#teeth straightening battersea
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Battersea Dental Clinic
The Cosmetic Dental Gallery Battersea are the most trusted dentist in Battersea, offering a variety of dental services. We have experienced and friendly dentists who specialise in composite bonding, dental implants, teeth straightening, general dentistry and more. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!
visit here:- https://cosmeticdentalgallerybattersea.co.uk/
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chatfieldbraces · 3 months
This range of orthodontic appliances includes strong brackets made from durable metal which are fixed to the teeth and connected with wire. The latest versions of these brackets are obviously more subtle, discreet and comfortable than the earlier versions. Dentists working at the renowned Chatfield Dental Braces, Invisalign in London point out that braces made of ceramic or plastic are also much in use when children or invisalign for teens London teen orthodontics is concerned.
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alisondentaldesign · 3 months
A Smile Makeover Journey: Exploring Cosmetic Dentistry at Battersea Bridge Dentistry
In the heart of Battersea lies a gem of a dental practice that not only cares for your dental health but also specializes in enhancing your smile's aesthetic appeal. Welcome to Battersea Bridge Dentistry, where cosmetic dentistry meets expertise and innovation to transform smiles and boost confidence. Let's embark on a journey through the realm of cosmetic dentistry and discover how Battersea Bridge Dentistry is redefining smiles.
The Art of Cosmetic Dentistry:
Cosmetic dentistry isn't just about fixing dental flaws; it's an art form that aims to create beautiful, natural-looking smiles. At Battersea Bridge Dentistry, this artistry is practiced with precision and passion. Whether it's whitening stained teeth, reshaping misaligned ones, or replacing missing teeth with dental implants, the team of skilled professionals here employs cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art technology to deliver outstanding results.
A Personalized Approach:
What sets Battersea Bridge Dentistry apart is its commitment to personalized care. Understanding that each patient is unique, the dental team takes the time to listen to their concerns, assess their dental needs, and tailor treatment plans accordingly. Whether you're looking for a subtle enhancement or a complete smile makeover, you can trust that your journey at Battersea Bridge Dentistry will be customized to achieve your desired results.
Transformative Treatments:
From porcelain veneers and dental crowns to clear aligners and teeth whitening, Battersea Bridge Dentistry offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic treatments designed to address various dental imperfections. Whether you're looking to correct chipped teeth, close gaps, or straighten crooked smiles, there's a solution tailored to suit your needs.
One of the standout treatments offered at Battersea Bridge Dentistry is dental implants. These titanium tooth roots are surgically placed into the jawbone to provide a strong and stable foundation for replacement teeth. Whether you're missing a single tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants offer a permanent solution that looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth, restoring both aesthetics and functionality to your smile.
The Patient Experience:
At Battersea Bridge Dentistry, patient comfort and satisfaction are top priorities. From the moment you step into the modern and inviting practice, you're greeted with warmth and professionalism. The friendly staff goes above and beyond to ensure that your experience is pleasant and stress-free, making every effort to address your concerns and answer any questions you may have along the way.
Moreover, the practice is equipped with the latest dental technology, ensuring that treatments are not only effective but also comfortable and efficient. Whether it's digital impressions for precise restorations or intraoral cameras for comprehensive examinations, you can rest assured that you're in good hands at Battersea Bridge Dentistry.
A confident smile can truly transform your life, and at Battersea Bridge Dentistry, that transformation begins with exceptional cosmetic dentistry. With a focus on personalized care, innovative treatments, and patient satisfaction, the team here is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. So why wait? Take the first step towards a brighter, more confident you and schedule your consultation at Battersea Bridge Dentistry today. Your journey to a stunning smile awaits!
Battersea Bridge Dental
60 Battersea Bridge Road,
Battersea, London, SW113AG
Telephone: 02072282092
Website: Dentist Battersea - Dentist Near Me - Accepting New Patients (bb60.co.uk)
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mintjamsblog · 3 years
My first fic for the PB Summer Bingo. Prompt: fingertips covered in ink.
"How long has it been, Mr Shelby?"
"Over twenty-six hours." Twenty-six hours and forty-three wretched, sleepless minutes to be precise.
There's a pause at the other end of the line. "They've gone over the twenty-four, that's not a good sign," his lawyer says. 
