#tell me you don't know the first thing about the gospel without telling me- you get it
i've met several people who were weirdly insistent about me watching spn or that one neil gaiman show that's trending even though I've repeatedly told them I'm not interested and they know very well I'm a Christian and it's so frustrating how willfully dense they can get. like, to you it's a fun spin on 'christian lore,' to me it's a bastardization of everything I believe in. It's a game of telephone with so many distortions it's virtually unrecognizable as 'biblical' and yet it parades itself around wearing the hollowed out shell of my faith. I'm never going to enjoy watching it, no matter how much fun the characters are/how clever the dialogue is - I'm just not interested.
being pushy about it is just so weird. what would you even gain from me caving in and watching stuff with """nice""" demons and an evil God? what is it to you? why would you want me to enjoy something that goes against my entire understanding of the world unless you just straight up think my faith is stupid and I should become an entirely different person?
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slytherinshua · 2 months
genre. comfort. warnings. implied that reader has depression and depressive thoughts throughout the fic. reader uses humour to make their depression seem lighthearted. not proofread. pairing. leehan x reader. wc. 762. request. requested by anon for #39: "don't listen to the voices in your head, listen to mine." a/n. i love leehan :( the way hes the best in bonedo at emotions and like the therapist ugh i love him so much!!! also this was very inspired by personal experience. net. @onedoornet
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Donghyun knew something was up with you when he found you sitting in front of the fish tank instead of in your room. As the co-parent of the fishies, of course it was normal for you to check up on them. But zoning out in front of them? That was a Donghyun thing.
“What’s up?” He asked, pulling up a chair beside you, mirroring the position you were sitting in with your arms wrapped around your knees.
“The sky.” You mumbled, giving your boyfriend a mere glance before your gaze moved back to the shrimp at the bottom of the tank.
Donghyun sighed, “I know you’ve been stressed out lately. I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel like it.” He told you, also looking at the tank, knowing eye contact might have the opposite effect of the one he wanted.
You huffed, “The voices, Donghyun.”
Donghyun raised an eyebrow, “The voices?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek and turned to him, “The ones that tell me I’m useless and that nobody cares about me. You know the ones— annoying little devils, but they’re so convincing.” 
Donghyun hummed in understanding, a sad smile on his face. He adored you and the way you described things, even the little depression dementors that tormented you. You were so full of life despite how much you suffered. From the moment he first saw you until now, you amazed Kim Donghyun.
“Don’t listen to that voice inside your head, listen to mine.” He said, reaching for your hand. You met his eyes skeptically, not sure what your boyfriend had up his sleeve. But you were sure it was something. If there was one thing you were sure of, it was that Donghyun never failed to surprise you. He was always unexpected.
“I love you. I think you’re amazing, you know? No matter what, I’m always going to be here for you. Even when you don’t think you deserve it or when you wish you could just disappear. Trust me, if I wanted to leave— if I didn’t actually love you— I would’ve been long gone by now.” He told you, his voice confident, reassuring, loving.
And you wanted to believe him. You wanted to cling onto every word that left his mouth and believe them like they were gospel. You wanted to kiss him senseless and forget about the rotten world you were blessed enough to meet him in. But that voice inside your head said otherwise, fighting off the words your boyfriend told you, labelling them as lies, as promises that he would break just like everyone had before. You weren’t worth it. You weren’t worth anyone’s care or love. There was no way Donghyun actually—
“Y/n. What did I say? Don’t listen to the voice. What’s his name anyway?”
“Her name, actually. Mrs. Scrooge. She’s Scrooge’s grumpier wife. She’s insufferable.” You said, a little smile playing on your lips.
“Mrs. Scrooge? Must be tiring having to host that old lady in your pretty head.” Donghyun smiled, a mix of amusement and sadness in his voice. You just nodded, finally cracking a proper smile. “Well, tell Mrs. Scrooge that she’s not invited to this discussion.” Donghyun added, giving your hand a squeeze.
“Alright. I think she’ll go to bed for the night if I ask her.” You mumbled, staring back at the corydoras swimming around without a thought in the tank. They didn’t know how awful the world was— they only knew Donghyun and his perfectly caring nature. You wished you were a fish. But that would be impossible. At least you had Donghyun regardless.
“I love you. Thanks for getting her to go to sleep. She’s a real headache.” You mumbled, starting to stand up. Donghyun followed your movements, walking behind you to the kitchen.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked gently.
You hummed, “A lot better. Thank you.” 
Donghyun smiled, heart now at ease. He opened his arms for you and you fell into them, letting Donghyun bury his nose in your hair, pressing occasional kisses to the top of your head. 
The world was rarely kind to you, and some days it felt as if you were beaten so low to the ground that giving up and collapsing completely would be the better choice. But, no matter what, Donghyun always found you and offered you his hand, helping you up again with a reassuring smile and a promise to always be by your side.
↳ boynextdoor taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @eternalgyu,, @metalchick529,,
@schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @blossominghunnie,,
@kangtaehyunzzz,, @snowflakemoon3,, @lovialy,, @lecheugo,, @okshu,,
@wccycc,, @seunghancore,, @ujisworld,, @sobun1est,, @emmylksblog,,
@talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy,, @nicholasluvbot,, @cupidslovearrows,, @dimplewonie,,
@hrtsvivis,, @50-husbands,, @hursheys,, @kristianities
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the-final-sif · 1 year
the situation w karl now is so funny considering your rb on dreamupdates 😭😭 anon was right we're both delusional
I've seen a random account on twitter claim random discord screenshots are Karl, and tbh I cannot believe people are taking a random account posting screenshots that don't even have dates on them nor attached context as legitimate and 100% true, unaltered and presented fully in context. I could've made those in about 15 minutes if I wasn't trying very hard. Like they intentionally removed the timestamps and claimed it was for "privacy" and to conceal the person's timezone. You can just. Change the date on your computer or w/e.
"There's no reason to fabricate these" Drama, clout, boredom, smearing someone, etc. There's no reason to believe these are real and not someone taking the piss.
Like, take one screenshot where he says "That's the worst video ever taken". Let's suppose that's a real screenshot for a moment, within the screenshot there's absolutely nothing that indicates what he's actually talking about. It's literally JUST that. The burner account CLAIMS that Karl said it was about one of Dream's singing tiktoks, but there's nothing even remotely presented that indicates that. Literally JUST "That's the worst video ever taken". He could literally be talking about any video.
Again, there's no verification that any of these are real, and some of them don't even make sense???
Like, okay, what would Karl not wanting to Paris have to do with anything? Like, maybe he didn't want to travel to Paris, maybe he was exhausted from flights, maybe he didn't want to deal with the jetlag. Maybe he said that sarcastically as a joke. The message before that was someone joking about him going to france being bad. There's again, no timestamps or context. He's within his rights to not want to go to Paris. It has nothing to do with anything else.
