#teen maito gai
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trans-duckling · 2 months ago
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Learning Your Touch: Tentative Hands
Kakashi wanted to have sex with Gai. He was sure of that. But... It was complicated. The past experiences he had had were not good, and he didn't want to ruin Gai's first time. So, they talked about it. There were some fears and worries. Also laughs. And, especially, the joy of learning each other touch. Communication, turned out, was what really made a difference. . “Just… Well, as I told you I don’t have, uh… Any experience with other people. And even with myself I haven’t been very forwards, so, I… Um… What if I do it wrong?” Kakashi brought him down for another kiss. “Then we’ll do it wrong together” he assured. “You cannot be worse than the others, Gai, if only because I want to do it with you.”
Kakashi enjoyed very much kissing Gai. Whereas the first time they had done it felt chaotic and anxious, that changed from the second time on. It grounded him. It was as if, the moment their lips touched, he was able to breathe. For however long they were kissing each other, his mind didn’t think about his father, or Obito, or Rin, or Minato, or Kushina. No dead love ones holding him down. No missions or shinobi duties. In that moment, he was just Gai’s boyfriend.
And he loved it.
Then, the other teen decided to migrate his lips from the Hatake’s mouth to his naked neck and his hand to his ass. He separated almost immediately, looking at Gai with a surprised expression.
“I-I’m sorry” the boy said, removing his lips and hands. “Is this not ok?”
In truth, Kakashi shouldn’t be surprised. They were almost adults, Gai seventeen and him sixteen. Also, they were in his bedroom and it was the middle of the night. If they were going to bring their relationship to the next level, it definitely would be in that context.
“It’s not that” he let out, realizing his lack of response was making the other boy worry. “Just… Have you done it before?”
They for sure had never gone further than making out. And even if things got heated, they didn’t remove clothes or let their hands wander much. In fact, Kakashi’s hands rarely left the nape of Gai’s neck.
The shifting of his boyfriend to sit up on the mattress indicated him that, whatever was going to happen, would take place after a conversation. He incorporated as well, feeling a little nervous.
“No” Gai answered. “I mean! For sure I have been curious, and, and… I know how to please myself! But I never took up on any offer I have been made, especially not since we got together, rival! I have been completely faithful to you!”
“I haven’t” he babbled, nausea going up his throat.
Gai’s expression had dropped. His eyes were opened wide, lips separated and posture tense. By the looks of it, he was feeling a mix of disappointment and heartbreak. Kakashi realized his mistake immediately.
“Not because I didn’t want to!” he assured, attempting to reach the other teen’s hands but stopping in the last second. He might not want his touch, after that. “I… It was the mission.”
Thick eyebrows frowned.
“A mission?! What kind of mission would…?” Gai stopped himself the moment his brain reached the obvious answer to his question. “Oh.”
The Hatake simply nodded, unsure of what else to do. Where exactly did that leave them?
“I… wasn’t aware you were required to do those kind of missions in ANBU.”
“Sometimes there is no other option” he shrugged. Normally, not thinking much about it was the best. “There are some restrictions, though. Not more than three a year, two if you’re underage. I only did one since we got together. I should have told you, I’m sorry.”
If he tried, Kakashi could probably come up with some kind of excuse: he dissociated too much to remember, he was not allowed to talk about missions, he was ashamed… He didn’t want to say any of that, though, even if there was a small truth in each of those statements. Mostly, he had convinced himself that it didn’t matter. Because, the same way he used his body as a weapon to kill an enemy, he could use it as a temptation to get close enough in situations in which there was no other option. Both things were equally disgusting, but if Gai was able to live with the first one, there shouldn’t be a problem with the other. Right?
Judging by the other boy’s expression, he was not sure of what to think.
“I’m sorry” the Hatake repeated, for good measure. “I don’t know what else to say.”
“I… Is it worth it?”
There was a tone accompanying the question that made Kakashi feel disgust. He retreated slightly back, sending Gai a pointy look.
“I don’t enjoy it” he spatted.
The other teen’s eyes opened wide, as if realizing his mistake.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” he exclaimed, bowing his head. “I’m sorry! I just… I know you cannot talk about it but, the result… Is it worth it?”
Kakashi thought about the thirty-two kids he had saved during his last honey-pot mission, all destined to be sold as sex slaves. Some of them already traumatized by the men and women that kidnapped them. His ANBU team had brought them back to their villages and families, tears running down their eyes as they hugged. If he hadn’t slept with the headman of the whole operation and then been taken to the place where the children were, their lives would be completely different.
Gai looked at him straight into his eyes, taking in the answer.
“Ok” he said a minute after. “I… understand, then.”
“You don’t have to agree with it, Gai” the Hatake pointed out. “I know it’s disgusting. Maybe if I talk to my superiors they’ll take me out of this kind of missions.”
He shrugged. Kakashi could try. But most likely they would end up needing him at some point, or if not him any other young ANBU. Either way, someone would have to do it.
In the past, he wouldn’t have even thought about it. If it was the mission, he would do it regardless of what Gai believed. That was a part of their relationship that terrified him; how much he seemed to be changing.
The other boy must have sensed what he was really thinking, as he moved forward to grab one of his hands. It was bigger than Kakashi’s and also warm. Their fingers fit perfectly together.
“Can I ask one more question about it?”
The Hatake sent him a side look, nodding.
