#temp tag: tommy
listcners · 7 months
“I heard you crying, so i brought you some cocoa…” {Ranboo to Tommy lol}
"I wasn't.. crying" tommy sniffled frown on his face, but it was easy to see it was a lie. he was curled up under a pile of blankets eyes still red from tears. He wasn't fighting the comment though instead reaching out to the cup that was being offered to him. "But thanks."
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redcladremx · 11 months
i'm going to pretend like i didn't see that. {Sam to Tommy}
Tommy was frozen, hands still clutching his disc that he had been in the middle of remaring after a fight gone bad a couple of nights ago. Other pieces of his vigilante work were scattered around him, including part of his suit that also needed repair. This couldn't be happening. He was always so careful and he just blew it because he thought Sam wasn't home!
"Aha, see what? There's nothing to see." He laughed nervously trying to tuck away the disc behind him, put his body in between Sam and the clothing on his desk. "Its just.. a Halloween costume ya know? Cause, cause Halloween coming up right?" Granted Tommy hadn't worn a costume or gone tick or treating in a good few years now...
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diazsdimples · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you to everyone who tagged me for Sunday and Tuesday, I've been really struggling with writing lately and it's been extremely disheartening but this morning I had A Singular Bean for Frostpunk AU and milked it for all it's worth! This snippet comes immediately after the Buck and Eddie POVs of being found in the cold. Please enjoy!
He suddenly feels responsible for their wellbeing, and maybe that’s why he refuses to leave the kid’s – Christopher’s – side until the rest of the team arrives, Eli carrying the heavy med kit on his back. “I’ll get the man, Eli check the kid,” Bobby instructs, sinking to his knees beside Buck. “What’s the story with them, Buck?” “I got here just a couple minutes before the guy passed out. Didn’t say his name but his kid is called Christopher. He looked super weak, a-and they’re both freezing.” Bobby and Eli share a look over Buck’s shoulder and Eli gets to work on Christopher, checking his vital signs and most importantly, his temperature. Bobby repeats the same process on the father, while Tommy and Sal rifle through the backpack on the sled, checking for any useful information on where they’d come from. “Found the guy’s papers, Cap,” says Sal, walking towards Bobby with a flimsy leaflet in his hand. “Say’s the guy’s called Edmundo Diaz, from Sector 126. He’s ex-military but his most recent job was in a sawmill, he might be useful.” “We don’t save people based on use, Sal,” Bobby responds, his eyes not leaving Edmundo as he speaks. “He’s damn cold, temp sitting around 90 and his heart rate and respiratory rate are a little more elevated than I’d like. Eli, how’s the kid?” “Looking fairly rough, Bobby, we’re going to have to hustle to get them back in time. His temp is at 91 so he’ll be looking at pretty severe hypothermia if we don’t warm him up soon.” Bobby sucks air through his teeth, clearly thinking hard. “We’re a good 16 hours out from the city, 17 or 18 with these two and their gear. Think they’ve got it in them to make it that long?” Eli makes a face. “I really don’t know, Cap. The kid, maybe, but the guy’s temp is a little too low for my liking. Maybe if we warmed them up a little, they’d have a better chance. Did Maddie say anything about being able get the snowmobile team out here?” Buck perks up at the mention of the snowmobiles. The team was sent out a day before Buck’s team was, off on a search for supplies a few hundred miles away but were always on call in case a rescue was needed. Getting them to help would cut their travel time almost in half, giving Christopher and Edmundo the precious hours needed to save their lives. “I- I could ride one back with the kid, if they didn’t want to spare a man, Bobby?” he asks hopefully. Sal snorts from his position by the sled. Buck’s love for the snowmobiles is no secret and Bobby’s spent many a mission patiently explaining why it wouldn’t be safe or necessary and otherwise spoiling Buck’s fun. However, this situation calls for haste and Buck is nothing if not an – ah – efficient driver. Bobby looks thoughtful, before standing up and brushing the snow off his pants. “I’ll give dispatch a call and see if she can reroute them to us,” he says, continuing quickly as he watches Buck light up, “but I will be driving. You need to look after the kid, okay?” Buck deflates a little, but something in him stirs as he turns to look at the little figure in the snow next to him. He’s so young, probably no older than 7, and Buck’s heart breaks for him. He’s too young to be experiencing the hardships of the Winter, too innocent to have to watch his father weaken as they journey to a safer home. It’s like a small fire has been kindled in the pit of Buck’s belly as he shuffles closer to the boy and snakes an arm under his neck and the other under his legs, pulling his tiny frame up so he’s in Buck’s lap. Buck is going to protect this boy with his life.
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @tizniz @watchyourbuck @wikiangela @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @pirrusstuff @cal-daisies-and-briars @kitteneddiediaz @spotsandsocks @jesuisici33 @rainbow-nerdss @wildlife4life @puppyboybuckley @smilingbuckley @disasterbuckdiaz @bucksbackwardcap @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @buckbuckgoose @exhuastedpigeon @housewifebuck @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @elvensorceress @babytrapperdiaz @ci5mates @hermscat (let me know if you want to be added or removed from this)
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Can we get more LFTL dad Joel content? I love this series and you’re such a great writer!
Thank you for your sweet words!! I love some LFTL dad!joel content!! This ended up being more family fluff but it still works!
Love's Gonna Live Here
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: The story of the Museum Day [1.1k]
Warnings: a little bit of grief but mostly fluff
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Ever since Joel took Ellie to the museum for her birthday, she's wanted to go back every year. It's a relatively easy journey, and it's gotten easier as you pass through more and more times. At first, it was just you, Ellie, and Joel. Then it was you three, Tommy, Maria, and Camille. Then it was the six of you plus Charlie. Then Dina, Jesse, and JJ started tagging along too. Soon enough, you had a pretty big group going to the museum regularly. Dina and Maria even conspired to set up field trips through the elementary school. Joel was hesitant initially, but once word got out, keeping it under wraps was impossible. Before the first field trip, you and your little family went out to clean things up. Tear down old boards, sweep away leaves and dust, and even organize whatever dinosaur pamphlets were left.
