#teenage mutant ninja turtles raph
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jessie223 · 1 year ago
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Have some badass raph art!
(let him go insane once in awhile (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠))
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sweetzonkeggsdream-blog · 5 months ago
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Raphael x Artemisia Fake frame from IDW
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teesy738 · 3 months ago
Okay, so I've been playing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles couch co-op game with my partner recently (I've been a fan of the Turtles since the early 90's) and am shocked I've only JUST made certain connections:
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Hunter and Leo: The Stoic Leaders, the souls of the team
Hunter and Leo are the eldest and most mature of their teams. They're the wisest and are often the strategists and the ones giving the orders. They see the team as their responsibility and see the team's failure as a failure of their leadership. Also, blades.
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Tech and Donnie: The Techno Geniuses, the brains of the team
These two are so similar. They both love technology, they're both autistic (Donnie is canonically autistic whereas Tech is heavily implied to be), and are the smartest members of their teams. Need I say more?
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Wrecker and Mikey: The Loveable Dudes, the hearts of the team
While Raphael is the muscle of the TMNT team Wrecker's personality so much more like Mikey. They're fun loving goofballs who have a passion for life. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and laugh freely. Even though Wrecker does become more mature in season 3 I feel he's still the least mature member of the team, much like Mikey.
They also both have food on the brain a lot. Mikey talks about pizza WAY more than his brothers.
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Crosshair and Raph: The Snarky Loners, the mouths of the teams
Again, this is less about their abilities and more about their personalities. They're both the angsty hotshots. They're quick to anger and quick to anger others. They'd rather face their problems alone and often antagonize the team leader. The team bad boys.
Outside of the Batch and the Turtles I'd say April's closest parallel would be Phee, but beyond that I'm not sure. I can't think of an Echo or Omega equivalent, and while I'd love to say 99 is like Splinter, 99's involvement in the Batch's upbringing is purely fanon.
Either way, let me know what you think!
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fishsticksloser · 1 year ago
Can we please have some small head cannons for the rise boys with a gender neutral best friend/crush. Something quick and sweet :))
The specific scenario being that they're basically saying "I'm currently looking for the right person." You know, how best friends tell each other that they're looking for the right person to be with.
How would the turtles react to that
"Looking For the Right Person"
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RotTMNT + gn!reader
Warnings: angst, unrequited love, short
A/N: Short and... Whatever flavor angst is (bitter? sour? salty?) Cause fluff is sweet... Smut is citrusy? would that be considered sour?
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"I'm looking for the right person."
But he doesn't let it show
He'll be supportive, burying his feelings deep down
You're his best friend, he doesn't want to lose you
He doesn't want to ruin anything
You deserve happiness
Even if its not with him
Deep down he feels like he's too much of a freak to even have you as a friend
"I'm looking for the right person."
I don't know if I need to say more...
But he's also devastated
He tries not to let it show, but unfortunately it does
He's never been very good at hiding his emotions like Donnie
Leo will admit everything
And if you don't feel the same
That's perfectly okay, he'll be your wing man
"I'm just looking for the right person."
Though, unlike the twins, he admits his feelings
If you don't feel the same
That's totally fine, he just wants to let it out
He doesn't want to have any regrets
He wants to make sure you knew
Mikey would never let his feelings damage your relationship
"I'm just... looking for the right person, y'know?"
He'd smile at you
Tell you that they have to pass his test first
But it's all a joke
He'll sit you down and admit his feelings for you
If you don't reciprocate, that's fine
He'll still support you
Raph will help you with anything you need.
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hoodiehorizon · 11 months ago
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Day 9 of @tmaynt: Favorite Raph
My favorite Cool but Rude ™ dude. Every line he has are some of my favorites. Bro is advanced 4th wall breaking, wouldn't be surprised if he could hear the soundtrack
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noperopesaredope · 2 years ago
One of my favorite little things to see in a TMNT 2012/Rise crossover is the two Raphs getting along, especially when Rise!Raph is sympathetic to 2012!Raph’s issues and 2012!Raph would literally kill for Rise!Raph. 
This dynamic is so very important to me. They are so different and it seems like they wouldn’t get along, but they get each other and are both protectors, so they get along great, actually.
People who write them getting along, I love ya’ll.
