#tell my best work buddy that you “expect his words to match his actions”
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brenna · 1 year ago
Would love for this work day to be over
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boldlyvoid · 4 years ago
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It
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Criminal Minds x Mindhunter AU
Spencer Reid x Peggy Carr (OC) Part 2: The Case
Summary: Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
warnings: strangers to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn! flirting, fluff, eventual smut, idiots in love, OC is Wendy Carr and Jason Gideon's biological daughter. mentions of rape and murder (typical canon violence)
word count: 2.2K
He’s not expecting her to roll out a full map after the waitress clears the food from their table. They’ve been in the booth for barely 20 minutes. Having mindless conversations about their day and small get to know each other questions while they ate.
“So, I brought all this to my dad,” she explained, dropping 33 files on the table as well as 2 spiral notebooks and a handful of pens. “He thinks I have a case, but he’s refusing to look at the evidence because he’s still triggered by it, which I get, but he said you’d be the best at helping me because I really just need a geo-profile consult.”
“How is he doing?”
She’s been waiting for him to ask but she still didn’t know how to answer, no matter how much time she had to prep, “uh, he’s good. He talks about you every time I see him, how often do you talk?”
“We haven’t talked since he almost died, 6 years ago now… yes, it was in 2015,” Spencer says it like it’s nothing serious.
“Oh,” she’s confused about it all. Her father talks about him more than anyone else, always remembering a case or a conversation that he just had to tell her about.
Spencer was his buddy in her eyes. “Here I was thinking he liked you more than me like you’re his favourite kid.”
“I’m not his kid,” his eyes widen at the insinuation that they’re somehow siblings in any sense.
It makes her laugh, she knows he’s interested in her a small amount. She was hoping he would, she’s heard so many wonderful things about him and she remembers just how cute he was back in 2005. Now he’s a man and a mighty fine one at that…
“I take it you’re an only child?” He changes the subject, “you can’t handle the idea of your father having relationships with people your age when you hardly know him?”
“How about you tell me who you think I am and I’ll tell you where you went wrong?” She challenges him rather than answering, she knows he’s good but she wants to see it in action.
Spencer raised his brow, “if I get it right, you’re paying for lunch.”
He opens her notebook and takes a look at her notes, flipping through the pages reading the words just as fast as her father said he could. It was incomprehensible, but he didn’t read far… he keeps going back to her drawings, studying the pressure and how her mind worked.
“Your mom travelled a lot when you were a kid, and you always went with her. I’m thinking you have a few degrees, at least 3…” he pauses to watch her microexpressions, trailing her skin with his eyes as he looks for anything out of the ordinary. “There’s a doctorate in there but you hate being called Dr. Carr because that’s your mother’s name and it reminds you too much of people asking about her instead of how you’re doing.”
It cuts deep, but he hits the nail on the head and she just blinks. The simplest microexpression that shows him he got it right, his smile is awkward and he’s sorry for it.
“You were homeschooled so you don’t trust people very easily. You have issues with your father that you can’t place because you still don’t think you know him well enough to really have an opinion, and you’re jealous of me because you wish you knew how he brags about you when you’re not around, but he doesn’t talk about you because you told him not to.”
“I specifically told him I wanted to be left out of his life to stay safe, so it’s really my fault that he can’t brag about me. But I still wish someone would,” she admits with a soft smile. “And I think it’s not really jealousy. I’m not jealous of how he brags about his time with you. If anything, I really admire you now.”
He blushes a little, “alright, your turn.”
“You’ve never had a girlfriend before have you?” She calls him out right away. “You can’t take a compliment seriously because no one has loved you deep enough yet for you to believe them. I already know about your parents, I know that you’re scared of forgetting and that’s why you won't stop learning. I think you probably have a bucket list, you’re desperate for something exciting to happen and that’s why you like me already.”
He blinks right back, “touché.”
“I’ll still buy your lunch,” she smiled, and he smiled right back. “And I do have 3 degrees.”
“I do too.”
“I know,” she reminded him. “You’ve been working on that 4th one for the last 16 years.”
“I haven’t had the time.”
She shakes her head as she laughs, teasing him as if she’s better than him because she knows he finds her interesting already, “I had my Ph.D. by 17, as well 2 masters by the time I was 21.”
“3 Ph.D.’s by 22,” he bragged right back.
It had suddenly become a staring contest, “when exactly did your dad walk out on you?”
“I was 10.” Spencer answers. “When was the last time your mom said she was proud of you?”
“Oh, we're going that far, I see,” she laughed, hurt just a little that he dug that deep, “what happened to yours recently?”
“I’m really sorry, I knew about the schizophrenia already because of the fisher king case, that one is the one that still has my dad all fucked up,” she can’t help but rant as she apologizes, placing her hands on his in the centre of the table and he interlocks their fingers like they’ve known each other for years.
“Boston?” He asks her, changing the topic back to getting to know each other without letting go of her hands.
She nods, “Vegas?”
“You knew that already,” he catches her.
“Maybe so,” she blushes at the embarrassment of him picking up on her crush.
“How’d he describe me at chess?” There’s a cockiness behind it that she admires, smiling in response she just shakes her head.
“I don’t play chess, but he says that other than Agent Prentiss, you’re the only person who has come close to beating him.”
“Prentiss?” He looks almost offended at the fact he didn’t know that story.
“You were asleep on the jet, it was right after the trip to Azkaban,” she reminds him.
“Azkaban?” He repeats. “You mean Guantanamo?”
She’s only slightly embarrassed by the slip-up, blushing a deep red as she presses her lips together and squeezes his hand. “My mom calls it Azkaban, she hates it. If it wasn’t for the BAU, she would have never joined the bureau or the government in any way, she’s against the criminal justice system too, so…”
“She’s a woman of science and empathy, I’ve never met her, but I’ve read all her work.”
“So have I,” she’s full of butterflies for some reason as she thinks about him knowing everything that she does, she’s suddenly excited at the prospect of future conversations with him like this isn’t a one-time thing.
He’s still holding her hands over the map, both of them leaning in slightly as they kept talking, it felt overly intimate for a discussion of a case— and they haven’t even started yet.
She takes her hands out of his grip and flattens them over the map, “so I found a pattern, I was asked to look into the rape and murder of a friends sister, and now I’ve found 32 matching cases all over America going in alphabetical order by state, 2 a year since 2005.”
“Are you serious?”
She nods softly, “I’m a private investigator. I hated the academy and simply being in the BAU almost killed both of my parents so I’m not really fond of it, but I need help.”
“How did VICAP not pick this up?” Spencer’s still caught up on the fact this has been happening during his entire career and he had no way of helping. It was very clear by the look on his face.
“Because they’re college-age women getting raped in their dorms, 1 in each state, and men don’t care enough to dig a little deeper when it’s just a little girl who was probably asking for it anyway, right?”
He looks furious, but with her… not at her.
Not like most men, that’s actually exactly what any other guy would have said to her. ‘Not most men,’ they only said that if they were offended; when they knew that they were the exact type of man she was referring to.
He started opening case files then, flipping through everything as she watched carefully, “he always does it the exact same way. It’s every March and November between the 6th and 12th, he’s gotten to the O’s, which means the next hit should be in Oklahoma in exactly 2 months' time.”
“Has there been evidence?” Spencer asks, avoiding eye contact as he both listens and absorbs.
“1 footprint and some random fingerprints at the first few, other than that it’s like he was never there,” she sighs. “This is where I need your help; I’m unsure if he’s attacking randomly or if it’s planned ahead of time, so I brought the map to see if you can make any connection.”
“Alright,” he closes the folder and hands them to her so he can get a better look at everything. “I’m going to need the exact address of each one.”
“I have 32 mini maps,” she says, opening her book bag and handing him yet another folder.
“I’ve noticed they’re in every capital, and it’s always on the east side of the city,” she adds as he spreads them out on the table.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and turns on the flash, turning it face down and holding the sheets of paper over it, “If you look at them over each other, there might be a pattern. We should call my friend Penelope, she’ll be able to digitally do this and find something.”
“Okay,” Peggy nods along, “I really need to know within the week because I’m moving to Oklahoma.”
“What?” He looks overly worried.
“He’s interested in college-age brunettes,” she points at herself. “I’m going to rent an apartment with a sliding door in the kill zone, and I’m going to wait it out. I’ll make sure everyone knows I live alone, I won't make friends, I’ll keep the windows open when I go to the store, I’ll make myself a victim.”
“No, we can get the bureau to send in a team, you don’t need to be in harm's way,” he protests, “I won’t help if I know you’re throwing yourself in the middle of all this. I refuse.”
There’s an underlying panic that she doesn’t quite understand. He’s almost shaking as he thinks about her playing the victim, they stare back and forth at each other softly, eyes flickering over the other’s expression as he also reads her.
“Fine,” she agrees, finally. “But if you’re getting the team involved, I want to be able to have some say in the investigation. I don’t want to be kicked out for just being a PI.”
“On one condition,” Spencer smirks. “You have to teach the BTK seminar with me.”
“Deal,” she smiled. “But I have some conditions too.”
He was going to regret that.
“We can’t sleep together until we catch the guy— don’t look at me like that!” she catches the way his jaw drops and his eyes glisten.
He’s in complete shock, trying to say words and failing miserably as she stares at him knowingly. “I only said that because I need rules for myself too. We can’t care more about each other than the victims. Solve the case with me and then I’ll have a crush on you, okay?”
“Okay,” he finally finds the words to agree. “Was it that obvious?”
“We held hands for 5 minutes, I’ve thought you were cute since you were 23 and that seminar was a; 'my horse is bigger than your horse' flirting match,” she calls it all out, “I’m just as into you as you are into me already, if not more so because I know way too much about you thanks to my dad and uncle Rossi.”
“Dave knew about you too?” He’s more upset than she expected.
She nods, “yeah, so that I’d be taken care of if anything happened to my dad.”
He is a little upset and she can’t figure out why from what she knows already, “why?”
“You’re so interesting, you and I could have been friends for the last 15 years and things could have been so interesting but you were a secret,” he whispers.
“I was right wasn’t I?”
He nods again, “Gideon doesn’t know about Maeve, but I had a girlfriend who died in front of me before I could tell her I loved her and it broke me.”
Everything makes sense now. The stares, the stuttering, the defensiveness at the idea of her being in harm's way after only knowing her for a few hours. He was desperately looking for someone like himself to prove that he wasn’t going to be alone forever, and he wanted that to be found in her.
“Solve the case with me, then you can learn what it’s like to love someone who loves you back.”
@g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @ssavanessa22 @spookyspence @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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cedric-stories · 4 years ago
A Royal New Year Party
Word Count: Around 2,400
Plot: After getting done planning a New Year’s Eve party, Cedric meets a man that makes the sorcerer question his relationship with you.
Warnings: Angst and language
Author’s Note: This just came to me cause people used to be such jerks to my ex about us being a couple. So, kinda personal and kinda just I adore Cedric and want my baby to know he’s loved.
Author’s Note note: Okay, so I had another fic like this but I’m finally gonna address it; the world is set in our time so there are cell phones and stuff. I know I changed it from the show, but it was just easier for me. Also, this is gonna be the last fic for a few days. tbh, I haven’t even started the next ones, but I do have outlines. Hope you enjoy and happy New Year!!!
Reader pronouns: she/her
                                       A Royal New Year Party
Here it is, the greatest party of every year. The royal family’s enchanted New Year’s Eve party was only a few hours away.
           “Cedric, could you please conjure another bouquet of roses?”
“Cedric, can you please just conjure one more turkey? The chef ran out of bird, so he is begging you to make one; but please don’t tell the King!”
           “Cedric, can you put the floating plates over here?”
“Cedric, can you conjure a few more chairs?”
           “Cedric, where is god’s name is that turkey!?”
           Yes, these were the sounds the poor sorcerer had been listening to all day. Everyone and their chef have been pestering him. He was in the middle of all the bustling and rustling. Things at been nonstop for hours and he was getting sick of it. The past day, he had been conjuring plates, chairs, ovens, instruments, and everything in between to make this party amazing. King Roland expected the very best to wow his guests, so he wanted Cedric not only to create dozens of items, but to enchant everything.
The King wanted enchanted chairs that could sway with the music, enchanted instruments that could play on their own to give the orchestra a break, and enchanted silverware that could dazzle the guests with dancing and singing. It was quite complicated to cast spell after spell (especially enchanted ones) and it was beginning to tire the man.
           Cedric was finishing up one more spell when he heard footsteps behind him.
“Well done, Cedric!” The king boomed from behind the sorcerer, scaring him out of his wits.  
           “Thank you, your majesty. I am honored.” He said, turning and bowing his head.  
“You’re very welcome, things are coming along nicely. Now, since you’ve been working all day, have you given any thought to what you have planned tonight?”
           Cedric lifted his shoulder in a half shrug.
“No, I haven’t really thought of anything.”
           “Well then,” Roland paused, gesturing to all the gold and black decorations, “why don’t the two of you celebrate the new year with us? I’m sure y/n would love it.”  
“I-we would love to and I greatly appreciate the offer,” Cedric started, “but I think we are going to celebrate the new year just the two of us.”
           Roland gave Cedric a disappointed look.
“Alright, if you insist. We will all miss you and y/n. If you change your mind, you guys are welcome.”
           “Thank you, your highness.” He said, beginning to walk out of the ballroom through majestic, golden doors.
Cedric trudged through the halls of the castle. He came across the coffee shop on the corner of the ballroom and royal dining hall and scurried into line to get a cup.
           Workers of all types stood back to front. One man wearing a blue vest, top hat, and holding a scepter in his hands was in front of cedric.
           “Hello, sir. The name’s Jonathan” The man greeted the sorcerer. His eyes seemed warm and inviting enough to talk to.
“Oh, hello.” Cedric answered, barely shaking his head to try, and come to consciousness.
           “What do you do around here, fine man?”
“I’m the royal sorcerer for Enchantcia. You may know me by Cedric the Sensational?”
The man looked perplexed for a minute, then, as if realization came down from the gods, Jonathan’s face turned up and Cedric could see the lightbulb come on.
           “Oh yes! You are the one who tried taking over the kingdom a few years back!”
Cedric cringed.
           “Yes, I am.” He said, trying hard not to recall those memories but nevertheless, remembered them vividly.
           “My, I was sure good old Kind Roland would have you executed for that!”
“Oh yes, didn’t we all?” Cedric rolled his eyes.
           “And the way the towns folk talked about you, it musta been hard to show you face around them parts for a while, eh?”
“Eh.” Cedric sarcastically parroted back.
           “Why, never in my wildest dreams would old Winnie and Goodwin’s kiddy ever try a stunt like that.”                        
“Yes, quite,” Cedric paused, narrowing his eyes at the man, “foolish of me.”
“You know, your father saved old’ king Roland’s daddy from a few monsters like yourself!”
           “yes, yes, I know. Oh look, you’re at the counter, time to order now.” Cedric rushed.
“Oh, look at that. Hi, ma’am, I’ll have a…”
           Once the man had finished ordering, cedric got up to the counter and ordered a cold caramel frappe. After, he went to sit down and wait. The bustling of people became a background noise and Cedric finally got some peace. While he sat and tried to unwind-
           “There you are good buddy!” The same talkative man said, jostling over to Cedric.
“Here I am.”
           After a long talk about Cedric’s wrongs, the man began to inquire about Cedric’s personal life.
           “So, I doubt after your long, ungrateful journey back to civilized living hadn’t brought you company of any kind?”
           Cedric believed the man meant a significant other but wasn’t really sure.
“A woman! Have you gotten yourself a woman?!”
           Cedric gave the man a blank stare and leaned away from his sudden enthusiasm. Why in god’s name does this man want to know so much about him? He thought about telling him or not. If I do, he’s going to go on how I don’t deserve someone, or not believe me entirely. And why does he just presume I have a woman? Has the man never heard of two men living happily together? Why does this man care so much about my life?
           “I do have a significant other.” Cedric finally let out.
“Well for heavens sakes, how the hell did you get one?”
           “Well, we met over a year ago and- “
“No one in her right mind would want you. You’re so unstable compared to others your age. Eh, she’s probably just waiting’ on someone better anyways.”
           Cedric was now completely offended and didn’t really know how to answer. Without saying another word, he rose to get his coffee from the counter and left.
On his walk home, Cedric began thinking.
I have been with Y/N for almost a year. I don’t deserve her. Does she even want to be with me? Maybe I’ve just fooled myself into thinking she really loves me when all this time she’s only stayed around cause there’s no one else. Maybe he’s right, maybe it was just weird I found her. She probably is just waiting for someone better to come along and leave…I’ve done so much wrong, maybe she doesn’t even want me?
           After his long debate, Cedric headed upstairs to his tower. The stone walls felt cold against cedric’s fingers as he guided himself up three floors of spiraled stairs. He looked out one of the windows to see the sun turning orange as it set over glistening red trees. It was beautiful in Enchantcia tonight. After looking for only a minute, he started back up the stairs.
Once he had made it to the door, he took a big breath and he walked in to find his girlfriend sitting crisscrossed on a table. You were wearing Black lacy shorts with flowers embroidered along with a spaghetti strapped top that matched. Trying to pick up your phone off the floor, you were dangling from the edge. You grabbed your phone and looked up to see your boyfriend.
           “Ceddy! You’re finally home.” You smiled, jumping off the table onto your sorcerer. Your hair was in a messy bun and fluffed up into his face when you grabbed onto him for a hug.
           “Hello, Angel.”
“I’ve been missing you all day.” You said, snuggling in tighter.
           “I have too. Oh, this is for you.” He said, giving you a hot mocha.
Your smile widened. “Thank you!”    After grabbing the hot beverage from him, you look a sip, and placed it on the table.
“You look tired.”
           “I am tired.” Cedric laughed, hugging you. He was happy to be home to you until he started remembering the conversation he had with Jonathan.
Noticing him grow somber, you asked him if he was okay.
           Cedric hesitated, “Yes, just tired I think.”
“Okay, why don’t you take a nap?” You asked, still having a questioning look on your face.
           “I may.”
You kissed him gently on the cheek and made sure he got to the bedroom. Closing the door behind you, you decided to grab a book and read until he woke.
After a few hours, you decided to check on Cedric. You wanted to make sure he was okay after what happened earlier.
Walking into the bedroom, you found your boyfriend already awake on his phone.
           “Hello.” You greeted, walking along the side of the bed.
Cedric nodded at you.
           Carefully, you made you way to the upper part of the bed and sat down. Noticing his standoffish actions, you scooted closer to him.
           “Babe, what’s wrong? Please, tell me.” You quietly pleaded.
He looked over at you with glassy eyes. His face was full of pain, but you just couldn’t put a finger on what upset him.
           “Did I say or do something?”
“No.” He answered, shifting away from you slightly.
           “Cedric, tell me what’s wrong.” You grabbed his hand and put it on your lap.
He ran his other hand through his hair, and you noticed his shoulders tense.
           “Y/n,” he paused, his voice almost choking, “why-why do you stay here?”
You became confused.
“Why do you stay here…with me?”
           “I don’t u- “
“You have been with me for almost a year, and for merlin’s sake I have no idea why you stay.”
           “I love you.” You said, without thinking twice.
Cedric’s eyes met yours.
           “I love you, but I just don’t see how you could love me.”
You could feel the sting of tears in your eyes.
           “Cedric, how could you not see- “
“Do you know what I am?”
           You stared at him, “Do I know what you are?”
“Yes. Do you know what I am?”
           You ran your hand up his arm gently, “You’re mine.”
