#telling me I shouldn’t distance myself from them cuz it wasn’t that bad
observethewalrus · 2 months
the part of me that feels nothing at best and like a scared child at worst whenever I’m around my parents vs my lifelong fear of people being mad at me can’t decide if I’m happy or upset that my parents aren’t coming to have dinner with me for my birthday
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pink-imagines · 4 years
the necklace
request: could you write something about hawks having to leave the reader because his work was putting them in danger. i'm in the mood for angst, i'm sorry!! 😣
a/n: hope this was enough angst for you!! i really need to make this into a series cuz i have the perfect idea for it!!!!!
warnings: angst, kidnapping, break up
requesting rules
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When Keigo said that his line of work could get dangerous you never thought much of it. You knew in your heart that even if something did happen it wouldn’t be hard for Keigo to come an save you. You couldn’t even see yourself in such a dangerous situation, surely it wouldn’t happen. Of course you were wrong, it was just your luck. 
A simple wednesday afternoon turned into the most horrible experience of your life. You were just walking home from getting groceries, seeing as Keigo was finally coming home after a long mission you wanted to make him something special. It was getting dark, so you didn’t see much, and your headphones were playing loud music, so you couldn’t hear much either. How could you sense that someone was sneaking up on you? As soon as you turned a corner they ambushed you and sedated you to stop you from drawing attention to them by screaming. 
Keigo had gotten home early and waited for you on the couch and when you hadn’t come home for a while he started getting worried. The fact that you weren’t answering your phone only worried him even more. When your caller ID popped up on his screen he was skeptical at first, but still answered. “We got your partner, Hawks.”, a taunting voice answered, “If I were you I’d hurry up and get to the location we’re gonna send you if you want her to still be around.” “Keigo...”, he could hear you crying in the background. “How do I know this isn’t a trick?”, Keigo asked carefully. They hung up and wouldn’t answer him when he tried calling back. Eventually he was sent a video of you being tazed, followed by a location. Even if it was real or not, he couldn’t risk it. Your life was on the line afterall. Don’t tell anyone what you’re seeing, or it’ll only get worse for her. They sent as a final message.
You were thrown in some sort of cell, with you ankles chained so that you couldn’t walk very far. You could walk up to the bars that encased your only exit, but that was as far as you could go. The concrete cell was small but somehow felt immensely big, the only thing you could do was crawl up against a corner and hope for someone, Keigo, to come.
As soon as Keigo reached the premises he took up his phone and sent a text to his agency with his location and a warning that he might need back up.
You woke up to the sound of a fight, people groaning in pain and the sound of skin hitting skin. With a hand over your mouth you tried your best to keep quiet, you didn’t know if what was happening outside your cell was good or bad so you had to be on the safe side. Even so, a quiver escaped yourlips as you heard a body fall to the floor. “Y/N?”, it was Keigo’s voice. “Keigo?”, you whimpered and crawled over to the bars, using them to get to your feet, “Is that you?” “I’m here, don’t worry.”, he said softly as if he hadn’t just knocked about five guys unconcious, “I’ll get you out of there, okay? Just hold on.”
You couldn’t really remember the rest, but you hadn’t blacked out. Here and there you’d get a faint memory of running through a few corridors and seeing other heroes from Keigo’s enemy. Most of your memories were blurry and you can only clearly remember waking up at the hospital. You didn’t have any serious injuries but when you looked beside you to see Keigo, sitting on a chair with his head in his hands, it almost seemed like you were on the brink of death. “Keigo..?”, you managed to croak out. He looked up at you for only a second before standing up and walking to the door, but it only took a second to see the tears in his eyes. “I’ll go get you some water.”, he muttered before leaving you alone in the room. You listened as his steps grew more distant and so did his bond with you. This wasn’t something that either of you could recover from. Even though both of you knew that it wasn’t the other persons fault, that didn’t stop you from losing hope in the normal relationship you’d dreamed of together.  Keigo came back only minutes later with a bottle of water for you, which you took and let out a quiet “thank you”.  “I’ll get my stuff out of your apartment as soon as I can.”, he said bluntly, the emotion that he showed before was now completely gone. “What are you trying to say?”, you looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. “If I’m putting you in danger by being with you then I have to take responsibility and distance myself. I can’t let something like this happen again.”, he explained, “So it’s better if we go seperate ways...” “But it wasn’t your fault! I was being careless and didn’t pay attention!”, you tried to explain but Keigo had already put up an emotional wall between you. “It doesn’t matter if you were careless. If you had been careless without me being here then this still wouldn’t have happened.”, he raised his voice, “I’m putting you in danger by just loving you!” You felt a tear roll down your cheek and on instinct Keigo tried to reach out and gently wipe it away, but he stopped himself. “Fine.”, you sighed and tried to keep your composure, “Go get your stuff... but let me have my last goodbye when I’m not in the hospital, please.” Keigo nodded before hesitantly walking out of the room.
It didn’t take long before you got out of the hospital and just a few days later Keigo showed up to get his stuff, which you had already packed up in boxes. It wasn’t much, seeing as he didn’t have much, but it felt like it took forever to remove every single trace of him in your apartment. “Thanks for packing up my stuff...”, he muttered as he took one of the boxes in his arms. “... no problem.”, you nodded and went back to sitting on the couch. You tried not to pay attention to him while he was carrying all the boxes down the apartment complex one by one, but that’d be impossible to do. TV was a good distraction, but it didn’t always work- especially not when he said your name. “Hey, Y/N.”, he said which made you turn around. “Yeah?” “Keep this.”, he held out his hand, closed into a fist, and expected you to hold out your hand flat under his. You held out your palm and let him drop a golden necklace onto it. It was a necklace that he usually wore, that meant a lot to him, and it had tiny, golden, wings hanging from the chain. “Why?”, you looked up at him as tears started to speck your eyes, “Don’t you understand that I’ll never be able to stop thinking about you if I keep this? I cleaned out the entire apartment just so that I don’t have to see something that reminds me of you. Why would you give this to me?” “Just let me have one last reason to come see you.”, he uttered huskily, “When I feel like the time is right... I just want one last chance to see you, please.” In a storm of sudden anger you tightly gripped the necklace in a fist and then threw it to the side, not caring where it landed and not caring about the fact that Keigo flinched when you did so. “You’re the one leaving me!”, you shouted, “This was your decision and now you want a way out?! If you’re leaving, then you’re leaving! You don’t get a second chance, not after this!” Yes, it was harsch but they were your true feelings. Maybe you could’ve uttered them in a better way, but everything surrounding you was just too much. “Goodbye then...”, you muttered. “... bye.”, he answered and took the last box with him. The necklace was forgotten on the floor, underneath your favorite armchair, as you curled up in the corner of the couch and cried.
Months went by and you barely left the apartment, only for groceries and sometimes your friends would even help you with that. From time to time one of your friends would stay over, since the fear of being kidnapped still crept up on your spine. It was hard being alone when you used to always have someone sleeping next to you. After a few months of this behaviour your friends got you out of your apartment, sick of your sulking. They understood that you needed time, but you also needed to learn to have fun again before you forgot completely. At first it was simple things; going to a café, taking a walk in a park or sometimes go to a bar. After almost a year they started setting you up on blind dates. They were nice people, but none of them caught your eye. But the point wasn’t for you to find a new lover, it was for you to be able to function normally again. The day came when you had finally finished your studies, university was now behind you and you didn’t have to work a million jobs to pay off your tuition. So you decided that an entire make over was due. You moved around the furniture in your apartment, sorted out your closet and took out the things that you didn’t want or never wore anymore. While you were vacuuming you heard something going up the pipe that definitely shouldn’t have. You had been looking for your lost ring recently and, thinking it was the ring, you opened the vacuum and took out the bag. Even if you really didn’t want to, you opened up the bag and looked through it and something golden caught your eye. You pulled out Keigo’s golden necklace by the pair of wings hanging from the chain. It must’ve been thrown around the other times you were cleaning, since it wasn’t under your armchair anymore. A part of you wanted to throw it back in the bag and never think of it again. The other part of you took over, held it in your hands, and tightly hugged it against your chest. Of course you still missed him, the best years of your life were spent with him, how could you not? With a bit of hesitation you walked to the nearest mirror and carefully put it on. It was the easiest way to make sure you had it with you, in case you met him. Once you gave it to him, this could be over but you weren’t ready to say goodbye just yet. You knew that this would have to be a long journey.
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc | @crystal-lilac |
if you want to see this as a series then please let me know!!
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actuallybarb · 4 years
The Aftermath ~ Part 2
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Summary: y/n gets knocked around by a water monster, has secret-sharing time with peter, and decides mj is more important than her pride. sleep deprivation and caffeine consumption are definitely involved. 
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, mysterio being a dick, trauma, it’s marvel what did you expect
Word Count: 3978 give or take
A/N: endgame is canon, *vomits*, but we’ve all got a thing for broken peter parker, even if all i want is his never ending happiness
“I can’t believe you punched Flash.” Brad, of course, decided to sit next to me on the gondola ride to the hotel. Figures.
“You better believe it, ‘cuz it actually happened.” I tried to pay as little attention to him as possible and just take pictures on my phone, but he kept talking.
“Why don’t you like me?”
I groaned. “Because, Brad, you ask stupid questions like that.”
We pulled up to the hotel and were all sufficiently underwhelmed.
“It’s flooded!”
“The hotel is sinking?”
I considered helping the hotel out, at least while we stayed at it, but there wasn’t much hope left for it. I took my room key and thanked my lucky stars I didn’t have a room on the ground level. In fact, I was sharing with MJ. I waited patiently behind her as she jiggled the door open.
“Is it safe to assume the building will crumble any second now?”
MJ burst out laughing. “I think that’s an understatement.”
“If I get TB, I’m suing.”
“The hotel?”
She smiled. “C’mon, let’s get outside before we drown.”
We walked along the water and let the sun happily reflect on our exhausted faces. Everyone was enjoying themselves, but I was starting to feel queasy. It was almost imperceptible, but I could feel the city moving with the water, and it was making me sick. I started lagging back and tried to find my “sea legs,” but Peter noticed and stuck back too. “You alright?”
I plastered on a weak smile. “That long flight is catching up with me. I’m just going to grab an espresso, I’ll meet up with you guys soon.” He looked at me one more time before nodding and meeting the rest of the group.
I didn’t completely lie — I was getting an espresso. But I wasn’t going to catch up with them, at least, not for a while. I needed to get away from the water, even just for a little bit.
I can’t fly, per se. I can control the air currents around me and change them how I want them too, like I did on the airplane with the turbulence. I can do that with most elements, (except wood, I hate wood) and that gives me a heightened awareness of them. I’m basically the Avatar and the characters from Percy Jackson. All I have to do is shave my head and tattoo blue arrows on my body. (And, yes, I did watch all seven seasons of the two series and read all ten Percy Jackson books to actually figure out what the hell it was that I could do. It helped. Clearly.)
I just lifted myself to the top of the coffee shop. I’m a sucker for espresso, I like to be close to it. The distance helped. I felt grounded enough to walk on the normal streets of Venice again, but when I touched down, I suddenly lurched to the right.
“What the hell,” I muttered. I got my answer soon enough. A huge river monster was crashing its giant water arms on anything it could see. And I was directly in its path. “Oh, shit.”
I shouldn’t have been as terrified as I was. I mean, come on, I can control water. Dissipate the water man, Y/N, I can almost hear you yelling at me. Shut up, I was scared. This thing was twice as tall as any of the buildings, and it had a direct path to anywhere in the city. Me, a seventeen year old girl, against that? Not a good idea.
So, like any logical human being, I ran. And I still got clobbered with water and ended up actually falling into the water. Let me just tell you, Italy needs to get a Brita, ‘cause their river is nasty.
But, once I was actually in the water, the river monster looked a lot less intimidating. Sure, the water was churning around and sucking everything into its path, but I was in my element — literally. I got close to it, like, really close. I pushed against the flow of the water and tried to stop the monster from forming, and it worked, for a little bit. It slowed down, and I got some newfound momentum, when all of the sudden, it all stopped, and tons of water crashed to the surface. That was my cue to leave, but then something caught my eye. A flash of metal was in the water. Luck would have it, though, that I could bend water and metal (shout out to Toph Beifong). I latched onto the metal and pulled it close to me, but I couldn’t make out what it was. Didn’t mean I would trash it though, this water was disgusting enough. I tucked it in my pocket and started swimming to the surface.
I got out of the water actually pretty close to the rest of the class, but I was the only one completely drenched.
“Oh, Y/N, good! We’re all here,” Mr. Harrington celebrated. “Let’s get back to the hotel, your families will want to know you’re all fine.”
“You’re soaked.”
I shivered, even though it wasn’t cold. The temperature difference between the water and the air was enough to make me shake. “Astute observation, Brad.”
“Here, you can have my jacket.”
“Thanks, but I don’t want it.” I kept walking and managed to bump into Peter. “You got wet too?”
“Just splashed. Did you get thrown in?”
“Yeah, the bastard caught me by surprise. I’m okay, just cold.”
“Here.” Peter slung his backpack around and took out a mostly dry sweatshirt. He gestured it my way, but I didn’t take it. “It’s just a jacket, Y/N. You’ll get a cold with your hair dripping all around you.”
I knew that wasn’t how colds worked, but I took it anyway and let it soak in the water from my hair. It helped, surprisingly, at least making me not shiver. We made it back to the hotel with no other complications, aside from Flash tripping over his own shoelace because he was too busy recording for his Instagram followers to pay attention to where he was going. I quickly went upstairs and changed out of my clothes, putting on a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt that used to belong to Jessica. The room had a tiny balcony, and I took advantage of it and laid out all of my clothes and Peter’s sweatshirt. The last thing MJ or I needed was a puddle of water to slip in.
I went back downstairs and sat close to the top of the stairs, not wanting to get anywhere near the water at the bottom. MJ was a few steps below me, and Peter was leaning against the stairs, talking to someone on the phone. He hung up, and I slipped past MJ and wrapped around to the phone. I was about to dial, when I remembered something. “Hey, Peter.”
“What’s up?”
I pulled him away from the stairs and whispered, “Is the plan still working?”
“The—oh, that plan. Uh, yeah, I think so. I got her this necklace of a black dahlia from a glass shop, and I want to give it to her at the top of the Eiffel Tower.”
I smiled. “That’s adorable. I’m going to use the phone, do you mind?”
“Oh, sorry, I’ll get out of your way.” We smiled at each other, then I grabbed the receiver and dialed.
“Hi, Mom, it’s Y/N.”
“Oh my—John, it’s her. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Harrington wanted all of us to call our parents, so this is me, doing my due diligence. We’re still set for Paris tomorrow, so I’ll call you then, okay? Love you.” I didn’t even really wait for them to respond before I hung up. Truth was, I didn’t want to talk to them. I didn’t really want to talk to anyone, but I had to make one more phone call.
“Hi, Jess, it’s Y/N. You watch the news nonstop, so I figured I’d call, let you know I’m okay.”
“Thank god, I was so worried about you. What happened?”
“This water monster literally came out of nowhere and knocked me straight into the murky junk, it was disgusting.”
“Were you able to help at all?” Jess was one of two other people in the world who knew about what I could do. She was the one who bought me the tv shows and books, of course she knew.
“I slowed it down at some point, but then all of a sudden it just dissipated, it was weird. I did find this weird metal thing in the water, I picked it up. I’ll send you a picture of it when I get the chance.”
“Okay. Call me soon, got it?”
“Count on it. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
I wasn’t in the mood to talk anymore, so I walked up the stairs, ready to succumb to the moldy mattress in my room. Unfortunately, I had to collect my clothes.
Everything was nearly dry, and Peter’s sweatshirt was definitely dry, so I brought them inside. I almost didn’t want to give Peter his sweatshirt back, just because it was so soft, but knowing him, it was probably the only one he brought, so I walked the ten feet to his front door and knocked. I wasn’t told not to enter, so I turned the knob and walked in. “Hey, Pete, I—“ I stopped with my hand by my face, terrified. A small dart was less than an inch away from my palm. I turned to the man in the corner who was holding the gun. “Did you just try to shoot me?”
“You’re the one who came barging in.” The scary looking guy with the eyepatch leaned forward. “What’s your name?”
I laughed heartlessly. “Ha, yeah, like I’m going to tell the man who just pulled a gun on me.” I looked at Peter and threw his jacket at him. “I brought this back.” Then I turned to the man in the chair. I crunched the dart, letting it fold on top of itself before his eyes, then I let it fall to the floor. “You can keep that.” I looked at Peter one more time, then slammed the door on my way out.
MJ was laying on her bed when I walked back in, but she could tell something was up. She had impeccable observational skills. “You good?”
I was pacing, a bad habit I picked up after The Snap first happened. “I just need to look something up.”
“Well, the hotel might be sinking, but they’ve at least got good wifi.”
I finally sat and opened my laptop, then turned on my VPN and put the whole device on ‘incognito mode.’ I had some serious investigations to conduct, I didn’t need the government to see what I was doing. Okay, I only had one serious investigation, but that could possibly have lead to more, so I kept my guard up.
First search: scary-looking black man with an eyepatch. The guy’s face was the first image that popped up. Nick Fury. Ex-director of SHIELD before all of that went to shit. Now he’s running some ‘underground’ SHIELD, I guess. Now I know the guy’s name.
But why was he talking to Peter? And why did he shoot me?
I was up all night doing research. Not just on Nick Fury, but on the metal piece I had found in the water, the Avengers, and as much as I could find on Peter Parker himself. Sooner than I thought, the sun peeked between the curtains at the window and MJ’s alarm came blaring through the speakers on her phone.
“Morning,” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and finally taking a break from my computer screen.
“Did you sleep at all?”
“Are you going to yell at me if I say no?” MJ just pursed her lips. I knew she wouldn’t.
It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve pulled an all nighter. At least this one was productive.
“What’s on your bed?” She picked up a small spring and looked it over before putting it back beside the rest of the pieces of the metal thing. “Did you take apart your toothbrush?”
I chuckled. “No, I found this thing in the river when I got knocked in. I didn’t know what it was, so I took it apart.”
“Have you figured it out?”
“Not yet.” I rubbed my eyes again and groaned. “We’re going to Paris today, right?”
“Yeah.” MJ stood and stretched and I caught the smallest smile on her face when she replied. I smiled too and packed up my project. Something for another late night.
We were escorted outside with our luggage in tow, but Mr. Harrington happily informed us we would be taking a bus to Prague instead of a train to Paris. You’ve got to be kidding.
Peter was walking to the bus in front of me, but I grabbed his arm and dragged him away. “What the hell, Peter?”
“You can control metal?” He was in awe. His admiration would’ve been flattering if I wasn’t so pissed.
“You had Nick Fury in your room last night. I almost got shot last night. What the hell is going on?”
“It was only a tranquilizer, you would’ve been fine—“
“That’s not the point, Parker!” I basically hissed at him. He looked a little surprised that I was so upset. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down enough to not start shouting. “We were attacked by a water monster, I almost got shot, I didn’t sleep, and now four people in the world know what I can do, so give me some damn answers, because I sure as hell deserve them.”
Peter looked around, like he was looking for an escape, but I was ready. I might not have slept in almost 48 hours, but I wasn’t going to let him get away so easily.
Then Harrington was calling us over to the bus. Perfect timing.
“Can we talk on the bus?”
I nodded and let him lead the way to the back. Surprisingly we were the only ones that occupied those seats and the ones surrounding, but that’s what happens when you get a bunch of nerds in the same vehicle—they all sit in the front. He sat low in his seat, and I did the same, and I let him start the conversation. Prying it out of him wouldn’t be too successful, I figured, not with something like this.
We got fifteen minutes out of the city before he started talking. “Fury wanted me to go with him to meet this guy who defeated the Elemental yesterday.”
“Why you? And what’s an Elemental?”
“The water monster, it’s called an Elemental. And he asked me because I’m—I’m,” his voice dropped to an even lower whisper, “I’m Spider-Man.”
I almost didn’t believe him.
I almost burst out laughing at the hilarity of it all. Peter Parker, Spider-Man? Ridiculous.
But, remember, I learned from Toph Beifong. I can tell when people are lying.
And Peter?
Peter wasn’t lying.
Well, shit.
How do I even respond to something like that?
“Okay.” Good one. “Who was the other guy you met with?”
“You—you’re not surprised?”
Oh, young Parker, I was dumbfounded. But I had learned two years earlier how to control my heart rate, so he would never know how freaked out I actually was.
“You saw me stop a dart mid-air, Peter, you being Spider-Man is hardly out of the ordinary.”
He looked relieved, but he still hadn’t answered my question.
“Who was the other guy?”
“Oh. His name is Quentin Beck. He’s—“ another low whisper, “he’s from an alternate universe. He fought the Elementals before, and he and them got sucked into our universe when Tha—Hulk brought everyone back.” He didn’t look me in the eye when he talked about the snaps. I wouldn’t either, but I felt the little blip his heart made at the mention of Thanos’s name, so I didn’t push. Even though Quentin Beck and his story sounded like bullshit.
“Do you have a picture of him?” Peter looked at me skeptically, but hooked up his mask to his phone. A somewhat blurry picture of Quentin Beck popped up, and he sent it to me, but he didn’t seem happy about it. “I just want to know who to look out for. If I start chucking rocks at people, I don’t want to hit the wrong one.” The lie seemed to relax him a little bit. It wasn’t a complete lie, I did want to know who to look out for, but I also wanted to find this guy in our universe. “What’s the plan now?”
“They think another one will pop up in Prague—“
“Peter, we’re driving toward Prague. Shouldn’t we be going away from it?”
“I have to help fight this thing—“
“Let the Beck guy do it!” My voice had risen above a whisper and Peter quickly shushed me. “He’s done it before, he can do it again.”
“They need my help, I can—“
“Peter.” He kept muttering, convincing himself he needed to help, but I wasn’t having it. “You don’t have to save the world, Peter.”
That got him to shut up.
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. You don’t owe the world a goddamn thing.”
“Help me.” That got me to shut up. “Help me fight the Elemental.”
“Why the hell would I do that?”
“Because you’re one of the only people who can! The next one that’s coming, they’re pretty sure it’s the fire elemental, and any time it absorbs metal it can get stronger. You can help us beat it by keeping the metal away from it!”
Oh. He didn’t know I could do more than that.
“Peter, I — ”
“Please.” Peter Parker had the best puppy-dog eyes I had ever seen in my life. But I wasn’t convinced.
“I’m here for a school trip, Pete, not to save the world.”
It’s like I sucker punched him. He deflated immediately and looked away, and I got up and moved a few rows ahead.
