#teen wolf apocalypse au
Sterek The Rain AU:
T.S. Elliot wrote, ‘This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.’ And that’s how it ended: with the sound of falling rain.
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The rain fell and brought with it a virus that wiped out almost everyone. Derek and his sisters took shelter in a bunker, but their mum had to leave. The last thing Derek’s mother told him was to look after his little sister.
There’s a knock at the bunker door and Derek and Cora race to answer, thinking their mum has returned. Laura tells them to ignore it, but it’s too late: they open the door. A stranger grabs Cora and drags her towards the rain. Laura tackles the stranger off her sister but ends up in the rain. She shouts at Derek to go back inside, and as the door closes, they watch Laura convulse on the rain-soaked leaves that blanket the forest floor.
For six years, they wait in the bunker for their mother to return, but she never does. After six years they decide to leave the bunker, but as they do, they encounter a group of survivors. The survivors lock them in a room and search the bunker for food, but find nothing. Derek tried to explain that they’d been there for six years and their rations had run out, that’s why they were leaving the bunker. But Derek has a plan: he knows all the locations of the other bunkers and strikes a deal with the group’s leader, Stiles, to help them find the other bunkers if they can come too.
Derek and Cora join Stiles and the others: Boyd, Erica, Scott and Isaac as they travel through abandoned streets and what remains of the world they once knew.
Derek thought he had left the cliches of adolescent crushes in the past, but he can’t the way his head skips a beat when he catches Stiles’s eye, or notice how close their lips are when Stiles leans in close, or how Stiles smiles at him. He struggles to deal with his feelings as he fights to keep his little sister safe.
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junkiefox · 16 days
I'm thinking about a zombie AU with Thiam, but I just have the concept
The apocalypse would have started when the Pack was on a mission, helping another pack in another state. They would try to come back to Beacon Hills (which has become a save place, Argent and the others helping to secure the place).
However, something would go wrong and Liam would get lost (maybe Mason and the others, the puppy pack? Idk). And, well, they'll find Theo who, somehow, all by himself, has secured a place and is helping some other survivors. He'll be telling them his just doing it because he can use these people (one can cook, the other is a nurse, etc) but he has actually grown fond of them.
They'd stay there a little until Liam convinced them it's safer to go to Beacon Hills. And then, things would happen ~
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chasing-chimeras · 2 years
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“put me together one more time / love me forever, fix me right / I could be your frankenstein” – frankenstein by rina sawayama
Theo Raeken in Green Zone
Liam’s version
“You alright?”
“Yeah. Just a bad dream.”
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stetervault · 1 year
Summary: Gerard Argent escapes. Scott McCall lets him go. Chris Argent catches up to him but only to stick him in a nursing home.
Twenty-four hours after that, a mysterious localized disease has infected everyone in the building. Around the same time, Stiles arrives in Beacon Hills.
Tags: The Four Horsemen, Pre-Apocalypse, War Stiles, Pestilence Gerard, Post-Season 2, Canon Divergence AU, Ambiguous/Open Ending
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lucky-bishop · 10 months
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As We Know It
Mature | Stetopher | 1/10 chapters
"The thing about living through the apocalypse is that you know you’re living on borrowed time, but everyone processes that differently. Chris was a prepper, of course he’d wanted to just get to the bunker immediately and then plan from there. He hadn’t wanted this moment to happen, but he needed to know he was ready for it, now that it was here. Peter hadn’t cared much - for him, the world was already over. He’d already died before, what was the big deal? Why shouldn’t he make the most of however many days he had left? Stiles - he just didn’t want to say goodbye to this world. He wasn’t ready. He’d wanted to protect everyone, at first, and failed. But he still had two people to protect, and by god, he would."
Posting is finally happening! This is not a drill! In all seriousness, I'm so excited to share my gift for @teenwerewoofs as part of this year's @fandomtrumpshate auction. Thank you again so much for your donation to a great cause (and your great patience with me), and I hope you enjoy!
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helpimuesless · 1 year
Well, you gotta start somewhere right?