“No. I mean, do you understand what I’ve done? I’ve tried overthrowing the kingdom, I plotted against the royal family for years. Everything had a terrible motive, everything I did was selfish, I dreamed of making others bow before me. I am not a good person.”
           “Cedric! Of course, I know that. I’ve always known all of that. I love you for you. You are a good person now, and I don’t care about your past, I love you for everything you are and once was.”
           Cedric looked down then he cocked his head.
“Once was?”
           You took a breath.
“Cedric, I’ve never admitted it, but I really don’t care you tried overthrowing the kingdom. It’s not healthy, I know, but sometimes I think my love for you is stronger than my morals.” You laughed nervously. “You are my person, my lobster, as some show would say, and no matter what, I love you. I’m not saying what you did was right, but because I love you, I overlook it easily.”
           He grabbed ahold of your hand and you wrapped your arm around him. He hugged you back tightly and you knew he felt better. You kissed the side of his cheek and laid you head on his chest.
           “What even made you think of that, love?”
“Nothing, I guess I just will never quite get used to you being mine.”
           The two of you sat in silence for a minute, then cedric turned towards you.
           “The royal family is having a party tonight to bring in the new year. I was wondering if you would want to go. The King invited us.”
           You beamed a smile.
“I’d love to!”
About an hour later, the two of you were walking down the hall towards the ballroom.
Once you arrived, you were greeted by a loud orchestra and babbling voices. The room was full of women in suits and dresses and men in the same attire. It was an extravagant gathering with gold and black streamers lining the walls and draping over the ceiling. At the front of the room sat the orchestra with its self-playing instruments and band members walking about. Some guests sat on floating chairs and plates that followed behind others walking. Workers hurried around, grabbing dirty, golden silverware.
           Cedric and you started over to the royal table when Sofia came running over.
“Mr. Cedric! Miss. Y/n! I’m so happy you guys could come.” She shouted over the music, running up and giving Cedric a hug followed by yours.
           “I’m glad we could. Please tell your father that we are very grateful.” You said to the young girl wearing the pink amulet.
           “I will. Are you guys going to sit down? There’s two chairs next to me.”
“Yes, we are. We’ll be over in a minute. Thanks again.”
           “No problem.” Sofia replied, running off to greet the other guests.
           You had almost made it over to the table when a loud voice practically yelled at Cedric.
“Cedric! There you are old buddy!”
           Cedric’s shoulders stiffened again.
“Hello, Jonathan.”
           “Who you got with you?”
“This is y/n, she’s my girlfriend.”
           The man looked you over and made you rather uncomfortable.
“Oh my god! She’s beautiful! What the hell did you have to bribe her to come with?”
           Your eyes flung wide open and you gasp.
“What?” You asked in a flat tone.
           “No offense to you ma’am, You’re beautiful! I’m just wondering’ how he got someone like you,” he glanced at Cedric, “with his past and all.”
You shot Jonathan an angry look.
           “For your information, I love this man with all my heart and want to be with him for who he is. If you can’t accept that then you can just kindly leave us alone!” You snapped.
           The man looked shocked.
           “Well, I guess if you’re happy- “
“I am happy. Thank you.”
           “It was nice seeing you again old buddy.”
“A pleasure really.” Cedric smiled, wrapping his arm around you.
           The two of you began walking away. You couldn’t believe how rude he had been. Before you had gotten too far, you were boiling over with anger and wanted that man to know you adored Cedric. Suddenly, you whipped around to make sure he was still watching. You grabbed Cedric by the collar and kissed him firmly on the lips.
           Jonathan looked horrified at you. You gave a sarcastic smile at him and turned back around.
           “Jackass.” You spat out under your breath.
“You have no idea.” Cedric agreed, placing his arm back around you tightly.
           “I truly do love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Cedric.”
           Cedric and you made it to the table and joined the royal family. Later, the two of you along other couples shared a passionate kiss at 12am to welcome the new year.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years ago
Lost Tomb Lewks: Reboot Part 11
(LTL Masterpost) (All Canary Masterposts)(Part 10)
I’m making my post titles more specific because I’m loving the clothes in The Mystic Nine and in Ultimate Note, so I expect I’ll continue this series with other shows when I get to the end of Reboot Season 2. 
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Look 56 is - surprise! - a cozy sweater. This one is a deep, huggable brown in a sort of waffle stitch (OP is not a knitter; knitters pls feel free to elaborate in comments). He wears this with loose blue jeans and...shoes. This show doesn’t feature his feet often enough for proper shoe commentary. 
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This is a perfect look for pacing and talking, half to yourself and half to your buddy, as he gets absolutely, completely baked. 
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Wu Xie is doing his pacing while he gazes at an enormous pin board filled with pictures linked together with red string. The red string board is becoming one of my favorite CDrama tropes. I’ve seen it in Detective L, Mystic Nine, that new show with Wue Xie number 2 Psych Hunter, and probably a couple more shows. It’s a thing in older American detective dramas, too, but not in modern ones and not nearly as often. 
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It does look cooler than a whiteboard with magnets, but it seems like a lot of work. For this pin board, Wu Xie Wang Meng had to cut a bunch of red string and print out a bazillion cell phone pictures, which someone managed to take during all of the running around & death defying action. All so Wu Xie could theorize that everything connects to...some random point in the middle of the board? I don’t know who these guys are in the middle picture, but I don’t think they’re responsible for all of the rocks in the other pictures. 
If you change your mind about a connection, and move a pin, do you have to re-loop all the string to keep everything taut? What if you need to move an end pin when you’ve already cut the string? Perhaps OP is overthinking this. 
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This look is a comfortable one for lying on the couch when you’ve exhausted yourself with string management. 
(more behind the cut!)
I love the aesthetic of this apartment. It appears to be full of furniture taken from Wu Xie’s study in Wushanju, but because it isn’t mixed in with the fancy older antiques, the vibe is totally different. The furniture is midcentury modern, with a lot of warm tones and leather, which matches Wu Xie’s clothing choices. This quality of furniture subtly reminds us that these guys are antique dealers. Even when they’re down and out, they have discerning taste.
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The textiles, cushions, the throw blanket on the table, are all colorful, tactile, and comfortable, matching Pangzi’s clothing and overall vibe. Overall the space is a nice mix of both of their looks, which is appropriate for an old married couple long-term roommates. 
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He completes this outfit with a olive-green hooded jacket with lots of flaps and pockets. 
Side note: their buddy  Jin Wan Tang (on the left) might be officially gay? Unlike the blatant subtle queer coding that appears in a lot of CDramas, this character (and that one guy in the Rain Village section) seems flamboyant in a stereotypical “gay best friend” way. But I’ve only ever seen one acknowledged gay character in Chinese cinema--the very stereotypical tailor in Kung Fu Hustle--so I don’t know if the semiotics are the same as in western media. 
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Anyway, I dig his mix of business suit and funky jewelry, and I share his appreciation of shirtless Xiao Ge (in Season 1, not today, sorry).
Look 57 is actually a rerun of Look 45, but it’s one of my favorites, featuring a beautiful soft suede jacket in a warm camel color. This time we get a much better look at the jacket, so I’m featuring it a second time. (Previously he wore this to hijack Li Jiale’s truck.) The jacket features detailed tailoring, with pleated pockets with flaps and buttons, and a nice strong collar and lapel that contrast with the softness of the material. 
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Under this lovely jacket he wears a cream colored sweater, jeans that fit really well for a change, and work boots. 
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This outfit is good for mournfully looking at a heap of smashed ceramics. 
It’s also good for struggling through a gas attack designed specifically to destroy your unhealthy lungs...
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...and make you hork up blood, because it’s not a Zhu Yilong show if there’s no mouth blood, and it’s been at least a couple of episodes since we’ve had any. 
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This look is perfect for going to visit your snippy ex-boyfriend while you’re unconscious, so he can bitchily save your life. 
“Hey, Canary,” you might have thought up above, “with all these above-the waist shots, how can you tell his jeans fit well?”
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This. This is how. 
Oh and hey, we finally get a really good look at his shoes. His shoes, people. 
Look 58 belongs to bitchy doctor/chef Huo Daofu. 
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He’s wearing a white double-breasted chef’s coat featuring contrasting piping and buttons. It is perfectly fitted, which will will learn is true of everything this man wears. 
Over the jacket he’s got an immaculate work apron, and under it he’s wearing a thin grey turtleneck sweater with ribbed collar and cuffs. He wears turtlenecks a lot. Whoever is giving him hickeys, it’s not Wu Xie any more because he hates Wu Xie. Hates him! 
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Cue endless tender medical care and eventual deep abiding friendship. Also possibly shacking up, it’s hard to tell how many people really live in Wushanju at any given time. 
The first part of Look 59 is a deep olive-green long-sleeve tee shirt worn over a grey undershirt. 
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It’s a shirt. It’s green. 
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He looks really fucking good in it, okay? His arms are beautiful even when they’re covered up.  This shirt needs three gifs because...it just does.
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Look 60 is Bai Haotian’s awesome green satin roller-disco jacket. 
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The styling is straight out of 1979, which is long before she was born, making this a fun retro throwback. Or possibly she borrowed it from her grandma. The collar and cuffs have sporty black-and-white ribbing.
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The jacket has nice contemporary details to give it a fresh look. These include suns, moons, and mountains (I think) running down the arms in a contrast stripe, and the words “magical altitudes” in embroidered sections on the back and chest. 
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Wu Xie’s Look 59, Part 2 is also featured in these caps. He’s put a strangely short waisted grey jacket over his nice green shirt. Other than the short waist, it fits nicely. 
Those jeans, on the other hand. Wu Xie’s ass deserves better treatment than this. Paging Xiao Ge
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Periodic reminder: Xiao Bai is absurdly, absurdly pretty. 
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So is Wu Xie.
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Bonus Look 1: Okay, Xue Wu is a bad bad man but damn, his clothes are always amazing. He favors emphatically Chinese looks, but always  with contemporary tailoring details, so he doesn’t look old fashioned. For his daughter’s wedding he’s wearing a deep blue suit with blue embroidery and this cool gold collar pin. 
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Bonus Look 2 is Wu Xie in his favorite blue marl sweater. Or he has a few blue marl sweaters. Anyway, this time he’s lying down and resting his eyelashes while he wears it. 
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blackswandancing · 4 years ago
Snow Day Serenity
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Summary: A rest day on a snowy planet gives you the opportunity to share a fun afternoon sledding with Din and Grogu as you try to figure out where your relationship with Din stands.
Pairing: Din Djarin (the Mandalorian) x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff (like sheer, shameless, I’m grinning-like-an-idiot-writing-this fluff), pining
Rating: T 
Word count: 2.6K
After a few days of nearly non-stop travel, you and Din decide it’s time for a proper rest day. The Mandalorian finds a sparsely populated planet which should be far below the Empire’s radar. The name is unfamiliar and you’re not sure what to expect, but at this point, you’re too stir-crazy to care. 
“Brace yourself, we’re coming through atmo,” Din tells you from the pilot’s seat. You sit behind him, holding Grogu in your lap as the ship descends from the darkness of space into a clear blue sky. When you catch a glimpse of the white hills sparkling below, you gasp in delight. 
“Oh, it’s beautiful!” you say, craning your neck for a better look. 
“It’ll be too cold to be out long,” Din says, his tone apologetic, “but it seemed like our best option.” 
“We’ll be fine if we bundle up, right, kiddo?” you ask Grogu, who peers up at you with his bright brown eyes and coos as though in response to your brimming excitement as you think of all the fun you can introduce him to.
Din finds a field nestled at the bottom of a hill, a spot he must consider strategically safe. As soon as the Razor Crest touches down, you leap out of your seat to find wrappings for yourself and Grogu.
“I hope these are comfortable,” you tell the child as you seat him on a crate and fit his feet into small felt boots you’d found in a market after crash landing on Maldo Kreis. Granted, he hadn’t seemed too bothered by the planet’s cold, but you had still worried. “You’re going to love the snow, Grogu. You’ll have a lot more fun with it here than we did last time. No spiders, only powder to play in. You can do all sorts of things with it. You can roll it into a snowperson, or make snowballs, or - ” 
A wonderful idea comes to you just as Din descends from the cockpit, his boots thumping as he clears the lowest rungs of the ladder and swings to the floor. 
“Din!” you exclaim. “Do you have anything around here that could double as a sled?” 
Din’s visor locks with your eyes. “A sled?” 
“Yeah! There’s a hill right by the ship. I think Grogu would get a kick out of it. You know how he loves speed and thrills.”  
Din shakes his head a bit, and you coax, “Oh, come on. You know he’ll love it.”
“No, I’m sure he will,” Din says, and the amusement in his voice, evident even through the modulator, makes you realize you misinterpreted his previous gesture. “It’s a great idea.  What sort of item do you think would work?” 
“Maybe a spare tray or container,” you suggest as you shrug a coat over your clothes. 
“I’ll see what I can do,” Din says, climbing back up the ladder to check the storage area by the generator room. You watch him go, a stab of wistful longing piercing your enthusiasm. For some time now you’ve been secretly harboring feelings for Din, but you’ve worked to conceal them. While you know that Din views you as a close companion, neither of you have openly expressed romantic feelings. Din has made a few gestures which kindled your hopes that he perhaps returned your affections, but you weren’t sure if you were just projecting meaning onto his actions.
You pull on a pair of gloves and, plucking Grogu from his seat, lower the side access ramp. You have to squint at the scene before you as the sun reflects off the snow, and you wonder if Din’s visor protects his eyes from the glare. 
Din had declared the coast was clear when the ship landed, and though you trust his assessment, out of an abundance of caution you carefully survey the area before venturing from the cargo hold. Sure enough, there’s nothing but plains of unblemished, glittering snow and clusters of swaying pine trees kissing the hillside. Grogu babbles his interest, tilting his head as he takes in the sights. You hop off the ramp, your boots sinking deep into the snow. The child might have some trouble navigating the deep powder, but that’s what you’re there for. 
You set Grogu down and he squeals, immediately thrusting his hands into the snow and throwing a tiny fistful into the air.
“Look at that, you made it snow!” you cheer him on. You scoop up a handful and sprinkle it between the pair of you, causing Grogu to grab at the falling flakes. “It’s pretty, huh?”
Grogu waddles through the snow with no apparent objective, simply absorbing the beauty around him. You follow him, giving him a hand when necessary and ooh-ing over the snow he picks up to show you.
Din’s voice, crackling as it carries over the snow, steals your attention away from Grogu as he calls your name and asks, “Will this work? 
You look back at the Razor Crest, where Din holds up a large tray for your inspection. “That’s great!” 
You pick up Grogu as Din approaches and asks you, “Where do you want this?” 
“Let’s take it to the top of the hill,” you say, taking a closer look at the tray and nodding in approval. “This should be perfect, it’s very sturdy. The bottom’s slick, too.” 
The pair of you march up the hill. The sounds of snow crunching underfoot, Din’s armor clanking, and your breathing are the only disruptions to the serene silence blanketing the planet. It’s as though the galaxy has narrowed down to a contented little bubble with just the three of you. All the worries of everyday life slip away, leaving you to feel the full strength of your love for the man by your side and the child in your arms. 
At the top of the hill, Din hands you the tray, and you set it in the snow. “Do you want to come with?” you ask Din, trying not to sound too hopeful as you situate yourself and Grogu on the tray. Sure enough, Din shakes his head. 
“Looks like there’s not much room,” he says. You don’t argue, although privately you think he could squeeze on. You’re about to start scooching the tray down the hill when Din adds, “But I’ll give you two a push.” 
Din lends down behind you, placing his hands low on your back and gently, but firmly, propels you and the tray forward with a few running steps. The tray zips away from Din and down the hill. Grogu begins squealing in delight, raising his tiny hands into the air. You lean back, trying to balance yourself as the tray whooshes along, and you find yourself completely lost in the nippy wind, glistening snow, and the child’s glee. 
The tray holds up much longer than you’d expected and doesn’t lose steam until you’ve made it nearly to the bottom of the hill. “How was that, buddy?” you ask Grogu, who gives you a toothy grin, his wide eyes sparkling. You laugh and press a kiss to the top of his head before standing up. 
As you begin to trek up the hill, Grogu in one arm and the tray tucked under the other, Din heads down toward you. You wonder if he thought you only wanted to sled down once, and you call to him, “Grogu loved that! We’re headed back up!” 
“I know,” he calls back. “I’m just coming to help with the tray.” 
You beam at that, although you assure him you’re having no problems managing both Grogu and the tray. However, that doesn’t stop him. He meets you down the hill and affectionately rubs Grogu on the head. “How’d you like that, you little womp rat?” 
Grogu gives him the same toothy grin he gave you, and you hear Din’s smile as he asks, “And how’d you like it?” 
“It was fantastic!” you exclaim as he takes the tray from you. “I haven’t been sledding since I was a kid, back on my home planet. My friends and I spent many happy days playing in the snow together.” You shake your head slightly, as though to ward off the nostalgia playing at your heart. “It was almost magical, really, how all of our cares disappeared once the snow started falling.”
“That sounds… very special,” Din says. His pace is slowed to match yours, and when you glance at him, the bright day reveals the outline of his jaw behind his tinted visor. “I’m glad you had that experience.”
“Did you ever go sledding as a child?” you ask. You used to worry about asking Din personal questions. He has always been so reticent, and you respect that. Yet you never want to deny him the option to share, especially when you care so much about his experiences. Over time, you learned both that Din would never share anything he didn’t want to and, for some reason, he opened up to you more than you would have expected.
“A few times,” Din replies. “It didn’t snow enough on the planet where I was born to sled, but it did on the first planet where I lived with the Mandalorians.” Din falls silent, and you’re about to reply when he continues. “I was excited about the snow. It was new, and I enjoyed playing with the other children. This was before the Great Purge, so the Tribe was more relaxed about letting its children wander in the open.” 
The idea of a young Din playing with other foundlings warms your heart, and you want to know more. “Did you get up to any mischief when you played with them?” 
Din cocks his helmet at you. “What makes you ask that?” The corners of your lips quirk up at the obviously-feigned innocence of his tone.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” you say, pointing your finger at him. “I’m well acquainted with your understated, sassy quips, so I’m willing to bet you were a playful child.”
“That’s not a bad place to put your money.”
Once you get back to the top of the hill, Din tries to hand you the tray again, but you say, “If you’re just going to walk down after us, you might as well take the easy way down.” 
Din hesitates, and you second-guess yourself, worried that you’ve made him uncomfortable. But Din surprises you when he shrugs and says, “We can give it a shot.” He lowers the sled and climbs onto it. He fits, but barely, his knees hiked way up as he adjusts his weapons. His visor doesn’t meet your gaze as he says, “You can - um, here, I’ll hold you in front of me, if that’s okay.”
You nod, your cheeks warm. You can’t tell if the butterflies in your stomach are fluttering from nerves or from joy. Probably a bit of both. You crouch beside him and, still carefully holding Grogu, clamber over one of Din’s legs. Din places a large, sturdy hand on your side for support as you sit between his bent knees.
“Hold on,” Din says, twisting around and pulling his cape over the front of his body. “The beskar’s pretty cold. This should help.” 
“Thank you,” you say, your heart squeezing. You gingerly press yourself against the beskar, trying to make yourself as small as possible on the squished tray. Din passes Grogu to you and then adjusts his own position, wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you closer to himself. It’s all you can do to resist the urge to completely melt into his embrace. 
“Is that okay?” he asks, his helmet hovering just above your shoulder. You fail to fight off the shiver that runs down your spine, and hope that Din didn’t pick up on it, although you’re perfectly aware that he didn’t become the best bounty hunter in the galaxy for no reason. 