I wasn’t opposed to helping, but I didn’t want to get near Quentin Beck until I had a full story on him. And that would take a lot of research and caffeine.
“Hey, Eugene.” We had stopped for a bathroom break and he was still using his phone to update his Instagram followers on all of the happenings on our way to Prague.
“Are you here to break my jaw again, Y/L/N?”
I looked at his face and didn’t see any swelling, barely any discoloration. “Nope, you’re healing nicely, I’m impressed. Do you have a hotspot?”
“Why do you think I have a hotspot?”
“Because you’ve been on your phone the entire trip.”
“What will you do for me if I let you on it?”
I rolled my eyes and groaned. Of course he would ask for a favor. “Anything. Within reason.”
“Can I cash in on the favor later?”
Goddamnit. “Sure, whatever.”
He laughed maniacally. “Okay, Flash Hotspot is the user, and spidermanrocks is the password, no spaces, no caps.”
“Really, Eugene, you went with that password?” I almost had to laugh. He would have an aneurysm if he knew who was really Spider-Man.
“It’s a bit obvious, don’t you think?”
He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. What were you doing with Parker?”
“Plotting the downfall of the European Union.” I let out a laugh. “We were talking about the water monster, and how there’s a light festival in Prague that’d be cool to go to.”
“Gonna go on a date with Penis Parker?”
“I was actually thinking about asking Brad.” That made Flash laugh, and I smiled myself. “But seriously, stop calling him that.”
Peter looked flustered as he got back on the bus, but I didn’t pry. But Brad looked awfully smug as he sat beside MJ. Focus, Y/N, you have to find Quentin Beck. I hunkered down in my seat and slipped my headphones over my ears, then logged onto Flash’s hotspot and got to work.
The number of illegal websites I went on was not something I’m willing to admit out loud, but I couldn’t find anything. Not a single facial-recognition scan showed any results for Quentin Beck, and I tried as many as I could get my hands on. But the more I looked at his face, the more I felt like I’d seen him before. And honestly, it was pissing me off.
I stared at the image on my phone, and I had a gut feeling it had to do with Tony Stark. This Beck guy was somehow connected to Stark. It’s like the answer was on the tip of my tongue. I rubbed my temples in frustration, wishing I could just reach into my memory and pull out the information when it hit me. “Memory, you’re so stupid, Y/N.”
Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, affectionately called B.A.R.F. was presented by Tony Stark at a lecture he did at MIT almost seven years ago. But this guy had released a paper about it six months before—a guy named Quentin Beck. I remembered reading about it for a school project, and the picture of the guy was the same person Peter met.
“There’s no way.”
I looked up the article, and sure enough, I was right. Quentin Beck was the scientist behind the technology, and he was an employee for Stark Industries when the article was published.
Great, now I had to break into Stark Industries and access their archives while on a hotspot provided by Eugene Thompson. Lucky for me, we pulled into the parking lot for our much improved hotel, which meant free wifi. Unlucky for me, Mr. Harrington now felt he needed to start bossing us around, considering he was the teacher. Which meant I had to put my investigations to the side. For now.
“Okay, kids, grab your room keys, same roommates as before. Meet back in the lobby at five o’clock for the light festival!”
MJ and I dragged our cases up to the third floor. We each chose a bed, but she was moody, more than her usual angst. But I didn’t have time to play therapist. “Did we get a wifi password?”
“Uh, yeah.” She passed over the card after logging in herself and sat on her bed, glancing back at me every ten seconds.
I was typing away madly, but her stares were making me uncomfortable. “Why are you staring?”
She looked away quickly. “I’m not staring.”
“You were totally staring.” I kept clicking and typing. “What?”
“What are you looking for? I know you stayed up all last night on your computer.”
To tell or not to tell, that is the question. Not a very hard one, but it’s still the question. This secret isn’t mine to make public, though. “I’m trying to prove someone wrong.”
I hesitated. “Peter.”
“Why do you need to prove him wrong?”
“Because he’s gotten his idyllic little hopes up and I want to squash them like a bug.” I glanced at her and smirked. “I’m kidding. I just don’t think he’s right about something, and I’m proving it.”
She nodded, not entirely convinced. “You’re coming to the light festival, right?”
I looked at her. Really looked at her. She was pulling her long sleeves over her wrists and switching her weight from foot to foot—uncomfortable as hell. I gave her a genuine smile and closed my computer. “Wouldn’t miss it. Wanna help me figure out what to wear?”
Friends come before saving the world any day.
tags: @eridanuswave @vampirestrawberries​
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the-incapable-hero · 4 years
Wistful thinking was a habit by now. He really couldn’t help it. Or maybe he could. He knew that Ranboo said it was possible to let the habit die, but he was young. He hasn’t seen the things Phil had seen. Tommy was adamant as well. Same with Tubbo and Ghostbur and Techno. Fundy even. Almost everyone had been able to tell him some blunt and deceivingly simple answer to his bad habit.
It’s not like he was trying to do it. In fact, he made an active effort most of the time to not go down that rabbit hole. It was like all he could think of were the things he lost over the many years he’s lived and talked and traveled. What did it matter though. So what if his mind was suffocating, and so what if his thoughts would constrict him? What real significance would it even have? Nothing that would affect the whole of reality at least. If anything at all, it would only affect his own, little world.
“Hello?” A voice called out to him and he turned around, unsure exactly who was talking to him. He saw a familiar face, though admittedly it was one he wasn’t very well acquainted with. They'd definitely talked several times, and Phil knew that they'd been introduced several times. If he placed the name correctly…
“Uh, yeah.” He seemed hesitant, as if he had to think about it for a moment.
“You look kinda down. Are you okay?” Karl asked him. Phil let out a solemn laugh.
“Yeah, I’m fine. This is just a bad habit of mine.”
“You… wanna talk about it?”
“It’s fine. I don’t want to bother you.”
“Well I asked if you wanted to, not if you thought I was willing.” Karl chuckled lightly.
“...Yeah. Sure.” Phil wasn’t actually sure himself, but hey, one more blunt answer of encouragement to add to the collection, right? Karl carefully watched his step so that he wouldn’t trip over any of Phil’s singed feathers or trample on his fingers as the winged man himself was leaning back while his arms supported him against the grass. Karl shifted to a more natural position that was slightly closer to but still a comfortable distance away from Phil. They both just looked into the horizon for a moment, legs dangling from the small cliff they were perched on. Phil took it upon himself to start talking.
“I have a habit. Sometimes I just find myself thinking about all the things I’ve lost. I’ve told a few people this. Do you think I can think any other way, now that I’ve been alive for this long?” He didn’t want the conversation to linger too long. He considered it repetitive at this point and he stopped seeing the point of conversations like that many decades ago. And so, his question saw that the conversation went right to the point. Karl thought for a moment and Phil kept staring at the horizon. After witnessing such a conversation several times over, Phil didn’t think it was worth putting in the effort.
“Yeah. Yeah I do.”
“Why?” Phil wasn’t expecting an answer to the small question other than “well everyone can learn to think differently.” And to them, silently, he’d ask if everyone had lived for centuries and lost more things than the number of years they'd been alive.
“You’re good at adapting to things.” Okay, that was a new one.
“Oh but uh, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you can just straight up stop thinking like that. I’m pretty sure everyone thinks like that at some point. But I think you can definitely think about it less often. Maybe even start thinking about it differently. Like in a different light? It’s not easy, sure, but I think it’s possible.” Karl sounded like he wasn’t sure if he’d offended Phil in some way. It was strange. Normally, at least from what Phil had heard about Karl, he wasn’t normally like this.
“For everyone?” Phil found himself asking before he could stop himself. He internally sighed, thinking that this conversation would be much longer than he would’ve liked. He'd probably give the generic answer and Phil would pretend like he was satisfied.
“I mean, there’s a few exceptions, but I don’t think you’re one of them.”
“And what makes you think you know anything about how I work?” His own words surprised him. Perhaps it was just because he was growing tired of this same conversation just using different words. He’d never snapped before though. Karl hesitated. But to Phil’s surprise yet again, he spoke after a moment.
“Well, don’t get me wrong, I don’t know for sure. This is just what I think. I think you’re similar to the rest of us.”
“Oh really?” Phil didn’t know why he was angry at that statement. He’d heard it said before, so it was a mystery why it set him off this time. He tensed up ever so slightly and his voice hardened as he spoke.
“So what makes me the same, huh? I’ve lived for thousands of years, Karl. I’ve seen too much to be the same as anyone here. I’m older than everyone else by a long shot. Even Foolish. Even Dream. I’ve seen things you can’t even imagine. Eras and wars. Murders and betrayals. Birth, destruction, bonds, alliances. I’ve seen kingdoms rise and fall. Entire civilizations that age quicker than I do. So tell me, Karl. How could I share any similarities with any of you here?” Phil knew that later he’d apologize, but right now, he found himself too frustrated to contain his emotions. Forlornness had turned into anger at Karl for thinking that his experiences had any merit compared to his own, especially due to the sheer number of things that Phil had seen. It was definitely more than Karl, so how could he possibly even think he had the right to say what he just did? He was practically a child.
“...Okay. I know. You’ve… seen a lot. It’s hard on you. I… know that I haven’t seen nearly as much as you have, and I’m not you. So I don’t know what you’ve been through. Not exactly.” Karl spoke before Phil could finish seething. It was quiet and distant, and each word was said like it had to keep below a certain tempo or risk Phil snapping again. But Karl still continued.
“But… you’ve got to understand. You’re not me either. Just like I can’t know exactly what you’ve experienced, you can’t know exactly what I’ve experienced. It’s… not right to say that one person’s problems have more meaning than another’s. I’m not trying to say that you can’t be sad or angry, but I don’t think it’s right for you to think that your friends don’t know anything whatsoever about you or what you’re going through. Cuz… if you push people away… and hold them at a distance… and you refuse to learn anything from them… then you’re taking their effort for granted. Both their effort… and their stories.” Karl was speaking at a mumble at that point. Phil was speechless. He’d never been told that before. It was a bold thing to say. Very, very bold. Phil turned to face Karl, sitting up and fixing his posture. Karl noticed and tilted his gaze towards Phil but remained slouched and his head stayed tilted down. When Karl turned around to face him, the two locked eyes and for a heartbeat, Phil could have sworn he was looking in a mirror. The two looked nothing alike, but the look on Karl’s face was eerily familiar. Karl knew what he said. He’d meant every word of it in the most earnest way possible.
“Karl.” Phil mumbled. He was just as tense as before, but his tone had lost all of its harshness.
“Yeah?” Karl’s tone still carried the same weight and the look in his eyes were barely focused on Phil himself. As if he was lost in a memory but still in conversation. He looked… tired. Much too tired for someone like himself. He looked so young, but after seeing those same eyes in the mirror for a majority of his life, Phil knew that those eyes had seen a lot more than Karl’s age revealed. Phil was suddenly curious. A question floated in his mind and he wondered if the answer was yes.
“Tell me your story.”
He’d find out the answer. He had to.
“What part of it?”
Could he have been wrong this time?
“The part of it that made you say that to me.”
Maybe. Just maybe, he'd had the wrong impression about those younger than him.
"That's a long one. And probably one that I shouldn't tell you either."
If he was wrong, then what did that mean? Had he really been so condescending all this time? Viewing grown adults like children?
"I won't tell if you don't want me to. But I want to know."
When had he stopped paying attention? All those stories… had he unknowingly written them off as lesser than his own?
"... Okay. But I need you to promise me something."
Had he somehow convinced himself he had nothing more to learn?
Then what of the people who loved him? Did they already know this about him?
"Promise me you'll remember it. If I ever disappear, then tell everyone. All the good and all the bad. If I ever come back and can't tell you my name, then tell me my story."
Had he failed them by being stagnant while everyone else was changing?
"I promise."
Was it this thinking that led him to become a self-fulfilling prophecy? One that would say he was to always remain the same while everyone around him aged on?
"Good. I'll be right back. I have to get my books. My mind is… let's say it's getting a bit winded. I'm getting closer and closer to a point where everything but those books will be gone. I can tell."
Had he lost even more than he thought by downplaying the stories of those he loved?
"How can you tell?"
Karl let out a humorless laugh and looked away. There was a sad expression on his face that barely passed for a smile. He suddenly looked older to Phil. Karl got up and brushed himself off before answering.
"I… don't know your name anymore." Phil quietly told Karl his name and he watched as the man thanked him and walked off, soon to return to that spot. But Phil could barely pay attention to that brief exchange of giving Karl his name, because for the first time in a very long time, he thought himself more fortunate than someone close who was still surrounded by a life of new discoveries.
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 years
Let’s be sad together (Peter Parker x Depressed Reader)
A/N PLEASE READ!!: heeey so before we get into this, this story is told in the first person, which I know some people don’t like but I felt it was best for this particular fic because there is some self-hate in here and I didn’t want the reader to feel targetted and make them feel like shit? I hope that made sense. keep in mind this fic deals with themes of DEPRESSION, something I myself struggle with. So if you’re not comfortable with this, please don’t read. I’ve read plenty of x depressed! reader fics, and most of what I read doesn’t do the feelings justice or it romanticises depression. It’s usually like “oh youre depressed? Well i love you and boom youre fixed!” Yeah I hate shit like that lol. But I am certainly not trying to romanticise depression or mental illness by writing this. I wanted to make a fic people like me can relate to, the thoughts and feelings, etc. It was honestly super difficult, I wrote the first draft and completely scrapped it cuz I hated it. I really tried my best here, guys, and I hope you like it. And always remember that you’re not alone and things do eventually get better. It just takes time and a little help. Once again I tried to keep the reader as nuetral as possible so everyone can read! (I fucking suck at titles btw)
Plot: Peter notices something’s been wrong with you lately, and you prepare yourself for the inevitable break-up once he confronts you about it.
Words: 2,562
Warnings: Themes of depression and anxiety, self hate, angst
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Loving Peter Parker was absolutely suffocating.
Sometimes I couldn’t decide if dating him was the worst or best decision I ever made, but I knew one thing for sure. He had me wrapped around his finger, and there was no leaving him even if I tried. Not that I wanted to. Peter is… well, he’s perfect. Sure, he’s dorky and can ramble about technical stuff that I can’t even begin to understand for hours on end, but if anything, those things only added to the list of reasons why he’s perfect. Oh, and he’s Spiderman. My boyfriend is Spiderman. In other words, nights were spent worrying about whether he’d make it home safely or not, and some were spent patching him up when he came knocking on my window after a particularly bad fight. He made me happy. Happier than I had ever been probably. So… why did I still feel this way?
At first, a part of me thought that being with Peter would… fix things, I guess. That maybe if I was in a relationship, it would cause all the rushing thoughts inside my head to go away. And at first, it did help. There were more nights that I could sleep peacefully, and there wasn’t a constant feeling of anxiousness sitting in my stomach. But of course, that relief never lasted long. I knew it wouldn’t, but a part of me hoped it would.
Overthinking had always been an issue. Every situation had a “what if,” and this was no different. Thoughts of Peter leaving me began to occupy my mind almost every second of every day, and now, rather than feeling relaxed in his presence, I felt a constant feeling of anxiety. Like my heart was stuck in my throat and I couldn’t breathe, an invisible weight crushing my chest. Sometimes I’d get so overwhelmed with my feelings that I’d have to leave the room and calm myself down so that I wouldn’t cry. And other days I’d completely close myself off from everyone, laying in my bed all day and feeling so upset and worthless.
This wasn’t Peter’s fault. No, he treated me like fucking royalty. This was due to my own dumb self and my own dumb emotions and my dumb fucking ways of overthinking shit I shouldn’t even be thinking about. But it’s always been like this, and no amount of listening to sad songs and telling myself everything was going to be okay was going to change that. I wasn’t immune to feeling insecure either. Especially when Peter hung out with his other friends, but I immediately told myself not to think about that stuff. I didn’t want to be that partner that gets jealous of their partner’s friends when I’m not getting every second of their attention. No, thinking that way felt toxic, and that was the last thing I wanted to be.
But sometimes, I couldn’t help those thoughts from sinking in. There were so many people out there. So many people that were funnier and better looking than me… So why did Peter settle for me? Why would he want to date someone with so much fucking baggage? Someone who could barely get out of bed in the morning while already wishing for the day to be over? Someone who thought so fucking little of themselves as a human being? There were times where I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror, because those were the days I really hated myself. Sometimes I feel like he fell out of love with me a long time ago and now he won’t leave me because he feels bad, which only made me feel worse for keeping him in a relationship he probably didn’t even want to be in. 
I couldn’t say anything to Peter about this. How could I? He would just try to fix everything and I didn’t need fixing. I just wanted him there to reassure me that he loved me as much as I loved him. That he wouldn’t leave me because of how mentally fucked I was. Even if he did tell me those things, I don’t know if I’d even believe him. My mind probably wouldn’t even let me. I imagined if I did try to tell him everything I was feeling, I probably wouldn’t be able to explain it in a way that he could understand. I was just so tired. Tired of waiting for the inevitable moment when Peter would break up with me, and I’d be left with an expected broken heart. I’ve even been preparing for the day it happens so that it doesn’t kill me when it hurts, just like I do with every situation. Rather than give my hopes up and be disappointed, I just assume the worst from the get-go. 
I don’t know how it hasn’t happened yet. How he hasn’t noticed the way I just shut down when the day gets hard. How I constantly look like I’m just in my own head, either when all of us are hanging out or when it’s just me and him. I want him to know. I want to tell him all the shit that’s running through my mind, but a part of me is terrified that I’ll just scare him away. So I just pretend it’s fine. Like I’m not ready to bust and rip open at the seams.
Today was another one of those days where I just felt like locking myself in my room and never coming out. However, the usual excuse of “I just don’t feel good,” didn’t work on Peter this time. He knew that there was something wrong. I could see it in the way he looked at me. I thought I had gotten away with it at first, laying in my bed and mindlessly scrolling on my phone, not even present in my head, just kind of there. But I knew I was screwed when I heard a knock on my window and opened my curtains just to see Peter sitting on the fire escape. I didn’t say anything as I opened the window, just watching as he stumbled into my room while pulling on the sleeves of my hoodie, something I often did when I felt that familiar anxiousness creeping in.
He made sure to shut the window after he was inside, and I immediately shrunk under his gaze when he turned to me, feeling too ashamed to meet his eyes.
“Hey, um…” 
He hesitated, and I watched the way he rubbed his palms against his jeans, almost as if he was feeling nervous. I could imagine how he was feeling, though. I was nervous too.
“I know this is kinda abrupt, um… but I just wanted to stop by and you know, make sure you’re feeling okay and all that. I was worried, so…”
Worried? He was worried about me? I blinked a few times, trying to rack my brain for a quick lie I could tell him, but that wasn’t what came out when I spoke.
“Uh… yeah. Yeah, I’m fine, I just… I guess I’ve just been feeling kinda low today.”
I immediately wanted to swallow the words that left my mouth, not believing that I actually willingly let him know that I wasn’t really feeling okay.
“Oh?” He took a step forward, which immediately made me want to take a step back. “How come? Was today just not a good day?”
Peter was so unbelievably sweet and considerate, I almost wanted to cry right then and there. He always treated me so well… but he deserved someone better. Someone that wasn’t me.
“I-I guess? I don’t know, it’s just kinda hard to explain,” I muttered, reaching a hand up to rub the back of my neck that felt strangely warm.
“Do you wanna talk about it? I have plenty of time. I actually left the group to come see you, so I don’t mind listening.”
My eyes slightly widened as my gaze quickly met his, looking at him as if he was crazy. Hell, he just might’ve been if he stopped hanging out with his friends just to see me.
“You… Why would you do that?” I asked softly, my voice almost a whisper as I tried to keep it from trembling.
His brows furrowed and he tilted his head slightly, looking at me almost incredulously as he stepped closer.
“Do I need a reason? I wanted to see you.”
He said it so confidently, as if he was so positive that he rather be spending his time with me than his buddies. It kind of made me feel a bit guilty. He could be spending his time with his friends and having fun, but instead, he was here, and I was trying not to break down in front of him.
“But your friends… wouldn’t you rather hang out with them?” I asked, arms crossing over my chest as if I was protecting myself from something.
Peter just smiled. “I could chill with them any time I want. Why would I skip out on an opportunity to see my baby, hm?”
My hand quickly shot up to cover my mouth, and I could feel tears starting to push through.
“He wouldn’t say that if he knew,” I thought, and it immediately became harder to contain the tears when he closed the short distance between us and placed his hands on my shoulders, his expression clearly one of concern.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
I shook my head, sniffling as I reached up and wiped at my teary eyes.
“I’m fine, I just-”
You’re not. You’re really not fine, y/n. This is not fine.
My walls were quickly crumbling down as a tear slipped down my cheek, which caused more to follow, and I let out a choked sob as Peter placed a hand on the back of my head and gently pulled me into his chest, his other hand running over my back. He didn’t say anything, just let me cry to my heart’s content as I gripped onto the front of his shirt for dear life.
“I… I’m not okay, Peter. Nothing’s okay,” I mumbled into his chest, and he gently pushed me back as he carefully held my face in his hands, thumbs wiping at my tear stained cheeks.
“What’s not okay, y/n? C’mon, talk to me.”
“Everything!” I yelled, and I could tell he was surprised by my sudden outburst as I pulled myself away from his embrace.
“Everything is not okay, Peter. Fuck, I just…” I brought my arm up over my eyes as my bottom lip quivered, my eyes burning as more tears fell. “Everything’s just so hard and I’m so tired. And I’m making everything so complicated for myself, it’s not even anyone’s fault that I’m feeling like this. It’s mine.” I sniffled and wiped at my eyes again, but it did nothing to stop the endless tears that had spent too much time being held in. “A-And I don’t know what to do, Peter. I really don’t. I’m so fucking tired of hurting and I just want the thoughts and feelings to stop. Fuck sometimes I just wish I felt nothing!”
I looked up at Peter when he didn’t say anything, and found that he was just looking at me. There wasn’t any judgement or disgust in his eyes. At least, not from what I could tell. He looked… worried. Maybe even a little sad. Was he upset over what I said? Is he bummed out that he found out what I’m actually like? I let out a sigh and wiped my nose against my sleeve, suddenly finding my feet very interesting as I looked down. The silence was fucking deafening, and in that moment, I wanted to throw myself off the fire escape and into traffic below.
“How long have you felt like this?” Peter suddenly asked, his voice quiet as if he was trying to not startle me.
I hesitantly looked up at him, pulling at my sleeves again as I shrugged my shoulders.
“If you’re talking about all the depressing shit, ever since my early teens, I guess. But um… I’ve been having other thoughts recently. Ever since we got together, actually.”
