kaleschmidt · 2 years
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Redraw of an old drawing I made back in 2015! This was back when TabbyKat's was a daycare and more FNAF-oriented. Currently, there's no plans on murders and the like being involved with TKP, but it was nice makin a call back to this!
{OG under cut}
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localicecreambiter · 7 months
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Once upon a dream...
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this wasn't how I envisioned it turning out (it was originally supposed to be just wind with much duller colors) but I'm glad it came out the way it did
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sanepersonhere · 9 months
A walk in the Sun
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anxious-witch · 1 month
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- Sue Zhao
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a-dope-fiend · 5 months
everyday i think about makani's concept art for fem!medic and fem!spy
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gentle surgery yuri real
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cursedthing · 1 month
.baby's first ytp
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ggren-mainz · 3 months
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Currently you can only join if you get an invite so anyone who wants to join pls comment, or add it in the tags :P
EDIT: invite link now available, no need to comment or tag it, I think you can just use this one (but if it doesn't work don't be afraid to still do the others/ask me) vvv
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hermajestytak · 3 months
POV: She gives you a lil kissy
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hyunpic · 1 year
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catihere · 13 days
Oh no… this is absolutely awful… Alexa, play The Last Day of Summer from The Lighting Thief musical
I can’t physically bear the thought of going back to school- mentally I’m still at Camp Half-Blood on the board of Princess Andromeda. Wish me luck you people
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aksbe · 2 years
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It was gay all along <3
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nonuggetshere · 7 months
Hi girl
Aurora is now an artist
Bye girl
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charminea · 1 year
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Call me crazy but am I the only one seeing just how these two are eyeing each other? The amused eyes, the mix of hate and interest, the barely formed smirks that are still there? Someone tell me I'm not imagining it. Also all these sudden Tissaia/Fran posts are to blame - they got me seeing stuff that might not even be there in the first place.
Anyways, just imagine - the two most powerful sorceresses the Continent has ever seen (canonically the oldest two as well) hooking up. They'd be rulling the northern kingdoms in days.
These women had one episode together (still a mess about them not being close like in the books) and ZERO DIALOGUE yet the way they looked at each other, like in the photo above was PURE FIRE.
Forget Tissaia x Yennefer or Fringilla x Francesca, this here would have been the SHIT.. Also guess what? Tissaia was closer to Francesca in the books than she ever was to Yen / than Fran ever was to Fringilla so this isn't even that wild.
No one can convince me Tissaia didn't want a piece of that so she decided to kill Filavandrel cause honestly who needs him when she got the chance.
Also yes, this is my second weird ship after Emhyr x Francesca but screw it, it's too good not to think about. I hate these dumb breadcrumbs that will never pay off but it's nice to just fantasize.
Kinda headcanoning that these two were besties centuries ago but then the Brotherhood turned all anti-elven and Francesca got kicked out/left or something. And Tissaia replaced her with Philippa and then replaced Phil with Yennefer. Also, remember how Tissaia was all pro-elven in seasons 1 and 2? That right there is proof that this could've been something.
Anyways, now I'm done. Sry lol.
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anxious-witch · 1 year
No one asked for this but! Top five queer moments of Martin (because in my heart he is still part of JO)
(As always this is just for fun and has nothing to do with their actual sexualities)
At number five we have arriving to support your friends from a band you left, despite the fact that you have uni in a different country. Hug your best friend like this when you do
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At number four we have choosing to be Bojan's roommate. And the fact that he still is. Because that means he survived covid while they lived together. And for that, baby boos, you have to really love someone(I don't have appropriate picture/gif they are just cute)
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At number three we have this. Because my god, the way he held Bojan after that last concert still breaks me
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At number two we have this moment. Of Bojan casually sitting in between Martin's legs like it's everyday occurence (probably was). Insane
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At number one we have THIS FUCKING PROMO. Like. Very platonically sit in your best friend's lap and lovingly stroke his hair while he tells you the dumbest pickup line known to a man
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Anyway, thank you for tuning on for the newest episode of Rio makes everyone queer. You are welcome, have a gay day
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ask-elland-n-will · 1 year
Dark! William Au
Dark!William Abbott AU begins when he doesn't get his Hogwarts letter at the age of 11. It is a huge blow to his pureblood family. Even if they love Will, he still gets sent to a regular boarding school, far away from the Abbott manor while his parents try to keep their family's reputation afloat after the news appeared that their only son is a squib. William goes from feeling loved his whole life to being discarded by the entire wizarding community. 
