#teen sam
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supernaturalkickparty · 11 months ago
😶‍🌫️Post something from a WIP
😬is this from an ask game? I don't remember so I'm so sorry for doing this late.
ok so i got a little snippet here from a current WIP, its from a preseries thing im working on
"Sam, I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but would you be willing to give your father this form? It’s for the school to take you on a special field trip, only certain kids get to go on it.”
Sam looked over the paper, Operation Christmas, a charity run by the local police department and school district. 
A program for less fortunate kids to go shopping at K-Mart.
“Yeah, sure. Thanks.” Sam mumbled as he rushed out of the car.
He ran into the laundromat, going straight to the back, waiting long enough for the teacher to drive off.
Sam sighed, looking over the paper once more, he needed his dads permission to go on this trip. It was free, they’d give him a hundred dollars to spend on a pair of shoes, a jacket, and a gift of his choice.
He knows if he shows this to his dad and Dean they’d feel guilty and want to skip town early.
They can't do that in their condition. 
Sam crumpled up the form and threw it away. Other kids have to have it worse than him, they’re more deserving than him.
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mirlumae · 9 days ago
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I thought it’d be fun for Danny to have Starfire’s eyes instead of just his eye color changing to green.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 1 year ago
Despite Danny's best efforts, no matter how much time past, Amity Park refused to see Phantom as a hero.
Sure, there were pockets of support, particularly among teens, but most of the town blames Phantom for the property damage, saying if he didn't fight the ghosts then it wouldn't be so bad, to that time he got mind controlled by Freakshow and "attacked" the mayor. It wears him down. It wears Tucker and Sam down. Jazz can only try to support them all.
Then one day, a member of the Justice League visits. Someone minor, and kinda a jerk... maybe a Wonder Twin? Zan? Whatever. They don't investigate; they don't look deeper. They listen to the town folks and declare the ghost hunters, Red Huntress and the Fentons, to be the official heroes of the town.
Worse? Danny Phantom is officially considered a villain to the Justice League. Tuck hacks into the Watchtower and confirms that they have a file (a heavily inaccurate file) about how to defeat Phantom.
Danny doesn't think he can do this anymore.
A few weeks later, a young villain escapes into Amity and demands (begs) that Danny help them escape from the hero after them. No idea who, I can't find a lot of info on teen villains in DC, so let's fudge some ages and make it Kyd Wyckyd from the Teen Titans cartoon. Danny agrees, because to hell with the Justice Losers, and they defeat the hero, becoming friends in the process. Kyd confesses that they became a villain after being ostracized bc of how they look, and they've been trying to avoid villain organizations because HIVE was abusive, but it's really hard to be a villain alone bc of all the heroes.
Sam gets an idea. Tucker agrees with the idea. Jazz is just happy they'll end up making friends.
The next day, the Teen Villain Alliance is formed, ready to assist with any teenage illegal shenanigans their allies might get into.
Some notes:
It's created to be a healthier option for teen "villains" to connect with others and support each other.
It's more important that this is for Teens rather than Villains. They're tired of adult villains taking advantage of them. The TVA would rather ally with a teen vigilante than with an adult villain.
Again, no idea who the teen villains are, but Klarion is definitely here. He leaves the Light for the chaos of the TVA. Maybe Ember is there too?
Timeline wise, this is around when Tim is still Robin, but Damien has arrived at Wayne Manor.
This is because, when it comes time to try to infiltrate the TVA, they'll have a convenient child-assassin who has none of the monitors of a teen hero that Phantom immediately picks up on.
Damien, who at this point has been abandoned by his mother, dismissed and scolded by his father, and has had no success at carving his own place in the family, jumps at the chance. He is then surrounded by peers who don't insult him or try to change his behavior (too much; jazz is trying to help him find healthier methods of expressing himself). He... might not want to continue being a spy.
Danny, Sam, Tuck, and Jazz are the founding members.
Danny reinvents himself as the High Prince of the Infinite, Prince Phantom Dark. He got kingship from fighting Pariah Dark, but since he's still alive, he's only a prince. He steals the last name Dark as an intimidation tatic against those in the know; only Danny would have the balls to claim family with Pariah.