Also claiming that Karl was planning to intentionally distract people, because he "knew this would come out" by streaming with Sapnap or spamming tweets about other stuff? I- What? If he knew a mod was going to leak stuff, why would he not remove that mod? Why would he keep saying stuff in the chat with that mod in that? How would he even gets a heads up that the mod in question intended to leak stuff? Without knowing who it was?
I have no idea if these messages are real, again, this is something that takes literally seconds to fabricate, there's no confirmation any of this is actually coming from one of Karl's mods, there's absolutely no context included in any of the messages for if he might be being sarcastic or even talking about totally different topics. No context for dates/times other than "Today" which is honestly pretty sus because either it implies that Karl went and said this all in one day, like randomly he decided to shittalk people in his mod chat, talked about it, knew someone would leak his messages and just thought that was all well and fine. And that's assuming any of these are even real in the first place. Which is a pretty huge assumption.
Anyways, I'm begging people to stop taking discord screenshots from random fucking people as gospel. Some of you are legitimately falling for what is stupider than Infowars shit, "oh my secret sources in the government totally told me this is real". Next y'all are gonna come up and tell me that you found out that Karl or Dream or whoever is funded by Soros and you found the contacts posted on 4chan I stg.
Don't spread things you can't verify. Don't take fucking discord screenshots from a burner account at face value. Do we need to talk about fucking hypixel ss again?
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deviltakesthehindmost · 2 months
Rogue saw him from across the tower, laying on the floor with dust and havoc of what had been great buildings. She watched as he tried to stand, only to fail and fall back again, holding his hand against what should be his stomach. Magneto was hurt. Without thinking at all, she averted the lasers shot from the enemy, hearing her comrads fight him as she flew towards the fallen man.
He struggled to breath, had difficulty to keep his eyes open, barely making it as she stood beside him. "Rogue...?"
She quickly went down on her knees. "Magneto, you're hurt... let us go somewhere safe. You can't stand, can you? Let me take you..."
"Non... nonsense. You... leave me here. Go help your friends..." between every word, he coughed. Rogue felt herself tense when he spilled blood.
"Leave you? Are you out of your mind? Look at you, your state, Magneto..." she held his other hand, gloved, as hers were bare, have lost her own gloves sometime between that battle. He squeesed it swifly.
"Silly girl... then go and save yourself. Don't worry about me... leave me here."
"I can't leave you, you are going to die here, old man. Stop being such a pain in the ass." he let out a sort of laugh, blood dripping from the corner of his lips, "this isn't time for this. Spare your breath. Now, come on, let me take you..."
"My dear, leave me to die, then." his words left Rogue open mouth, scandalized. She, that intented to stand him up, stopped immediatelly, staring at him. "you can leave me here, Rogue. It's okay. Even if it means for me to die, It's okay. There is nothing left for me. I lost everything. But it isn't the same for you. You have friends. A family. Remy. Please, save yourself and forget me here, my dear."
Her eyes were filled with tears, they rolled down without her permission. "Are you out of your damn mind? What the fuck are you asking me to do? I'll ignore it because its an weaked old man gibberish, but don't you say it again. Now, come on." she barked at him, Magneto could see how enraged he got her. Once again she tried to hold his shoulders in an attempt to stand him, but his free hand grabbed her wrist.
"You can also see how weak I am right now, I will only get you late. Go girl, just listen to me."
"You know I hate when you tell me that." her grip on his shoulders weakned, she felt his hand caressing her wrist.
"I do. I know how you hate anyone telling you to listen and do as you are told. You never do that. You listen to your heart and the gospel of Miss Jolly Parton."
Rogue felt like really crying that time. He remembers. Why did he? Magneto held out his hand to wipe away the tears that escaped her eyes. Rogue let go of his shoulders to grab each side of his face.
Except that this time Magneto was weak enough not to have his magnetic field protecting him from her powers. And then, when the tip of her fingers touched his skin, she saw.
And she saw everything.
His mother playing with him when he was five. His father flying him around. His father hed him up his shoulders, playing as if he was the knight and his horse. His mother cooking dinner and then telling him a story to sleep. His father making new pieces of jewelery, Max learning from watching him manipulate each piece. His uncle, Erich, giving him woman advice. Happy family moments.
And then, the camps. The corpses. The gold. His family gone. The threats. Magda. His promises to her. They finally free from the nazis. Their marriage. Max staring at her, so happy, as she caressed her belly. The first time he saw Anya. Her laugh. Her cry. Her voive. The last time he saw Anya. The things he thought while trying to find Magda. He giving up. Erik acknowledging his powers. Learning from it. Practicing. Meeting Charles for the first time. Saying goodbye to Charles many times.
Getting to know Wanda and Pietro. Lorna getting into his life. A lover or two. Caos. Destruction. Losses. Wins. Broken hearts. Deception. Happiness. Life. Death. Over and over again.
And the, she saw her. The first time they saw esch other. He choosing her life by the time they were at Savage Land. He making a vow, secret to himself, that she would not suffer as Anya and Magda had before. She would not die because of him. He wouldn't allow anything happening to her, may God punish him before anything even tried. He was always looking at her, from afar. She learned to control her powers, only to unlearn again, but she never gave up. She had lived. She had laughed. She had cried. She had lost. She getting married. She with Remy.
So, she felt what he felt. Pain. Suffering. Hurt so deep ot had reached his soul. Had he had a soul yet? Heartaches. Aches everywhere. But also happiness. Desire. Deception. Broken heart as she said 'yes' to Remy. But also, love. Love so deep, love so intense. Love so great as he saw her so happy laughing in the arms of someone else. Relief. Love that lighted up his body and soul. Love that kept him strong, ready to go on. To build a better world. To bring peace over the mutantkind.
Love he felt for her that kept him pretty much alive.
"I am sorry, Rogue... I couldn't... keep it up. You saw everything, didn't you?" he found some strength to at least push her a bit off of him. She drained some of his energy, not that he had much left. He felt worse than before.
Her eyes were waterful, intense gaze upon his own.
"I did. I saw everything, Erik. Everything I needed to see. And for that, I'm not going to let you die here. You're not dying any time soon. You are staying here. Right here, with me. I need you here, Erik. Please, I cannot let you go. I know its selfish of me to ask more of you, but I do. Please, Erik, stay."
Rogue just bended over and covered his lips with her own. Erik felt her tears mix with his as he closed his eyes, letting she kiss him.
"Anna, I love you. I always have. I would never say 'no' to you." he said when they parted lips, she still close to him, their foreheads near.
"I love you, Erik. I know you are gonna say that, this time, you are going to say no, so I can go save myself. But if ain't coming with me, then I rather lay here with you and wait for death to come get us. There is no life for me if you are not here."
"Very well then, my love."