He hates the boarding school he is at. He is not strong, he is too soft and kind for this place. He gets bullied a lot during his first year, and gets beat up so badly the first month that he has permanent scars. The only visible one is his forehead on the right side: he hides it behind the curtain of his hair. Will hopes he can convince his parents to transfer him somewhere else or study at home. But when the first year is over and he gets home for summer, he finds out that he has a little sister now and his parents are sure she'll be a great witch someday. There is no time for William. 
For the next 3 years, Will is spiraling down into self-loathing. He takes matters into his own hands at school, adapts, and immitates what everyone else does: kicking those who have fallen, plotting, manipulating. He becomes selfish to keep himself afloat and hurts people before they can hurt him. He is smart and he sells his knowledge. 
And then the ancient magic wakes up and he gets a letter from Hogwarts. His family is beyond relieved but William hates being home when that happens, and locks himself in a room, for hours practicing wandless magic until Fig is there to teach him. They did not need him here before, regarding him with pity in their eyes, walking on eggshells around him, too embarrassed to take him to any of the social gatherings they attended. Why the sudden excitement now? They have their precious little daughter to take care of. Will just wants to be left alone.
Will is wearing a mask, a sweet sunshine of a 5th year while loathing everything on the inside: he was supposed to be here years ago! Everyone takes their magic for granted and does not even try to reach their full potential while Will spends days and nights, studying, trying to catch up and succeeding. 
Elland has studied at Hogwarts since year one in this AU, and he is the one who shows Will Hogsmeade the day the trolls attack. He saves Will by accident, his own ancient magic waking up at that moment. Will does not even realize it until later. He hates it. Elland has always had everything, and he's a bloody muggle-born, he does not understand! And now without any effort he also sees the rare kind of magic, the kind Will felt like he deserved to wield, for all the shit he went through in the past 4 years. Elland has no right to have ancient magic! Will thinks that, all the while mesmerized by Elland, his stupid selfless acts, him saving Will. It infuriates the Slytherin the most: Elland effortlessly understands it all right off the bat and then risks his life for somebody else instead of protecting himself. Somebody Elland has only just met! It is Will who is weak, Will had to protect himself from that blow instead of feeling indebted to this lucky Hufflepuff. It's unfair.
Throughout the year Will gets closer with the Rookwood's gang. Rookwood finds out Will wields ancient magic or more so he thinks he found Will when in fact Will overheard them threatening Elland at some point and played his own cards right. Rookwood is using Will, controlling him with promises of power in the Repository. Will lets himself be used, he is not naive, not after all the things he went through. He knows he is resourceful and will be useful to Rookwood and Ranrok as a spy. He had to use his own body countless times to manipulate people into telling him things, moving pawns around. The only one he cannot quite get to is Rookwood. 
Elland is on the other side, fighting what Will is building without even knowing Will has ancient magic to begin with. Elland is the one with Professor Fig, doing all the ancient magic learning while Will never tells a soul. Well, apart from Rookwood but it was a calculated risk. Will learns to control his power all on his own. He does not need the help of those who reject the potential of the power hidden within the repository. 
Will does not realize at first but he is starting to get used to Elland, and when he does — he rejects the idea with a scoff. Will keeps convincing himself that he needs Elland for his own goals. He needs to keep a close eye on the Hufflepuff. He can't allow himself to really like him, not to mention fall in love! He will just get burned again. Elland, however, considers them close friends and feels something blooming within him but he is not sure about it yet. But Will is adorable when he is blushing, and he has been doing that a lot recently in Elland's presence. 