Sam works as a powerless villain, but she might no be powerless? Either way, Danny gives her a bunch of repurposed Fenton tech, and she buys the rest with her parents credit card. She does NOT care if that's traced back to the Mansons. She would choose something goth, maybe something spider related or even bat?
I love Pharaoh Tucker, so I think he should get magic powers? Since pharaohs of old were considered the balance between the real and the divine. He's still a tech guy, now he's a tech and magic guy.
Jazz isn't really a villain, more of a team mom who's planning on using everyone's psyche's as her thesis paper. You know what, that's her callsign, she's Psyche. Sometimes she flirts with Nightwing.
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months ago
Prompt 283
Now Jason would like it known that there was no mpreg situation going on. He isn’t even sure where people got that idea in the first place. Sure, he had taken a few Cores from the goons-in-white who had dared to set up in his turf. 
And sure maybe the excess energy from the pit (no wonder he’d been so irritable) was what said baby halfas (Okay, so they’re half human? Alright) had used to reform. And maybe the oldest is visibly less than a year old. 
But there Was No Mpreg Situation! He is this close to shooting someone! It was annoying (and slightly amusing) when it was just his goons, but now the Bats have seemingly got it in their heads! Dear Gotham it’s a good thing he’s not planning on like, ever revealing who he is because he would never be able to live this rumor down. 
[Winged Ghosts Au too, that seems to be getting lost in reblogs when it's just in the tags lol]
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kizzer55555 · 11 months ago
DP x DC: The Most Dangerous Card Game
Ok so Danny has essentially claimed earth as his. And he is fully aware that there are constant threats to the planet. Now he can’t stop a threat that originates on earth (that’s something he’ll leave to the Justice league) but he can do something about outside threats. Doing some research on ancient spells, rituals, and artifacts, he cast a world wide barrier on the planet to protect it from hostile threats so they cannot enter. This will prevent another Pariah Dark incident. However, barriers like this come at a price. You see, there are two ways to make a barrier. Either make one powered up by your own energy and power (which would be constantly draining) or set up a barrier with rules. The way magic works is that nothing can be absolutely indestructible. It must have a weakness. The most powerful barriers weren’t the ones reinforced with layer after layer of protective charms and buffed up with power. Those could eventually be destroyed either by being overpowered, wearing them down, or by cutting off the original power source. No, the most powerful barriers were the ones with a deliberate weakness. A barrier indestructible except for one spot. A cage that can only be opened from the outside. Or that can only be passed with a key or by solving a riddle. So Danny chooses this type of barrier and does the necessary ritual and pours in enough power to make it. And he adds his condition for anyone to enter. 
Now the Justice league? Find out about the barrier when Trigon attempts to attack, they were preparing after he threatened what he would do once he got to earth. How he would destroy them. The Justice league tried to take the fight to him first but were utterly destroyed, so they retreated home to tend to their injuries, and fortify earth for one. Last. Stand. Only when Trigon makes his big entrance…he’s stopped.
The Justice league watch in awe as this thin see-through barrier with beautiful green swirls and speckled white lights like stars apears blocking Trigon and his army’s advance. The barrier looks so thin and fragile yet no matter how hard the warlord hits, none of his attacks can get through and neither can he damage said barrier. That’s when Constantine and Zatanna recognizes what this barrier is. Something only a powerful entity could create. For a moment, the league is filled with hope that Trigon can’t get through yet Constantine also explains that it’s not impenetrable. And clearly Trigon knows this too for he calls out a challenge. 
And that’s when, in a flash of light, a tiny glowing teenager appears. He looked absolutly minuscule compared to Trigon and yet practically glowed with power (this isn’t a King Danny AU though).
And that is when the conditions for passing the barrier are revealed. And the Justice realize that the only thing stopping Trigon and his army from decimating earth. The only way he can get through….is by beating this glowing teenager in a card game. 
Not just any card game though. The most convoluted game Sam, Danny, and Tucker invented themselves. It’s like the infinite realms version of magic the gathering, combined with Pokémon, and chess. And Danny is the master. So sit down Trigon and let’s play.
(The most intense card game of the Justice league’s life).
After Danny wins, this happens a few more times with outer word beings and possibly even demons attempting to invade earth, yet none have been able to beat the mysterious teenager in a card game. Constantine might even take a crack at it and try to figure out how to play. He’s really bad though. Every time this happens, the Justice league worry that this might be the time the teenager looses. Yet every time, he wins (even if only barely). 