I winced as soon as the words left my mouth. Would I regret this? Most definitely. Did Peter need to know? No, but he deserved to.
Peter frowned. “Really? Like… what kind of thoughts?”
I sighed and ran a hand down my face.
“Fuck, Peter, I just… You’re Peter Parker. You’re Spiderman! And I’m just-”
“Amazing, beautiful, the best partner I could ever ask for. Should I go on?” he asked with a small smirk, and I let out an amused huff as I placed a hand against his chest and lightly pushed him.
“I’m serious, Peter. I’m just… I’m fucked up, okay? Nothing about me is normal, hell the thoughts I have certainly aren’t. And I doubt you wanna be with someone who has so much shit going on with them-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Peter interrupted, waving his hands in front of my face. “Who said anything about me not wanting to be with you?”
I scoffed. “I mean, it’s a no brainer, Peter. You saw me just now. I mean, sometimes I break down over the dumbest shit-”
“It’s not dumb if it makes you upset,” he said, his tone a bit harsh.
I didn’t know how to respond to that. No one had ever really validated my feelings like that before.
“No, y/n. Why would you think any of this would be a problem for me? I mean… No, nevermind, I understand why you would think that. You can’t help it right? But listen to me.” He placed his hands on my arms, making sure I was focusing on him. “No matter how messed up you think you are… you’ll always be my favorite person, y/n. You don’t have to hide how you feel, you don’t need to be scared. If you’re having a bad day, tell me, and we can have a bad day together. We can lay in bed all day and munch on food that will probably take years off of our life, we can do anything you want. Just tell me, okay? If something ever happened to you… shit, y/n.”
He then pulled me into a bone crushing hug, holding onto me as if I’d disappear if he let me go.
“That’s my worst nightmare. I could handle being kicked out of the avengers or any other terrible stuff. But losing you? Just thinking about it breaks my heart, baby.”
I felt the tears rising once again as I took in what he said, not used to hearing someone say these things to me. Leave it to Peter Parker to make me feel completely vulnerable and open, something I usually hated. I immediately relaxed in his embrace, letting out a soft cry as my arms wrapped around his waist and I buried my face in his neck.
“I love you, Peter,” I muttered softly, my heart skipping when I felt Peter’s lips against my temple, smiling against my skin.
“I love you too, y/n. Please don’t ever forget that.”
Maybe opening up a bit wasn’t the worst thing that could happen.
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slutforagoodsmut · 4 years
We All Get Nightmares
(Lars x OC)
The waves crashed along the sand, the moonlight glittered  across the sea. For once in a long time, there was silence, There was peace. No gem saving, no gem destroying. It was a quiet, normal night; and for once in a long time, Primrose went to bed without a sore body or broken bone. Curled up in the bed layed the precious girl, her dark locks of springs for hair bunched up in a ponytail, and the one streak of light pink laying lightly against her face. Her soft warm touch, her skin glowing in the moonlight that beamed through her window. Her pencil striaght physique now starting to blossom from child to young  woman, her hips starting to curve out and chest starting to broaden. And on her back, in between her shoulder blades, sat a rose quarts gem that reflected off of any twinkling light, which she kept hidden beneath her hair. Primrose Universe was indeed a beauty, just like her mother was. 
There she layed all snuggled up in her plush bed on the other side of the room, a small smile graced upon her lips as she clung to the teddy bear her father gave her all those years ago. She just looked like some ordinary 14 year old girl, a girl who wanted to go far in life, go beyond the limits as any teenager would. The Primrose everyone knows, the girl everyone cherishes, was much more than a silly little teenager. She was a gaurdian, a powerful protector of the gems; keeping the bad out. The twin sister of a powerful boy and the daughter of a gem herself.
But aside all that schmazzy jazzy stuff, Prim was just your avgerage teenager. A girl who listened to her father's old music and laughed at the silly faces he made. A girl who enjoyed her friend's company and eating doughnuts. Someone who loved adventure and would sometimes get in a lil trouble along with her brother. An open minded person who accepted anyone as a friend. That is who Primrose was. 
It wasn't far into the night when Prim's phone began to buzz on her nightstand. Prim, being the light sleeper she was, woke immediately, her eyes being blinded by the light the phone gave off. She groaned. "Who's calling in the middle of the night?" She fumbled for the phone and pressed the 'accept call' button, holding it lazily to her ear. "Yo," she said.
"Prim, are you awake?" A certain Lars Barriga voice came through the phone. Prim rolled her eyes and sank her head back into her pillow. 
"Oh yeah sure, totally awake, like i always am..." she peered over at her clock, "...at 2:30 in the morning," she said sarcastically. 
"I know it's late but I just couldn't sleep! Maybe you could come over for a bit?" Lars asked, his voiced getting a bit high. "Ya'know, help me fall asleep?"
"You've gotta be kidding me Lars," she sighed, her hand sliding down her face. "Dude, you're like almost 17 years old, can't you tuck yourself in? I mean, haven't you tried calling Sadie?" Prim yawned out as she spoke, covering her mouth.  
"Yes I could tuck myself in, thank you very much!" Lars hissed. "I just...I had a bad dream and now I can't sleep," he mumbled into the phone. "P-Please?"
Primrose looked back at the clock, then sat up and looked at Steven, who was sleeping soundlessly all the way on the other side of the loft. It'd be easy getting passed her brother, but what about the gems? Nothing could get passed them, and I mean nothing. She put a hand on her head and sighed again. "Fine, I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"thanks Prim, you're the best!" Lars said into the phone. 
"I know I am," she grunted as she sat up, stretching her legs and arms. "Oh and Lars?"
"You owe me." Was the last thing she said to him before ending the call. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. 'I swear to god if this is a joke...' Prim yawned again as she put her hair up in a messy bun, not bothering to do anything with it at the moment. She didn't bother changing either, and not that it was a big deal anways. Prim was wearing a pair of shorts and tank top, all she needed to do was throw on a bra and head out. Prim walked passed her brother and got her flip flops on, kissing him on the cheek before climbing down the loft. 'Was it cold out?' she wondered, before grabbing a sweatshirt just in case. Now here was the difficut part; getting passed Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Pearl was a nutjob when it came to safety, and on the other hand Amethyst could care less, so she would be easy to get by. But then there was Garnet. Garnet was a tricky one, and probably the sneakiest and wisest off them all. 
"Alright one step at a time..." Prim whispered as she tip toed silently across the floor boards. Amethyst was snoring on the couch and Pearl was curled up in a ball, but where was Garnet? They should have been in the temple, so this was going to be a little harder than usual. Prim looked around. Uh oh, this wasn't good. Garnet must be in the temple, right? No harm at all! She lightly stepped around carefully, making sure not to step on a squeaky floorboard by mistake. 'Just an hour!' Thought Prim 'and I'll be back before sun rise!' 
It took a few minutes but Primrose managed to slip out of the house quickly and quietly. "Phew, that was close," Prim  said feeling a bit exhausted.
"What was close?" A voice asked.
She gasped, holding her breath as she clasped a hand over her mouth tightly. "Oh Bejeebus!" Prim slowly turned around to see the giant gem standing over her with her arms crossed, no emotions expressed over her face. It wasn't that she was terrified of Garnet...well....maybe just a tad, it was the fact that Garnet was always right, and to see Garnet dissaprove her actions was one of Prim's biggest fears. 
"Where must you be so late at night?" Garnet asked. 
"W-Well, I--uh, ya see, something--um c-came up! Yeah that's right, something came up and...." Prim faltered, looking down. Garnet raised a brow behind her glasses, putting a hand on Prim's shoulder. She looked up at the gem and sighed, rubbing the side of her arm. "Lars called me..."
"Oh! I meant Big Donut Boy!" Prim corrected herself. 
"And what does "Big Donut Boy" want with you at this hour of the night?"
"Its sort of embarrassing but...he had a nightmare. And he called me cuz he couldn't go back to sleep." 
"A nightmare, huh?" Garnet repeated, putting her hands on her hips. "Well, if you must. This does sound important."
"Yeah I know Garnet I shouldn't leave without--wait what?" Prim stopped herself with wide eyes, looking up at Garnet like an idiot. "Really?"
"Yes, you may go, but don't tell Pearl."
Prim blinked, raising a brow. "Are you an imposter Garnet? Shouldn't you be giving me words of wisdom or something and telling me not to go?"
Garnet cracked a small smile and ruffled Prim's bed head. "Geez Prim, you make it sound like I'm another Pearl." Prom laughed at that. "But yes, I trust you. Just be back before Pearl notices."
"You got it Garnet!" They young girl whispered and gave the gem a quick hug before running down the steps. 
*10 minutes Later*
The temple was only a few blocks away from Waterman St., so a walk to Lars's house was a piece of cake for Prim. Her sweatshirt was tied around her neck to keep her shoulders warm and hands tucked in her pockets with her phone. Like she expected, it was a little chilly, but nothing Prim couldn't manage. Matter a fact she loved the chilly weather, and sadly it was something Beach City hardly ever got. 
In the distance Prim could see Lars sitting on the steps of his porch, resting his head on his lap. 'Oh man, maybe this really is serious,' she thought as she got closer. He looked miserable, but what was different? He always looked miserable, especially around Prim and Steven. Yes Prim knew Steven could be a bit annoying, but so was she at times! They both had many flaws and messed up--a lot--but hey that's what twins did together! It was both of them or none at all! 
"Hey," Prim said, stopping in front of the Barriga Residence.
Lars looked up and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept for days! To be honest he looked like a crack head in Prim's opinion... 'No, he would never!' An image of Lars doing crack came to mind. Prim shuddered in fear. 'He may act like Mr.Badass all the time, but he wouldn't dare to do such a thing!' 
"Oh, Prim! You're here!" Lars exclaimed a little groggily, as if he were just dozing off. He wore a black Under Armour tank and a pair of grey shorts, her hair a bit of a mess btw.
"Well no shit Sherlock, of course I'm here." 
"How did you get out of that wacko of a house and passed that nut job of a family?" He questioned. 'Such a bitch...' Prim thought as she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Watch it chicken legs, I still don't have a problem breaking your arm."
Lars backed off. "Alright alright."
"Well it was fairly easy to get passed my nut job of a family, besides, Garnet is covering for me."
He nodded and patted the spot next to him, indicating for Primrose to sit. Prim gladly took the seat and looked off into the distance, sitting in an awkward silence. 
"Rough night?" she asked. 
"Uh yeah, rough night," he said, sighing wand rubbing the back of his head. "It hasn't been good the past couple of weeks, I haven't gotten a single drop of good sleep."
"Have you gone to the doctors?"
"Phssht, the Doctors?" Lars scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Doctors are for wimps, big baby, wusses, shall I go on?"
"And the Doctors are for people who are in need of major help, for those who need a diagnosis, and for recovery," Prim corrected him, eyeing Lars up. 
"Oh whatever," he groaned, putting his head in his hand. "My parents said that I should go to the Doctors but...I don't know I feel little weird about it." 
"Yeah I get," Prim started, "the doctors could be a scary place, no lie, but the only thing they want to do is help you."
Lars sighed, looking down sadly. "Yeah..." 
Prim put her hand on his shoulder. "Hey, why don't we go in? Sort of chilly out here don't you think?"
Lars looked at her with depressing eyes and nodded, getting up from his seat and Prim followed him in quietly. "My parents are away on a trip, won't be back till like sometime next week." 
"That's pretty cool, gonna throw a few parties?" She elbowed his side and wiggled her brows. Lars shrugged and gave a very small smile. 
"I suppose a party or two wouldn't be so bad," Lars thought aloud, flicking the lights on in the kitchen. There on the island sat a plate of doughnuts, soaking in all the glory. Prim licked her lips and her eyes lit up. Lars plopped down on a chair and the younger of the two sat across from him. "Want one?" Lars asked, taking a pink icing topped doughnut. 
"Do I ever!" Exclaimed Prim, taking the one with white icing and rainobow sprinkles. She could never turn down the most delicious thing in the entire world. Well, right behind cookie cat. "Oh man these are bomb!"
"Big Donut never fails to impress," muffled Lars while eating his doughnut. After a few more bites of their delicious treats, Prim cleared her throat to speak.
"So how about we talk about the nightmare, hmm?" 
"Oh, u-um, now that I think about it, I don't really think it's worth mentioning anymore." Lars rubbed his arm uncomfortable, fidgeting around in his seat. 
"Dude I came all the way over here because you had a nightmare, I could be sleeping right now." She rolled her eyes. "So you're telling me."
"But it's stupid, really." 
"Not to me it isn't."
"Well to me it is."
"C'mon Lars I didn't come here for nothin' "
"Prim just let it go." 
"You're really starting to annoy me."
"Don't care, now spit it out already!"
"Why not?!"
"Because it's dumb!"
"Its not dumb!"
"Yes! It! Is!"
"UGH!" Prim stood from her seat and jabbed her finger into Lars's chest. "Why must you be so freakin stubborn?!"
"Why are you always trying to get into everyone's business?!" Lars pushed Prim's arms away. 
"YOU TOLD ME TO COME OVER!" Prim flailed her arms around. "God, you say you're life is so horrible, so miserable! Oh boohoo Lars!"
"Yeah! SO WHAT?!"
"Maybe if you talked about your feelings you would be a nicer person and everyone would like you!" Prim yelled at him, shoving the chair in and leaning over table to get in his face.
"Well in so sorry your majesty but I HATE talking about my feelings!"
"B-BECAUSE I'M SCARED!!!" Lars's hand went down and he hit the table with a loud bang. Silence fell between them, the only sounds filling the air at the moment was their heaving. "Are you happy?!" His voice cracked as he wiped the building tears from his eyes, sitting back down and hiding his face in his arms. Lars's shoulders shook as he cried and Prim looked down at him pitifully. 
Prim sat back down and sighed, running a hand over her face. "Lars..."
"W-What?" He whimpered into his arms.
"Look at me."
Lars moved his head so that Prim could only see just his eyes; those dark eyes that were streaked with tears. 
Prim put her hand on his arm and leaned in. "Tell me what happened."
Lars furrowed his brows, wiping his eyes and grabbing a tissue from the tissue box beside him. "It's just...it was all dark. No light, nothin, just pitch black. A-And I was alone! Just me, falling down an endless pit of darkness. Prim I couldn't escape! I was so scared! No mom and dad, no Sadie--no Steven...n-not even you..." he placed his hand over Prim's, looking away with tinted cheeks. "I thought it would never end. And then there was horrible voices. They said such hurtful t-things..." Lars shut his eyes tightly and his shoulders shook. 
"What did these voices say Lars?" Prim asked gently. 
"They....they...called me pathetic. A-A waste of s-space. They said my parents were ashamed of me. That I was a loser." He covered his eyes. "But they were true. These voices were right about everything they said." 
Prim's eyes widened and it felt like her heart broke. 'Oh you poor thing...' She was his friend, this was probably the first time Lars has ever opened up to anyone, but Prim didn't know what to do.
"Why can't I just be like Steven?" Lars said. "Why can't I just be like...you?" He looked up at her. "You're kind to everyone and everything. You're smart, passionate, you help everyone who has a problem, and you make a new friend everyday--the same with Steven. Y-You're nice to me, even when I treat you badly," the teen looked away with shame. 
Prim shook her head, "There's only one Steven, there's only one of me, and then there's just one of you. And to just think of two Stevens drives me nuts," she cracked a toothy smile, thinking of her brother. "The things those voices said aren't true in any way, shape, or form, I  promise you that. You are who you are, and no one could change you. Sure you have your bad days, but who doesn't? And sure you have more bad days than good, but that just makes the good days seem even more special then they really are." Prim cupped Lars's cheeks, wiping the tears away with her fingers. "You're special."
"R-Really?" Sniffed Lars, swallowing hard and face becoming hotter. 
"In my eyes you are. To me you always will be." The two smiled at each other, faces rather close now. "We all get nightmares. Even you Lars, even I."
"Thank you, Prim..." Lars whispered. "Ya'know, now that I look at you more and more often, I never told you this, but you really are beautiful."
"Jeez, I get you to open up once and you're already telling me I'm beautiful?" She smirked, blowing a lose strand of hair out of her face. 
He rolled his eyes, moving his eyes away from hers. "W-Well, since we're in the moment n' all, I thought I should just tell you. I mean, you're gorgeous!"
Prim's face started to feel hot with embarrassment, the sweatshirt suddenly not being needed anymore. Prim pulled back and pulled the sweatshirt off, the cool breeze hitting her skin and her gem glowing with passion. It was out there, making her body feel warm with....love? 'This is an odd feeing...' she thought to herself. She only ever felt her dad's fatherly love, or Steven's brother love, even the Gem's motherly love in a way...never this kind. Maybe it wasn't even love, she didn't know, but from then on when she looked at the boy in front of her, she felt...different. Her stomach tingled, like butterflies swarmed inside. Her heart pounded in her chest, her cheeks going red as she leaned forward again. 
"O-Oh w-w-well thanks," Prim laughed softly, rubbing the back of her head. "You flatter me---
A pair of lips pressed against hers, a hand on the back of her head. Prim stuttered into the kiss, her heart skipping a few beats, a feeling of warmth engulf her. Prim kissed Lars back, holding his shoulders. A few seconds later they both broke away, gasping for air, falling back in their seats. She touched her lips with her fingertips, slouching in her chair. 'Did he just...?'
Lars himself looked like he couldn't believe what he had done. He covered his mouth, his face passed the color red, looking away out of sheer humiliation. "I'm sorry Prim, I...I-I don't know what came over me--" Prim rose from her seat, looking at Lars with a smirk. "Wait, where are you going?" He asked, sounding a bit saddened and panicked. 
She rolled her dark eyes at him and walked around the table and stood in front of Lars. "Where am I gonna go?" She asked, a smile on her lips. 
(Ok so like I don't know if this is Would be labeled as pg 13/14 form this point on, so don't go nutso in the comments!)
Prim sat down on Lars's lap, facing him with her arms around his neck. Lars seemed to be in a dazing shock, his eyes still glittering with settling tears and face shining with streaks. She pressed against his chest, a small cheeky smile spread against her face. Lars stuttered over his words, his hands resting on her back, fingers moving over her gem. "I-I-I like you..." Lars mumbled quietly, looking her in the eyes (I know, real cheesy). "Like...really really like you..."
"Really? I haven't noticed," Prim raised her brows, "I'm just curious why me and not Sadie."
"Sadie..." he started, "I only ever seen Sadie as a friend. Nothing more, but I think she feels a bit stronger about me instead." 
"You don't think she'd be really mad at us, do you?" The girl of 14 asked a bit worriedly. After all, Sadie was her friend too, and she would never want to upset her.
"I don't know, actually, we'll just have to see."
"So that means..." Prim laughed a little, shrugging her shoulders, "that we're dating? Like...a thing?" 
Lars smiled widely, nodded his head, and rested his forehead against hers. Prim kissed his cheek, then his jawbone, and then laid a small kiss on his neck, and then a bigger one where his shoulder and neck met. "You won't ever abandon me, would you?" he moaned, his grip on Prim becoming stronger. "Like, leave me for someone better?"
Prim, the girl with dark, long springs for hair, chuckled softly, hugging the older boy's skinny yet strong chest to her. "Never" is what she whisper, giving him a loving kiss on the cheek.
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eerythingisshaka · 4 years
Wish Granted Pt. 2
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[Yahya Abdul Mateen II x Black OC]
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N:  I decided to make this a series and instead of reader, it is an original character. Strap in!
( Read Part 1 here)
That morning, Yahya and Corrine bask in the glow of the new morning sun, sharing a table by the front window enjoying eggs benedict, toast, with a stack of pancakes to share.  Corrine dipped some of her bacon into the leftover egg and sauce along her plate, chasing it with the remaining orange juice in her glass.  She goes to grab for more from the pitcher when Yahya’s hand surrounds hers.
“I have a flight tonight at 6,”  he says.
Corrine nods slowly.  “Ok.”
He looks sorry as he continues, “It got changed last minute.”
“Sure...can I ...pour my juice now?” Corrine asks, making Yahya awkwardly rest his hands on the table to allow you access to the pitcher.
“And with traffic, I should probably start getting ready to go now.”
Corrine sips her drink, wiping her mouth gingerly with the cloth napkin and sets it down.  “I gave you back that ring, right?”
Yahya nods.  “And your scarf is in your room at the hotel.”
“It’s not mine but...thanks.”  Corrine says quietly.  She pushes her fork around in the remnants of her plate, squeaking every so often against the porcelain.
Yahya leans forward.  “I still want to stay in contact.  Just because I live out of town doesn’t mean we can’t not see each other, you know?”
Corrine smiles with wide eyes like he just said something offensive.  “If that’s what you think, that is fine.  But honestly how would that work?  I couldn’t keep a guy to get a proposal and I spent at least half of my 20s hanging with him.  Don’t you think this is a bit much?”
Yahya sits back, looking out the window for distraction.
“I mean I am fine with a one night stand.  Thank you for being what I needed at the time, it was definitely a night I will never forget but let’s not make this weird.”
Yahya sighs, looking around for presumably the waitress and pulls out his wallet.  “I can’t believe you’re flipping like this.”
“It’s not a flip, just...this happens.  Like, come on Yahya, we don’t know each other.  Can you seriously say you want to try and make this a long term thing base don our track records?”
Yahya puts some bills on the table.  “I thought you hadn’t done this before?”
Corrine shrugs.  “Ok, truthfully, not since college had I done this before.  Before...him,” she says with a cringe.
Yahya folds his arms across his chest looking at her with amazement.  “So you really used me?  I am your rebound and now you’re backing out?  Or is it because I am not conveniently at your beck and call now that you’re scared to try something new?”
Corrine scoffs.  “I don’t need to explain it, I made it clear.  Long distance will not work.  That’s it!”
“I disagree.  And I want you to see that I am right and you’re wrong.”
“Corrine….”  Yahya says, biting his lip playfully.
Corrine rolls her eyes, pulling out her purse to rifle through it.  Not able to find a piece of paper, she takes an unused napkin and scribbles on the front with her dying pen.
“Look, I will give you my number.  Do with it what you want, I’m not holding you to it though,”
She hands it to a confused look Yahya.  “I could just give you my phone to put it in?”
“I’m old school.  Plus, watch you accidentally use it and mess up the ink or ball it up thinking it’s trash.  I wanna know you can be responsible with an important document such as that napkin with my number on it.”
Yahya looks at it, puts it down and grabs a five off of the stack of bills he had set on the table.
“Let me borrow that pen,”  he asks, scribbling his number across the front of Lincoln’s face.
“Whoa!  What are you doing?”  Corrine asks, leaning to get a glimpse for herself before Yahya gives her the defaced bill.
