#tell me all about your traumatized zombie faves
potatoesarecheese · 3 months
oh, nothing. just thinking about...
characters that simply refuse to die
characters where the universe will not let them die, you have one more job, you have one more purpose, you have just one more day that you have to live through- and they keep living because they know that the universe is right.
characters that stand on deaths door for just a few seconds too long, and then turn around. they are drawn back to the land of the living through love and fear and pure spite and the raw, visceral need to live.
characters who stand on deaths door and knock, and are let in for afternoon tea. who are so familiar with death that they can have a friendly chat with the reaper, and then return to the land of the living.
characters that crawl out of their graves hissing and spitting and something entirely inhuman, intent on dying again and dragging as many people along with them.
characters that crawl out of their graves screaming and crying, so full of pain that all they can do is wander the streets and wail. no one listened to them in life, so they refuse to be forgotten in death.
characters that crawl out of their graves hollow and carry their burdens alone. they fill their hollow bodies with someone else's tears and take away everyone's sorrow, because they've already survived this much, they can handle a little more. and by the time they realize they're dying again, it's already too late.
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Nobody asked for this but given the boredom some people may be facing, I'm going to reccomend a few of my favorite games in no particular order in case anyone wants to try them.
1. Life is Strange.
Awesome story about friendship, love, mystery and time travel in a port side town. Lots of fun details to find. Definitely fun but not necessary to reply. Characters can be a little cringey but thats kind of what makes it fun. Unique mechanics and I like how the decisions you make have consequences.
2. Oxenfree
Super creepy but fun game. About a group of kids exploring a haunted island but get stuck in a time loop. Again, your dialog and decisions have consequences that may even carry through to the next playthrough of the game. Which i highly reccomend multiple playthroughs for both enjoyment and better understanding of the ins and outs of this insane story.
3. Prey
If you like first person shooter games with cool graphics, SPACE, and story then you are in for a treat. The monsters are super spooky and i love it. Did i mention SPACE?? This game imvoles stragey, mostly free exploration, and a crafting system.
4. Beyond Two Souls
This has near movie like graphics in my opinion. I like to play in chronological order but all over the place is fun too as you piece together the story of Jodie and her "friend" Aiden as they run from the goverment, fight spirits and get traumatized over and over. Your choices and actions matter and there's multiple endings.
5. Heavy Rain
You play as multiple characters, who could all die for goodsies if you pick the wrong choice. Each character is trying to solve the case of a serial killer and each character has different motives and approaches. Timing means a lot here so be ready for QTEs and other fast time decisions to make.
6. Detroit Become Human
Ever wonder about the possibilitu of AI evolving? Thats this game. Its an interesting reflection on similar current events while also portraying a future that could possibly happen irl. You play different characters and your actions and choices matter a lot here too. Even just watching the game is like a movie.
7. The Walking Dead
The style of these games is awesome. Very like the comics and cool cameos from both other game characters as well as characters from the live action show. Love the story but im not great at the quick time events so beware.
8. Uncharted 4
So i played these out of order but the Uncharted series is like a more funny tomb raider but just as fun. I didnt even feel lost playing the 4th one first.
9. Until Dawn
Put yourself into a classic "snowy mountain in the woods teen slasher" esque film as a game. Examine everything and be careful which relationships you nurture in this game. The end reveal is crazy and i love it. Discovery in this game can be your savior or your downfall.
10. The Last of Us
A neat take on a zombie apocalypse game. The story ro get from A to B has a lot of twists and turns and that sweet sweet found family trope between snarky kid Ellie and grizzly "I'm not you dad" Joel. Just because i suck at the fighting doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
11. The Wolf Among Us
Imagine if your fave fairy tale characters lived in New York. And were kind of assholes. And suddenly the Big Bad Wolf is kinda attractive. Welcome to the Wolf Among Us. Based on the Fables comic series, this comic stylized game involves choices that determine your progress as you try to solve more than a regular murder case.
12. Minecraft.
So I may be new to the Minecraft scene. Its not a new game. But its fun! Its simple and charming and relaxing even if you dont actually make any progress like i do. But catch me in my huge tower like Rapunzel, only hiding from Creepers and Endermen.
13. What Remains of Edith Finch.
A walking playthrough of a girl revisiting her abandoned childhood home and confronting the dark secrets and mysterious deaths of her family. Is it all coincidence or are there supernatural forces at play?