After that first time, it became an annual event. Joel would lead the way, knowing the forest like the back of his hand, and Ellie, after saying she could never be a teacher, would go on tangents about space exploration and evolution to the next generation of students. The museum got a little cleaner every year, and things got a little more normal. You never ran into Infected or Raiders, and if you did, you had the mayor of Jackson and the Millers to keep you safe. It's a win for everyone. Ellie gets to share her knowledge and excitement, you and Joel get to get out of Jackson, and Charlie gets to learn new things. You also like to think the scientists and astronauts who did all that work are happy to know people are still learning about them even after the apocalypse.
This year is the first year Charlie's class gets to go on the field trip. She's ecstatic, telling everyone that her mommy, daddy, and Bellie will take them "to the stars," as Ellie told Charlie years ago. Dina, Jesse, and JJ come along too. JJ is finally growing out of the chubby toddler stage and more into an actual kid. It's scary to see how much he looks like Jesse but acts like Ellie, but you love watching him and Charlie interact.
As you walk to the museum, Joel takes turns carrying Charlie and JJ on his shoulders, pointing out different types of plants, and telling the kids how to look out for poison ivy. He tells them stories of what life was like before. He talks about cities like New York and Chicago and explains how cars work. At one point, you swear you can pinpoint the dreaminess in his voice as he talks about coffee. He talks about Sarah, too. He tells the kids about how she would scamper up big rocks and give him shit for wanting to go on hikes and things like that. She would be in her forties if she were alive today. Jane would be in her thirties. Still, you both imagine them as the fourteen and ten-year-olds they'll always be. You have nothing else to go on.
When you get to the museum, Ellie holds JJ and Charlie's hands as they walk through the exhibits. Ellie goes on and on about what year we went to space, what animal was the first to be in orbit, and the order of the planets. You and Joel hang back, letting the parents and kids follow Ellie. This is your favorite part: watching Ellie be herself. She cracks jokes, answers questions, and doesn't hesitate to get down on their level if needed. She's a natural. Dina watches Ellie, too, adoration and love so clearly shining in her eyes. You wonder if that's how Joel looks at you when you're not looking.
"What're you thinkin' bout?" Joel asks, bumping you with his shoulder, and you shrug.
"Thinking bout our girls."
"Which ones?"
"All of 'em." You say, and he smiles. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close, kissing your temple. You follow Ellie's lead through the museum and watch Charlie get excited as she listens to her big sister. As she makes it up to the dinosaur skeletons, Ellie looks at Joel knowingly and pulls a familiar brown hat out of her bag. You laugh as she throws it and perfectly lands it on the dinosaur's head. All the kids roar with laughter, but Ellie is looking at Joel.
"He's wearing a little hat!" Charlie exclaims, and Ellie smiles.
"Yeah, he is," Ellie says. Joel sniffles next to you, and you rub his back as he tries not to cry. All the kids get a turn in the spaceship, flicking the different buttons and pretending to blast off. You remember when Ellie did that for the first time. She was so little. Now, she's holding a kid on her hip and Dina's hand. She's a grown woman.
As the day wears on, Maria and Tommy start taking people back to town, but you, Joel, Ellie, and Charlie stay. You sit in the middle of the museum, watching the clouds pass through the skylight. Charlie sits in Ellie's lap, and Joel has an arm around her shoulder. You wish you had a camera to take a picture of how peaceful they look. Instead, you commit the image to memory and sit with them.
"I had fun with you today, Bellie," Charlie says, looking up at Ellie, and Ellie raises her eyebrows.
"Yeah?" She asks, and Charlie nods. "I had fun with you, too, kiddo."
"How old were you when you came here for the first time?" Charlie asks, and Ellie meets Joel's eyes over her head.
"Sixteen. Mom and Dad brought me here before you were born."
"That was a long time ago," Charlie says candidly, and Ellie laughs.
"Yeah, it was," Ellie agrees, kissing the top of Charlie's head. "You know, Dad pushed me in the river while we were on our way here the first time."
"Really?" Charlie asks with big eyes, looking between her and Joel, and you smile. Ellie nods with big, animated eyes.
"And you know what?"
"I couldn't even swim."
"Daddy!" Charlie scolds Joel. "Bellie could've drowned!"
"You're right, Charlie Girl. I could've drowned."
"You weren't gonna drown!" Joel defends himself, and Ellie hums. "I was helpin' you build your confidence in the water."
"Mommy!" Charlie turns her attention to you. "Why didn't you stop Daddy from pushing Ellie?"
"Mommy was pregnant and shouldn't have even been on that trip!"
"That's true. You probably shouldn't have." Ellie says, and you laugh. The four of you settle against each other, sleepily watching the clouds move and the sky turn orange. The girls are tucked under one of Joel's arms, and you're tucked under the other, a heap of love and warmth. At one point, Joel kisses Ellie's temple and squeezes her shoulders. Then, so quiet you almost miss it, he says, "You did great today, kiddo." Ellie looks up at him, Charlie resting against her chest, and smiles sleepily.
"Thanks, Dad."
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debtsunpaid · 1 year
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DEBTSUNPAID: low activity, iconless, selective multi-muse sideblog, featuring canon characters + oc's based in nbc's c.onstantine show & vertigo's h.ellblazer comics. ( + some additional fandoms. ) all muses & mun are 18+, triggering content & adult themes will be present. everything will be blanket tagged as trigger /. multi-verse, multi-ship, crossover & oc-friendly.
studying themes such as: the sidekick's story, the villain's intentions, the ones left behind; escaping your fate, what was i made for, personal hells, how to hold a grudge, the misguided righteous, the evil by necessity, so you survived: now what?
written by oxly, 25, they/them. follows back from talentforlying but is not directly associated with / does not share canon with interactions on that blog unless plotted beforehand.
mobile roster + temp bios under the cut! TESTING: clarice sackville (hellblazer), tali (hellblazer), nat (hellblazer 2019), tommy willowtree (hellblazer 2019)
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THE DEMON CONSTANTINE (hellblazer comics) — pre-#250 canon only. it/he/they, british, former golem/current demon. created from the worst parts of constantine's personality, even more spiteful and annoying than the regular one, and bloodthirsty as hell to boot. fc: comics + matt ryan.