“Yes.” Your voice is strained with the effort of concealing how the feeling of his broad chest snug against your back is making your heart dance wildly. Of course, that strain is revealing in itself, which only flusters you further. In an attempt to wave aside the implications of your bumbling behavior, you clear your throat and reach over one of Din’s thighs to push off in the snow, forcing yourself to cheer, “Let’s get this thing flying!”
You and Din paddle the tray along until it picks up momentum and glides down the hill. You whoop in excitement, readjusting your grip on Grogu as Din securely wraps his free arm around the both of you. The gesture nearly shocks you out of the moment, but Grogu’s uncontrollable giggling brings you back to your senses, prompting your own laughter - and Din’s. You’ve never heard him laugh before, and his modulated chuckles in your ear send your heart soaring faster than the speeding sled.
The ride comes to an abrupt halt as the sled hits a snag and jerks to the right. The three of you tumble off into a pile of tangled limbs, Din’s arm still locked around you and Grogu. His efforts aren’t enough to keep you from getting a faceful of snow, but this only causes you to laugh harder, even as your cheek numbs from the cold. 
“Are you okay?” Din asks, effortlessly pulling you up with him as he gets to his feet. 
“I’m fine,” you giggle. “I’m better than fine, actually. I think the same goes for Grogu.” 
You managed to keep the kid out of the snow, and the ride’s rocky end only seems to have fueled his desire for another trip. Eager to indulge him, you bend down to retrieve the tray, scrubbing your face with your glove, although it’s already soaked and does nothing to dry your cheek. Din grasps your elbow, arresting your movement.
“Your face is going to freeze,” he says. “Would it be okay if I - uh - ” He grabs a handful of his cape, a part where the fabric is still dry. Caught off guard, you stammer some sort of affirmative, and Din steps close to you, dabbing the melted snowflakes from your cheek. You can feel the blood rushing to your face, the heat strong against your chilled skin, and you fear Din will notice. Yet, in a moment of boldness - in a moment of hope - you fix your gaze on Din’s visor as you savor his gentle touch guiding the rough material of his cape.
“There,” he says, dropping his hand - only for you to catch it. 
“Thank you,” you say softly, giving his hand a squeeze. He wordlessly but earnestly returns the gesture, and your nerves dissolve.
His voice is uncharacteristically thick with emotion as he breathes, “Anything for you, cyar’ika.” 
You haven’t heard the word before, although you assume it’s Mando’a. “What does that mean?” 
“It means… I’ll always be here to care for you. If that’s what you want.” 
Still clutching Din’s hand, you raise your own, untangling your fingers only to rest your glove against the metal cheek of his helmet. He places his hand over yours, completely covering it as your fingers stroke the beskar.
“There’s nothing I’d like more, Din.”
Grogu pats his father’s breastplate a few times, breaking the moment and causing the pair of you to look down at him. He chirps and looks at the top of the hill with longing. 
“It looks like someone wants another ride,” you say fondly, rocking the child in your arm before looking at Din again. “What do you say?” 
“Whatever you two want,” Din says, and, despite his earlier concerns about the cold beskar, he doesn’t seem to be able to help himself from leaning his forehead against yours in a feather-light touch. “I can’t resist either of you.”
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years ago
Who’s The Boss
Summary: Max has a late night meeting with his boss to discuss his recent poor performance. She might have an idea or two on what he can do to keep his job.
Pairing: Max Phillips x F!OC (It is written third person, but there are very few descriptors. Could be read as F!Reader)
Word Count: 3.8k
Rating/Warnings: 18+ SMUT! D/S dynamics (sub!Max, use of “ma’am” and “good boy” honorifics), abuse of power (consensual boss/employee,) oral (f receiving,) squirting, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex, role playing, established relationship, aftercare conversation (he’s a vamp and doesn’t really need any, but it’s brought up CUZ ITS IMPORTANT!) Swearing. No beta/editing. As always, if I miss a tag please feel free to let me know! I wanna keep my bbys safe <3
A/N: Idk why I thought I should write Max being dommed? I guess I wanted our vampire frat boy to be put in his place?. Anyway... here it is, I’m only mildly ashamed lol
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Max watched as the final person boarded the elevator, finally leaving the office. He’d been anxious all day, uncharacteristically so, for the rest of his coworkers to leave for the night. He nearly felt like shooing Elaine out of the office by the time she was packing up. With the floor empty, he finally turned towards the closed door of the office.
She’d disappeared into the office about 40 minutes ago. The door was closed but the light was on, bleeding through the crack under the door. He steeled himself, not truly knowing what he was going to meet on the other side once he knocked. Grabbing the nearest file folder off the nearest desk, he shook his arms loose and crossed the room. His knock was answered by a clipped voice, calling for him to enter.
She was sitting behind the desk, looking over various papers and reports. Her bottom lip, perfectly painted bright red, was caught between her teeth. The cardigan she’d worn earlier in the day was draped over the back of the chair. The top two buttons of her tight blouse were undone, the third looking ready to pop open over the swell of her breasts. He cursed the desk from blocking his view of her lower half. He’d seen the pencil skirt she was wearing as she walked the office earlier and he would love another look at her bare legs.
“Can I help you, Mr. Phillips?” She drawled. Her voice oozed with boredom and she didn’t even look up at him. Something about his disinterest had him aching to catch her attention.
“Uh, yes, Mrs-”
“Miss.” She cut him off with a sharp glare before he even had a chance to say her name. It was so abrupt, he almost felt like he was slapped with the syllable.
“It’s Miss.” She repeated, eyes boring into him. “I’m not married. What use would I have for some useless husband?” She scoffed, sitting up and giving him her full attention. His eyes dropped to her chest, seeing the way the movement put even more strain on the fabric covering her.
“Well? Are you wasting my time for a reason, Phillips, or are you here to stare at my breasts?” She snipped, eyebrow quirking up in challenge. Her lips pursed, proud of herself for catching him. He might have blushed if he was physically capable.
“It’s my sales numbers.” He grimaced. She was already in a bad mood and it was about to get worse.
“I’ve already seen your numbers, Phillips.” She sighed, standing up. His eyes followed her hands as they smoothed down the front of her skirt. “Have a seat,” she ordered, gesturing to the chair opposite her. He sat as requested, keeping the folder in his lap as she rounded to the front of the desk. The red patent stilettos she wore nearly made his mouth water.
“Now Max,” she paused to perch on the edge of the desk. He fought to keep his eyes on her face and not the long legs on display in front of him. “May I call you Max?”
“Of course.” He nodded, desperate for her approval.
“Max, we had very high hopes for you when you came to us but lately your numbers have been dropping. You’re not quite up to par. What’s going on, buddy?” She asked with an exaggerated pout.
He struggled to answer, not only because he was scared to disappoint but also because she crossed her legs as she spoke. Any thoughts he had about defending himself disappeared, the only thoughts on the smooth inner thigh and scrap of red fabric she’d flashed him.
She tsked, stopped his ambling for a coherent thought. “That’s a shame. You had good credentials, good references, you did amazing in your interview.”
She leaned back onto her desk, both arms stretched behind her to keep herself propped up. He wished beyond wishes that button in the center of her chest would finally give way.
“If you don’t start impressing me, we’re going to have to let you go.” She stated.
Max’s eyes widened, tearing his gaze away from her body to her eyes. “There has to be something I can do. I need this job. I’m better than these numbers, I promise.”
“Hmm,” She hummed, biting her lower lip as she thought. Despite the worry over losing his job, he wondered how it tasted. “There may be something you can do for me, Max.” She decided, uncrossing her legs.
“Anything.” He breathed, and by god did he mean it.
The last thing he was expecting was for her to lift her leg, resting the arch of her foot on his shoulder. The overhead lights bounced off the shiny material of the shoe as it found its perch, the thin heel pressing not uncomfortably into his collarbone. His mouth ran dry as he followed the line of her leg up from her foot to where it disappeared under her skirt. The skirt that had ridden up her thighs as she lifted her leg high enough to pin him in the chair.
“Why don’t you show me that silver tongue you bragged about when we hired you.” She purred.
Max’s jaw dropped and it took his brain a second to catch up. It didn’t help that what little blood he had coursing through his vampiric veins was entirely focussed below his belt.
“Yes ma’am.” He breathed. He tried to move forward, but her leg kept him in his seat.
“You can start there.” She instructed, very glib for what she was asking him to do.
“Yes ma’am,” he repeated. He cupped her calf in his hand, pressing his lips to the inside of her ankle. He kissed it tenderly, eyes on her to see if he was pleasing her. Her lips quirked up, almost imperceptibly so but it egged him on regardless. He kissed her ankle, licking the soft skin. He tested the pressure against his shoulder, moving his lips farther up her leg. When he met no resistance, he continued upwards.
He nipped at the skin of her calf, worshiping every inch of skin she permitted him to reach. When she felt his teeth against her skin, she didn’t jump, but warned him not to bite. He glanced up at her, trying to show his apology in his eyes. She seemed appeased and didn’t say anything more, letting her leg drape over his shoulder as he moved higher.
He reached her thigh, looking up for permission to push her skirt out of the way. Instead of verbalizing a response, she hooked her other knee over his shoulder. Trapped between her soft thighs, he could already smell her arousal. She lifted her hips from the desk, pushing her weight onto him. He slid the skirt up to her waist, revealing the lacy red number that she had been hiding all day. He moved to pull the garment down over her ass, but she stopped him with a hard pull of his hair quickly grabbing his attention.
“Do you really think you’ve earned that yet?” She asked. He could tell it was rhetorical, that he hadn’t earned it. He responded by releasing the lace, which earned him a good boy. He didn’t have a chance to preen under the praise as she pushed his head forward to her core.
He gripped her thighs as he licked at her through her panties. The fabric was already damp and tasted of her. He groaned, gripping her plush thighs tighter.
She sighed above him, releasing her tight grip on his hair to stroke it instead. Her nails dragged along his scalp in the most delicious way.
The lace grew slick quickly, his own saliva mixing with her arousal as he worked at her. It clung to her skin, almost showing him what she looked like underneath. He longed to taste her without the damn barrier between them.
Her hand left the back of his head, but having received no further instructions, he kept licking and sucking at her. He pushed his tongue as deep into her as the underwear allowed, swirling his tongue against her walls before focusing back on her clit. Chancing a glance upwards, he saw that she had unbuttoned her blouse, her hands playing with her nipples through the matching red lace bra. He moaned at the sight.
“Focus.” She chided, although her tone was breathy with pleasure. He obliged, hoping that if he made her feel good enough, she’d give him more. “So easily distracted.”
“Sorry, ma’am.” He muttered, not daring to move away. He heard her breath hitch as his voice vibrated against her. He hummed against her, hoping to recreate the sensation.
Her hips bucked as she gasped. He smirked proudly against her, but a moment later she was pulling him away by his hair again. He looked up at her, licking her taste off his lips as he wondered what he’d done wrong.
“Take them off.”
He barely stopped himself from ripping the delicate fabric into pieces, instead sliding it hastily down her legs. He dropped the red lace to the ground, diving back into her core. He moaned at the taste of her with nothing blocking his way this time. He devoured her like a man starved.
His increased efforts seemed to be working for her, as she leaned backwards onto her elbows with a moan. He wanted to tell her how exquisite she tasted, but was worried taking his mouth off of her to do so would just annoy her. He tried to convey it with his actions, licking as deep into her as he could. He groaned as her juices coated his tongue, dripping down his lips and chin.
Her hand was back in his hair, firm grip directing him up to her clit. He obliged, circling the bud with his tongue. He tried different motions, listening for her reactions to find what she liked best. Anytime she moaned or gasped, he tried to make her do it again and again. His chin was soaked, but it felt like she was growing wetter by the second against him.
“Fingers,” she breathed, a pleading tone to her voice. The sound made him ache in his pants, her in-charge facade losing power as he pleasured her.
He plunged two fingers inside her, her walls fluttering around them as she whimpered. He worked them in and out, crooking them upwards against her muscles as he searched for the spot that would drive her wild. He knew he found it when her hips jerked against him, heels digging into his back as her grip on his hair grew near painful.
“Right there,” she confirmed, voice breaking. “Oh god Max, right there.”
He thanked whatever evil magic behind vampires that he didn’t need oxygen to live. Even if he did need to breathe, he wouldn’t have been able to pull out of her tight grip as she came. As her taste flooded his mouth, he acknowledged that this would have been a valiant death indeed. She ground her hips against him, using him to prolong her pleasure.
He only pulled away as her body went limp, her hand releasing the back of his head as she reclined against the desk, panting to catch her breath. He sat up, devouring the sight of her splayed out in front of him as he licked her from his lips. Her lipstick was smeared so slightly from biting her lips, her skin shimmering with a sheen of sweat. He could see her nipples peaked against the lacy bra. Her legs were still propped on his shoulders, giving him an exquisite view of her twitching pussy. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as he began undoing his pants.
The sound of his belt clanking open had her looking down at him. She frowned, despite her relaxed stance.
“Oh no, no, no.” She practically sang, stopping Max in his tracks. “You think one little orgasm and I’m going to let you fuck me?” She laughed, breathless. “It’s going to take more than that. Especially if you want me to forgive those awful sales numbers.” She sat up, chest still heaving. She fanned her blouse, trying to cool her body.
When Max’s voice finally returned to him, he asked “What do I need to do?”
She cupped his chin, making sure he kept his eyes on her face. “Such a good boy,” she cooed, caressing his cheek with her thumb. He leaned into the loving touch, craving more of it. “If you want to make me forget those numbers, you better make me soak this desk. Make a mess of those reports and I won’t be able to read the numbers, will I?”
The grip on his chin tightened as she leaned forward, holding in place as she stared him down. “And then maybe I’ll let you fuck me. Understood?”
“Yes ma’am.” He gulped, staring deeply into her eyes.
“Good boy.” She smiled, giving his head a quick shake before she released her grip and laid back against the desk once more.
Max didn’t need to be instructed further. He wanted to fuck her. Wanted to prove that he deserved to fuck her, that he could make her feel so good if she let him. The second she laid back, he dove between her thighs once more.
She was still sensitive from her first orgasm, if her twitching muscles and breathless moans were anything to go by. He eased two fingers back inside of her, searching once again for that spot. She was tighter but wetter than moments before and he throbbed in his pants. He could feel his dick leaking with excitement, but he had to ignore it for now. It would be worth it if she finally let him fuck her.
He sucked her clit gently to start, easing her back into the sensations, but worked up to a feverish pace quickly. She was writhing under him in no time as his fingers twisted inside of her.
He heard objects falling off the desk as she squirmed. She was making a mess and he loved it. Anything that could serve as proof that he was rocking her world was good in his book.
“M-Max, I’m-” She moaned as something heavy clattered to the ground.
He growled against her, massaging and pressing inside her. If she wanted to make a mess, he’d make a mess of her.
He felt her whole body tense up and shake before exploding as she cried out. Her convulsing walls pushed his fingers out of her as she came, warm and wet against him. He moaned as it soaked him, drinking up as much of the sweet nectar as he could as he circled her clit with his fingers. He felt his shirt sticking to him as her cum dribbled down his chin and neck.
As quickly as it happened, it was over. She lay whimpering and twitching on the desk as he sat back against the chair beaming with pride. She didn’t even look up at him as he gently lowered her legs from his shoulders, bringing them into his lap instead.
He caressed her lower legs, grounding her and letting her know he was there as he waited for his next orders. He was almost painfully hard as he waited for her to come back to him, to finally give him the permission he craved. If he didn’t get to fuck her, god he was going to kill something tonight.
She sat up slowly, her hair a mess. She looked like the perfect centerfold of the dirtiest magazine he could think of, eyes hooded and dark. She reminded him of the MTV video vamps he jerked off to as a teenager, only hotter. Teenaged him would have blown his load twice-over by now.
“So, you can follow directions then.” She hummed.
Max couldn’t stop the laugh from bubbling in his chest. “When there’s an incentive.”
She chucked with him, leaning towards him. She reached out to wipe his face, collecting her juices on her fingers. “The carrot instead of the rod then.” She smirked before sucking her fingers clean.
“Whichever one gets to fuck you.” He shot back, adding a ma’am as he remembered himself.
“Don’t get cheeky,” she warned although she grinned. “But you’ve earned it.”
Max thought he might faint as she crooked her finger, beckoning him forward. He stood so quickly the chair toppled behind him. He stood between her legs, pressing as close to her as he could. He could feel his pants dampening across his thighs where he leaned into the desk under her. He was trembling with anticipation, but he waited for her permission to go any further.
She caressed his cheek, tiling her face in thought. He nuzzled into her hand, aching for more of her touch, to please her.
“You want me?” She purred.
“Please.” He nearly whimpered.
“How do you want me?”
“Anyway you’ll have me.”
“Good boy.” She grinned, patting his cheek twice. She turned his head, pressing her mouth to his ear to whisper “bend me over the desk and fuck me like your job depends on it.”
He was never so glad for super-human speed. She was bent over the desk, ass on display in a second. He heard her gasp as she was laid flat over the top of the desk, but he could hardly care. He was too busy pushing his pants down his thighs, finally freeing his cock.
He lined himself up, not daring to ask if she was ready lest she take back the permission she’d given. He thrust into her, groaning loudly as he finally sank into her warmth. She moaned, back arching under him. He had to pause, already so close to cumming after the long wait.
“Fuck, Max.” She panted as she adjusted to his size. It only took a second until she was wiggling back into him.
He gripped her hips tightly. Not having been able to bite her, mark her up, he hoped her hips bruised. Hoped she would have a lasting reminder of him taking her over the desk in the days it took to fade.
He thrust in and out, hearing the breath punched out of her lungs with every stroke. Her hands were scrambling for purchase, looking for something solid to hold onto as he fucked harshly into her. He grit his teeth, trying to stave off his own increasing pleasure. He had to make this last. She moaned beneath him, pushing back into his thrusts once she gripped the edge of the desk for leverage.
He was glad he’d had the patience to wait until the office was empty. There was no doubt what was happening in this room from the lewd sounds. Skin slapping skin; moans, grunts and cries. Watching her ass bounce against him, he was glad he hadn’t died between her thighs. He wouldn’t have wanted to miss this.
Feeling bold by the noises she was making, he reached forward and gripped her hair, pulling her head back. She whimpered before moaning his name loudly. He felt her tighten impossibly around him. Taking that as approval, he kept the grip tight.
“God, Max,” she moaned loudly, voice echoing off the walls. “If you could make sales with your dick, we’d be rich.”
He growled through clenched teeth, eating up the praise. Releasing her hair, he wrapped his hand around her neck, pulling her flush against his chest. She whimpered as it changed the angle inside of her, her eyes fluttering closed.
“‘S’at mean I’m keeping my job?” He huffed into her ear before licking a stripe up her neck.
“Seal the deal first.” She shot back. He nearly laughed that she was still trying to hold authority over him in such a vulnerable position. Her legs were shaking, her voice trembling and hoarse.
He released her neck to palm her breast. He squeezed at the soft skin as he nosed along her shoulder. She smelt like sweat and sex, her typical perfume all but faded. He swore he could even smell the blood in her veins, flowing so fast, so hot.
She cried out his name as he pinched her nipple. He pushed her back over the desk, feeling her legs close to giving out. He could feel her getting close to her third orgasm, her walls fluttering around him. He stopped holding back, ready to chase his own release. Sneaking his hand beneath her, it only took the barest flick to her sensitive clit until she was wailing beneath him.
His eyes rolled back as her walls clamped around him. Feeling her walls fluttering around him, convulsing with release, it only took him a few more shallow thrusts until he was joining her. His loud groans bounced off the walls of the small office as he buried himself deep within her. She whimpered softly, reaching back to hold the hand that was clasped around her hip.