“And here is my number.  If your theory checks out, it shouldn’t be hard to keep up with or lose, unless you accidentally spend it on some shoes or a new purse, right?”
Corrine glares at him.  “Ha Ha.  Here, let me at least put some money back on this since you probably just took the girl’s tip money for this.”
Yahya waves her off.  “Please, it’s still 20% without it, we good.”
Corrine folds the five up in a side pocket in her bag.  “Then that’s it right?”
Yahya stares through the table, nodding blankly.  When he looks at Corrine he fights a smirk.
“I really had a good time.”
“I did too.”
Yahya and Corrine step out of the restaurant, parting with one last hug as his car arrives to pick him.  Corrine holds him close, smelling the fresh soap from the morning shower he took just a couple hours ago.  His shoulders and back solid under her hands, she imagines if she lifts her feet, he wouldn’t bend or fold even slightly.
His hands spread along her back before sliding slowly around her waist, kissing a spot behind her ear that makes her curl back and chuckle.
“I’ll call you,”  Yahya says inches from Corrine’s face as she nods.  “You gonna call me?”
“When you call me, I will,”  she says, putting her hand to the side of his face, trying to memorize every feature and feeling it gave her.  One last kiss would make her fly in the cab with him, so she backs off, waving goodbye.
A month goes by and Corrine has finally packed up all of James’s things in two boxes.  She sits on the couch staring at them sat next to her front door.  His life with her fit in just two boxes?  They weren’t officially living together yet but he spent so much time with her that it seemed like there would be more things.  Most of it is laundry that needs washing and DVDs he brought over because he refused to buy them on digital again.
Corrine scrolls through her phone absentmindedly as she waits.  A message pops up that makes her jump out of the blue.
Hey, how’s your morning beautiful?
It’s fine for now.  Still waiting on him.
Don’t let him bother you.  Just tell him to the left and leave!
Of course girl.  Why mess with a beyonce blueprint?
Works every time!  Also, don’t forget to meet us for our lunch date after.
Sounds good.
Corrine gets up to check out of her patio door and sees his car park outside.  James strolls across the grass, which instinctively makes her cringe.  She always told him to watch doing that so he doesn’t end up walking in dog shit.  
She waits for his knock patiently, not wanting him to know she saw him already.  Her phone chimes again.
Outside, it reads.
Corrine groans at the rude tone of his one word text.  As she opens the door he’s leaning on the frame in a way that reminds you of one of Danny Zuko’s boys from Grease.  Leather jacket on even though it's 85 degrees out, distressed blue jeans that fit snug around his lean legs with some schmegular all white Adidas.  
“I already packed your stuff,”  she says, walking backwards to point to the left as practiced.  James takes one step in with his hands in his pockets and looks to his right at the boxes.
“I could’ve done that,”  he says in a bored tone, looking back at her as if she is visiting him without notice,
“I asked you every week for the past month to come get it.  You think I’m going to wait for you to poke around here and find every little thing of yours on your own?  I don’t think so.”
His fingers find their way around a curl of hair in his high top fade.  “What’s all this energy about though?  I thought we could be cool about it?”
“Why would I be cool about anything with you  after you left me by myself in the city when we were supposed to be celebrating your promotion, right?  But you recall what happened instead?  After 5 and a half years together?”
“I wanted to talk to you in person-”
“You hadn’t done that either for a month, have you?”
James’ jaw flies open.  “Because the only thing you got to say is about picking up my stuff!  You never asked to talk and you didn’t answer my calls!”
“I shouldn’t have to ask to talk!  I’m not the one that said I can’t do this no more!”
“Are you sure Corrine?  Cuz you never acted interested in shit with what I got to do.  You don’t listen to nothing I got to say.”
Corrine scoffs loudly as James kneels to look through the boxes. 
“I never helped YOU?  I got you into a respectable corporate job that paid BILLS for the first time in you life when your cooking career wasn’t pulling weight like you hoped it would!  Now you can earn some capital so you can open your business steadily and not fall flat on your ass!  I gave you so much more mercy than you ever did for me!”
James sucks his teeth and comes to a standing, towering over Corrine.  “I stood by you while you worked to do this lawyer shit you got goin on.  Long nights studying in the living room, out to the library, hell week after hell week to pass your bar.  I barely got a kiss from you at your celebration party.  You always doin the most!”
Corrine grips her temples, completely taken back.  “I can’t believe you’re saying my ambition is a reason to leave me.  I can’t succeed while you’re down and out or you feel less of a man?  Is that it?”
James picks up his boxes in both arms.  “Shut up.”  He walks out the door heading for the steps.
“No, now I got it!  You want me to just stay quiet and patient while you figure things out but I couldn’t carry our relationship for you!  I needed your support too, whether I am studying for hours on end or you’re taking a month long business trip, only to come back unemployed!”
James was out the door about halfway down when he looks back at her.
“You think I wouldn’t know?  I got you that gig, how would I not check into it?  They said you never showed up.  Why?”
James looked off, sighing deeply like a load was taken off even though he was carrying two very heavy boxes.
“You had to get away for a month?  What were you doing for that long that you didn’t tell me?”
James continued to not look at Corrine.  His mind battling with what to say and what not to say was killing her as she looked for him to speak. 
“I won’t take you back James, I just want a good excuse so I can hate you less.  I thought you were going to marry me when you booked that room for us at that fancy spot.  But you broke my heart so bad.”
James continued to walk down the steps without a word.  Corrine watched him pack his car and turn on the engine to peel out.  
“Girl, and that’s what he did?”  Simone exclaimed over her half eaten salad.  Her pressed hair pulled back in a bun already gave her a naturally alert look, but Corrine’s turmoil made it that much more apparent.
Corrine pushed around a meatball in her spaghetti.  “That is all he did.  I have no closure to it.”
Bria pats you back gingerly.  “You’ll be fine and he’ll be fine.  It’s just because the break up is still fresh that y’all couldn’t come to an understanding.”
Corrine sits back and shrugs.  “Maybe?  But that’s a big ass lie he dropped on me.  He was gone for a month.  He could have a whole family in another state for all I know.”
Simone points at Corrine, big brown eyes bucking.  “That’s why I told you he look like Cousin Skeeter if he were a real man.  He is just as goofy too.  Nobody should leave for a MONTH without saying anything.”
Bria nods, adjusting her tortoise shell frames.  “He is not worth a thought but you take all the time you need to get past it.  Just move on.  You gave him chance after chance up until the last moment.  It’s time you got to breathe on your own.”
“And speaking of,”  Simone lowers her voice.  “You hear from our hotel daddy yet?”
“Oh God, don’t bring that up now,”  Corrine whines.
“Simone!”  Bria hisses.  “She hasn’t heard from him yet, and honestly by now, there would be some explaining to do instead of dating.”
Corrine lays her head on the table.  “Why is life so hard?  I can’t have a good time with nobody!”
Simone and Bria offer pats as her tears are absorbed by the tablecloth.
“Hey, you know what?  You do still have his number…”
“Simone, no.  I can’t.”
“But!  Instead of cutesy whats up and stuff, you can tell him off maybe?  Give him the lashing every wrong you’ve received deserves.  It might not be constructive but a quick shot of feel good sounds pretty good, right?”
Corrine sits up, dabbing her eyes and feeling the avalanche of snot coming to her nose.  Her cries put all ugly cries to shame.
“I just...it was...he said...he’d call!”  Corrine squeaks out between sobs.
One month turned into two, and so on until Corrine forgot about that night at the hotel.  Busying herself with work was the best thing she could do in order to keep herself feeling good from day to day.  That and happy hours with her girls who vigorously scoped men out for her as her wingwomen.  
Sometimes when she is turning in for the evening, she picks up the base of her little desk mirror to find the $5 bill under it that Yahya scrawled his number on.  The more she looked at it, she wasn’t sure if it ended in a four or a nine, so it’s probably best she kept from calling in order to not look foolish on someone’s phone.
James and her never got back with each other either.  But Corrine is more ok with that.  She figures whatever skeletons he has are bigger than she can manage and she deserves a break.  But Yahya seemed so good and promising, she couldn’t believe she got bamboozled that hard.  He could’ve left that morning, allowing her to sleep away the future but he gave her hope instead and that got snatched away.
So Corrine filled her days digging into practicing law and running errands and not much in between.  But she was ok.  Without the extra baggage of men in her life she felt as if she might’ve unlocked a new level in life.
“As you all know, the construction on the new building is being negotiated with several architects in order to get a broad scope of what design would fit the future of our practice the best for years to come.  Let me remind you all that if it weren’t for your dedication to your work around here that we would not be one of the most sought after and winningest law office in the state.”
Applause fills the conference room for Hogel of Garrett, Hogel & Truman as Corrine takes notes on the meetings main points.  Most of the meetings are supplied with a bullet list of the main topics, but she does not enjoy just sitting and staring or she is liable to daydream.
When the meeting comes to a close, it is close enough to the evening and the weekend that she hopes will allow her to get off early and head straight for bed.  Her feet kill her in the stiff three inch pumps she wears for ten hours straight, and her local Chinese spot was calling her name for some springfield chicken.
When she makes it back to her desk, her heart flips with joy as she sees no new files to review and archive, and since she got ahead of her projects for the week, it seems the weekend has finally begun.
She kicks off her heels to slide into her worn in athletic shoes, feeling her feet melt into the dips that the insole has created to mold to her feet.  Her heart beats in the bottoms of her foot from being released from their patent leather binding which is both uncomfortable and satisfying.  But even if they were chopped off at the shin, these feet would lead her to her car and get her to her home paradise.  
Corrine walks down the hall to the elevators, hearing noises from people as she gets close.  She feels a little anxious, preferring an empty elevator at her departure time but is willing to deal so that the exit is quicker.
As the group of voices rounds a corner leading away from her, she sees a man standing head above the whites that surround him.  A navy blue suit fitting tailored to wide set shoulder funneling down to a slim but sturdy waist, made her knees buckle a moment, causing her to slow her pace forward.  He walks away, laughing one of those polite laughs one gives to company they want to impress.  He hits the elevator button, listening to one of the partners speak until his gaze travels over them and spots her.
She feels her brain black out and her heart fall out of her ass and flight took over in her fight or flight response.  
“Corinne!”  he calls after her, but she pays him no attention rounding the corner.  Stairs would have to work, no matter how much her feet her from the day, anything would do over having to see him make up whatever excuse he had to not call her.  And what the hell is he doing at her job?  Is he a lawyer?  Is he looking for counsel?  What if he is a fraud that manipulates women and sues them for some old timey bullshit laws like alienation of affection.
She thanked God that coincidence didn’t find him in the parking garage as Corrine finally made it home but settled on some leftovers she had in the fridge instead of her beloved Chinese food.  At this point she still hadn’t calmed down from earlier.  What if he is at the Chinese place?  Where the hell does he live anyway?  To be in the same area as her work, he couldn’t be far.  She couldn’t remember where he said he was from, if they even covered that much information but she was not going to entertain his presence, he is a ghost to her.  
In her bedroom she takes the five and slips it in her purse to make sure she spends the bill, like it's the reason he is back.  She will have to treat him like a ghost.  He won’t know she ever waited for him or thought about him after that night. 
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imjusthereforbatfam · 4 years
Never-Ending Encore, ch.5
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Chapter Summary: Okay, listen. Listen. Eden may have agreed to this, but are we absolutely, positively sure she needs stitches? Yes? Er… Okay. But are we, like, SURE sure or...?
Warning: swearing, blood, describing injuries, mending injuries (on a wuss) 
Also!!! Apparently, you’re not supposed to use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide on cuts cuz their chemicals are too harsh and can damage muscle tissue. I grew up using peroxide on my cuts and didn’t know you weren’t supposed to until after I’d already written the majority of this chapter, so like… don’t do this irl. I’m just lazy and using alcohol works really well for the story so blah
Chapter 5:
Eden leaned her head back on the low wall behind her and stared up at the clouded sky. She huffed for what felt like the hundredth time. At this rate, she was going to be completely healed before Red Hood even got back...
She took another peek at her sliced palm. The cut was about a third smaller than it had been. Would Red Hood notice? Probably. It was hard to miss.
Should she— she shuddered. Should she try to reopen it a little with her nails?
She moved her hand away, gagging at the thought.
Nope. No way. Forget that. If it was noticeable to Red Hood, she would just play it off somehow. Distract him or something. Play dumb. Cry. Whatever it took but she was not going to reopen it. It shouldn’t heal much more before he got back, anyway. He promised it would only take a few minutes for him to get what he needed and get back. And, despite feeling like she’d been sitting on this rooftop for hours, Eden knew that wasn’t true. She was just getting antsy.
She put a hand to her neck, gently moving a finger across the gash there. It was fairly long, running from the dip between her shoulder and neck down to the crook of her collar bone. The knife nicked her jugular on the way down, too. That was how she’d become so lightheaded so quickly. Even now, her shirt was still wet with all the blood she’d lost.
She was lucky her body healed the way it did. The process was by no means instant, and sometimes it was too little too late, but more often than not it was just enough to save her from unnecessary encores.
Actually, still running her finger along the jagged cut, Eden was a bit surprised. Usually, an injury like this would be far more healed by now. Yet, somehow, the cut on her neck didn’t feel any smaller than the first time she’d touched it. True, it wasn't as deep as it had been – Eden could just… tell it wasn't – but on the surface, it was mostly the same.
Was it her? Had she gained some control over this part of her power without realizing it? Maybe. Or maybe she'd just lost so much blood that replenishing it was more important than mending the rest of her body. Or maybe her body magically knew that healing too fast wasn’t a good idea this time. Or, maybe, it was just mending itself like this, like a snail trudging across a bone-dry desert, because she hadn’t eaten anything since lunchtime.
Her stomach growled on cue, confirming her suspicions. Eden groaned. Now that she wasn’t drowning in her own thoughts or missing a remarkable amount of blood, she was fully aware of her body’s needs. And, boy, did it need food.
 “Would you—”
Eden shrieked in surprise as Red Hood announced his return by swiping her hand away from her neck.
“—stop messing with that?”
“What in the—!? Where in the heck did you come from!?”
“Hell, obviously.” He knelt down in front of her, taking a small black bag off his shoulder. “Couldn’t you tell?”
“Oh, of course,” she said rolling her eyes. “I thought I recognized the accent.” She smacked her forehead theatrically. 
Red Hood let out a small, amused sound as he unzipped the bag. Inside was a swath of medical supplies. He dug around a moment then pulled out a white cloth and bottle of rubbing alcohol.
Eden eyed the bottle as he unscrewed the cap. “I hear the weather’s lovely in Hell this time of year,” she continued, hiding behind the joke. “Good time for a visit.”
“Nah," he said playing along. "It’s hot as balls right now."
She chuckled. “Ain't it—” Red Hood turned to her urgently and Eden quieted.
He said nothing. 
“Um…" She shrank down a little, unnerved by his wordless stare. "Everything okay there, Mr. Hood?”
He studied her another moment then eased back. “Yeah. Sorry. You started laughing so I thought you might…” he drifted off, looking at her neck. He shook his head and went back to prepping the cloth. “How do you feel?”  
She shrugged. “Fine. Better than I was.”
“No more gagging fits?” He glanced over at her and Eden shook her head. “Good.”
She eyed the drenched cloth in his hand, thinking back to all the times she'd put alcohol on someone else’s cuts and scrapes. She’d never had to use it herself, not even when she was a kid, so she didn’t know what it felt like. All she knew was that other people often hissed or groaned when they used it. Even Nate, arguably the toughest of her semi-siblings, would wince if alcohol went on an open wound.
“Is that going on my neck?”
“Yep.”  Red Hood brought it closer.
Eden leaned away. “Is it going to hurt?”
“I mean.” He gave a half-shrug, half-nod like it was obvious. “Yeah?”
“Okay, but like…” She slunk down against the wall, growing quieter. “How bad is it gonna hurt? Like… bad or… really bad?”
Red Hood tilted his head in thought. “How’s your pain tolerance?”
"My...? Oh. Well, it's... um..."
No matter how she got hurt, Eden was always fine in the end. But in the moment? When it was actually happening to her? Or, if it was a trade, when it felt like it was happening to her?
“Not great,” she decided. But, then again, who didn’t experience excruciating pain while dying? “It’s hard to say. It might be normal but… I’m not really sure. I certainly don't like pain, if that helps.”
“Alright, better question: have you ever used alcohol to clean a cut before?"
“No,” she murmured sinking into her shoulders. “Never.”
Red Hood turned his head upward and let out a deep noise, something between a hum and a sigh. He glanced toward the little black medical bag, then down at himself, then around them. Searching for something, perhaps.
“Look—” Eden straightened herself up, drawing his attention. “Look, why don’t you… Why don’t you just do it, okay? You being all,” she made a gesture, “this is freaking me out more. Just throw it on there and if it hurts, then—”
“When it hurts. I’m not just slapping it down," he told her. "I have to actually clean the cut.”
“Oh, okay!” she said in a much higher pitch. “Great! Wonderful! Then when it hurts, I’ll just— I’ll— I’ll kick you or something! And it’ll be fine!”
Red Hood cocked his head. “After all I’ve done for you, you’re going to repay me by kicking me?”
Eden blinked at him. “What? Oh! No, no! I didn’t mean— I wasn’t really going to kick you! Of course not! I wouldn’t actually— Okay, I mean, maybe in like a knee-jerk kind of way, but not on purpose or anything! And even if I did do it on purpose, I’d probably hurt myself more than I’d hurt you, Mr. Hood – I think we both know that – ‘cause it would just, you know, be like a, uh, little baby kicking you or something. More sad than anything, really; just downright pathetic, and, honestly, you'd probably feel bad for me and have to pretend it hurt 'cause I'd just be holding my foot and crying, and—” 
Red Hood snickered loudly, cutting off her senseless jabbering. He turned his head and covered the place where his mouth would be but his shoulders kept shaking.
Eden’s whole face went up in flames. He'd been joking. And now he was laughing at her. Again.
“Oh, for goodness sake,” she grumbled turning away from him. She pushed her hair out of the way and offered up her neck. “Will you please just get this over with before I make a bigger fool of myself?”
“Hold on.” Still fighting back laughter, he reached for the bottle again. “I need to add some more.”
"Yeeaah," he said shaking his head oh-so-solemnly. "It dried out while you were talking." 
“Uh-huh, yeah, sure." She turned and pinned her eyes on the skyscrapers in the distance. "Go on and tease the panicking person, Mr. Hood. Very kind of you. Very classy.”
"What can I say? I'm such a kind, classy guy."
A laugh nearly tumbled out of her but Eden quickly fought it down, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. The sound of fresh alcohol spilling onto the cement wiped her suppressed smile clean away.
“Oh god.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “This is really happening, isn’t it?”
“You’re gonna be fine, Cookie Girl.”
“I am not gonna be fine!” she threw back. “This is awful! This is horrendous! This is— This is torturous!”
He scoffed, close to her neck now. “Don’t be such a baby. I haven’t even done anything yet.”
“I know! That’s what’s so awful!”
“Do you want to hold my hand or something?” 
Eden knew he was mocking her. She did. She just didn’t care. Her good hand clutched at the fabric of his leather jacket. The other wrapped around the exposed skin between his glove and tight, armor-like sleeve. Her mending palm warmed quickly against his skin.
He cleared his throat. “I was joking.”
“Well, that's too damn bad, Mr. Hood! Don’t go making offers you don’t wanna bank on! Now, would you puh-LEASE just get this over with!? I’m seriously starting to freak out here, and I really don’t appreciate the whole ‘Let’s draw this out as long as possible ‘cause it’s funny’ shtick, ‘cause it’s not funny, and I for one really don't appreciate—”
“Okay, okay! I’m doing it, I’m doing it. Sheesh.” He moved forward and ran the cloth over her torn skin in one quick motion. Eden shrieked and clutched his arm.
The burn was intense— sudden— unlike anything she’d felt before. Her eyes misted as she forced herself to breathe through clenched teeth.
Every so often, Red Hood gave her small words of assurance – that she was doing fine, that he was almost done – but Eden could only focus on the pain. Liquid fire bubbled and seared its way deep into the wound. She dragged the soles of her shoes against the cement, desperate for relief. Eventually, she tore her good hand away from Red Hood’s jacket and pounded her fist against the floor. She grabbed his sleeve again and held it tightly, trying not to cry.
When he finally finished, Red Hood carefully removed her good hand from his sleeve and put it on top of the cloth. “Keep this here, alright?”
“I don’t like this,” she sniffed, her voice wavering. “Why do we have to do this. I hate this. This is stupid.”
“You’re doing fine, Cookie Girl,” he said softly.
She half-huffed, half-whined in disagreement.
Red Hood turned back to his little black bag and dug around with his free hand. He made no indication of needing his other hand, so Eden didn’t let go. Every time the frothing, stinging burn flared up again she dragged her heel across the floor and gave his arm another tight squeeze. If it bothered him, he didn’t show it.
“So.” He pulled a small pouch from the bag. “What kind of trouble are you in, anyway?”
The furrow in her brow deepened. “What do you mean? I’m not in any trouble…”
“Right.” From the pouch, Red Hood took out a curved needle, some thick tweezers, and what looked like a spool of blue fishing line. “Because only someone not in any trouble would beg someone like me to patch them up instead of going to a hospital.”
“Hey now!" She let go of him and pointed to herself. "I didn't beg for nothin'. I just refused to go to the hospital. You're," she jabbed her finger at him, “the one who’s insisting on doing this nonsense.”
He scoffed and swiped her hand away as he threaded the needle. “Would you rather I didn’t do this nonsense?”
“It feels like the devil himself is pissing on my shoulder right now, so... yeah, to be completely honest, I’m kinda wishing you didn't.”
Red Hood stopped. Stiffly, he turned his head toward her. Eden shrunk back from the sudden, severe emotion coming from him. The heat of his hidden gaze, amplified by the glaring eyes of his helmet, was hard to meet.
“I’m sorry,” he said harshly, “did you want an infection in your fucking neck?”  
“No,” she said quietly.
“Then what about having a huge scar for the rest of your life?”
Knots formed in her stomach. “I’m not worried about scars,” she mumbled stubbornly.
“No? Then how about that cut reopening?” he shot back. “How about bleeding out a second fucking time when there's no one around? How about fucking dying? Are you worried about that?” he hissed. His distorted voice was sharper and more searing than Eden had ever heard it.
She sank further down the wall. It wasn't hard to understand why Red Hood was so worked up about this. She glanced down at the slick, sticky river of blood that had flooded her shirt and pooled down her torso. She'd lost so much so quickly... If she were a normal human being and the cut did reopen, there wouldn't be enough blood left in her body to survive it. She would bleed out and die just like Red Hood said.