14. Little Misfortune
As the game tells you, Misfortune is a wonderful girl from a not so wonderful family. Follow along as this little, silly, and sweet girl goes on a journey to find Eternal Happiness. She is led by a strange voice that can talk to you, the player as well as Misfortune the character. Help her game play out by making choices and observations.
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thecorteztwins · 4 years
@lgbtincomics - A pre-Marauders reading list for Shinobi Shaw! X-Factor (1st series) #67 - First appearance, kills his father (good for him) Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #281-283 - Bisexuality first implied. Tries to offer Fitzroy help with the Upstarts competition, Fitzroy responds by cutting off his finger and throwing the decapitated head of Donald Pierce in his bed. In revenge, Shinobi accidentally rescues Trevor Fitzroy from X-Men, thinking he’s in fact sabotaging Fitzroy killing the X-Men and gloats about that Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #299 - Other Upstarts are fighting, Shinobi just goes for the liquor cabinet while scolding “boys, boys!” X-Men (2nd series) #21-23: Shinobi invites a Japanese crime boss, Lord Nyorin, to his penthouse late at night. Nyorin is greeted with what I can only describe as an upskirt shot of Shinobi in a tiny towel, surrounded by scantily-clad men and women. Shinobi then stumbles around drunkenly while trying to convince Nyorin to kill the X-Men for him, saying “this is about your wants and my needs” and Nyorin calls him “unsutble”. Draw your own conclusions about that. He then attends a meeting with other members of the Japanese underworld to tell them just to leave his mother out of their schemes (what his mother had to do with this is never revealed) and then later Beast and Gambit burst in on him while he’s in the bath to interrogate him about the Upstarts. New Warriors (1st series) #43-44: Recruits Justice of The New Warriors as a lackey to do his dirty work because Shinobi is so damn lazy even other villains make fun of him for it. Justice takes him up on it in X-Men (2nd series) #29: Shinobi invites Archangel to attend a Hellfire ball. The invitation is written in loopy pink ink and has a lacey border. It’s also perfumed. Jubilee makes a “Liberace” comparison in case we’re still not getting it. We learn that Shinobi and Warren were childhood friends (well, friends from Shinobi’s POV, Warren just remembers him as this kid who was always tagging along after him) and now Shinobi wants him to be his White King. A confrontation ensues between Archangel and Psylocke, who came along, revealing in Psylocke’s powers revealing Shinobi’s traumatic childhood at the hands of his abusive father, and they leave Shinobi alone in the Hellfire Club basement. This one broke my heart, you guys. X-Force (1st series) #32: The Younghunt contest has begun among the Upstarts,in which they compete to kidnap other mutants. Not being one to do his own work, as mentioned, Shinobi asks Justice to bring him Firestar. Firestar is Justice’s girlfriend, but Shinobi points out that at least with him, Firestar is safer than she would be with the other Upstarts. New Warriors (1st series) #45  - Justice delivers Firestar to Shinobi, who promises him that they’ll use Firestar just like they discussed: as bait to get them inside the assassination parlor, and from there to use the other captured young mutants to overthrow not only the Upstarts but the Gamesmaster himself! Shinobi also makes the hilarious claim that he’s not an idiot. It’s hilarious because he absolutely is. X-Force (1st series) #33 : Shinobi once again gets ambushed and interrogated in the bath, this time by X-Force. They also throw Bantam, Fitzroy’s sidekick, in there with him. Bantam says he hopes Shinobi is wearing swim trunks...and I don’t think he is. [X-Men Annual (2nd series) #3: Being an X-Men villain, Shinobi of course has to try to brainwash Storm into joining him. Also he grows drug plants in his apartment penthouse, which surprises me zero, Shin absolutely strikes me as a pot-smoker at the least. Generation X Annual 1995: Cordelia Frost shows up in lingerie at the Hellfire Club trying to get Shinobi to give her Emma Frost’s former position of White Queen. Shinobi, who regards her as a child (and rightly so, she’s sixteen here) refuses, and she tries to buy her way in by offering him a powerful mutant, Mondo. This also does not work, and Shinobi lazily drinks his champagne as a bunch of other bad guys burst in and kidnap Mondo while Cordelia screams at him. It’s hilarious and I love them, I wish they had