I'm not necessarily new to Tumblr or other platforms specializing in writing/fics/prompts/etc... But I am rusty and wanting to get back into it.
So if you'd like to humor me, send in a request and I'll see what I can do. I have a creative itch that needs scratching, for lack of better words.
I'll tag some fandoms that I enjoy writing for in my free time but they won't all make the list now, so if things happen to pick up, I'll put together a full list of everything I'm familiar with.
I'm also a big fan of getting random prompts and building off of those. Doesn't need to be anything pre-established!
Thanks! ~T
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suzukiblu · 8 months
I just wanted to say, yesterday I sat down and binge-read all your Timkon fics, as well as most of the WIPS, and I BADLY want to write some now. I've never really written Tim, tho, since I'm more used to writing Jason. Do you have any tips, or bits of Tim and Kon characterization you consider especially important? (The WIP I've made on my head, if it helps, is (Daemon AU) comics!Tim ends up on Young Justice!Cartoon universe, and he's very, very weirded out by how different Kon is to Conner, and very pissed off that this Conner gets a Daemon while his Kon doesn't have one.)
tbh it kinda depends on where you're trying to go with the fic idea, I'd say? Also why Conner DOES have a daemon and Kon doesn't, probably. Also-also, does Conner even actually have a daemon or is Tim just confused about Wolf or something.
Generally speaking, though, the thesis of Tim is that he is a ride-or-die guy who really fucking COMMITS when he makes a decision. Sure, he'll stalk Batman. Sure, he'll introduce himself to Nightwing and tell him he knows his secret identity. Sure, he'll put on the suit Jason died in to go save Batman and Nightwing from their own stupid selves. Sure, he'll be Batman's emotional support sidekick and lead Young Justice and the Teen Titans and try to clone his dead best friend and run around the planet solo to save Bruce from the timestream. Why not! SOMEBODY'S gotta do it!!
"Somebody's gotta do it" is a lot of Tim's motivation, from what I can tell, haha. He also comparmentalizes really well, is a very talented and skilled detective as his defining Robin skill, uses a bo staff as his signature weapon after convincing Lady Shiva to train him and was the dude who was smart enough to add pants to the Robin suit, and one of his more iconic lines is I think Cassie going, "you lied to Starfire?" and him answering, "I lie to Batman". Which he does. Frequently. Frequently and a LOT-ly. To be fair, Bruce is also a fucking liar, so he deserves it. Tim, however, actually has friends he will ADMIT are his friends without having to be waterboarded into it during an active apocalypse-level crisis.
The boy has no chill. He DISGUISES his lack of chill, but it is fucking nonexistent and the ONLY reason he looks "reasonable" is because his besties are the teen idol superclone with limited life experience and Stephanie "welp my dad's gone supervillain so I'm gonna go kick him in the dick with my intermediate gymnastics" Brown. And then there's Cassie "I'm just gonna ask Zeus for superpowers, natch" Sandsmark.
Also Bart. Also Bart is a thing. Bart is SO MUCH a thing.
So yeah, Tim is a full-stop no-holds-barred insane person, he's just also a better liar than any of his friends. Like so, so much better. AT LEAST THEY HAVE SUPERPOWERS, TIM. AT LEAST THEY'VE GOT THAT. He figured out Bruce's secret identity at NINE 'cuz he went to the circus as a toddler and Dick Grayson's flips were just that sick, and then just didn't tell anybody for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Four fucking YEARS!! ACTUAL FUCKING YEARS. He just didn't think it was relevant, I guess?!!? So instead he just stalked them with his camera and took cool pics. So many pics. So, so many pics. And he skateboards.
Also he and Kon fucking could NOT stand each other at first because Kon was used to being a solo act and didn't want to answer to anyone else and Tim lacked the ability to convince him to listen to him and they just had VERY different personalities and priorities, and also for a little while in there Match was fucking shit up by pretending to BE Kon, and frankly it's a fucking miracle Tim and Kon didn't kill each other before they ever got to be Titans together, the way they totally failed to get along for the first YJ run.