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shqrkdud · 2 years ago
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yki-dolls · 1 year ago
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Next chapter time hurray
This time with ✨art✨
Please read it thx xoxoxo
At any rate aww look cute baby torts
Pixel art Commissions
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vexy-hexy · 1 year ago
Rewatching TMNT 2012, and I'm on Turtle Temper, and I'm remembering why I fucking hate this episode
First off, both Raph AND MIKEY are the reason they got caught by the guy. Mikey kept bugging Raph, even though he got at least three warnings from Raph (not verbal, but it's clear he wanted him to stop). Leo didn't even acknowledge that it was Mikey causing problems. He scolded both of them instead of telling Mikey to leave Raph alone, and when the guy came up, Mikey got none of the blame, only Raph
Second, Splinter's an awful parent. "Oh, my son has anger issues? I should get my other son's to shoot arrows at him as they humiliate and insult him to teach him a lesson. That didn't work? Oh, well, I guess I should tell him to "let insults flow over you like a river over stone" instead of working with him to find a healthy way to deal with anger"
Next, "use reason, not force," as if that would work. Splinter of all people should know that some people can't be reasoned with, I mean, he literally just used force against his kid. This guy literally was blackmailing them, and he was literally told to make sure that video didn't get out. The guy could've gotten away during the fight WITH THE VIDEO, of course, Raph is going to go after him, so no, Leo, he didn't leave "just to yell at some guy". He even tried to save him from the kraang, which is more than that miserable dipshit deserved TBH
Lastly, maybe it’s just me, but, as someone who was constantly insulted, mocked, and bullied until I snapped, telling someone that it's their fault for getting angry when someone insults them seems victim blame-y
Look, I love the 2012 series, it's what REALLY got me into TMNT, but I still have a lot of issues with it, especially as a sensitive autistic person who was made to feel guilty for getting mad whenever insulted, and be the only one in trouble in those situations
Anyway, I had to get that out of my system
I should probably clarify that I definitely don’t think Raph is perfect. He definitely has issues, but those issues are never properly addressed and dealt with
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avroditelovesthesun · 1 year ago
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first / prev / next
A few days have passed since his run in with the thugs in the alley.
Just like he had thought his brothers chewed him out real good when Mikey had slunk back into the lair.
Donnies assessment was that the injury wasn't major and taking it easy for a couple of days should suffice for a full recovery.
In the now Mikey is incredibly borded. Even occupying himself with drawing and video games don't scratch the itch to move around anymore.
Carefully he lowers himself from the makeshift bed his brothers had insisted upon over his hammock till he healed.
Testing out his ankle carefully Mikey nods happily. He feels nothing but a light tingle from disuse the past few days. That should go away quick.
His stomach growls and with that the destination for his litte walk is decided. It's not like his brothers can't cook but with them insisting that he shouldn't stand for long periods of time,Mikey hasn't had the chance to cook for himself.
Not trusting his foot to be good enough again to take the shortcut to the kitchen Mikey takes the long way around.
Even from afar he can hear Raphs huffs as lifts weights in their little gym corner.
"Don't skip leg day Raph" he smiles walking past.
With a klank Raph lowers the bar on its rest and levels his youngest brother brother with a confused stare.
Getting up he asks, "Where you off to big man?"
Mikey shrugs. "Kitchen. I'm hungry and in the mood for cooking"
"Mikey. Shouldn't you be in bed?"
Mikey stops in his tracks, almost past where Raph is standing next to the equipment. His mood sours. Turning around crossing his arms he rebuts, "Well I don't think so!"
Raph, taken aback by his little brothers sudden mood change takes a step back.
"But your foot"
"My foot is fine! Can you please let it be?" Mikey feels bad already seeing the worry flitting over his brothers face. But he's fine. Honest!
"Oh! Ok... Just.. Please don't overdo it yeah?"
Trying to lift the gloom from Raphs face Mikey beams, "Sure thing bro!"
"If you come help me, I might even make one of your favourites." Mikey winks at Raph.
And just like that they're happily chatting again. While Mikey heads to the kitchen to prepare Raph quickly gets cleaned up to come and help him.
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jessie223 · 1 year ago
2012 Screenshot redraw! 🐢
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sweetzonkeggsdream-blog · 2 months ago
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Raph x Artemisa Icons💖💖
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fishsticksloser · 2 years ago
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Selectively Mute!Reader
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RotTMNT+ gn!reader
Warnings: selectively mute reader, family fluff, super short
A/N: Sorry this took so long
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They don't treat you any different
Donnie has a tendency to also be selectively mute
Everyone knows sign language
Sometimes, if you don't talk all day, they won't either
Communicating purely with sign language
On the days you don't talk, missions are hard
So Donnie made an AI that will communicate what you're signing during missions so they don't have to look at you
Or if they can't
Donnie and you sometimes become mute on the same days
Leo likes to tease Donnie, but never ever teases you
Once they know that you're mute they "sound the alarm"
Just so everyone in the lair knows you're not speaking
It took Splinter a lot of time to get used to
He's so used to having loud kids
And having one that's so quiet worried him
But he's since become used to it
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what-a-weird0 · 1 year ago
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“Yo! I figured if were all stuck here together we might as well look decent. So here: A MMP original (patent pending). You can thank me later~ And Raph too, I guess, since he sewed it.”
If you hate it feel free to tell him he’s too confident for his own good/silly
Good luck in the competition‼️‼️‼️🌸🌸🌸🌸💖💖💖🫶🫶🫶🫶🫂🫂🫂‼️‼️‼️
(This is @tmnt-reticent btw!!!!)
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I had to rush this one so sorry Toady =(
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noperopesaredope · 2 years ago
I haven’t watched a single episode of TMNT 2012 and yet I have been hyperfixating on 2012!Raph so hard for the past few days. He is so neat. He is so autism. He has so many meltdowns that nobody understands and middle school me can relate to that so hard. He thinks he’s a bad bitch who’s extremely tough and never affected by anything, but in reality he’s extremely sensitive and emotional and just expresses it through anger. He’s such a trainwreck. I love him.
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krow-likes-turtles · 2 years ago
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I like how Raph is an animal guy in a good few iterations, so I decided to spread the disease to the Mutant Mayhem. (Also made before the movie came out)
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