“It’s ok if you don’t want to answer. I just… I’m sorry, rival, but I don’t think it’s fair that you, or anyone for that matter, have to do something that it’s supposed to be intimate and beautiful with somebody else for the mission.”
“The question, Gai” he sighed.
“Since when?”
Oh, well, if the other boy didn’t like the fact that he had to do honey-pot missions, he would definitely don’t like the response to that.
“Two years” the Hatake said. “Fourteen is the minimum age for it. If anyone younger is required, we just use Henges.”
As expected, Gai’s hand squeezed his hard, almost in a painful way.
“Why not use them for all missions?”
Kakashi let out another sigh.
“Because Henges can break under strenuous situations and then both the shinobi and the mission would be compromised.”
“Gai” he groaned. “You don’t have to like it, just believe that we can help a lot of people this way, innocent people. And if that’s not enough, then I would understand if you…”
Finishing that sentence was too much. Not a lie, though, because he would understand if Gai didn’t want to be with him anymore. After all, for what he said he had been saving himself for the right person, giving it a lot of importance. Kakashi, on the other hand, had bedded men and women older enough to be their parents and grandparents. The comparison was, undoubtedly, nothing short of disgusting.
That didn’t mean, however, that he had to like the idea of Gai leaving him.
“I would never do such a thing, rival” his boyfriend said in an unusual low and soft voice. “I like you, and I want to be with you. This just proved me that you have a bigger heart that I knew, because you’re willing to sacrifice such an important part of yourself for others that cannot protect themselves.”
The Hatake’s face suddenly grew incredibly hot. How could Gai turn the situation into one in which he was some short of hero? The fact that the other boy was still capable of making him feel like some kind of deadly butterflies were flying around in his belly, was equally annoying and amazing.
“However” Gai continued in a serious tone, “I understand that these… experiences were not pleasant for you and therefore you may not want to repeat them. If that’s the case, then I vow to…”
Oh, Kami-sama.
Kakashi grabbed him by the jumpsuit and pushed Gai on top of his body one more time, lips clashing. He made the kiss last, both to shut up the other teen and to bring his heart down to a normal rhythm again. If his boyfriend continued saying things like that, it would stop beating for real at some point.
“I do” he babbled when their mouths came slightly apart. “I definitely want to repeat those experiences if it’s with you.”
“Oh… OH!” the fact that Gai became equally flustered brought him some relief. “I, uh, that’s… Great! Yes! Just, uh…”
“We don’t have to do it now” the Hatake laughed.
“It’s not that! I would pretty much, uh, love to do it now” Gai looked like he wanted to hide under a blanket and rip off his clothes at the same time. It was kind of cute. “Just… Well, as I told you I don’t have, uh… Any experience with other people. And even with myself I haven’t been very forwards, so, I… Um… What if I do it wrong?”
Kakashi brought him down for another kiss.
“Then we’ll do it wrong together” he assured. “You cannot be worse than the others, Gai, if only because I want to do it with you.”
Whenever he had to do a honey-pot mission, the Hatake had needed to mentally prepare himself for it. Not only the first time —even if it was among the worst memories of his life—, but also the others. Those men and women hadn’t cared about how he was feeling, even if they faked it. They would never stop or mind if he was hurting.
He knew Gai would be different. With him he didn’t need to prepare or be scared.
“A-Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you, or, well, be hurt.”
“It’s not supposed to hurt if done correctly” he said, smiling. “That’s what I got out from the theory I received, anyways.”
“Ok, rival, I trust you.”
“We can also stop whenever we don’t feel safe or ready” Kakashi indicated, wanting to go over everything he had learnt and would love to have experienced himself. “This is also a first time for me, I guess, so I may not be up to your expectations.”
That seemed to calm Gai a bit, a soft smile reaching his lips as well. This time, it was him who leaned down for another kiss. It quickly migrated, though, reaching again for the visible skin on Kakashi’s neck. A chill ran through his body as the teen’s teeth bit softly there.
“Is this ok?” Gai mussitated against his neck.
“Y-Yeah” he whined. “Just… Let’s go with what comes natural to us.”
As Kakashi talked, his hands moved up, one to tangle in dark, black locks and the other to tug at the neck of Gai’s jumpsuit. He was enjoying quite a lot the feeling of his boyfriend’s tongue over his skin, and he would like to reciprocate. But the damn jumpsuit would not budge.
“How do you remove this thing?”
“By pulling it down, rival” the other teen chuckled, giving him goosebumps.
“Well, it’s not working” he complained, frustration slipping out. “Can’t I just rip it off?”
At that, Gai finally separated a bit, eyes meeting again.
“And how do you expect I go back to my house? Naked?”
“I could lend you some clothes” the Hatake huffed, blushing a bit before adding: “Or you could just… You know, stay here after.”
“Oh” the other boy mumbled. “Is that… Really?”
“Ok. Yes.”
“Can I tear it, then?”
Gai shily nodded and that was everything he needed to pull him down on a kiss as he used all the strength in his hands to break the dam jumpsuit. In his defense, Kakashi didn’t rip it a lot, just enough to bring it down Gai’s broad shoulders and finally exposing his chest.
Just as he had imagined —because regardless of his position, he was still a teenager with a boyfriend and got horny from time to time—, Gai’s skin was marked here and there by several scars, some larger than others. While the other boy went back to bite his neck, the Hatake let his own hands travel up and down his naked spine. Only when he got confident enough did he bring his fingers to the front part of Gai’s body, brushing over the hard belly before reaching for the pectorals and circling his nipples.