Like Tommy doesn't already know that. Like he hasn't walked from Tower Bridge to Battersea Park and back again counting every filthy hour since Alfie went to assist police with their enquiries. At some point his legs undermined his brain's commitment to motion and directed him here, to Alfie's place (the bar itself, not the flat upstairs) to wait out the rest of this miserable, newsless interlude somewhere other than his own depressing place. The cleaner who let him in at five o'clock in the morning definitely needs to be fired, he must remember to tell Alfie that. The thought of the grumbling ire that suggestion'll be met with soothes him for all too brief a moment.
"They've either got grounds to apply for an extension, or they've already charged him, Tom."
"Charged him with what?" Tommy snaps. "It was five fucking months ago!"
"Well that doesn't necessarily mean any—"
"Hold on," Tommy says, and gets up to move to a booth further from the door. Outside, the street is rattling to life. The sound of metal stills being wheeled over cobbles shakes his sleep-deprived skull; a van reverses down the too-narrow alley, sounding its horn; a delivery driver whistles like this is any other day and not karma coming back to slap Tommy around the head for being an undeserving prick. 
"Does he have any form? This friend of yours?" 
"I don't know," Tommy lies. "Maybe. A long time ago."
"I'll call the station at eight o'clock, speak to the duty sergeant. I'd suggest you find out as much as you can before then. I'll call you when I know more."
Tommy grabs a bottle from behind the bar as he slides into another booth. "Right," he says, hanging up. Useless fucking cunt.
He uncaps the bottle beside him and pours a long glug down his throat. It's not whiskey he realises too late, but some awful too-sweet liqueur that gives him an immediate headache. The thought of getting up to exchange it is too exhausting, so he takes another good slug and rests his head against the wall.
 He must fall into some form of restless sleep because the next thing he's aware of is the sound of keys in the lock and the rattling of security gates. For a moment he can't place where he is, his eyes are glued shut and his teeth are furred with a sickly taste like toffee and ash congealed. As he tries to straighten himself, the miles he walked yesterday scream in his calves and his thighs and the skin burns on the backs of his heels, where the skin has rubbed raw against wool socks. His neck has seized up from the awkward position, and spasms as he clears his throat. It's all meaningless compared to the relief that swells in his chest as Alfie shuffles through the door. 
"Jesus, Tom," he says, "why didn't you take yourself upstairs?"
"You're back," is all Tommy can say.
"I am yeah, I am." Alfie runs a hand through his hair and lets out a deep sigh. He pulls out a chair opposite Tommy and sits himself at the table. "For now, at any rate." 
"What the hell does that mean?"
Alfie looks down at his fingertips, stained black with ink, and starts picking at the skin beside his thumb. Tommy can't explain why that tiny gesture sends dread coursing through his veins, but it does. Another reversing horn sounds outside, like an ominous warning.
"They're gonna charge me, aren't they?" Alfie says.
"With what?" Tommy asks, "ABH?" Three years, three-fucking years in prison.
When Alfie doesn't answer Tommy takes hold of his hand, needs to stop that fucking picking.
"Not GBH?" he asks. Shit, it wasn't that bad. Surely.
Alfie shakes his head, slowly.
"Not GBH, Tom, no."
"Just tell me Alfie, Jesus Christ..."
"Manslaughter," Alfie answers. "Fucker had a stroke." 
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smoljohnlock · 6 years
“May be the hardest case of your career” 
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JIM: D’you know what happens if you don’t leave me alone, Sherlock, to you? SHERLOCK: Oh, let me guess: I get killed. JIM: Kill you? N-no, don’t be obvious. I mean, I’m gonna kill you anyway some day. I don’t wanna rush it, though. I’m saving it up for something special. No-no-no-no-no. If you don’t stop prying, I’ll burn you. I’ll burn the heart out of you. SHERLOCK: I have been reliably informed that I don’t have one. JIM: But we both know that’s not quite true.
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Making Sherlock aware of John’s feelings for him & making John jealous. So The Fall will have a bigger emotional impact on them.
IRENE: And somebody loves you. If I had to punch that face, I'd avoid your nose and teeth too.
IRENE: The key-code to my safe. JOHN: What was it? IRENE: Shall I tell him? My measurements.
You quote the whole episode but the Battersea scene is the key here (the conversation between John and Irene which Sherlock eavesdrops)
SHERLOCK: Oh, you’re rather good. IRENE: You’re not so bad.   JOHN: John Hamish Watson – just if you were looking for baby names.