tags. vibe: us, possessor potential triggers: alcoholism, mentions/descriptions of body horror
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MANNY THE ANGEL (nbc constantine + heavy hc influence) — he/him, angelic, supposed guardian angel with secret ties to dark magic and the brujeria. manipulative shithead with a love of mind games and genuine, if sinister, interest in humanity. high tolerance/invulnerability to most weapons, painful to punch, reality manipulation & other angelic powers. fc: harold perrineau.
tags. vibe: constantine (2005), dogma potential triggers: critical discussion of religion, familial trauma, manipulation
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CLARICE SACKVILLE / THE CUMAEAN SYBIL (hellblazer + dead in america) — she/her, far older than she ought to be, a horribly wronged ancient greek oracle turned socialite, sorceress, and expert in the mystic arts. a snobby opportunist and shrewd strategist who has her pet revenant, gwendolyn, hunt tourists in order to steal their spiritual essence, de-age herself, and further extend her already-much-extended life. fc: joan collins. / youthful fc: young judi dench.
tags. vibe: breakfast at tiffany's, the silmarillion (galadriel), antigone rewritten potential triggers: sexual assault-centric backstory (not described graphically), classism
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KLAVIER LUZ FURCHTBAR / JALLAKUNTILLIOKAN (hellblazer-based oc + hellblazer comics) — over 40 (isn't sure), they/he, spanish-german, ex-astrophysicist, current engine of the fear machine, accidental vessel for the revival of jallakuntilliokan, the animus & fear-domain half of a twin god. a drifting maths tutor who lives their life half-in and half-out of the Dreaming after becoming psychically entangled with the fear god during its banishing, fighting a losing battle to separate their consciousness from its looming eldritch presence before it takes full possession, rips open reality, and assumes its god-form on earth. fc: daniel bruhl.
tags. / appendicular blog. vibe: solaris, the thing (1982), venom, disco elysium (the inner voices), southern reach trilogy: annihilation (the biologist + the crawler) potential triggers: unreality, hallucinations, possession/body manipulation + related body horror, psychological manipulation, backstory references to freezing to death & unwanted experimentation
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ANIMA / ONDINE NASIRIAN (both hellblazer-based oc's) — simultaneously 34 and as old as creation, she/they, spanish-iranian, former artist, currently the collaborative consciousness of mortal ondine and atalakuntilliokan, the anima & hope-domain half of a twin god. a wandering wonderer at all that humanity has to offer, searching the earth for her missing half (jallakuntilliokan) in an attempt to return them to the fold and restore the fragmented balance of humanity's collective subconscious before either of them can unravel themselves or the world beyond the point of saving. fc: sarah shahi.
tags. / appendicular blog. vibe: southern reach trilogy: acceptance (ghost bird + the leviathan biologist), venom, bridge to terabithia (jesse + leslie), the skeleton twins, legion (michael) potential triggers: references to suicidal ideation (primarily backstory), possession/body manipulation + related body horror
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CHAS CHANDLER (hellblazer comics) — canon-critical. early-50s, he/him, british, taxi driver, closeted bisexual, married but separated, dad. pissy dickhead who likes to pick fights and is secretly in love with his best friend. just a guy. fc: comics + owain yeoman.
tags. vibe: the world's end (andy knightly), peaky blinders potential triggers: past maternal abuse, toxic masculinity, internalized homophobia
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CHAS CHANDLER (nbc constantine) — 42, he/him, american, taxi driver, repressed bisexual, divorced dad. 6'6". soft sweater guy and good cook, functionally immortal with 47 extra souls shoved in him like a walking cannoli. limited powers of self-resurrection & speed-healing. fc: charles halford.
tags. vibe: insidious (josh), the world's end (andy knightly) potential triggers: divorce, absent fathers, internalized homophobia
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ELLIE (hellblazer comics) — she/her, british, disgraced succubus, ex-denizen of hell, widow of the angel tali. as treacherous as she is pretty, and still kinder than most. bummed about not being allowed home to hell, but has plenty of fun conning people here on earth. fc: comics + maggie q.
tags. vibe: it follows, hotel artemis (nice) potential triggers: backstory references to pregnancy, traumatic birth, loss of a child, stalking/being stalked, mistreatment of a sex worker
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FRANK NORTH (hellblazer comics w/ nbc verse) — 43, he/him, american, former/current biker gang guy depending on whether you meet him alive or as a ghost. laid-back veteran who's just here to have a good time. fc: comics + michael trucco with a ponytail.
tags. vibe: the lost boys, ferris bueller's day off potential triggers: references to the vietnam war (?)
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CHERYL MASTERS (hellblazer comics w/ nbc verse) — 56, she/her, british, human or ghost (timeline dependent), housewife and stay-at-home mum who is always about five minutes from divorce. john constantine's big sister, fiercely independent, doting mother figure, and always substituting everyone else's problems for her own. fc: comics + andrea riseborough.
tags. vibe: the haunting of hill house (olivia crain), little shop of horrors (audrey) potential triggers: mention of religious cults, unhappy marriage, backstory references to intimate partner violence ending in uxoricide
TALI (hellblazer comics + canon divergent) — he/him, fallen angel, a former guardian at the gate destroyed for falling in love with the demon chantinelle, and later resurrected by the first of the fallen to punish her. running a halfway house for supernatural strays out of the back of a laundromat while he tries to locate his wife & child and recover the powers he still retains. fc: rahul kohli.
tags tba. vibe: legion 2010 (michael), potential triggers: familial trauma, critical discussions of religion, loss of a child
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NAT (2019 hellblazer comics) — testing. 27, she/her, glaswegian scottish, bouncer/former bouncer (verse dependent) at the long lugs artisanal microbrewery while doing her literature degree. hot temper and a mean golf swing, and just fucking fine until constantine showed up. fc: comics + evan rachel wood.
tags. vibe: the green room, the magnus archives (melanie king) potential triggers: N/A
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TOMMY WILLOWTREE (2019 hellblazer comics) — testing. 32, he/him, southern english, hipster wizard, pun magician, and guardian of the merlintrove for the last 5 years (so he thinks, anyway). an idealist with more enthusiasm than sense, who lives above and works at the grokk & roll occult bookstore + cafe with his partners. fc: comics + matt biedel.