One day on one of the outings William and Elland clash. Elland sees Will among the Ashwinders and rushes in to help, realizing too late that he was wrong the entire time. Will, his sweet Will, the one has has a lovely smile and blushes when Elland plays him songs on his lute, this Will has been spying on him, passing information onto Rookwood. And Elland is hurt, but not because of all the bad Will has done in his time at Hogwarts but because Will never once shared anything, never told Elland about his past, never allowed even a moment of weakness to show.
(Tangled spoilers)
Elland tries to convince Will that everything will get better, but Will does not believe a word. He, who has been tricking people for years, does not trust anyone. Even if deep deep inside he wants to. Will can get to the power source on his own, Elland led them where he needed to. Will does not need Elland for anything anymore. Elland, who puts others before his own needs, who is always so helpful, who makes William laugh. This perfect prince, always so sickeningly perfect. This Hufflepuff is too soft. He doesn't understand how worthless Will felt before Hogwarts, how hard it's been for him, how much he craved that what Elland, this muggle-born, was so freely given. 
Will rejects the idea that they are friends, but deep inside he is hurt. Elland doesn't get it. Why wouldn't he let William have at least half of the power to control? William is ready to share if Elland comes with him, joins him! Will thinks that the pain he feels is from the betrayal. He has no idea it's heartbreak: Elland not accepting him, Elland not joining him, Elland telling him what he can and cannot do, just like his parents. William feels like he lost any chances of having Elland by his side. And so, Will has nothing left to lose. 
(Tangled spoilers)
They still have to pretend at school until the end of the year, and for William it is the hardest thing ever. He wants to yell at Elland, asking why he is still trying to be friends with him and why after all that transpired at the Ashwinder's camp Elland is still there. It is breaking Will on the inside. Elland still tries to get through Will, and Will hates how much he wants to accept Elland's help. 
He once again tricks Elland when they go to Olivander to make the special wand. He thought to steal the wand for himself but did not count on Rookwood showing up. It is both Elland and Will that get teleported with Rookwood, William snathing the wand from Elland and giving it to Rookwood. Only for Rookwood to turn on Will as well because with the wand he no longer needs Will. 
It is Elland who saves Will once again, and Will hates it. He wants to hate it. He was discarded by his "allies" once again, what was the point of saving Will, after he has betrayed Elland yet another time? And yet, after Rookwood is defeated Elland still chooses to trust Will, to shake him from this haze. To tell him that Will is not worthless, and that Will deserves to be loved, and that at Hogwarts he does not need to resort to all of this. In just one year Will accomplished more than most of the students can in four years. Will is a brilliant wizard and he does not need to prove anything to anybody! Will does not need to prove anything to Elland...
Will is too shaken to really reply to that barrage of love that Elland is showering him with. He can't think straight. He is so conflicted. They have to get to The Final Repository before Ranrok first and all the thinking can be done later. 
Ranrok gets defeated anyway just as Fig is fated to die underneath Hogwarts as well, yet another blow Will did not expect to cut him so deep. When it comes to the question of what to do with The Final Repository William starts a duel with Elland. He is clinging to the last possible hope of getting that power, proving his family and everyone once and for all that he is so much more. That the kid they discarded as a squib is the most powerful wizard among them. 
If Elland is losing this duel, it is not because he is weak. It is because he feels Will's hesitation. He has seen Will break. He does not want this power to be used at all but by that point he realizes he is so in love with Will he is almost ready to give it all to him. Just the thought of Will possibly dying back during the fight with Roockwood was enough for Elland to fully accept his feelings. 
So while Will is pointing his shaking wand at his defeated friend and goes through his heartwrenching monologue, Elland confesses. He keeps saying I love you until Will stops talking, eyes wide. And then Elland says it some more. Will yells at him to shut up or Will would kill him. Elland does not shut up. The more he says it the more Will loses it to the point when Elland ends up catching him in his arms and Will just slumps in a pile of sobbing mess. He is clinging onto Elland, finally letting all of it go, saying it all back between the broken sobs: I love you, I love you, I love you...
It is a long road for William to start trusting people again, but Elland is there to help him. To pull him out. To talk sense into him. Will doubts he can go back to how was before. But Will is nothing but hopeful.
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
does tomoya ever get a win...
It's funnier when he doesn't so i hope not
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