Meanwhile, Danny, Sam, and Tucker have gotten addicted to the game and play it almost daily. Some teachers might seem them playing the game are are like ‘awww how cute’ not realizing this game is literally saving the world. Jazz is just happy they aren’t spending as much time on their screens playing Doomed.
#DPxDC#Kizzer55555 ideas#Danny makes a card game to save the world.#Technically he worded the ritual so that they had to ‘beat’ him as those are the most powerful barriers and most reliable.#keys can just get lost or stolen (like the one to Pariah’s Coffin)#A riddle would be useless once someone figured out the answer. Like how no one takes the sphynx seriously anymore.#(Sorry Tuck. But it’s true).#And there is NO WAY Danny is just leaving a hole open for anyone to pass through. No thank you!#So…beating him. But it’s not like Danny wanted to fight so…he edited the ritual a TINY bit. Card games are good. Much less painful too.#Danny Tucker and Sam made the most complicated card game they could imagine.#It’s based on their strategies for fighting ghosts. Capturing them in thermoses. And MUCH based on a on field battle strategy.#It often requires spontaneous thinking on the spot. So Danny? In his ELEMNT. It doubles as practice for his actual ghost battles too.#They had SO much fun making this.#Sam added an entire series of plant cards that act as traps and healing ointments and duds that just take up the field.#Tucker added legitimate hyroglyphics combined with Latin as well as English and ghost speak.#Yes. You actually have to speak that language to play. With proper pronunciation. (Amity Parker’s think the three are talking gibberish.)#I headcanon Sam and Tucker are fluent in Ghost.#Constantine WILL figure this game out SO HELP HIM!#Some of the cards also have combinations related to constellations either in name or placement on the board.#By the way the board is based on a Hexagonal summoning circle with Rhunes along the edges#And the placement of the cards on the board and on what rhune MATTERS.#Also the cards move disintegrate and have certain abilities. Think of Harry Potter Wizard Chess.#But they are normal when Danny plays at school. This is just for ✨effect✨ Against invaders.#Danny faces multiple opponents. He also halts alien invasions.#While Danny COULD stop crime on earth he’s not sure how to fight a normal human and hold back so he sticks to ghosts.#The Justice league are going crazy trying to figure out who this entity is and after deep research are convinced this is some sort of#Ancient being who has protected earth for millenia. They have paintings on ruins and everything.#Danny is not aware they think this.#Raven starts praying to Danny as if he is a god and wrangles the other Teen Titans into doing so as well. Danny is still unaware of this.#Danny is not a King or an ancient. Just a very VERY strong ghost.
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thestarlightforge · 5 months ago
Friendly, good natured reminder to the lesbians, as it looks like tonight will be a Wiccan backstory episode.
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I love you, I’m with you, and Agatha x Rio will get their turn.
But Billy is a big deal, he’s headlined Marvel Pride literally every year since its inception, and it was horrific what Multiverse of Madness did to him (going from the “love is for souls not bodies” WandaVision ethos to “two of Marvel’s only queer characters exist exclusively in the imagination of the mentally ill woman we’ve now decided is homicidal and suicidal” 🙃).
He needs this moment. Wiccan x Hulkling (Wiccling), Marvel Pride & yes, Wanda—who was also blatantly character assassinated—they need this moment.
Before Jac Schaeffer has to hand them off to another writer (again).
We shouldn’t be in this position: Where Jac Schaeffer has to join the likes of Allan Heinberg, Anthony Oliveira, Tom King and Steve Orlando as Wanda’s cleanup writer in the MCU—battling Michael Waldron and Sam Raimi the way they have long done battle with misogynistic comics writers, like John Byrne and Brian Michael Bendis. Her colleagues should’ve treated WandaVision as the precious gift it was, not left her an editorial mess to clean up.
But this is where we are. Billy, Tommy & Wanda didn’t deserve to be discarded—they deserved proud legacies as representation for the women, people with mental health struggles, and queer youth who look up to them. So she’s fixing it. Then, she’ll get to the lesbians. Have a little faith and
Let her cook.
