a lullaby of a love song.
“If you’ll be my star, I’ll be your sky…you can hide underneath me and come out at night…” the song goes.
“When I turn jet black and you show off your light…I live to let you shine…I live to let you shine…”
It sounds so peaceful. And Marc’s eyes slip shut as he listens. The song takes a sad turn. Bittersweet at best.
“But you can skyrocket away, from me, and never come back if you—find another galaxy…far from here, with more room to fly—just leave me your stardust to remember you by…”
His hear aches in his chest at the idea of leaving her behind. He doesn’t want this to be all he’ll ever know of her, and he just knows Steven and Jake feel the same way.
There’s another verse about being the sea to someone’s boat, setting sail for the west, past the horizon til he can’t be seen anymore, about living to make him free…
Marc frowns as he realizes he’s somehow made the sad lullaby about himself, about them.
After the second verse, the first repeats itself.
He can’t see her but he imagines how the warm water must being calming. The same way listening to her sing is soothing him—and Jake, of course.
He thinks on how Steven is really missing out, how they’ll have to tell him about it later.
She spends another 5 minutes in the shower before she shuts the water off, all the while humming the melody.
It takes her another ten minutes to get dressed, a fresh hospital gown—well two that is—wrapped around her.
Now that Marc knows vaguely about her mother, he’s not surprised that she doesn’t have clothes or proper toiletries.
He sighs as she emerges from her bathroom, making to stand just before she peeks out of her doorway.
She seems to know he’s there waiting and doesn’t so much as jump.
“Hey…” he says warmly, giving her an equally soft look. “how are you feeling?”
Emma doesn’t seem bothered in the least that it’s no longer Steven who’s controlling the body.
“Hi Marc…I— my body is still upset…” she tells him quietly, tucking her hair behind her ears.
He gives her a soft, playful frown. “you knew it was me?”
Her head bobbing quickly, frowning back—albeit seriously. “I just know things sometimes…”
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t have this feeling deep within himself that she just knows them apart well enough to know.
“Right—Jake told me…”
“Are they gonna make us eat again soon?” She asks, glancing down and wringing her hands.
“Think so—why?”
“I don’t think I can eat right now…”
Marc nods, knowing it’s the meds.
“Maybe we can just get you some juice.” He suggests.
He wants to reach for her again, finding the instinct to comfort her so innate.
Her eyes rise shyly to meet his, rolling her lips in, her dimples on prominent display.
“Y’know—” he stops himself, Steven was right before—this was hardly the place.
He clears his throat, changing his words. “you’re gonna be okay…” he finishes.
But somehow Emma just knows, hiding an equally shy smile. “I like your dimples too…” she tells him softly before moving past him as a look of shock comes over his face.
She can feel the tingles rush over her skin as he stares after her, stuck where he stands just outside her door.
‘Well damn…’ Jake says from the headspace.
But Marc just stands there speechless, watching her move down the hallway, lost in a trance.
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I'll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } emma's first meeting with the doctor goes about as well as you'd think and marc gets firsthand experience of what it feels like to be jake. { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x marc spector, emma harper x steven grant, && emma harper x jake lockley { contents: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, emma meets the doctor, angst { I guess? I don't know what else to call it. }, hurt/comfort-esque vibes { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I've done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. marc is a danger to himself here but it's only really alluded to in this part. mental hospitals. toxic as fuck doctor, typical misunderstanding and misinterpretation that comes with psychosis. due to the nature of emma's psychosis, things are very unhealthily skewed in a religious context. triggering themes related to the aforementioned. { author's note: } I recently finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I've been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this, especially not actually written by people with firsthand experience of things like psychosis. this series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your stories DO deserve to be told. { word count: } 1,016 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sub-aro
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She’s quiet on the way back to their wing, a soft scowl seemingly forever over her features.
Marc wants to say something, but doesn’t.
He isn’t sure what she’s hearing as they cross through the locked doors but he knows she’s more caught up in her mind than she is present in the goings on around them.
While the rest of them file into the day room to receive their meds, she’s escorted through another door.
Marc feels a spike of anxiety.
He knows she’s going to see the doctor for the first time and having been to this particular hospital more than once, he knows this doctor.
A harsh and cruel man who deals out diagnoses like poker chips and always loads everyone up on too much medication, that their usual psychiatrists then have to sort out after they’re discharged.
He finds himself pacing the hallway like a caged wild animal, tense and binding their time.
Meanwhile, Emma is taken outside to a sort of courtyard and seated at a table in front of a heartless looking man with a massive binder in front of him.
She shifts nervously on the bench across from him taking in her surroundings and reminiscing on how bright it is and how much it makes her think of the garden of Eden.
The man folds his hands on top of the open binder and gives a menacing smile. “Alright Emma, I like to make deals—do you like to make deals? If you take my medication for three days, I’ll let you go home…”
And just like that, the proverbial serpent seems to take her into a chokehold. Her throat tightens and she finds it hard to breath despite being outside in the fresh air.
She forces a swallow, unable to find her voice.
“Sign here if you agree…”
The man – who she’s now sure is the devil himself – turns a contract around and reaches out a pen with the same sickening smile.
Emma feels like she’s signing her soul away but he gives no other option other than to do so. It feels like a trap, another test that she can’t help but fail.
She doesn’t even remember how to sign her whole name in the confusion of her brain, but she scribbles a ‘signature.’
“Wonderful…” The doctor says, “you can go back inside now.”
Emma stiffly gets up from where she sits, walking back toward the door where they wait to let her back in.
When she’s led back into the wing she can see Marc at the end of the hallway near her room. As if by some latent telepathy, he looks up, locking eyes with her.
She feels trapped now more than ever, like she doesn’t know what to do. So her feet carry her toward him, his own moving to meet her in the middle.
As soon as he gets closer he can see her trembling, tears welling up in her eyes.
He doesn’t know what to do because he can’t hug her but he can tell she’s terrified.
“How’d it go?” He asks, winded and unsure.
Emma shakes her head quickly, falling into a sob that rakes through her body as the tears spill over.
‘That bloody doctor,’ Steven curses.
‘I’ll kill him myself…’ Jake adds.
Marc, on the other hand, feels like he’s never wanted to hug somebody so badly in his life—the one time he can’t.
He wishes he could take her somewhere quiet so she could calm down—but going into each other’s rooms are off limits and the day room is crowded this time of day.
“I’m so sorry…” is all he can say, giving her a soft look of empathy.
Emma, on the other hand, not knowing any better—rushes forward to wrap her arms tightly around Marc’s middle, clinging to him.
It startles him, a little surprised she’d be comfortable enough to do it in the first place.
Risking hell from the hospital staff he does what he instinctively wants to, what feels right—and hugs her back. He can’t help but keep an eye out for prying looks and of course, the staff.
Emma sobs softly against him, feeling safe for the first time in the last 24 hours, as she shakes in his arms.
He holds her as long as he can before it becomes too risky, and withdraws. He gives her a soft look fighting every urge to wipe away her tears.
“We—we’re not really…supposed to do things like that here—I don’t wanna get you in trouble.” He explains gently.
Emma nods quickly even if she misconstrues his meaning for being about what’s appropriate in this liminal space.
She wipes furiously at her eyes.
“Why don’t we sit here for a minute?” He suggests, sliding down the wall along the hallway and reaching his hand up for hers, risking reprimand again.