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artist-issues · 4 months
Hello, brother/sister (sorry I found out you existed today lol) in Christ! I just started my own blog yesterday, and I wanted to ask you two questions!
how did you come to Christ? (I am a sucker for testimonies, lol)
how can I preach the gospel on Tumblr with gentleness and grace and love for others? (and how do I not get involved in a keyboard smashing session, haha)
thanks for your time, God bless and have a great day! :)
I came to Christ when I was 15. I’m a Pastor’s kid. So the truth in the Bible was about as impactful to me as reciting my ABCs. But when I turned 9 I started to tune in to the parts about Hell and eternal damnation and freak out about it. So I believed God was real, and Hell and heaven were, too, even though I was living for myself. I started asking questions and praying for my salvation around that time, but it was only to “get out of going to Hell.” I had zero interest in the things of God, or submitting to Him. My top priorities were getting everyone to think well of me, especially my family. So I was super good at saying all the right things and doing all the right things, then behind closed doors I did whatever sinful stuff I felt like doing without a shred of thought for God.
Whenever I panicked about verses like “depart from Me, I never knew you,” I’d pray and ask the adults around me how to tell if I was “really saved,” (again, making zero connection between “saved” and anything except “get out of Hell,” in my heart) and they’d try to explain. But I always just latched on to phrases like “it’s not some sparkly feeling,” and quit panicking and went back to living for myself. But that really is what I was missing—a feeling. Specifically, passion about God, and what He loves, and what He wants, and who He is. That, and submission & repentance 😅
So that pattern went on till I was fifteen and old enough to go to this summer camp. And I was finally away from my usual circles, where I only thought about God in the context of “what does everyone here need to see me doing to think well of me?”
At this camp, the counselors and the teachers cut through all that in like 24 hours. They were like, “yeah, you don't have to give me the correct answer; I know what the teacher just said, but what about you? What do you do, in your life, on your own? What is it like when it’s just you and God?” And between that, and the crazy “I don’t care what anyone thinks of me except God” culture of the whole staff and everyone at that summer camp, God started getting ahold of me.
He started making me think about how everyone else wasn’t just “living for God” as part of their social bubble. They actually felt something genuine about Him. And I didn’t feel that. I didn’t feel anything, and I couldn’t *think* or *reason* or *force* myself to feel what they all seemed to be feeling.   They did this skit, and it was all about how broken sin makes us, and feeling the weight of that, and how Christ is the only salvation, and then that was followed up with this no-nonsense authoritative preaching from God’s Word, about how being “saved” isn’t just from your sin. It’s from yourself. It’s from your *lack* of caring about what is good, of caring about God.
I actually finally realized that when everyone else was out of the picture and it’s just me and God, I don’t care about Him. Even though I know what He did for me. And that felt like the most crushing vile sin of all of them, of my whole double-life. And I couldn’t get out from under it. But then it was super clear: He said He’d give me a “new heart.”
So I asked Him to save me and make me care about Him, and I’d live the rest of my life doing what He tells me to do.    He has done that! Not all at once, but gradually. I care more about doing what He wants, even if nobody in my favorite circles comes with me, than I ever thought I would. And there’s no explanation for it, because I had all of the circumstantial and situational reasons to have that kind of motivation for the first 14 years of my life—and I still didn’t. The only explanation for the change is Him. 
As far as how to talk about it here on tumblr...I've never really started a conversation specifically to lead someone to Christ online. I don't think online is the place to try that—but sometimes the topic comes up naturally because it's relevant to what I'm talking about in a post, like values in movies or if an important truth comes to mind and I feel like posting about it.
If you don't want to get into arguments, the best thing to do is not reply. People here tend to intentionally re-phrase everything you say into something they can buck and kick at, even if you choose your words super carefully. It's because they don't want to have a discussion. They either want to be right, or they want to make you look like a fool. It's impossible for them to do either of those things if what they're arguing against is truth—but they tend to just keep trying if you reply.
I only reply if I feel strongly that others might read the interaction and get the wrong idea about God, or truth, because of the word-twisting of my opposition. However, it's up to your personal conviction! 
My main advice is, don't ever stoop to returning insults. If someone calls you stupid, don't call them stupid back. If someone says something that's just a personal attack on you and has nothing to do with what you're arguing about, you can call it out--"what does that have to do with anything?"--and move on, or you can totally ignore it. And if someone just keeps on re-phrasing everything you say, like this:
Me: There's always more to learn, you don't know everything about what all Christians believe.
Them: I can't believe you're telling me you know more than me, lol, I've got forty years of experience
Then just block 'em. They either don't have good reading comprehension, or they don't want to actually debate in order to highlight truth. They want to debate to hear themselves talk, to convince themselves that they're right, to look like they're right in front of their followers, or to make a fool out of you. None of those are good reasons to debate.
They're looking to discredit you by any means necessary—including twisting your words. See how I said nothing about how much more *I* know than the other person? But somehow they took the point of my phrase and twisted it into a personal attack. That sort of thing isn't worth wasting your time on.
My dad likes to say, "nobody wins people to Christ by arguing them into it." I don't know if that's true, but it has been based on my experience. That said, I think truth is worth defending, and I think we're commanded to stand up against what is wrong. However, there comes a point when it's really just falling on deaf ears and continuing is a point of pride instead of humility.
For your questions, I'd see what the Bible says! 
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misculenica · 2 years
Expressions + Mannerisms (part 2)
By semi-popular demand, another analysis of Solas and his expressions :)
For all you fanfiction writers and solavellans!
I would like to state, for the record, a lot of what I say/have said is purely my own personal interpretations and understandings, and by no means should you take my word as gospel here. This is just some fun :)
I stated in a previous post (I shall call 'Part 1' for simplicity) how Solas has 2 expressions; his 'in the moment' expressions, in which his true feelings are on display, and his 'in character' expressions, in which he's very much putting on a persona.
If you're in solavellan hell, have some hyperfixation-tendencies and/or unresolved feelings towards a specific fictional character (like myself), you'll probably be able to tell the difference between these 2 expressive states of his.
Allow me to elaborate ;)
Solas, In the Moment "when he's honest/caught off-guard/not 'in character'"
Solas clearly has trouble with lying; he's rather terrible at it. I would go so far as to say he only ever lies to you once in the entire game (lying outright, I mean); and it is after the Winter Palace;
"You miss court intrigue... When were you at court?"
"Oh. Well, never... Directly, of course." <- big stuttering liar.
He can't lie worth a damn, but he's by no means honest; he's manipulative, deceptive and sly. I believe I heard someone describe him once as having a 'malicious compliance with/towards the truth'.
I believe his expressions, as well as mannerisms, follow this mentality.
I'll show you several images/scenes in which I believe Solas is being honest/showing himself without his guard up. (And in 2. Solas, In Character, I will show you the contrast).