Seriously, I think they actually had a literal fucking fistfight on Apokolips once, I think that ACTUALLY happened. In the middle of a literal WAR that happened. Tim. Tim, you KNOW better, buddy.
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annabelle-creart · 3 months
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How the AViVA’s song says: never understand what i’m cooking (Houdini by AViVA)
Ok, if you remember the post where I said I remembered what I wanted to do before forgetting it, it was something like this
The Sweet Tooth brainrot is making fun of me and wanted me to make an Au
So, here’s my Tf Rescue Bots x Sweet Tooth Au, where the bots (excepting Hightide) are Hybrids kids and the Rescue Team, simple humans from Maine, save them and protect them
At first I wanted them to be like cyberorganic and not completely hybrids but then I said “nah, let’s make them kids” because i wanted some animal kids shenanigans and here we are
I just saw that I forgot to make Sissi, shit, well, Sissi is undetermined, but I want her to be a fox.
The wolves triplet are Shockwave, Soundwave and Heatwave
The kids with Graham are Boulder (left) and Bulkhead (right) and are hedgehogs, the big man is Hightide and the kids he have on his arms are Blurr (left) and Salvage (right), a saanen goat and a german shepherd dog
The kids above Hightide are Cody and Frankie as apocalypse teens HAJAHSJS. Ft. Kade and Quickshadow as an owl
And the red panda and the budgie are Chase and Blades
I sincerely just wanted to sketch a little but let’s make some backstory
When the great crumble happened, Griffin Rock had to close to any kind of person, but chief Burns couldn’t let the kids, the new hybrids, by their own, he was sure they wouldn’t survive with the angry people and wanted to make something, so, he left the island with the hope he could save some, and so he did, a year later he came back with some kids, and after seeing they’re not contagious, Griffin Rock became a secret sanctuary for hybrids, but the job was still undone and Charlie had to go, since then, Kade became rescue chief and made sure to protect both citizens and hybrid orphans, especially when the new pregnancies resulted on hybrids and the people started to really fear the kids, but sometimes, he’s replaced by his siblings to make his dad company at mainland and help him.
Thanks to Griffin Rock’s tech, the island never was found again by people, especially the Last Men, who hunted hybrids, making their own ways to reach mainland without being reached, at that times, Graham, the engineer of the Rescue Team, Ezra Greene, scientist lead, and Hightide, named Horace in this Au, a retired Navy and marine soldier, have to help guiding the kids when Charlie can’t
As Kade, Frankie and Cody became also “saviors of hybrids” because they wanted
And for Morrocco, Madeline and the other zoo guy I don’t remember the name, I wanted to kill them with the Sick (the virus that fucked up everything) but it would be fun to have them trying to reach Griffin Rock, like, Morrocco needs the kids blood to make a cure for the Sick but he really wants to stay young with their blood, and Madeline is a racist who uses the kids as trophies and her influences to hunt the kids and the zoo guy want them for their zoo or something, like with the bots :=)
This group, the triplet, the twins, Blurr, Salvage, Quickshadow, Chase and Blades, were the hardest to find and save, because they were bought by the Last Men to be used on experiments, the wolf triplet could escape before being Last Men's soup and found Charlie using their noses, they told them everything as they could because Shockwave was the only one who knew to talk but poorly, so, Charlie prepared an ambush when the kids were transported by train to save them, the equivalents of Hence, Board, Bridget, Stone and Grill were already used, never were find again, but the rest were rescued and sent to Griffin Rock. their lives became a little brighther since then.
But the Last Men weren't the only ones who wanted the hybrids…
Whatever, don’t mind my crazy ass🙃
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 8 months
Dndads hogwarts au
[I DO NOT support the bitch. This is solely for funzies.]
Scary: muggleborn slytherine, (her mom met Terry when scary developed her powers) star player on the quiddich team, low key practicing the dark arts in secret cause it's cool and metal. Twin Wand cores with normal.
Normal: pureblood slytherine, quiddich mascot (they did NOT have a mascot before normal) and announcer, twin Wand cores with scary
Lincoln: halfblood Gryffendor, (adopted into fully wizard family) newbie quiddich player, (Grant kept trying to talk him out of it because it's dangerous)
Taylor: muggleborn? hufflepuff, (muggle raised by his mom, dad location and identity UNKNOWN) keeps trying to sneak his electronics into hogwarts.