As if sensing a thought Marc hardly has, Jake speaks up in their headspace, ‘Let them yell at you for helping her—I’ll gladly give them a piece of my mind…’
Marc doesn’t need to see his face in a reflective surface to know the malice in his eyes, the threat that’s far from empty.
Emma takes his hand, moving to sit next to him on the floor. She instinctively rests her head against his shoulder, and he feels as though he suddenly knows exactly how Jake must feel when he protects him and Steven.
He releases a heavy sigh and conceals their clasped hands between them if only for the sake of being able to continue holding hers a little longer.
It occurs to him that the next 80 some odd hours would be crucial for her, and he’s not sure it’ll be long enough to make sure she’s okay.
“You thinking what I’m thinking, boys?” He mutters to the other two in his head. Emma doesn’t seem to mind the way he talks to them in the least, only squeezing his hand tighter.
‘Think we’re gonna need to make an appearance…’ Jake suggests darkly.
‘Most. Definitely.’ Steven agrees.
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thexsanctuaryx · 2 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I’ll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } emma's condition doesn't seem to be getting any better, in fact, it seems to be getting worse. marc has his reservations about the care she's receiving and makes his objections known when told by staff that it's "none of his business." { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x marc spector && a sprinkle of emma harper x steven grant { content: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, angst { I guess? I don’t know what else to call it. }, hurt/comfort-esque vibes, cliffhanger? { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I’ve done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. mental hospitals. typical misunderstanding and misinterpretation that comes with psychosis. due to the nature of emma’s psychosis, things are very unhealthily skewed in a religious context. triggering themes related to the aforementioned { author’s note: } after I finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I’ve been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this, especially not actually written by people with firsthand experience of things like psychosis. this series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your stories DO deserve to be told. small p.s. to apologize for how long this update took!! { word count: } 1,096 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sub-aro
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The next day seems to go by in a whir, Steven takes over and it seems smooth sailing until Emma disappears into her room and doesn’t come back out.
“She said she just needed to go the bathroom, mate—I’m sure she’s fine." Steven reassures Marc, even as his feet carry him down the hallway.
‘I can’t trust that—walk faster—’
“I’m moving, I’m moving—”
He pauses just outside her door, no sign of anyone in her bed.
His brow creases as he knocks on the door, “Emma? You in there, love?”
As he listens closer, the sound of hyperventilating can be heard from the bathroom just inside the doorway. Hyperventilating followed by a desperate mumble to leave her alone which is likewise followed by a sob.
He’d ask if it were her again but he knows her roommate to be down the hallway in the day room.
‘I told you something was wrong…’ Marc says in the headspace, his voice riddle with panic of his own.
“I can’t go in their room, Marc—it’s off limits innit?” Steven grumbles with light distress of his own.
‘Go get Moses—he’s on shift and she likes him!’
“Right.” Steven agrees, before calling to Emma. “I’ll be right back, love—just hang on.”
He disappears just long enough to retrieve the floor staff and come back with him.
“I don’t know what happened—but I could hear ‘er crying in there—please—”
“Alright, Steven—but you shouldn’t be here—privacy and all.”
Their body bristles as Marc forces his way forward in an instant. “I’m not going anywhere, Moses—I won’t go inside, but I need to make sure—"
Moses sighs and holds out a hand to quiet Marc before entering the room.
“Emma? You alright in there?”
“N-no—” Emma sobs.
“I’m gonna come in, okay?”
He pulls back the curtain that closes the bathroom in lieu of an actual door and finds her crumpled up on the floor, hugging her legs to herself.
“Hey there, what’s going on?” He gently asks her.
“I-I don’t know—it’s just so loud—the demons—and—I’m scared…”
“Okay, why don’t we see if we can’t go get you something for the anxiety?”
In the hallway, Marc listens, gritting his teeth about how – as well-meaning as Moses is and with better bedside manner than most of the staff – he can downplay what Emma seems to be experiencing as just a case of “anxiety.”
‘Having the worst bloody panic attack of all time—mid psychosis and he calls it anxiety?’ Steven seethes.
“Ridiculous.” Marc agrees all but snarling the word.
It’s just then that Moses walks Emma out of her bathroom, still visibly crying. He casts Marc a look, “this isn’t your business, Marc—head on back to your room now.”
Marc’s mouth falls open with a very pointed glare, but needs to say nothing as Emma speaks up.
“P-please don’t make him go away—he makes me feel s-safe…”
Moses sighs and ignores Marc as he walks down the hallway and up to the counter with Emma. He explains to the nurse that she’s having a panic attack. The nurse who is working says she’ll check to see what Emma has on file for the anxiety.
It takes longer than it should, in Marc’s estimation, before she comes back with a little white pill for Emma.
Emma reluctantly swallows the pill, and Moses moves on to his duties.
Marc watches her with a pained expression, hating just how powerless he feels in this precise moment.
Emma chokes back another sob as she turns to him, her shoulders jumping with the suppressed emotion.
“Why don’t we go sit somewhere quiet?” He offers, gesturing back toward the hallway away from the activity of the day room.
Emma nods quickly, wishing more than anything for a hug right now but knowing it could get them both into trouble.
“God, I can’t wait ‘til we can get you out of this place…” He mutters in frustration, thinking about how tomorrow might be that day. That is, if they’re lucky.
That night—he can’t sleep, worrying about how she’s doing down the hall.
She’d been so sick before bedtime. Her body fighting the likely too strong medication in her system.
He lies facing the doorway, head propped up with his hands beneath it.
Panic strikes through his chest as he hears her roommate go off about something. He can’t hear Emma’s side of things but when one of the staff goes rushing down the hallway, he knows it can’t be good.
There’s murmuring of trying to put out whatever fire of an argument had erupted, and he distinctly hears the staff member ask if Emma wants to go sleep in the “quiet room.”
Translation: the isolation room.
It makes him sick to feel like she’s somehow being punished when it’s clear that her roommate is the volatile one.
Still, moments later, he watches as Emma is escorted down the hallway to said “quiet room.”
He knows it’ll be another sleepless night as he’s powerless to do anything to help her once more.
Meanwhile, Emma is walked through the office area into a small white room with a cot in the center. No pillow. No blankets. Just a cold, hard “bed.”
She keeps trying to explain to the nurse that she feels like she has a fever, but the woman is dismissive. All she does is put a hand to Emma’s forehead and tells her she feels fine.
Emma does her best to insist that something is wrong. That she feels like her body is overdosing after finally eating a big meal tonight—that it feels like all the medication is catching up in her system and overpowering her.
But again, her concerns are quickly dismissed as an impossibility.
And just like that, she’s left alone in the room.
She tries to calm herself, curling up and clutching a fist to her chest. Her breath comes out uneven and shallow as her body seems to burn.
She says a couple short prayers, fully believing that this is it. She’s going to be judged by God himself. God, who will probably think that she killed herself on purpose—who will probably send her to hell.
It doesn’t help that in the upper corner of the room behind her head, she can see what looks like a small, dark black cloud hovering in her peripheral.
She squeezes her eyes shut and tries to will herself to sleep. Believing she’s done all she can.