been a baby Hellfire Club together! X-Force (1st series) #62: Hearing that his father might not be so very dead, Shinobi fearfully begins funding a machine that can deprive mutants of their powers. As test subjects, Karma’s younger siblings are used. This is the first time I think we see Shinobi be truly evil/heartless---previously, he never actually hurt anyone in the Upstarts besides his abusive dad, and he comes off more as trying to make friends in a weird way. Likewise, his conflicts with the X-Men were from botched recruitment attempts. But this is straight-up hurting children because he’s afraid of the man who hurt HIM as a child. Also features the sole appearance of Mindmeld, his gender-ambiguous bodyguard. [X-Necrosha #1, X-Force (3rd series) #21-22: Poor Shinobi, it seems his father got him after all, because he turns up as one of the zombies that Selene resurrects during Necrosha. He comes after Sebastian, but alas does not succeed in killing him again. Uncanny X-Men (5th series) #20: Randomly alive again with no explanation, Shinobi and the other Upstarts kill the Nasty Boys so they won’t be manipulated by Emma Frost, and Shinobi kills himself for the same reason. No, it doesn’t make any sense and it’s very upsetting. X-MEN ‘92 (second series) This series, which was published in 2017 but takes place in 1992, is an alternate universe setting that nonetheless captured a lot of true Shinobi-ness in this portrayal, hence why I list it in addition to his 616 appearances #2: First appearance in this series, drawn with Wolverine hair because the artist seems to have mixed him up with MATSU’O TSURABAYA who was another Japanese X-Men character from the 90s. I wrote in about this and he was drawn probably ever since. I’m not saying it was definitely because of my letter but I like to think it was. #8: Shinobi Shaw and Trevor Fitzroy were presumed dead, it turns out Shinobi decided to fuck off on a Thailand cruise for weeks and bring Fitzroy with him and I LOVE THIS IDIOT SO MUCH. In his own words, “Who wants to spend all day thinking up ways to kill the X-Men when you could be playing shuffleboard with Miss November?”  And then Cassandra Nova and Apocalypse crash on to his boat. #10: The Upstarts join the X-Men to save the world. Shinobi, the voice of reason for once in his life, asks his teammate whether anyone has thought about what happens when this is over, and the X-Men remember that they have been trying to kill them. Shinobi is a delight and a personal fave of mine! He’s definitely a product of the time he was written in, and has done a lot of very bad things, but he’s also very much a stupid, harmless villain who is too dumb, cowardly, and traumatized to really take seriously as truly “evil” so much as very messed up and emotionally stunted due to abuse. At least that’s how I feel about him. But by all means, read and decide for yourself!
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guymaito · 3 years
For the ask thing :3:
Top 5 animals? Top 5 fav/comfort movies? Top 5 fav cartoons/shows?
I’m honestly glad to know theres other people including you who actually like Pakku and his character :3 Yes he was a completely asshole at the start but he did change, it’s just that it was so subtle that not everyone saw it
Also random song associations with characters:
Fighter by Jack Stauber reminds me very well of Piandao, Pakku, and Jeong Jeong as their younger selves during the war.
Why do I associate Grace by Lewis Capaldi with Bumi? (the music video tho would give more context to why it might make sense)
Oh Klahoma by Jack Stauber reminds me of Piandao and his overall anxieties for his partners.
Consider some of these songs as sorta song recs? Idk but still :3
1. Giraffes!! the reason why their tongues look like That is cause of extra melanin and to prevent sunburn!!
2. Seals!! there are 33 different kinds of pinnipeds and there over 50 extinct pinnipeds
3. Dogs!! they can only see in shades of blue and yellow, so bright red roses look yellowish brown and lively green grass look dehydrated and dead
4. Crows!! a group of them are called a murder
5. Cows!! they’re actually colorblind, they can’t see red specifically, so male cows, bulls aren’t getting mad at the color, they’re getting angry at the movement
1. The Losers movie from 2010, it’s a action mystery movie about Clay and his team that are a part of an elite US Special Forces Unit and are approached by a mysterious woman to exact revenge on their handler, Max, who betrayed them and just,,,the characters, CHRIS EVANS, jake jensen and all of his kinda weird glory, THE ELEVATOR SCENE, also cougar!!