(Sherlock’s monologue shows him opinion on love at that point but it’ll also be important later on) SHERLOCK: I imagine John Watson thinks love’s a mystery to me but the chemistry is incredibly simple, and very destructive. When we first met, you told me that disguise is always a self-portrait. How true of you: the combination to your safe – your measurements; but this is far more intimate. This is your heart and you should never let it rule your head. You could have chosen any random number and walked out of here today with everything you’ve worked for but you just couldn’t resist it, could you?  I’ve always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage... Thank you for the final proof. 
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SHERLOCK: So how’re you going to do it ... burn me?  JIM: Oh, that’s the problem – the final problem. Have you worked out what it is yet? What’s the final problem? I did tell you... but did you listen? How hard do you find it, having to say “I don’t know”?   SHERLOCK: I don’t know.  JIM: Oh, that’s clever; that’s very clever; awfully clever. 
Okay, let’s stop here for a minute... Sherlock geniuely didn’t know what The Final Problem was, and he didn’t even get it on the roof (SH to Jim: I am you. Prepared to do anything. Prepared to burn.), distracted by the ‘code’ and Jim’s fairytale stories. The suicide was exactly what Moriarty wanted, because TFP was all about the consequences of Sherlock’s ‘death’.
“What’s the final problem? I did tell you... but did you listen?”
Back to TGG:  I’ll burn the heart out of you. SHERLOCK: I have been reliably informed that I don’t have one. JIM: But we both know that’s not quite true.
The heart is John Watson. Jim’s (or Mycroft’s really, but I’m not gonna get into that here) plan was to break John. By ‘killing’ himself Sherlock saved his friends. But.. did he really?
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JOHN:  You ... you told me once that you weren’t a hero. There were times I didn’t even think you were human, but let me tell you this: you were the best man, and the most human ... human being that I’ve ever known and no-one will ever convince me that you told me a lie, and so ... There. I was so alone, and I owe you so much. No, please, there’s just one more thing, mate, one more thing: one more miracle, Sherlock, for me. Don’t ... be ... dead. Would you do ...? Just for me, just stop it. (He gestures down at the grave.) Stop this.
John trapped in an unhappy relationship with Mary, pining for Sherlock
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I’ll burn the heart of out you... literally.
MARY: Oh my God, oh my God. Do you have any idea what you’ve done to him? SHERLOCK: Okay, John, I’m suddenly realising I probably owe you some sort of an apology. JOHN (in a whisper): Two years. I thought ... (He groans, unable to continue and gesturing helplessly. Mary stares at him in sympathy. John finally straightens and turns to Sherlock.) JOHN: I thought ... you were dead. Now, you let me grieve, hmm? How could you do that? How?
In TEH, Sherlock still hasn’t figured it out. He accuses John of overreacting and plays a trick on him to force forgiveness. Although the realization of all the pain he put John through starts to slowly sink in.
The wedding, both John and Sherlock pining for each other, Mary stands in the way. There’s no hope for Sherlock to be with John anymore, even though he wants to.
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MRS HUDSON: I remember she left early. I mean, who leaves a wedding early? So sad. 
(He walks through his bedroom to his wardrobe, where a morning suit is hanging from the open door. He looks at it.) SHERLOCK: Into battle.
SHERLOCK: Ah, that’s why he’s bouncing round him like a puppy. MARY: Oh, Sherlock! Neither of us were the first, you know.
MYCROFT: Oh, by the way, Sherlock – do you remember Redbeard? SHERLOCK: I’m not a child any more, Mycroft. MYCROFT: No, of course you’re not. Enjoy not getting involved, Sherlock. 
Just... the whole episode, It’s all p a i n
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John’s just back from the honeymoon, already missing Sherlock. Sherlock finds relief in drugs, sells John a lie it was for a case. In TRF, Moriarty talks about pressure points, so does Magnussen in HLV.
MAGNUSSEN: Very hard to find a pressure point on you, Mr Holmes. The drugs thing I never believed for a moment. Anyway, you wouldn’t care if it was exposed, would you? But look how you care about John Watson. Your damsel in distress. JOHN: You put me in a fire... for leverage? MAGNUSSEN: Oh, I’d never let you burn, Doctor Watson. I had people standing by. MAGNUSSEN: I’m not a murderer ... unlike your wife.