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
ʚ♡ɞ I'll Follow You Into the Dark ʚ♡ɞ
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{ summary: } jake's meeting with the doctor doesn't goes as planned, while emma's confusion over what's happening continues. the boys likewise continue to worry about leaving her there by herself, and she finally gets to meet steven. { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x jake lockley, emma harper x steven grant, && emma harper x marc spector { contents: } mental hospitals, psychiatric hold, angst { I guess? I don't know what else to call it. }, hurt/comfort-esque vibes, steven's first appearance { warnings: } severe mental illness { psychosis, hallucinations, depression }, main character is actively in psychosis, I've done my best to write it in the least triggering way but there are a lot of heavy themes that will take place in this series, so forewarning. mental hospitals. typical misunderstanding and misinterpretation that comes with psychosis. due to the nature of emma's psychosis, things are very unhealthily skewed in a religious context. triggering themes related to the aforementioned. { author's note: } I recently finished reading "tear down my reason" by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and it inspired me to work on an idea I've been playing with about emma and the boys meeting while both in a mental hospital at the same time. I wanted to write a series that would help other people with severe mental illness feel seen and heard as there really aren't works out there like this, especially not actually written by people with firsthand experience of things like psychosis. this series is being written with a lot of love and care so I truly hope that it can be cathartic for those who read who might also live with mental illness because you DO matter and your stories DO deserve to be told. { word count: } 1,206 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sub-aro
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The meeting with the doctor doesn’t take long. Jake is quickly informed that he has their records and knows about the DID. Likewise, he tells him not to worry—that his stay won’t be long so long as he’s not a danger to himself upon leaving and follows up with outside support.
This is, of course, not what Jake was hoping to hear.
“I’m not the one who was a danger to myself—that was Marc…” He glowers at the doctor as he gets up to leave.
He's so angry when he gets back to the hallway that he almost forgets to check on Emma, rather, distracted by the damn doctor who is utterly useless.
His eyes snap to the line getting ready to go to dinner and sighing he goes to join the queue that Emma is just coming to the back of.
She brightens as she sees Jake returning, leaving the line to meet him in the middle.
Upon seeing his expression her face falls. “Are you okay?” She asks softly, her face riddled with worry.
Jake, in turn, softens when she speaks, “Yeah, cariño—I’m okay, nothing I can’t handle…”
Of course, this gets just as confused as everything else about this place. Emma takes it to mean that the battle was difficult but that he prevailed. This floods her with relief.
“Why do you think they have us eat if we’re—ya know?” She asks, changing the subject.
“To keep up our strength, you can’t heal if you’re running on empty…”
Emma, of course takes this to mean healing to get to Heaven.
And Jake, can just see her mind working over it. “I promise you’re alive, sweet one…I know that’s confusing right now…”
“Do you trust me?” He asks, knowing that this isn’t exactly the place to trust others, but wanting her to know she can trust him.
Emma doesn’t hesitate, immediately nodding. “Yes…”
“Good.” He encourages with a gentle smile. “Then believe me—you will get better and you will leave this place…”
She just can’t wrap her mind around it, even as he nods toward the line of patients slowly filing out for the cafeteria.
She turns to walk with him, her mind such a mess of contradictions and beliefs that overlap. Everything has a significance and things that shouldn’t be possible are commonplace.
She wonders if it’ll ever make sense, but then, it simultaneously already does for her.
Jake wants so badly to reach for her hand but knows he shouldn’t. He can tell she’s lost in thought again the whole way there and even after they get their trays.
She gets so lost, in fact, that she forgets to tell the server what she wants. Or so he thinks until she speaks.
“I don’t want the meat…”
“Do you have a vegetarian meal plan?” The cook asks blandly.
“Well then, this is what you’re having.”
Emma frowns, “but I can’t eat it…”
“Come on, you’re holding up the line.”
She asks for extra of the sides even though she truthfully doesn’t feel like she’s got an appetite at all.
As she and Jake find a table he scowls lightly at her.
“I didn’t know you were a vegetarian…”
“I’m not—but it looked like if I ate it I’d be sick…”
As another patient passes her and hears, she scoffs, “Sounds like you’re pregnant.”
Emma frowns again, her mind rushing through thoughts again. “But I’m not…”
Her thoughts work over the idea, thinking of how she could be pregnant without having been with anyone.
Jake glares at the woman before turning to Emma, “Ignore her…” He reassures her.
“I’m not hungry…” She grumbles, pushing her tray away.
He sighs heavily, feeling like he could take better care of her than this damn hospital and every employee in it put together.
“Maybe just drink your milk?”
Emma thinks on what she knows of pregnancy, her mind getting confused thinking maybe Jake thinks the other woman was right.
“I’m not pregnant…” she repeats, pausing. “Am I?”
Suddenly, Jake worries, doubting she’s actually pregnant but that she’s that lost in her mind.
“I know you’re not—but the milk will at least give you some protein…” He tries.
Emma sighs, “okay…”
Taking a page out of Marc’s book, Jake opens his own carton, taking a long gulp out of it and hoping she’ll follow suit.
He can see her hands shaking as she reaches for hers, struggling to get it open.
He reaches patiently to help her with it before handing it back.
Emma thanks him softly and takes a drink from it, scrunching up her nose as she swallows it.
“We can’t leave her here by herself…” He mumbles out the side of his mouth as she gets distracted playing with her food aimlessly.
‘I know,’ Marc is the first to reply.
‘I’m not sure what we can do—‘side from giving ‘er our number…’ Steven adds.
Like a lightbulb of his own, Jake turns to the side, “That might be it, Steven…”
Emma perks up, already tuned in, “do I get to meet him soon?”
‘Is it strange I’m a bit nervous to meet her? Not like anxious, ‘ve course, not like scared, but y’know—nervous?’ Steven rambles quietly.
Jake grins lightly, giving Emma’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Maybe after dinner—if you eat a couple bites of your vegetables…”
It feels like a dirty trick, but it’s the only way he can think to get her to eat anything.
Immediately, Emma rushes to take a big mouthful, making a face as she chews but swallowing nonetheless. And then she goes for another.
‘Does she really want t’ meet me that badly?’ Steven asks anxiously in the headspace.
‘Apparently so…’ Marc replies.
‘Oh god, I hope I don’t let ‘er down…’
Emma clears all of her vegetables and half her mashed potatoes before stopping.
Jake can’t help but watch warmly, feeling like this might be up there with some of his greatest accomplishments.
He eats some of his own tray before they’re called to head back, admittedly not wanting to relinquish control of the body to Steven.
When they get back everyone seems to head toward the day room to watch TV before the final group of the day.
Jake hangs back, Emma likewise following his lead.
She watches him anxiously, playing with her fingers.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” Jake asks, sneaking a soft touch to her face.
Emma nods quickly, watching in awe as he stiffens, his face contorting and then settling.
When Steven comes forward, he offers her the softest smile, “hello, love…”
Emma immediately launches herself at him, engulfing him in a tight hug causing a gust of breath to punch out of him.
As if remembering what Marc said about not being supposed to do that she retreats, biting her lip nervously.
“Hi, Steven…” She mumbles quietly.
“Oh, bollocks…” He breathes. “Don’t think you’re meant to fall in love in these places…”
Emma’s eyes only shy away, rolling her lips in causing her dimples to dip into her cheeks.
‘Think we’re in trouble, boys…’ Jake speaks once more.