(And enjoy watching one of my all-time favorite characters step into his own!! Wiccan is a Gem 😊💙 & he supports the lesbians as much as you do, trust, lol.)
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holyblonded · 12 days ago
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always sunny in australia
pairings: tillies x teen!reader
summary: your first debut for the tillies
warnings: mentions of anxiety
notes: this is such a switch from estrella i love it. also apologies because it’s a bit short but i am getting to writing a character like this so give me grace 🙏🏾
you guys can also request stories for this too!
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You anxiously chew on your lip as you sit in your cubby, watching your teammates move around the locker room, pulling on their socks, tying their cleats, shaking out their limbs. The energy in the room is electric— excitement, determination, focus. But all you can feel is the nervous pit growing in your stomach.
Your fingers tremble as you retie your laces for what feels like the tenth time, your knee bouncing up and down in a restless rhythm. The fluorescent lights hum above you, their sterile glow making everything feel too bright, too sharp. The sound of studs scraping against the floor, the murmur of pre-game rituals, the distant echo of the stadium crowd, it all blurs together in a disorienting buzz.
You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until a voice snaps you out of it.
“You nervous?”
You jolt slightly, looking up to see your captain standing over you, arms crossed, an amused yet knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
“No,” you blurt out, shaking your head a little too fast. Your voice comes out higher than usual, unconvincing even to your own ears. Sam raises an eyebrow, unimpressed.
Ellie, tying her cleats a few cubbies over, snorts. “Please, we all saw you nearly pass out in the warm-up, kid.”
You groan, burying your face in your hands. “That was one time.”
Steph walks by, ruffling your hair. “Sure, kid. One time. And yesterday. And the day before that.”
Caitlin grins as she leans against the locker. “It’s kinda cute, honestly.”
“Yeah, in a baby bird who might pass out kind of way,” Ellie adds.
You let out a dramatic sigh, slumping forward. “This is bullying.”
Mini laughs, patting your back. “Nah, this is love.”
Sam, still beside you, finally takes mercy. She plops down and throws an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her side. It’s grounding, the solid warmth of her presence, the steady rise and fall of her breathing.
“Listen, Kiddie,” she says, her voice softer now, reassuring. “I was your age when I debuted, and I nearly shit my pants. No joke.”
That earns a small laugh from you, but Sam continues, her tone serious despite the grin playing on her lips.
“But here’s the thing, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t ready. If you didn’t have pure talent and skill, they wouldn’t have called you up. You belong here, and you’ve got all of us behind you. You have nothing to worry about.”
You take a shaky breath, nodding, letting her words sink in. Maybe she’s right. No. She is right.
“Thanks, Sammy,” you murmur, and she smiles before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
“Anytime, Kiddie.”
Before you can respond, the coach’s voice booms through the locker room.
“Game time!”
The room erupts into motion. Your heart pounds, but this time, there’s something else mixed in with the nerves, excitement. You take one last deep breath, stand up, and follow your team out onto the field.
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The stadium lights bear down on you, illuminating the field in a way that makes everything feel surreal. The roar of the crowd is deafening, a mix of Australian and American fans creating a constant buzz that fills your chest with nerves.
You blink. For a second, the lights seem too bright, the world almost dreamlike.
You shake your head quickly, grounding yourself back in the moment. Focus.
Sam is hyping everyone up, her voice loud and confident. Caitlin gives you a nod, her usual calm demeanor somehow reassuring.
“Ready, kid?” Alanna nudges you with her elbow.
You take a deep breath and nod. You don’t know if it’s entirely true, but you want it to be.
“Good,” she grins. “Let’s give ’em hell.”
Ellie cracks her knuckles beside you. “Try not to faint, alright?”
Before you can reply, Mini elbows her. “Leave the kid alone, she’s already stressing.”
“I’m not stressing,” you protest weakly.
Mini raises an eyebrow. “Right, and I’m a six-foot striker.”
Steph smirks. “Hey, that’d be terrifying.”
Ellie grins. “I’d score a hat trick every game.”
“Against an open goal, maybe,” Caitlin mutters.
Before Ellie can argue, the ref’s whistle cuts through the noise.
The U.S. comes out aggressive, pressing hard and fast, making it difficult for your team to settle. You track back defensively, trying to hold your own against their left-back, who isn’t giving you an inch of space. The pace is relentless, and your lungs burn, but you push through it.