Hermie: ???blood ravenclaw (pretends to be a slytherine and infiltrates to sabotage them in the name of the ravenclaw house)
Hero: pureblood ravenclaw, really into astrology. Taylor buys the manga she sneaks in like she's some kind of drug dealer. Part of a prophecy or something but super not about that life.
Paeden: ???born? Human? Gryffendor, worst player on the quiddich team, breaks his Wand constantly, says he's casting a spell but then just punches you in the face. (Badly)
Terry: pureblood former ravenclaw, (met veroinca when scary developed her powers) defense against the dark arts teacher, temp Slytherine quiddich coach (Scary HATES this)
Sparrow: pureblood former slytherine, divination teacher, (paints visions of the oncoming apocalypse nbd im sure we dont have to worry about that) animangus (wolf)
Lark: pureblood former slytherine, the mean scary groundskeeper, some students have started to spread rumors that he's secreatly a werewolf.... but that's ridiculous haha.
Grant: halfblood former Gryffendor, hogwarts librarian, Gryffendor quiddich coach (INSISTED on being the coach after Linc joined the team. Benches his own son because he's scared he'll get hurt)
Nick: halfblood former hufflepuff, location unknown. Undercover auror who got found out and has been missing for years.
Ron: halfblood former slytherine (businessman), managed to get through a few years of hogwarts before he was discovered to be a squib.
Henry: pureblood former hufflepuff, herbology teacher, animangus (wolf)
Daryll: muggleborn former Gryffendor, former quiddich coach
Glenn: halfblood former gryffendor, wizard yule band guitarist and muggle dj
Jodie: pureblood (with a little something extra ;)) former ravenclaw, auror.
Omega daddies:
Willy: muggleborn former slytherine, made an organization called the purple robes hellbent on gaining immortality and eternal youth through dark magic. (Basic bad guy shit)
Barry: pureblood former ravenclaw, started a cult, animangus (dragon)
Frank: muggle, got in the way of the purple robes, it didn't go well.
Bill: muggleborn former hufflepuff (haha get it cause weed?) dropout, pretty much a deadbeat
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loserlvrss · 2 months
— ☆ such a real one for answering thank u <3
1. 🌵: share the link to a playlist you love probs gotta be my everyday one it’s so chaotic ‘n just like me $5 fortnite card
2. 🍓: how did you get into writing fanfiction? okay, so my ex-bsf wrote fanfics about teen wolf & the vampire diaries franchise YEARSSSS ago, so i would actually edit her books bc ive always been writing original stories. but eventually during COVID i thought i’d start writing original character fanfics on wattpad about the mcyt fandom bc i was bored (mistakes were made okay i know) & enhypen’s jay. but i lost motivation to write full-length stories after a couple years, so i naturally branched back over to tumblr/ao3 to post one shots; reader inserts do better on here so that’s why they’re all y/n
3. 🥤: recommend an author or fanfic you love oh there’s so many authors i love so i just gotta make a small list me thinks cccc: @gluion fic req safe haven (how much longer do we have?) leehan x reader apocalypse!au angst. @hoonven anything by mimi i eat up one of my fav enha authors ily <333 honorable mention laundry and taxes sunghoon x reader fluff & angst. @jnnul ‘s nouvelle vague leehan x reader college!au fluff, angst, smut, & comedy. @kimakento my bae everything is so good honorable mention im hurting, but that’s okay koga yudai x reader rich-student!au crazy angst (my fav genre) & so this is how it feels wang yixiang x reader x koga yudai hanahaki!au, angst. anything by @boyfhee gaawwwd esp now that i’m back in an enhypen phase oh em gee. anything by @nicholasluvbot i love saur saur much. @joocomics NEVAAAA misses mark my words laawwd i love xdh. anyways, the list could literally never end bc i read so much on here, so yeah let’s stop while we’re ahead lmfao
4. 🛼: describe your latest wip with five emojis 📸😼🐈‍⬛👠🍷hehe might be titled 90s supermodel idk thoughhhh
- soph 𓆤
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snootlestheangel · 16 days
Welcome to the Brainrot
Navigating Snootles's COD Brainrot
Posted WIPs:
Silence is Golden But Consequences Are Red (under revision as of 9/3/24). SoapGhost slow-burn, AU where Simon Riley "died" and Price helped cover his faked death. Ghost is a well-known vigilante type, the 141 is ordered to hunt him down, Price has to let others in on his secret in order to uncover bigger problems.