‘I hate to say it—but you might be right…’ Marc agrees.
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thexsanctuaryx · 3 months ago
tell it to the moon; let the stars in on it too
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{ summary: } with the help of emma's best friend, marc lies in wait for her to return home. though reluctant at first, they get to know each other a little better and a connection is formed. marc opens up to emma more than most and somehow a man she's scarcely known for more than a couple of hours becomes the most important person she knows. { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x marc spector, emma harper x steven grant, && emma harper x jake lockley { content: } witches, familiars, the world of magick, universal powers at play { warnings: } mentions of abuse, mentions of death, self-blame, self-loathing { author’s note: } this is an original universe I built with my writing partner ronni @filedundercranberry way back in 2018. it centers on the mystical world of witches and their familiars. and a shadow war between those of good and evil that predates the earth rooting back before the beginning of time between ancient deities. there are certain rules in this world -- not every witch is given a familiar and typically, the familiars are only able to appear to them in animal form until such a time that their witch acknowledges out loud that they believe they have a familiar, upon which the familiar is able to come to their witch in human form. it is a deep and profound bond but is closely monitored by an archaic council on the familiars side who only think they're in charge. { word count: } 2,185 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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As he all but lies in wait in their living room, Marc shifts uneasily on their couch, a scowl firmly etched into his features.
He stands, eyes darting around their home as he wrings his hands together.
‘It’s gonna be a'right, mate—just try t'—’
“Do not tell me to relax right now, Steven—”
‘He’s right, Marc—it’s gonna be fine, worrying won’t help anything…’
“Last I checked you were anxious about this too, Jake…” He glares at his other alter in reflection of the girls’ sliding glass door. “Would you rather—”
‘Don’t even suggest it, hermano—it’s gotta be you and you know that…’
Marc releases a deep guttural sound, throwing himself back down onto their couch, leaning nervously on his arms over his lap. He runs a hand over his face.
Not too far away, Caroline drives quietly toward their apartment, having picked Emma up on the side of the road who’d only begrudgingly accepted the ride.
“I shouldn’t even let you drive me home…” She’d said.
“What did I do? I’m not your mysterious familiar who dropped out of the sky…” Caroline had replied dramatically, gesturing grumpily up toward the roof of the car.
Emma had given her a suspicious look before climbing into the passenger side.
That had been ten minutes ago.
Since then, the car had been all but silent.
Caroline continuously looks over at Emma, her eyes almost completely straying from the road.
“Watch the road, Caroline…” Emma says grumpily.
“I’m sorry!” Caroline squeaks, clearing her throat and adjusting herself in the driver’s seat as she closes in on their complex.
Nothing else is said until they reach their hallway, Caroline breaking the silence.
“Ya know you could try talking to him…” She suggests, adjusting her purse over her shoulder and clearing her throat.
Emma only grumbles back, “oh here we go…”
Caroline bargains shamelessly, her voice taking on a lighter and much sweeter tone, “I’m just saying—you can’t just pretend like he doesn’t exist—you need him, he needs you—you need each other!”
Emma expels a huff of a sigh, “no we don’t…”
Caroline comes to their door first, with a pointed enjoying-this-a-little-too-much, “so you admit there’s a ‘we.’”
Emma, however, rolls her eyes—gesturing to their front door, “are you gonna open the door or not?”
Caroline only stalls, knowing she doesn’t have her key, but knowing that if she pisses Emma off enough, that she’ll open the door herself, therefore not missing a beat, “not! I’m serious Em—this is a big deal, are you listening to me—”
Like clockwork, Emma shoves her out of the way. “fine—I’ll open the door…” She crams her key in the door and pushes it open, immediately freezing when she sees Marc sitting on the couch and waiting.
His head shoots up when the door opens, frowning deeply as his eyes connect with Emma’s.
Caroline gives a forced gasp, feigning innocence, “oh! Would you look at that? What is he doing here?”
“Caroline…” Emma growls slowly, glowering.
Caroline snatches Emma’s keys from her hand before she can react, moving to pull the door shut again, speaking emphatically, “well I’m sure you guys have so much to catch up on—I’ll be back later—” she drops the act for a split second, muttering flatly, “don’t kill him Emma.”
She then promptly closes the door and locks it from the outside for good measure.
Emma crosses her arms over her chest, pouting, and not moving from where she stands.
While Marc, just kind of stares at her, finally uttering a gentle, “hey…” clearing his throat, “d’you wanna sit down?”
She still stands, scowling, “no…”
But despite herself, she moves over to sit in the easy chair beside the couch.
He only continues staring at her for another moment in a silence before giving another throat clear, his voice coming out much more softly than it usually does.
“Sorry—I’ve just kinda been waiting for this moment for a really long time…”
This gives her pause, looking down at her lap and frowning, mumbling quietly, “so you’ve known about me then?”
Marc doesn’t miss a beat, turning his head to the side as his own eyes fall, softly, “baby I’ve known about you my entire life…”
Her brows pull together more tightly at the term of endearment, but her confusion is overpowered by her curiosity as he continues.
Marc can just feel Steven watching him in the reflection of their TV, a certain haunted melancholy in his voice, “you were the bedtime stories I was told every night…” He gives a brief pause, swallowing harshly, “well—back when I was still told bedtime stories…”
Something about the way he says it makes her want to move closer and comfort him. But she’s not sure why, only that his words sound heavy and troubled, something she’s all too familiar with.
She scowls more deeply, trying to extend some kind of olive branch, moving to sit on the couch instead, closer than she was, as if already drawn in by him.
“What happened?” She asks gently.
He barely glances at her when she moves closer, casting his eyes back to the floor, “it’s a long story…”
Emma pushes out a quiet snort, her tone lightening, teasing softly, “well—you kinda broke into my apartment and if you are who you seem to be—I’d say it’s worth the story…”
She turns her head, giving him a playful side eye, rolling her lips in with a soft smile.
Steven all but pleads from the headspace, ‘tell her Marc…’
Emma dips her head to search out his eyes, only slightly troubled by the voice she so clearly heard in his head, gently, “what was that?”
Marc glances at her once, drops his eyes, and lifts his head to look at her, “that was less of a what—and more of a who—”
He grips the back of his neck, confessing quietly, “that was Steven…”
“Steven?” She urges him on.
He drops his hand, “I—we have—DID…” he pauses, “it means—”
“Dissociative identity disorder…” she finishes before he can. “But that’s caused by—really serious trauma…— you—”
In a moment of bravery and maybe because it just feels easier to talk to her about it because they’re on a similar playing field, “let’s just say—my mother and your mother are two of a kind…”
Emma’s heart sinks, knowing immediately what he means, and already feeling angry.
Marc summons a deep breath and releases it in a heavy sigh, “the truth is—I owe you an apology, maybe more than anyone else…”
She’s confused to say the least but just knows that whatever he’s about to apologize for, isn’t necessary. She reaches for his hand, trying to stop him, “Marc…”
He squeezes his eyes shut, forcing out, “I’m not supposed to be your familiar—my little brother was but he was killed and it was my fault…--you got stuck with me, because I got him killed…”
He abruptly pulls his hand away from hers, “I’m sorry…”
Emma shakes her head immediately, trying to ignore the sting when he pulls his hand away, reaching instead to try to pull him to face her.