Then, in the 23rd minute, the U.S. strikes first. A sharp cross, a towering header, and just like that, you’re down 1-0.
Macca picks the ball out of the net, shaking her head but clapping her hands. “We go again!”
Sam shouts, “Heads up, we’re still in this!”
And she’s right. Because ten minutes later, you get your first real moment.
Mini finds you out wide with a pinpoint pass. You take a quick touch, feel the defender closing in, and then you burst forward. A sharp cut inside, a feint, and you slip past her. The space opens up just enough. You whip in a cross, and there’s Mary, perfectly positioned. One touch, back of the net.
The celebration is instant. Mary grins at you, offering a fist bump as the team huddles together. Steph ruffles your hair, and Ellie slaps your back.
“That’s more like it! Goal in your first debut!” Alanna shouts.
“See, baby bird can fly,” Caitlin teases.
For the first time all game, you let yourself breathe. You’re doing it. You’re here.
The U.S. regains the lead early in the second half with a rocket from distance. Macca dives, fingertips grazing the ball, but it’s not enough.
You jog back to your position, frustration bubbling under your skin. You glance up into the stands, and for a split second, your breath catches.
A little girl with an Australian flag painted on her face. She has an old Tillies jersey, but it’s her sign that caught your attention. It had your name on it obviously in her hand writing.
“Stay in it,” Sam mouths, bringing you back.
And you do. Minute 78. Your moment comes.
Mini wins the ball in midfield and immediately looks for you. The second you see her foot swing, you’re already moving. The ball zips toward you, perfect weight, perfect angle. You take one touch, just enough to set yourself up, and then, you strike.
It’s clean. Pure. The ball curls, spinning past the keeper’s outstretched hands. The net ripples.
For a second, everything is silent in your head. And then, chaos.
Ellie practically jumps on your back. Caitlin grabs your shoulders, shaking you with excitement. Alanna and Steph clap you on the back, and Mini, beaming, yells, “THAT’S MY GIRL!”
But it’s Sam’s voice that cuts through the noise.
The match ends shortly after. 2-2. A draw against the U.S., and considering the way your team is celebrating, it feels like a win.
As the final whistle blows, you exchange handshakes, feeling the adrenaline finally start to fade. Your legs are heavy, exhaustion creeping in. You quietly peel away from the group, heading toward the tunnel, wanting to slip away unnoticed. But before you can disappear, an arm wraps around your shoulders.
“Where are you going, Kiddie?”
Sam’s voice is light, teasing, as she gently redirects you.
“The locker room?” you answer hesitantly, furrowing your brows.
She chuckles. “Nope. I have someone you need to meet.”
She steers you toward the center of the field, where a blonde U.S. player is waiting with an easy smirk.
“Sunny, this is Kristie,” Sam says, grinning. “My better half.”
Ellie leans in from behind you. “The actual boss of Sam Kerr.”
Kristie extends a hand, her smirk softening into a warm smile. “Nice goal, kid. You gave us trouble out there.”
You shake her hand, still feeling a little starstruck. “Uh, thanks.”
Sam squeezes your shoulder. “She’s shy, but don’t worry, she’ll warm up.”
Kristie laughs. “Sounds like someone else I know.”
Ellie gasps dramatically. “You mean Sam wasn’t born screaming orders at people?”
Caitlin grins. “Shocking, I know.”
You glance between the two of them as they exchange knowing looks. The nerves that had been weighing you down all night start to fade, replaced by something warmer, acceptance.
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s0urw00lf · 6 months ago
This is a PSA. From here on out I write for all women (because I have yet to explore gender neutral writing and I don’t want to accidentally slip up and say something that might make it seem like it’s only woman based)
MEANING. Black, White, Asian, Brown, Hispanic etc.
And if I’m writing about a certain race it will be specified. As a black female it really angers me to see x readers with an obvious target audience that doesn’t include myself, all my life myself and so many other women watched as others were in the spotlight and I rarely saw any representation of myself on screen, let alone ACCURATE. It always has to be stereotyped into the story. Why can’t we be written as an heir to a long line of lawyers or doctors. Why does it always have to be we made it from the trenches and we don’t belong.