“Ah!” his boyfriend whined.
“S-Sorry” he muttered, removing his hands.
“No! Do it again!”
“Oh. Ok.”
For the next couples of minutes, he heard and felt Gai whining against his neck as he softly played with his nipples. He didn’t realize the sensitivity there was so high until that moment. Determined to make his boyfriend feel better, he pushed him up until they were both sitting, Gai spread over his legs and therefore a little bit higher than him. The position was perfect for him to lick his pectorals.
“Good?” he asked, teeth brushing over the right nipple.
“Y-Yes” Gai nodded, attempting to remove the Hatake’s shirt as well. “Can I…?”
To make it easier, Kakashi separated for a second as the other boy pushed the garment up and off, leaving the both of them naked from the waist up. His breath caught. He had been in that same position before, but nothing of what he had experienced compared to that moment. He was not scared or disgusted, but rather excited and… Well, horny.
“You’re beautiful, rival.”
“I could say the same, rival.”
It was not the first time he used the nickname on Gai, but the way he intoned the word made the other boy go red and hide his face in Kakashi’s neck. Which, by the way, was rather wet due to all the attention his boyfriend had been paying to it, and for sure would show a few hickeys the next day. Lucky for them, the Hatake’s shirt and Gai’s jumpsuit would cover all marks.
“Can I… touch you now?”
The other boy’s words were shy, but not because he was trying to treat Kakashi as if he was crystal due to his record. He knew better than that. He was just nervous, as he guessed anybody would be in that situation. Just as he was.
“Please” he answered.
The feeling of Gai’s hands over his naked waist was strange, but not uncomfortable. And when the touch migrated higher until they reached his nipples, the goosebumps came back. He let himself being pushed back down over the mattress, his boyfriend’s figure covering him. Gai’s actions started being similar to his, but soon began to add his own ideas as Kakashi reacted to different things.
Kami, had he ever whined and moaned like that? He doubted it. Probably he had never even been that aroused before.
As Gai’s tongue and teeth played with his chest, the Hatake grabbed at black hair, pulling just slightly as he tried to regain some kind of brain function. It felt kind of unfair, in that moment, to be learning how much he had been missing out. To realize that was how being close was supposed to feel. Messy, and chaotic to a point, but still comfortable and just right.
It took him a while to come back to the present, but Kakashi eventually was able to go into action, hands grabbing Gai’s face to bring him up for another kiss. One palm remained on the other boy’s cheek as they made out, the other travelling south in between their bodies until it stopped over the hitai-ate hanging from his waist.
“Do you still want to continue?”
“Please don’t stop now, rival” his boyfriend pleaded.
Who was he to deny him?
Kakashi skillfully undid the knot of the bandana with one hand as he went back to kissing Gai. Then, his hand followed the touch of curly hair from the lower part of his belly and down to the crotch area. The other boy’s breath caught as his hand brushed against his member. The Hatake’s first thought was: ‘this doesn’t feel like an acorn’, and then…
“You wear a thong under the jumpsuit?” he chuckled.
“Don’t laugh, rival!” his boyfriend pouted. “Any other underwear messes with the lines of my clothing!”
“Oh, I am not complaining” Kakashi commented. “Not at all.”
That was just adding another mental image for his own entertainment when he found himself bored.
For the next part, the Hatake was skilled. Or that had he been told. Gai had already released a good amount of precum, so he used that as lubricant to slide his own hand up and down a couple of times. That simple movement made the other boy whine, which developed into a full moan when Kakashi used his thumb to play with the head of his erection.
“R-Rival” he panted, face hiding on his neck one more time.
“Is this good? Or do you need more lube?”
He had some in his bedside table. There was this stupid rule in ANBU that allowed you to get the basic things for sex —lube, condoms, even pocket enemas— for free. They were supposed to be for missions, but the truth was that those rarely got used with a target. So, people just help themselves for their own needs. And Kakashi was a teenager, so he still jerked-off and preferred to do so with lubricant.
“It’s good” Gai quickly babbled out. “Very good, rival.”
He seemed to be going through the same problem to form a coherent thought as the Hatake had just a few minutes ago. A certain amount of pride filled his chest.
Letting his boyfriend enjoy the treatment, Kakashi made sure Gai’s head was safely secured against his neck before diving down to lick and bite the skin around the other boy’s shoulder. The act lead to another loud moan, satisfaction running through the Hatake’s veins. He continued with the handjob at the same time as his other hand pulled the jumpsuit down together with the thong. Soon after, both pieces of clothes where tangled around Gai’s knees.
The better access to his member allowed Kakashi to improve his movements, his free palm pressing against the other boy’s testicles to play with them. The gesture was clearly appreciated, as his boyfriend thrusted against his hand energetically.
“Ka… Kakashi!” Gai groaned, finally bringing his face up.
By then, he knew lust quite well. He was used to seeing it on the face of men and women that covered his body with theirs. This was not the same. There was something else accompanying the lust in Gai’s eyes. Something that scared the shit out of Kakashi but at the same time made him feel warm inside. Love.
“I-I want to touch you as well, rival” he said, hips still buckling slightly forwards. “Is that alright?”
His boyfriend’s movements slowed down as shaking hands started to pull down at the Hatake’s pants. To alleviate the pressure and speed of the moment, he changed the rhythm of his own hand around Gai’s member.