>Audio recordings by chapter:
Of Earthly Things SoapGhost fic; Cryptid Hunter/Cryptid AU; The 141 is a team of researchers and professionals that help normal people deal with cryptids and creatures. Simon Riley is the new hire, and something about him doesn't seem to be quite human...
>Audio recordings by chapter:
His Wounded Cry SoapGhost fic; WolfShifter!Ghost AU; Ghost gets taken by a rogue scientific group and left to die while stuck in his wolf form; a friendly and familiar family takes him in while he recovers.
>Audio recordings by chapter:
Break For Your Heart SoapGhost fic; Prison Break AU; unhinged!Soap, Ghost was framed.
>Audio recordings by chapter:
Dead City COD x Left4Dead, established SoapGhost in the fic.
>Audio recordings by chapter:
To Love, To Let Go NikPrice fic where they adopt a young teen girl named Bailey Gray. They help her heal and she helps them learn how to be parents.
>Audio recordings by chapter
Guardian of Mercy and Men Price x F!OC; Bryn Campbell and John Price used to work together/knew each other, yet despite all their years apart, their feelings remain and they learn how to navigate them once she's assigned as a medic to their taskforce.
>Audio recordings by chapter
Unposted WIPs:
Oh Death, Who Art Thou? (Assassin!Ghost AU but they're not called Assassins, they're Reapers. Fantasy elements, Simon and Johnny are already married. Post here, here, and a post here)
Death Doesn't Want Me (zombie apocalypse AU in which Ghost is separated from the 141 and joins a group of civilians trying to make it out alive. Turns out to be part of the MacTavish family, one post here, first one here)
When It Works (GazAlex Undercover AU where it seems everything is going wrong except for how well they work together as a team, one post here )
Taste Test (cannibal!Soap and retired!Ghost au; after having a mental breakdown while on assignment, Ghost is deemed unreliable and discharged from the military. Now, he spends his days traveling, too restless and paranoid to stay in one place for too long. But after encountering a charming Scotsman, he finds a connection worthy to stay put. Just so long as he doesn't find out about Soap's little habit...)
To A Fault (Villain!Gaz AU, post-MW3 where Laswell faked Soap's death, and it's a couple of years later. Price was awol after killing Shepherd, Ghost vanished as he hunted down Konni group, Laswell was swallowed into hunting Makarov down (and helping Soap as a new contact once he recovers from the injury). Gaz continued on with his life completely alone, and upon finding out Soap was never dead, he cracks.)
Security (Ghost's journal type of fic, SoapGhost, here's the post about it)
Instinct (COD Shifter!AU; Raven!Soap, Wolf!Ghost, Otter!Gaz, Bear!Price and Nik)
List of OCs:
Bailey Gray: NikPrice's adopted daughter, featured in To Love, To Let Go. Find anything on her under the tags :bailey gray: or :cod oc bailey
Bryn Campbell: Nicknamed "Angel", medic, love interest for Price in Guardian of Mercy and Men.
Shadow OCs:
Initial dump; another dump
Ness; Woody; Truck; Flash
Art of Ness and with Ness
A Snootles ask game
The tag :certified snootles moment: is for everything personal; :my sweet odysseus: has my cat
Check out this art of Cryptid!Ghost for Of Earthly Things by @/mikorsthings
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Anyways, that is all! Enjoy the brainrot!
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Hi everyone, I'm Rin, welcome!