As he came down from his high, he pulled his softening length from her. He watched her walls flutter against nothing, his seed dripping out of her. He gripped a cheek in each hand, massaging them. It made the milky liquid drip out of her quicker, spreading over her lips. It was hypnotic.
He stopped himself before any could drip down onto the carpet. He took a kleenex from the box that had miraculously stayed on top of the desk throughout the encounter, using it to clean her up. She whined softly at the touch, overstimulated and spent. He threw the used tissue in the bin with perfect accuracy.
Lifting his pants back to his hips, he rounded the desk to sit in the rolling chair she had occupied when he entered. He couldn’t help but laugh at the goofy sated smile on her face as she remained on the desk. She looked up at his laugh, eyes bright but tired.
“So, do I keep my job?” He asked with a grin, smoothing down her hair.
“Mmhmm.” She nodded, closing her eyes at his touch. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
He laughed heartily at that before pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Another round, maybe.”
“Ugh, vampire.” She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I mean, I didn’t say anything-”
“No, you were perfect.” He promised her.
“‘Kay. Good.” She sighed. “Cause if you needed, I’d move right now. I would.”
“I believe you.”
She groaned as she stood up, stretching her tired muscles. She kicked her shoes off, legs shaky enough without the heels, and padded slowly around the desk, leaning heavily on the furniture for support. Max watched with a smug grin.
“Shut up.” She pouted, sitting delicately in his lap.
“Didn’t say anything.” He argued, wrapping his arms around her.
“You were thinking it. It’s not my fault I can’t keep up with you.” She complained, nuzzling into his neck.
“Nope.” He denied, letting the word pop. “I was wondering if I get to be your… what did you say, “useless husband” again.”
“I was getting into character.” She laughed softly. “You’re always my useless husband, Mr. Phillips.”
“Don’t you forget it, Mrs. Phillips.”
Tagging @wickedfrsgrl​ @din-damn-djarin​ @thisisthe-wayson​ @vonschweetz​ @insideafictionaluniverse​ @driedgreentomatoes​ @computeringturtle​ @gorgeousgrogu​ (you replied to my post about writing this, but I can remove the tag if you’d like)
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wickxdangels · 5 years ago
George Weasley Imagine; Overprotective Georgie.
This is actually the very first Harry Potter imagine I’ve ever done! I’m always reading them so it’s kinda weird to be on the other side of the screen making them, but it’s so exciting! Remember, english is not my first language, so if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know! I appreaciate corrections :) I hope you all enjoy it and thanks for the requests and support! x
Pairing; George Weasley x Reader.
Warnings; Fluff
Request; Would you do a fluff George Weasley request where his significant other is the Golden Trios age and friend and her family is apart of the Order of the Phoenix so the summer before her 6th year Death Eaters attack her family and George is worried/overprotective of the idea of her going back to Hogwarts?
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It was afternoon, when Y/n walked on her backyard, admiring the roses and different kinds of flowers that were growing there. The sun hitting on the surface of each one, highlighting their vibrant colors. 
Summer was definitely her favorite season, even though she missed her friends quite a lot during it, she so much loved and preferred the warmth of the sun against her skin, instead of the biting coldness that winter brings. 
Harry must’ve having the time of her life, along with Hermione and Ron, she thought. They have decided to spend their summer before sixth year together, she on the other hand, could not. 
Her parents, who worked with the Order of the Phoenix, took a well-deserved little summer break; so instead of planning attacks in the Order headquarters, against You-Know-Who and his followers, or traveling to different places to find allies to join the cause, they were spending it with their only daughter. They’ve come to the raw realization that family-time nowadays were scarce, lots of members have lost their family members while fighting for the Order, so this summer they wanted to spend it with their daughter before she returned to Hogwarts.
“Sweetie, how about I make your favorite meal for supper?” Her mother softly asked, leaning against the door of the backyard as she stared at her daughter, who was now walking towards the inside of her house after a few minutes of taking in the sun.
“Sure, mum. That sounds good by me, where’s dad?” She asked, closing the door behind her as she looked back at her mom.
“He’s in the study, dear. He’s now having a little talk with Remus and some of the members of the Order. We better not interrupt him.” Her mother replied.
She nodded, watching as her mother smiled once last time to her as she disappeared to the kitchen. Y/n sighed as she walked up the stairs towards her room, her dad would always be busy with the order, and she understood that. They were very protective over Harry and even more so after the death of his godfather, Sirius Black, last year. 
As she opened the door of her room, she heard a little slow tap coming from her window, she quickly walked towards it and found an grey owl sitting on the edge of it, a letter on its beak as it breathed heavily, noticeable tired of the journey it had just traveled. 
“Oh, Errol. The Weasley’s really need to lay off with you for a bit, you seem old enough to retire, buddy.” She chuckled as she opened her window, the owl stepping inside of her room rather quickly as it opened its beak, letting the letter fall to the small night table under the window before the owl itself passing out and falling to the floor. 
Y/n just shook her head, smiling at the tired and old owl before grabbing it softly and placing it at the end of her bed. She then sat down as well and opened up the letter resting in her hands, wondering who was it from. 
Dear Sweetheart,
I’m writing you to check up on you, how has your summer been so far? I’ve missed your face and of course, pulling pranks on you.. maybe I missed the latter a little bit more… No, never mind, I really miss your beautiful face, the picture I keep on my nightstand of you, really doesn’t make justice.
Mum’s been bugging me to tell you she also misses you quite dearly, and wishes for you to visit us for Christmas, she says something about having a present for you already; you know her.
Fred’s been sending more and more letters to Angelina, and he finally admitted to me their relationship is official, good for him. That way we won’t have to drag him around and he won’t have to complain about being a bad third.
Anyways, it’s been fun here in The Burrow with Harry and Hermione, we’ve been playing Quidditch and coming up with new pranks for the upcoming semester at Hogwarts. Ginny is still acting weird towards Harry and Hermione still blushes every time Ron is around, nothing much has changed.
I really hope you’re taking care of yourself and enjoying your time with your parents, I know you desired having them more time with you, so I’m happy you finally got the chance to do so.
I miss you more and more each day, so expect more letters from me as I expect more from you, your handwriting is adorable if I must say so.
Well, I’m running out of ink so I must bid you an adieu.
I’m really looking forward to seeing you when school starts. I love you so much, sweetheart. Always remember that.
The best-looking Weasley twin, George.
Pd: Please, allow Errol to take a nap before sending him back, if not he’ll probably pass out mid-air. I know, I know, he’s too old but he still does his job correctly, or so I hope. Thanks baby.
The letter sure made her heart ache for him even more, he had missed him dearly all summer long. Missing the way his red hair gleamed under the sunlight and the way his warm eyes would stare at her whenever she would tell him about Snape being hard on her in Potions class. She missed the way he would always wink at her standing on the bleachers before any Quidditch match, and how they would cuddle in their common room whenever winter nights were too cold. 
She looked at the old owl with a smile on her face before standing up to look for her parchment and quill to write her reply letter.                                                           
A few hours later, she finished her supper and was currently laying on her bed, reading a new book her mother had bought for her for some light summer reading, in the background little snores came from Errol, she didn’t even know owls could snore but at least that was a sign that the owl bird was still alive, she wondered how old the bird was. 
She looked at the clock, it was already 11:30 pm as she sat down and placed her book on her desk, Errol finally stirring awake from his long nap as he looked at her. 
“Good to know you’re awake buddy, hope you had a good nap.” She said, softly stroking his grey feathers as he just hooted. 
She stood up from the bed and walked towards her desk, grabbing the letter from it before giving it to the owl. Errol then with its little foot grabbed on her fingers as she opened the window, helping the owl take impulse before flying off to the dark sky. 
She sighed, closing the window before sitting down on her bed. She was counting the days until the day she would see George again.
Hopefully soon.. she thought. 
It must’ve been some hours past midnight, probably around 3 am when she heard some weird noises in her backyard, she shrugged it off thinking it must be the neighbor’s cat who always jumped to their backyard from time to time, but then she heard another rustling sound and a cold breeze hit her body, not usual for a summer’s night. 
She quickly woke up, grabbing her wand from her desk where she usually kept it in case of emergency, and she sure knew this was an emergency. 
She quickly ran towards her parent’s bedroom, both of them still asleep as she woke them up in a haste. “Mum, Dad, quickly! Wake up!” She half-yelled, not wanting to make the unwanted guest know they were aware of their surprise visit. 
Her parents, who were opening their eyes in confusing. “Wh-what? What’s going on, sweetheart?” Her dad asked, he noticed the wand in her hand as she looked back and forth around the room. 
“Death Eaters! I-i think they are here!” She breathlessly said as both of their parents were quick to grab their wands and stand up from the bed, the mom wrapped her arms around the daughter’s shoulders as she tried to calm her, her father quickly going out of the room and checking through Y/n’s window that was the only one facing the backyard.
Death Eaters, indeed. He was surprised that they had found out their location; it was a matter of time, he supposed. He watched as they just stood there for a bit before another Death Eater apparated there, probably the leader of the rest. With some quick words and nods, he saw as they muttered a quick Incendio spell from their wands, as fire erupted from them, the flames embracing the flowers his wife had planted and quickly spreading to the house, he saw as they walked inside and it was a matter of time before they ran into each other. 
He ran back towards his room, looking at both his wife and daughter. “Do we fight them, dad?” Y/n asked, always brave and ready for the action whenever it was needed, a true Gryffindor like himself. “No sweetie, we are not fighting them. They outnumber us and I’m not ready to take any chances with you two here. We have to leave at once!” He quickly grabbed some bags he had hiding behind a desk. “I have already made a emergency plan if this was ever to happen, now everybody grab my hand.” Her dad was quick to say as he could her things breaking downstairs, Y/n was shocked to see her dad not putting up a fight. “But dad! We cannot let them destroy our house!” She exclaimed as she faced her father.
“Sweetie, your and your mother lives are more important to me than the house. Property can be replaced, lives cannot.” He maintained a fixed composure, he knew that he had to be brave in front of his family.
They took a moment to nod before they heard footsteps on the stairs, they quickly grabbed on his hand as they apparated out of the room just in time for the Death Eater to bust into the room, throwing the deadly curse at the wind.
Harry was right, was the first thing she thought.
Apparition really did feel like being forced through a very tight rubber tube, her stomach felt uneasy, after all it was her first time using this method of travel. It was quicker than floo powder, for sure, but not her favorite at all. 
She looked up to find herself in very familiar surroundings, her dad took no time in walking towards the big house that was in front of them, she looked around and her mother softly caressed her hair “Are we..?” Her mother nodded. “The Burrow, darling. We all agreed to come here in any type of emergency, now let’s go and say hi to the Weasley’s.”
They both quickly walked towards the big four-story home, she looked down at her outfit, kind of glad she didn’t decide to wear her more childish but comfortable pajamas, she looked up just in time to see the patriarch of the family, Arthur Weasley, come out of the door with Molly by his side, both of them carrying worried faces as the rest of the home started to lit up completely, waking up everybody. 
“Hello, Molly.” Y/n mom softly said, with a sad tone to her voice as the redhaired woman approached them. “I’m thankful all of you are alright, it would’ve devastating if they have invaded both of our homes.” 
“Oh, dear! I’m just thankful that you three made it out without a scratch! Now, come on! Let’s get you all settled down, a pot of tea is already waiting for us.” Molly said with a tender smile as she embraced both of the women, walking inside as her dad and Arthur wandered off to contact the rest of the Order to let them know of the attack. 
Once they got inside the house, their worries seemed to disappear by the second, her head was still wild thinking about her home being burned to the ground.
“Mum, what’s going on—” the sentence was quick to fly from George’s lips as he walked down stairs to find his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s mum in his kitchen, when she heard the voice of George she was swift on her feet to run towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he quickly embraced her, burying his face on her neck, breathing in her sweet fragrance. “Merlin’s beard!” He cussed out, “Babe, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” George quickly asked, wanting to put an end to his doubts, don’t get him wrong, he was happy to have her in his arms but confused as to why they apparated at 3 am in his house.
“They attacked our house! Death Eaters, George! They came out of nowhere and burned our home!” She cried out, her eyes filling up with tears as she hugged him tighter, wanting to feel the warmth and protection of his body embracing her. “I wish I could’ve done something, fought them! they just burned it down. I just feel so hopeless.” 
“Don’t you dare say that! You are one of the bravest Gryffindors I know. It was better to avoid fighting them now, we have to prepare for battle and it wouldn’t be nice training with a wounded girlfriend.” He joked a bit, trying to brighten her mood up a bit as she chuckled between sobs before cleaning away her tears. “I guess you’re right..”
“When am I not right, babe?” He winked at her as he kissed her lips softly.
“Okay, now you’re just getting cocky.” She replied shaking her head.
Seconds laters, the whole pack came down, Fred and Ginny along with The Golden Trio who were quick to check up on her and ask questions, Harry getting furious at the Death Eaters once again, tired of them coming after their friends.
“It’s not your fault, Harry, dear. We knew what we were getting ourselves into when we agreed to be part of The Order and we wouldn’t want it any other way.” Y/n’s mom said as she caressed Harry’s cheek, Y/n nodded at the statement.
“Okay, kids. It’s time for you to go back to sleep, we can discuss this tomorrow when things have calmed down.” Molly said as she hushed the teens up to their rooms. “I know you’re a bit shaken up, sweetie. So, with your mum’s approval, I’m gonna make the exception for you to sleep in Georgie’s room, but no funny business! The walls are too thin, remember!” 
That night, with her mom and Molly’s approval, Y/n slept with George’s arms embracing her, feeling more protected and comforted, when she said she hoped to see him soon, she didn’t mean like this, but she was glad to be back in his arms. Even if Fred’s snores were too loud.
Days and weeks have gone by, Y/n and her parents have found safe sanctuary and a place to stay at The Order’s headquarters at 12 Grimmauld Place, known as The Black’s family home. It had every security measure known to wizardkind, as Sirius once said, so they felt safe staying there for the time being. 
They’ve gone back to their home, everything was pretty much destroyed except some knick knacks here and there and some family pictures that they’ve brought back to the headquarters. As her dad said, property can be replaced and they were on the process of finding a new place.
The Death Eaters have become more and more aggressive, finding more places to burn to the ground and more allies to torture. 
The Weasley’s and The Golden Trio have visited quite a lot, practicing spells and dueling as they prepared for the upcoming battle, that meant more time with George and she couldn’t complain, of course having her friends around was pretty amazing too.
There were few days left of summer, as she packed the remains of her belongings and her robes in suitcases, preparing for going back to Hogwarts. She was a bit excited to go back to school, cause this year had interesting courses she was dying to be part of. Yes, she was very alike Hermione when it came to school, one of the reasons the two got along so well, but she also liked to have fun from time to time, another reason she and The Golden Trio kicked it off good. 
“What are you doing?” George’s voice asked as he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms as she stared at her while she finished packing. 
“Packing for Hogwarts, of course.” She replied in an obvious tone to him as she finished zipping up her baggage.
“I don’t think going back to Hogwarts might be safe for you, considering everything that happened with the Death Eaters and lots of the Slytherin kids are their offspring..” 
“C’mon, Georgie.” She used Molly’s pet name for him. “You can’t be serious. It’s Hogwarts we are talking about! Probably one of the most safe places I could think of!” She was kind of exaggerating with that last part, Hogwarts has been anything but safe these last few years, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to finish her education, even if that meant one or two accidents here and there. 
“I am serious, Y/n! I don’t want you running into any danger at Hogwarts, and we both know you’re quite good at that..” He raised his brow at her before walking towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist. “Oh, really? You’re the one telling me that, Mr. Troublemaker?” She giggled as she placed her arms around her neck, bringing him down a bit to then place a soft kiss against his lips. “Besides, we both know that if I’m ever in deep trouble, you’ll always be there for me, right?” She asked.
“Then, let’s just think about how cool will it be to be back at school. We could go to Hogsmeade, maybe make-out in our free periods..” She slowly explained.
“There’s no way I’m convincing you otherwise, is there?”
“Sometimes, you truly are brilliant, Georgie.” She giggled as she pecked his lips once again. “Now, come on. Let me show you some new pranks I’ve been thinking of.”
They really were made for each other.
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fatoomie2801 · 4 years ago
his queen | kyoya tategami
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💫 preview 💫
Kiara groaned as she woke up, sitting up in the bed she lay in, Tsubasa immediately coming to her aid.
"Are you okay?" he asked, concern plastered on his face as he helped her up.
"Yeah, I'm okay," Kiara responded. The girl felt fine; her head might have been pounding, however she didn't want her brother to worry about her. If anything, she was completely distracted from the ache by thoughts of her trainer. His last battle had left him in a state she had never imagined she would witness, and at that moment, all she wanted to know was how he was doing, if he had woken up, if he'd eaten something, whether he was still in pain from the injuries of his semi-final match. "How's Kyoya?"
"He's okay," Tsubasa responded. "He's in the other room eating breakfast."
"That's good," Kiara sighed, smiling slightly. She and Kyoya had yet to talk face to face since their battle, meaning the air between them hadn't been completely cleared, however Kiara felt at peace knowing that he was doing well. The anger she had for him days ago had completely vanished, not a single trace of it left in the girl's heart. She suddenly felt Tsubasa's hand on her shoulder, distracting her from her thoughts about the green-haired blader.
"Here," he spoke as he retrieved the girl's golden clasp, placing it in her palm, softly smiling as she put it in her hair. "Gingka won."
"Really?" she gasped in shock. "He defeated Ryuga?"
"Mmhm," her brother nodded. "It was horrifying to watch, honestly. Ryuga was possessed by L-Drago again and it turned him into a complete monster."
"Oh, god," was all that could escape the girl's lips; she was grateful she hadn't been there to witness the battle since all it would've done was scarred her. She sat in silence as she glanced out of the window at the radiant sun shining high in the sapphire-blue sky, her mind clouded with thoughts of her best friend's wellbeing, wondering how he was since surely his battle with Ryuga would've taken some sort of toll on him. "Can we go see Gingka?" she asked, turning to her brother.
"Yeah," Tsubasa responded. "Eat something first. I'll tell the others to come along."
Tsubasa left his sister in the room to eat breakfast and change back into her clothes from the gown she had been put in. Once she was ready to go, she met up with her brother who had brought Kyoya and Hikaru with him, the four of them then making their way towards the front entrance of the stadium.
"Looks like we missed all the fun, huh?" Hikaru spoke as they approached the entrance.
"Yeah, Hikaru," Tsubasa replied. "But the future of beyblade has been assured."
"I could've done it with one hand tied behind my back," Kyoya commented, causing Kiara to roll her eyes and laugh silently. Typical Kyoya, she thought.
"Gingky is the biggest baddest blader!" Yu exclaimed happily as the four bladers made their way outside. "Ha!"
"You've kind of left us all the dust now, huh, Gingka?" Hyoma questioned, smiling proudly at his childhood friend.
"That's not true," Gingka replied. "The reason I was able to win was because I had everyone's support."
"That's right!" Kiara beamed as she dashed to the red-haired blader and hugged him.
"You did it, Gingka," Hikaru congratulated.
"Congratulations," Tsubasa added as Kyoya smirked.
"Kiara, Hikaru, Tsubasa, Kyoya!" Gingka exclaimed as his golden-brown eyes met the four.
"Huh?" Benkei gasped, turning around to face the direction Gingka was looking, being met with his idol standing in front of him and rushing to embrace him in a lung-crushing hug. "Kyoya buddy! B-b-bull!"
"Get a grip," Kyoya sighed, pushing Benkei away in order to avoid his hug, causing everyone to laugh.