2. Captain America and The Winter Soldier movie, it’s a action movie, which makes me realize that a lot of my faves are prolly gonna be action something, but anyways, it’s about Steve Rogers, who now lives in the nation's capital as he tries to adjust to modern times. An attack on a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague throws Rogers into a web of intrigue that places the whole world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Natasha Romanov, and a new ally, Sam Wilson, Steve struggles to expose an ever-widening conspiracy, but he and his team soon come up against an unexpected enemy. oh my god,,,just,,,the fight scenes, the running scene at the beginning of the movie, steve meeting sam that way, just everything!! this was also my introduction to marvel so in my mind no other marvel movie can live up to this (other than spiderman away from home)
3. Spiderman Far from Home, again, it’s a action movie, i’m not gonna explain this cause the post is getting long, but!! mj and peter!! just,,,all of their scenes!! also jake gyllenhaal!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!! everything about it is amazing!!
4. Thunderforce, again, i’m not gonna explain, it’s an action adventure and comedy movie (ofc it is look at the other 3 🙄 /s), the relationship between lydia and emily!! the relationship between lydia and emily’s daughter!! the humor!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!!,,,,just everything about is good despite the bad ratings
that’s more like a top 4 than a top 5 but that’s like,,,,all the movies i genuinely like and will rewatch if given the chance and for that where’s a honorable mention: Hamilton (the movie version on disney+ that came out i think nearly a year ago), the soundtrack is amazing, the characters are better, got some funny moments and is mostly historically accurate, like yeah angelica did forget her name cause at the time of her meeting alex ham, she was married to a man named john church (or something church idk) so her last name was church but she introduced herself to alexander as angelica schuyler, not angelica church, so in satisfied she was telling the truth about forgetting her own name, but in the same song she said that her father had no sons even though the real angelica had 3 brothers.
1. Avatar the last Airbender, ofc or else i would have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s sequel /s but fr though?? it’s such a good show!! zuko’s redemption arc, iroh’s redemption arc (even though his more subtle than zuko’s) , aang!! love him and his character so much, especially when he gets to be a sassy little shit, sokka and his shit humor and brains, katara, toph, hakoda and HIS shit humor, the fight scene with hakoda (he fights kinda like a waterbender, using his opponent’s momentum against them), bato and his lovely, lovely voice, piandao, aang going ‘how about he get on YOUR back and you can fly us to the south pole’ or something like that to sokka after he complained about appa not flying higher, the boiling rock episodes, hakoda apparently being a good dad but a shitty prison riot starter (love that for him), just!! atla is such a good ass show, im not changing my mind. also!! i like the way they introduced ozai, not showing his face but still presenting him as not only a shit dad, but a shit person as well, like up until book three, we only saw him like, the neck down and in like, a flashback or two (i don’t really remember how many flashbacks ozai was in actually cause it’s nearly been a full year since i last watched it) and that’s it, so it made seeing his face for the first time all the more better cause you was already like ‘what the hell does this shitbag look like’ and then you see him and now ur like ‘oh!! THATS what he looks like!!’
2. The Legend of Korra, again, ofc or else i wouldn’t have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s prequel, just,,,,korra’s arc from being hot headed to calm is fantastic but also sad considering the way she went from that to this, korra’s book 1 character!! for whatever reason i really like b1 korra, just,,her design, her hair style (even though she had it for nearly the entire series) just!!! book 1 korra <3, also the entirety of book 1!! just amon posing as a anti bender nonbender despite being a waterbender himself, the scene where tenzin and his kids nearly lost their bending, which would’ve meant that, if tenzin did lose his bending but his kids didn’t, that would’ve meant the strongest airbender would’ve been his 11 year old daughter, the gruesome way to end the season finale episode by doing a murder suicide which was dark as fuck for what?? a kids show??, also the villains in this show!! their good as hell!! the backstory of the red lotus and how and why they were created?? amon and his anti bending?? kuvira and her plan to basically rule the earth kingdom (idk i haven’t finished book 4), unalaq and his spiritual stuff and wanting to become a dark avatar and fusing with vaatu?? also!! the other disturbing scene of korra basically getting tortured near the end of book 3, i mean?? it deadass left her hella traumatized and unable to walk, again hella dark for a fucking kids show
3. The Walking Dead, even though i haven’t finished it or watched in like, 4-5 months, i just,,,the way the presented negan!! practically foreshadowing him the entirety of season 6!! him appearing at the very end of the season 6 finale and pretty much having an entire episode dedicated to him in the very beginning of season 7 (which is why some fans argue he was introduced in s7 not s6 cause of the fact that he didn’t show up until the very end of the s6 finale but had an entire episode with him in it in s7, while others say vice versa cause the very the first time we see him was in s6 not s7), the fact that the walking dead logo was getting progressively more and more decayed as the series go on?? the fact that the WALKERS (the zombies) are getting more and more decayed as the series go on?? dale’s death scene?? shane’s death scene?? negan’s relationship with rick’s daughter?? the fact that this show also has what?? 11, 12 seasons?? which reminds me that i’m still on season 9 of twd
4. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, just,,,salem and his sarcasm?? sabrina’s aunts?? sabrina herself?? just!! everyone is just so fucking funny in this show it’s unreal, specially salem!! a lot of my favorite scenes have salem in them, the ‘are you on a women’s chat room again?’ (or something like that) and salem saying ‘i like the attention’ in response, that one harvey and salem scene that i don’t know how to describe without turning this into a giant paragraph like the ones before this one
5. blue’s clues, it was my favorite childhood show and i love the reboot of it so much!! especially p for pride moment in that song i don’t remember the name of, blue themself!! steve leaving which was sad but getting an equally amazing host in the process?? amazing!! the scene where salt and pepper introduced their baby, paprika?? just,,,it’s such good show and i loved it when i was younger and i still love it now!!