tags. vibe: legends of tomorrow (ray palmer) potential triggers: N/A
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BENEDICK OF PADUA ( much ado about nothing ) — 36, any pronouns (introduces themself as he/him), scottish-italian, a lord, loyal soldier, class clown, perennial bachelor, and truly loyal friend who wants nothing more than to party his way through high society for the rest of her life. scoffs at the idea of love, but loves to be loved; enjoys flexing their wit, but hates to be outdone. moonlights as a drag queen named nonny nonny. formerly mustnotbeproud. fc: david tennant.
tags. vibe: romeo + juliet (mercutio) potential triggers: incessant drinking, references to recreational drug use, immaturity
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RITCHIE SIMPSON (hellblazer comics) — he/it, british, quantum magic pioneer, techno-demon-slash-very-unhappy-siri-substitute. pissy little gremlin who burns sim cards like cigarettes, will correct you on everything and ruin your search algorithms for fun. electronic manipulation & digital astral travel. fc: comics + santiago cabrera.
tags. vibe: videodrome, the x-files (the lone gunmen) potential triggers: unreality, body-snatching
RITCHIE SIMPSON (nbc constantine) — 43, he/him, american, computer genius, quantum magic pioneer, and occultism professor. the georgia equivalent of a shaking chihuahua but lord if he won't bitch you out given the opportunity. fc: jeremy davies.
tags tba vibe: the x-files (the lone gunmen), mission impossible (benji dunn) potential triggers: n/a
JACK VINCENNES (adapted from la confidential + vertigo-based oc) — 48, he/him, american, closeted vice detective and professional tabloid informant. a disillusioned glory hound seeking redemption, a purpose in life, and dirt on one john constantine. fc: simon baker.
tags tba vibe: la confidential, se7en potential triggers: cop/ex-cop (verse dependent)
REVEREND RICK "THE VIC" NILSEN (hellblazer comics) — 46, he/him, british, un-priestly priest with the church of england, collector & dealer of occult paraphernalia. sardonic, sacrilegious, with a shitty little mustache and a happy poly relationship with his girlfriend and his best friend. fc: comics + con o'neill.
tags tba vibe: monty python & the holy grail, the devil all the time potential triggers: religious themes, disrespect for religion
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FIONA NANTES (vertigo-based oc) — 200+, she/her, irish, ancestrally cursed to live out the lives of everyone her family has ever killed. serial killer trying to buy her and her son more time while she searches for how to break the curse by any means necessary. fc: carla gugino.
tags. vibe: doctor sleep (rose the hat) potential triggers: murder, generational trauma, references to filicide
DAMIEN WHITE A.K.A "THE PROFESSOR" (hellblazer comics + oc) — 58, he/him, british, former archaeologist and professor of anthropology bouncing between johannesburg and the british museum. paranoid occult specialist who took one look at constantine and noped out of the country. fc: jeffrey wright.
tags tba vibe: it (adult mike), the mummy (1999, dr. chamberlain) potential triggers: the british museum
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EMMA KNIGHT (vertigo-based oc) — 34, she/her, scouse, divorced, formerly-possessed seamstress with lingering psychic abilities and, recently, fashion designer to hell. vain, proud, deep-in-denial wannabe-girlboss blaming everyone else in the world for her problems. fc: jodie comer.
tags. vibe: black swan, censor potential triggers: possession, past-body horror, parental abandonment
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lovesaved · 1 year
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it didnt change anything. it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it. but it still matters that the love was there
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LOVESAVED - a private, very selective, and low activity study in love or the lack of it, being too stubborn to die, grief and it's many shapes, light as a seed and the darkness the dirt, and the love behind a haunting. multimuse. neglect and a slew of other triggers are present - please follow at your own risk. completely switched to beta editor. iconless for the time being! loved by ALEX ( 21+, she / they, pst )
please read: carrd, dni list
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ocs: olivia soto* g.rishaverse: harshaw quinn, fedyor kaminsky comics: peter quill, jason todd twilight: bella swan the d.arkest minds: mason marks*, liam stewart*, vida bautista*, jude steele* the magnus archives: jude perry, julia montauk, trevor herbert, emma harvey stranger things: 010/eddie munson, wayne munson film: edward scissorhands, tommy slater (fear street)
* - means muse is a minor as their default verse
some of my muses are minors so i have a very low tolerance for Weird Shit. I WILL use the block button freely.
be patient? i am an adult with depression, autism, and a full time job. this is my second blog, so sometimes i just won't be around much. i have a tendency to forget things, so if your ask never goes answered, i promise you have done nothing wrong; its down to me and my swiss cheese brain
i take my dni list pretty seriously and i will either hardblock or softblock solo blogs for the listed fandoms and characters without warning.
don't be a fucking freak. you know the vibes. racists, homophobes, transphobes, antisemites, islamaphobes, trump supporters, etc can roll over eat shit and die <3 I am not the least bit friendly to people who rp incest, rape/"""noncon""", and pedophilia. you don't deserve rights or kneecaps and better block my ass
for my comfort this blog is mutuals only and I ask that you softblock or hardblock me if you would like to break mutuals. no hard feelings or anything, I just would rather avoid confusion in the future! 💙
my name is alex (she/they) and I promise I'm a lot friendlier and not as intimidating as these rules probably make me seem! i am 21+, a white nb lesbian, and work as a caregiver in california. i do a lot of art and make jewelry on the side and my dream is to have my own tiny house and that is coming along slowly. i have another blog over @pyreshe
please tag things like suicide and rape
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belphegor1982 · 2 years
ao3 wrapped: 6, 16, 17
Merci :D
Okay, this is going to be a bit weird, because I only completed and/or posted 4 fics this year (Like a Bad Idea at the Time, Échappé, In the Light of Tea and Sake and technically the drabble Ghosts - the rest are old stories I cross-posted and/or archived) so you know what? I think I’m not gonna restrain myself to just 2022 for questions where it’s not explicitly “2022 only”.
6. Favourite title you used
Échappé, I think, because while Pirouette/Pas de Deux/Valse (à trois temps) are fairly common dances/dance steps, I had to do further research for this one before I found something that fitted (“a movement performed in ballet involving a leap from both feet simultaneously”). Like a leap of faith! But also a pun, because it’s all about a one-afternoon escape from society and its constraints. So yeah, I like it ^^
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
“Emotional Hurt/Comfort”, apparently, followed equally by “Getting to Know Each Other”, “Found Family”, and “Friendship”.
