#teen wolf x ml
peterxwade24 · 1 year
cigaM egnartS
Beacon Hills
Stiles Stilinski, the human best friend of Scott McCall and token human of the McCall-Hale Pack, sat in his bedroom bored out of his mind because true Alpha McCall had forbidden him from attending the most recent pack meeting, despite the fact that he was the reason Erica and Boyd returned to the pack and the fact that he’s the only reason Scott McCall even learned control.
Stiles’ phone lit up and ZZ Top’s “Sharp Dressed Man” poured from his phone’s speakers, which caused Stiles’ face to break out in a smile. He answered the phone, a video call, and waved at his uncle. “Hi, Uncle Phil. What’s up?”
Stiles’ uncle, Phil Coulson, smiled at his nephew. “Hey Mischief.” Stiles watched his uncle relax into his favourite spot on his couch. “Not much just wanted to call and talk to my favourite mischief-maker. Where’s Scott?”
Stiles gasped and clutched his chest. “You wound me, Uncle Phil.” Stiles felt his smile fall and glanced away from his phone momentarily. “Scotty’s got a girlfriend now. Doesn’t really have time to hang out anymore.”
“Mischief. Is something wrong?” Uncle Phil always knew when something was wrong, and sometimes Stiles hated that about his uncle.
“No, not really, I mean, Uncle Phil? Things are getting to be a bit much here. Could I come and stay with you for a while?” Stiles refused to look his Uncle Phil in the face. He couldn’t tell Uncle Phil that things had changed with his dad, that things had taken a turn for the worse and that Dad had started drinking again. He couldn’t tell Uncle Phil that Dad had started taking his anger out on him. He couldn’t-
“Mischief, you don’t have to ask. I will have to arrange some things with… work. But you can come and stay for however long you need. I love you Mischief.”
Marinette stared at her computer screen, hating that her eyes were her mother’s and not her father’s, when her Skype sprung to life. She let a small smile spread across her face before pressing to accept the call.
Marinette’s father’s face appeared on her screen, he was sitting in his dumb blush pink chair in front of his light gray walls in his home office. “Hey, munchkin.”
“Hey, Dad.” Marinette smiled at her dad, knowing that her hair came from him and not her mom. “How’s Entcle Nat?”
Her dad smiled and shook his hand in the universal expression of “so-so”. “Nat’s good, so is the rest of the team and I’ll make sure to let them know you asked about them.”
Marinette felt her eyes tear up before she attempted to subtly wipe them away. She let out a humorless laugh and shook her head, feeling her hair tumble out of her barely held together ponytail. “Hey, Dad?” Marinette was struck by her realization that her mom and Tom, when had he become Tom, had gone from parents to overworked babysitters who didn’t really care about her wellbeing. “I think I need help.”
Marinette's dad, Clint, looked her in the eye and somehow knew. "Munchkin. Do you wanna come and stay with me for a while?"
Marinette waved her hands through the air to indicate that the offer was not necessary. "Dad. I can't just abandon Paris, my friends are here." She frowned and thought about her friends when an alarm blared and her face fell. “Dad. I gotta- I gotta go. I’ll get back to you about this.” Marinette stood up and partially closed her laptop.
Marinette stood up from her desk and took down her hair. She shook out her hair before looking around. “Tikki?” She stretched her arms over her head and smiled. “Tikki. Spots on.”
Marinette was engulfed in a reddish-pink light and when the light dissipated she was standing in her room in what resembled an aerial acrobat’s costume. Her arms, shoulders, upper chest, and most of her upper back were covered in a neutral gray mesh fabric speckled with little red ladybug spots while the bodice of her suit was red with neutral gray ladybug spots. She had a lilac tutu around her waist, neutral gray tights and lilac pointe shoes with red-violet ribbons with black ladybug spots tied up her legs.
Ladybug rolled her shoulders and sprinted out of her bedroom to go fight the Akuma.
New York
Clint walked out of their home office, a frown on his face, and collapsed against Phil’s side. “Okay, so, you know about my daughter. You know how she lives with her mom and her mom’s husband in Paris. I think my daughter is a hero and she needs help.”