“no—Marc—listen to me…”
Against his better judgment he raises his eyes and looks pleadingly into hers
She shakes her head again, maintaining eye contact as she speaks softly but with confidence.
“I may not know everything about your world—kinda got a late start—which being my familiar, I know you know about—but what I do know, is that everything—even the bad stuff—everything happens for a reason—the Universe doesn’t make mistakes—I was never supposed to be your brother’s witch—otherwise I would’ve been—I was always meant to be yours…”
Marc’s eyes slip shut as she finishes, just barely shaking his head even as she cradles his jaw, “you don’t know that—you don’t know about the prophecies…”
This time she speaks a little more forcefully, a sense of protectiveness coming out she didn’t know she had before.
“I don’t need to—Marc—whatever it is that you think I don’t know—I’ll tell you this, prophecies are misinterpreted every day—I have yet to hear of a single familiar that was wrongly assigned—unless you count whoever told you this bullshit that you weren’t supposed to be mine…”
He can’t help the way his heart swells in his chest as she finishes.
He tries desperately to conceal how he’s felt about her for so long, especially when she stakes a claim on him.
He shakes his head again, swallowing, “Emma—I—”
She’s quick to cut him off, softening again.
“I’m sorry about your brother—and I’m even more sorry about what your mother did to you as a result of whatever fucked up way she handled her grief—but none of this—none of this— is in any way your fault…”
Marc’s eyes well up, despite everything he does to try to keep the emotion down.
This wasn’t supposed to be about him, it was always about her.
A couple tears slip down his cheeks, reaching to furiously wipe them away with the heels of his hands, scoffing lightly, angry with himself.
Steven, clearly also crying in the headspace, mumbles quietly in awe, ‘always was a bloody angel, right from the start…’
Emma snorts, responding to Steven, her voice laced with humor, “I dunno about that—but I do hear your shifted form is pretty impressive—”
She pauses, rolling her lips in, her eyes shying away as the dimples prick into her cheeks.
“Can I see…?”
Another voice finally makes his presence known, his voice rumbling quietly through their head, ‘Marc if you’re not a tiger in the next 30 seconds—’
Marc sighs, “that was just—”
“Jake…” Emma nods slowly, rolling her lips in again.
“Are you sure you want me to—”
She nods again, more quickly this time.
“You can use my room to y’know—change…” She gestures toward him.
Marc still looks unsure about whether or not it’s the right move, but she seems so certain, and he can’t remember the last time someone was so supportive of him.
He nods slowly, swallowing as he stands. He hesitates for a moment, somehow more nervous now than he has been as of yet. He’s not sure what he’s afraid of as he steps toward the hallway.
“To the right…” She encourages him gently.
He clears his throat again, turning into her bedroom and slowly closing the door to a crack behind himself.
He can’t help but look around her space as he tugs his shirt off by the collar. The entire energy of the room just feels like her, and it’s somehow one of the most comforting things he’s experienced in a long time.
He can’t help but feel anxious as he strips the rest of his clothing, closing his eyes and summoning a deep breath as he focuses, seconds later in his other form.
He releases a low huff through his nose, staring at the door for a moment longer before moving to pull it open with one of his massive paws.
Emma’s been anxiously standing by their fireplace herself, wringing her hands nervously as she faces away from her bedroom door. She can feel his own apprehension and doesn’t want to turn around until he’s ready to be seen.
She gets lost in thought, not realizing the time that’s passing until there’s a gentle, but strong bump into her hip. She jumps slightly, turning to face him and all but forgets how to breathe.
However prepared she’d thought she was for this moment, she was mistaken.
She stares at him wide-eyed as he sits in front of her, much larger than she’d anticipated. He makes her look small in comparison, not something she’s used to.
As she continues to stare at him, Marc shifts to nuzzle her hand with his large muzzle, giving her fingers a reassuring lick with a soft, encouraging groan that sounds more impatient than he intends.
She finally lowers herself to kneel in front of him, slipping a hand over his large face, her fingers gliding over his fur.
He butts his head against her jaw before affectionately licking her cheek and nuzzling it the same way he had her hand.
Emma can’t help the soft laughter that escapes her, her face scrunching up with amusement.
At her response he does it again and in that singular moment, she feels more safe and more loved than perhaps she ever has in this lifetime.
She rushes forward to wrap her arms around his neck, burying her face in his fur as he lowers his chin over her shoulder.
Likewise, it feels like he’s waited his whole life to feel as whole and as happy as he does now, like he’s finally coming home somehow.
Emma only squeezes him tighter, content to stay here on the floor with him for the rest of the afternoon.
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
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{ summary: } emma confronts the boys, particularly jake, after another rough night that he’s come to blame himself for. after avoiding her most of the day, in the name of giving her ‘space,’ she refuses to let it go on any longer.  { prompt: } “insecure” from spring 2024 mk bingo @moonknight-events { pairing: } original character { emma harper } x jake lockley; bits of emma harper x steven grant && emma harper x marc spector  { contents: } angst, hurt/comfort, established relationship, twin flame relationship, oc is deeply psychic and can communicate with the boys telepathically due in part to twin flame bond  { warnings: } mentions of sex the previous night, no smut, mentions of severe mental illness { psychosis, ptsd, anxiety, panic, depression }, self-loathing, self-blame, slight tough love { word count: } 1,507 { author’s note: } emma harper is the original character that will star in all of my fics with the boys. I’ve been writing them for a while now and the relationship is super established unless stated otherwise. emma && the boys have what is known as a twin flame union – think ultimate soulmate of soulmates / two halves of the same soul; you only get one of these and they are extremely rare, typically reincarnate with each other over thousands of years on this planet, if not before even coming to this planet from other star systems. for this reason, the four of them are able to telepathically communicate which is also common with this kind of bond, among other things. p.s. yes, this is from 2024 mk bingo that I wasn't well enough to participate in at the time. this has been sitting in my drafts since last winter. I'm slowly chipping away at the bingo cards I was given even though the event is long since over because the prompts were great and the whole point was after all to get more mk content out there! so that's what I intend to do! { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction { credits: } middle divider from @bernardsbendystraws
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She’s been crumpled up on the couch most of the afternoon, waiting for one of them to come out of hiding in the bedroom. Every now and then she can hear Steven mumble something unintelligible out of frustration from this distance, but they never surface. 
She knows why – it doesn’t take a psychic to know exactly what’s going on here.
Thinking back on the night before, she heaves a deep sigh, closing her eyes. Well aware that they, too, could read her mind as easily as Steven now reads the pages of his book, she wonders at how they can’t tell she’s not upset.
Well, not in the way they’re thinking. 
When she’s finally had enough, Emma forces herself off of the couch, shuffling toward the bathroom to give herself a brief pep-talk in the mirror.
More like pre-game talk.
She fixes herself in the mirror, tugging at Jake’s oversized t-shirt – the kind he reserves for his days off. It hugs the thickness of her hips, barely covering her bare thighs.
She turns the sink on and splashes her face with the water, frigid from the pipes that are ice cold with the winter. Upon drying her face, she pulls her long brown hair from the messy top knot she has it in, meaning business.
She takes one last exasperated look at herself in the mirror before breathing a deep huff of an exhale. 
Making her way upstairs to their bedroom, she doesn’t even knock on the door. Marching assertively over to their bed before Steven can finish a shaky ‘O-oh! Hello love!’