But Eden wasn't normal. The cut wouldn't reopen. And even if it somehow did, it wouldn't kill her. Her body had already made up for most of the blood she'd lost — she could feel it. And even if it hadn't, even if the damn thing did kill her, it's not like she would stay dead anyway. The universe would demand another encore from her, just like it always did, and her heart would start again. Just like it always did.
Eden eyed the needle in Red Hood's hand apprehensively. He was going to put that into her skin. Into her cut. He was going to sew her up like an old ragdoll and she didn't even need it!
What would it feel like? Would it be small but sharp like getting pricked by a sewing needle? Strange and agonizing, as if she were being carved up by a tiny knife? Quick and exasperating, like getting her ears pierced again before they finally understood why the holes kept closing up? Or, would it feel like something she’d never experienced before — like the molten, frothy sting of alcohol on an open wound?
And, even worse, the stitches would eventually have to come out. Her body would be perfectly healed within a day or two – at most – and would leave no scar. There'd be nothing to suggest she’d ever even needed stitches in the first place. Even if she could find a way into a hospital without alarming her mother, how would she be able to explain that? She wouldn't. She'd have to remove them herself.
She could just... tell Red Hood her secret, of course. Avoid the whole kerfuffle that way but... But that was stupid. Yeah, he was trying to help her now, and, yeah, he’d save her before, but being a metahuman wasn’t something you just… told people about. Not even heroes. Eden wasn’t that stupid.
In fact, the only people she’d ever told were the “cousins” she considered siblings. And even then, unless they actively needed her powers, she only told them after years of knowing and trusting them. It was her greatest secret, and, as far as she was concerned, only family needed to know it.
Well. Family and whoever the hell Frank told, apparently.
Eden was still upset about that. People – people she didn’t know; people her mother didn’t know; total strangers – knew about her powers now. Frank had told the people he worked with about her without her knowledge or consent. He swore they were trustworthy, that they were merely interested in the science and what it could do, but that didn’t mean much to Eden. After all, he wasn’t even family. Not anymore.
She'd thought he wanted to be. Despite all the years of silence, of absence, she’d hoped he wanted to be when he suddenly reached out and asked to see her again. But when they finally did meet up, after all the backflips and hoop-jumping they’d gone through to keep Mama from catching wind, he’d treated her more like a business venture than a daughter.
That stung more than alcohol ever could.
Eden glanced up at Red Hood. Waiting, with needle in hand. Likely angry, or at the very least upset, with what he must’ve thought was a very stupid, very weak, very ungrateful little girl. He certainly wouldn't be the first.
She looked away again and let out a slow breath. Carefully, she removed the cloth from her neck, hissing softly as she did. She wordlessly offered up the wound a second time. He shifted closer, putting a hand near the cut. Eden flinched and he stopped again.
“Sorry,” she said quickly, softly, sure he was getting more irritated by the minute. “I’m sorry, I just…” She shook her head, fighting the shameful urge to cry. “I’m just," she choked. "I'm just no good at this stuff."
Red Hood said nothing. Eden wondered if silence was how he showed his disappointment.
After a moment, his free hand moved from her neck. He held it in front of her, his palm up. She stared at it, unsure of what it meant.
“It doesn’t hurt too bad,” he said gently. Eden's eyes lifted in surprise. “It does when the needle goes in," he continued, still soft, "but it’s more weird than painful, I swear. If you need to, you can still…" Red Hood looked to the side and started mumbling. "Y'know.” He bobbed his hand. “Hold my hand or whatever...”
A rebel tear ran down her cheek. Eden sniffed and quickly brushed it away. 
This... This was Gotham’s most-contested vigilante. The mob boss. The murderer. The one everyone and their mother had an opinion on. The one they said could never, should never, be considered a hero. This guy. The one who insisted on helping a stubborn, panicky, annoying civilian all night. The one who got downright pissed when she tried to brush off life-saving care. The one who did not rebuke her for being so pathetic, so weak, but instead shyly offered her comfort.
She couldn't wrap her head around it. People called Red Hood bad, immoral, unforgivable, but how? How could anyone think of him like that? Even if he'd done awful things... Even if he still did awful things... Red Hood clearly wasn't an awful person. He was thoughtful. He was kind. He was good.
Had any of the people who said those nasty things actually met him? Did they know how tender he could be? How sweet? Maybe they hadn’t and his rough reputation simply preceded him. Or maybe Eden was a fool who couldn't see the true cruelty hidden beneath a masterful facade. Or... maybe she was one of the lucky ones who got to see past the facade, who got to see the heart hidden underneath.
Eden gingerly took his hand, so, so grateful. “Thank you, Mr. Hood,” she whispered, hoping the words would be enough to convey at least a small fraction of what she was feeling.
He grumbled something back — his voice garbled more than usual. 
Eden smiled and giggled softly, feeling outstandingly lucky.
“You ready now?” he muttered.
She nodded. "Ready."
He moved forward again, slowly this time — giving her enough time to stop him if she needed it. She squeezed his hand in anticipation. He took it as a go-ahead.
There was a sharp prick at the base of her collarbone followed by a strange sliding sensation. Like he’d said, there was a sharp, shooting pain each time the needle went in or out of her skin, but it wasn’t too bad. The real issue was the silk-like thread. The slick feeling of it running in and through her skin, tugging pieces of herself together… It was off-putting. Nauseating, even.
Eden tried not to squirm too much. When the needle pierced too thin a piece of skin, she squeaked and scraped her shoe against the ground as Red Hood muttered an apology. When the tugging made her nearly gag, she zeroed in on the scruff marks along his jacket, breathing slowly as she counted them up.
When none of that helped, she would squeeze his hand, silently begging for strength. He squeezed back, readily giving it whenever she asked.
“There,” he said pulling the needle through one last time. He tugged the thread firmly. “Can I have my hand for a second?”
Eden let go and watched as he tied off the string and cut off the excess.
“So…" she tried. "How do I get them out?”
“They’ll dissolve or fall out in a few weeks’ time. No hospitals necessary.”
She nodded slowly then let out a breath of relief. "Thank you," she mumbled.
Red Hood studied her a moment. He lowered his head slightly and stayed that way, something clearly on his mind.
Then, as if forcing himself, he reached for her cut hand. Eden jerked it close to her chest.
“Are you gonna put stitches in my hand, too? That would hurt worse, wouldn’t it? Since it’s my palm?” She snuck a glance at the cut as she spoke.
The first time she’d looked at it, it ran clear across her palm from end to end. There’d been thin cuts across some of her fingers too. She honestly couldn't remember when it had happened in the fight or how, but she must’ve grabbed for the knife at some point and been holding it by the blade when it was roughly pulled from her grasp.
Now, the cut was much smaller. Only about an inch and a half over the center of her palm. She couldn’t even tell where the smaller slices on her fingers had been. She imagined the skin there still looked a little irritated, but – because it was dark and her hand was still coated with blood – she couldn’t see it.
“I might not have to,” Red Hood said holding his hand out for hers. “The neck was definitely worse, but let me take another look at it.”
Nervously, Eden took one more glance at her palm then handed it over.
Red Hood inspected it a moment then tilted his head. "Huh."
She panicked. “What!?” she shrieked, startling him enough to look away from the cut. “Is it bad? Do I need stitches? Please don’t say I need any more stitches, Mr. Hood, I really don’t think I can handle going through that with my hand. Please say I don’t. Pretty please?”
He glanced down at it again. “You don't.” Very gently, he ran a thumb over the cut. “It’s a lot smaller than I remember…”
“Oh, thank goodness!" she said in a fast voice. She started tugging her hand away. "So we’re all good then, right? No more patching up? You can just take me home now?” 
Red Hood let out an amused hum and started packing up his supplies. “You trying to get rid of me?” 
“No, not at all! But," she brought up a finger, "if you bring that alcohol crap anywhere near me again, I really am going to kick you.”
He scoffed and batted her hand away. Then he paused and dipped his head. “Actually," he teased, reaching for the bottle. "Now that you mention it—”
“No. No, no."
“We really should clean it."
“Nope. No. Don’t you dare.”
“Aw, c'mon, Cookie Girl,” he said waving the bottle. “Just to be safe?" 
“Mr. Hood, I will kick you and I will do it hard.”
He laughed, stood up, and offered his hand. "You gonna cry when you do?"
"No! ...Maybe." She took his hand. "Shut up."
Feedback is always appreciated! 🥰💕 
Chapter 6
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sceosource · 4 years
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That’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone that participated in Sceo Week 2020! There were a lot of amazing works this year and we couldn’t be happier with the participation! Please continue to follow us for future Sceo events. :-)
Below is the round-up post for all the content that qualified for the event.
FICS (General - Mature)
Boardshorts and Bandsaws by Numendar Loss is not a fine cut thing, sometimes you have to lose to become more than you were.
I'd Give You My Sunshine by tiniestawoo (thosewhofall) Scott wasn’t exactly surprised that, of all the people who might call him from jail, it had been Theo’s voice on the other end of the line. What had surprised Scott, though, were the long silences and out of character insecurity in his voice. Stiles would undoubtedly have hung up the call and left Theo to face the consequences of whatever he was calling ‘wrong place, wrong time stuff’. But that just meant Scott knew he shouldn't.Ignoring someone who needed help had never really been Scott’s strong suit. For all the undeniable wrong Theo had done, when Scott asked him to step up and help them, he had.-Or the one where Theo Raeken used to be a sex worker, gets arrested, and throws a kink into Scott's carefully crafted sense normalcy.
tell me somethin' i ain't heard before by CerinityKS “So that alpha…” Scott started, voice tense. Theo nodded.“Not sure what, exactly, he would have done but it likely wouldn’t have been… pleasant.”“And when he said you belonged to me…”“Well,” Theo hedged, knowing his next words likely wouldn’t help. “He wasn’t completely wrong.”(or theo lets scott in on some truths about being an omega, scott loses his damn mind, and theo is annoyed but secretly loves it, really. as long as it doesn't kill him first.)
Under the Stars by TheKingsChimera First ever submission for Sceo Week. Hope you enjoy. Prompt is "First Time".
Matched by xartificialsweetnerx & DemonzDust Valentine’s Day is around the corner and Scott is in charge of his animal shelter’s holiday-themed adoption event. Little does Scott know that his perpetually single existence is preventing his best friend from finally tying the knot with his own match. And as for Theo? Well, he is just plain unable to admit he needs a match of his own.
What Should Have Been Ours II by DemonzDust After being kidnapped and tortured by Mr. Douglas, Theo has learned the truth about why the Dread Doctors chose him as a child. He now knows that Scott was supposed to be his soulmate, and that the Dread Doctors intentionally corrupted him to keep them apart. Now Scott saved him from Douglas's clutches, but the True Alpha has no idea what Theo learned and Theo plans on keeping it that way.
I shouldn't have ask. by Elit3 This is the third part of my series. This will explore Theo's childhood and his encounter with the dread doctors. There will also be Stiles' feelings about the chimera. Will the elders of the group finally accept Theo in the pack?
These violent delights by Prospero_Caliban After Theo has a very normal surgery Scott wants to start a relationship with him. Theo wants to make things right even if that means saying no. Making decisions is hard now that he thinks about others. give me your heart cuz i ain't gonna break it by CerinityKS “She said it was a gift,” he continued.Deaton glanced up in surprise. “A gift? Now that is interesting.”“Why? What is this stuff?” Liam asked.“A double-edged sword,” Deaton explained, then continued at their confused and, in Scott’s case, frustrated, expressions. “A gift is one way to describe it. This substance,” he swiped a finger through the powder coating Theo’s neck in demonstration, “is a type of hallucinogenic,” he explained.“So Theo is hallucinating right now?” Malia asked as she wrinkled her nose, clearly not seeing what was so bad about that.“In a sense,” Deaton agreed. “But it’s a very specific type of hallucination. See this substance is used to give the victim a glimpse of their soulmate.”(or theo gets whammied, scott freaks out, get jealous, and somehow the only two who don't see whats happening are theo and scott.) Dear Scott by DemonzDust SummaryIn a dusty shoebox tucked into the back corner of Scott’s closet there’s a box of letters from his secret grade school crush.
Damn be the body temperature. by Prospero_Caliban SummarySince his body temperature is lower than others Theo has to think about sharing this problem with Scott. New Wolf in the Old Guard by liliaeth SummaryAfter Scott is killed by hunters, he somehow manages to recover from what should be unsurvivable, even for an alpha. The worst part though, are the dreams, as he keeps dreaming of a woman locked in a coffin burried in the ocean. Termination Shock by Escalus Termination Shock: The point in space where the solar wind -- the pressure generated by the sun -- is finally overwhelmed by the strength of the interstellar medium. Often used to mark the end of our solar system.In other words, it is the point where everything you've ever known -- everything you could have possibly known -- has ended, and every step you take after that is into some vast new darkness, where the only source of light and comfort is that which you bring with you.Scott McCall, permanently blinded by his fight with the Anuk-Ite and ravaged by indescribable tragedy, embarks on a quest to stop Monroe from ruining any more lives. He won't risk anyone else he cares about on this dangerous mission, but he can't go alone. Who cares about Theo Raeken anyway?
FICS (Explicit)
Alpha Needs by DemonzDust As Scott turns into the six month anniversary of his eighteenth birthday his body begins to undergo a new transformation that threatens to drive him mad. After advice from Derek, he seeks release in the form of a chimera that’s been trying to worm his way back into the pack since summer started.
Where There’s a Waiter, There’s a Way by ColetheWolf Scott McCall and Derek Hale are celebrating their first year anniversary at a fancy restaurant, but Scott finds himself venturing into the realm of infidelity for the first time with the hot waiter, Theo Raeken. now all i want is your body close to mine by CerinityKS Theo had no idea how the fuck he’d gotten himself into this situation.This situation being Scott mouthing at his neck, the hot press of his body behind him as his hands worked their way under his shirt. Theo whined, heat racing through him as he pressed back against Scott, erection straining against his jeans.He could hear yelling in the other room, raised voices and the scent of anger attempting to penetrate through the haze of lust and want clouding his head. Scott, sensing his attention drifting, bit down sharply on the crook of his neck. Theo gasped and shuddered, going limp in Scott’s arms and trusting the alpha to keep him upright. Scott rewarded him with an apologetic lick at the angry wound as one of his hands dipped beneath the band of his jeans.(or the boys get whammied by sex pollen and uh, help each other out - including theo typical angst and a scott more in tune with his emotions than theo expected, but he's not complaining.)
There's Only One Van by TamerOfPickles Scott, Theo, Stiles, and Liam are on their first tour as an up and coming band. Their gigs don't pay much yet, so they save money sleeping in the back of their van while one of them drives to the next location. Being cooped up in a small space causes things to get a little more intimate than they expected.
Finding Something to Do by TamerOfPickles While searching the Dread Doctors' complex, Scott and Theo accidentally get trapped together in a bunker with a twenty-four hour lock.
The Trouble with Portals by VolsungartheMighty Stuck in quarantine, unable to visit each other, Theo and Scott are desperate for sex. Weeks locked away with only their hands for company, Theo manages to find something that might ease the tension.
i'm not tryna be your part time lover by CerinityKS “Whatever McCall,” Theo sneered, “suck my dick.”Not the best comeback but at this point Theo just wanted this confrontation to be over so he could head over to the gym and pound his frustration out on a punching bag. He didn’t expect Scott to stop, give him a considering look, then close the distance between them in a blink and drop to his knees. Theo stumbled back into the row of lockers behind him, eyes wide and ready to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing when Scott reached out, grabbed the band of Theo’s shorts and underwear, pull them down in one quick move, and then dart forward to take Theo’s into his mouth.(or theo and scott are dumb high school jocks who start blowing each other after school - featuring pining, dumb boys being dumb, jealousy, and their captive audience the rest of the beacon hills high students) See Me After Class by TheorianDG SummaryIt's not that Scott is surprised, there were always certain types that flocked to dating apps and truth be told he hadn't expected much. The first few he'd ignored but then came Theo, who on top of being genuinely interesting just so happened to be a student at the university. Christ, why did he let Stiles talk him into this?
It's a Long Way Home (When You're On Your Own) by clotpolesonly “I didn’t, like, come looking for you,” Scott finally managed. “I just caught your scent over at the…”At the gas station. Around behind the gas station, where all the most questionable smells were concentrated. The ones Scott had opted not to examine too closely. He still wasn’t sure that he wanted to.Instead, he blurted out, “Are you living in your car?”Theo’s pink cheeks grew pinker. His sharp eyes narrowed dangerously. “No, Scott, I’m putting myself up at the Hilton with the fortune I have in the bank.”It was Scott’s turn to flush.
Mistaken at first sight by Notsalony One time doesn’t mean anything, two times, usually means something, but three times, that clearly means something right? At least that’s how the pack feels. One Size fits my Boyfriend by Notsalony Scott and Theo are dating and they’re roughly the same size. So why shouldn’t they share clothes? Theo can’t think of one good reason either… even if it ends up with him naked a lot of the time.
Tyler Posey & Cody Christian on Wolf Watch by @sceosource
I’d Give You My Sunshine Promo by @tiniestawoo
Sceo  Stydia Edit by @demonzdust
Theo staring at his salvation by @sceoedits​
Alpha Needs Promo by @demonzdust
Sceo Commission for What Should Have Been Ours by @akimao
peace.  // folklore by @tiniestawoo
First Time by @sceosource
Scott Protecting Theo, Teen Wolf 6x07 by @sceoedits
totally correct sceo texts by @demonzdust
Matched Promo by @demonzdust
Theo ‘Heart Eyes’ Raeken looking at Scott by @tiniestawoo
softer world by @tiniestawoo
Scott & Theo, Teen Wolf 5x09 (Ouroboros) by @sceoedits
Scott x Theo by @prrtnrr commissioned/posted by @demonzdust
What Should Have Been Ours II Promo by @demonzdust
Tyler Posey and Cody Christian Flirting at Comic-Con by @sceosource
When you’re thinking about your crush in class by @sceoedits
I’d Give You My Sunshine CH2 Promo by @tiniestawoo
Dear Scott Promo by @demonzdust
Lovestruck Theo by @sceoedits​
Sugar, we’re going down swinging by @tiniestawoo
Sun and Moon by @testostones​ commissioned by @princeescaluswords
I’d Give You My Sunshine CH3 Promo by @tiniestawoo​
IT’S A LONG WAY HOME Promo by @tiniestawoo posted by @clotpolesonly
A Hogwarts AU by @tabbytabbytabby
Saturday Night (Music Video) by @nyxelestia​
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nachohypno · 4 years
Nate and Dave Ch. 1
Everything started like a normal day. But you probably already heard those lines.
When I woke up, it was raining outside. But that wasn’t going to stop me from going to class. I just had to reach the bus quickly enough.
I went to the bathroom and looked at myself at the mirror after washing my face. “Looking handsome” I said to myself. I tried to tidy my short black hair. I did the rest of the usual morning routine before heading out of the bathroom.
As I said, it was a normal day, like any other. I went to school in the bus, barely got wet by the rain so I was happy.
I quickly entered school and walked to my locker. I didn’t get wet! Maybe this day wasn’t going to be as bad as I thought!
I greeted a few of my friends as I passed by, but I won’t go into details with them. They were cool, but they aren’t as involved in this story as I would have liked.
I’ll get to them later.
My mind went from happiness to fear in just a few seconds, when I reached my locker.
I noticed a few of the football players passing beside me, but I hid using my locker. Close one, they probably didn’t notice me.
Spoke too soon.
I got approached by one of the guys that just passed by. One of the jocks.
“Do I know ya?” He asked, like it was the most normal thing to ask. Although, he seemed pretty confused. I had to be careful with my answer, it could either get me a punch on the gut or a safe escape.
“I don’t think so?” I didn’t know what to say. I’ve never been approached by one of them in a “friendly” way. He stared at me. It was a bit weird.
‘Why is he talking to me?’ Was one of the questions that came through my mind at the moment.
Suddenly, he snapped out of his staring contest and extended his hand for a shake. “Dave, nice to meet ya”
We shook hands. And he squeezed my hand a lot, I was surprised he didn’t actually break it because it hurted a lot. He mumbled a sorry after noticing my expression of pain.
Okay, that’s something weird. I was expecting one of the jocks going out of their way to harm me in some way, but not to apologize about it.
“It’s… alright. I’m Nate” I mumbled, obviously nervous.
He gave me a big smile, like trying to comfort me. I was pretty scared at this point. Everyone knew these guys were kinda shady.
“Oh, I think I’ve seen you at my biology class, right?” He said, still smiling. I nodded, and apparently that caused his smile to get bigger “Awesome, let’s sit together, bro!”
Oh, he wants me to do his homework. That explains it. Alright, I can do that.
I mean, if it’s that or being beat up, I prefer doing some extra homework. 
Survival of the smartest.
I went inside the biology lab. Sat on my usual spot, not too far but not too close to the blackboard either. The perfect distance to avoid being called to the front by the professor.
My partner usually rotated. Not that I’m not a good classmate, but they usually have a better deal or something like that. And today, my partner was Dave the jock.
The guy took off his letterman jacket and hanged it from the back of the chair, then sat down beside me. He gave me another big smile as he stared at me while I prepared my stuff on the table.
“What?” I asked when he started to make me nervous with the whole staring act. I can’t remember when we started being classmates. I barely pay attention to the jocks. It’s like, seeing a letterman jacket means trouble for me. So I try to hide ASAP.
That’s being gay in here for ya.
“What what?” He chuckled. What was so funny?
“Why are you staring at me?”
“I don’t know. I just want to, is there a problem with that?” He said, quite roughly. The smile he had until now vanished, replaced by an expression of superiority.
I took a step back, a bit scared by his change of attitude. He noticed this, and quickly returned to his friendly attitude. “Uhm, sorry. Didn’t mean to sound rude”
He shrugged, again with a big smile. He seemed happy, probably planning something? I decided to stop pushing the subject, to not make him angry.
As soon as the professor entered, everyone shifted their looks to him. He greeted us, and started explaining today’s subject. As I said, like a normal day. I just had to wait until the man gave us a few quiz questions, answer mine and give the answers to Dave, then I would be free of punches.
As expected, professor Lewis gave us some questions and asked us to draw a dick- Sorry, the male reproductive system. I’m a senior, way past the point of finding this things funny. I noticed Dave was chuckling, and a few of his fellow jocks on the back also did.
I grabbed my book from the bag, opened it on the designated page and placed it on the middle of the table.
Dave just took out a sheet of paper, a pencil and a rubber. Greaaaat, he wanted to help.
Speaking about him, he went back to staring at me without rest. It started to get on my nerves again.