Phil nodded. “So we’re going to have both of our kids living with us for a while. Okay.” Phil wrapped an arm around Clint’s shoulders. “Are we ready to tell them about us?”
Clint shrugged. “I don’t know if we’ll ever be ready. But we need to tear the bandaid off eventually.”
Phil smiled and pressed a kiss to Clint’s forehead. “We’ll just have to set up a group call on Skype later.”
Clint pressed a kiss to Phil’s cheek. “So, like, call back in four hours?”
Phil, sitting in Clint’s dumb blush pink desk chair, logged into Clint’s Skype as Clint, sitting in Phil’s black desk chair, logged into his Skype. Phil called Clint and Marinette, while Clint called Stiles.
“Who are you and why are you sitting in my dad’s desk chair?” Marinette answered the call before noticing her dad in a very different chair. “Dad?”
“Hey, munchkin.”
“Uncle Phil?”
“Hey, Stiles.” Phil smiled and waved. “So, kiddo, the man on my account is my boyfriend. His name is Clint Barton.”
“Munchkin, the man on my account is my boyfriend, Phil Coulson.” Clint smiled.
The two teens looked at each other and seemed to be sizing each other up. Marinette had long brown hair done up in a messy bun and gray eyes while Stiles had closely shaved brown hair and whiskey brown eyes. Marinette’s gray eyes caught sight of Stiles’ freckles and moles while Stiles’ whiskey brown eyes traveled over Marinette’s face and saw her freckles.
“Hey, Dad? Are you sure you never had any other kids?”
Clint nodded. “Yes. I’ve never had any other kids. Stiles’ mom was Phil’s sister.”
The two teens shared a look before smiling. It seemed like they could get used to having the other pair in their lives.
"Hey, Uncle Phil? It's still cool that I come and stay with you, right?" Stiles sounded hesitant, almost as though he was questioning his welcome.
"Oh Mischief. Of course it's okay for you to come stay with Clint and me. We just wanted to introduce you two over Skype before all four of us were living together in the apartment."
"All four of us?" Marinette sounded from across the ocean. "That means we're both going to-" Marinette was cut off by the opening of the trapdoor into her room.
"Hey Marinette, your mother and I need you to watch the bakery while we make a delivery." Tom's gruff voice grated on Clint's ears, hating how the other man treated his daughter.
"Yeah. Sure. I'll be down in a sec." Marinette pulled out her phone and loaded the app before rejoining the call on her phone.
Clint and Phil exchanged a look before steeling their nerves.
"Hey Munchkin? What would you say about coming to live with me full-time?"
“Dad, I couldn’t possibly,” Marinette slowly made her way down her ladder before focusing on the call again, “I’ve got responsibilities here. I’ve got friends.”
“Munchkin, when we were videoing earlier, you didn’t hang up before closing your laptop.” Clint watched his daughter’s face and saw when it finally dawned on her what he meant.
“You can’t- Dad- You, I, Dad!” Marinette looked panicked before it looked like she forced herself to calm down.
“Munchkin, I love you and I support you. I’m Hawkeye and one of my friends is Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. I’m pretty sure we can find a way to get you back to Paris so you can save the day.” Clint smiled at his daughter, who kept looking between him and his boyfriend, before slowly nodding.
“Okay, Dad.”
“Marinette, if needed I can talk to my boss and arrange for you to meet with him and our team to confirm what Tony sets up,” Phil reassured the girl.
“If nothing else, we’d always be able to give you an alibi if you had to leave quickly to go save Paris.”
It didn’t even take them that long, just a few hypothetical questions and S.H.I.E.L.D. had marked both Clint and Phil as “Temporary Family Leave” so they could move their children in and get them settled. When they told their children, they were ecstatic and immediately started packing up what they would need to move several thousand miles away from the only home they’d ever known and all of their friends. Of course, Phil was going to California and Clint was going to Paris to help their children break the news to their guardians.
Clint was oh so happy to go see his baby girl’s mother. They hadn’t exactly split on good terms, with her yelling in his face that he was worthless and didn’t deserve to see their baby, but Clint could be civil when he needed to be.
Phil on the other hand, there was no love lost between him and his brother-in-law. The two had never gotten along when his late sister was alive and the rift only grew when Claudia had died, leaving Mieczysław alone with just his father. Phil had stopped being civil with the man many moons ago, knowing that the man would fight tooth and nail before he let Phil take Mischief away from Beacon Hills.