Her fingers close around the spine of his book, making sure to mark his page before setting the book on the nightstand.
Steven just looks at her – half puzzled, half nervous as she swiftly claims the spot in his lap, and raises a finger to his lips to silence anything he might have said. 
Her voice is steady, her eyes smoldering with determination, “I need to talk to Jake...” 
Steven’s hand closes around hers at his mouth, giving it a gentle squeeze as he lowers it between them. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, darling—” 
As if some verbal foot stomp, Emma cuts him off, “No! I’m done being coddled – the three of you have been avoiding me all day. I want to see him, now.” 
Marc seems to sigh from the headspace, ‘Baby, listen – you got overwhelmed last night and Jake –’ 
Emma’s shoulders drop, her voice hitching up, “And Jake didn’t DO anything wrong! Nothing that happened was his fault.” 
It’s Steven’s turn to interject, “Think you’re gonna have a tough time convincing him of that, love...” 
Marc is quick to follow up, ‘And anyway, he’s not around, we can’t even feel him right now.’
She frees her hand stubbornly from Steven’s grip, raising it and the other toward their face causing him to almost flinch, pulling his head back. Emma sighs softly, all but pleading with a quiet sadness in her eyes, “Please let me try…”
Steven returns the sigh and nods silently, which only receives a warning, ‘Steven…’ from Marc within the headspace. The former quiets him almost immediately, “We’ve gotta at least let her try, mate…”
He rests his hands at her thighs, giving them an encouraging graze from his thumbs, his voice quiet, giving a small smile as she seems to falter.
At his reassurance, she proceeds to rest each of her hands at their temples. She stares deeply between their eyes, locking on them, her brows pulling together and rising in the center.
Steadily, she reaches out in her mind to theirs her tone the same soft energy she so desperately wants to impart, ‘Jake—I know you’re in there, baby, and I know you’re hiding from me—but you don’t have to ever hide from me, I promise—I’m right here, and I need to see you, please come back to me…’
As she speaks within their mind, she releases one hand only to bring it back to comb through their hair, effectively loosening some of their curls as she continues to beg with her eyes connected to theirs, her fingers continuing their rhythmic movements.
She can feel how badly Marc wants to come to the front instead, but holds back.
It doesn’t take long for Steven’s eyes to slip shut, his own eyebrows tugging together as he gives a slow breath. Their body goes slightly rigid for mere seconds before their eyes open again, this time reading much more pained than they had moments earlier.
Emma’s hand at his temple shifts to cradle his jaw as the other continues it gentle movements through his hair. The response is quick, instinctive as Jake reaches to remove both of her hands from him, his expression riddled with guilt. Just as quickly he releases her hands in favor of trying to lift her out of his lap, his voice hoarse, as if already holding back tears, “I shouldn’t be here cariño—and you shouldn’t—"
Her tone albeit gentle, has a stern edge as she wraps her legs firmly around his body, forcing her own to weigh as heavily on him as she can. “Don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t do Jake Lockley, that’s what got us into this mess in the first place.”  
His eyes won’t even meet hers at this point, only muttering angrily. “I pushed you too hard—I didn’t—”
She searches out his eyes, pouting at him, “you didn’t what?” Her voice is laced with determination, ready to challenge whatever bullshit his brain has been telling him.
“I didn’t even get proper consent…” He mumbles in defeat, his eyes finally rising to hers with the same challenging edge. “…and even if I had—I was too rough with you…”
“No—no—Jake listen, I was consenting—the whole. time.” She brings her hands back up to his jaw, her thumbs brushing over the hollows of his cheeks. “I wanted all of it…”
He reaches to take her hands off of him again but she only holds tighter, likewise tightening her legs around him. The crease between her brows rises in the center again, her eyes pleading with him to not just understand what she’s saying but to accept it.
“We have a safe word for a reason, papi, and I didn’t even think to use it—not once…” Her voice is soft as if worried about scaring him as she reaches to comb through his curls.
“Because I was too rough with you…” He seemingly adds for her stubbornly.
“No…” Emma repeats as she presses a gentle kiss to his forehead before resting her own against it. She sinks her fingers into his hair at the back of his head, anchoring him against her. “Because I didn’t want or need to…”
Jake’s eyes slip shut, burning with tears as her lips make contact with his skin, frowning into her as she rests against him. He takes in a shaky breath through his nose, his words cracking on the ends. “But you got overwhelmed and—”
“That wasn’t your fault—” She assures him in the same warm, gentle tone. “My brain got tired and started to break…you know that—it happens all the time.” She settles more heavily on him again, her fingertips rubbing lightly against his scalp.
“And—” She adds, as if divulging some super deep secret. “I don’t know if you know this—but you’re better at taking care of me when that happens than anyone else…”
Jake coughs out a wet laugh, shaking his head as tears slip down his cheeks.
Emma only kisses his forehead again, withdrawing just enough to then likewise kiss them as they fall.
He takes in another trembling breath and rushes forward to bury his face in her throat, wrapping his arms around her in a vice like grip, sobbing against her quietly.
She cradles him tightly to herself, tucking her chin over his head protectively.
“I’m so sorry…” He whispers.
“Shhh…” She presses another kiss to his head as she massages her fingers through his hair. “You have nothing to apologize for…”
“I should’ve taken care of you—I should’ve—”
“No…” She pauses. “You did the best you could…”
“No—I—” He coughs out another sob.
“It’s okay, baby…we’re okay…”
He clings to her as if scared she’ll disappear from right before him, his muscles tightening desperately, all but crushing her against himself.
She only reciprocates the death grip, allowing herself to weigh on him, knowing that it often helps him calm down.
They sit there like that for what feels like hours before he settles, finally withdrawing to swallow and catch her lips just as desperately.
She admittedly breathes a sigh of relief when his lips find hers, her own finding a slow, steady rhythm with them.
She breaks away just enough to whisper, “no more hiding…okay?”
Jake is quick to nod, his eyes looking heavily over her face, agreeing softly. “No more hiding, mami…”
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thexsanctuaryx · 4 months ago
forever with you, forever in me, ever the same
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{ summary: } the boys meet a mysterious woman claiming to be another avatar while at work one stormy afternoon who seems to know an awful lot about them-- maybe more than they'd like... { pairing: } | eventual | original character { emma harper } x jake lockley, emma harper x marc spector, && emma harper x steven grant { contents: } another avatar enters the chat, first meeting, psychic connection, mention of past lives { warnings: } donna being donna, jake being a liiittle harsh, nothing else I don't think? { author’s note: } this one has been in the works damn near-- if not-- since the beginning almost as soon as I saw the show the first time. I'm excited to finally be starting this adventure with y'all. I hope I can do it justice. { word count: } 1,481 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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It’s been an abysmally slow day at the gift shop with very few patrons because of the stormy weather outside the museum.
Steven thinks of wanting nothing more than to curl up in bed with a cup of tea and his latest read. Instead, he was stuck here with Donna—or Donna the Drama as Jake called her—the latter of which sharing his consciousness at present.
Steven huffs a heavy sigh as he scans more items into the system. This job really was so mind numbing at times.
He tries to ignore it but he can feel the frustration from Jake, which is more stimulating than anything he’s doing at present.