17. Your favourite character to write this year?
Oh, this is hard. My three idiots, probably (Jonathan, Tommy and Elizabeth, in no particular order), but I have to say that I really really loved writing In the Light of Tea and Sake and going into Amanda LaRusso’s mind. Not only I could hear her voice in my head, she’s a really interesting character to delve into and point of view to explore other characters with, and I just had a blast with this story 💜
Thank you!
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hopeforged · 3 years
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&  tomás luna.    —     01     /    ??       mutuals   can   reblog.
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cyclends-a · 3 years
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listcners · 1 year
Continued from here || @ask-tubbo-bee Tommy grimaced, slowly sitting up rubbing at his head. "Enhanced abilities for sure but I'm uh, not really sure. Everything's so loud." So enhanced hearing for sure, this was going to suck if it stuck around for longer than a couple of hours. "the other guys super fast yeah? couldn't even get a hit in."
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ogmcyt · 4 years
Someone I followed mentioned the egg being a metaphor for internalized homophobia and it was funny for a sec but why am I starting to believe it now.......
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Let Them Eat Cake
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Let them Eat Cake
Word Count:1506
Requested by: @thenobodies-inc​
A/N:: This is a request for a rewrite of Tous Les Jours with a POC character. I tried to be more inclusive this time around and I’m hoping going forward to be able to include more diversity in my writing. Thank you
Tag List: @Thenobodies-inc , @littlemisscare-all
It’s not letting me tag the following people. Please check your settings on Tumblr, thank you!
@agroupiewhore , @ayablackwood
Nikki walked into the venue, heading straight for the bar. He had invited a few of the guys to come out to see Y/N perform tonight at the club.
Despite having been together for the last eight months they didn’t really go into her music career. She never wanted him to feel like she was dating him so he could help her group get started. So he would just deal with her vanishing for a few hours each week to work on her content, waiting for her to feel comfortable enough to share with him the music she was making.
A few days ago she had told him that they would be performing and asked if he wanted to come see her group's first show. Which led to him inviting some of his friends to come along with him so he wouldn’t be alone.
Looking around the venue there were a good amount of people for a first performance for her band and even though they hadn’t got on stage yet he was already feeling proud of her accomplishment. He never got tired of seeing how she worked for her passions and made her dreams happen.
A hand clapped his back making Nikki turn as he saw Tommy, Vince and Mick all slide up besides him. They all made small talk about their own stuff.
“So what type of music are they playing tonight?” Tommy asked, chewing on his straw. That wasn’t something that he knew. Y/N often had an acoustic guitar and would be singing softly so it could be folk but she loved punk bands and had almost gotten him killed on several occasions dragging him into a pit.
Thankfully he was saved by the lights flashing before going all black. When the lights can back on a spotlight shown on a tall girl dressed in a short almost Marie Antoinette costume, braided hair in a big updo with golden feathers tucked into the updo. She was holding a masquerade mask up to cover her face. Another light flashed to show a girl in the same costume with brown hair pulled into the style pulled up. Finally the center spotlight came up and Nikki saw his girlfriend.
Her brown skin shown under the stage lights. She had ona. Purple and gold brocade costume like her friends, thigh high stockings showing off the long legs of her 5’6 frame. Both her hands were holding the fan only showing her almond shaped brown eyes looking at the crowd. Everyone was looking at the three females on stage, waiting to see what they were planning.
All of a sudden heavy metal started playing. Nikki watched her snap the fan shut and the girls all started dancing, their costumes with tutus bouncing underneath as they danced to the music. Her voice came out clear as she started singing to the music and his mouth must have fallen open.
Nikki had a blind sense of confidence in Y/N, thinking that she could do anything that she wanted. Seeing her now coming alive on stage with her voice seeming to be like a mermaid sirens song transfixing the audience he knew that she really could do anything.
It was about three songs in, the fast paced temp mixed with the dancing that he started to realize just how heavy the music was. When the song ended the two girls in yellow froze, putting their masks back up well he watched Y/N raise her fan so just those dark almond shaped eyes were gazing out at the crowd. Everything was so controlled and the way they seemed to have the audience eating out of their hands so soon into a set was amazing.
“Thank you to everyone for coming out to our first show. We’re Let Them Eat Cake and we hope you’re enjoying the show.” she stopped when the audience cheered loudly for them. Nikki looked over to say something to his band members but they were all whistling and hooting along with the rest of the crowd. “For the next song I need to hear you all go be as loud as you can. Can you do that for me, please?” When she said please and those eyes skimmed the crowd Nikki knew that everyone was hooked to her.
With a single nod of her head the music started again. The girls all jumped, dancing in a perfect synchronization. Y/N stepped forward her vocals cutting through the room and making Nikki’s eyes widen.
“Holy Shit.” she sounded better live than most people sounded after all the tuning of a recorded album. He felt arms on him as Tommy shook him, mouth hanging open in absolute shock at the vocals on his girl.
As the show ended three guillotines were wheeled on stage. One by one they all had their heads in each machine, a spotlight on each girl. The lights went out one by one with the sound of a blade falling and the front lights came on to show blood spraying over the audience. Every detail of the show had been planned out to make people never forget what they had seen. It was an experience as much as a concert.
“Where the hell has she been hiding that voice?” Vince asked as they ordered another round. Nikki was speechless, not knowing what to say to him.
“Fuck her voice, the costumes, the blood. That was incredible.” Mick, who was usually a grumpy asshole, was thinking about how she had managed to capture attention and create something people would talk about and want to bring other people to see again.
“She went hard. All those sexy cute costumes with the dancing. That music was heavier than some of the stuff we do.” Tommy was bouncing; he was so excited. “The drummer was like.” he mimicked the beat on the bar not seeming to care that he was being an annoying asshole.
“I Should go backstage-” Nikki was cut off by all three of his bandmates all talking over each other about how they wanted to go too and soon the whole band was making their way backstage.