The pair of lovers spent one last night together before they had to fly out to get their children. They had always known this could happen, they just never thought they would be getting both of their kids in one fell swoop.
Only time would tell how well the family of four would fit together into their new normal. Only time would tell how quickly the two kids would become each other’s whole world. Only time would tell exactly how much trouble the two kids, technically cousins but siblings in bond, would get into as soon as they were in New York City.
@art-is-hard-to-do-sorry @jalaluvsu @dont-mess-with-me
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daughterofadeadman · 4 years
Words From Your Pen
Pairings: Stiles x Alec
Warnings: angst,
*will update as needed*
Description: Soulmate AU where Stiles and Alec are soulmates who have been writing letters to each other on their skin.
Part 1: TBA
Part 2: TBA
Part 3: TBA
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Chat Noir: Sure is dark in here.
Chat Noir: I’m not scared or anything.
Chat Noir: I mean, who’s scared of the dark these days? Not me. Not Chat Noir. No sir.
Ladybug: Do you want me to hold your hand?
Chat Noir: ...yes please.
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djbunnie · 2 years
changeling AU ideas Damirae
I would love to read a Damirae Werewolf AU Fanfiction!!! I don't know about you guys, but I love the Alpha x Human mate ship dynamic!!! And thought it would be really cool to read about Damian being the leader of the pack and Raven as his mate.
While I was doing research on werewolves, I stumbled upon Teen Wolf fandom. And I thought it was so cool that they have different variations of “werewolf”.
It got me thinking about what animals should Damian Shapeshifting into. With the power of google I pick these animals that would be compatible with Damian.
Tumblr media
I think it would be really cool if Damian Wayne or Al Ghul is the next in line of the gotham pack or Nanda Parbat pack. Also the heir of Wayne Enterprise or the next heir of Lazarus Pit, a multinational conglomerate empire with its own banking, weaponry, military forces and for fun a martial arts tournament. 
There are so many possibilities of how this can go. For example this could be a traditional teen/ Highschool romance. Raven received a scholarship to attend Gotham Academy, a prestigious school for the rich and famous. Raven is a bookworm/ loner type. Preferring to sit alone in the library and working on her book/ comics. I also thought it would be a really cute quirk if Raven is obsessed (in a healthy way) with romance books, movies, comics, and her dream to become a famous romance author. While Damian is Bold, self-confident, and demanding. He is the popular Kid and nicknamed as “the cold prince”.male students envy him, girls want to date him. But Damian was to focus on school academics and his future as alpha of his pack. Until one he picked up a sweet aroma coming from the library. Revealing his mate Raven. But of course it's not that easy.
I think it would be really interesting if their cultures clash. Like let say in the “changeling community” it is completely normal for 16 year old changelings to find their mates, start a family and work for their packs to provide for their family. But since Raven is human it's completely different. Because in human society Teen Pregnancy is completely frowned upon.
I also thought it would be really fascinating if Raven and Damian ideology are completely different. Like Raven wants to enjoy her life, go to college for A master's degree in library science (MLS). enjoy her youth to the fullest, and explore many romantic relationships. While Damian wants Raven to move in with the mansion/ pack, start a family (he wants 14 cubs!), and Raven to be a Stay at home mother/ Luna of the pack while he becomes Alpha of the pack/ CEO/ a Father.
just just imagine how to completely different have to try to find a middle ground. how they grow together and love each other.
I don't know what you guys think? Should Damian be the traditional werewolf or maybe a wereTiger? WereLion? WerePanther? Or something else? Do you prefer teen or adult romance? I would love to read your comments and discuss ideas!!!
A/N: sorry for any grammatical errors I'm just too lazy to fix it 😅
A/N: and if any fanfic writer interested in writing my fandom idea. I give you permission write it. Take it I Don't Care!!! you don't even have to credit me. 😁
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anthonybrxdgerton · 8 years
Vote for your favorite characters!
Hey here!! As I come close to 2k followers (yay!) I decided to set this poll! When the poll closes, I wil gif the characters you voted for!