This one will be hard to show without gifs (which I'm clueless on how to create, forgive me);
A. He blinks a lot, very a-rhythmic.
B. He gets this look about him, and I don't know how to describe it, beyond "'scuse me?" (the long face gets longer, shrug)
Genuinely surprised:
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C. He looks very deep in thought/far away - and sad (this man needs some therapy) this is the face he makes when he knows no-one can see him (I'll make a part 3 going into these comparatives of 'you can see me'/'you can't see me');
No ones looking, it's okay (it's not, but whatever) face :
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D. He just looks sad when he's being quiet/honest/not putting on some bravado/persona. (You know how 'resting bitch face' is a thing? This man has a resting depressed face, and i think it has to do with the tragedy - he practically embodies philosophical pessimism)
Acceptance/I don't see a way forward/I need a break face:
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E. He has the softest look about him when he's touched/shown affection (yes these are all from the dream-kiss scene) (bless my poor solavellan heart)
Yes, I like to be held, please kiss me on my face face:
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F. Smug face... He has a smug face (to be fair, this is literally him revealing he has complete control over when you're awake/asleep... and much more, given the context of Tevinter Nights - idk this face always creeped me out actually XD like i knoooow this guy could fuck me up if he wanted)
"It's my world, you're all just living in it" face:
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G. He fidgets a lot when it's just him, or he's talking to you honestly. Like he always has to be doing something with his hands. (I noticed he doesn't do it when he's in groups, or with others) - not a facial expression but I thought it was interesting behaviour. In fact, his movements in general increase a lot - he fidgeted, he sways, he wobbles, he gestures, moves his head a lot. (Just watch all of his personal quest, you'll see what I mean). (He also does this when you first meet him, but I chalk it up to he's just super excited that you're not dead and finally you can fix his mess - since he was 100% sure you'd be dead and he was ready to bolt with his 'i didn't say it was a good plan' plan)
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At the risk of just listing typically behaviour in people with certain emotions, I'll move on to his 'in character' part.
2. Solas, In Character.
A. He blinks rhythmically, every like... 5/6 seconds?? (yeah, I know... I do have a hobby besides this stuff i swear XD i just like this egg). It's soothing, like a heartbeat. The blinking just always stood out to me with his character, idk.
B. He smiles a lot, but I can't tell if I know who he is and what he's doing, and that's clouding my vision, but it feels very much like a job interview kind of smile. Like, every split second it falters just a bit.
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This man just doesn't want to smile (though, I suppose this is early in game when he's very much 'these aren't people' 'oh i have to pretend really hard rn'
C. He stands pretty damn still and stiff - if he's doing this i'm 99% sure he's being manipulative with you, sometimes the only movements he has in a scene is him blinking, perhaps glancing sideways. - think just before the journey to skyhold when he gives you a talk about the orb and how you need to prove yourself - he's in 110% manipulative mode
The trouble with Solas is, he doesn't have many tells - but the ones he does have are big. And, without delving into scenes as they stand, I'd have a hard time expressing this.
But I will leave you with my favourite expression-transition in the entire game.
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How he goes from optimism/pride when standing beside Inky, to when the figure passes him, his expression becomes so serious/foreboding. I love it so much.
And I once again want to mention how much I just adore the little details of animation, from eye movement, skin twitches, or full on bodily movement. - especially for a character I adore. It's beautiful to look at, especially as someone who studied animation (absolutely wasted degree on me, I swear) and gets very attached to fictional characters (particularly ones as complicated as the dread egg).
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In future parts, provided I get flycam to work on my pc - I'll be able to go through scenes of the egg to give him a bit more of an in-depth view (with gifs and whatnot, can you imagine?).
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hillarydiangelo · 1 year
omg tell me about the chosen it sounds cool
Hello ❤❤❤ Yess, happily!!
Okay okay, where to begin? The Chosen is a series that tells about Jesus' life and mission through the eyes of the people who lived with him. But!! listen. As someone who has been posting about everything on this blog but religion for the last four years, trust me, this series is amazing.
The Chosen shows Jesus in a human way like, he makes his bed at night, accidentally cuts himself at work, he eats, dances, sweats, laughs and jokes, he plays ball with his childhood friends and plays in the sea with his student friends. He hugs and kisses his mom and his students, and he hugs and kisses everyone who comes to him who needs it. And showing so much of his human side just makes his divine side amaze us even more. The LOTR healthy masculinity part is true. I promise, this series is such a joy even if you aren't a christian and Jesus is a teacher, a doctor and a love like you've never seen. "Come and see"!!
Most noteworthy is that one of Jesus' students, Matthew (who wrote one of the four Gospels) is autistic in this series!! I love Matthew sm and he does shows up a lot.
The quality of the series is amazing!! They developed the characters so well, real and complex. The series' photography is stunning. What we see of Jewish culture and beliefs are very interesting. They didn't ignore women, they are just as important. The actors are not white (well, some of they are, I suppose, but the actors have very different nationalities/ethnicities).
And don't worry!! If you don't know the history or don't know much about Jewish culture and beliefs, we have characters like Mary, Matthew and Tamar who are also new to this and the others explain things to them and to you.
The series currently has 3 seasons (it is planned to have 7 seasons) each of 8 episodes ranging from 30 to 60 minutes. It is all produced with the support of donations by people who love the project and is available for free forever on the website comeandsee.net and on the app with subtitles and dubs.
As someone who couldn't listen to religion without an anxiety attack in recent years, this series is a safe place to give it a go. And I insist because I really loved it and I know it's a difficult subject for many people. It is a safe place to hear the story of this man that changed the world for the first time if your only contact with it was through people who couldn't tell you this without hurting you.
Like any adaptation of a true story, The Chosen takes artistic liberties to fill in the gaps we don't know about the story, but the series seeks to stay true to the original message of the Gospels and you will find most of the conversations and miracles are reported in the Gospels.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
BTAS, ZY, Arkham Riddlers with crush on dumbass henchwoman
“How the hell did you get that?”
“I just grabbed it on the way out.” Henchwoman twirled around, showcasing the black fabric down her back.
“You grabbed Batman's cape?”
“Looks nice, right?”
A/N: I hope you don't mind I took liberties again with the different Riddlers to call for a different scenario, but the same idea is there lol Hope you enjoy ~
Trigger Warnings: some lewd thoughts/suggestiveness for Zero Year/Capullo Riddler but that's about it.
Riddlers with a Dumb!Reader Who Stole Batman's Cape
BTAS Riddler: 
You and Eddie were gasping and heaving for air as the two of you finally made it back to the safe house.
“That was a close one…” You said breathlessly. 
“Yes, it was.” Ed agreed sternly. He looked over at you, “are you hurt?” 
“N-No I’m fine, are you–”
“What part of wait for my signal didn’t you understand?” He interrogated. 
He wanted so badly to ask you that first, but wanted to make sure you weren’t hurt. He did care after all, despite doing everything he can to keep the emotion at bay. 
“I did! You said to spring the cage when you flashed your light. I saw a light and I pulled the lever!” 
“I didn’t flash any light!”
“You didn’t? B-But I could’ve sworn…oh….it may have been a glare..” You admitted in a mutter.
Ed rubbed his temples in agony and defeat. There was no use in hurting your feelings and getting you upset. “I-It’s fine, it’s fine…just another hiccu– what on earth are you wearing?” 
“Oh!” You immediately bounced back and gave a little twirl as a black cape fluttered around her. 
“Is…is that Batman’s cape?” 
“Pretty neat, huh? It got stuck to the cage and I thought I’d take it!”