I'm a multifandom writer and you can send requests for headcanons, fics, etc. I can write for ships but currently I’m mainly doing x readers (no smut)
I'm also currently in school, so please be kind if I don't respond for a bit :) I wrote this when I started my blog, now it's more like please accept the most heightened sorrow and apologetic energy I'm sending you because fics are coming many months after request
Besides writing this is mainly a maze runner blog, plus whatever else I decide to put on it - at this stage likely to be stranger things, the artful dodger, the marauders, and the umbrella academy
Tags: #my writing (just fics), #rin's saved (my fav posts of all time), #asks, #not fic (any non-fic posts)
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Fandoms I write for (+ masterlist):
My personal favs: ✩, my most popular: ❀
(gn) = gender neutral reader, (f) = fem, (m) = masc
Come back to me: Part 1 & Part 2 (gn) All in two days: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (gn) ✩ You're my favourite: Part 1 & Part 2 (gn) Tides (f) Play me something? (m) ❀ Strawberry kisses (f) Angel boy & Perfect without (gn) Soul sister (f) The night we met (gn)
✩ Invisible string (f) Calm and Storm (f) Intertwined (f) Thomas Relationship Headcanons (gn) Something I Need (f)
Love your touches (not in a weird way) (f) Classic (f) Just cuddles and kisses (f) ✩ Real or not real (f) First date (gn) ✩ Teenage dream (f)
Scars (gn)
It's you and me (f)
Everyone (platonic)
The Heart (gn) Shields: Part 1 & ✩ Part 2 (f) ✩ Hope (f) Born to run (f) ✩ Look after each other for me (f) ✩ Yellow painted skies (m) ✩ Everyone loves Y/n (gn)
Stiles Stilinski
New kids
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Kira Yukimura
HARRY POTTER (main cast and marauders)
George Weasley
It's a love story (f)
Beth Harmon
My girl (f)
Benny Watts
Jack Dawkins
Belle Fox
Five Hargreeves (note that his age is a bit fiddly, so fics will be set a) before he jumps forward, b) in an AU where he never jumps, or c) the time he spent in the apocalypse will be reduced. also depends on whether requests specify reader's age range)
Peter Parker (tasm or mcu -verse)
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
If you're looking for any fandom/character that's not on this list just send an ask and I'll see if I know it well enough to write it
Requests are open!!
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chasing-chimeras · 2 years
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“tremble for yourself, my man / you know that you have seen this all before / tremble, little lion man / you’ll never settle any of your scores / your grace is wasted in your face / your boldness stands alone among the wreck” – little lion man by mumford & sons
Liam Dunbar in Green Zone
Theo’s version
“I haven’t always been fast enough.”
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myymi · 5 months
I HAVE to know about "Time to become food".
ahh i love this one so much i can't wait to finish it
it's another fic set in mine and passion's apocalypse au lol it's a rewrite of a chunk of season 1 episode 2 of telltale's the walking dead game
“Sonic, wait,” Sonic’s ear twitched at his name being called, turning to find his little brother grabbing onto his sleeve. He motioned for the teen to bend down so he could whisper to him, earning an eye roll from Rick. The hedgehog waved at the human to tell him to go on without him for now before crouching down, “There’s something really off with these guys.” Tails whispered, glancing behind him at Wayne. “I don’t like it. Please be careful.” “Hey, you don’t gotta worry about me, bud.” Sonic gave the fox a small smile, placing his paw on the younger’s shoulder. “Please just promise you’ll keep an eye on him.” The kit begged, tugging on the cuff of his glove. They needed to find him a new pair, the ones he wore were too torn up. The teen sighed but nodded, taking away the paw on his shoulder so he could press his knuckles against his forehead. He smiled fondly as the fox leaned into the touch, “I promise, bro. I’ll be back before you know it.” “If you’re not back in thirty minutes I’m coming to find you myself.” Tails warned, curling his own paw into a fist so he could press his knuckles against the older’s chest. The hedgehog rolled his eyes, ruffling the kit’s bangs as he rose to his feet. “Deal.” Is all he said before giving a two finger salute, turning around so he could jog up to Rick. The fox frowned as he watched the two of them walk away, a pit of anxiety settling in his stomach. He really hopes it’s just him being paranoid, but he does not trust this place.