Y/N looked up, smiling when she saw all the guys bounding towards her. She had showered off the fake blood and her dark hair was handing in a wet braid over her shoulder. Nikki bent down kissing her lips, smiling as their hands entwined.
“Hey honey,” she purred out, taking a sip of the tea she had been holding. “Thanks so much for coming to see the show.” she hadn't asked him what he had thought but the way her eyes gleamed up to him he knew he should give her feedback.
“The blood with the lights. Brillant.” Mick butted in.
“Can I meet your drummer and your backup singers, both of them?” Tommy said with a smile as he tried to push Nikki aside.
“We need an opening band.” Vince blurted out. Y/N looked up at him, her kind smile dancing across her lips.
“I won’t tour as the opening act for my boyfriend's band. I think-”
“Nikki, you’re fired.” Mick said, making Y/N chuckle. It was nice that everyone was so into her music. It felt good to have them recognize how hard she had been working on this passion project and react so well to it.
“Why don’t we go grab dinner before they decide to make you the bass player.” Nikki slung his arm around her shoulder leading her away from the guys.
It felt good for it to be just the two of them now. A foggy cooler night in LA after a few days of unnaturally bad rain storms left the city feeling eerie. This worked out well for the couple because they could easily make their way down the strip without bumping into people they knew.
“You know, that was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. You controlled the audience with just a look. They were eating out of your hand. And your vocals, Jesus.” he shook his head watching the way she was blushing at his compliments. “You know, Vince is right, we do need a band to open up for us on tour.” he stopped seeing her roll her eyes at his offer.
“I just want to have fun, Nikki. I want to make the music I want to make and not have to worry about playing for other people's crowds. If we only play shows on The Strip in front of people who come just to see us that’s fine with me.” he respected what she said, “Plus, there’s only room for one huge rockstar in this relationship and you already filled that spot.” It felt good to have seen Y/N perform live but Nikki respected that all dreams came in different sizes and what they both wanted from their music wasn’t the same. But he also knew if she ever changed her mind they’d sell out stadiums in minutes.
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resonating-kitty · 3 years
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Pairing: Ranboo/Tubbo (platonic)
I need practice writing these two for my other fic and I'm just feeling out how I want to write them. This is all platonic and it's more of a cuteness overload than anything.
Also figuring out how I want to write Bee!Tubbo and Enderman!Ranboo. I am a fan of Ranboo having a tail. :D
I do hope those that read this enjoy!
Also I think I tagged this correctly but if not someone come yell at me and I will fix it.
Winter greeted the community by the lake by dumping several feet of snow over the course of several days. Temperatures dropped, half of the lake was frozen over, and life in the community came to a slow halt.
Jack was forced to flee to the Nether, back to his home to escape the freezing temperatures that would put out his blaze. He would not return until Spring. Tommy was left in charge of the pub in the meantime.
Phil and Wilbur remained unbothered by the cold. Phil's feathers protected him from the worse of the chill and Wilbur, in his phantom state, was unaffected by the cold all together.
Niki seemed to enjoy the freezing cold temps. She has started to place snowmen on the ice with Wilbur.
Ranboo was also unaffected by the cold, teleporting through the snow flakes with a grin. He was worried though. Tubbo hadn't left their home under the earth since the storm hit. He had taken to sleeping a majority of the day. In fact, Ranboo noted with a twinge of worry, all the bee-kind of the area seemed to be in the same state.
And no matter how much Ranboo tried, Tubbo refused to leave the Hive. Ranboo was starting to worry that something was wrong and Tubbo might perhaps be sick. So he asked Phil.
"He's not sick mate." Phil told him with a reassuring smile, "Bees can't take the cold so they hibernate. He'll get more active when it warms up again. This little cold snap won't last much longer."
"How can I help?" Ranboo asked, his tail swishing from side to side, stirring up the snow.
"Saw a wondering trader in town this morning. He usually has blankets and sweaters. If you have spare emeralds why don't you buy some, it'll help keep him warm." Phil suggested and Ranboo perked up.
With a thanks, he teleported away and went in search of the wondering trader. In the end he purchased several wool lined blankets as well as two matching sweaters, one for him and one for Tubbo.
Excited, he returned to their home.
"Tubbo!" Ranboo called, entering their bedroom. The lump in the bed moved slightly and a small "hmm?" noise came questioningly. Tubbo's head poked from under the covers and he blink blearily at Ranboo.
"I got you something." Ranboo explained, pulling the blankets out of the bag he was carrying. Tubbo made a small noise of excitement when he spotted the blankets and we wiggled his arms our from under his little blanket burrito to make a 'gimme' motions.
"I'll give you the blankets but I got you something else too." Ranboo promised before he pulled out the sweaters. Both of them was yellow with a picture of a little bee and its hive on the front with the letter that read home sweet home.
Tubbo made a happy little buzz noise and repeated the 'gimme' motion. Ranboo laughed as he handed over one of the sweaters, before turning away to head to the bathroom to change into his own.
Once he was changed, he reemerged.
"Get the blankets and come to bed." Tubbo's sleep filled voice greeted him.
Ranboo did just that. Gathering the blankets before crawling into his spot. He arranged the blankets onto the bed, making sure that a majority of them covered Tubbo's side of the bed. Once he settled down, Tubbo rolled over and snuggled against him, resting his head just under Ranboo's chin with a hum of contentment.
Ranboo couldn't stop his own purr as he wrapped his arms around Tubbo's blanketed form and nuzzled against his hair mumbling, "I got you Tubbo. I'll keep you warm."
"I know." Tubbo mumbled back, already drifting off to sleep while Ranboo closed his own eyes to follow.
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forrest-system · 3 years
We are the Forrest System. Made up of over 400 alters (and counting), we’re extremely fictive-heavy.
This is a place for our system to vibe. We do not partake in syscourse. Keep that shit away from us.
We will try to tag appropriately.