So, if he wanted me to make his homework, he could help a bit. “Alright, I’ll do the quiz. Meanwhile, you draw the male reproductive system-”
“Sure!” He beamed up, grabbed his pencil and started to copy it from the book. Weird, why was he so happy to draw a reproductive system? Probably the same reason he was chuckling earlier. Jocks don’t think a lot, I guess.
I started doing my work too. I wanted good and complete answers, but not more than necessary. This professor is a dick and would probably not give me a fair grade if I tried to outsmart him.
By the end of the class, Dave gave me his drawing and I wrote down our names. I wrote down his name next to mine on the answers sheet. He was laughing a bit, for some reason. “What’s so funny?” I asked.
“You seem kinda serious, bro. It’s cool, suits you”
“What do you mean?”
He smiled, but frowned a bit “I… Sorry, can’t tell” Weirdo, but alright. I got freed of the jock and class was over. I started to put my stuff back in my bag and got up.
“Heading to the cafeteria?” Asked my apparently new friend, since he didn’t seem able to leave my ass today. “We could have lunch together if you want”
“Uh… What?” I looked at him and noticed he was staring with lovely eyes. Oh, I get it now. He’s horny and wants a blowjob from the local fag.
Not my department though. I would never do that. I prefer being beaten up than allegedly raped at school. He’s older than me, I’ve heard that last week was his 18th birthday. I could try and get him expelled if he tried to touch me at all.
It’s not every day that you can have lunch with the jocks. I didn’t want to, but Dave already grabbed me by the shoulder and started talking very excitedly. And I mean it.
He asked about weird stuff about me. Favorite color, song, food, stuff like that. I assumed now that he just wanted to be friendly. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
I thought about that to try and comfort myself, because I was freaking out about having this random guy follow me around like some kind of puppy.
I heard about him. Everyone knew about the local football stars. This guy is the quarterback of our team, the Rottweilers. 
He has a hot girlfriend, one of the cheerleaders if I recall correctly. He has the good looks, with blue eyes, short light brown hair, a handsome face. He seemed to be mischievously smiling at all times.
I knew he arrived at this year, transferred from another school and luckily, we barely interacted. He never tried to do anything to me which is a relief. 
I’ve had some… encounters with the other jocks, and I was thankful that I’ve never returned to my house with a black eye.
We arrived to the cafeteria and he still wasn’t going to shut up, or let me go. I usually had my food at the school’s yard. Way more relaxing and nicer than the awfully crowded cafeteria.
Don’t think of me as that weird loner guy, a lot of people also preferred to have lunch on the school’s yard.
But, awful rain outside. I would probably catch a cold or something, so I didn’t have an option.
“Alrighttt” I said. Taking his hand out of my shoulder and moving to face him. “Look, I appreciate you wanting to hang out with me but…” I looked over at the football team’s table. “I really, really don’t want to go there”
He seemed a bit disappointed, but it quickly vanished as his usual smile returned “Sure, we can sit anywhere else, bro. Wherever you’re comfortable is fine”
I think he didn’t get the message, but still, it was better than nothing. We went to grab a food plate. I loved school’s pasta day.
I went to get a plate of pasta and sat in a random table. Dave sat right next to me.
This thing was getting unnerving. I had a theory though. Dave lost a bet and had to be around the weirdo all day, waiting for me to put my guard down. Well, my friend, not going to happen.
But sadly, he stuck around to me all day as I predicted. The rain already stopped, and I decided to head to the school yard to have some air before my next class.
After a while, I stopped right on my tracks and turned to him “Alright, what do you want? Why are you following me around since this morning? Did you lose a bet or something?” I was trying to keep myself quiet though. I didn’t want to start a scene mid-schoolyard.
Dave got nervous. “Uh… Uhm… ‘Cuz… I’m…” He looked around frantically, beads of sweat started forming on his forehead. Maybe he couldn’t talk about it in public? Something felt wrong about this.
“Follow me” I said. He did as I told, with a sigh of relief. Like he just got saved from the worst thing happening.
We entered the library. I knew Mrs. Wells would be on her break, so I went to a silent spot, looked around to see if anyone was near and told him “Nobody here, spill the beans”
I shouldn’t play the bad cop. What if this was a trick to take me to an empty place and beat me up there? There’s always the possibility, so I was careful and prepared to run away.
He gulped and started, looking at me like he didn't have any other choice. “This may sound crazy but… I’m a werewolf”
Yeah, he was tricking me.
I turned around and started walking away, but he grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me with pleading eyes. “Believe me bro, I’m not joking”
I sighed and got back in place. Not because I wanted to, but because he was stronger than me and I couldn’t walk away. I decided to keep going with this charade “If you were telling me the truth, can you prove it?”
He snorted “Pfft. Easy bro. Order me to do anything” His trademarked smile returned to his face.
“Pull down your pants” It was the first thing that came to mind, and he didn’t even hesitate.
He did so remaining with his big smile, as if he was happy to do such a stupid thing. “Oh god, pull them back up!” What if someone saw us?
Bah, who am I kidding? Nobody visits the school library willingly nowadays.
“How is that supposed to prove anything? I was joking!”
But he didn’t seem embarrassed, nor mad. He just laughed at what I said “That proves it, bro! I’m a werewolf and you’re my soulmate!”
I looked at him, startled. He has a girlfriend and came up to tell me that I, a guy who never talked to him, was his soulmate. And I’m the queen of England.
But, he kept explaining. “Let me tell ya. Werewolves, and many other supernatural creatures, are real. I’m one of them, and… This may be even weirder bro.” 
He gulped “I still barely understand it. I thought it was a joke at first, but I’m realizing it wasn’t bro” He looked around again.
I did the same, nervously. I placed my face in my hands and just… tried to deal with it. Dave noticed my silence and continued with his explanation.
“Werewolves can recognize their soulmate by their smell. Apparently, it can happen after you reach adulthood” Made sense, if his birthday was a few days ago. I should ask around later to corroborate. “And when you find your soulmate, you’re… bound to them. In mind and body. I just want to be with ya bro, and do what you want. The thought of it makes me feel good, and happy”
Of course, I was speechless. It was a lot of information to process. One of the star players of my high school was saying I’m his soulmate, and that he wants to do whatever I want.
“A-are you r-really sure you’re not joking? This is a r-really big deal” I stutter when I’m nervous. And this was much more than I could handle at a normal morning.
“Look, it’s weird. But since this morning, every second I’ve been around you were the most beautiful moments of my life” He stared straight into my eyes “I love you, bro. And I’m not lying.”
I tried to calm myself down, I turned around and looked at the wall. If I kept looking at the jock I would probably panic.
“So… soulmates?” I asked, hopefully he would explain things further.
“Yeah bro. We’re bonded apparently. I won’t complain, I’m happy to have found you!” Now that I think of it, Dave being a werewolf would explain a few things. Like his smiling and laughing all day, following me around all day like some kind of domestic dog. And his outstanding school’s spirit.
“And… is there any limit to what you would do?” I wanted to make sure. Just curiosity.
He shook his head in denial. “Anything you want. No limits, bro”
I thought about something. I was excited. If everything turned out to be true, I just got myself an obedient werewolf jock. And the idea was like an instant turn on. “Kiss me”
He didn’t waste any second, he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a make out session. My first kiss, with one of the football players. Who would have thought about it?
His tongue was surprisingly gentle when he entered, and his taste was unique so to say. But, for some reason, I couldn’t get enough of it. I could feel myself getting turned on as we kept going. He pulled me in closer to him and I felt something in his pants starting to grow.
I broke the kiss after some minutes, it would have been weird if someone saw us.
“Uhm… How was that? Never kissed a guy before” He asked, pretty excitedly.
“I-I don’t k-know… you were my first”
His smile grew bigger and he gave me a big bear hug. “I love you, bro” Oh, he was pretty romantic, huh.
I decided to leave the library before Mrs. Wells returned from his break. Dave followed me like a happy puppy. 
We went back to school and kept chatting about the soulmates subject, but not as loud as we did on the library. More like whispers between us.
“So when you said ‘no limits’, you really meant it? Like, really no limits?” I asked him.
“I would rip my heart off for you, if you want that” He put his hand over his chest, and tried to imitate a poet’s voice while closing his eyes.
“No! I would never ask you to do that, or to harm yourself! What kind of psychopath do you think I am?” I got a bit scared at what he said, thinking that I should be careful with my words, but his smile didn’t vanish. He laughed a bit and stared at me again.
“You look cute when you’re nervous” And now he’s flirty.
I sighed “Are you alright with flirting with me at school? I mean, don’t you have a girlfriend-”
“Gonna break up with her” He said, pretty fast.
“What? Why?”
“Isn’t it obvious, bro? I’ve found my soulmate!” He was really excited about this whole ordeal.
 I wondered what his parents may think about their werewolf son being so happy for being completely controlled by a random guy from his class.
“Aren’t you nervous that you have to do everything I say?” Not like I asked for it but… I’m not complaining either. The guy is a stud.
“Nervous? Why would I be? I can’t wait to do as you say, bro”
“Alright, that’s it. I need a break” I walked to the nearest bathroom and he went in behind me. Nice. “Can you give me a few minutes? Uh… Wait for me outside”
He nodded blissfully and walked out.
I just washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror.
“Okay Nate, it’s cool. He’s a good guy, he just wants to make you happy. No need to be afraid of him, or anything like that. You’re the boss around here”
My little pep talk was working, but then…
The terror pair entered through the bathroom’s door.
Butch and Lucas, two players from the football team. I’ve crossed paths with them a few times, and they’re not the nice ones.
“Faggot!” Butch said, as he noticed me. They were bigger and stronger than me, so fighting would most likely be futile.
As Lucas grabbed my hair and tried to drag me to the toilet stall, I yelled “DAVE!”.
My knight in shining armor heard my call. He busted through the door and pushed the pair away. I fell to the ground and he helped me up. “Are you hurt, bro? Let’s get outta here”
“What the fuck? You’re friends with faggot now?!” Asked Lucas, but Dave didn’t answer. We just walked out of the bathroom and I cleaned my face with a napkin.
I had a wicked thought at that moment. I could retaliate from all those years of putting my head in the toilet or being humiliated by these guys.
But that would be wrong. I’m better than them, and I would not use dave as a... weapon of revenge.
I remained silent during the rest of the day. It was all too much to handle. I just wanted for this shitty year to end.
Dave actively asked if I was alright or if I wanted anything. He also tried to cheer me up a bit, but to no avail. 
I just felt bad.
Classes were over and Dave insisted on taking me home in his car. I wanted to refuse, but he sounded very convincing.
Like, I would normally shrug him off, but he was one of the high school’s bullies and he still had some kind of power of intimidation over me, I guess.
“Are you alright, bro? Barely spoke after the bathroom thing” It’s weird. He’s trying to be a very cute and wholesome guy, but he mixes it with his… “normal” self and it brings me back to being wary of my answers.
“Yeah… Sorry, I’m alright” I said, trying to sound okay. I totally wasn’t, I was pissed. But it wasn’t his fault, so I didn’t want to involve him.
We arrived at my place and he had a sad puppy look on his face as I left the car. I didn’t have any intention of inviting him in.
I barely invited friends around (I’m not really a loner. I’m just an introvert, but as I mentioned before, I do have friends!)
“Well, call me if you need something. I love you… can’t wait to see you on Monday… Gonna count each second…” He said, dragging the words and trying to convince me with his blue puppy eyes.
Oh, for the love of god. Was he really going to be this persistent?
“Park the car and let’s go in” I said, sighing afterwards. I hope I wasn’t going to regret this choice.
“Really?! Thanks so much, bro!” He did as I told and went to my side.
We entered the house, I said out loud “I’m back mom! Brought a friend!” Dave smiled at that. I just waited for her answer to avoid being rude.
She answered with a “That’s so great, Nathan! Let me know if he stays for dinner!” that came from her bedroom. She was probably doing her daily yoga.
She would be busy for the evening, I think. Hopefully. I didn’t want her to notice the big guy and start asking questions.
I motioned Dave to follow me and we went to my room. Closed the door behind him and sat on my bed.
My house was your… normal suburban house, not too big, and not too small either. It was a nice place, a bit old, but I liked it.
“So… what do you want to do, bro?” The big guy sat on the floor, cross-legged. He was staring at me, smiling like an idiot.
I won’t lie, he’s hot as hell. And I’m all up for having a relationship with this… big wolf on campus?
I mean, I’m not so eager but… would it really be that bad? Jocks weren’t really my favorite type of person.
“Bark” I said. I wanted to test this thing out. He was apparently under my control and had to obey me. What could go wrong? He proved his loyalty after saving me from his teammates.
His eyes unfocused a bit as he gave a cute bark.
I extended my hand and said “Paw” then he put his hand on top of mine. His tongue was lolling out of his mouth at this point.
He was like possessed by a dog. And I’m sure that there’s a movie about that. And just when I thought about that, he started making that weird ‘purr’ dogs make when they feel good. Like a motor.
I moved closer to him and playfully scratched the back of his ears. “How does that feel?” I asked him.
“Hmm… Pretty good, bro…”
I smiled. Just like having a pet. A supernatural pet, yeah.
“Thanks for helping me today” I said, as I moved my hand to the back of his head. “I really appreciate it, kind of tired of those guys already”
He opened his eyes and looked at me “No problem. Nobody will ever hurt you again, bro. You have a soulmate now” He said with a wink, before going back to enjoying the scratching.
I stopped scratching and pulled him in for a kiss. I must admit, it feels good. I still wasn’t sure if this was a prank, but hell I was enjoying it.
He kissed me back, blissfully enjoying each second of it.
He seemed just as gentle as he was the first time, and I could feel his hot breath as we kept kissing. He was excited, I could tell.
Chapter 2 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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littleturtle95 · 3 years
Hi! I kept trying to reblog the thing but it wasn’t working cuz Tumblr mobile is stupid 😤
(Also yes it is very classic Ishida 😅) we will ll fight him to prove he has worth and deserves to be here!! 🤬🤬
I’m a sucker for kidnapping as well 😝 the angst is too good! And the reunions are too perfect!
Tumblr mobile sucks lol.
We will fight Ishida and we will put into that great mind of his that he is worthy of love and affection n.n
And now the snippets! first the one with Sigga and Clarice:
(under the cut because they're a bit long, lol. also, sorry for the bad english)
“Clarice!” Sigga threw herself to the ground, next to her friend. A long spear was coming out her hip, her face a mask of pure pain. “Clarice, stand up, come on!” she screamed, pulling her up with all her strength.
The girl took two steps and fell back on the ground, her hands on the wound that was starting to bleed.
“Let’s go,” Amrit said, pulling Sigga by her wrist. “It's late for her, they're coming to take us. We have to leave her here.”
“No!” Sigga's scream echoed through the long tunnel that lead them to end of the cave. “Clarice, stand up! Please!”
The girl shook her head, wiping away tears. “I can't keep on running like this. You have to go now. Go, Sigga. I'll be fine. I'm more happy like this.”
“No, I won't leave you here. I can't let it happen. You have to stand up, you have to come with us.”
“You're okay,” she said, lower this time. The blood was already soaking her dress, and she looked like she was going to faint any moment. “That's the only thing that matters to me.”
“Why did you do it? Why did you do this to me?”
“Girl,” said Amrit. “We really have to go.”
They both ignored him.
“Because I love you,” Clarice said, like a prayer. “Sigga, I love you. And I know you don't feel the same, but I couldn't… I couldn't do anything about it, it just happened.”
“No…” Sigga whispered, grabbing her shoulder and shaking it. “No, you have to fight. It can't end like this, you have…”
Amrit pulled her violently on her feet. “Let's go. Now. They're coming, we can't wait any longer.”
Another spear flew towards them, landing just next to Sigga's leg. “No, Clarice. You can't do this to me. You can't do this right now!”
“I love you. I love you. I love you,” she chanted, over and over, like the words alone could save her. “Now go.”
Amrit took Sigga by her waist and pulled her away, towards the woods. “No! Let me go! Clarice! Clarice, you have to fight! Please, you have to fight!”
“She shouldn't have told me those things,” she murmured. “Why did she do that?”
“Love and fear sometimes drive us mad,” Amrit said. “I am not surprised she did. I am not surprised she said what she said, either. You could read it all over her face.”
“I didn't know.”
Amrit's smile widened. “Yeah, I noticed.”
“I don't love her. I don't think I can love. Sometimes I feel like there's something wrong with me. I adore Clarice, I would have died for her, but I don't love her. And she knew. She knew that and she said it anyway.”
“I don't think you can't love. I think you love plenty, just different. These tears show how much you loved her, you just loved her your way. What you did to let your brother escape… it shows how much you love him. Just, not the type of love you think.”
“Do you think we'll survive?” the question came out of her mouth almost quietly, like she was telling a secret.
“Of course we'll survive. They took your brother, right? I bet you want to find him. And if you'll try to find him, you'll help me survive.”
“I'm not sure I like you,” she said, wiping away tears.
“Sometimes I'm not even sure I like myself.”
“I'll come back. I'll take her back. I'll tell her she didn't have the right to say those things. I'll tell her she didn't have the right to save me like this.”
Now Everard and Solomon:
“What do you think they will do to me?” Everard asked.
“Nothing, hayati. They'll fix you, that's it. And they'll stop you from doing something you might regret later.”
They'll fix you.
The words sent shivers down his spine.
“I know it's difficult to believe it, but I know what I saw. If your mother will put her hands on me she will wipe out every evidence I have. I can't let that happen.”
“Just trust me, okay? I promise you what you saw is all in your head. My mother told me, and she knows what she's talking about.”
“Why can't you trust me? This explains everything! The prophecy wasn't fulfilled because she invented it! That's the only explanation!”
“Why would my mother invent a prophecy and lie all this time?”
“To give us hope. To find Richard and kill Jasper. Without the prophecy we would have never done that. You told me, right? The gods give us prophecies to give us the hope that lies in a possibility.”
“No, I know my mother. I trust her. She would never do something like that. She would never manipulate you like this, she would never hurt you.”
“You trust her, why can't you trust me?”
Solomon hesitated. “Well, you're a human. You don't understand magic, and it's easy to twist your mind.”
“That's why you don't trust me? Because I'm just a stupid human?”
Solomon flinched. “I didn't use that word.”
“You thought it,” Everard hissed. “Now everything makes sense. I am human, I can't talk about magic, right? I don't understand what I'm saying. I have to trust you blindly because, even if I saw what happened, you know better.”
“Well…” Solomon started, even lower than before. “Yes. That's how it works.”
Everard couldn't believe it was happening. “Go out of my room, please.”
“You don't have to take it badly. I'm not judging you, it's just how it is…”
“Go, Solomon.”
“You don't have to react like this. If only you'd let me explain…”
“I need to be alone for a while. I need to think. Go, please.”
“You don't understand. I… I can't.”
Solomon looked at him like he was ashamed. His cheeks started to turn red, like when Everard murmured compliments in his ear in bed. His eyes, though, were different. He looked mortified, like he didn't want to explain himself.
The truth hit Everard like a brick wall, and all the blood froze in his veins.
“You're not here because you want it.”
“Of course I want to be here-”
“You're here because your mother told you to keep an eye on me. She wants to make sure I'm not going anywhere, right?”
“I want to be here. I want to be here with you.”
“Tell me I'm wrong, then. Tell me! You can always lie to me, after all.”
Solomon gulped. “No. I won't tell you you're wrong. I won't lie. I'm here because mom asked me to keep an eye on you.”
“Shit,” said Everard, jumping on his feet to put as much distance between them as possible. “And I thought-”
“But I want to be here anyway! You know I always want to be with you!”
“Please, quit it!” he said, looking away because if he saw him struggling he would break down and comfort him anyway. “Go, Solomon. I don't want to see you.”
“I told you, I can't.”
“Yes, you can. You'll guard the door.”
Solomon sighed. “If you need me, I'll be right outside.”
“I won't need you.”
“If you want to talk…”
“I don't.”
Everard heard him open the door and looked back at him one last time, because he was weak and stupid. “What would you do?” he asked, a lump in his throat. “What would you do if I tried to escape? Would you stop me? What if I'm not letting you stop me? Would you attack me, then? Would you push me back inside with your magic?”
Solomon was shivering, but he didn't look away. As always, he looked like he couldn't but look at him, no matter what was happening.
“I don't know. I don't know what I would do. Don't make me find out. Stay here, just for a while. It won't take long, I'm sure. But don't… don't make me find out if I would stop you. Please.”
His voice was so raw, so broken, that Everard's heart broke.
“I'll stay,” he said, because he was weak and stupid even more. “But go, now. I don't want to see you.”
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the-awkward-outlaw · 5 years
Hello! Can you do something with a very (VERY) clingy Arthur and a female reader. Modern times. Like she could be doing things and he calls a lot or texts a lot. But he does it outta love and cuz he’s scared of losing her
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You’ve been in a relationship with Arthur for nearly a year. He works on a ranch only about thirty minutes out of the city you live in. There’s something incredibly refreshing about dating a rancher. Perhaps it’s the fact that he doesn’t live in the city, or that he retains a certain sense of masculinity that you find attractive. It’s not toxic luckily and Arthur’s always held a respect for you and other women, but he still holds himself to a certain standard. Plus he looks super good in his rugged clothes, worn out by years of use and faded by long hours in the sun. 
Every weekend, you’ll go and stay at his place. He offered to switch with you every other weekend to stay in your apartment, but you need the break from the crowded city and the rude people who live there. His ranch, nestled in a bowl made by mountains and cradled in a forest, is exactly the kind of release you need every week, even in the bitter cold winters. He doesn’t mind of course, and you know it saves him some money so he won’t have to hire someone to tend his livestock for two days. 
When you first started dating Arthur, he was incredibly respectful of your space and time, but after you were together for six months and finally slept together, something in him changed. Something better. He became more open with you and more touchy. You’d always been a bit touch-averted, a product of your childhood and a general distrust of people. There was something about him that made you able to warm up to him. You even found yourself longing for his touch and it didn’t help that when he held you against him, you fit like a puzzle piece. 
Over the last three months you’ve been with him, he’s gotten a little more clingy. He texts you every day, usually just asking how you are and what you’re up to. He also likes to video call you just about every night. When he first started doing it, you were kind of skeeved out about it, worried he’d be getting possessive, jealous, or suspicious. Your previous boyfriend was like that. He demanded you show him all the texts you’d sent over a period of the last few days, constantly accusing you of cheating without any proof. You weren’t, of course and then you found out after a couple of months that he was. You were worried when Arthur would ask where you were, suspicious he’d accuse you of cheating. He never did though, he just said he wanted to make sure you were safe. 