“Tails!” His ears perked at his name being called. He turned around to locate who was calling for him, raising a brow when he saw Charmy standing on a swing. That hadn’t been there a few minutes ago. “Come here!” “Where’d that come from?” Tails asked as he walked over, eyeing the rope that held the swing up. It looked sturdy enough. “Vector fixed it!” The bee had a huge grin on his face. He dropped to sit on the swing like you were supposed to and scooted as far to the right as he could, “C’mon, it’s big enough for both of us!” Tails wanted to protest. He really needed to finish fixing the fence and generator, but the happiness he could feel from the younger kept him from saying no. With a sigh, he walked over and hopped onto the swing. “Vector! Push us!” Charmy called, leaning back far enough that Tails worried he’d fall off the swing had he not been holding onto the rope with both of his hands. He instead just laughed at the bee, turning just in time to watch the crocodile shake his head as he made his way over to the kids. “I can’t stay on for too long,” The fox said, leaning against the rope. Vector grabbed hold of the ropes and took a few large steps back, knowing the bee would complain if he didn’t push the high enough, before pushing the swing forward, “but I’ll bet Runt’ll like this. You should show him this once he's feeling better.” “When is he gonna feel better?” Charmy asked, his feet kicking in sync with the swing. The kit shrugged, bringing his tails around to rest in their laps. “Should only be a couple days.” Tails guessed. The arrow hadn’t gone too deep, so the healing process should be pretty quick. He looked over to the farmhouse, a nauseating feeling washing over him as he did so. The fox dug the necklace out from his pocket, carefully rubbing his thumb over Runt’s engraved name on the back of the main charm. It was really messy handwriting that he guessed was the wolf’s. Deciding that the easiest way to make sure it wouldn’t fall out of his pocket or something, Tails clipped the necklace around his neck. The cold metal was a weird sensation, but he’d deal with it.
ive definitely posted the bit with charmy before, but i like it so im posting it again lmao
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emilykaldwen · 9 months
thanks so much for the tag @theladyelizabeth!
tagging: @acrossthesestars, @stannisfactions, @arrthurpendragon, @mercurygray, @alicentive, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @selfproclaimedunicorn, @themaradwrites, @lya-dustin, @dragonsoftheeast
1. How many works do you have on AO3?: I have 9 so far! I ended up deleting some old works that were abandoned and didn't have a lot of interaction that were over a decade old (and they didn't have bookmarks either so I wasn't worried)
3. What fandoms do you write for?: Currently, House of the Dragon is the hyperfixation
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Maiden and the Drowning Boy - HotD Canon Divergent
Soulmates Never Die - The Borgias (my oldest fic)
Fight For Me (If It's Not Too Late) - Teen Wolf
Boy With a Broken Soul (Heart With a Gaping Hole) - HotD Fae AU
You're the Lighting of the Blaze - Hotd Canon Divergent
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! (and if I don't it's legit cause I forgot/thought I did and AO3 ate the comment). I love the community aspect of fic writing so if you take the time to leave me a comment, I love to engage. I especially love it when commenters ask questions and look for discussion.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably one of the old Prequel Star Wars Fics I wrote way back in the day.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Right now, it's a tie between You're the Lighting of the Blaze and Bright Star
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not on my fics directly but I have gotten some rancid hate in my inbox re: Abby (And then that escalated to telling me to end myself so). This is why I now have anons turned off. Sorry guys.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do write smut! I'm not sure what it means by 'what kind'? I've done a few solo smut-shots, and Maiden will have a few explicit scenes when this arc is completed. I'm definitely someone who loves Plot with a side of Porn, and as long as the smut flows well and isn't overly repetitive, I'm here for it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have written a crossover! I had a mini-series of Whedon-verse/Supernatural called It Must Be Tuesday back on LiveJournal. Sam and Dean meet River Tam in a bar and the apocalypse happen. Dean and Buffy hooked up. I was acutally very proud of that LOL
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not stolen but I did have some concepts lifted from a Once Upon a Time fic
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! Soulmates Never Die was co-written with a friend at the time (we've lost touch since then), and then when I was in the Charmed fandom, I adopted out an abandoned fic of mine and was the beta/co-writer on a big future Fic series with Wyatt, Chris, and Chris' friends. Those were some fantastic stories.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? Oh man. I really love me Jacelaena and Helaemond still has a soft place in my heart (but the trajectory of a lot of the fics has just been... a turn off). Harry/Luna will always be warm and fuzzy for me (I used to be the ship captain back in the Fiction Alley days). Buffy/Angel was my first real Fandom OTP.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Hmmm... I don't have anything right now that fits that. I did have Isabelle Martin's Life is Totally Over which was a Derek/Lydia future Kid fic that I was actually enjoying but the fandom was such an utter turn off by that point.