Edward took off his hat and mask and resumed to rub the temples of his brain, in an attempt to ease the oncoming headache. 
Zero Year Riddler:
God, it’s a good thing you’re hot. Like no seriously, it’s one of the only reasons he keeps you around. You’re dumb enough to make him constantly feel like the smartest person in the room, and you’re an absolute treat to look at (and made for a good lay). He adored you the way someone would a cute dumb puppy, it’s harsh but it’s true. 
“All you had to do was cut the power off in the main electrical room…” Ed sighed. “It was one button.”
“B-But Eddie…there were…a lot of buttons.” You stammered. 
“I understand…but you were able to find the right one weren’t you?” He asked you, as condescendingly as possible. 
You nodded sheepishly. 
“But it was too late wasn’t it? Batman had already found you, luckily I was there to rescue you, huh? How great of me isn’t it?”
“Yes it was very brilliant of you, thank you, Riddler!” You didn’t know much, but you knew how much it pleased him when you referred to him by his moniker. 
Edward chuckled at you. Sure, you screwed up, but honestly he looked forward to it. He got to…punish you for it.
“But! I did manage to snatch this from him!” You pulled out a long black cape you had hidden behind your back. 
“Where the hell did you get that?” 
“Batman! I tugged it off of him while he was carrying me!” 
For once, the smug Prince of Puzzles was…puzzled to say the least. 
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
It was a mystery to Edward why he still kept you around. He had to work twice as hard to work around or fix your screw-ups. He constantly had to baby you and tell you not to go here or there. Please don’t touch that, don’t touch this. It was tiresome for the already on edge genius. 
However he couldn’t deny your undeniable loyalty to him. Edward knew you would be entirely lost without him. What a great man he is, right? And you would be right there by his side perfectly agreeing and clinging on to every word he said like it was the gospel. Also it didn’t help you looked kinda cute whenever you solved a riddle and smiled widely at him, or you picked the right tool he wanted the first time. 
Ed was working on another batch of riddler-bots when he sent you out to grab a few tools and materials. This was another one of Edward’s test just to see if any sort of knowledge had retained itself into your cerebrum the past year you’ve worked for him. 
Which is why what he asked for wasn’t anything of real significance. Just some wrenches, a mallet, and sheets of metal that laid to waste in Wonder City. 
Edward heard your playful humming as you made your way back into the sewers. He turned around on his barstool and away from his workbench to face you. 
“Y/N, did you manage to get the things I requested?” 
“Umm…I think so, Eddie.” You dropped everything on the floor unceremoniously. 
Ed cringed at the loud clanking of the wrench hitting a metal sheet. You did manage at least one of supplies…the sheets of metal. The rest of the items were miscellaneous at best. Rocks, stones, a tiny hammer, and a few screws. 
So much for this little experiment. 
Edward tried to keep in his frustrations. Taking deep breaths, and deciding that he’s beyond exhausted to get into it with you…again. 
“C-Close, at least you got the metal…”
“I’m sorry, Eddie. When I got there…I uh forgot what you asked for.”
“What about the list I gave you?”
You hid your hands behind your back and started childishly rocking back and forth. Avoiding eye contact with Edward, like a child that hoped if it’s parents couldn’t see them, they wouldn’t get scolded. 
Edward just sighed in defeat. He didn’t have time to deal with you or scold you about how stupid you were…you would just forget it tomorrow anyway. 
He did notice you playing with something behind your back, and a weird black cord around your neck. 
“What’re you wearing?” 
“Oh this?” You twirled around. You held it open to show it’s long length, before you wrapped it around yourself, giddily. “It’s a cape!”
Edward almost fell out of his stool. “I-Is that Batman’s cape?” 
“It’s Batman’s cape! I ran into him on the way back! He asked where you are, and I didn’t say a peep. I didn’t say a word! I watched him walk off and his cape fell off!” 
Edward began walking away from you and out of the workshop. 
“W-Wait! Eddie! Where are you going?”
Yeah, no Edward was done. The riddler bots can wait. You can wait. He was going to bed or bludgeoning himself with his own cane, whatever came easiest. 
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shinobi-addiction · 1 year
This is why I can't take dude-bros hating on Trigun Stampede and comparing it to the original seriously:
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Wanna know what that picture is? It's Trigun's Canon/Filler episode guide. Here's the link.
Wanna know why TriStamp has been rearranging order of events from the original? It's because there was no reason to have so much filler! Wanna know why some episodes in TriStamp are a mash-up of two of the original? Because the original has so much goddamn filler!! The original Trigun anime has only four, you read that right, FOUR fully manga canon episodes. People who treat the original as gospel without looking up filler/canon episodes makes me instantly realize you have no idea what you're talking about so I don't care about your invalid opinion. Everyone who has read the fucking manga has stated that TriStamp is following it even better than the original anime. We might not get the first parts of the Trigun manga, but we should be getting TriMax animated because of where season 2 left off.
If you have issues with the animation, I don't blame you. I haven't watched certain animes based off animation too. The only main difference between me and the people who say that is that I haven't said a show was absolute shit just based on that or tried to get people to hate it. The haters also complain about Vash's hair, the low bounty, and Milly. All valid bevause, yeah, they arent the first thing you see, but all that tells me is that your opinions are invalid because you wouldn't be complaining still if you actually watched the show and got the finale.
Guess what else? I don't give a damn about the haters because Nightow himself is on board with the entirety of Trigun Stampede and I trust the CREATOR HIMSELF knows what is best for HIS OWN WORK than some American white boy who can't get his head out of his own ass.
TR:DR: The original anime is not gospel and barely follows the manga. The creator of Trigun himself is actually helping with Trigun Stampede so it can't be that bad.
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siena-sevenwits · 9 months
Jan 13 - Day #14 - Fortnight of Books
A book you didn’t read this year that will be your #1 priority in 2024?
Heh, since we're already into January, let me tell you what I have on the go!
The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis (reread)
Reflections on the Psalms by C. S. Lewis
On the Go (Brace yourselves... this is just the way I read right now, and it works for me.)
The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien (Reread - I'm at the Barrow Downs)
Over a Hot Stove by Flo Wadlow (Memoir of a Norfolk kitchen maid who became cook at a great house at age 23)
Plutarch's Parallel Lives, Volume I (Just finished Numa Pompilius, a pseudo-historical king of Rome - read aloud to a sibling)
The New Testament (Reading through in order. I'm at the Gospel of John, and we just had the Samaritan woman at the well + I'm still reading through Scott Hahn's commentary on Romans)
Breaking Free from Body Shame: Dare to Reclaim What God Has named Good by Jess Connolly
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson (reread and read aloud to a sibling - they just got back from the Manor)
On Stories, and Other Essays by C. S. Lewis (I'm in a Lewis mood, I suppose!)
Clear and Simple: How to Have Conversations That Lead to Conversion by Andre Reignier
The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas (read aloud to a sibling - Demetrius has just seen Pilate wash his hands)
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson (re-read and read aloud to my Dad - Bridge Four has just learned how to side-carry the bridge.)