He’s also aware that the frustration stems from an awful woman Jake had been out with recently that hadn’t quite escaped his thoughts just yet.
Steven falls into consoling him as he often does with Marc when something is bothering him.
“’s alright, mate—she really wasn’t ever worth it…no matter how pretty she might be, y’know?” He tells his headmate.
‘I’m fine Steven, but I appreciate it…’
“You’re not talkin’ to yourself again, are you Stevie—honestly, it puts off the customers…”
‘What customers?’ Marc pipes up momentarily.
“Donna, please—”
Steven pauses mid-sentence when someone else catches his eye entering the corridor. A shorter but curvy brunette who looks a little lost but simultaneously exactly where she means to be, pressing her lips together.
She can just feel eyes on her and turns to face a stunned looking man at the gift shop. Immediately, she knows he’s the one she’s looking for—her energy pulled to him like gravity.
‘Steven…’ Jake says firmly, feeling the same pull even trapped within his mind.
“What?” Steven barely says, the side of his face scrunching up, sounding just as lost as his wide eyes watch her for her next move.
‘Who is that?’ Jake asks, more to himself than either of the other two.
“Don’t know, do I, mate?” Steven replies, mesmerized by the woman before him.
Jake is just as much so as a fire of determination ignites within him to find out.
Marc on the other hand is too stunned to join the conversation between the other two. The pull is strong but it only makes him leery.
“Honestly, Stevie—do I have to write you up?” Donna’s voice fades into the background as the woman standing by continues watching them.
‘There’s something about her, go talk to her…’
“I can’t, can I? I—”
Jake abruptly pushes himself to the front, rolling his shoulders back as his eyes reconnect with hers across the way.
They’re piercing, but somehow dark around the edges.
“Five minutes, Donnie.” He mutters over his shoulder, already moving around the counter.
“My name is Donna.”
Jake snorts, “don’t like it when someone else does it to you, huh?” He clicks his tongue.
“Oh great—that bloody American character you’ve made up in your head…” She grumbles, walking off while muttering something about mentally ill folk—in less polite terms.
“Make it ten.” Jake smirks as he crosses the gift shop floor passing the plastic bins of stuffed toys.
There’s something about the way she holds his gaze unflinchingly as he crosses the distance to her. Hell, she even walks toward him to close the gap.
She presses her lips firmly together, dimples dipping into her cheeks as her brows furrow together.
“Hi, do I—” he barely gets out.
“Know me?” she cuts him off, lacing her arms over her chest, squinting lightly at him as amusement tugs at the corner of her lips. “Does that line usually work?”
There’s a snort in his head from Marc.
“You don’t know me—Jake…at least not in this lifetime…”
Jake narrows his eyes, mirroring her stance. “And does that line usually work for you?” He challenges.
She scoffs out a quiet laugh, “it’s not a line—you’d think after working for Khonshu this long you’d be a liiiittle more open minded.” She arches a brow.
This gets his attention.
“How do you know my name?” His voice drops, feeling like he should be on his guard, but something about her is familiar, and he doesn’t feel threatened.
“I know all of your names…if you’re asking how I knew it was you specifically, that takes a little more explaining…”
Jake rotates his jaw, giving her an appraising look. “You’ve got ten minutes to convince me—”
“That I’m not a threat?”
He stiffens as she seems to pull the words directly from his mind, not sure if he should be alarmed or impressed.
Still, he doesn’t feel like he should worry.
“Get talking…” He prompts.
She sighs, reaching to take one of his hands to pull him somewhere slightly more secluded.
As their bodies touch a surge of energy rushes through either of them, causing a simultaneous sharp intake of air from them both.
“What did you just do to me?” He mutters pointedly, pulling his hand back and studying it briefly, his eyes snapping to hers, hand still in the air.
“I didn’t do anything…it was a sign of recognition…”
“I’m an avatar—like the three of you—”
Jake’s jaw tightens, playing dumb. “The three of—"
“I know about Marc and Steven…” She tells him quietly but with certainty.
He looks more wary than she’d hoped but she knows it’s just his way. Though right now—he’d almost pass as Marc instead of himself.
“Look—I know this is a lot—but you’re just gonna have to go on a little faith here…”
“Whose avatar?” Jake presses.
“Hecate.” She answers quickly.
“But she’s not—”
“Even from the same pantheon?” Her dimples prick into her cheeks again, raising both of her brows.
Jake nods and then rolls his shoulders back, “and how do you keep doing that? It’s like you’re in my head…”
She swallows and looks down, not sure she’s ready to tell him that truth just yet.
“Let’s just say sooner than later you’ll be able to read my thoughts too…”
“It’s a past life thing…” She glazes over vaguely. It’s not a lie, just not the whole story either.
“We didn’t—”
“Yeah, you did…”
Jake releases a guttural growl, reaching to clasp his fingers into fists in front of her.
“Sorry…it’s just second nature where I come from…” She scowls lightly, looking down between them. “We should probably just wait ‘til—”
“Oh no—no no—you think we’re gonna be able to go back to work without answers?” He pauses, giving her an incredulous look. “Wait here…” He practically barks.
When he catches her next words the way she’d been catching his, she breathes a sigh of relief, nodding quickly. He, on the other hand, only looks more troubled.
As he turns on his heel, he can be heard muttering a string of curses in Spanish to his headmates as he makes his way back over to the gift shop.
Donna is just finishing ringing someone up with a fake smile plastered on her face, when he walks past her to collect their things.
“Bad news, Donnie—gonna have to take off early.”
“Oh no you bloody don’t—” The fake expression falls from her face.
Jake rushes back past her, “Emergency—thanks for understanding—see you tomorrow!” He slings Steven’s bag across his body, heading back in the direction he left—shit. He hadn’t even gotten her name.
He half expects her to be gone as he rounds the corner she’d been tucked in, vanishing just as mysteriously as she appeared. But then, there she stands waiting, playing with her fingers nervously.
Jake resists the urge to grab her by the arm and drag her out of the museum and she can just feel it. She can’t say she blames him.
She’d planned this better in her head—or she should’ve. She didn’t think he’d make a beeline for her at first sight.
She can just feel his intense energy coming off of him in waves. But again, that was technically her fault too. She’d triggered his protective instincts.
So maybe she shouldn’t have come on so strongly herself.
She opens her mouth to apologize but thinks better on it and closes it again.
He nods in the direction of the exit, in his mind considering how much he resembles Marc’s harshness and temperament at present.
“So what’s your name anyway?”
She doesn’t even get to open her mouth before it pops into his head as clear as day.
“Emma…” He says slowly.
She rolls her lips in, nodding, tucking her hair behind her ears—somehow so much softer than she’d seemed before.
“This is gonna be a trip…” He mumbles as they pass through the large doors of the entrance and out into the sunshine that’s just broken through the storm clouds.
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thexsanctuaryx · 5 months ago
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{ summary: } emma's struggling with med changes, marc makes sure she knows she's not going through it alone. { pairing: } original character { emma harper } x marc spector && emma harper x steven grant { contents: } angst to fluffish, hurt/comfort, happyish ending { warnings: } severe mental illness { hallucinations, overwhelm, major depression, anxiety, instability } didn't super go into detail in the piece but it's kinda the main part of this one and the beginning is a bit dark. nothing else really I don't think? { author’s note/dedication: } for all my depressed babies out there who have ever struggled with medication/changes. I see you and I love you. so does emma and the best moon husbands a person with mental illness could ever ask for. { word count: } 617 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction { credits: } middle divider from @bernardsbendystraws
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She sits curled up in a ball against the headboard of their bed, quietly sniffing back her tears.