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ziracona · 4 years
The tendency in fandom to take every white girl with short hair, regardless of the status of their canonical interest or lack of interest in women and explicit interest and/or sexual history with everything but, proclaim them a lesbian queen, and then ignore or absolve them of every single horrific act they take in fiction because of this. Is not doing feminism. Women. Lesbians. Or anyone. Any favors. It’s just bad.
Somehow. Some people really do apparently need to hear that...being any specific sexuality...is not a personality trait.
And also. Women aren’t inherantly less vile than men (or anyone non-binary, agender, fluid, etc, else), and whatever bad deeds they do should be judged based on just that—on the deeds, and their context. Not their sexuality, imagined sexuality, or their gender. Becuase none of those things effect whether committing murder is bad. At all. Not even a little. And none of them. Is even a personality trait. Affecting the character’s value as a person.
It’s cool, and good, to see characters with minority identities. And it’s real nice. When it’s whatever you are. But them being whatever. Is not a personality trait. Just a fact. And sometimes. People of any type. Are not good. Pretending any minority status—gender, sexuality, race, disability, neurotype, etc—is a get out of jail free card? Is not. Doing them. Or anyone. Any favors. Personality disorder. Doesn’t make you bad. Also doesn’t make you good. Your actions do. Acting like Amy from Gone Girl did nothing wrong when she date rapes her boyfriend & then frames him for doing that to her & ruins his life, then blackmails her husband who is terrified of being murdered by her into staying with her for the sake of the child she made at a fertility clinic with his sperm without his consent, bc she’s a woman. Isn’t good. Men aren’t more deserving of violence than women. Neither is anyone else. Jane. Left an infant child in an unheated car in subzero weather in a snow storm with zombies around that easily would hear it cry and go eat it. So she could lie and say she already let zombies eat it to bait a man with easily triggerable PTSD who had just lost his family to zombies for the second time into starting a fight. Because he was injured, unarmed, weak, down an eye, and 50, while she was fit, mid 20s, healthy, and armed with a hunting knife. Because she wanted an excuse to kill him without looking bad, because she wanted the 11 year old girl she was co-parenting with him, all to herself. And her immediately responding to the dude throwing a punch by stabbing him in the stomach to escalate the fight from brawl to life or death, then losing her knife, and instead of telling him the baby was alive & she’d made it up to start a fight which could have at any point ended the fight, begging the 11 year old child to gun down her oldest surviving friend with her own hands in cold blood so that she’d get what she wanted? Is evil. As is crying on the 11 year old and using pity as a weapon to get her to stay with her if she gets mad and wants to leave when she realizes Jane staged the whole thing for an excuse to murder, and so is after realizing like a month later that she is pregnant, committing suicide, and leaving the 11 year old that she just manipulated into killing her oldest surviving friend/completely isolated on purpose so she could have her to herself, totally alone in the apocalypse to care for an infant. Jennifer’s Body? Is a fantastic film. And Jennifer didn’t deserve any of what happened to her. But not one single boy she kills during the course of that film deserved it—and explicitly so. Even the guy who could easily have been a meathead jock bully is outside alone crying becuase his best friend just died and he loved him before she decides to lure him off and eat him alive. And acting like it’s totally fine & Needy should have just let her keep eating boys instead of killing her? Is fucked up. None of them deserved to die. And no one deserves death innately more because they are or are not something that is just a factual designator of their makeup as a human. The exchange student was scared and alone and nice, the catholic kid was sweet and Needy’s friend, Chip is a bad boyfriend but he meant well and being stupid doesn’t mean you deserve to die. And this girl ate them alive. That’s not funny. Or cool. Or fine becuase they were dudes. Gertrude Robinson? Chose again and again to betray people who loved her, or trusted her—sold out victims of awful trauma to their worst nightmares. Killed friends in the worst possible ways, like it was nothing. Michael loved her, and trusted her, and tried to care for her, and she without faltering fed him to his worst nightmare and forced him to become it. There is nothing excusable about that action.