Beowulf (reread for school - the Ring-Danes have just turned to praying to the old gods in hopes of driving Grendel away)
Um... am I still technically reading The Silmarilion?
New book you are most anticipating for 2024?
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Wind and Truth by Brandon Sanderson (The Stormlight Archive Book #5)
I don't keep up with most authors, so I have little sense of what's upcoming. But I do know I'm getting another Stormlight Archive book this Advent! We're getting what is effectively the series end and I am excited. Yes, he's said there will more more Stormlight Books, but he's also been quite clear that these first five books essentially form a series in themselves, and this will serve as the finale, even though it will set things up for the future "back half" of the series. Which is a wise choice. Sanderson already has problems with bloated books because he loves to show EVERYTHING when a little telling would do him a world of good. If he had barrelled on without resolution for 10 books, I might give up even though this series has my heart. But I do have hopes for this book. Rhythm of War was a bit of a disappointment, suffering severely from middle book syndrome, far more than Books 2 and 3 did. But the fact that this is a resolution books of sorts has me crossing my fingers that Sanderson will be back on top of his game and that the ending will give it a stronger through line. I don't expect a perfect book, but as long as the aspects that I really love get to shine, and my brother and I have a lovely read aloud time, I'll be happy.
But... seriously, someone else name Sanderson's books for him. This man cannot write a decent title to save his life. (Though from what I've heard, this title is better than some of the others he was considering.)
Sometime I've got to make a blog post about my thoughts and hopes for Book 5, but this isn't the place.
I may add one extra post to the fortnight tomorrow, just for fun.
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myeyesblurry · 7 months
Just a reminder, I am a roleplay blog. Blurry is a character. This post is regarding the Sherlock BBC roleplayer drama.
If I talk about things on my blog, it's in character. If we talk in DM's it's a 50/50 if I'll be in character or not. You'll be able to tell, by the fact if I start slurring you or not. (If you request we talk mod to mod; sure. If not I'll let you know- but this has never happened. I don't have reason to not be kind or myself in general.) If i send asks, it's 90% of the time in character. I am quick to drop a character if the conversation gets serious and I am trying to comfort the people behind the blogs.
I don't have beef with anyone personally.
It's all roleplay.
I do have addiction issues, and yes I did go on a binge last month and overdose. I've been (rather painfully) sober since. I smoke weed now though, in attempts to help me stay away from harder drugs. It's worked so far. I mostly am here when sober, and again am sober now as I write all of this, and have been during a lot of this situation. The weed has been during weaker moments.
If you want to ask me about in character drama, I will GLADLY spill all I know! If we have the energy at the time, anyway. If there are gaps between posts or replies, remember I'm an addict and I have a disociative disorder. Simply put; my body might be here, but my mind isn't all of the time. I'm too tired or too high to be in it sometimes, and you get gaps. Days, weeks, whatever. Often not weeks, I think 3 weeks was the max recently.
If you want drama between mods; the character will not. And if I am not part of the mod drama, I have nothing to say. Do I know more than I let on? Yes. Do I talk about it? Not unless they're a dangerous person and I fear for you. Could I warn you again talking OOC with a character, while saying it's safe to talk to the character? Yah. Sure. Just be cautious and I need to remind you that these characters are not the mods, and that these characters are not your friend.
I will give people my personal blog or otherwise show my hand if I am trying to express I will be open/be your friend. I'm not saying every blog that doesn't tell you their main is bad, and I'm not saying any blog that does tell you their main is good.
But that to blindly trust a character, without establishing any real connection outside of that, and taking what they say as gospel or telling them secrets, is dangerous. Remember that just because one person speaks first, doesn't automatically mean they are in the right. Remember also; that neither is the second, middle, last, whoever! For clearance. Stories have two sides, and sometimes the truth is muddy and somewhere in the middle. Sometimes hearing more stories might help gather intel for you to make a decision, but can never truly be perfect.
If you need to ask about my personal experiences with someone, I can tell you as well, if I'm feeling up for it. If not, I won't lie, I'll say I'm not ready or it's private. I can't speak for anyone else, or tell a story that's happened to anyone else. I'll tell my personal story, if I have one, and you can use it to help guide on who you believe, if you want. But my personal experience will not be a public post on this blog. But private, dm's, or even on one of my personal blogs.
Remember the world isn't black and white, and that people can be good and make mistakes or do bad actions, and that bad people can make mistakes and do good actions. With or without manipulation. That if things sound insane, it might be because they are just exaggerating their story. That they might or might not be the victim, and that good can handle bad for a long time before they break, or any other situation. Good can do bad things, when they've suffered a long time; and that you can't always believe everyone's story to be gospel. Good, bad, we're just people.
These are real people, don't blur the lines of rp and them. They might do bad actions, and be good. They might do good actions, and be bad. But they could just be people, who make mistakes, have misunderstandings, and suffer the fallout for a long, long, time. Hold grudges and hold them long after others change, and when that happens, they could see any good action as manipulation or some other negativr reason for the way they're acting. That they could accidentally become manipulators themselves. Cycle of abuse is real, and the victim turns into a new abuser, but often the one they are abusing is a new innocent person, a new victim. No one deserves abuse, and often there's no reason behind it. Certainly not a good, justifiable, reason.
Remember any time you've acted crazy, sometimes you were pushed to it, sometimes it was deserved, sometimes you were in the wrong, but you felt it was the right often, or otherwise had a reason, didn't you? It's important to self reflect, because sometimes we make mistakes.
Often, someone being mean might be a bad day. Maybe they got in a fight with someone they like, or got shouted at, or one too many people cut them off (maybe drive faster bbg. thats a joke). It's not justified, but understanding is the first step. Maybe they're being mistreated, and it comes out, or they just simply don't have anything else to compare it to.
But at the end of the day, communication is key, and make your own judgements on your experiences or others if you listen. If you are weary but like their character, that's alright. These are real people and sometimes good and bad are just colors on a spectrum. You can be good, and do something bad.
People are just people, with traumas and triggers and it can be hard to stay out of a cycle of abuse when perhaps everything might be bringing them down. Not justified, but understanding.
And if someone is truly bad to you, mean to you, the block button is easy to find. If they start to do something, anon asks or messages, harass you, report for harassment and block again. Tell others and show them, maybe, so they can help, close friends, or people who listen.
Stay safe, everyone. Blocking and walking away is sometimes the best option.
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cherryluvss · 2 months
YESSS alright first and foremost thanks for answering!!
about the whole dynamics thing, i mean what am i supposed to do as a top? (or dom?) like from your experiences, what do you expect from someone when you’re subbing?
im so bad at this lmao but i need all the help i can get 😭
I have never had a dom/sub dynamic (not intentionally anyway).
I can only assume it's different for each dom/sub relationship. You aren't supposed to do anything, do what you guys both like (with consent of course).