He had to push his hips slightly up in order to allow the pants and underwear to be rolled down, and when the warm air of the room hit his crotch, Kakashi gasped. The other boy looked down for a moment, eyes fixed on the space between their tangled legs, members almost brushing due to how hard they were. The position also allowed for a perfect comparison.
“I win this time!” Gai chuckled.
“You cannot seriously be comparing us in this moment” he groaned.
“It’s payback for when you criticized my acorn all those years ago, rival!”
If there was a God out there, Kakashi needed him to explain how it was possible for him to remain hard even with that conversation taking place. He was almost ashamed of feeling himself growing more excited even.
“Well, if you want your not-so-little-acorn to continue being played with, I recommend you shut your mouth.”
“You’re just frustrated because I’m bigger now!”
Well, that was bound to happen. Gai was also taller and broader. If the rest of his constitution had almost duplicated Kakashi’s during those years, why wouldn’t his penis do the same?
“I assure you that it’s not the reason of my frustration.”
It took the other boy a moment and a tug at his hard member to realize what he was talking about.
“Oh!” he said, completely flushed. “Y-Yeah, of course! I’ll just… Here.”
The touch of Gai’s hand on his shaft sent a current of electricity through the Hatake’s body, a moan immediately leaving his mouth. Kami, it couldn’t even compare with touching oneself. For this, his boyfriend didn’t seem to need any guidance, probably going with what he knew. Which was good. Really good.
After a few seconds of brain-melting at the glorious sensation, Kakashi went back to move his own hands. It turned out to be difficult, to concentrate on pleasing another person when you yourself were in cloud nine.
“Fuck, Gai!” he moaned, thrusting into the other boy’s hand.
A part of him expected the disgust to hit his body at some point. They were sticky and wet due to the sweat and precum. The kind of mess they were making was what Kakashi hated most of having sex with other people.
Or so he thought.
In that moment, his brain was too focused on chasing his own pleasure and pleasuring Gai at the same time. There was no space for more. Except maybe to realize he wanted to kiss his boyfriend again, hand leaving his testicles to pull him down by the neck instead.
As their mouths clashed chaotically and perfectly, the kiss desperate, he felt his limit approaching. He almost bit Gai’s tongue because of it.
“I-I’m close” he managed in between kisses.
“Me too, rival” the other boy panted, kissing him again.
They didn’t need more, really. While their lips brushed against each other, this time softer, their hips continued bucking and their hands moving. He felt Gai’s cum fall onto his belly just a few seconds before he achieved his own orgasm, moans filling the room.
Ten seconds were the exact amount of time they managed to look into each other eyes, smiling, before their bodies gave up. At least his boyfriend was kind enough to fall just half over him.
“T-That was… amazing” Gai breathed after a bit.
Kakashi’s eyes stayed fixed on the dark ceiling for a moment. His brain seemed to need a bit to recover from what had just happened. In the meantime, the other boy shifted slightly until he was lying on his side next to him. Bright teeth were visible for the Hatake even in that position. Smiling as well, he turned to look at Gai.
“So, you enjoyed it?”
“Very much, rival!”
“Good to know” he chuckled. “And we didn’t even go all the way.”
“But it was perfect either yet, Kakashi! And as I said before, I would be just fine with this if…”
“We’ll see, ok?” he huffed. “For sure we are not going to do it now. I don’ think we have everything we need and I’m too tired to go to the quarters to take it.”
Gai made a weird face, as if he was not sure of what he was referring to. Which made sense, since at the Academy they only taught them about sex between men and women, but he was not about to instruct him in that moment. Instead, they remained in silence for a few more minutes, until Kakashi felt some energy coming back to him.
“We should take a shower” he said, hand brushing over Gai’s sticky chest and belly. “And probably change the sheets, as well.”
“I will assist you, rival!” his boyfriend assured in a tone that almost made it sound as if he was ready for round 2. “It’s still… ok if I stay the night?”
The Hatake softly smiled.
“Sure, I’ll lend you some clothes.”
It took them one more minute, but they finally got out of bed.
“I’ll take out the new sheets while you remove these?”
“Sure, rival!”
Clearly wanting to make a competition out of it, Gai rushed to start removing the bedding as he just dragged his feet to the nearest closet. They worked well together, so the bed was newly done in no time, way more clean than them.
“Come on, let’s take a shower.”
The Hatake brushed his boyfriend’s arm as he passed him to get into the bathroom. The apartment was rather small, just a tiny entrance, a kitchen/living room and a bedroom with the bathroom attached. Not that he needed more. If being honest, he had just rented that place for the sake of their relationship. He could not bring Gai into the ANBU quarters, and the other teen’s house was far from the village center and barely stood together anymore. Kakashi had offered him to stay in that apartment —not as in, sharing it, because he was only in it to spend time with Gai—, but he refused. The other boy was adamant on finding and renting his own place, assuring him that he had almost enough money saved for it.
Turning on the light of the bathroom, his breath caught. He felt suddenly exposed and dirty, just as it happened to him after a honey-pot mission. With one small difference: he could sense the eyes of the other person still behind him.
It was different in that room. They had kept the lights of the bedroom off, their eyes used to the soft light coming from the streets and the moon. Now, the white glow of the bulbs let him see all the marks and fluids over his own body.
“I’m ok” he mumbled, finally moving forwards so Gai could enter the bathroom. “I just zoned out for a moment.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I… I want to get clean, that’s all.”