(In S4, Mary is a mirror for Sherlock. If you think S3 is EMP as well, you could say Mary is a mirror here, as well)
Mary shoots Sherlock. Forwards or backwards? Backwards. So from now on, we’re going through everything that has happened before.
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This episode is extremely important, because Sherlock finally realises what’s The Final Problem, then S4 is solving it. 
In TAB, Sherlock tries to figure out how Moriarty survived and what happened on the roof. (Funny thing is, we’ve got three final problems in BBC Sherlock - TRF, TAB and TFP. Proof that it’s what Sherlock is still working on)
HOLMES: Gun in the mouth; a bullet through the brain; back of the head blown clean off. How could he survive?
Deep waters, going deeper into his mind (will be important in S4)
I shall have to go deep. Into What? Myself.
These are deep waters, Watson, deep waters. And I shall have to go deeper still.
You're in deep, Sherlock, deeper than you ever intended to be.
H: Still not awake, am I? Moriarty: Too deep, Sherlock, way too deep. Congratulations, you will be the first man in history to be buried in his own Mind Palace.
MORIARTY: This is how we end, you and I. Always here, always together. HOLMES: You have a magnificent brain, Moriarty. I admire it. I concede it may be even be the equal of my own. MORIARTY: I’m touched. I’m honoured. HOLMES: But when it comes to the matter of unarmed combat on the edge of a precipice you’re going in the water short-arse. MORIARTY: Oh, you think you’re so big and strong, Sherlock! Not with me! I am your WEAKNESS! I keep you DOWN! Every time you STUMBLE, every time you FAIL, when you’re WEAK ...: I ... AM ... THERE! No. Don’t try to fight it. LIE BACK AND LOSE! Shall we go over together? It has to be together, doesn’t it? At the end, it’s always just you ... AND ME! WATSON: Professor, if you wouldn’t mind stepping away from my friend. I do believe he finds your attention a shade annoying. MORIARTY: That’s not fair. There’s two of you! WATSON: There’s always two of us. Don’t you read The Strand?
What’s different here is that John saves Sherlock, rather than Sherlock being like ‘alone protects me’. Sherlock should have trusted John in TRF. He finally gets it. And we get this beautiful moment:
HOLMES: Thank you, John. WATSON: Since when do you call me John? HOLMES: You’d be surprised. WATSON: No I wouldn’t.  Time you woke up, Sherlock. I’m a storyteller. I know when I’m in one. HOLMES: Of course. Of course you do, John. WATSON: So what’s he like? The other me, in the other place? HOLMES: Smarter than he looks. WATSON: Pretty damned smart, then. HOLMES (smiling): Pretty damned smart.
This is a huge turn, because from now in Sherlock will be aware of the consequences of TRF and what it did to John, then he’ll solve The Final Problem.
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There are so many parallels in S4 not because the writers are ‘lazy’ but because Sherlock’s going ‘backwards’. Lemme bring a few lines from TAB: 1. MORIARTY: Is this silly enough for you yet? Gothic enough? Mad enough, even for you? It doesn’t make sense, Sherlock, because it’s not real. None of it. This is all in your mind. 2. MORIARTY: Doesn’t it remind you of another case? Hasn’t this all happened before? There’s nothing new under the sun. What was it?
Btw, I listed the deep waters quotes form TAB. Now think about water in S4.
S4 is just a cont. of TAB.
What’s important in S4 is that Mary is a Sherlock mirror.
MARY: My darling. I need to tell you this because you mustn’t hate me for going away. I gave myself permission to have an ordinary life. I’m not running. I promise you that. I just need to do this in my own way. but I don’t want you and Sherlock hanging off my gun arm. I’m sorry, my love. I know you’ll try to find me, but there is no point. Every move is random and not even Sherlock Holmes can anticipate the roll of a dice. I need to move the target far, far away from you and Rosie, and then I’ll come back, my darling. I swear I will.
Isn’t it familiar...? Yes, this is a reference to Sherlock hiding after TRF. Many Happy Returns. Just replace ‘you and Sherlock’ with ‘you, Mrs Hudson and Lestrade’.