"You truly did well, Gingka," Ryo spoke, crouching down to meet his son's height. "Because you worked so hard, all your friends' spirits became one for the first time. I'm very proud of you."
"Thank you dad," the boy smiled before his eyes widened. "But dad! Pegasus has... Pegasus has... disappeared!"
"Pegasus disappeared?!" Kiara exclaimed.
"I'm afraid so," Ryo answered. "In the final battle with L-Drago, Pegasus fought so hard that it must've used up all of the power that it possessed. In order to win against the dark force, Pegasus had the use of everyone's power but it kept fighting past its limits. Just don't worry about it right now, Gingka. Once it has rested its wings somewhere, there's a good chance that it will regain its strength and return."
"Thank you, Pegasus," Gingka whispered, smiling softly as he looked up to the sky, before turning to face his friends. "Everyone, our battle isn't over. In fact, it's just beginning. We'll be facing new bey battles, so let's give it our all, okay? Are you ready?"
That evening, Kiara made her way to the river, taking a seat on the bench by the bank, relaxing to the calming sound of the gentle waves that the river produced, the golden hues of the setting sun reflecting off of the water, causing it to glitter and sparkle. The area was surrounded by trees that towered high over the girl's head, its branches adorned with emerald-green leaves and lined with flocks of birds that sang harmoniously.
Kiara slowly laid back against the bench, looking up to study the soft strokes of pink, purple, and yellow that decorated the sky above, reflecting on the outcome of her battle with Ryuga. What would've happened if I had won? she wondered. I don't think it would have made a difference. The girl began to realise that no matter the result of the battle with her ex, which she had worked so hard for, he would've continued to remain power hungry; nothing could change the ways of that man.
~ ~ ~
"Beyblade isn't about revenge."
"It's something that's meant to be enjoyed, not used for your own personal gains. I know what he did was wrong, and I'm not saying that I support his actions at all. I just want you to think about what beyblading really means to you, okay?"
~ ~ ~
The cool air entered Kiara's lungs, revitalising her body as she breathed, a faint smile forming on her face as her golden eyes glistened brightly in the rays of the orange sun, her mind filled with the recollection of Gingka's words from when they first met. He was right all along. Kiara realised that her thirst for revenge was pointless, and that it would ultimately lead to no change, just as Gingka had told her. There was no personal gain she could obtain by defeating Ryuga in battle, and it also wasn't the reason she had originally stepped into the world of beyblade either; Tsubasa was the reason for it all. She was grateful for having finally found him after all those years, for having formed close bonds with many individuals along the way, and for having been able to obtain a new bey, learning to connect with it and grow stronger.
A sense of serenity enveloped her as she finalised her decision to let go of the past; it was obvious she wouldn't be able to forget anything that had happened, and she would never forgive Ryuga for the way he slandered her family that day, or for how he hurt both Tsubasa and Kyoya during battle, but she refused to let that overwhelm her and affect the relationships she had formed with those who simply cared about her. She accepted that pushing those people away would do nothing but make her feel worse, and she was aware of how freeing it felt to share her feelings with those she trusted. Kiara had expected to feel somewhat of a weight lifted off of her shoulders, yet she continued to feel a sense of uneasiness. Something wasn't right.
the rest of chapter 14 is available on wattpad:
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thisismandee · 4 years ago
You’re my PainKiller (Spencer Reid x F!Reader)
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Part 1 | Part 2
Word Count: 1.6k
Content Warning: None just straight up fluff
Summary: After the case Y/N and Spencer have their Doctor Who night. This is just a straight up fluff chapter with “friends” Something warm before I get into the heavy.
We were on the way back from the case. It wasn’t necessarily a hard case. Don’t get me wrong every case was hard, just some took an emotional toll on us more than others. This was a case that had the best possible ending. The unsub was caught and brought it, while the victim was able to get out alive. This was the best case possible. Granted the pictures of the past murders were still haunting, but the way you coped with it was that he was off the streets and the world was just a little bit safer. 
you were sitting on the couch reading a book, when you noticed Spencer over at the coffee station. Of course he was getting coffee even if it was later at night. you swear that kid was 80% coffee, it made up his veins. And you wouldn’t even call his coffee a ‘coffee’. It was more like a pound of sugar was a drizzle of coffee on top of it. 
He started heading towards me on the couch. He had two cups in his hands. When he approached the couch he handed me one of the cups. you were apprehensive. Don’t get me wrong you loved coffee but not once the sun went down. you took the cup and noticed he had just gotten me water. you let a smile spread across my face. He knew me so well, and it did make my heart flutter.
“Thanks” You took a sip out of the cup. 
He sat down right next to you. You could feel your legs touching and the warmth radiating off of his body. You had to admit he was your comfort. You felt at ease when you were around him. 
“What are you reading?” He asked as he pointed over at the book that was in your hand.
“Don’t make fun of me.” You blushed and flashed him the cover of the copy of Romeo and Juliet you were reading. “I was going through books in the back of my closet the other day and I found it, so I decided to open it up and reread it.”
“You know they both die right? It’s like the worst love story in history.” Spencer said, smirking. You could tell he was holding in a small laugh.
“I said don’t make fun of me” You hit his arm with the book. “I am sorry, but sometimes it is okay to read a CLASSIC play, even if the love story is a little shotty.” You looked down at the book. You could see just how well loved it was. The spine was on the verge of breaking in multiple places. Some of the pages were dog eared from where you left off, and notes were scribbled all over the margins. You were a hopeless romantic and this was one of your favorite plays.
“I just want to make sure that you have a realistic expectation for love. I just don’t want you to get your heart broken.” Your heart felt warm from his words. “Especially when a guy doesn’t propose to you after one day.” He gave you a side smile, and you reciprocated with another whack of your book. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder as you continued to read your book. He sat there and sipped on his coffee and looked over the case file, to prepare himself for the paperwork that needed to be done when we got back. You didn’t realize it but all of a sudden your eyes became very heavy, and before you knew it you were asleep.
You were jolted awake as you felt the jet land on the ground. You were still leaning on Spencer, however, now there was a cardigan around your legs being used like a blanket. You recognized this cardigan it was Reid’s. You sat up on the couch and handed him his cardigan back. 
“Hello Sleepyhead” Spencer said to you, as he took his cardigan.
“Shit you had to wake up right now. I was just about to take a picture of the two of you and send it to Garcia.” You heard Morgan say from his seat. You looked over at him and just flashed your middle finger towards him. Rossi laughed from his seat right next to Morgan. “Hey sweetheart don’t get mad at me, you were the loveirds that were cuddling on the couch for all of us to see.” You just rolled your eyes at Derek. You swear him and Penelope were the top people to ship you and Spencer together. “Pretty boy didn’t seem to mind you getting close to him.”
You looked over at Spencer and he had a huge shit eating grin on his face. “Don’t you dare feed into his fantasies.” You scolded him. He just kept that smile on his face. “I will cancel our plans, and you can kiss your Doctor Who buddy gone. Good luck finding someone that will want to watch it with you.” Spencer's smile faded.
“Morgan, stop with your fantasies. She just fell asleep, we weren’t ‘cuddling’” Spencer yelled over from his seat.
“Sure you weren’t” Derek smirked and looked away. He would never believe you when you said that you and Spencer weren't together. You had thought about it, but nothing really happened.
You had just gotten back into the bullpen. Hotch had looked over at the clock and noticed the time it was late.
“Everyone, it’s late, go ahead and get home and get some rest, but be ready for work tomorrow.”  He said with a smile that only Hotch possesses, and he headed to his office. 
You walk over to your desk and grab your car keys that are in your second drawer down. You then walk over to Spencer’s desk where he is sitting and jingle your keys in front of him.
“So what do you say genius, are you ready for a Doctor Who marathon for the night” You say to him.
“When am I not ready for a Doctor Who marathon. Can we stop at my apartment before we head over to yours I just wanna grab some things?” He smiled as he slings his bag over his shoulder. You nod your head and you both head out of the bullpen and are ready to head out.
The car ride to Reid’s was filled with music and obnoxious singing. As you pulled up to his apartment you sat in the car as he ran up to his apartment to get his things for the night. You already knew what he was grabbing. On nights were you and Spencer had to go to work the next day you would just have, for lack of better words, sleepovers. Contrary to popular belief, that was all they were, sleepovers, and nothing happened except sleeping and hanging out. Spencer would take the couch and you would sleep in your room. 
You looked over at your dashboard, it read 8:03pm. You saw Spencer walking down the stairs from his apartment and opening up your car door. 
“Hurry up Spence. At this rate we will only be able to watch like two episodes, and I was really hoping to get more episodes in.” 
“Oh calm down, let's be honest you will get through one episode before you fall asleep.” He teased you, but he wasn’t wrong. You rolled your eyes as he buckled up and you drove off to your apartment.
You walked into your apartment and went right to your bedroom to get out of your clothes from the day and change into your oversized shirt and sweatpants. You then went to the kitchen and got some popcorn and a huge cup of water. By the time you got to the Livingroom Spencer was already in his dino pants and his CalTech sweatshirt. He was sitting on the couch with his feet up on your coffee table. You noticed that in Spencer Reid fashion he had his mixed matched socks on. You couldn’t help but smile.
You plopped down on your oversized chair that you had right next to your chair. And flipped on the tv. 
“Are you ready?” You asked and looked over at him.
“I will be once you give me some of that popcorn.” He said as he held out his hands. You rolled your eyes and decided to put the bowl of popcorn on the end table that was between you two. You watched as he stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth. “Go on, I am ready now.”
You laughed and clicked on the Doctor Who title. The show started and you curled up in your chair.
Just like Spencer called it before the first episode was even over you could feel your eyes closing. 
“Hey you should turn off the lights.” You say quietly from your chair, essentially admitting defeat.
“Why? Are you tired? Are you falling ASLEEP Y/N?” Spencer mocked you as he stood up and headed towards the light switch. 
“Whatever genius, just turn off the light. I’m going to set an alarm on my phone.” I grabbed one of the pillows from my couch and curled back up on the chair, and set an alarm on my phone for the morning. 
He flipped the lights off and headed back towards the couch, but before he sat down he asked, “Aren’t you going to head to bed?”
“No, I think I am comfortable right here.”
He grabbed two blankets from a basket I had in the corner of the room that was full of blankets. He took one and threw it on the couch where he would be sleeping, and he took the other one and draped it over me. This small action made me feel completely warm. I couldn’t help the blushing and I closed my eyes. I heard Spencer turn off the TV and lay down on the couch. Before I knew it I was out like a light. 
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ralexsol · 4 years ago
On the Subject of Underverse S2
You read that correctly: this is a post about one of the greatest shows ever created, the Undertale animated series Underverse, written/animated by @jakei95​. I have a lot of theories that I’ve been pulling together ever since I watched both Underverse and Xtale (the Underverse prequel series). Maybe one or two have no basis in anything, but for some reason they popped into my head and I’ll stick by them until they’re proven incorrect. I will discuss the possibility of a Geno/Ink fight, Fresh!Ink, XI (you’ll definitely want to read their section!), and the fates of many different characters. This is quite the long post, so buckle up for a long ride.
Let’s begin!
I’m putting this theory first because it is the least important. At some point in time, I somehow got it into my head that there is supposedly going to be a fight between Geno and Ink. I have no idea where I heard about this, and when I searched for any specific videos or posts about the subject, I found nothing. But I personally think a fight scene between Geno and Ink would be pretty cool, so I’m adding this in here.
This is a more relevant theory. Ever since Jakei announced that Fresh!Ink would be a part of Underverse, I have wondered how he would be incorporated. I don’t know if she means for him to be in the future “Beach Episode” or something more serious. (Of course, I know almost nothing about this supposed “Beach Episode”, which is apparently when Epic!Sans will be showing up, so I really wouldn’t know.) But there is an important thing to remember: Ink and Fresh made a deal in the first season.
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Ever since I saw this Underverse - Xtra Scene 2, I have wondered what this “prize” could possibly be. What was Ink’s side of the deal? What did he promise Fresh? Hmm... maybe a new body to take over?
Ink’s body doesn’t have a SOUL- that’s basic “Undertale AU Knowledge 101″. What does this have to do in regards to Fresh? To my best knowledge, the actual parasitic creature True!Fresh feeds off the souls of other creatures to survive. In fact, his soul-feeding would kill his victims if he stayed long enough in one body, but he likes to play it safe and leave his victims alive in case he needs to use their body again. But he wouldn’t need to do this with Ink. Because of Ink’s SOULless nature, Fresh could theoretically feed off his body forever. Some might object that since Ink doesn’t have a SOUL, Fresh wouldn’t be able to feed off him. But then how does Fresh!Ink exist?
So, what was their deal? Fresh watches over the Xtale AU while Ink is gone, and after Cross and X!Chara are taken care of, Ink comes back and lets Fresh take over his body for a little while. There may be something else I’m missing, but the pieces seem to make sense.
For those of you who don’t know who XI is, I suggest you watch this video about Jakei’s Overwrite merch. This is when the character of XI was introduced to us, back on good ol’ April 1st, 2019. Haha, yes, the joke character of XI- funny April Fool’s Day video, a good laugh for everyone. Jakei has made a few comics about XI since then, but overall, XI hasn’t been involved in Xtale or Underverse so far. That has never sat right with me, and I’ve always thought there would be something more to him. I was proven absolutely correct when Xtale - The Movie came out. But before we discuss the little extra scene tagged onto the end of that video, I would like to point out some very interesting facts about XI.
On October 6th, 2019, Jakei posted a traditional speedart. Obviously, the art is gorgeous like always and every time I watch it I wonder if I will ever get to the level of skill she is at. But besides that, there is a very important aspect about this video. In the speedart, Jakei drew two pictures: one of X!Chara and X!Frisk fighting, and one of XI. In XI’s picture, they are depicted in full armor with a magical purple sword & shield.
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Hmmm... I wonder who this could possible resemble?
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Every time XI is shown, whether it be in comics or artwork, their bangs hang over their eyes. Their armor looks exactly like Kris’s from Deltarune. Heck, they both use a sword and a shield! What does this mean? XI is X!Kris. There is no way to deny this. This is why they are X!Chara’s and X!Frisk’s little sibling. I would also like to point out XI’s silver oval locket. I find it interesting how he has a different piece of jewelry from everyone else- all other important characters in Xtale have a matching golden heart locket. Does XI also have people he has given copies of this necklace to? Perhaps X!Susie and X!Ralsei, if they exist? But XI being X!Kris is only the beginning of this theory. Remember how I mentioned Xtale - The Movie earlier? Take a look at this picture.
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This is a five-second frame pegged at the very end of the video, after an entry written in wingdings by Mister XGaster himself. The message is as follows:
Entry Number Eleven: As clear as a reflection in a mirror, I have found the most perfect projection of forbidden visions. Get ready. Your time is coming.
Okay, just whoa. Not only is the entry #11, but the person standing there is XI. Oh, and let’s take a closer look at what they’re holding in their hand.
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I knew that silver locket was going to be important. There is no way that XI is not going to play a major part in either Underverse S2 or hmm... maybe a spin-off about the Xtale versions of Deltarune characters? To my knowledge, Jakei has not said anything about her plans after she finishes Underverse. She has her Metadora project, and I am aware that her husband @nyxtheshield​ is planning out his own Undertale series- someone will need to animate that, and I’m sure she would be able and willing to do the job. She has stated that there will be no seasons of Underverse after S2, and the finale will be 1.0. But that doesn’t mean she won’t make a new series. If she does, will it be about all the Deltarune characters? Will the other Xtale characters show up at certain points in it? Will XGaster play a large part in it? There is no way to know, as the idea of a new show is simply drawn from that there may not be enough time in S2 to fully expand what XI is.
In any case, XGaster states in the entry that “your time is coming”. This could either reference a new show or XI’s appearance in Underverse. I find it extremely interesting how XGaster words his message. “The most perfect projection of forbidden visions.” What does that mean exactly? XGaster has seen something in one of his many visions, obviously. The most perfect image of prohibited sights. XI is a person that stands for something that should not be allowed to exist. That makes sense- XGaster, a man, somehow got pregnant and birthed them, as shown in the Overwrite merch video. The “forbidden visions” might imply that he has seen something quite “cursed”, as us modern Internet-users would say. But then he tells this projection to get ready, because their time is coming. XGaster is telling XI to prepare themself. This just proves that XI and XGaster are tied together very closely, and that if XI does get their own series with X!Ralsei and X!Susie, XGaster will be involved.
Whew! That’s a lot of information to take in all at once. This was the big “theory” I wanted to discuss, so now we will move on to the different fates I believe may befall some of our beloved characters.
Ah, Ink. One of the true protagonists of Underverse. Remember: a protagonist is not necessarily a hero, just one of the leading characters. It has been seen that his story arc is the most important throughout the entire story. He is the one that inspired XGaster. He is the one that made XGaster’s plan succeed. And he very well might be the one to make it fail.
Wait, you’re asking me. I thought he was on XGaster’s side? What do you mean he will make it fail?
I didn’t want to address whether Ink was going to stick with XGaster or flip until a certain song was posted by Nyx two days ago on December 5th, “Soulless Heart”. If you haven’t listened to it yet, go ahead and click that link because the song is beautiful and absolutely necessary to continue on with this theory! The song is the Underverse 0.5 Ending Theme, and guess who it’s about? You guessed it, our good old buddy chum pal Ink. I’ve been listening to it on repeat since it came out, and it really is incredible. (Nyx, if you’re somehow reading this, I would like to personally congratulate you, because not only is the music amazing but mwah! Your voice is a joy, and I would not have any other singer do the vocals.) But the most important thing about the song is the lyrics. Here’s the first verse.
How long have I been longing
to be free and not broken
in this ocean of hollowness?
I don’t want to be forgotten.
Instantly, the lyrics hit you hard. This is about Ink, though, so you can’t expect anything less. Essentially, the song is about the emptiness that Ink feels without a SOUL. This goes along with one of his main aspects in Underverse. The only reason why he worked with XGaster to make sure XGaster’s game worked was so he could feel more emotions. As a chaotic neutral character, Ink literally only cares about himself and his personal goals. But what is interesting about this song is that he addresses the pain he has caused.
Sacrificial lambs
laid upon my path
now are broken worlds
killed by senseless wrath.
Ink knows that he has hurt people. I mean, in the present timeline when 0.5 is to be set, Ink’s actions just caused Error to literally “pull the plug” and destroy all the AUs. (Although, how many AUs were actually destroyed is impossible to determine, because there are still multiple Sanses that will be incorporated into S2 that were residing in their AUs at the time of their supposed destruction.) Ink knows that this is his fault. And now that XGaster has won, Ink will be receiving all those emotions he wanted! In the S2 teaser, which was released on the original Underverse 0.5 release date (the episode was unfortunately delayed due to issues with Nyx’s distributor, RouteNote), shows something very important.
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Look at those vials in his hand. Those aren’t just colored vials. Well, they are, but their colors are especially important. Look at their specific colors: orange, yellow, and amber. Previously, Ink’s vials have been seen as very straightforward: roy g biv, that sort of thing.
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You have one or maybe two variations, although in this picture there seems to be about four different aqua vials. But there certainly isn’t an amber vial. This goes to show that XGaster followed through on his promise, and Ink has a lot more variations in his color-coded emotion vials. The obvious conclusion from this is that he can feel a lot more things than he thought was possible- including guilt. With his newfound feelings, he could realize that what he did wasn’t just wrong, it was horrible. He might start to blame himself for getting all the AUs destroyed, which in turn might result in a betrayal of XGaster. With his emotions, he would become a real good person. But ultimately, without XGaster’s Overwrite abilities, Ink’s new emotions will fade and he will return to be the same old Ink as before. He will no longer understand why he sacrificed his emotions, and the cycle will start anew. Ink will never be truly happy, because being happy will always mean the suffering of others.