Frequent fronters:
🥁Wolf - Co-Host, 19, they/he/pup/wolf
🎼Sayaka - co-host, minor, she/they
🍎Kyouko - co-host, minor, she/her
📞Michael - co-host, 19, he/him
🦂Scorpion - temp co-host/protector, 19, she/they
🌸Petal - temp co-host/protector, minor, she/they
🔥Calcifer - body pilot/protector, ageless, he/it
🍳Sophie - caretaker, 24, she/her
☎️Sam - support (Michael), 15-17, he/him
Other alters:
🏹Tommy - fictive, 17, he/him
🐝Tubbo - fictive, 17, he/they
🧠Ranboo - fictive, 17, he/they
🎸Wilbur Soot - fictive, 22, he/him
🪦Karli Morganthau - fictive, 19, she/her
🩸Scourge - yandere alter/fictive, 16, he/him
🇮🇪Collin - ex co-host, 17, he/him
🎭Dream - ex gatekeeper, 21, he/him
🏔Viper - ex gatekeeper, 20, he/him
😇BadboyHalo - caretaker/fictive, 24, he/they
𓂀Bayek - spiritual protector/fictive, 37, he/him
❄️🔥Shoto Todoroki - traumaholder/fictive, 17, he/him
❄️Natsuo Todoroki - caretaker/fictive, 20, he/him
🐬Mitch - ex co-host/fictive, 25, he/him
🦴Xylo - protector, 27, he/him
🗣Hitoshi - fictive, 16, he/him
🔥Inferno🔥 - fictive, 19(?), fire/flame or he/him
🌊Percy Jackson - fictive/protector, 17(?), he/him
🪞Tsunayoshi Noble - fictive, 17(?), he/him
~more to be added~
Extra: we have 2 partner systems! Skyshift and Murder System, our beloveds. @skies-shifting @murder-of-crowz
#😶‍🌫️ blurry - fronter is blurry/unsure who’s out
#cachemére - posts about our abuser? Mother
#❤️‍🩹Wounded hearts - posts relating to our trauma
#🍽munch crunch - posts relating to food (usually used in a negative context)
#💞love infinite - sappy/endearing posts about partners/crushes
#intro - intro posts
More will be added as needed!
-We’re not here to be information dispensers. We’ll answer some questions, but most of the time we’ll tell you to Google it.
-Everyone in this system has the right to add posts, no matter their source.
-Do not come at us about having “problematic” sources.
-Do not try to drag us in syscourse. That HEAVILY includes the traumagentic/endogenic debate. You WILL be blocked.
-Any fakeclaimers WILL be blocked
-This account is for us, not you. You may look, interact, etc. But above all, we will keep this SAFE for our system.
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belphegor1982 · 3 years
Thank you @ricochetoconnell​ for the tag :o)
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Let’s see... I have. THIRTY-TWO (32) WIPs total. And you know what? I’m gonna post the title and little summary for every one, sorted by fandom! Feel free to browse and ask about any of them!
Tagging @rose-of-pollux​, @kabbal​ and @tinydooms​, because I sure as hell am not tagging 32 people :D
Harry Potter
Hogwarts Original Pranksters’ Fantastic First Year: old fic. OOOOLD fic. Most likely dead, as I haven’t touched it since autumn 2002. Basically my pre-OOTP take on the Marauders and the little adventures they had.
The Night of the Vampires (crossover with Wild Wild West): in 1870, rookie French witch is sent along an experienced partner to the US to investigate a string of mysterious murders that could be the work of a vampire. The partner is killed and she ends up working with James West and Artemus Gordon who have trouble believing in magic and vampires, to say the least (at least at first). I wrote 5 or 6 pages and last edited it in 2005.
Hogan’s Heroes
The Message: it’s December 1943, and LeBeau is close to giving up on finally getting news from his brother. (a follow-up to Mon pays et Paris)
What Nightmares May Come: you’d think the combination of bad luck and Hochstetter’s interference shutting down operations for a week would be a nightmare, especially with two escaped POWs to send to London. You’d be wrong. For Hogan and the guys, the nightmares are just beginning… (I’ve been at this one since freaking 2012 and written over 64k words aaaaahhh)
Justice League (Unlimited)/DCAU
Anonymous: a middle-aged mother of two from suburbian Central City is as far as ‘important’ in the grand scheme of things as you can imagine, right? Not for everyone.
Escape: (shortly post-series finale) while trapped in a cave-in, Batman and the Flash have a little conversation.
Collateral: everyone has a bad day. For the JL, sometimes this means ‘dealing with the fact that there are times when you can’t save everyone’ bad.
Grim Faces and Bad News: In Wife I had Janet Snart remark that being the wife of a super-villain “mostly boiled down to (…) having his colleagues show up on your doorstep with a grim face and bad news from time to time.” This is a few instances where it happens, for a value of “grim” and “bad news”.
No Sanity Clause (Piper’s chapter of Everybody Comes to Harry’s): Hartley makes a spot for himself among the Rogues.
Home (post-JLU finale): the Rogues try out a new hideout and adjust to the new normal after losing one of their own.
The Mummy films
A Fifth of Glenlivet: one-shot “missing scene”, the morning after the “I AM A LIBRARIAN” scene. Rick wakes up with a small hangover and gets to know the Carnahan siblings a little more.
[yet untitled “Rick gets insulted by a posh twat at a do, Jonathan overhears and intervenes” fic]
In a Mellow Tone (title in progress): Jonathan and Harry had a really good first date in A Stroll on the West Pier. This is a collection of snippets about other dates. (Including but not limited to a visit to the British Museum and a conversation in the dead of night about certain events that just occurred at Ahm Shere.)
Rideau: the sequel to Valse à Trois Temps. Promises to be a long one-shot.
Echappé: 19-year-old Jon, Tommy, and Liz and a picnic in the privacy of the countryside one summer’s day, set after Pas de Deux and a few chapters into Valse à Trois Temps.
Manifold: post-TMR and post-Fairy Tales and Hokum, Evelyn figures out her brother swings both ways and essentially asks him for confirmation more or less bluntly (and Jon freaks out a little bit because this is 1937 and he did NOT expect her to take it well).
[Untitled crossover with Jeeves & Wooster]: a series of vignettes about Bertie and the Carnahan siblings occasionally seeing each other growing up (and later).
Pirates of the Caribbean
[untitled dead parrot fic]: set after At World’s End and completely ignoring the other movies. Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa are co-captains of the Black Pearl, and not very good at sharing the captaincy, to the dismay of their crew. And then Mr Cotton’s parrot dies. Not just one giant nod at the Monty Python sketch but nods were inescapable.