MARY: I didn’t know what else to do. JOHN: You could have stayed. You could have talked to me. That’s what couples are supposed to do: work things through. MARY:  Yes, of course. JOHN: Mary, I may not be a very good man, but I think I’m a bit better than you give me credit for, most of the time. MARY: All the time. You’re always a good man, John. I’ve never doubted that. You never judge; you never complain. I don’t deserve you.  All I ever wanted to do was keep you and Rosie safe, that’s all.
Sherlock’s trying to untangle the mess he’s done.
SHERLOCK: What did you hear, Ajay? When you were a prisoner, what exactly did you hear? AJAY: What did I hear? Ammo. Every day as they tore into me. Ammo. Ammo.  Ammo.
SHERLOCK: How’s your Latin, brother dear? MYCROFT: My Latin? SHERLOCK: Amo, amas, amat. MYCROFT: I love, you love, he loves.
Sherlock tortured by love/thinking of John when in Serbia...
NORBURY killed Sherlock Mary
SHERLOCK: If you ever think I’m becoming a bit full of myself, cocky or over-confident would you just say the word ‘Norbury’ to me, would you?
Wasn’t he cocky and over-confident on the roof? He definitely was and as it turned out, he had no idea what he was doing. Idk about you, but I’m amazed at the character development.
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Sherlock Mary dies - and it breaks John.
Sherlock asks Ella for help: I need to know what to do about John.
He finds a CD - MISS ME? 
I’m giving you a case, Sherlock. When I’m gone – if I’m gone – I need you to do something for me. Save John Watson. Save him, Sherlock. Save him.
I’ll post the second part as soon as I have some free time & energy. Didn’t want to squeeze everything into one post, because it’s too long anyway. I didn’t reread it, so sorry for all the mistakes. Transcripts x
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Expert teeth tips on what NOT to do at home
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PUBLISHED: 17:12, 06 November 2019 | UPDATED: 17:42, 06 November 2019
Dr Mihir Shah, Head Dentist at Battersea Park Dental, is supporting DenTek, the innovative oral care specialist:
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At-home invisible braces Without physically visiting a dentist, it would be difficult to predict the outcome of any orthodontic (teeth straightening) treatment. Poor planning can have disastrous results, sometimes resulting in gums receding and loose teeth. When you visit a dentist, pre-treatment x-rays are taken as well as full assessment of the strength of the teeth, health and quality of the supporting gums. More importantly, discussion with the patient to find out their goals. In many instances, what a dentist will want to improve and what the patient actually wants will differ. For these reasons, I would strongly suggest visiting a dentist for braces. Baking soda to whiten teeth or other foods etc. Home whitening remedies do not safely and effectively whiten your teeth. Products like baking soda are mild abrasive, which will remove surface stains from your teeth, making them appear whiter, but not actually changing the colour of them. Long term use of these can irreversibly damage your enamel. They can also make teeth very sensitive. Some other home remedies are even worse (such as lemon juice) as they are acidic and will strip enamel from teeth. Seeing a dentist for whitening is the only way to be sure you are not damaging your teeth.
Flossing with strange items (hair, plastic, string)
Cleaning in between your teeth daily is as important as brushing. Gums are delicate and need to be treated with care. Using items other than floss or interdental brushes can do more damage than good.
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Repairing your own teeth at home - cracks, chipped teeth or even decay Repairing your own teeth can make a simple problem very complicated to treat. There is usually a reason the tooth has cracked or chipped in the first place and this needs to be identified and treated appropriately or it may happen again. Whilst repairing a tooth at home, you may inadvertently trap food or bacteria under filling, causing the tooth to decay and ultimately lead to pain, infection or even tooth loss. It is advisable to see a dentist as soon as possible, and if you are unable to see them immediately, keep the tooth as clean as possible, but do not attempt to repair it at home.
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chatfieldbraces · 5 months
At Chatfield Dental Braces Invisalign London, we can provide transformative results by straightening your teeth and correcting bite issues. With our expertise in orthodontics, we offer Full Smile makeover Cost Battersea, UK personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Let us get you a beautiful and confident smile. Read more: https://rb.gy/6mm72a
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chatfieldbraces · 9 months
We offer an extensive range oftreatments including - orthodontics, restorative dentistry and teeth straightening. Whether you have visited our clinic for your routine check-up or want to have straighter teeth with Invisalign, our dentists are always there for your need.
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