Or, Ink will stick with XGaster. It would be the same fate, after all; if the heroes defeat XGaster, Ink will still lose those emotions. This, though, might leave him feeling bitter and even more willing to do anything to get what he wants, which could potentially lead to him becoming a real villain. Perhaps XGaster isn’t the final boss of Underverse. Maybe the one to start everything will be the one to finish everything.
This wouldn’t be a real theory post without discussing our favorite fanfiction writer, would it? And yes, XGaster is literally a fanfiction writer. He has symptoms of OCD concerning the world-building of his universe and he just loves to add as much angst as humanly (or monsterly) possible. It just so happens that he lives in his own created universe, so his creations have the pleasurable chance at getting revenge.
Now, there are obviously two ways that Underverse can go: XGaster succeeds, or XGaster fails. This doesn’t necessarily mean that this will be the ending of S2. As I mentioned above, perhaps XGaster will be defeated at the end of 0.9 and 1.0 will be about everyone trying to stop Ink from taking the Overwrite SOUL for his own, I don’t know. In any case, I don’t really have anything to discuss about XGaster specifically, but I am pretty sure I know what his last scene will be if he happens to lose.
It is shown in the Underverse S2 Prologue - Owners that XGaster and UT!Gaster spent a lot of time together in the Void between the events of Xtale and Underverse. Not only do they hold an entire conversation together in Owners, but in Underverse 0.1 when Sans is hit in the head with a ball, he has a vision of the two of them standing together.
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In XGaster’s and UT!Gaster’s conversation in Owners, UT!Gaster tells XGaster that he will fail in his quest for perfection. XGaster brushes him off because he’s an egotistical prick, yadda yadda. But this conversation is important because I believe it will parallel the ending of XGaster’s quest. In the end, UT!Gaster will approach his old Void-buddy and tell him to just give up on his pointless venture. XGaster will turn to dust after saying something like, “I will never give up”, and then we have Ink going on a rampage. That’s pretty much all I have to say on them, but I thought it would be worth adding.
Lastly, we have the brothers. As with XGaster and UT!Gaster, I don’t have much to add with them. But I do believe they will both play a major role in S2. They will be the overseers of the battle to come. Out of all the characters in the Undertale fandom, they are the most omnipotent. They are the protectors of the Tree of Feelings, which is one of three trees to give the Multiverse life. In Underverse 0.4, when X!Chara accused Nightmare of “watching us all this time as if we were part of a show”, Nightmare responded by saying:
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Of course, Nightmare mostly means himself, Error, and Ink. Dream is much more active in helping people be happy, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t on the same god-tier level as his brother. Dream could sit back and watch the world tick, but he chooses not to because that goes against his morals.
In other words, Dream and Nightmare will probably affect the outcome of Underverse more than any other characters. They’re both pissed about what Error did: all those people that Dream cared about were murdered, and Nightmare can no longer generate negative feelings from innocents. They both have invested interest in this Multiverse war now, and their powers will certainly come to the forefront.
I believe that at the end of the story, the Multiverse will essentially go back to the exact way it was before Xtale was invented. XGaster will be dead, the Xtale characters will be put back in their AU, the other AUs will be restored, and at the end of it all, Dream and Nightmare will be once again pitted against one another. We may even see an alliance between them during Underverse S2 to stop XGaster, but afterwards, they will reestablish their rivalry. Unless the Omega Timeline comes into play, which it very well might, I don’t see the two brothers reconciling.
Thank you everyone who took the agonizingly long time to read this! I hope this shed some light on certain characters (especially XI) and encourages to make some of your own theories. Stay safe and good night!
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roseyserpents · 5 years ago
I'm In Love With You
Summary: neither you or Sweet Pea thought the other would return your not so secret feelings so your friends take action for you
Warnings: none!
Word count: 2,221
Posted: January 3rd, 2020 2:46 A.M. CT
A/N: I've been in a serious mood for fluff all day so I wrote y'all some! This is based on Please Notice by Christian Leave , Hope you enjoy!
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And baby when you sleep do you dream of me?
And when you're awake do you think of me?
I need to know, how do you feel?
'Cause baby when I sleep I dream of you
And when I'm awake that's all I do
Think about every detail you have
Sweet Pea tossed over and over in his bed, groaning as he checks his clock, the numbers 3:47 illuminated red as if daring him to stay up longer and mess up his sleep schedule even more than it already was. He'd given up trying to fall asleep at three, the images of Y/n flashing in front of his eyes the moment he closed them in attempts. You'd smiled at him earlier in school, the small gesture everything but to him. The way your eyes sparkled and your cheeks dimpled at the expression made his heart bump bump bump in his chest, in every class after that leaving him staring into space with dreamy eyes. He wondered if you were up thinking about him like he was you. Probably not. He wondered if sometimes he was in your dreams sitting with you under a twinkling night sky like you were sometimes in his. Probably not. You were so pure, so innocent, you probably didn't even pay more attention to him than a glance; why would someone like you, a picture perfect Northsider want to be involved in anyway with a Serpent?
He closed his eyes and traced over everyone of your delicate and soft features, the small crinkle in the corner of your eyes when someone tells a joke, the way your hair falls on your back when you throw it over your shoulder, how your tongue ever so slightly peaks out of your mouth when you're concentrating, or how your hand looked like it would perfectly fit into his own. Everything about you to him was beautiful, but he could never find the confidence to tell you that.
You were the first girl to ever get Sweet Pea nervous and stumbling over his words. No one had ever seen him anything but collected and laid backed, perhaps a bit cocky around girls and never expected him to be a stuttering blushing mess; especially not with a Northsider. But here he was, now at 4:58 still having dreamy thoughts about the girl who sat across from him in the art class Fangs made him take and who sat next to him in History.
"Jeez Pea, you look like you got hit by a bus." Fangs says upon finding his best friend leaning against his locker, heavy bags under his eyes.
"Thanks," He says sarcastically, "I didn't sleep."
Sweet Pea simply nods.
"If you're that head over heals for her, ask her out!" Fangs exclaims, clearly exhausted at the situation you two were in. Kevin had been telling him how you'd swoon over the seemingly intimidating Serpent whenever he passed or when he glanced your way, everyone knew you were in love with each other except for you two.
"She wouldn't want to go out with me, Fangs." Pea replies, "She's too... Innocent. We're gang members."
"So what? You've never been scared to ask a girl out. Is the real Sweet Pea in there?" Fangs asks, waving a hand in front of his face for extra affect.
"What if this is the one girl I'm scared of being rejected by?" With that Sweet Pea closes his locker, carrying his books under his arm to his hoomroom passing you and Betty while you had a similar conversation.
Do you notice when I get mad I clench my jaw?
Do you notice when I get sad I tend to fall?
Over my words I say to you
"Hi Sweet Pea." You waved sweetly as he passed causing him to stop and return it with a smile only to run into a Bulldog, clenching his jaw and sending the boy a glare before returning on his path out of sight.
"He always does that when he gets mad." You say to no one in particular.
"Does what?" Betty asks, watching as you stare dreamily in the direction he'd gone.
"His face gets all tense and he clenches his jaw." You answer, "that's the only time he really looks scary."
"Right." She says, pressing her lips into a line and raising her brow, "Well lucky you, you have your next class with him."
Her words seem to snap you out of your daze and you quite literally jump, shaking your head and regathering your books in your arms. "Right! Bye B!" With that you scamper in the same way Sweet Pea walked, a small strawberry blush coating your cheeks.
You slide into your seat next to Sweet Pea just as the bell rings signalling the start of homeroom. You glanced at the boy next to you a few times out of the corner of your eye before finally turning in your desk to face him with a nervous smile.
"Hi." You say quietly causing him to look up from carving something into the side of his desk.
"Oh, uh hi, Y/n." He stumbles over his words. You see a sad look in his eye, concern growing for the Serpent in front of you.
"Are you okay?" You ask softly, gently placing a hand on his arm much to your own surprise. He looks down in slight wonder seeming to get pulled into his own mind for a second before meeting your worried gaze again.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just uh didn't get a-a lot of sleep." He excuses though you were the source of the lingering feeling of sadness that sat in the back of his head. He was sad that the two of you would probably never be more than warm smiles and small talk, that the two of you would never be just that, the two of you.
Your hand lingers a few moments on his bicep before you pull it away, nervously clearing your throat as you face the front of the classroom where the teacher had just walked in.
"Okay class, open your textbooks to page seventy nine."
'Cause I notice when you get mad you close your eyes
And I notice when you are sad you let out sighs
I need to know are those sighs ever over me?
The week after when Sweet Pea was walking down the hall he noticed a Bulldog jacket facing him where you'd usually wave to him. Confused, he stopped and examined your locker, his jaw clenching at the sight. You were pinned against the blue metal by a Bulldog with his arms on either side of your head. You were obviously not into him and were desperately looking for an escape but found none as the boy persisted you let him take you out on a date. He saw how angry you looked, noticing you close your eyes and let out a frustrated breath.
"I'm pretty sure she said no." Sweet Pea intervenes, pulling the Bulldog around by his shoulder to face him instead of you. They looked each other up and down, Sweet Pea standing an inch or two taller.
"What's it to you?" He scoffs before examining the look on Sweet Peas face and smirking. "Oh, I see, you like her. Might as well forget it buddy, someone like Y/n would never go for some Southsider, especially not a Serpent."
Rage flickers in Sweet Peas eyes as he slams the Bulldog against the lockers, the other boy wincing in pain. "Leave. Her. Alone." He growls through gritted teeth before giving him one last push and letting him go. He straightens his jacket before walking off leaving you, Sweet Pea, and a dispersing crowd behind.
"Are you okay?" He asks turning to face you after making sure the Bulldog rounded the corner instead of trying to come back for round two.
"Now I am. Thank you." You smile, your gaze lingering on his face a little too long before you turn and walk away trying to hide the growing blush on your face. Sweet Pea watches in disappointment as you hurry away from him. Did he scare you? Was he too rough? Did he further prove that someone like him couldn't be with someone like you?
Do you know how in love with you I am?
Do you see how in love with you I am?
Every thing that you do, it makes my heart stop
Oh, it stops
"Y/n you're coming to the party." Veronica says. "No ifs ands or buts about it."
"But I have to-"
"No buts!"
You give an exasperated sigh, plopping down onto her bed. "There's no reason for me to go, V. I won't know anyone there and I'll just feel stupid."
"Nonsense!" Veronica exclaims, standing up and pulling you with her. "I'm going to dress you up and you're going. Okay?"
"No, not okay!" You reject as she pulls you to her closet much against your will.
"Great let's get started!"
By the time Veronica was done working her magic, you were almost unrecognizable. Your hair was curled and a beautiful sparkly dress hugged your body that stopped slightly above your knees. You had makeup that matched the colour scheme of the rest of your outfit, the person you look at in the mirror ending up looking like an entirely different person.
"You look absolutely beautiful, Y/n/n." Ronnie smiles looking over your shoulder as you return the grin. "Now let's go!"
You pull up to the spot next to a calm section of Sweetwater River, fairy lights strung from the trees while blankets littered the ground with a bottle of what you hoped was sparkling juice in a basket on the ground. There was a bowl of popcorn on a table behind the scene along with a projector. A sheet hung on the opposite end, it's use obviously a screen.
"V, this doesn't seem like a party." You say as confusion laces your words and draws lines on your face.
"Go ahead I'll be there in a minute I need to grab my purse from the back." She says, ignoring your comment. You give her an even more confused look but she just raises her brow at you with a smile and nudges you towards the door. With a sigh you unwillingly get out walking to the admittedly beautiful scene. As soon as you make it to the blankets and twinkling lights Veronica drives away leaving you gaping at her. Did she just ditch you alone on the side of a river?
You freeze before turning around, finding Sweet Pea standing on the opposite side of the set up also dressed up for a party in a tux. His hair was slicked back but a stubborn lock fell on his forehead, his overall look stunning you silent. Sweet Pea took your dress and hair and just overall how beautiful you looked in that moment and he swore he felt his heart stop.
"Did they um, ditch you here too?" You ask after a painstakingly long silence.
"Uh yeah they left the second I got out of the car." He answers, scratching the back of his neck - he's nervous.
"Is this supposed to be a... Date?" You ask as if he'd set it up, walking around and examining the appealing setup until you stand in front of him.
"It might be." He answers with a quiet gulp. You both look everywhere but at each other, blushes creeping on to your cheeks in a mix between strawberry pink and cherry red. "Now or never." You hear Sweet Pea whisper to himself before he finally looks at you.
"Y/n, I... For a long time I've noticed you." He starts nervously playing with his hands. You reach out and take one to prevent it, both of your breaths hitching in your throats at the sudden touch. "I've noticed how kind you are to people even when they don't deserve it, how you try to help everyone, how you always give me little smiles that make me feel better even when I'm having a horrible day. You're beautiful and smart and kind and I just - I fell in love with you."
"Sweet Pea I-" you begin with a ghost of a smile dancing across your face before he cuts you off.
"And I understand if you don't like me, I mean who would, it's just I've been waiting so long to tell you-"
"Sweets!" You talk over him, efficienctly shutting him up by holding his face gently with your hands. His own instinctively move to your waist to keep you in place in front of him. The orangey yellow glow of the fairy lights not far overhead reflect in his beautiful brown eyes adding even more to the already present twinkle. Slowly, you pull him down closer to you standing on your toes until your lips hover over his. He takes the final move to press his lips to yours in a gentle experimental kiss that lights off silent fireworks around you and sparks inside of you. After you pull apart, your foreheads rest against each other's with silent smiles of amazement decorating your faces.
"I'm in love with you too, Sweet Pea."
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corvid-lullaby · 5 years ago
FFxivWrite: Prompt #2 Sway ~ Sway of the Heart
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Characters: Nishiki, Kiryu, Kazama, oc Warnings: None Relationships: NiShikiya (Nishiki x Nishiki Y1 aka Shikiya),  Slight/Platonic NishiKiryu (Nishiki x Kiryu) Notes: Primarily based in the past Word Count:    1,346 FFxivWrite2020 Master Post
“Yo, don’t talk shit about my old man, okay?” the koi said in aggravation.
Nishiki groaned while rubbing at between his brows with an index and thumb. He leaned back against the school seat he had claimed for the past season, while letting his feet sit crossed over his desk. A simple, small juice box was dangling by the straw, which he lazily sipped the sweet currant juice from. The young high-schooler was giving his class mate a half-lidded, annoyed look.
“Look. I’m just sayin’ I find it kinda weird. Your birthday was yesterday-”
“Yeah yeah, he just forgot is all. Stop worrying your little head over it, Michi.”
A deep sigh, but from the smaller, dark haired boy. Michi brushed some of his simple, medium length hair behind his ear before moving to sit on the right side’s edge of Nishiki’s desk. With his arms folded on his lap, he turned his head to look at his classmate solemnly. Although, there was a deep undertone of pity in his darker blue eyes.
As for the young koi, he gave an over-animated shrug. The dangling juice box started to rattle and bubble with the last sip, where it would be snatched and haphazardly tossed onto his desk’s surface. Nishiki was obviously becoming aggravated with his friend’s nose prodding around. “Listen. Kazama is a really busy guy. I can’t expect him to keep tabs on all of us like that. It happens every year anyway, and he tries to make up for it-”
“with some small amount of cash he personally tells you to just take out of his wallet,” Michi finished, without bothering to hold back the attitude in his words. He meant well, Nishiki knew, but the subject was something Nishiki preferred to avoid. The nose on the koi’s face wrinkled. He couldn’t help but turn his head to look out the window his desk conveniently was placed against.
The conversation ended as thus. Eventually Michi gave up within the silence between the two, where he returned to his seat before class began again.
Later, the fated koi returned to the orphanage. With how stressful the air was at school, he couldn’t be happier to be back home today. That was said through his large, goofy grin that was plastered onto his face, and how he excitedly tossed off his shoes, and even how he was almost skipping down the hall. Just around the corner, just as he expected, Kiryu was standing in the dining area. He looked exhausted, but that was normal around this time.
“Hey, bro! How’d training go?” Of course Nishiki was happy to see him, even when he was still damp with sweat in his martial arts uniform. He even threw an arm over the other’s shoulders Sure, the koi was a bit popular at school, but none of his friends there held the same close bond he had with his adopted sibling. Kiryu wasn’t only his brother, he was his very best buddy. Someone that he trusts and loves deeply.
The sudden weight thrown over his shoulder caused Kiryu to grunt and his body to shift to support that weight. “Ah! It went about as well as expected I guess? Kazama is pretty ruthless in his training.” The young dragon paused, rubbing at his own chin in thought. “Oh yeah! He wanted to see you whenever. I think he’s in his office?”
“Oh yeah!?” Of course he was excited! His surrogate father often forgot about his birthday, but wanting to see him the very next day was something unheard of. It usually took several days to a week. This soon-ness was very different, and, to Nishiki, a good sign.
Being even more chipper, he went to Kazama’s office. Nishiki wasn’t quick to knock, instead taking a moment to listen if it was even alright to at first. He heard some rummaging, but no mumbles of talking, so he assumed it safe. He knocked, which was quickly followed up by his pa’s rather straight and flat voice, “Come in.” The koi hoped he wasn’t interrupting anything, where the other’s voice raised the suspicion that he had.
Upon entering, Nishiki confirmed that he had. In a way, anyway. Kazama was at his desk with a phone against his ear, which was tucked between face and shoulder. He looked up at the entering Koi, who bowed politely towards him, offered a half-hearted smile, and returned his attention to the papers on his desk. After a moment of scribbling, the back of the pen in his hand jabbed once towards the other end of his desk. There, a single bill sat. Nishiki took it, bowed in thanks again, and left.
After leaving and shutting the door behind himself, the young man stood there. The bill was stretched open. One thousand yen, which was the typical number. Michi’s worrying from earlier today came to memory. Why did he feel compelled to grasp onto some hope that his foster father would have done something a little different this time? He wasn’t sure. He was more concentrated on trying not to think about the more thoughtful gifts and actions his adopted sibling, Kiryu, got instead. Nishiki couldn’t help but let out a deep, shaky sigh.
Mumbling began to be heard from the office behind him.
“Hello? Ah, finally. I was getting ready to give up. Sorry I couldn’t call yesterday. There was business with Kiryu that needed attending to.”
A prick was felt. Yesterday was Nishiki’s birthday. The conversation continued.
“.... Mhmm. It’s about him, of course--No, not Nishiki. He’s never been fit for this sort of thing. Do me a favour and set up an appointment for Kiryu and I, will you?...”
The words started to get foggy. Even the bill in front of Nishiki started to look blurry. He had always been living in willful ignorance and denial, but this was something he was unable to ignore or convince himself otherwise. It was the first time he truly felt a darkness begin to stir in his heart.
With brows furrowed, he made his way back to the dining room. Kiryu was still there, but looking more refreshed and in regular day clothing. Miss matching in style of course. Kiryu was never great at fashion anyway, but seeing it now brought a small grin to Nishiki’s face.
“Oh hey! About time. Did you wanna go out for some ice cream?” Kiryu was always uncanny with his timing on his ability to cheer someone up unintentionally. Nishiki’s grin widened. He couldn’t help but agree. Why wouldn’t he agree to it?
Upon leaving, the koi did pause in the front yard. He turned and looked upwards at a window on the second floor. It was to Kazama’s office, where he could faintly make out the man still diligently working at his desk. That strange and alien tinge of something horrible returned to his chest. Trying to ignore it, he turned and went scampering after Kiryu.