This was the second time this week that she’d felt this low. She wants to call them, but also doesn’t.
She’s tired of feeling like a burden. This whole thing was her fault anyway. She was the one who’d thought she hadn’t needed that one medication.
At first it had been fine, she’d even thought she felt better as it lowered in her system. But by the time it was almost completely out of it, things took a turn for the worse.
She’d had to email her doctor to ask about how quickly she could taper back up.
Still, that had been two weeks ago and she still wasn’t back to normal. Sometimes, she thought she was perhaps even worse.
She hears the front door open, the casual toss of keys into the basket.
The apartment is dark, having failed to get up for hours since the afternoon.
She wipes furiously at her face now, sniffling again in an attempt to conceal her distress as she hears him flip the light switch in the living room.
Marc gets back from a round of driving to a dark and seemingly empty apartment. But then, he knew she hadn’t any plans to go anywhere that day.
Worry pumps through his chest, fear in the pit of his stomach.
“Baby?” He calls out finally.
His ears pick up the smallest sniffing from their bedroom and he has to stop himself from rushing in there.
He knows it would only overwhelm her if she’s in as bad of shape as it seems.
As he rounds the corner of their door and turns on the light, his heart sinks.
He knew he shouldn’t have gone out. Especially not with how sick she’d been feeling.
This time he doesn’t stop himself from swiftly moving over and sitting beside her on the bed.
“Hey…” he says softly, reaching to smooth over her hair, his brows pinched together and a soft pout at his lips.
Emma immediately moves to climb into his lap, closing her body around his and likewise immediately beginning to cry all over again.
He does nothing to stop her, only shifting to cradle her against himself, tucking his chin over her.
“I’ve got you—it’s okay…”
Emma only sobs harder.
“It’s gonna be okay—I’m not gonna let anything happen to you…”
She coughs again, clinging to him even tighter.
“I know, baby, I know…we’ll get through this…it’s just gonna take some time…” He tells her, pressing a few firm kisses to her temple, combing his fingers through her hair.
“Just breathe with me…”
She nods quickly, doing her best to imitate his slower, more even breaths.
It takes a few minutes but gradually she stops crying.
She presses a couple grateful kisses of her own to his throat.
“I’m sorry…” she whispers into him.
That’s when Marc pulls back, cradling her face as he looks in her eyes.
“You have nothing to apologize for…”
“Nothing.” He insists, looking between her eyes, his brows rising in the center.
He wipes gently at any lingering tears and then presses his lips softly to hers.
“Why don’t we take a hot shower? The cold alone isn’t helping anything. Okay?”
Emma nods quickly, “Okay…”
“Okay.” He pauses, giving her a look of mock irritation over having to share.
“And then maybe, maybe I’ll let Steven make you a cup of tea...”
‘Oi!’ Steven erupts in the headspace.
Emma gives a soft laugh, pressing her lips to his again.
This only further proves to Marc he’s not ready to give up control just yet.
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thexsanctuaryx · 6 months ago
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{ summary: } emma is feeling insecure and goes to steven about it. based on the song "phobia" by savannah sgro { 1 of 3 } { pairing: } original character { emma harper } x steven grant { mentions of } emma harper x marc spector && emma harper x jake lockley { contents: } angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, insecurity, happy ending { warnings: } none really { author's note: } I got really stuck on this song that reminded me so much of how emma feels about the boys, and so I decided to do a trilogy of "oneshots" based around the lyrics where each moon boy got a different lyric from emma. this is steven's. { word count: } 747 { taglist: } @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction { credits: } middle divider from @bernardsbendystraws
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He was supposed to be the easy one to talk to about things. He was softer than the other two, more sensitive and understanding in general. But somehow, when the moment comes to bring it up, she freezes.
She sits facing him on the couch, frowning at her lap.
“C’mon love, you can talk to me about anything, you know that…” He assures her gently, reaching to put a hand to her leg.
She squeezes her eyes shut, her face screwing up, shaking her head quickly. “I can’t—”
“Yes, you can—come on now—I promise I’ll handle the others ‘f it comes to it…” He tells her, reaching to tuck her hair gently behind her ear and then tilting her chin up to face him.
“What’s bothering you?”
She apprehensively cracks her eyes open, almost afraid to even look at him as her brows knit together and rise slowly. “I—”
Steven releases her chin in favor of grazing the back of his knuckles over her cheek adoringly. “Go on…”
“I couldn’t deal with thought of you of leaving and—”
His features contort with worry, already hurting for her before she can even finish as his hand comes back around to cradle her jaw.
“And—” She tries again. “—and it’s all I can think about lately.” She shakes her head furiously.
“It’s just—” She stumbles. “It’s too good to last—you—you’re too good to be true and I—”
Steven continues watching her patiently, giving her space to express herself even as anxiety churns in his stomach.
“I’m so scared of losing you—I can’t lose you…” She finishes in a whisper.
He nods slowly. The first thing he does is move in and press a long kiss to her forehead, then the tip of her nose, and finally her lips—the same way he always does, one of their little things.
When he retreats, he doesn’t move as far back, looking her right in the eyes as he tells her gently. “Y’know we’ve always felt the same way about you…” He smiles quietly, poking her playfully in the side to punctuate his words.
Emma scoffs lightly to avoid a sob as she rolls her eyes away shyly.
“It’s true, love—you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to us—and I don’t know about you—but we don’t generally go ‘round tossing away things that ‘re that good, yeah? ‘s just nonsensical innit?”
She can help a soft laugh, wiping furiously at the tears that have started falling.
“’ey now—that’s my job, thank you…” He teases, gently pushing her hands out of the way so he can cradle both sides of her face, his thumbs moving under her eyes.
She shakes her head, her voice wobbling. “I don’t deserve this—I don’t deserve you…”
“Well now that’s just rubbish—and rubbish goes straight to the bin—we don’t have any time for that…"
At his response she simply can’t contain herself anymore, rushing forward to press her lips firmly to his.
He’s a little stunned at first, but quickly responds, his lips pulling firmly at hers. Likewise, she moves just as quickly to climb into his lap, to which he just as swiftly situates her against himself.
She laces her arms around his neck and bounces her lips off of his a few more times.
When she finishes, she leans her forehead against his, breathing more deeply than she had before all of this started.
Steven brushes his nose into hers when she settles, “Y’know—‘m a bit offended—‘ad a whole speech planned out an’ everything—I was ready to even spout poetry ‘f I had to…you’re making my job too easy…” He teases again, bouncing his own lips off of hers between his last couple words.
Emma can’t help the shy smile that comes over her lips as she tucks her face in his throat.
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, is it?” He murmurs warmly, combing his fingers through her hair.
Emma nods against him, pressing a few timid kisses to his skin and pulling herself closer.
“Does that mean I get to keep you after all?” He whispers, pressing a kiss to her temple.
She only nods again, settling further against him as her body unwinds from all the stress.
“Love you…” She tells him in a small voice.
“I love you too, angel…” He presses another kiss to her. “We’ll be alright…”
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