Isn't it like, exploring the power dynamic between them, because then I'd say the first thing you should do is form a relationship with your sub, trust is so so important. I'm not saying u have to date, but get to know them, find stuff out about them (likes, dislike, limits, safewords, past) and vice versa. Punishments. What rules must they follow and what tasks do you want them to do. For example, no cumming/getting off without permission, must address you as xyz, how many times should they edge, must drink water throughout the day (doesn't have to be exclusively sexual). They should be allowed to not want to do something, even if it's a task, consent and boundaries are very important.
Lets use me n my ex as an example! I was required to send a nude photo whenever they sent me one, they would pick which underwear I wear around them, get off once a day when they were at work and tell them about it in detail, take off their coat and hang it up every time they came through the door. If I did not do something in a bratty way then I'd be punished, if it was due to being uncomfy or sum like that, it was fine. U get the idea.....
DO NOT TAKE MY WORD AS GOSPEL. I really don't know much, if anything, about D/s dynamics. Praying I don't get jumped and told i'm spreading misinformation. Also didn't proof read this sooooo.
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iesnoth · 1 year
Any advice for a Christian who "technically" isnt a Christian? A few months ago, I was on the rocks with my faith. Everything I stand for like LGBTQ acceptance (I'm undecided on my sexuality) and being pro-choice and what not goes against the Bible. At one point, I felt lost- like I didn't believe anymore because that's not what a Christian should believe in. But then- I felt this warm blanket cover my shoulders and it reassured me I still believed in God, even if I believed in those other things too. It makes me conflicted because obviously- if I don't follow the Bible's teachings, I'm going against God's word. But whenever I talk to him and pray, I never feel shunned for thinking such things. If anything, I feel reassured.
I'm saying all this because my By-the-Bible Christian friend says I'm not truly a Christian for these reasons (as does just about every single other "real" Christian I've seen on those videos like "Conservative Christians vs. Liberal Christians". So I don't know what to do. I still believe in god. I still pray, and love him- and I feel that deep down he loves me and all his other children no matter what. What do I do? Have I guaranteed my place in hell?
Thank you for reaching out with your very thought-provoking message.
First of all, I'm not going to tell you whether or not you are a Christian: that is between you and God. I'm also not going to tell you "The Rules," because it seems you know them. But I am going to take a few statements from what you've written and, Lord willing, give you some encouragement.
You mention "going against God's word", and though I agree in the sense that we all sin and we all doubt, our salvation isn't contingent on what we do. There's a whole theological discussion to be had about how "works" fit into "faith," but the crux of salvation is:
"If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in Your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
That's all it takes for salvation. That's it. There's another verse that's been a great encouragement to me recently:
"--work out your own salvation with fear and trembling [ie: respect for an absent authority], for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." Philippians 2:12b-13 (ESV)
In sum, God has made all of us (Christian and non-Christian) because He loves us. Christianity is reciprocating that love and entering His confidence. He has a path for us which we can't change, but we can share in His joy by sharing in His plan. Each plan is designed to suit each person, and through the Spirit we discover it. But if you are in the Spirit you will discover it. (I'm sorry to the non-Christians out there for the religious lingo, but it's the shortest way for me to say this atm.)
You say you feel reassured when you pray. I don't know your situation well, but the Lord still loves you, and will always love you all your days. And He does want a relationship with you. (However, if you're receiving affirmations about beliefs you know are contrary to the Bible, I implore you to really dissect that warm feeling and make sure you know where it's coming from.)
Finally, you have not guaranteed your place in hell. No one alive can do that, because Jesus can wash away ALL sin if we ask Him to. And God gives us that opportunity, every day until we die, no matter what we've done. As long as we believe in Him and love Him, He forgives. Because He has loved us from the beginning of time.
My advice to you, as much as it is, is to make sure you truly KNOW Jesus. This is the "working out your salvation," what all Christians should be doing all their lives. Read the Gospels and KNOW Him, read the Old Testament and the prophecies about the Messiah. Ask hard questions and research them out without bias. The problem I find in both conservative and liberal Christians is the tendency to make "their Jesus." 'Judgmental' and/or 'all-tolerant' are two terms which should never be used to describe Him. Jesus of history fits into no box: He loved those society hated, He said controversial things to make people upset (Jesus could be quite the edgelord), He was endlessly compassionate, but also tired and angry. He was all this while blameless, all human while God. He did not bend to society then or now, but because of (and in spite of) that, loved everyone. You will not agree with some of what God says, because our sin nature keeps us from being in line with him. But Jesus said the most important command is just this:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength."
If someone is lazy, a coffee addict, a murderer, whatever, it doesn't matter to God as long as they love Him enough to surrender to Him. But if the coffee addict refuses to give up coffee if He asks, do they love Him with their whole heart? If a lazy Christian refuses to get up when God asks, do they love Him with all their strength? God takes into account our weaknesses. He won't ask the impossible of us unless He equips us for it. But just as He sacrificed for us, He tells us we will have to sacrifice for Him, if for no other reason than this world is in opposition to Him.
Again, He knows our weaknesses. He knows our thoughts, our questions. And He knows how to answer us, if we'll reach out.
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9
I could go on and on about this, because there is so much nuance here. Instead, I'll leave you with a few resources.
I know Christians can get into echo chambers, where they come to believe God only works in a set way. Something which helps me avoid this is listening to other peoples' testimonies. Delafé Testimonies on Youtube is great for learning the myriad of ways God works. I've been surprised by how gentle He is in these stories.
This might seem hokey, but The Chosen series has helped me steer my understanding of Jesus in a more Biblically accurate direction, and it's genuinely one of the best shows I've seen. You can watch all 3 seasons on the Chosen app.
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis, or anything by Lewis. I've heard critiques about the man, but in consuming his theological work, I've found him to be progressive when it comes to sex and gender identity, especially for his time.
I hope this was helpful. I understand what you're going through, and am working out my salvation right along side you, friend. It's normal to have questions about theology and your own salvation. Let me know if you have any more questions and I'll be happy to help: I'm not an "expert" by any means, but I like talking about Jesus. I'll be praying for you, and praying for empathy and love in your friend group.
Peace be with you.
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coldflasher · 2 months
5, 15, 27?
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
For this fandom I don't think so, but other fandoms yes. I am a known and vocal destiel hater partly because I hate castiel but also because I think the spn fandom is so obnoxious about the ship (sorry destiel-shipping mutuals i don't mean you, but i have seen things...) Also I will come to hate ships from shows I've never even seen if the fandom is annoying/vocal enough. 911 fandom, i'm sorry, but i do not wanna see those firefighters ever again.
tbf that fandom seems to have calmed down lately, or maybe i just unfollowed or muted the people who post it excessively, but there was no escaping them for a while
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Season 4 of The Flash was actually really good. Most of you quit watching too early and didn't give that season a chance!! The huge ableism issues with Devoe aside, that arc was actually really compelling and ngl I find it frustrating that for YEARS we were like "PLEASE give us a non-speedster big bad!" and they finally did and everyone was like "no :) " and refused to watch it
Devoe was scary!! He was more than a match for Barry without being a speedster which I thought is what we all wanted! Plus season 4 is actually the funniest season. I hadn't seen it since it aired because the fandom had me convinced it was bad and then when me and my friend watched it we were CRYING during the first few episodes because the comedy beats were so impeccable.