One of his boyfriend’s hands found its place on the Hatake’s waist, the rest of their bodies almost brushing as Gai bent down to kiss his neck softly.
And just like that, his anxiety became so small that Kakashi could ignore it.
“Yeah, come on.”
Grabbing the hand on his waist, he pulled the other teen into the shower with him. When Kakashi turned to look at Gai, he directed his eyes straight to his boyfriend’s chest, sweaty and dirty with cum, just as his belly. Further down, his member stayed flaccid and half hidden in between curly black hair. As the Hatake’s eyes travelled up to meet the other boy’s face, he realized there was no lust left on Gai’s expression. Or at least it was kept to a minimum. There was concern, instead, mixed with tiredness and what he called adoration —love would be too risky word to use.
“Is it ok if I help cleaning you up, rival?” the teen asked. “You don’t have to do the same for me if you don’t want, of course!”
Yeah, he definitely didn’t feel anything closer to what he experienced after a honey-pot mission.
“Don’t be stupid, I’m not going to let you have all the fun.”
Kakashi brought a hand up, as if looking for Gai’s face, and then passed it over to turn on the water. The splash and following scream that came out from his boyfriend’s lips for sure awoke a couple of people in the building.
“Ssh, Gai, I have neighbors, you know?” the Hatake mocked as he played with the heat control to make it warmer.
“You’re evil, rival.”
“And still, you keep me around” he continued poking. “Doesn’t that make you a masochist?”
Not giving the other boy the opportunity to answer, he pushed him back under the water to get him completely soaked. He saw Gai rolling his eyes, but he didn’t say anything else as they showered together. Their touches lacked of real intention, but the Hatake would be lying if he said the sexual desire was out of the picture. Still, they kept it down, not looking for having a second round so soon.
The water kept falling down at a nice temperature as he kissed Gai under the shower head, drops slipping in between their lips whenever they separated to breathe. By the time they got out, they were more than clean and relaxed enough to fall in bed without a word.
As promised, Kakashi lend his boyfriend a change of clothes, just some comfy grey pants and a big sweater he kept in there for emergencies.
“Rival, isn’t this mine?” Gai asked as he dressed.
“Obviously not, since I have it” he answered, shrugging. “And if you take it, I’ll steal it again.”
The other teen huffed while pulling him down to the bed. The Hatake would never admit the reason he had borrowed that sweater from Gai was because it smelled like him. He would not say out loud that, when his boyfriend left for a long mission and he had nothing to do, he would sometimes put it on while reading to not feel alone.
They laid facing each other on the mattress, hands slightly brushing. At the end, Gai was the first to fall asleep, his soft snoring quickly filling the room. Kakashi stayed awake a little more time, just observing him. It was the first time he slept with someone in the same bed. Whenever he was in a mission, he just waited until the target was out to kill them, or steal from them or just tie them up for interrogation. With Gai, there was no agenda of any kind.
Timidly, he moved closer to the other teen and the reaction was almost instantaneous, one arm and leg coming over his body to bring him against Gai’s chest. He knew his boyfriend normally slept hugging a pillow —or a bag, if he was in a mission—, so the act itself was not that strange. What was not normal, though, was the way his body fully relaxed then. The few times he had had to let another person grab him like that after sex, he had been hyper-alert, body almost trembling. At some point, he had started to fear he would not be able to be held like that by someone he cared about.
As he waited for sleep to catch him, Kakashi drew a few conclusions out of the last hours activities. Sex was not bad. He could enjoy it —even crave it— with Gai. Communication and consent were weird considering his background, but he didn’t feel as ashamed as he had initially thought would happen. The fact that Gai was sometimes shy helped with that. Of course, they had not put anything in any holes yet, but he still considered it sex. It was a win knowing the experience could be satisfying even for him.
Breathing against Gai’s pectorals, he moved his hands up to hug him as well and closed his eyes.  
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cool-thymus · 2 years ago
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How often do we see this man freaking out like a teenager? Exactly xD
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mistletoeandarrows · 1 year ago
Caught Looking
I'm thrilled to share my fic for @kumeramen's gorgeous, ultra-sweet prequel baseball artwork! I had a ton of fun putting a sporty 50s twist on this beautiful ship. Enjoy! 🧡⚾
Pairing: Shisui/Sakura
Rating: T
“Go! GO! Shisui-senpai!” Turning toward the bleachers, Shisui spotted a petite girl in the front row waving her pom-poms a little too ardently, her long pink hair whipping through the air. The other cheerleaders had about half her intensity and vocal projection. It wasn’t unusual for the cheer squad to practice alongside the baseball team. Shisui just wasn’t used to having such an impassioned admirer—a strikingly pretty one, at that.
Read the one-shot on AO3
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majormiles · 8 days ago
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That Which Burns Twice as Bright by LePetitRosebud
🌿 Naruto
🌿 Hatake Kakashi / Maito Gai
🌿 Teen | 1.6k | oneshot
🌿 Graphic depicitons of violence & non-con drug use
Hatake Kakashi is the luckiest man in the world, even when he's not.