Arthur doesn’t like the city, he never has. It’s too crowded for his taste, the people too selfish. Sure, his small town has its problems, of course. The youth in it are particularly involved in drugs and underaged drinking, but there’s a strong sense of community and friendliness to it. Everyone looks out for each other and helps one another. Something you’ve never seen in the city. But Arthur’s dislike of the city leads him to constantly worry about you. He fears you getting attacked, robbed or even in a car accident. That’s why he likes to check in on you once a day, just to be sure you’re safe. 
When Arthur first started doing this, you were worried he’d demand to go through your phone like your last boyfriend did. However, never once did he ask you to unlock your phone so he could go snooping through it. He never even asked for the code to unlock it. Once, you asked him why, incredibly suspicious. He looked shocked that you thought he’d want to do something like that. “Your privacy is somethin’ ain’t no one got a right to, darlin’,” he said. “I ain’t ever gonna try and invade that.” 
After that, your trust of him grew even more and so did your relationship. It’s been nearly a year now and you’re absolutely crazy about him. You also long for his lifestyle. Sure, your job pays a little more, but you’ve helped him on the weekends at his ranches and there’s something satisfying about the work. The constant movement, being outdoors, interacting with the animals. You’ve grown particularly fond of one of his mares he named Boadicea. You’ve found yourself fantasizing more and more about doing that full time, quitting your job in the city and just living with Arthur. You doubt it could happen though. There simply isn’t enough money in it, which you hate thinking that way, but in this world, you simply can’t get by without some means of decent money. 
The physical distance hasn’t put a damper in your relationship, though. You were afraid for the first few months that it would be the thing to break you apart. Part of you still fears that, but you recall a night from two months back. One of his fears came true when you were in a car accident. It wasn’t your fault and it wasn’t bad, though it totaled your car. You’d been sitting at a light when someone, who was suspected to be on their phone, slammed into the rear of your car. Luckily no one was hurt, but it shook you up quite a bit. As you sat on the side of the road while the police worked on cleaning things up, you called Arthur and told him what happened. He lived over thirty minutes away from where you were, but he got there in twenty. When he got there, he almost looked like he wanted to deck the person who hit you in the face, but he didn’t. He stayed close to you the entire time and when the police had your car towed and said you could leave, he helped you into his truck and drove you immediately to an instacare room. You said you felt fine, but he wanted to be absolutely sure you were okay. After a checkup, the doctor deemed you’d be fine, just sore for a few days. 
Arthur drove you home that night and as soon as you’d changed into some comfy pajamas, he threw a blanket around you and held you close. It was a good thing too, because the shock set in then and you began to shake and cry. He held you the entire night. He stayed with you for a week as well, only going back to his ranch when you were at work. He drove you there and picked you up everyday until you got your insurance money and were able to buy a new car. Arthur helped you pick it and you loved it. It got better mileage than your last did, which meant you didn’t have to waste so much gas on the weekends when you went to see him. 
You’re headed home now and  your phone dings. It’s probably Arthur, texting you to make sure you’re okay. When you reach a light you know won’t change for a few moments, you pick up the phone. Instead of the usual, it says: “face time tonight?” You reply, “Yes”.
As soon as you’re home and settled to be in your house the rest of the night, you open your laptop and call him up. He responds immediately with a big grin. 
“Hey, sweetheart. I, uh, I wanted to talk to ya about something,” he says. 
“I do too, honey.”
He invited you to go first and you rush into the news quickly. “I talked with the higher ups at my work. They said they could get me set up to work remotely from my laptop, but that I’d still have to come in on Tuesdays for the weekly meetings.”
His face splits into a grin. “That’s funny, because what I wanted to ask ya goes along with that. Darlin’, I was thinkin’ we could move in together. You could live here, I know ya hate that apartment of yours.” 
You look around at said apartment. You have hated it here. Three long years of paying for three overpriced rooms with a landlord who hardly gives two shits about anything that goes wrong with it. And a lot goes wrong since it’s an older building. 
“You’d be okay with that?” you ask. “I know you’ve lived alone for the past few years.” 
He told you about how he grew up with his uncles Dutch and Hosea, who owned the ranch and took him in as a young boy. They passed away a few years back, leaving Arthur alone. 
“Darlin’, if I wasn’t okay, I wouldn’t be asking you. Besides, like you said, I been alone these past few years. I’m ready for somethin’ different. What do you think?” 
Your face splits into a huge grin and you tell him how excited you are. He chuckles and then says he has a surprise for you. Before you can ask him what it is, he disconnects. You try texting him and even calling him, wondering if your service is having problems again. Another problem with this damn apartment. 
Thirty minutes later, a knock comes on your door and Arthur walks in, holding a bundle of beautiful flowers. As soon as he walks in, he pulls you into his arm and kisses you. “You’ve made me a very happy man, Y/N. I just hope…” 
“You have made me happy,” you say, cupping his cheek. “I am so excited to live with you! Your ranch is gorgeous.” 
“I was just thinking maybe living out there could do you some good, darlin’. Help you heal.”
You kiss him softly. “I’ve no doubt about that. But why’d you get me flowers, Arthur? Did…. did you take them out of your garden? You shouldn’t have! It’s not even Valentine’s Day.” 
He chuckles, letting you talk. “I’d rather get you flowers I grew myself on a random Thursday rather than some overpriced, half dead common roses on the day everyone else gets them for their significant other. I just want ya to know how much I love you.” 
He kisses you again and you respond by taking his hand and leading him to your bedroom. You’re suddenly excited for everything the future has in store. 
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moody-cowdaddy · 5 years
LOVE YOUR IMAGINES ❤️ id love if you could do one in where you are asleep and arthur breaks in your house cuz he’s injured and thats how you meet him and after some time you fall in love.
Thank you so much, darlin'! ❤ I'm so excited about the support my work is receiving. Here it is. I really hope that you like it!
It was a quiet night on the small homestead that you owned. Nothing in could be heard, except the sound of the cicadas singing off on the distance. You lived alone, and that was the way that you preferred it most of the time. Of course, by your age, it was damn near seen as a sin if you weren't married, but you had always preferred being by yourself than to settle with a man just for the sake of upholding a repuatation.
You had your fair share of suitors, but none of them ever stuck for you. You didn't need or want a man around for the expectation that you, as a woman, needed one. You could handle yourself, and you did pretty damn well at holding that statement to be the true.
You laid in bed, a small lantern burning on the nightstand as you read. You had picked up a few novels in Saint Denis earlier that day, and had spent majority of the rest of it with your nose stuck in a book. You were already halfway finished with 'Dracula' , but your tired eyes could barely keep up with your mind as you began to lazily skim over the words now. You finally had to put the book down and try to get some rest.
You were halfway asleep when you heard a loud crash come from your dining room.
Your heart fluttered wildly in your chest as you pulled yourself up, directing your eyes to the door. You reached over for the shotgun that you always kept near your bedside table. Being that you were a woman and you lived alone, you definitely had to be prepared for any situation at hand, especially when there were always Lemoyne Raiders and O'Discoll theives running afoot. You held the shotgun up to aim at the door, just waiting for someone to burst through the door at any moment.
After a few minutes of waiting, with your heart beating inside of your chest like a war drum, you began to get impatient.
"What the hell?" You whispered to yourself as you sat the shotgun down.
You reached for your old pair of ranch pants that you had thrown across the bed earlier. You shimmied yourself into them as fast as you could and grabbed your shotgun again as your stepped towards the door, pushing it open with one of your shoulders as you had a steady aim on the dark front room.
"Who's there?" you growled, "I gotta shotgun, an' I ain't afraid to shoot."
For a moment there was no answer, until you heard the creaking of the floorboards, knowing that someone was definitely prowling around in your kitchen.
"I ain't gonna ask ya again," you said, cocking the weapon
"Easy," you heard a gruff voice call from the darkness. "I ain't gonna hurt ya."
The only light in the room was from the moon shining in through one of the glass pane windows, and as your eyes adjusted to the dark, you were able to make out a large figure standing in your kitchen.
"Who the hell are you, and why are you in my goddamn house?" You snapped, taking a step forward.
"Might be easier to explain if there was some light," the voice called.
"Don't move, mister," you breathed.
With the shotgun still aiming at the intimidating figure that you could make out, you headed towards the wall where the icebox sat, flicking a switch to turn on the dim bulb that hung from the ceiling on a wire. It was still very odd to you that you could flick a switch and light up a place. Electricity had just been introduced into your area a few years ago, and it was just as astounding as it was the first time you saw it. With the room lit up, you could now see a lone, tall man standing in your kitchen now, his hands raising up once he saw that you weren'tlying about having a weapon. He had on a bloody, white button downshirt. His hair was medium length, accompanied by scruffy stubble on his chin.
You gestured to his abdomen with the shotgun, "That your blood?"
He looked down, giving a nervous laugh before turning his head back up to you, "Most of it. Ran into some goddamn O'Driscolls, an' one of 'em clipped me."
"You workin' with them bastards?" You asked quizzically, still keeping your sights aimed directly at his chest.
"No ma'am," he shook his head. "I might be a bad man, but I ain't them." He said it in such a sincere way that you were crazy enough to actually believe this man.
You breathed trying to figured out what exactly you should do, but you were stumped. Most people would have blown this man away, but for some reason, you felt like you didn't need too. You didn't have a problem with shooting anyone, and you definitely had times in the past where that was the case. But this seemed different. You let out a breathe, silently hoping you wouldn't come to regret what you were about to do.
"What's your name?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Arthur," he stammered, "Arthur, uh, Callahan."
You squinted at him, already knowing that he was lying about what he was saying, but what his name wasn't your real concern at the moment.
"Well, Arthur Callahan.. I'm gonna lower my shotgun now. If you wanna keep them brains in your skull, no sudden movements. Got that?" You said, waiting for his answer.
He nodded, slowly lowering his hands, "Sounds like'a good deal to me."
You finally lowered the gun down to your side. The two of you just stood there for a moment, neither of you even daring to move a muscle as you stared eachother down.
"I'll give ya that 'moment to explain yourself' now." You gestured to him with your free hand.
He shrugged, "Runnin' from them O'Driscolls. I needed'ta patch myself up. I didn't mean no harm, jus' needed to find something to fix myself up with."
"So, stealing," you corrected him.
He gave you a small, guilty smile, "Well, I did say I was a bad man."
You sighed, laying your shotgun down onto your dining table. "Atleast you're honest. I think most men who meant real harm wouldn't be so truthful."
"Guess not. Look, miss, I'll go, an' you'll never have'ta see me again."
You stood there for a moment, looking him up and down, and looking at his blood stained shirt. You should have just told him to get out, to take his ass on somewhere and never return to this place, unless he had a deathwish, but you didn't. In fact, for someone who should be screaming bloody murder at a stranger standing inside their house in the middle of the night, you were contemplating actually helping him. It also didn't help that you couldn't stop noticing how much of a looker this one was.
"Tell ya what, I'll think about lettin' you go while I fix that up for ya." You pointed at the wound on his side.
He looked at you in surprise, shaking his head, "No, I couldn't let ya do that-"
You held your hand up to silence him, "Ya broke into my house, let me decide from here on out, hmm?"
His breath gave a slight hitch as he nodded, "S'very kind'a ya. Thank'ya, ma'am."
You pulled out a chair from under the dining table. "Sit."
He obeyed and took a few careful steps over towards the table as he lowered himself down onto the seat. He laid his hands flat out on the table. He seemed to be very intent on letting you know that he really didn't mean to cause you any harm. It was something that brought a sense of relief to you, and made you feel better about what you were doing now. You walked over to your pantry to grab a bottle of whiskey and some clean rags, setting all of it down onto the table in front of him as you pulled up a chair beside of him.
"You're gonna want to get that shirt off." You gestured to his side, dousing one of the rags in whiskey.
He obeyed yet again, and began to unbutton the button-down short. You could see chest hair beginning to peek through the opening of the shirt the more he unbuttoned, he pulled it down his shoulders to reveal a toned, lean body. You'd be lying if you said it didn't make your heart skip a beat like a schoolgirl. You knew that you shouldn't be thinking like this about a man you had just met, never-the-less one that literally had just broken into your home only a few minutes ago.
"May I?" He asked, pointing to the whiskey.
"Might as well," you nodded your head. "This ain't gonna feel too good."
The wound was right on the side of his ribs. You pressed the wet rag into the skin as gently as you could. The man hissed with pain, but he didn't dare flinch as you began wiping away the blood from the area.
"It was a clear exit, at least. You said O'driscolls did this, huh?" You cut your eyes over to him, meeting his gaze.
It was almost too much to handle, meeting eyes with him while he was this close to you. He was even more handsome face-to-face. He had beautiful blue/green eyes that looked as if they could see right through you. Your heart fluttered even more in your chest when his eye contact didn't waver from yours. You had to look away for your own good, and focus on the task at hand.
He nodded, "Yeah. I, uh, I travel with some people, an' we've had trouble with 'em boys for years."
"Kinda sounds like outlaws fighting with other outlaws," you said knowingly.
"Well, ain't no sense in lyin', ma'am," he admitted.
You shrugged, "It ain't my business."
"What's your name? I'd atleast like'ta know how to thank ya properly." He exchanged a look of appreciation with you.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)," you said, looking up at him quickly.
"Well, I'ppreciate yer kindness, miss (Y/L/N). I hope you'll let me repay the favor," he said.
You smirked, shaking your head. "Well, if I'da known beforehand that you were out there fightin' them O'driscoll bastards, I wouldn't've waved my shotgun in your face."
"It ain't the first time I've had that happen," he chuckled.
"No, I imagine not. But you can start by tellin' me your actual name, Mr. Callahan." You cut your eyes to him again.
"Caught on'ta that, huh? It's Arthur Morgan," he admitted, taking another shot of the whiskey.
"Well, it was half true, atleast." You flashed a quick smile at him.
"Y'live alone out here?" He asked, looking around the place.
"Sure do. So, I'm sure you can understand me bein' protective about my place."
"'Course," he nodded, "Jus' don't seem too safe."
You scoffed, cutting your eyes to him again. "Because I'm a woman?"
He hummed, dropping his head briefly before he looked back up to you. "Shit no. It ain't that, it ain't safe for damn near no one 'round here."
"Well, trust me, Mr. Morgan, I know how to shoot a man if I need to," you said bluntly.
Once you had gotten his wound cleaned of all of the blood, you bandaged It up carefully with some fresh rags. Arthur watched you thoughtfully as you bandaged him up, seeming to be awestricken that someone would go this much out of the way to help a criminal that had just intruded in on them.
He looked down at his arm after you had finished. "I really do appreciate this, miss (Y/L/N). What do I owe ya?"
You shook your head, "No charge. My place ain't much, but you're welcome to stay the night and rest up here, if you'd like""
"That's awful kind. You sure 'bout that?" He asked, cocking his head curiously at you.
You gave him a nod, "Very much so. Maybe you can make sure no one else breaks into my home tonight."
An amused expression appeared on his face. "It's the least I could do, darlin'."
Most people wouldn't have been so kind in certain situations, but whatever it was that told you to help him out that night would end up changing your life.
Arthur had indeed stayed through the night, but by the time you awoke early the next morning, he had already left, but not before he left you a letter of thanks, and left a generous $50 beside of it.
The letter in question had read:
"Miss (Y/L/N),
I appreciate the help more than you know. Not a lot of people would have taken out the time to do that. Most people would have shot first and asked questions later, and for that, I thank you. If there's ever anything that you need, I'm leaving you the details of the post office that I use. Please, don't hesitate to contact me. I know you said there was no charge, but I'm leaving you a piece of money anyways.
Arthur "Callahan"
It left you a bit stunned to see such kindness from someone like this, but it seemed as if he thought the same about you.
The two of you ended up remaining in contact through letters, but Arthur would always stop by your home whenever he was in the area, and he would always stay the night. He would usually show up with a few goods to give to you, whether it was food, whiskey, or just a book or two that he'd came across that he thought that you might like. The two of you instantly became friends, and looking back on how the both of you met, it was a fond, yet comical memory now.
The more and more that the two of you talked, the more closer the two of you became. His stops to your house became more frequent throughout the months, and sometimes he ended up staying days at a time. It got to be so that, Arthur would end up taking you out onto the town whenever he stopped by.
To this day, you weren't sure which of you became smitten with who the fastest. Arthur would always say that it was him, but you knew that you felt something for him the night that he showed up in your house. You would always joke, and tell him that that's what kept him alive, but the both of you already knew that you hadn't ever had an intention of doing such a thing to him anyway.
You never saw yourself settling down with anyone, and the fact that the man you did end up falling for happened to be a gunslinger that broke into your home in the middle of the night seemed absurd, but that's exactly what happened.
That night had been well over two years ago now, and here you sat today, in the very kitchen that you met him in, watching him write away in the journal that he always kept as you read one of the many books that he had brought you over the years. He would look up at you occasionally, the two of you exchanging glances and coy smiles at eachother as you sat in the comfortable silence of the small farmhouse.
"Y'know," he said, setting his journal down, "Of all the houses I've found myself in over the years, I'm glad I ended up in yours."
"I think we may need a better story on how we met, lest people think you're holdin' me hostage," you smiled at him. "But I can say I'm happy my house was the one that you ended up in."
You sat your own book down and stood up, rou ding the table to get to him. He looked up at you lovingly as he scooted his chair back, pulling you down into his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck, sharing a long kiss with him.
Afterwards, he finally pulled his head back to stare you directly in your eyes as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "I love ya, (Y/L/N)."
You gazed back into his bright eyes, your heart filling itself completely with a warm sensation as you sat here, wrapped in the arms of the man that you loved so dearly.
"I love you more, Arthur Callahan." You smiled knowingly at him before he pulled you back in to share another passionate kiss.
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velasnyx · 6 years
Emaziska Naruto AU Chapter 7
I was searching for Lana's sister. It was difficult considering I know nothing about her, let alone where she would be on her days off. She seriously asked the wrong person to do this. I came across Scruffy again. Maybe he'll know where she is. “Hey Scruffy”. He jumped. “Yes sir, what can I do for you?!”. I rolled my eyes. “Have you seen Lana's sister?” I asked. “Oh, Ema?” he answered. “Uh, yeah, whatever”. “I think she went to train with Maya at the training grounds by the memorial,” Scruffy said. “You think or you know?”. He became uneasy. “Uh… Well, I'm not sure if they're still there. But they were there,” he said. I groaned in annoyance. “Nevermind then. I'll just keep a lookout for them on my way to the training grounds,” I said. “Okay,” he said with a nervous chuckle. I leaped onto the rooftops and headed for the training grounds.
As I leaped from rooftop to rooftop, I kept my eyes open for her. Lana shouldn't act like this is all my fault. Her sister was the one who jumped in front of me. I didn't ask her to protect me; she did it on her own accord. I noticed her sister and another girl walking below me. I jumped down. “Hey, Skye,” I called out. They stopped and turned to me. “Hey, you're that Karuma girl that kicked Ema's ass,” the blacked haired girl said. “Oi! Don't say that so loud,” Ema said. The black haired girl scratched the back of her head nervously and chuckled. “So, what do you want?” Ema asked me. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't appreciate Lana sending me to babysit her; I should come up with something else. “I uh… I want to… apologize for my behavior at the hospital”. I was only partially sorry for that so it wasn't a complete lie. “Uh huh”. She didn't sound convinced. “So, it's that all you came to me for?” she asked. “Well, I also wanted to make sure you were doing okay”. She nodded. “Well, I'm doing alright so thank you,” Ema said. “Okay,” I said. “Okay”. This is awkward. “So, you went on the mission with Ema,” the other girl asked. I nodded. “I bet you were saving her ass the entire mission,” she joked. “Uh, actually she was the one who saved me”. She looked surprised. “She was? It's unlike her to act recklessly like that. Usually, she's able to figure out a way to keep her comrades and herself safe”. “Yes. The Skye clan was strategically gifted,” I said. We fell silent again. “You should join us. We were just about to get burgers down the block”. Ema shot her a look. “No, I don't want to interrupt your day together. Besides, I already ate,” I said. “Well, I guess some other time,” Ema said. She started walking away. The other girl pulled her back. “Don't be rude, Ema! You can still come with us. You can just hang out,” she said. Ema groaned.
We sat at the table. The black haired girl, who's named I learned was Maya, was eating a burger. Ema didn't order anything. I just had a cup of water. Ema was staring out the window, resting her chin on her palm. “So, you're from the Karuma clan. I heard you guys are really skilled,” Maya said. I nodded. “It's cuz of that Sharingan, right?”. I nodded again. “I heard it has to be unlocked or something. Aren't you born with it though?” Maya asked. “We are but it's true that we have to unlock it,” I replied. Ema glanced over at me then back out the window. I could tell she didn't want me here. I didn't want to be here either but I don't want what happened to bite me in the ass down the road. “How?”. “Usually when we become overwhelmed by a strong emotion, our brains release a special chakra. Then the Sharingan would be unlocked,” I said. “I heard the Karuma's have powerful emotions. More powerful than the average person,” Ema said, looking over with only her eyes. “Yes. We are subjected to more powerful emotions. That is what helps awaken our Sharingan,” I replied. “Wow. So, I guess when you love someone, you really REALLY love them,” Maya said. She gets it. “Or when you hate someone, you really hate them. Like that old geezer,” Ema said. “Yeah,” I said, shooting a glare at her.
Maya had finished her burger. “Oh man, I forgot I have to meet Mia at village gate! Hey Ema, do me a solid and cover this for me. I owe you,” she said. She got up and ran out. “Hey, wait a second!” Ema exclaimed. Maya was already out the door. Ema groaned and placed the money on the table. She walked out and I followed her. “So, tell me the real reason you came looking for me,” Ema said. “What do you mean?”. I played dumb. I can't let her know Lana sent me. She kept her eyes on me. “I'm not stupid, Franziska. You said you wanted to see how I was doing. I know that's bullshit. Now tell me the truth”. Ah shit. I guess there's no fooling this one. “Alright. Lana sent me to keep an eye on you. She was worried about you,” I said. Ema groaned. “Geez, out of all the people she asked you? Go home. I don't need someone to look after me. I'm capable of taking care of myself,” she said. I would but I know that if something were to happen, it would be my fault. I can't have that on my conscious. She started walking away. I left some distance and began to follow her.
I knew she was following me. This is such a pain. I don't need someone to look after me. Especially her. Whatever. I just need to get home and rest. I still felt fatigued from the training. I placed my hand over the mark. It's is affecting me in more ways than one and I have no idea what it's doing to me. Honestly, I'm scared to find out. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered taking the hit for her. She didn't even appreciate me putting my life on the line for her. Not that I need her to but she acted as if I did something bad. I did what any honorable ninja would. I can't help but wonder if she would do the same for her comrades.