Jude Perry? Has 0 redeeming features. Didn’t even stay faithful to her poor gf & was creepy obsessed w Agnes. Literally murdered her co-worker friend just because he was happy, and she wanted to destroy things: that’s it. She didn’t even dislike him. Murdered him because he had a wife and kid and house and it seemed fun, then burned down his house, took his wife’s money, and now checks in on his kid every so often in case he ever recovers from the trauma she inflicted enough to be fun to kill. There is literally nothing good about this woman. Yes. I mean that. Because being a lesbian? Is just a thing. There is no g/b tag, there is no tag at all. Amanda Young? Got kidnapped and tortured and forced to choose between killing a man who couldn’t resist but was conscious to watch her, and letting herself die, and she killed him. Then, instead of responding to that trauma with guilt or responsibility or anger at her captor, joined up with him and started helping him kidnap people just like her. She was not forced, she was not lied to. It does not matter if John was manipulative; she is a grown ass woman and like all grown ass adults, responsible for her own actions and choices. She did not get manipulated pitifully into this—she did not go unwillingly. She volunteered, with a happy vengeance, became obsessed with John and in love with him, despite his complete lack of interest. And she did not even just do what he did. She decided on her own that no one deserved redemption, & she killed them for fun in traps that wouldn’t let them go even if they did whatever awful thing the trap demanded as a price for life, just for the fun and power trip of watching them die helpless & in agony. That was all her, & her alone. She sat in a house full of people slowly dying from organ decomposition over the course of a few hours, for no crime worse than drug addiction—the thing she of all people should have been most sympathetic to—knowing full well at any time she could have saved them and stopped the game, and did nothing. She held a woman in her arms and stroked her head lovingly while she let her die in one of the most inhumane ways possible for the crime of having not been able to break an addition. She got saved by a 16 year old child multiple times, who had done nothing more than shoplift, and stood by while he had to watch a man get his brains blown out, another burn to death in an oven. As his organs slowly dissolved too. Watched the kid kill another human being & massively traumatize himself to save her life. And responded to that by attacking & knocking him out, tying him up, locking him up for days in a tiny safe bound and gagged with an oxygen supply to keep him alive, to be a piece in another game. Left his father, who had shown up to try & save him, to starve to death in chains in a horrible abandoned rotting room, & never even told him his son was alive. Let every other addict die horribly, let that kid sustain permanent damage to his organs that will kill him young, antidote taken or not, took his dad from him, & went back to torturing without a second thought. Kidnapped a woman whose worst crime was being a doctor & dating someone while maybe separated instead of divorced from her husband, put her in a trap that would take her head off with shotgun blasts, threatened her for fun, & then killed her even after she did everything she was asked, because it was more important to her that the old man she was obsessed with think she was special and great, than for the other woman to get to stay alive another day & go home to her daughter. There is nothing sympathetic about Amanda. She’s just not only evil, but too spineless to take responsibility for her own choices & actions, & tries to hide behind a “UwU I am sad & lonely & damaged & having trauma means I can literally torture people to death to feel special & it’s really tragic and sympathetic about me, not evil. Uhm. Some people??? Commit torture-murders?? To cope??” And acting like she’s somehow a victim in this becuase she is a pretty white girl with short hair? Is fucked. Up.
But every. God damn. Time. I see this. Please. It needs. To stop. People go: “UwU pretty girl short hair want” & I go “Ok. I see where u. Come from. Indeed.” But then. They go. “Girl pretty I like. So she was blameless. For this atrocity.” Those words...