‘I told you to stop fucking digging in there, man. It isn’t healthy.’
A few blinks and reality returned to him, thanks to that comforting voice at the back of his mind. Within his vision was an all too familiar grave.
‘Yo you’re even going white knuckled there. Cut it out and leave it already. Neither of us needs that sort of shit anymore.’
“Hm. I suppose you’re right, Nishiki,” the ex-patriarch replied with a faint hint of emotional exhaustion. Shikiya’s gaze lowered to a mixed bouquet of sunflowers and miscellaneous white flowers. Having split personalities did have its conveniences. In this case, one protecting the other, although it was more for the sake of both of them. Turning away from Kazama’s grave, Shiki took the bouquet with him. He had the intention of leaving them, but decided otherwise.
‘Hey, I think you forgot something,’ Nishiki quickly pointed out.
“Did I? I thought they would be happier in a vase at home. They’er more suited to be with you, and I have a feeling they would be happier that way, too.”
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softyoongiionly · 6 years ago
Merlot 🍷
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REQUEST from Anonymous: “Request for reader x Jimin fluff smut, like best friends to fuck buddies but not even romantic fluff just Jimin being really affectionate and cute with lots of compliments, giggles, and affirmation”
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, best friend! jimin, Friends to lovers Au
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I have a weakness for best friend Jimin, please send help! 🙃 Yikes I really hope I did this justice.
PS My requests are open, click here to send something my way! Check the Request Rules for more info!
Attraction is a funny thing.
Sometimes, it’s obvious and in your face.
Other times…it’s a slow, painful, gut wrenching build-up that could be compared to get a tooth pulled…without novacane.
Sometimes, the object of your attraction is a far away, distant daydream that you can safely admire in the deep recesses of your mind.
Other times, said object is someone close to you, someone you spend all of your time with, someone, you should definitely not be attracted to.
Unfortunately for you, you check the second box, in both cases.
Because you see, the object of your affection was none other than, your best friend Jimin.
Smiley, angelic, ethereal Jimin.
Seriously, you were convinced he was some sort of malevolent species of Fairy that was sent specifically to torture you.
The two of you met your sophomore year of high school and, had bonded over many nights of you sneaking out of the house and, Jimin sneaking liquor out of his parent’s cabinet.
During college, Jimin went wild and, basically spent every weekend dominating the frat party scene and, hooking up with more people than you cared to count. He always talked about finding someone to settle down with but, his actions proved that he wasn’t interested in committing anytime soon. The two of you had a lot of chemistry but, other than making out a few times, nothing further had ever developed.
So, you sort of gave up on the idea of you and Jimin being together. You liked him yes but, your pesky attraction towards Jimin wasn’t worth risking your friendship over.
It was Wednesday night and, you had just pulled into your driveway. Your day had been long and, uneventful so, you were looking forward to shedding your work clothes and, relaxing.
JIMIN: are you free tonight?
JIMIN: I miss u >_<
The buzzing from within your dress pocket (yes, your dress has pockets, you’re no amateur) alerts you of Jimin’s messages and, your mouth seems to have a mind of its own as it’s immediately turning up in a smile. You hadn’t seen Jimin in a few weeks as the two of you had schedules that never seemed to line up.
YOU: I might be free...
YOU: what did you have in mind?
His chat bubble lights up momentarily before, his instant reply comes through.
JIMIN: c’mon jagi, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about our tradition, it hasn’t been that long...
The pet name shouldn’t send a butterfly careening in your stomach but, it does and, you have to take a deep breath before, typing your reply.
YOU: how could you suggest such a thing?
YOU: I would never forget our movie nights. They’re iconic.
You and Jimin used to have a movie night every week for years, the tradition only faltered during finals and holidays. Although, post graduation world was a little different and, since the two of you had started new jobs, it had been about a month or so since your last one.
JIMIN: good. I’ll be over in 20.
JIMIN: wear something sexy for me 😉
Your eyes roll at his response and, you desperately try to ignore the stirring in your stomach. Jimin was a rotten flirt and, you had learned over your years of friendship with him, not to take his comments seriously.
Jimin arrives 45 minutes later as expected because, Jimin being on time is like Halley’s Comet: occurring once every 75 years. You, of course, ignored his request for you to wear something sexy and, opted instead, for a black pair of pajama shorts and, a fuzzy grey sweater. You thought about wearing some granny panties too, just to spite him but, decided against underwear all together. Catching up takes quite a while as the two of you have quite a lot of opinions about your new jobs.
Eventually however, you both end up cuddled up on your couch with a bad romantic comedy playing on your flat screen. Jimin always manages to worm his way into your grip and, he’s currently laying between your legs, black hair against splayed out against the material of your sweater.
He was letting it grow out...
"You listened...” Jimin murmurs, cheek against your stomach, a wry smile playing on his mouth.
With a furrowed brow, you glance down at him, “What do you mean?”
“I told you to wear something sexy for me...” As Jimin speaks, you notice his tone: lower and slower than usual, not exactly Park Smiley Jimin’s style. He trails one finger up your thigh then and, if his voice wasn’t doing something to you, his touch certainly was.
You snort, still staring down at him, “I’m glad my 6 year old pajama shorts are doing it for you...”
Jimin giggles, finger still trailing up your thigh, lingering at the cuff of your shorts, “They are...”
“I think that’s the Merlot talking...” You giggle, feeling slightly buzzed yourself because, the two of you had gone through quite a few glasses whilst you were catching up. Jimin just smirks, his hooded eyes glancing up at you before, rolling over onto his stomach, his chin now resting on the hem of your shorts.
“You’re really fucking pretty when you laugh you know that?” Jimin raises his brows at his question and, if it wasn’t for the slight amount of alcohol flowing through your veins, you would have been freaking out at his compliment.
Instead, for once, you play along.
“You’re plastered...” You giggle again, swiping a thumb over his pillowy lips, pink and swollen, almost asking to be kissed. As your thumb comes over his mouth, he opens it suddenly, sharp teeth catch the tip of it, holding your thumb in place.
“I’m really not...”
Your breath catches in your throat slightly as you stare down at him. Jimin was a rotten flirt yes but, this went beyond his usual antics.
“What’s gotten into you tonight?” You breathe, not moving your thumb from his mouth, feeling his warm breath against it.
“I’ve just been thinking...” He’s whispering now, saliva moistening the end of your thumb as he pulls off of it, a playful smile on his lips.
“It’d be really good if we fucked...”
The butterflies are in full fucking chaos in your stomach right now and, if your heart wasn’t lodging itself into your throat, you would have doubted whether or not it was still beating.
“Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?”
But you play along because, it’s Jimin and, he’s notorious for flustering you but, you weren’t gonna back down, not this time.
“I mean, it’s obvious isn’t it?” He’s smirking down, hands coming up to assist him in kneeling between your knees, your legs spreading wider to accommodate him. “We’re so close...we know exactly what the other person likes...I bet I could make you cum pretty hard...”
Your breath is picking up slightly as Jimin’s hands come up to rest on either of your knees, your shorts likely growing damp from the words he spoke.
“I could make you cum really hard too, I’ve heard my pussy’s pretty tight...”
Jimin’s eyes widen slightly before, he regains his composure, a giggle breaking past his lips as he nods, his hands sliding down your inner thighs as he does.
“I really wanna fuck you...I’ve wanted to fuck you for a long time...” He confesses, zero shame in his tone, his eyes holding quite a bit of mischief but, there’s something else that’s swimming in them that you can’t quite pinpoint.
The truth is, you’ve wanted Jimin for so long. You couldn’t wait anymore, not when we was literally and explicitly stating that he felt the same way.
“Me too...” You breath, hips raising slightly as his hands get closer and closer to the wetness beneath your shorts. “You should do it...you should fuck me...”
A manic giggle escapes his lips, as he licks over them, feeling pretty delirious with desire. He nods, his fingers tucking in on either side of your shorts before glancing up at you, “You’re gonna moan real pretty for me right? Give me something to cum for?”
His words go straight to your clit which must swollen beyond belief. You smirk up at him, licking over your lips, your hips lifting to allow him to pull your shorts down.
“We’ll see...”
Fire flashes through his eyes for a moment before he chuckles darkly, ripping your shorts down your legs suddenly. The movement, though expected, causes you to gasp, your nipples hardening as the cool air hits your wet cunt.
“Wow, jagi you’re so sweet...leaving your panties off for me and everything...” He giggles, ridding himself of his jeans, his dick springing from them, pink and swollen, matching his lips perfectly.
Your mouth practically waters at the sight of him and, being the self-proclaimed attention whore, he notices.
“I’m gonna fuck you now jagi...and it’s gonna make your pretty pussy feel really good for me ok?” His tone his sweet but, you know he’s taunting you, he wants to see you fall apart, “and then...you’re gonna cum nice and hard all over my dick...”
Before you can deliver the sarcastic comment that’s been brewing in your throat, Jimin pushes into you without warning, his dick swelling slightly as he feels you for the first time.
“oh my god...” He groans out, his demeanor faltering slightly as he nods, another delirous giggle escaping his lips as he looks up at you, “How the fuck did you get a pussy this good hm?”
Your breathing further increases as he begins rocking in and out of you, his hips steadily increasing as he leans down to kiss at your mouth.
“Luck of the draw I guess...” You giggle against his lips, indulging in the sweetness of him as the two of you rapidly start chasing your highs.
“I’m literally gonna cum already...this wasn’t supposed to happen but, fuck jagi...your pussy is...” He whimpers, his playful demeanor ebbing and flowing as he continues to fuck into you, his eyes black at this point, hands exploring every inch of your skin he can find.
“My pussy is what?” You whisper in his ear, smirking, out of your mind with desire as your hips rock against his.
“It’s fucking gold...I’m...I’m gonna cum fuck...I’m actually gonna cum already...” He laughs in disbelief, his thumb frantically moving to your clit, rubbing tenderly against the swollen nerves to aid you in your release “Will you cum on me? Please? I wanna make you cum...”
You giggle at his eagerness, nodding back, the sensation in your stomach moving quickly to your pussy, the overwhelming pleasure taking over your senses.
“Jimin...I’m gonna...” You moan, eyes wide and desperate as you stare up at him and he smirks, nodding frantically as he continues to rub you, his hips never faltering.
“Let me see you cum pretty girl, let me see how pretty my girl is when she cums...”
His words, his touch, everything about him was too much...
You feel yourself pushed over the edge, dragging Jimin along with you, his dick pulsing continuously as he empties himself inside of you.
He shivers as his orgasm racks his body, his hands squeezing your hips as his pace turns sloppy. His beautiful when he cums, his head thrown back, his eyes clenched shut, his toned stomach spasming as he gives you everything he has.
“Oh my fucking god...” He whines as he slumps over onto you, his wild heartbeat matching your own.
The two of you lay there for a moment before you finally speak, breaking the silence.
“Well...I can effectively say our friendship is ruined...” You whisper, smiling playfully
He giggles, pressing a kiss against your chest, “Eh, we weren’t that close anyway...”
Attraction...it’s a funny thing
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writinginstardust · 6 years ago
Drunk In Love 2.0
Pairing: Mako x reader
Request: @thats-so-bucky asked “ okay so resending: this was supposed to be the first one sooooo like you got all the promised requests and again, reminder that I really won’t mind if one or two turned a bit or a lot smutty😏👀👀 so the first/last request: drunk/sloppy kiss with ma boi Mako please?? 😍😍 ”
Warnings: smut, drinking
A/N: The promised smutty version of this fic, hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1767
"What a day," I sighed as I flopped down in my desk chair, bottle in hand, and kicked my feet up on the desk. Mako grunted in response from his own desk. I shook the bottle in his direction. "Care to join me? You look like you need it."
"Nah, I've got a mountain of paperwork to finish."
"Ah come on, we're off-duty. Take a break. Relax for once." He seemed to consider it for a moment before finally wheeling his chair over to me.
"Alright, hit me."
Half a bottle or so later it was safe to say we were drunk. Slumped in chairs. Giggling over something we'd both already forgotten.
"Did he really try and hit on you while you had him on the ground in handcuffs?"
"Yeah, and all the way back to the station, and through questioning, and while he was taken to a cell. I swear I almost punched him just to get him to shut up."
"I wouldn't blame you. I don't think even Beifong would have."
"Wouldn't have been so bad if he was cute.."
"Didn't have you down as the type to date criminals."
"There's a lot you don't know about me pretty boy." I winked to make sure he knew I was joking and was surprised to find him blush at the action.
"Well," he leaned forward, smirking, "why don't you enlighten me." This was a side to Mako I'd never seen, and quite frankly didn't realise existed. I kinda liked it. 
"Oh we don't have nearly enough time to dive into my...eventful past tonight."
"Come on, tell me a secret." 
"Alright, how's this? I have a crush on a co-worker who could never love me back." I shot him a grin and took another swig from the bottle when he looked taken aback.
"That's for me to know and you to figure out. Good luck detective." I winked at him again. Maybe having him as a drinking buddy wasn't the best idea I'd ever had if I was apparently going to act like this.
"Why do you think they could never love you back?" He asked, more seriously than I'd really expected.
"Oh a few reasons," I took another drink before passing him the bottle and counting said reasons off on my fingers as I went. "One, his ex's, I could never compete after them. Two, he is 'get the fuck out of here' hot with the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen." Said eyes narrowed as he tried to puzzle it out. "So, y'know, waaaay out of my league. Three, I work with him like all the time and I know he'll only ever see me as a friend. Four, I'm pretty sure he's already basically married to his job. Five, I am the world's biggest screw up who got captured by Amon's lackeys and lost my bending. Six, I'm basically useless now because of that and he's an amazing bender so I don't deserve him. Seven-"
I didn't get a chance to finish my list as his lips collided with mine. It was short, messy, and a complete shock. I forgot to kiss him back.
"Did I read that wrong?" He asked when it was over and I'd failed to do anything.
"Nope." I didn't hesitate for more than another moment before kissing him again, climbing into his lap with a confidence I'd never usually be able to muster. 
It was as messy and uncoordinated as the first one, the taste of the alcohol thick on his tongue. Even in my drunken state I knew it wasn't the best kiss in the world but as soon as his hands landed on me it was a thousand times better than any I'd had before. And they weren't shy. It's not like mine were either, but it was nice to see and feel the proof that he wanted this as much as me. 
At some point I found myself laid out on my desk, shirt half unbuttoned and Mako's lips on my skin. Through the haze in my mind one clear thought emerged. We were probably too drunk to be doing this right now.
"Wait." He stopped immediately, looking up at me questioningly. I blinked, trying to clear some of the fog from my mind. "Sorry. I just...Maybe we should wait. Try this again when we're sober and you know this is what you want."
"I know I want this. It's what I've wanted since we started working together. But if you're not sure-"
"Oh I'm sure. I've been into you since your first pro bending match."
"May I continue then?" 
Fuck it.
He reattached his lips to my neck, let his hands roam freely again. Every sensation was heightened through the haze of the world around us. Every touch seared my skin and left me wanting more. More of that heat, more of that fire that burned inside him, more of everything. As his hands undid my trousers and slipped inside I felt the heat rise, the spark between us catching and sending fire racing through my veins when he finally touched me. 
Clothes were hastily removed, those that needed to be anyway, and cool air soothed the overwhelming heat of our skin. Lips, teeth, and hands were everywhere, their fleeting and drawn out touches stoking the blaze building in my core. His tongue joined his fingers between my legs and the world exploded around me. My body arching against the desk. My screams desperately bitten back. My mind melting in the heat of pleasure.
He pulled back grinning. Where did he learn that!?
"I guess there's a lot you don't know about me either." Apparently I'd said that out loud. I was hardly surprised with the alcohol and post-orgasm blur addling my brain.
"Why don't you enlighten me then?" And oh boy did he ever.
He wrapped my legs around his waist, hands proceeding to slide teasingly up my thighs. When they reached my ass, they gave a firm squeeze before pulling me forward so our hips pressed together. I couldn't contain a gasp as I felt his painfully hard cock against me.
He didn't do much more than grind against me for a few minutes, most of his attention focusing on the kisses he was leaving down my neck and chest. Some of the marks I wouldn't be able to hide but it felt too good for me to care. He worked his way back up slowly. Savouring. He only paused when his lips hovered just over mine.
"You sure."
"Yes." I already sounded slightly broken and he hadn't even started to fuck me yet.
He kissed me then, lips hungry and full of desire. A second later he slid inside me. He wasn't done with the teasing yet either, pushing his hips forward slowly, so slowly. The wet slide of skin sending moans tumbling from my mouth and into his as he made me feel every inch disappear. 
Our breaths mingled, not quite kissing anymore, panting into each other's mouths while Mako remained still and let me adjust. I kissed him quickly when I was ready, breathing out a quick "move" against his lips. I didn't need to say it twice.
He pulled out almost entirely, waiting there just long enough for me to whine at the empty feeling, before pushing back in. Hard. He kept that pace for a while. Slow but deliciously hard and deep. My brain function was rapidly disappearing and in its place only a feeling of bliss remained.
I knew I was moaning obscenely. I also knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. And i didn't particularly want to. It felt amazing and it seemed pointless to pretend otherwise. Especially considering the way my back arched off the desk and the clear desperation in every roll of my hips. 
Both of us were getting close, I could feel it. The knot in my stomach, the way Mako's movements were getting sloppier even as he picked up the pace, I could tell it wouldn't be long. I could tell I would be loud. I pulled his head down  whispering a warning. 
"I know, me too," he panted, connecting our lips right after as one of his hands slipped between us and slid down. He swallowed the especially loud moan I let out with his last few thrusts and I burned. He followed soon after and collapsed back into my desk chair, his breathing heavy.
Too spent to move I just lay there, half naked and wrecked on my own desk. A tiny part of my mind worried we might have just ruined some important documents but the rest didn't care one bit. I was out of it enough that I didn't even notice Mako wheeling the chair over until I felt the warmth sliding up my thighs again. I jolted at the contact and then almost screamed when I felt his tongue against me again. 
Still sensitive from my last two orgasms, it was almost too much and I was shaking within seconds. Mako's hands rested at my hips, holding them down as I tried to move. Away from his mouth or towards it, I wasn't sure and my body seemed unable to decide on its own. I didn't have the will or the strength to hold back my moans and the room was soon filled with them as Mako quickly brought me to my third orgasm of the evening with just his tongue. He didn't move away or stop licking everything up until it was far too much and I had to pull him away myself.
As I caught my breath again, he lifted me off my desk and settled in my chair, depositing me in his lap. I didn't move, didn't speak for several minutes as I recovered. All the while, Mako ran his hands up my side and pressed his lips against my sweaty forehead.
"I should have gotten you drunk months ago," I murmured. He just laughed.
"You didn't have to get me drunk at all. If I'd known how you felt, I'd have done that ages ago."
"Would you…" I sucked in a breath readying myself myself for rejection, even if it was unlikely. This could still just be a one-time thing. "Would you maybe want to do this again sometime?" I looked up at him to watch his reaction. He smiled and kissed me. That must be good.
"I'd love to. One condition though."
"What condition?"
"You let me take you out for dinner first."
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justjessame · 4 years ago
A Reluctant Hero Chapter 21 (FINAL)
JD and I settled into our new life together with more ease than I think I’d ever cohabitated with anyone before.  Well, maybe Kelsey, but she lived in the guest apartment, so did that really count?  