I got home and made my way to my bed. I plopped down and got into a comfortable position to sleep. Hopefully, when I wake up I would have regained some energy.
I stood there frozen. Those red glowing eyes stared me down from the shadows behind my parents bodies. I clenched my teeth and fist. I felt scared but at the same time a burning rage. I felt the want of revenge, the thirst for blood. The stinging pain in my neck flared up. I could barely stand the pain. They took the chance when my guard was down and charged at me. The attack never came though. They stood paralyzed. My shadow had connected to their. I didn't weaved the sign. It was as if my shadow acted on its own. I looked down at my hands. A black, flame like pattern had spread across them and the rest of my body. I felt an overwhelming power surge through me. I walked over to the man who killed my ckan. I couldn't see his face as it still hidden by the shadows. I never knew who it was. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew he was scared. I stared into his eyes. I could see the fear in his eyes. My shadow formed multiple needles around him. He begged for his life. The needles pierced into him. Blood covered the floor. I felt nothing. No remorse. A hand placed itself on my shoulder. “Very good. You're better at using your hate than my dear daughter,” a voice said. I looked back. No one was there. I looked back at the body. This time I could see the face. I was horrified to see Lana. She was dead. I killed her. I killed my sister.
I jolted awake, in a cold sweat. I felt the pain from the mark flare up. I winced and placed my hand over it. I tried to catch my breath. Another nightmare. Ever since I got this, they've become more frequent. But they're different. Usually they're about that night. These days, they would be about me killing the people I'm supposed to be protecting. What is this doing to me?
I walked onto my doorstep and looked around. “I know you followed me. Come out,” I said. Franziska jumped down from the rooftop. She just stared at me. “What do you know about this mark?” I asked her. She grimaced. “Not a lot. I've been reading whatever notes they had at the library and what Lord Third have me,” Franziska replied. “Come in. I want you to tell me what you know,” I said.
We sat at my table in the kitchen. “I want to know everything. I want to know what it's doing to me,” I told her. She nodded. “I can bring you the notes another time. For now, I'll tell you what I remember. My father is the only one who can give someone that mark. You're one of the lucky ones. Only ten percent survive after they've received the curse mark. I could tell early that you were fatigued and you were probably wondering why. It feeds off your chakra,” Franziska explained. No wonder I was so drained after training. If only ten percent survive and this mark was really meant for her, then I had a huge chance on dying. I really am one of the lucky ones. “But it can also replace your depleted chakra. The problem is that the chakra that replaces yours is my father's senjutsu chakra. It increases your chakra levels ten times. This is why a lot of the people who receive his curse marks use it. It's an effective power up. But it has a major drawback. The more it's used the more it corrodes the user's mind, this making them more susceptible to my father's influence. That's why you have to make sure you don't depend on it,” she explained further. I nodded. “Is that why he wanted to give it to you? He wants you on his side?” I asked. She shrugged. “I doubt it. I think he only wanted to use me. Just like he did with Miles”. So, she knew him too. Maybe I could ask her about him. “What happened with Miles? All I know is that he went rogue thirteen years ago,” I said. Franziska grimaced. “I told you I'd tell you about the mark. I didn't say anything about Miles,” she said. Ugh, c'mon. Don't be difficult. “I just want to know what we're dealing with here”. She got up and headed toward the door. “And I don't want to talk about it. You want answers? Go ask someone who cares,” she said before exiting. I sighed in annoyance. What a pain in the ass. I'll have to ask Gumshoe. He seemed to know him.
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hey-hey-chan · 7 years
Ravenclaw!Hyunjin PT 2
Ah, finally for the very requested part 2 of my Ravenclaw!Hyunjin hehe
Enjoy the very last Hogwarts AU i will write cuz i am not doing anymore part 2′s for this lmao XDD 
Read pt 1 first!
Soon enough, the last event of the Triwizard tournament was around the corner. Anxiety was constantly bubbling behind my strong facade, but as a winner was to be announced by the end of this week, I couldn’t hide my anxiety much longer. 
“Why are you just standing there?” I heard a voice ask, making me jump back. 
“Agh!” I exclaimed lamely, not knowing there was anyone in the same room as me. The girl scoffed, giving a slight smirk.
“Tsk tsk, this isn’t how a Triwizard champion acts, Hyunjin. You’re supposed to always be on guard, I thought we learned that when our friends were literally snatched from our sides and placed in the water.” My mood darkened, remembering how I felt seeing Jisung bob in the water like a statue. 
“This thing is crazier than I expected it to be.” The girl laughed loudly, making the noise jump off walls. And laugh caused quite the ruckus in my heart.
“You’re telling me, I didn’t even sign up for this shit.” She cursed, making me laugh. 
“Well, maybe it was just meant to be.” She shrugged, making me feel nervous. Throughout these past weeks of the tournament, we got surprisingly close. Well, ok, closer than I ever thought we would be. 
“Still, I mean-” The girl sighed, making me worry. I slightly grabbed her arm to turn her around. 
“Hey, what’s the matter?” I asked. She plucked my hands off her arm and frowned. 
“It’s just.” She scooted closer to me, so close I could feel her breath on my neck. 
“I have a bad feeling about this last event, I don’t know why, but my gut is never wrong. Just, be careful.” She warned, leaving my side. This girl was always leaving me with mysteries. Yet, my heart warmed knowing she cared to talk to me about this.
The day of the event came faster than I thought and soon I was gearing up for battle in my Gryffindor gear. 
“Listen champions, you will go through this maze and the goal is find the Triwizard cup, sound easy enough?” Y/n and I glanced at each other, we haven’t said a word yet. 
“Well, if you thought that, you are wrong. This maze moves, it will try to hurt you, not everything is what it seems in there, ok? We expect you to not mess around and just go and find the cup as soon as you can, got it?” We all nodded in unison. The man smiled. 
I heard the band playing, the students cheering, and the wind blowing which added to my anxiety. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. I heard a soft chuckle from beside me, making me open then.
“Don’t get scared yet, pretty boy. We haven’t even entered yet.” She mumbled as Headmaster was giving the audience a speech. I chuckled, giving the girl a soft smile. 
“That’s why I’m scared, ‘cause I'm surrounded by a bunch of fangirls yelling my name and squealing.” That made her laugh. I loved making her laugh.
“Hey, the boys are screaming for you too, don’t you worry.” I laughed with her, but then the atmosphere turned serious.
“Now, we will let the 4 enter and the finale of the Triwizard tournament will end tonight!” Cheers erupted and the band started to play again once Headmaster stepped down from his podium. He walked towards us and gripped our shoulders.
“I am counting on you too, be careful out there, and please, watch over each other.” He looked at y/n directly and she shrugged at me. 
I took in a deep breath right before I entered the maze, almost feeling like I Was going to run away. 
Then, I felt a hand squeeze mine, making me flinch in surprise. I looked over to the person and saw y/n smiling at me. 
“Don’t freak out man, this is for my own benefit too.” I gave her a small smile while a blush covered my face.
“It’s time.” Headmaster said. I nodded, staring intensely at y/n. She nodded.
“Y/n gets to go first since she won the last round.” I squeezed her hand tighter, but her grip fell once she walked forward.
“Awesome, see you there, pretty boy.” And then she was off. Headmaster looked at me. 
“Listen to me Hyunjin, the maze changes people in there, if y/n happens to become on of those people, you are to leave her and go to the cup. I said the same thing to her so she will expect the same thing from you. But I will tell you now because I know you wouldn’t have been able to handle it before.” He slapped me on the back. “Now go, you were second last time.”
I calmed my mind and entered the maze. 
It felt like a very gloomy corn maze you would go to as a child to get a pumpkin or something. The clouds above us were dark and stormy, adding to the creepy effect. I took a deep breathe and started running; I didn’t know where I was supposed to be going, but I knew I had to get somewhere fast. 
Despite the maze being somewhat small, I didn’t run into anyone. I was alone for what felt like hours, just staring at tall corn stalks. I groaned, getting irritated at staying in such a secluded place for so long, and I wasn’t even doing anything. 
I took a right turn, then took a left, following my instincts that I hoped wouldn’t fail me right now. 
Then, as I turned a corner, I knocked into someone. I felt on my butt, yelling at myself for being so clumsy. I looked up and saw Mark from Durmstrang. 
But, instead of the nice boy I’ve come to know, he was march towards me, wand raised.
“Hey, hey hey! Mark, it’s me, Hyunjin!” I yelled, trying to get through to him. So this is what Headmaster meant. 
I ducked from his fire and ran. I didn’t want to hurt the boy, but if he got in my way, I would have to defend myself. I saw sparks flying and I ducked my head, trying my best to dodge his shots. 
“Expelliarmus!” I yelled, firing my wand in his direction. I kept seeing sparks, so I know I missed.
“Dammit! Where is the goddamn cup!?” I scream, my stamina already running low. 
I felt his spells become more rapid and then I bumped into someone else. 
“Ack!” I yelled, falling on the ground. I didn’t have time to think too much before I had to roll out of the way to not get hit. 
Then, I looked up and saw a gray-eyed Doyeon, similar to Mark. “Ah shit.” I exclaimed. She lifted her wand and I immediately knocked her over, knowing that would hurt less than a spell. But then I saw Mark raised his wand and hit me with a spell that made me fall to my knees in pain. 
“Stupify!” I heard being yelled from a distance, making the two fly back and even knocking me on the ground. The whole world went dizzy but I felt myself being pulled up.
“Oh hell no Hyunjin, you’re going to have to get up and run!” I heard a familiar voice yell. I gasped for air, not feeling any enter my system. The whole world was titled and a dark gray, making me confused. 
“Hyunjin, we don’t have time for this, I didn’t use that bad of a spell on them!” I heard a frantic voice yell. Huh, who is that? 
Suddenly the person stopped moving then grabbed my face and I recognized those eyes.
“Please Hyunjin, I’m not going to leave you behind! Someone put a very powerful spell on Mark and Doyeon, and they’re going to come for the both of us if you don’t stop bitching and buck up!” 
At those words, I felt feeling come back into my legs and my vision clear. I smiled widely.
“You’re not going to leave me behind?” I grinned dumbly. Y/n growled, still dragging me through the maze. I felt leaves whip past me and random things hit my body, but at least I was running now. 
Then, the girl turned the corner, and gasped. 
“What the fuck!?” She yelled, making me snap back to reality. 
“What?” I asked with a husky voice. She groaned. 
“The cup! It’s not there!” She said with a frantic voice. Then, all hell broke loose as two other wizards appeared. Y/n dropped me on the ground and yelled things I could barely hear over my own heart pounding from fear and pain. 
“Locomotor!” I heard being yelled and then the two fly up in the air. Y/n tossed them to the side like dolls and then picked them up again. 
“Accio!” She yelled once the cup suddenly reappeared. 
Then it all went black.
I woke up surrounded by blurry bright white. I groaned, shifting slightly in my bed. This was it, I was dead and thankfully in heaven.
“Haha, I wish. I carried you all the way to the infirmary.” A harsh, yet girly voice side. My vision cleared up and I saw the dark hair of the Slytherin girl I’ve had my eyes on for the past few weeks entered my line of vision. 
She was dirty and battered, dirt covering her arms and face. Even blotches of blood which made me jump up.
“You’re bleeding.” I said, my voice laced with concern. She laughed. 
“Funny because I was the only person who came out of the competition not bleeding.” I gave her an empty stare. 
“You don’t remember, do you?” She asked, a smile on her face. I shook my head, then groaned when it hurt. She leaned back in her chair. 
“Well, I won, just saying. I don’t mean to brag, but that’s what happened and-” 
“Yeah, I got it, y/n.” Even though my words were bitter, my tone was light. I was proud of the girl. She laughed, scooting close enough for me to figure out her vanilla perfume was still working.
“And then you got hit my Mark’s wand, he says sorry by the way. Mark and Doyeon were both charmed and I saved you from them, yay. Your arm was busted up so they brought you here ‘cause it was a pretty bad spell.”
I sat in silence at her story, really not remembering anything after the event. Then I realized something.
“Wait, did you say you carried me to the infirmary?” I asked surprised. I glanced over at her face which now was light pink. I choked out laughter, hiding my face. She growled. 
“Yes, I did carry you. Which you shouldn’t be even laughing at ‘cause it shows how strong I am.” Her blushed deepened, but I could tell mine was too. 
“Why did you even carry me? Don’t they have like, I don’t know, like real doctors to do that? Or Hagrid?” She went silent for a bit, her expression falling. 
“You weren’t breathing.” She whispered. I grew confused at her words.
“You weren’t breathing, dammit Hyunjin.” She stood, knocking over her chair. 
“You weren’t breathing and I checked for a pulse and you had no pulse. I thought you were dead.” I felt emotion running through her throat, her words sounded clogged. 
“Hey, look at me.” I whispered. She shook her head. Ugh, this girl always gives me a hard time.
“Y/n, look at me, please.” She turned and faced me, tears falling down her cheeks, making me feel terrible for not breathing. I extended my good hand to her. 
“I’m here, ok? I’m fine now. I’m alive.” I spoke softly. I carefully sat up in my chair and her eyes widened. 
“Hyunjin, what are you doing? Stop?” She exclaimed worriedly, touching my shoulder slightly which sent shocks through my body. 
“Why are you sitting-”
“Because, I wanted to be at least sitting up to do this.” 
I gathered up all my courage to lean forward and kiss her... but I couldn’t. I chickened out last minute. 
A blush was spreading across my cheeks, making me feel embarrassed that I couldn’t even kiss her.
“You’re such a baby.” She pulled me in close, finally letting our lips meet. I sighed into the kiss, carefully pulling her closer to my mouth. I entangled my fingers in her hair and she gripped my shirt. 
She then pulled away, making us both gasp for air. 
I smiled at her, falling back on the bed, my chest going up and down. 
“Definitely worth dying for.”
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illusionsofdreaming · 6 years
So I don't know the difference between a prompt, a headcanon and an imagine... But how about a cute AU where Robin wasn't found by Chrom and made a life for herself as a baker in a village, and Gaius meets her through her shop? Feel free to improve the details of course to make this more enjoyable for yourself :)
Notes: Honestly, sometimes I get confused myself haha the lines that separates imagines and headcannons can blur. But basically imagines are longer, fully written scenarios/flash fictions (so this one is technically considered an imagine request and these) and headcannons are bulletpointed and gets right to the point (these). You can find a better explanation between the differences between these two types of writing I offer in the rules page :’3Anyways. As I was writing this, I imagine that this AU is set after Robin and her mother fled Plegia but before she lost her memories. The imagine was actually several sections longer but then it.. got too long so I just left it at this. :’D Enjoy!
Ft: Gaius
The shop was quiet and empty, peaceful even but you daren’t fall in love with this quaint little village for fear of heartbreak as you knew you’ll have to leave it one day. Constantly having to move and say goodbye was painful but it was a small price to pay if it foiled the plans of your maniacal father who’s hell bent on raising the God of Death itself.
The little village you and mother happened across straddled the borders of Plegia and Ylisse. Since you knew a little of baking, you had offered to help out at the local bakers for some extra gold.
Business was not exactly roaring and rarely do you find new faces visiting the store. Which, considering your situation, was a blessing in disguise as it meant father would be no closer to discovering the whereabouts of his runaway child and wife. The less new faces you meet, the lower the chances were of someone recognizing you or your mother’s face. Perhaps this little village was the sanctuary you and mother have been looking for all along.
You were reflecting on how you could get used to the peace and quiet when trouble and mischief brought itself crashing through the doors. Immediately your hand brushed towards the Thoron by your side but before you could question or even threaten the intruder, the man had all but vaulted over the counter to your side, pressing his back against the thick hard wood and pressing a finger to his lips in the universal sign for silence.
Not a moment later, the door swung wide hitting the back of the wall so hard it rattled the shop.
“Where is he?” The one leading the charge into the bakery yelled.
You resisted the urge to glance down towards the side as you felt a light pressure against your boots. “Who?” You managed pleasantly as you adjusted the strawberry cake on the counter.
“The man with red hair! The candy loving dastard of a thief took all our spoils!”
You frowned, not liking the fact you could be harbouring a thief but hating the temper of the man before you even more. Just when you were musing on the beauty of a peaceful village too.
“Whoever it is you’re looking for it’s clear that they’re not here.” You stated softly.
“What do you have to worry about! We’ll be out of your hair soon enough!” The thug hissed as he jerked his shoulder forward, a motion that seemed to signal to his friends to start turning the bakery upside down.
“All the ruckus you’re causing is bad for the business, I haven’t seen the man enter  and the shop clearly only has one entrance. Your thief’s not here, you should look elsewhere.”
“Or else what?” Big, mean and ugly taunted and immediately got a blast of magic scoring past his face in response.
“It wasn’t a suggestion.” The Thoron tome was out on display now, pages flickering with magic as lightning crackled at the tip of your finger tips.
The bandits seem to understand the threat you pose as all movement ceased. Starting a fight in such cramped spaces would be disadvantageous for the thugs, especially with a counter between the two parties. Your magic would easily take all of them down before they could whip out their swords and cross the barrier.
“This is not the end of things you meddling witch.” the leader spat before turning around and leaving the premises, his two lackeys slinking off following his shadow.
You waited a good ten seconds and then another ten to make sure they weren’t coming back before turning to face the one who started this mess in the first place. “Tell me one good reason why I shouldn’t just turn you over to the authorities right no- Hey! Those are for the customers!” You snatched the plate of half eaten cream puffs from his hands, horrified to find most of them gone.
“Got to give it to ya, those are some of the best pastries I’ve ever had.” the man grinned, licking the cream off his fingers.
“These were for Mrs. Betson! And you ate all of them!” Your face paled, as you picked at the remaining puffs on the platter, realising none of them are salvageable.
“That means you’re making more right? Then excuse me as I finish the res-“ He hissed in pain as you slapped his greedy fingers away and levelled your magic tome at him.
“I knew it! I should’ve handed you over to them, you’re obviously nothing but trouble!”
The thief stumbled back, eyeing the Thoron book nervously - obviously he hadn’t been too busy snacking on Mrs. Betson’s cream pastries to miss your magic show. “Hey, hey, hey Cinnamon, why don’t we all calm down and talk things out yea? You don’t seem like the type to go blasting your guests.”
“You want to test that theory out?” You snapped, wielding your tome high, ready to use it as a blunt weapon. “You crash into the bakery bringing menacing thugs along who stalk around causing a ruckus and threatening to tear down the store.” You took a step forward which the thief echoed with one step backward. “You made me pull out my weapon and make enemies of them who no doubt will be coming back for more and you ate all the customer’s pastries that took me all morning to pipe!” There was a soft thump as the man bumped against the edge of the counter, cornered.
“Is it just me or does it sound like you’re more heartbroken over the buns-“ The thief yelped as he dodged your book in an impressive feat of acrobatics, summersaulting backwards over the counter, efficiently placing some much needed distance between you two. You however was not to be so easily deterred nor have need for such parlour tricks, you simply lifted a flap on the counter and crossed over to the other side, inwardly smirking at the crestfallen expression that came over the other’s face.
“Wait, wait, I know how it looks but I swear on all the sweets I own, it’s really not as bad as you think!”
“That’s rich coming from a thief!”
He scrunched up his nose in offence at your tone. “Believe it or not, even a petty thief like me have morals and follow an honor code too. I don’t steal or hurt the defenceless, women or children. These guys took advantage of a merchant who’s cart had fallen over when its wheel broke. Robbed him blind they did, old man was crying like a newborn babe. Stuff like that just ain’t my cup of chocolate you know? I did what had to be done, return his precious cargo and sent him on his way, even got a pretty sweet tart out of it. But as you can see, Brandon an’ the others didn’t really appreciate it all that much.”
You paused, considering his words carefully. You did hear from the others that a large merchant cart had fallen over on it’s side, blocking the road a few days ago but you have no way to confirm that it’s the same cart this man was talking about. You lowered your tome but your eyes remained locked on the thief’s every movement.
He must have noticed the distrust still in your eyes because the sigh he let out next was tired and exasperated. “Yeesh Cinnamon, you don’t have to give me that look. I get it, I brought them here so I’ll deal with them, make sure they won’t be coming back for seconds. I’ll even throw in one of my precious custard pies for those cream puffs you mourn, happy?” He grumbled as he drew the collar of his heavy cloak up to his chin.
“Fifty gold coins.” You returned sharply, gripping onto the edge of his cloak, holding the man back before he could escape.
“Fif-Fifty?” The thief spluttered and you can hear the sharp crack of his lollipop as he snapped the stick in his mouth. “Are your cakes made of gold? They taste pretty damn amazing I’ll give ya that Cinnamon but fifty gold coins? You might as well take out a dagger an’ tell me you’re robbing me now!”
“Fifty gold coins barely covers the cost of ingredients and labor put into those dozen cream puffs you devoured in less than five minutes flat!” You snapped, tightening your grip around the stretch of fabric you held. “I haven’t even charged you for the physical damage done to the shop or the emotional damage I suffered from having criminals crashing into the store!”
The smile on his face was tight as a muscle underneath the man’s eye twitched. “Yeah, cuz it’s clear handling Brandon and his goons took a real toll on ya.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, not appreciating his sarcasm but neither did you want to bother with explaining your situation to a shifty thief. If wasn’t that you wouldn’t be able to deal with the thugs if it came down to a fight but it would definitely ruin your image as the very average, unassuming new neighbour in town. If word of a powerful mage was hiding in the small village got out, you’ll be forced to leave your home again!
“Deal with your friends and fifty gold for compensation or I’m calling the authorities.”
“Can’t you put it on my tab or something?”
“You’re not even from around here!”
“You drive a hard bargain, Cinnamon! What about two custard pies? I’ll even throw in several honey cakes!”
“Are you going to pay or not?” you growled, raising your tome once more ready to knock the infuriating man out.
“Alright, alright! You win! Take it!” From underneath his cloak he grabbed a small pouch and tossed it at you. You caught the heavy pouch with one hand, releasing your grip on the other’s clothing. ���It’s one of my most precious collections and I can assure you that I don’t have anything on me worth more than that! I’ll have you know that you won’t find anything like these on the market anymore! The craftsman retired several years ago and I’m the only customer he still entertains from time to time. Hopefully this will satisfy your greed for now!”
You loosened the string holding the pouch close to peer inside to judge its contents. If the items within were really that precious then perhaps you could sell them to cover the costs for repairs. “Wait a minute.. aren’t these candies?” Your gaze snapped up but it was already too late, the thief had long vacated the store the moment you released him from your grip.
“Dastard! Come back here!”
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