Miscellaneous fandoms
Encounter in Two Cities (the Beatles/The Persuaders crossover): really, REALLY old fic (like… 20001/2002 old) in which Danny Wilde has a conversation with a scruffy young guitarist (John Lennon) in April 1961 at a Hamburg club. Probably rambling and a little bit pointless with wonky English :D
Carol of the Bombs (the Little World of Don Camillo): the 6th chapter in my Between the Mountains and the Plains stories. It’s the winter of 1944, and the civil war is getting ugly. Fortunately, there are things one can always count on.
For a Given Value of Normal (Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes): “I left [Colonel Moran] an excellent mark in the window, and, having warned the police that they might be needed – by the way, Watson, you spotted their presence in that doorway with unerring accuracy – I took up what seemed to me to be a judicious post for observation, never dreaming that he would choose the same spot for his attack.” (Holmes, “The Adventure of the Empty House”) Basically, a ghost walks in Inspector Lestrade’s office on a morning in 1894.
[Untitled Master and Commander self-insert – ish]: this came from 2005-2006 when there were plenty of self-insert Aubreyad fics, some more engaging than others, leading me to wonder – what if 1) absolutely no OC romance of any kind was involved and 2) the girl in question could barely speak English and was of the same nationality as the ship that only just attacked the Surprise?
Roundworld (Discworld): after an incident involving HEX and ill-intentioned bad guys I haven’t got around to developing yet, Rincewind finds himself launched (literally) on Roundworld. Meanwhile, Alice has left Paris after a failed romance and is looking forward to a new job when she sees a shabby-looking man with a funny hat drop from the sky and face plant in the rain.
All Gone Quantum (Discworld/Quantum Leap crossover): Sam Vimes wakes up in a weird room to a bloke with a cigar and a flashy shirt – and a whole lot of questions about what the hell went wrong with the Trousers of Time now. (or Sam Beckett leaps into Commander Sir Samuel Vimes and I just wanted an excuse to have Vimes and Al in the same room.)
[Untitled Firefly/Ashes to Ashes crossover]: Mal walks into a bar somewhere in the ‘verse (or beyond) and has a drink with Gene Hunt.
Lost in Translation (Guardians of the Galaxy): Peter’s translator implant makes everybody sound like they’re speaking English. But it doesn’t mean that they’re saying the same thing. (musings on languages and communication.)
En français:
La source de Koumavelle (Chasseurs de dragons) : de retour d’une chasse fructueuse mais pas hyper lucrative, Lian-Chu et Gwizdo se rendent compte que Gwizdo a chopé une malédiction qui traîne, tandis que Zoria fait une halte surprise à l’auberge et elle et sa mère font de leur mieux pour se comprendre.
[sans nom pour l’instant] (Chasseurs de dragons) : la rencontre de Gwizdo et Lian-Chu à l’orphelinat de la Mère Poulard :o)
Le jeu du chat et de la souris (Basil Détective Privé) : quelque part dans la campagne, un monsieur souris d’un certain âge élève des chats. Or, l’un d’eux a disparu récemment, sans doute kidnappé, ce qui mène notre brave homme à frapper à la porte du grand détective et de son associé.
Des hasards d’une porte ouverte (Les Misérables) : Où Grantaire dissimule un émeutier, parle girafe et Rabelais avec un sergent de ville, et entre parenthèses fait la connaissance de Bahorel. (je n’en ai écrit qu’un paragraphe mais je ne désespère pas d’y revenir un de ces quatre.)
Millie Jolie (Largo Winch, la série télé) : aller au boulot à pied à New York c’est se coltiner la foule, l’odeur des ordures et des pots d’échappement, et accessoirement se prendre des coups en essayant d’empêcher un double enlèvement. En gros, Simon se retrouve avec une gamine de 5 ans dont il essaye de retrouver la mère avant que ce soit trop tard. (très très très vieille fic.)
Les Gorilles s’envolent (bandes dessinées Sammy Day) : 1927 : un pilote de barnstorming (acrobaties aériennes) engage Jack et Sammy pour protéger ses avions d’un rival qu’il soupçonne de sabotage. Malheureusement, ils ne savent pas dans quel nid de guêpes ils mettent les pieds…
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viimeinen · 4 years
Tagged by @havunvarpu
Name/nickname: Salla Karma
Gender: nonbinary
Star sign: gemini ☀ & rising, libra 🌙
Height: 164cm/5"3
Time: 11:37am
Birthday: june 14th
Favourite bands/groups: nylon beat, abba, my chemical romance, bring me the horizon, business city ... I love making play lists and I more listen to those than albums u know
Favourite solo artists: mercedes bentso, tommy cash, zheani, adikia, rico nasty, ashnikko, kim petras, unaloon, megan thee stallion, huoratron
Song stuck in my head: that fortnight song
Last movie: american psycho
Last show: snow piercer has been my latest obsession
When did I create this blog: december 2012
What do I post: mostly inspiring aesthetic shit
Last thing I googled: how much 164cm is in feet
Other blogs: my art tumblr @torakkaart
Do I get asks: never
Why did I choose this url: it means tentacle porn... I used to have locks & called them tentacles
Followers: 2605 - most of them deactivated/dead?
Average hours of sleep: around 8-10 hours
Lucky number: no
Instruments: i prefer singing, i'd like to learn ukulele
What I am wearing: my blanket hoodie & sweats
Dream job: having my own small business, making clothes n jewelry from recycled materials (this is happening on a very small scale already)
Dream trip: Amsterdam with friends & Portugal to go see another friend
Favourite food: (vegan) sushi, avocado pasta
Nationality: finnish
Favourite song: at the moment these ones: tunnetko tään rakkauden/kirkkovene, hayloft/mother mother, kingslayer/bmth ft babymetal, chick habit/april march, le temps de l'amour/françoise hardy, herrojen kanssa pellon laidassa/carola, too drunk to fuck/nouvelle vague + too many more
Last book I read: mercedes bentso - totuus ja tunnustus
Three fictional universe you'd like to live in: wherever adventure time or Hilda-series happens
I tag:
@llavenderblonde @psykedeliaa @siedemnastka @xoxyourdreamgirl
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