16. What are your writing strengths? God fuck if I know. I think I'm really good at tying things together/call backs and really emphasizing those themes. I like to think I'm thoughtful at cause/effect of character action and consequences. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I feel like my descriptions are lacking and I get lost in the weeds. I struggle with finding the stakes in a story. Conflict is difficult. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? me crying with dote on doing some appropriately translated high valyrian for Maiden instead of just copy/pasting from one of the online translators. Only very, very, VERY few people will know that they're grammatically correct and honoring the original development of HV, but it was important to ME.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Wars back in the late 90s.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Maiden obviously holds my heart and soul, and it's always going to be everything for me, but I'm actually incredibly proud of Fight For Me (If It's Not Too Late). It was a two parter, and I wrote it in the span of a week? Maybe two weeks? and it was the last thing I wrote for a very long time.
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thehuntyhunties · 1 year
this is so specific, but like when i was younger, i was a huggge fan of therealgonzoldyck’s fic black butterfly (which i found reuploaded on wattpad when i was like 13/14 lol), and like i knew of the plagiarism (since the person who reuploaded it, mentioned it), but i just couldn’t figure out how tumblr works.
i haven’t thought about it in years, but i’ve been thinking about it again, and i truly just need all the tea on that situation 😭 just for some childhood closure onto what happened. and i saw you in the search bar talking about how you were there for it. so i would love to know all your thoughts about the matter :)
obviously this isn’t meant to gossip or anything, since i’m aware it was in like 2015, so i assume therealgonzoldyck has learned their lesson and changed. i’m just really curious, and into fandom history lol. if this is too invasive or something, you definitely don’t have to answer it! :) ty if you even read it though. i’m just really nosey, lol!
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jfc i haven't thought about that fic in years. i uh. i have to admit that i personally didn't like it, iirc i think i thought the perspective/POV felt inconsistent and it kept throwing me off? basically i kept getting confused so i stopped reading it. But I really liked one specific oneshot they posted was a zombie apocalypse survival story that was mostly Killua sobbing in a bunker bc Gon was dead, so, idk what that says about me. Would love to know what fandom that one was originally for, if any.
unfortunately for this fandom lore gossip sesh, while i was technically around when all this went down, I was still only a peripheral lurker to the fandom in 2015 – and i'd just powered through the anime in May/June anyways – so i didn't actually have a front row seat for the whole therealgonzoldyck drama, as much as i love to reference it. (I love to reference it because the entire thing was buckwild and i NEED people to know that this happened)
What i DO remember is this: (a) I read a different oneshot that made me go "[confused greyhound headtilt] Huh this sounds like it should be a Teen Wolf fic? Because Killua uses a specific ability that Scott McCall literally just got earlier this season?? but it's not a Teen Wolf AU???? i'm confused." (b) eventually the plagiarism news trickled down to me in the form of a callout post (?) with screenshots showing that BB was originally an Inception fic or something. (c) me, three months later when i remembered all this happened: "oh so that WAS a Teen Wolf fic all along!!!! AHA!!!!!"
anyways. @autumnxsunflower i feel like we've talked about this drama before or at least you'd be more likely to remember it than I am? feel free to chime in if you want to spill some tea as well (and anyone else who's got details)
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