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annasmafroo · 2 years ago
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sketch list but it's Maito Gai's fankid being chaotic ass teen (his name is Kai)
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phoebezu · 5 months ago
Fictober 2024 prompt #4: no, we’re not doing that
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Relationship: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy Language: English Words: 100
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chasing-posts · 7 months ago
Chapters: 7/8 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Hatake Kakashi & Maito Gai | Might Guy, Nohara Rin & Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy, Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai | Might Guy, Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin, Namikaze Minato, Original Characters Additional Tags: Blood and Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Gai is from Iwagakure, IWAGai, Character Death, Original Character Death(s), Panic Attacks, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Pre-Relationship, Uchiha Obito Lives, Nohara Rin Lives, Kannabi Bridge Mission, Blood, Injury, Surgery, Graphic Description, Team Minato lives, Kakashi Gaiden, Protective Uchiha Obito, Medic Nohara Rin, Team Minato-centric, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Third Shinobi War, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Iwagakure | Hidden Stone Village, Konohagakure | Hidden Leaf Village, Hatake Kakashi Needs a Hug, Uchiha Obito Needs a Hug, Nohara Rin Needs A Hug Series: Part 24 of Kakashi and Gai, Part 1 of IwaGai/Iwaverse Summary:
"How did it go with him?” asked Minato quietly, nodding towards the Iwagakure boy kneeling before them. “Any issues?” Time seemed to stop for Gai as he stared up at The Yellow Flash, both of them waiting on Kakashi’s answer.
Chapter 7 is out! Let's go XD
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adhdnojutsu · 2 years ago
Meet my custom CSP 2.0 3D heads!
I made the following heads to help me draw certain characters more consistently. They are for Clip Studio Paint 2.0 and you can buy them with Clippy! While these heads are not created to represent any specific character, here's a list of which head I personally use for what character:
Brown Head - Hobie / Spiderpunk
Funny old man head - Jiraiya
Head of girl with big forehead - Sakura (all ages)
Adult male villain head - Madara (adult)
Young girl or woman head - Tenten (teen)
Young man or teenage boy - Shisui
Teenage boy head - Sasuke (teen)
Young man or brother - Sasuke (adult)
Young girl face - Rin
Young adult man head - Obito (adult)
Teenage boy hero head - Naruto (teen)
Muscular adult man head - Kisame
Male teacher 3D head - Kakashi
Feminine young man head - Itachi
Adult male head - Gai maito
Young villain male head - Deidara
Creepy old man head - Danzo
And for free: a chalk outline of Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha...
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trans-duckling · 9 months ago
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KakaGai Week 2024: New and Exciting
Words: 1,661 Pairing: KakaGai Promt: Arrogance
Kakashi jumped from one building to the next one, ignoring the fast-beating heart inside his chest as he moved towards Konoha’s center. It was strange, to be feeling again such a deep emotion as happiness after so long, but he had found there was no point in ignoring it.
Almost a month had passed since Gai and him kissed for the first time after an unusual mission in which the Hatake had participated as jounin rather than ANBU. Tension had been high, and by the end of it their nerves were so out of place that they had launched at each other as crazy teenagers —which Kakashi guessed they were, being sixteen and seventeen—, and kissing until their lips bled. He had ran away the moment he realized what they had done.
But that was the past. Gai, in his classic behavior, had looked for him and demanded a conversation after they moved on from the initial shock. And, somehow, the conclusion of that talk had been that they would keep doing it. Kissing. Nothing serious, of course, because shinobi rarely had time for relationships, but still… It was different from before. And Kakashi enjoyed it. A lot.
His feet came to an stop on a tree next to the building he was aiming for. Gai had told him he would be having lunch there with the team from his last mission —people the Hatake didn’t know or cared about—, and afterwards they could go training together. Normally, Kakashi would be too busy with ANBU missions for a plan like that, but after an incident about a week before, the Hokage had put him on leave for a couple of days. With so much free time, he had no reason to say ‘no’ to one of Gai’s challenges.
“I honestly don’t know what you see in that guy” one voice coming out from the establishment said. “Everybody who ever worked with him says he’s an arrogant and doesn’t know how to work in a team. He’s called ‘friend-killer’ for a reason, you know?”
“I would appreciate if you wouldn’t use that name to refer to my rival” Gai responded a moment after, voice tensed. “If you haven’t worked with him or know him personally, I don’t see why you should be giving your opinion.”
Kakashi could not see them, but he was pretty sure Gai was clenching his fists, probably ready to punch anybody that kept talking badly about him. He had said several times already that it was not necessary, but he continued defending him anyways.
“We’re just looking after you” another person said, probably a woman. “You’re a good person, Gai, we don’t want you to end like… her.”
As gracious as always, the Hatake’s memory was kind enough to bring back to the front of his mind the image of Rin being killed by his own jutsu. Maybe they did have a point. Everybody he had ever cared about was dead. Gai was probably safest if he kept away from him.
“I can assure you I don’t need your protection, less if what you want to protect me from is my rival. I’ll be leaving now. See you around.”
A moment after, Kakahi saw Gai’s figure coming out from the establishment and disappearing in a blink. The next second, his friend was standing next to him on the branch, expression more serious than what he remembered to have seen in quite some time.
“Are you ok?”
“How did you know I was here?” he replied, frowning. “You’re bad at feeling chakra, it’s impossible you noticed me.”
Yeah, he could see why people thought he was an arrogant.
“I don’t need to feel chakra to know when you’re around, rival” Gai explained as if that made sense. “I just know.”
Again, Kakashi’s dumb heart started to beat fast. He didn’t understand either why Gai had such power over him with just a few words. It didn’t make sense.