Every day. I wake up. Thinking of Janic saying. Iconically. “At least me and Regina George know we’re mean,” and I weep inside. Because I cannot fathom. Or stomach. The lack of responsibility. I will kill. Characters who cannot admit they are bad. Myself. But somehow. They become. Flames. To moths. Of the “UwU pretty white girl short hair. We stan. Victim. Queen. Love her. Never done wrong.” Boy. We all done wrong. Even all my faves. At least once. I think. ...not if we count dogs probably, but people, yes. Ok. Anyway. All this is to say. Characters. Should be judged. Based on what they did. And why. And the aftermath. Not a grouping tag. I don’t mean any of these. Make bad characters. At all. Amy is a great character. So is Jennifer. So are most of them. I have quite affection even. For Jeneffer specifically. But you can like. Character. Without proclaiming. Them perfect humans. Who never did a thing wrong. Or their acts somehow. Justifiable. And ok. And you better stop saying. Ok. Because done. To men. Men do not. Deserve violence. Any more. Than anyone else. No one deserves violence defacto for factors. Outside their control. Wtf. Really people. It’s ok too. For character. To do much bad stuff. And still like character. Villains. And often just complex characters. Sometimes just characters. Do stuff. That is bad. It’s not supposed to be not their fault. Or ok. Also. Women are not a sisterhood. Of flawless beings. Who never hurt anyone or do any bad stuff. They can. And are. Often purpotrators. Of awful acts. And when they are. It is still. Very bad. Still. An awful act. Same level. Even. Of awful. Wild.
In conclusion.
Having short hair. While a girl. Doesn’t make her a butch queen. Who is absolved of all responsibility for that murder she committed. It just makes her a girl with short hair. That did a murder. I’m gonna. Kill someone. Too. And if I chop my hair off. I guess I can get away with it.
#personal#*dances wildly to abba music while delivering speech*#some of you all apparently really need a girl to come fuck up your life bc the lengths to which some of y’all so devotedly seem to believe#women are less evil is astronomical. and let me tell you. from personal experience? a girl can ruin your life. just as easily. and with as#little pity. guilt. remorse. or afterthought. as a man. and it aint any more ok. & you know what? so can a fluid person. or a nonbinary#person. legit anyone. can be bad. or good. and do bad. or good. theyre not defacto worse for coming from X starting point. and theyre also.#OuO not. better.#not everyone who likes or is sympathetic to these specific characters even be like that either like u know what? its possible to both be#sypathetic to a character & not excuse & atand their actions. I like & feel bad for Jennifer. a lot. one of my bros in college loved Jane#from twdg. Not bc she thought it was totally fine she’d been super evil though. its *dances* not that hard actually#also nothin against lovin evil lady characters or evil characters in general. just me or anyone else loving them does nothing to make their#evil deeds suddely ok or vanish into the mist#people have some real trouble w nuance huh. folks like a character & assume that means stanning everything theyve ever done. hate a charactr#and suddenly forget how to factor any outside factors into their view of said person’s actions. its a wild bad ride yo#like i get it. im a girl & ive had plenty of men ruin my life i truly get it. but is there anything truly more detrimental to feminism & to#just treating people decent in general than the WomenDoNoWrong mindset & apologism thrown up like its actually a decent counter t patriarchy#? probably actually yeah im sure there are worse. but its still REALLY not good!! feminism is just a stance that all people deserve equal#treatment & an investment in pursuing that reality. if youre excusing people of horrible actions bc girl & treating violence against non-#women as fine youre not a feminist u actually just suck generally as a person#i also lose my mind how half the characters i see get this treatment aint even lesbians & often explicitly like men yet get both assigned#that & treated like that sexuality is a hall pass for human rights violations. im dyin#this entire thought rant was prompted by reading a post earlier today about bi-phobia & gettin mad about how bi people get treated idk how#spagheti brain exactly went there to here so /fast/ but anyway. same brand of problematic. & i am v tired :] of this :] specifically :]#every time i see that post abt women killers in horror i am like ‘OP hiw are your points so good but all your examples so /terrible/.’ rip#i guess this is just life. and i feel excessively better after screaming jnto the void of my blog#also i get it gertrude robinson wanted to stop the apocalypse but fuck gertrude robinson she has no excuse. nothing could justify what she#did to people who loved her. and shes a well written and layered character whonisnt like just pure evil but she is VERY bad and i WILL kill#her (again) myself if given the chance & i have every right to.#spoilers#again. great charcters. amanda an iconic saw villain. gertrude fascinating. etc. but also. they be doing mad evil deeds & tis not ok
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