Just choose your favorite characters per fandom and skip the fandoms you’re not in! You don’t have to follow me, just share this post and vote for your favorite characters. Vote for as many as you want, there’s no limit! The poll closes on April 15th.
Vote here.
Fandoms are under the cut.
The Flash
Legends of Tomorrow
Teen Wolf
Agent Carter
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Once Upon A Time (In Wonderland)
Miraculous Ladybug
The Librarian(s)
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Marvel Cinematic Universe (Avengers / Guardians of the Galaxy)
Chronicles of Narnia
The Hunger Games
Pride & Prejudice
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rjalker · 5 years
for the new followers following me because my my miraculous ladybug posts, you are warned now, I post a bout a whole lot of random stuff, not just ML. I don’t post things that are n/sfw, but there is absolutely no theme to my blog whatsoever. IT’s just where I post and talk about literally anything that comes to mind.
As it says in my about, please send Asks, not chat messages. I do not have enough spoons to deal with chat messages.
I sometimes post pictures I’ve taken of bugs, and they’re always tagged as “bugs, insects,” and then whatever other specific tags so if you don’t like bugs blacklist thosse if you haven’t yet.
If you need anything specific tagged, let me know.
I try to tag all my posts about fandoms as “Rjalker watches/reads/plays X” but sometimes I’m lazy so if you don’t care about, for example, Teen Wolf, you can blacklist the tag “Rjalker watches Teen Wolf” and that should catch most of my posts about it.
also I use the speech-to-text feature on my phone a lot if I’m using my phone to post so if a post is worded REALLY WEIRDLY and it doesn’t make any sense, sound out the words, and whatever it sounds like it probably what I meant to say.
If you are any of the following:
-a terf,
-a trumed/transcum,whatever the fuck those people call themselves,
-an exclusionist
-any kind of queerphobe
-a pedophile apologist, 
-or happily racist,
get the fuck out of here.
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breeeliss · 7 years
ML Writers with Open Commissions
So I’ve been noticing that a few very active and very talented ML writers have opened commissions because they all need to make a little bit of extra money for various reasons. I feel like we as a fandom can do a much better job of supporting writers, so I’m going to be constantly updating this post with a list of writers who currently have commissions open.
If you have some extra money to spare and you’re a fan of their writing, please consider commissioning them. All of their rates are incredibly cheap considering the quality you’re going to get in return, and it’s important that we show the same value towards content produced by writers as we show content produced by artists. 
1. @agrestenoir 
Writing Samples: [Writing Tag] [AO3]
Rates: Buy 1 coffee (one $3 donation) and receive a 300-500 drabble. Buy 3 coffees and receive 1,000 fic. Buy 4+ coffees and word count can be negotiated. General trend is every $1 is worth 100 words.
Additional Fandoms: Full Metal Alchemist, Doctor Who, Voltron, Miraculous Ladybug, Once Upon a Time, Merlin, Teen Wolf, Stargate Atlantis, Glee, Marvel/DC universe, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yuri On Ice!, How to Train Your Dragon, Disney, Dreamworks Animation universe, etc. If there’s a fandom you want that’s not listed, talk with me, and we can work something out.
Link to Commissions Post
2. @panda013
Writing Samples: [Writing Tag] [AO3] [FFN]
Rates: 1 Coffee ($3): 300-500 words 2 Coffees ($6): 500-1000 words 3 Coffees ($9): 1000-1500 words If you would like more than this, mention it in your message and we can discuss details!
Additional Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Final Fantasy (VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, and XV), My Hero Academia, Fairy Tale, Yona of the Dawn, Skip Beat, One Piece
Link to Commissions Post
3. @alya-bug
Writing Samples: [Writing Tag] [AO3]
Rates: 1 coffee = a 300-500 word drabble 2 coffees = a 500-1000 word drabble 3 coffees = a 1000-1500 word drabble If you want something longer then we can work out the details
Additional Fandoms: Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Yona of the Dawn
Link to Commissions Post
4. @sadrien
Writing Samples: [Writing Blog]
Rates: $10 USD per 1,000 words If you buy me a Ko-Fi, I’ll either write you a short drabble (up to or less than 500 words) or draw you a simple sketch For Miraculous Ladybug, you can also request that I finish a WIP if you buy a coffee (prices range anywhere from 1 coffee to 4 coffees depending on the fic)
Additional Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the connected universes, Yuri!!! on Ice, Les Miserables, Dear Evan Hansen, Marvel
Note: this writer is also an artist! Check out her general commissions post to get more details about what sort of art you can commission. 