Wrote all of that to say. My fics are for ALL women, unless I say otherwise. I just want people to feel more accepted and show that change is happening.
Yes I will be writing WOC for EVERYONE I write for.
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colmiillo · 6 months ago
I need an angst that leaves me destroyed and lying in bed for 5 days
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ghostpainters · 2 years ago
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Danny Phantom and Company Go Ghost Hunting 
Sometimes you just gotta grab some snacks, set up your ghost hunting equipment, and wait. 
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 1 year ago
some ideas i have for the Teen Villain Alliance
Dr. Danny "I stole my PhD from Harvard at gunpoint" Fenton is Damian's best friend despite being at least six years older than him, while Crown Prince Phantom Dark is more of a father figure to Damian despite them being the same flipping person.
Sam is still Damian's favorite though, she's the one who he approached to join.
someone suggested that each "squad" of teens has a different pest as their squad name. So the inner circle (Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tuck, Dani, maybe Klarion since he was there first) are Wolves, with each having a squad under them. Phantom doesn't have a squad, but Fenton's mad science squad are called rats, Jazz has mice, Sam reclaimed bats from the batfam, tuck has his flies, etc
Phantom and Pharaoh tuck pretending that they have no idea what Tennessee is because Wally mistakes them for the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Damian is convinced that the inner circle are Prince Phantom's harem and convinces Dick of that too when he joins.
I really want to add Dick to the Everlasting Trio guys, I really do, but this is about the Teen Villain Alliance, not young adult villain alliance, so the oldest I feel like I can make the trio are 20, with Dick being 24, so if anyone has any problems with that... i guess you can leave, I've already decided on this plan of action.
The first time Red Hood encounters the TVA, they threaten him into buying them alcohol, he buys the nastiest shit he can think of to mess with the brats. Klarion throws up, Sam drinks straight faced
Red Huntress originally liked being an official justice league recognized super hero, but the stress of work and being constantly relied on to save people wears her down. She confronts Phantom for setting these ghosts on her, but he hasn’t done anything, this is the regular amount of ghosts. In fact, he asked that most of his rogues limit their visits to once every two weeks, so its actually less. Valerie has a mental breakdown and joins the TVA
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redroses07 · 8 months ago
when the show/movie has a cast that’s so fine you don’t know who to read a fic about 😞
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holyblonded · 5 days ago
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first day nerves | always sunny in australia
pairings: sam kerr x teen!reader, arsenal x teen!reader
summary: your first day with your club brings up anxious thoughts
warnings: just anxiety
notes: i’m loving writing for chickadee
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You let your alarm ring, its shrill beeping filling the otherwise silent room. But you didn’t move. You had been awake long before it went off, staring at the ceiling as anxiety churned in your stomach. The weight of everything—the expectations, the pressure, the uncertainty, sat heavy on your chest. A knock at the door cut through the stillness.
“Chickadee,” Sam’s voice came from the other side, gentle but firm. “Time to get up. Caitlin’s coming over for breakfast with Kyra and Steph.”
You swallowed, forcing yourself to sit up. “Coming,” you mumbled, though your voice barely carried past the door.
With a deep breath, you swung your legs over the side of the bed and stood, stretching out the stiffness from another restless night. You moved on autopilot, pulling on a hoodie and shorts before making your way out of your room.
The smell of eggs and toast filled the kitchen by the time you entered, and Sam was already at the stove, flipping something in a pan. She glanced over her shoulder when she heard your footsteps.
“Morning, Kid,” she said, her eyes flicking over you like she was assessing if you’d actually slept. You knew better than to think you could fool her.
You hummed in response, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you shuffled to the fridge for some juice. Before you could even pour yourself a glass, the front door swung open.
“Oi, you didn’t lock it?” Kyra’s voice rang out as she stepped inside, followed closely by Caitlin and Steph.
Sam rolled her eyes. “Didn’t know I had to with you lot showing up uninvited at all hours.”
“You love it,” Caitlin grinned, dropping a bag of pastries onto the counter before stepping over to ruffle your hair. “Morning, Chickie.”
You huffed, ducking away, but she just laughed.