Season 4 also had so many fantastic character beats for Barry, amazing conflict, CONSEQUENCES FOR HIS ACTIONS!! He literally got suspended from work because he was "harrassing" Devoe and broke into his house and it was SO interesting to see him face actual repercussions for letting Flash stuff bleed into his personal life! It gave us the prison arc! It gave us GOOD HAIR!
The actual downward spiral of the show began in season 5. Nora I love you but... that season had a lot of rough spots. Season 6 was also good! Now season 7 onwards deserves all the flack it gets but I maintain the show was still good way past the first 2-3 seasons that are held up as gospel and some of you are missing out on some actually really good television.
I think part of it is like... Coldflash besties, I love all of you, but The Flash was never Len's show. He was never a main character. And I think sometimes we get a bit caught up in acting like it was more Coldflash-centric than it was and like it was no longer worth watching as soon as Len wasn't in it. I get for some people (including me!) that the ship was a major part of enjoying the show but like. That was never the goal of the show. It was never trying to do that or tell that story, or even really focus on Len at all outside of a very minor big bad of the week role, and we do it a disservice by acting as if that ship was all the show had to offer, you know?
Some of my favourite episodes actually happened in the later seasons and I'd love to be able to share my love for those episodes and analyze them the same way we analyze the same 30 seconds of coldflash interactions but half of you wouldn't even know what I was talking about :( I could do it anyway and I still do, see my rant from the other day about Caitlin's s8 mad scientist necromancer arc, but it feels like shouting into the void sometimes... sigh
27. Least shippable character?
Hmm I'm tempted to say Caitlin. They put that woman in so many relationships and they were all soooo boring. Tbf I do quite like her and Ronnie (snowstorm?) but other than that... her and Jay? Boring. Her and Julian. Boring AND nonsensical considering he had such an issue with metahumans. Then there was that weird arc in season 8 where she goes on like 2 dates with a random dude and she's like "I want to tell him about Team Flash because I see a future with him and want him to be a part of my life" and then like one or two eps later she goes "nvm" and just dumps him. It was so funny. But all these relationships except with Ronnie were meh at best and by the final few seasons she was so detached from everyone anyway, they really didn't know what to do with her after Cisco left and instead of trying to have her bond more with the new characters they just shrugged and had her stand in the corner and do nothing
I have attempted to ship her with Iris in the past but it's hard work cos they gave us NOTHING. I wasn't sure if Danielle's acting was the issue and it was because she didn't have good chemistry with her love interests but I have no issue shipping Frost with people so? Idk what it is.
Kamilla is another one, which is ironic because her only purpose was to be Cisco's girlfriend but girl had no personality whatsoever, i'm sorry, she deserved better.
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omg-hellgirl · 4 months
Best Mick Jagger biography(ies) to read? Thanks!
Sorry in advance, but I love chatting about this! I've read four so far and haven't finished Philip Norman's yet, but I would say his without a doubt. Norman has a lot of insight into the music industry and he is particularly good on Mick's early life, which is what I like. He has some eloquent lines that I loved. He seems to describe things a little more impartially*, although in others he seems like a fan.
Christopher P. Andersen painted Jagger much more negatively; I feel that sometimes he narrates more as an opinion than as a fact, and there was virtually no commentary on music itself (there are many of them in Keith's biography and in Norman's book). His first book is from 1993, so it's not up to date, and the 2012 one (Mick: The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Jagger) has some of the defects I mentioned.
Basically, Norman's book is the most thorough and detailed so far for me, so I recommend going with that one first. But I don't discard any of the ones I've already read; they all have a few different details, which is fun to me! I have fun thinking, "Oh, that wasn't in the other book" or "Oh, that's missing something."
When you don't tell your story, someone else will do it for you, and that's what happens with Mick; people are telling his story because he refuses to do it (it's a legitimate decision; he can choose that, but he's been a public figure for over 30 years and a music icon, so... it is what it is).
So yes, someone might come along and say this is all tabloid crap and gossip, but it's not like he's trying to change it. That said, my advice, although not requested, is for you to read, try to draw your own conclusions, and be aware that there are probably inaccuracies. This can be difficult when the authors are biased, and honestly, all these guys are, for better or worse, at least in my opinion. 
The words in these books should not be taken as gospel, not even the autobiographies. Chrissie Shrimpton mentions that Keith Richards was upset when his parents divorced, although he didn't say so in his book. He barely talks about this divorce. He chose not to talk about it in his autobiography.
Another example: Marianne Faithfull said to Hotchner that she talked to Marsha Hunt at some point about Mick, and yet she left it out of her autobiography.
The thing is, even in autobiographies, their central figures can leave out whatever they want, so I don't like it when someone accuses legitimate authors of doing a bad job just because the content has a source other than the person directly involved. 
*In the German book by Willi Winkler about Mick Jagger that I read, as far as I know, there is only one official translation: to Portuguese. This is probably off-limits for you, but it is the shortest biography and the most impartial compared to the others. It's so impartial that it can be a little dry. However, it is very rushed, and there is a huge lack of details. It's more like a summary, which is fine if that's what you're interested in. 
I still have a lot to say (I didn't even properly mention Blown Away! 😩) but I'll stop here, sorry this was so long! Xoxo
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childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
This is the primary message of the Gospel Truth of Christ. It is the basis of our Christian faith. Paul is telling the Corinthians that this is the teaching that they must hold fast to. We have been saved to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. What does being saved mean to you? When I read the Gospel books and the letters from the Apostles to the churches, I understand that being saved means that the gates of Heaven have been opened to me; but that I must choose to enter them.
Many doors and gates are open to us each day of our lives. Some of these, we choose to enter and others we walk past, some of them we walk past quickly! If we accept the fact that we are saved by Jesus Christ, it comes with the responsibility to share the Good News and to work with Jesus to bring a message of love and the need for justice to a world that is not always open to it. Christianity is more than a belief system - It is a way of life! We can walk through the doors of prayer, compassion and forgiveness, or we can walk through the doors of envy, discrimination and indifference. It's not enough to claim Jesus Christ as your Savior if you don't let Him lead you to His Truth and salvation and to the gates of the Kingdom.
Jesus is our Savior and He is also our LORD and King and that demands loyalty. Remember the Israelites: Things didn't work out so well when they were unfaithful and worshiped idols. We are not immune from worshiping idols either. We may not build altars to Baal, but some may build shrines to their favorite sports "idol." Others might put actors and actresses, singers or money or even themselves first in their lives over putting God first. Walking through these doors leads us to damnation and away from God and the gates of Heaven, not toward them. We need to believe in and follow Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ and we need to follow the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. God sent His only begotten Son to save us and open the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven to us. May He help us keep our eyes on the prize. The only one that truly matters!
Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives according to His Holy Word and will. We must make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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