I signed the papers that my lawyer had drawn up in preparation for taking Roger to court for revenge porn and cyber stalking, since he’d somehow managed to get into my email account to steal my contacts.  He also let me know that he heard from the college where Roger was a professor and they were also planning on taking action against him for his less than adult reaction to a breakup.  I guess poor Roger really didn’t quite understand how unpopular being a dickhead could be.
Kelsey and I visited, if not in person then virtually, almost every single day.  I preferred in person, if only to get to hold, feed, and even diaper little Gideon.  She kept asking, after she confirmed that I was actually marrying JD in the not too distant future, when she could expect a sibling.  And I was losing the ability to feign irritation at her constant poking.  
“Can we say ‘I do’ first?”  I asked, cradling my grandbaby to my chest, and yearning for my own.  “We’ve fast tracked so damn much, Kels, can’t we do SOMETHING more traditionally?”  
She had the nerve to laugh.  “I hate to tell you, Ani, but you and Dad and the word ‘traditional’ are pretty foreign concepts.”  I rolled my eyes.  “Just give me a sibling and Gideon a playmate, we’ll plan the wedding while you get down to business.”  
That had me laughing, which is how JD found us when he came in from stacking more wood for his daughter and grandson.  We’d packed his things into a moving truck before he noticed that the woodpile was getting low, so off he’d gone to play Paul Bunyon.  
“What did I miss?”  He was in the kitchen washing his hands so he could take Gideon in his arms, without wood dust and dirt mussing up our little guy.  “Hey, buddy, grandpa’s back.”  He looked up to see me watching him intently and his daughter still fighting hysterical laughter.  “Seriously what did I miss?”  
We were on the road, me feeling happy that we had the moving truck to keep him slow and easy on the drive back to our house, when he chuckled.  I looked over to see his dimple peeking at me.  “Down to business, huh?”  
I snorted.  “Practice makes perfect, right?”  I shook my head.  “Is she right?”  I don’t know why I asked, of course she wasn’t.  We should do the wedding, give me a chance to prepare myself to be a wife, then a mother, right?
He sighed, his laughter gone, but not his good mood.  “Guess it depends on what you want, Ani.”  Shit, leaving it up to me was no help.  “I love you, the marriage part is just a formality to me.”
“You’d be alright if we started really trying?  Now?”  I felt the truck swerve a touch and bit my lip.  “Not NOW now, JD,” I noticed that he had both hands on the steering wheel, and his fists were tight.  “But now, as in when we get-”
“Home?”  I swear I felt him hit the gas and started worrying that we’d be dead before we got there.  
We did.  We started actively practicing to make a baby, instead of, you know, roleplaying the practice.  Wait, that sounds wrong even to me.  I stopped the birth control.  We didn’t start counting days until I was most fertile, but we did make sure that we were very hands on in our new goal.  Hands, mouths, tongues, and other body parts on, actually.  
And as we tried, I planned.  While the marriage was a formality, I felt it was an important one.  I knew that we didn’t need a huge event, that both of us would be happy with a simple ceremony at home, with our family around us.  That’s what I planned.  A small, intimate wedding at home.  Dinner afterward, with happiness and to reaffirm what the people closest to us knew already.
As the day came closer, I have to admit, I didn’t pay attention to my menstrual cycle.  Why would I?  The birth control I’d been on had stunted my cycles, so I hadn’t had an actual period in years.  The first month after I had stopped, I decided the missing period was my body returning to normal with residual hormones keeping it at bay.  The second month I didn’t even notice, but the third month was when JD asked me about it.
“What?”  I’d been writing, after lunch and he was sitting nearby reading.  As always, I’d gotten distracted by my work so he had to ask again.  “My period?”  I had to think about it.  “I just stopped taking my-”
“Three months, Ani,” he offered, moving so he could kneel beside my chair.  “We’ve been trying for three months.”  Shit.  “I think we need-”  
He left to buy a pregnancy test and I sat in silence, shocked that I’d missed missing my cycle.  I could argue that I had a lot on my plate.  I was writing a new book.  I had gone to court to face down Roger, happy when at the last minute his attorney accepted a deal that would keep him firmly away from me and let the entire thing fade into the past.  I was planning a wedding, simple as it was, and it was coming up in a week.  Surely I could get a pass for fucking missing something so important.  Right? 
I read the box and took a deep breath.  “It says that morning is the best time to take it, since the hormone is strongest then?”  I looked up to see that he hadn’t bought just one, but three.  “Or I could take one now and then another in the morning, just to be sure.”  His smile told me that was his hope.  Shit.  
He waited in our bedroom as I did what one does when taking a pregnancy test.  I left the stick on the counter, and joined him.  He’d propped himself up against the headboard and looked completely at ease, but he had experience with this and I didn’t.  I paced, after telling Pandi to start the timer for three minutes.  JD watched as I wore a path in the floor, back and forth, back and forth.
“You do want this, right?”  I looked up to see how uncertain he looked and felt my heart clench.  He thought I didn’t-  
“Oh, fuck,” I moved to our bed and crawled up to straddle him.  “JD Richter, of course I want it, I just can’t get over how fucking stupid I was for not noticing that I’d missed it.”  Cupping his face between my hands, I leaned forward so our foreheads touched.  “I get distracted so damn much, but this is fucking important.”  He laughed, moving his face so he could kiss my lips.  
“As long as we’re together, we’ll figure it out,” I shook my head as Pandi told me time was up.  “Let’s go see if we’re going to start thinking up names.”  
Standing in front of the fireplace that I accidentally threw his shirt in, looking far more pulled together than most people would think JD Richter could look, I stepped closer and took his hands in mine.  The minister said the same words that had been said so many times for some many years and our family watched as we were finally married.  
We had a week to process the test results.  To decide what came next.  To decide where to go from there.  And here we stood.  A band on his finger that matched the one he placed on mine.  Gideon made baby gurgling noises behind us, as we shared our first kiss as husband and wife.  
Dad, Dorothy, Kelsey, Gideon, the minister, Molly Wood and her son Ethan, all joined us at our dining room table.  A table that JD had sanded and stained new himself. That was holding a cake, and a dinner that I’d managed to create before we said our ‘I dos’.  I had been startled, when a few days before, Molly had contacted JD.  I was more surprised when he asked her to join us for our wedding, but after meeting her and hearing my dad and her talk together, I knew that any worry I might harbor was unnecessary.  She was happy in her new role, with her son, and she wanted to offer her own happiness for our commitment.
Dad insisted on toasting us.  Which led to Kelsey’s, then Dorothy’s, and even Molly said a few words.  JD’s eyes met mine, he lifted my hand to his lips and after I nodded, he gave my knuckles a small kiss and stood up.  
“Ani and I want to thank you for sharing our day with us.”  I smiled as Dad’s hand touched mine from my other side.  “When I met Anilea, even under the less than optimal circumstances,” I bit my lip to keep from giggling at how ‘less than’ that first meeting was.  “I knew she was it for me.”  My eyes burned at his certainty.  “While we celebrate Ani now sharing the same last name as most of the people seated at this table, we wanted to share something else to celebrate-”
Kelsey’s eyes widened, and her grin grew.  “I knew it,” she said, stopping JD in his tracks.  “I freaking knew it.”  I rolled my eyes.
“Yes, Kelsey,you get your wish,” JD was trying not to laugh.  “If you have a preference for brother or sister, I think you have to take it up with-”  His words were drowned out by the shouts from Dad and Dorothy, happy shouts, but shouts nonetheless.  
In one day, I went from Anilea Ampstead, to Anilea Richter wife and expectant mother.  And I wouldn’t have it any other way, even if I had to catch an asshole humping a teenager on my dining room table to meet the man of my dreams while completely shitfaced.  At least it will make one hell of a bedtime story to tell our little one, right
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fairiesherefairiesthere · 5 years ago
Fraxus fake Boyfriend AU part 1/?
So it’s Fraxus day, but this isn’t finished yet so I decided to split it up. Here’s part one folks! (it’s a modern au)
"No Freed, you can't hack your father's bank account. The feds will get you and then I will be tragically best friend-less."
"No, you don't get it", Freed says and on the grainy computer screen, Laxus can see him shake his head. "If I go to jail, it'll probably be in Crocus, which means you can actually visit me instead of videocalling me at stupid o'clock in the morning. Also orange is an excellent colour on me."
A quick glance at the lower corner of his screen and a bit of mental math tells Laxus that it's indeed way too early in the morning for Freed to even consider to talk to him. "Justine it's three in the morning there, why are you even awake?"
Although it's hard to tell with the awful videoquality, Laxus thinks he can see the other man pout. "Talking to my bestie, duh", Freed replies and bashes his eyelashes obnoxiously, drawing a huff of laughter out of Laxus. "What are you, a fifteen year old schoolgirl? The lack of sleep is clearly getting to your head."
Smoothly ignoring Laxus' criticism of his horrendous sleeping habits, Freed continues the earlier topic. "Speaking of besties, made any friends yet?" Groaning, Laxus rolls his eyes. "My roommate is an actual nutjob and I don't know why I'm fond of him. He introduced me to his absolute bitch of a friend and I think I like her even more", he confesses and the pixelated image of Freed gives him a smug smirk. "It's because you like to be bullied, Laxus dearest. You won't say it, so I'll say it for you : bottom rights baby."
"I hate you and if you were here I'd smack you", he half-heartedly threatens and Freed replies "Kinky" without missing a beat. While the two of them are engaged in a staring match without actually being able to make out each other's eyes in the blur of colours on the screen, Bickslow throws open Laxus' bedroom door and yells: "Time to hide your porn blondie, it's time for reallife interaction with actual human beings!"
On instinct, Laxus does click away and as soon as the connection with Freed breaks he sees it fit to pout like a child. Their schedules matching (or one of them not sleeping for a day) and their wifi allowing them to see each other is a ridiculously difficult situation to stumble upon and now he's wasted his chance. Bickslow looks at least apologetic. Laxus was going to forgive him, until he opened his godforsaken mouth. "Dang man, the porn that good?"
"I hate you too", he says without clarifying to Bickslow who the other despised person is. He doesn't seem to mind as he plucks Laxus' computer from his bed, plops it down the nearby desk and sits himself down right in front of Laxus, legs in lotus position and bouncing with way too much energy. "I had a great idea", he announces and Laxus immediately doubts him.
"You see Ever and I, we thought you were a bit lonely and it might heal your soul to... Nah, scratch all of that, Ever and I were really fucking bored and we thought : Hey, let's set our absolute bestie up on a date! So here we are. Get dressed, you're going on a date."
"I can't", he says and desperately tries to come up with a reason. Uni work won't fool them, because they know that he's actually a good student, other activities won't work either because he's a social recluse and not even Makarov can save him because for some reason, the little shits he calls friends are all buddy-buddy with his grandpa.
"My boyfriend would hate it", he continues, cheeks colouring. It's because of the lying, not because he can only come up with one boyfriend-candidate in his mind. The statement is bland and straight to the point, which makes his words sound all the more true. Of course, Bickslow doesn't even buy a little bit of it. "Prove it", he demands.
While mentally apologising to Freed, Laxus digs up his contact information and futily tries to call him. After the third time trying, Bickslow looks even less convinced, which is an impressive feat considering he didn't believe Laxus from the beginning. Sighing, he goes to their chat instead and unlike their usual nonsense, he finds a sweet (?) message from Freed.
Damn, the wifi is really fucking with us huh? Wish we could talk more and I wish I could see your pretty face instead of a black screen and some smudges of colour here. X from the most beautiful man you know."
'Conceited brat', he thinks fondly and replies: Cymbeline (Act 3, Scene 4) Line 35-39, but replace 'slander' with 'you bitch'. They've adopted this weird system where Freed uses slang and Laxus literary references, just to meet each other's vibes somewhat. Sometimes it works, most of the times it really doesn't, but at least it's fun.
"Bro have you forgotten about my entire existence already? Stop smiling at your phone and admit that you don't have a mans!" Wordlessly, Laxus passes his phone to Bickslow who gasps. "Book quotes? Shit man, you're in deep. I'm gonna tell Ever." Without a warning, Bickslow disappears through the window, probably giving Evergreen her twentieth heart attack of this month by landing on her balcony. If the school thought a floor would seperate girls and boys, then they clearly hadn't met Bickslow.
Too late Laxus realises that Bicks has taken his phone with him and hopes his friends somewhat value his privacy and don't scroll too far up. There are the occassional way too deep talks around midnight but also a one time onceler x barry b benson bdsm roleplay (Freed had needed help with a creative writing assignment and Laxus had contributed a whole lot of nothing).
Barely five minutes later, Evergreen marches right into his bedroom, heels clicking snappily on his floor. "What", she spits and waves with his phone, "is this?"
"My cellphone."
Unperturbed, she continues her dramatic rant. "You have a boyfriend and you don't bother telling us?" Her tone turns sly and she elegantly flops down on his bed, rearranging her body to give herself a 'stern posture'. She looks like an irod rod trying to do yoga. "Or are you just making things up? Feel free to prove me wrong by showing us what he looks like."
"Why would I bring my photoalbums to uni?" he asks dumbfounded and Ever looks at him as though he just came down from Mars. "Laxus, honey, snapchat is a thing? Email if you're oldfashioned? Where are your boyfriend's nudes?"
"You're in a relationship."
"With a great guy who loves and trusts me and knows I ain't gonna cheat on him. Show me the dickpicks." Annoyed, he gives her a little shove. "I don't have any, I'm used to him being around. He's on another continent now and I just recently realised that all my memorabilias are at home."
"Convenient", Ever remarks dryly and Laxus sighs deeply and stretches out his hand. After she dumped his phone in it, he sends Freed a message ('Bro send me a pic of u ppl wanna know u exist') and shows it to both of his friends. "There."
Surprisingly fast, he gets a message back. 'No. The paparazzi and the FBI agent assigned to me will have to try harder than that to get a hold of ME (why is this man so ridiculous).' He shows it to Ever and Bicks and the former uses this opportunity to snatch his phone, typing a response before Laxus can properly register what's happening. "Hi I'm Laxus friend and I don't believe you're his boyfriend. Send a thirst trap to prove you exist. Or nudes", she reads aloud. Bickslow guffaws at that and Laxus sighs, resigning himself to face the consequences of his actions. What he does not expect however, is for Freed to send a picture back.
It's an awful photo of high school-aged Freed, complete with braces and a very unnatural smile. He's gangly, thin and looks like the walking embodiment of an awkward teen. 'This is a nude, as my soul has never been as bare as in this one picture', the caption reads and Ever laughs. "You know what, he passes the test." She purses her lips. "For now at least, I'm going to need more concrete evidence of this being an existing human being, because everyone can pluck a photo from the internet. Anyway, you're way too late for your date, so you get off easy Laxus."
After brushing nonexistent dirt from her skirt she opens her arms for Bickslow. "Take me home, spiderman", she orders and he gives her a salute. "Roger madame!" he yells before plucking Ever from the floor and leaping over the balcony railing. Their trust in each other is remarkable, but Laxus does think they're weirdos.
The very next day, Ever once again bursts through his door and Laxus mentally curses because he hasn't had the chance to discuss this whole thing with Freed yet. "Laxus", she says, voice dead-serious. "Evergreen.", he greets back as she half-crawls under the covers of his bed. "It's fucking cold", she clarifies before opening her laptop. That seemingly insignificant action makes Laxus weary, as Ever is holding her rickety laptop that's for illegal purposes only.
"I reverse searched that pic of your boyfriend and before I tell you the results, I'd like to know how exactly you met him."
He recognises her nosiness for what it really is (worry) and with a sigh, he gives her the sparknotes version of their history.
"We lived in the same town and we became friends because both of our fathers were absolute shit. They were friends so we became friends. At age thirteen he moved to Alakitasia and we reconnected because we matched on that stupid tinder profile you guys made me."
"Are you sure you weren't catfished?"
"Yup, because we skype regularly."
"Okay. Then certainly you're aware that he's a billionaire? Like, the heir to Justine Industries, the biggest technologie giant at the moment?"
He tries to see the whole situation from her perspective and has to admit that 'I have a boyfriend overseas, who's also a billionaire', sounds a bit too over the top to be true. "Yep, his pa's job is the reason he moved. I know this whole situation sounds like a huge lie to stop you guys' antics (probably because it is), but I swear it's true (it really isn't)."
"Okay then", she mumbles before putting her feet into Laxus' lap. The audicity of this woman, he thinks as he does absolutely nothing to move her. "I'm sorry for the whole 'setting you up' thing, it was rude of us. We just wanted you to have someone, you know? Because you deserve it and we can also see that you kind of want it and we wanted to help. We were too overzealous."
Ah, what a festive feeling brews in his chest. Nothing like a bucket of guilt to get your morning refreshment. The worst part is that Evergreen isn't even done yet with her sentimental speech. "Also, you get really happy whenever your man sends you a message, so all in all I'm glad our big plans didn't work out. I'm still going to be weary of  his actual existence until I meet him, I hope you don't mind." He shakes his head. "Nah, be weary all you want."  
After dropping Evergreen off at her boyfriend's, he rushes to his room to send Freed a message to update him on his situation (he even uses the actual sms-system instead of the internet, which is crazy expensive but he's in a bit of a panic). Unlike most of the time, Freed responds quickly. Laxus wonders why his wifi is absolute shit if he's rich enough to pay for intercontinential messaging. An agonising five minutes pass as the speech bubble ominously keeps showing that the other is typing. When it finally shows up, all it reads is :
"That's all you have to say?" he furiously types back, but before he can hit send, he gets another message. "Whatever man, I'll be the hottest boyfriend ever." After that, it's radio silence again.
The silence between them is broken a few days later. Laxus is trying to enjoy his lunch while Bickslow and Evergreen bicker over something or other, when his phone pings. Little gremlins that they are, they've already looked at the message as soon as it pops up. They read the godawful collection of words "Send me a pic of your feet" before he does.
"Romance at its finest", Bickslow dryly jokes and Evergreen turns to him with big worried eyes. "You're sure he's not a catfish? Or is this what you consider a raunchy picture?" Laxus would answer if he knew what the fuck is happening. Another message appears :  "With measuring tapes surrounding them, not in a weird, gross, fifty year old with a feet kink kind of way. I want to spoil my boyfriend (with my father's creditcard)."
"Aw how sweet, he's committing crimes for ya", Bickslow croons and Laxus grumbles. "I'm not about to give him anymore excuses to commit theft.", he says while typing "Absolutely not." At the other side of the table Evergreen collects her phone from her bag and opens Instagram. After looking for and finding Freed's profile, she sends him a selfie with Laxus and Bickslow in the background and adds a thoughtful message detailing Laxus' feet. "Honey, you need shoes that fit you. No stores have your size and if your insanely rich boyfriend's dad can involuntarily provide, why not take the chance?"
A few days later, the shoes do arrive. They're the most comfortable pair Laxus has ever owned and there's no obnoxious trademarked name smacked on it. He thanks Freed, but asks him to please not do something along those lines again. Knowing full well that Freed himself would never be financially bothered by it, he still feels guilty. Freed apologises (he really shouldn't, he's been nothing but an angel while Laxus is being bothersome) and drops the matter.
"Where are you rn?" The message feels somewhat ominous, but Laxus ignores his gutfeeling that tells him that today is going to be weird. "The western outside food court of Crocus' uni, why?" The response that he gets is a simple :  " :) ". Like a dumbass, he decides to not question it.
While he's chilling out, head resting on his crossed arms, he hears an unusual amount of chattering. Although he and his friends had chosen this place because of how little people came here, it seems like that peace is now gone. Rest in peace, piece. Vibrating bothersomely, his phone grabs his attention. "Got ya another present!" Brows furrowing, Laxus reads the new incoming message : "Kids and their phones these days. Look up darling !"
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