Steph plopped down at the table, stretching her legs out with a satisfied sigh. “This better be a good breakfast, Kerr. You promised quality.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sam muttered, plating the eggs as Kyra hopped onto the counter, stealing a piece of toast right off the cutting board.
You watched them all with a small smile, the familiar chaos settling some of the unease in your chest.
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The car ride to Arsenal training was a mistake. You should have known better than to let Kyra sit next to you. From the moment you got in, she was relentless.
“Oi, Chickie,” she started, nudging your arm. “You nervous? Bet you’re nervous.”
You stared out the window, pretending she didn’t exist.
“C’mon, mate,” she pressed, leaning in closer. “First day at Arsenal. Big club. Lots of expectations. What if you—”
Caitlin reached from the front seat, smacking Kyra’s leg without even turning around. “Leave her alone.”
“I’m just saying,” Kyra continued, completely unfazed. “Pressure’s on. What if she trips walking into the training ground? That’d be embarrassing.”
Steph, driving, snorted. “She’s not you, Kyra.”
You sighed, shaking your head. “Kyra, shut up.”
“Wow. Rude.” She clutched her chest like you had wounded her. “I’m just trying to prepare you for all possible scenarios.”
You turned to her, deadpan. “You’re actually just annoying.”
Kyra gasped dramatically, then turned to Caitlin. “You hear that? My own teammate. Betrayed.”
Caitlin didn’t even look up from her phone. “Yeah, you deserve it.”
Steph grinned at you in the rearview mirror. “You’re handling her well, Chickie. Usually, she takes longer to break people.”
Kyra crossed her arms with a pout. “You’re all just jealous of my natural charisma.”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. The nerves were still there, sitting heavy in your stomach, but with them around, it felt a little easier to breathe.
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“Remember, you are going to be fine. Take deep breaths, use your counting technique, rub your chest, and if you feel uncomfortable or worried in any sort of way, scream, and one of us will come running, okay?”
Steph cradled your face in her palms, her thumbs brushing over your cheeks as she scanned you over, looking for any telltale signs of distress. Caitlin nodded along from where she leaned against the wall leading to the locker room, her arms crossed as she watched you carefully.
“Jeez, she’s just getting a tour from Leah and Kim. She’s not going off to war,” Kyra teased, giving you a playful hip bump. But you knew her well enough to tell that, despite her words, she was a little worried too. Kyra always used humor to mask it.
You took a shaky breath and nodded. “It’ll be fine. I’ll be fine.”
Steph still looked unconvinced, but before she could say anything else, the doors swung open, and Leah and Kim stepped in, both wearing easy smiles.
“There’s our newest little Gunner,” Leah said, ruffling your hair. “Ready for the grand tour?”
You nodded, swallowing hard. Your nerves were buzzing, and your fingers twitched slightly at your sides. But this was Leah and Kim, they were supposed to be looking after you. You could handle this.
They led you through the training facilities first, pointing out the locker rooms, gym, physio rooms, and common areas. You took it all in quietly, nodding and offering small smiles whenever they looked your way. Kim did most of the talking, explaining the routines, the expectations, and the team culture, while Leah threw in jokes and reassurances along the way.
Eventually, you reached an open lounge area, and that’s when you saw her.
A chocolate lab lay sprawled out on the floor, her long tail wagging as she perked up at the sight of new people. Your heart melted instantly.
“Oh my god,” you breathed.
Leah grinned. “Meet Win, Arsenal’s therapy dog. She’s the real star of the team.”
Win trotted up to you, sniffing your hand before pressing her head against your leg, her tail thumping against the floor. Instinctively, you dropped to your knees and ran your fingers through her soft fur. She leaned into your touch, her big brown eyes filled with nothing but love.
“She likes you,” Kim noted, watching with a small smile.
You smiled, the most genuine one you’d given all day. “I love her.”
Leah laughed. “Yeah, that tends to happen.”
You stayed with Win for a moment longer, scratching behind her ears before reluctantly standing up to continue the tour.
As much as you tried to focus on what Leah and Kim were saying, your mind kept racing. Every hallway, every new face, every unfamiliar sound—it all added to the weight pressing against your chest. You kept your hands clasped behind your back, fingers fidgeting as you nodded along to their explanations, offering the occasional quiet “thank you” or polite smile.