Link to General Commissions Post Miraculous Ladybug WIP Commissions
5. @imaginal
Writing Samples: [AO3]
Rates: $0.80 USD / $1.00 CAD / €0.68 EUR per 100 words
Additional Fandoms: Tales of Zestiria, Arc Rise Fantasia, Class (Doctor Who), Doctor Who (Moffat Era), Hetalia (FACE Family), Harry Potter, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pokemon (Core games + GO), Super Smash Bros
Link to Commissions Post
If you’re an ML writer and you have writing commissions open, please message me and I’ll update the master list! :) Everyone else, if you could please reblog this to help spread the word that would be a huge help. 
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princess-mari-dpc · 6 years
Hey guys if you want me to write some fan fiction I’m comfortable with these:
1. Miraculous Ladybug
•any part of the love square
2. Teen Wolf
•Stiles Stilinski/Lydia Martin (stydia)
•Scott McCall/Kira
3. Percy Jackson(nothing past BOO)
•Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (percabeth)
I will not do anything I am uncomfortable with. However I will try my hardest. I’m not asking for money through Ko-Fi, but it would be appreciated. I only do this for fun, so I’m sorry about any errors. :)
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
For the three people who showed interest
For the three people to liked my post about sharing this idea, @art-is-hard-to-do-sorry @jalaluvsu @dont-mess-with-me, this is the beginning of the idea. This is the beginning of the story and I kinda like the direction it’s going.
Story idea.
Miraculous Ladybug x MCU (with comic book!Clint) x Teen Wolf.
Trans!Mari (AFAB) w/ Trans!Stiles (AMAB).
Main couple: Phil Coulson/Clint Barton.
Bio!Dad Clint for Mari. Bio!Uncle Phil for Stiles.
Alternate Universe: Soulmates (maybe), feat. Older!Stiles and Younger!Mari being platonic/familial soulmates.
Spark!Stiles (much weaker Spark!Mari). Archer!Mari (not quite as good Archer!Stiles). Bamf!Stiles (equally Bamf!Mari). Guardian!Mari (Guardian-in-training!Stiles). Pack Mom!Stiles (Pack Uncle!Mari). Ladybug!Mari (Fox!Stiles).
Stiles and Mari are technically cousins. Clint will file for full custody of Mari while Phil petitions for custody of his only sister's only son because their parents aren't looking out for the kiddos in the right way.
Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng are Not Bad Parents They are just Neglectful Parents. Sheriff Stilinski is a Bad Parent. Sabine married Tom when Mari was two/three years old.
Phil and Claudia are half-siblings born to the same mother (with their fathers' last names). Claudia was born when Phil was ten.
A few months after Stiles becomes Phil and Clint's son, a few months after he is finally allowed to live however he wants, he comes clean to his new dads that he wants to be a she. It is twenty minutes later that Phil and Clint have a daughter and a son instead of a son and a daughter. Mieczyslaw Genim "Stiles" Stilinski becomes Cassandra Claudia Marie "Stiles" (from her friends/The Avengers) "Elvira" (from her brother) "Little C" (from her dads) Barton-Coulson and Marinette Barbara Dupain-Cheng becomes Jason Micheal Barney "Tiny Hawk" (from The Avengers) "Chick" (from his dads) "Jaybird" (from his sister) Barton-Coulson.
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daughterofadeadman · 4 years
Text Me
Pairings: Stiles X Alec
Warnings: Cursing, underage drinking, cheating, etc.
I will update as the story progresses
Description: A very drunk Alec messages a not so drunk Stiles and a friendship blossoms... or maybe more?
Part 1: 3/16/21 Part 6: 11/15/22
Part 2: 3/16/21 Part 7: TBA
Part 3: 3/23/21 Part 8: TBA
Part 4: 3/30/21 Part 9: TBA
Part 5: 11/14/22 Part 10: TBA
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