“So, are you ok?” he asked again. The Hatake just shrugged. “Come on, let’s go to a training field.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, jumping forwards the next moment. As expected, it became a race fast enough, one that he won just for half a second.
“GAH! I won’t lose the next time, rival!” Gai barked with a smile. “Now, do you want to talk?”
“About what?”
“I know you heard what they said, Kakashi” the taijutsu master said, kicking a rock. “Surely you…”
“They are right, you know?”
“I am arrogant, and people around me tend to get killed or just die” the Hatake repeated as if nothing. “You would be safer far away from me.”
He saw Gai’s eyes opening wide, his expression full of surprise and confusion all at once. It would’ve been funny, if not for the conversation’s topic. A deep breathe a second later indicated him he was about to become deaf.
“YOU’RE NOT!” his friend exclaimed, pointing at him as if he had been the first one to make those accusations. “You never brag about your capacities, or think that you’re better than everybody else! Maybe you were a little arrogant in the past, but… Not anymore!”
Kakashi just shrugged again. If he thought coldly about it, Gai was right in that aspect. He didn’t go around telling the rest of the people he was better than them, he was just direct when declaring facts related to their capacities. Sometimes, that implied telling somebody they were useless. One could accuse him of lacking tact, if anything.
“Rival” Gai called once again. “I’m being serious. You must know I do not think as those other shinobi. I know you. They are the arrogant ones for thinking they need to warn me about you when you have never met each other.”
“Fine” the Hatake huffed, wanting that conversation to end already. “Can we fight now?”
He acquired a fighting stance, but Gai just moved forwards to take one of his hands. Something warm filled his chest and belly, even when the only real contact he was having was through his naked fingers, the rest of the skin covered by protectors. It was absurd.
“And the other bit is a lie, too” the other boy murmured, looking down at their hands. “You’re not the reason why they died, Kakashi. And I don’t need protection from you. You, uh… Make me happy.”
He felt Gai’s skin warm up against his, which was a consolation because it meant at least he was not the only one blushing. The whole hormones thing was really an inconvenient when wanting to keep your emotions in check. Kami, he could feel his back sweating. Disgusting.
“Okay, Gai” he managed to said, removing his hand from the hold to recover some serenity. “I, uh, feel the same. Can we train, now, please?”
He really wanted that conversation to end. Yeah, he was not a friend-killer and he could be loved. Whatever. The Hatake just wanted to start moving so the adrenaline would put a stop to the hormones disrupting his normal functioning.
“Of course, rival!” the other boy finally said, jumping back and bringing his fists up. “Prepare yourself to be defeated!”
Gai ended up being the one pinned to the ground. Which shouldn’t be a surprise, really. Even when training and time had made him stronger —also, bigger and taler than Kakashi—, the taijutsu master still lost the majority of their fights. Each time it was a little more difficult to beat him, though.
He was seated on top of Gai’s belly, one hand holding his arms over the other boy’s head while the free one pressed against his neck without the need to choke. It was evident the battle was finished.
Their breaths mixed with every pant they let out and their expressions quickly changed into something Kakashi had learnt to recognize as desire during the last few weeks. Feeling his face become red —hopefully dissimulated by the heat—, he retracted slightly back and let go of Gai’s arms. That turned out to not be a great idea, since his thighs ended up on top of the other’s lower body. Before the situation could become even more embarrassing, he got fully down of Gai, sitting on the grass and offering a hand to help him incorporate.
They stared at each other for a few seconds before they moved again. Kakashi thought it would be fairly easy to just launch forwards and do with Gai what he had already done with some targets on a mission. However, he also believed it was too soon for that. At least from his part. He was not ready for that level of intimacy. Not yet.
A warm hand came up to cup one of his cheeks, bringing him back to reality and to those deep dark eyes.
“Can I?” Gai asked, fingers brushing over his mask.
The Hatake nodded slowly, feeling the fabric slide down to his neck the next moment. As every other time they’d kissed, his friend took a couple of seconds to just look at him and care the newly naked skin. The warm feeling in his chest and belly came back.
Kissing Gai was messy and kind of a fight most of the time, their tongues battling inside the other’s mouth. This time, however, was different. Gai didn’t kiss him straight on the lips, but on the beauty mark next to them. Then, he moved to his mouth and brushed their lips together softly. Kakashi had to reach for his vest to ground himself as a new, intense emotion ran through his body. Slowly, they built up a rhythm that fitted both of them and didn’t feel like a battle. By the time they came apart for air, their breaths were even worse that at the end of their fight. They started laughing.
“You’re a very good kisser” the Hatake chuckled.
“Careful, rival, or I will become the arrogant one.”
First time doing an event, hope everything is alright and you got to enjoy the fic! :)
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twofortea · 1 year ago
@goldfishlover73 is the captain of this wonderful ship Chapter: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Pairing: Haruno Sakura/Maito Gai | Might Guy Additional Tags: Snow, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Holding Hands
On Sakura's way to find Naruto and Kakashi on new years, she runs into Gai, walking on his hands through the snow.