Kim was steady, her voice calm and reassuring as she walked you through the team culture, the expectations, and the routines you’d soon be a part of. Leah, ever the charismatic leader, balanced it out with playful remarks and a relaxed demeanor, making sure to keep the mood light.
When you reached the locker room, Leah pushed the door open with a flourish. “And here,” she declared, “is where the magic happens.”
The room was spacious, lined with red and white cubbies, each one personalized with a nameplate. A few players were gathered inside, either finishing up training or just lounging around.
“Hey, we got the newbie!” Katie McCabe, Caitlin’s Katie, called out, grinning as she slung an arm over the back of a chair.
You felt your stomach flip as all eyes turned to you. You shifted on your feet, suddenly very aware of how small you felt in the doorway.
Kim, sensing your hesitation, placed a hand on your shoulder. “Alright, let’s not scare her off on her first day.”
“Don’t worry, Caitlin would kill me if I did,” Katie shot back, but her teasing was accompanied by a wink.
You managed a small smile as Leah guided you further inside. “This’ll be your spot,” she said, tapping an empty cubby. “We’ll get your nameplate sorted soon. And don’t worry, we keep the initiation rituals pretty mild these days.”
“‘These days’?” you echoed, eyes narrowing slightly.
Leah just smirked. “You’ll see.”
You barely had time to process that before a blur of energy shot across the room and crashed into Leah.
“LEE!” Beth Mead practically tackled her in a hug before turning to you, eyes bright with curiosity. “Oh, you must be the little one they’ve been talking about.”
Little one. You flushed slightly, not sure if it was from embarrassment or warmth.
“She’s not that little,” Leah defended with a chuckle, ruffling your hair again.
Beth hummed as she sized you up, then grinned. “Nah, I see what they mean. You’ve got that whole ‘wide-eyed, new kid’ thing going on. It’s cute.”
You weren’t sure what to say to that, so you just ducked your head, your fingers twisting in the hem of your training top.
Kim, always the steady presence, clapped her hands once. “Alright, let’s keep moving. Still more to see.”
The tour continued, but the nerves were still there, bubbling under the surface. Every introduction, every new space, every unfamiliar voice, it was a lot. You tried your best to absorb everything, but your voice stayed soft, your responses clipped and cautious.
And then, finally, you stepped onto the pitch.
The moment the fresh air hit you, the tension in your shoulders loosened. The smell of freshly cut grass, the feel of solid ground beneath your cleats— it was familiar. It was safe.
Kyra, who had apparently been waiting on the sidelines, immediately perked up when she saw you. “About time!” She jogged over, her usual cheeky grin in place. “Alright, Chickadee, first things first. Can you still kick a ball, or have you lost your touch since we last played together?”
You scoffed. “I could outplay you any day, Ky, you know that.”
“Ohhh, big words from the kiddie,” Kyra teased, grabbing a ball and nudging it toward you. “Prove it.”
Something flickered inside you, something comfortable, something playful. You met Kyra’s gaze, then, with a flick of your ankle, sent the ball nutmegging her perfectly.
The reaction was immediate. Leah let out a sharp laugh, Kim smirked in approval, and Kyra spun around, her mouth open in exaggerated betrayal.
“Oh, so that’s how it is?” Kyra gasped, clutching her chest like she’d been personally offended.
You shrugged, the edges of your lips tugging up. “Guess so.”
Beth, who had followed along, let out a loud cackle. “Oh, I like her.”
Kyra let out a dramatic sigh before slinging an arm around your shoulders. “Alright, Chickie, since Harps isn’t here it’s official, you’re my partner-in-crime. At least here.”
You playfully shove Kyra away from you, the weight in your chest felt a little lighter. The nervous energy still hummed beneath your skin, but as you stood there, laughing with Kyra, surrounded by the steady presence of Leah and Kim, the warmth of Beth, and the approving glances from the others, you started to believe Sam was right. Maybe, just maybe, you could belong here.
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random-sparks-98 · 5 months ago
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Last piece for the @dpxdcbigbang this year! This is another one for @wolfjackle's fic Behind the Fortress Walls (scene from chapter 4)
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glassroo · 1 year ago
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yuor gonna tell me sam waas a goth in the 2000's nd only had like 3 outfits....textbook goth erasure....borderline hate crime......
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