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bestnarutoduo · 1 year ago
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Here’s the line up of how the competition will go down! (If you look at the list of competitors, you’ll see how I organized it)
Side A:
Canada vs Prussia (both hetalia)
Percy (Epithet Erased) vs Yuu Koito (Bloom Into You)
Sherlock Holmes (BBC/ACD) vs Georgia Warr (Loveless)
Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place) vs Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Enjolras (Les Misérables) vs Lisa Wilbourn/Tattletale (Worm/Ward)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs Kodama Sakuko (Koisenu Futari)
Gwen Poole (Marvel) vs Takahashi Satoru (Koisenu Futari)
Monkey L Duffy (One Piece) vs Jake English (Homestuck)
Dakota Cole (Prime Defenders) vs Jonny D’Ville (The Mechanisms)
Artemis (Greek Mythology) vs Caduceus Clay (Critical Role)
Abel Moreau (Entropic Float) vs Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Peri Dubois (Entropic Float) vs Alix Kubdel (Miraculous Ladybug)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent) vs Daughter Dooley (Old Gods of Appalachia)
The Tin Woodsman (Oz) vs Soundwave (Transformers)
Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia) vs Mikoshiba Mikoto (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun)
Elsa (Frozen) vs Seiji Maki (Bloom Into You)
Side B:
John Egbert (Homestuck) vs Kaladin (Stormlight Archive)
Merida (Brave) vs Thundercracker (Transformers)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs Bakura Ryou (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Amber Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart) vs Madelena (Galavant)
Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) vs Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Chell (Portal 2) vs Wednesday Addams (Addams Family/Wednesday)
Gilgamesh “Gil” Wulfenbach (Girl Genius) vs Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Gyorik “York” Rogdul (Drawtectives) vs Phill Pepperman (Pizza Tower)
Hatake Kakashi (Naruto) vs King Knight (Shovel Knight)
Maito Gai (Naruto) vs Wario (Warioland)
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf) vs N Harmonia (Pokemon)
Lin Qingge (The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System) vs Ralsei (Deltarune)
Rita [REDACTED] (The Penumbra Podcast) vs Sunny (Wings of Fire)
Soos (Gravity Falls) vs Gwen Stacey (Marvel/Into the Spiderverse)
Doctor Carmilla (Doctor Carmilla [& the Mechanisms]) vs Jess (Loveless)
Touko Nanami (Bloom Into You) vs Jolyne Kujo (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Again, feel free to ask any questions!
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protectbatson · 2 years ago
Cupid is so Dumb
Obito finally gets the role of his career as the villain of one of Konoha's biggest TV productions, when a rumor about infidelity hits the media and threatens not only his friendship with Rin Nohara, but also his possibility of having his feelings reciprocated by his role partner and current crush, Kakashi Hatake.
where obito is in love with his role partner from the biggest action series on tv konoha but everything spirals when a rumor hits the media.
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Words: 2,008
Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara, Nohara Rin, Hatake Kakashi
Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara & Uchiha ObitoNohara Rin & Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi & Maito Gai | Might Guy, Mitarashi Anko/Nohara Rin
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Actors, Alternative Dai-nana-han | Team 7 (Naruto), Misunderstandings, Nohara Rin Lives, One-Sided Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito, Medic Nohara Rin, Uchiha Obito Needs a Hug, Uchiha Obito-centric, Bisexual Disaster Uchiha Obito, Gay Disaster Hatake Kakashi, My First Work in This Fandom, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, i have no idea what to put here anymore i think, i don't plan to write smut here but who knows, Boys In Love, Boys Kissing, if I remember anything later I'll update these tags here, yeah Naruto is a television show here, Good Uchiha Obito, Good Hatake Kakashi
read it on the AO3 here
read it in PT/BR at: Spirit Fanfiction
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depressedhatakekakashi · 2 years ago
LGBTQ+ Headcanons
Maito Gai
Sexuality: Bisexual/Ace
Gender: Genderfluid AF
Ships: Kakagai, GaiRin, KisaGai
Gai’s first crush was on his teammate Genma, but it never really went anywhere. Still, as a teen Gai would watch Genma train and Ebisu would tease him for the ‘hearts on his eyes’
When he was 15 Gai grew his hair out to try it out. He didn’t like it at mid length because it made him look too much like his father, but when it was long and flowing over his shoulder’s he loved it. Keeping a bowl cut was easier though and he loved having Kakashi stand behind him carefully cutting away those long locks of hair.
Never pays attention to pronouns. People can call him whatever they please and Gai will respond with the same bright smile every single time.
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majormiles · 6 months ago
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Hit the Ground and Miss by Prinzenhasserin
🍂 Naruto
🍂 Hatake Kakashi / Maito Gai
🍂 Teen | 5.5k | Oneshot
🍂 Creator Choose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Kakashi's emotions can be split into two categories: those the entire ninja population knows about due to the wide distribution of bingo books, and ones about Guy. Sometimes, he wonders if only the ones known to every shinobi nation are worth keeping. (He keeps pining for Guy anyway.)
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 years ago
Shinobi by Funkjester
He had seen many shinobi die. Many of which were geniuses. Many of which had some kind of biological advantage. Many stronger than him. All dead because they put too much stock in their bloodline limits, their ‘special powers’. They all bled the same red. “Quirk or otherwise, a hero is going to be put into a situation where they are at a disadvantage. Complaining that your quirk doesn't work for one scenario or another isn't going to save anyone, is it?”
Words: 4808, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Naruto, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai | Might Guy, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Bakugou Katsuki, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Uzumaki Naruto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Inko, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Nedzu, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Hatake Kakashi & Maito Gai | Might Guy, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Isekai, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, I haven't kept up with Boruto, So minor details will be missing, probably, Blood and Injury
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47698414
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