#teddy peirce
allxaboutxmarie · 2 months
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buckgasms · 1 year
How did daddy Bucky x princess meet?🥰🥺
I think this is my Magnum Opus 🤭 it's mega long so forgive me but I just have a lot of feelings when it comes to Daddy Bucky and Princess 🩷
I'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback and obviously do keep sending me asks and ideas because I could write for these two for the rest of my life
Also a huge thanks to @mandijo17 and @clara-geekhime specifically, but to all of you who love them 🌷
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- So I think it's a sure thing that when they met you, (Princess) were working at a really boring, horrible office job.
- You took the job at Peirce Enterprises because it was a chance to be creative and use your artistic skills, but as time went on it was becoming more strict, the workloads were humungous and all your colleagues were just plain mean.
- Most of the time you could hide at your little cubicle and get on with your work without being bothered, but sometimes mean guys would come around and steal your little plushies, move your stuff and leer at you.
- When you had to go to meetings the boss would shout, making you nervous as hell, so when you were called upon, you would stutter and struggle to speak.
- That just made everything so much worse.
- One afternoon it was really bad. Mr Peirce had a big business meeting with Bucky Barnes.
- Everyone knew who he was.
- He owned almost all the real estate in Brooklyn, had fancy hotels, nightclubs, restaurants and god knows what else in his portfolio.
- He was also absolutely gorgeous, not that you were looking....
- So anyway, it was a big fucking deal and your work, some of your absolute best, was on display.
- "This is trash!" Pierce yelled and threw the paperwork at you knocking over your tea in the process.
- "What's your excuse?" He continued as your work soaked up the brown liquid and your eyes began to sting.
- "I...I...um, I thought..."
- He mocks your struggle and scoffs. "Get the hell out of my office...."
- Jumping out of your seat you run to the door, tears streaming down your face as you flee to your desk.
- Not long after your colleagues drop by, saying it's all your fault they have to stay late and do more work. "Cost us our fucking bonus you dumbass" one of them says.
- Under the desk you squeeze at your little plushie, before dashing off to the supply cupboard.
- A few moments later there is a knock at the door. Before you can say anything it opens, and to your total shock, there is Bucky Barnes.
- He smiles, a kind smile but it's like he's holding his tongue.
- "This is a nice supply cupboard..." He comes in a bit further and hands you a handkerchief. "I fucking love stationery, nothing like a new notepad, or a y'know when you get a really good pen? And don't get me started on laminators... fuck those things are cool..."
- Before you can stop yourself you start giggling, hiccuping as he looks back at you and smiles more openly than before.
- He walks you back to your desk, admiring your cubicle, pointing out the pretty drawings and giving your little teddy a squeeze before placing it carefully on your desk.
- "Listen, I really loved your work. I thought it was excellent. If you want a change of scenery, let me know and I'd be happy to find a place for you in my organisation."
- He hands you a business card before giving you a wink and leaving. He shoots glares of death to all your co workers who are staring totally bemused at what they've just witnessed.
- About a month later you are sitting at your desk and a parcel is dropped off by the moody receptionist.
- You sit confused for a moment before your curiosity peaks and you tear into the parcel.
- It's full of the most amazing things. A new iPad, apple pen stylus, notepads, pens, a fluffy pencil case and a little bunny teddy. It's an explosion of pink and you can't help tap your feet in excitement at this mystery parcel.
- Then your phone rings.
- It's Bucky's number.
- You know that because you have put his business card on your desk and memorised the number and each letter of his name until you know it by heart.
- "Hello?" You say quietly and look around, making sure no one can hear.
- "Did you get my parcel?" His rumbly voice tickles your ear, and you imagine him whispering just behind you. Your feet keep bouncing.
- "It's from you? Why?"
- "Well I thought maybe it might convince you to up sticks and work somewhere you are appreciated?"
- You smile and play with the ears of the bunny, "and what made you think I'd like this particular sort of thing?"
- "Just a hunch Princess..."
- Well that was nice. You struggle to breath a little but manage to pull it together for a sort of half laugh.
- "There is a condition though. You can only keep that stuff if you come for an interview. Otherwise I'm going to need it back..."
- Just then your boss storms through the office, eyes on you. You quickly say goodbye before he unleashes a tirade on your team. You manage to hide your parcel as he rants and raves, feeling oddly soothed by the soft bunny ear running between your fingers.
- You knock on the door of Bucky's office later that day. You have the box in your arms and your backpack weighing on your shoulders.
- He let's you in with a smile which drops when he sees the box in your arms.
- "Don't tell me you're bringing that back?" He says incredulously as you softly smile and place it on his desk.
- The office is light and spacious, expensive furniture everywhere, a plush couch and of course a statement desk that you imagine he looks quite imposing sitting behind.
- "I was offered a better job today. I just don't feel right taking your gifts when it makes sense to stay there right? I'm sure once I'm in control of things, it will get better?"
- You seem to be asking him, rather than telling him and despite his downcast face, he doesn't press it.
- He flicks the lid open and peruses the contents, before clicking his tongue and raising an eyebrow.
- "Hmm I thought there was a bunny in here?"
- You face flushes and you even feel yourself pout. "I didn't think... I mean it's..."
- He grins, boyish delight on his face as he holds out his hand.
- "C'mon, it belongs here, not in that place."
- You control the urge to stamp your foot and have a total temper tantrum, which is totally not how you would ever behave in front of anyone. There's even a little scowl on your face as you hand it over and and takes it in his arms.
- You feel jealous of both of them before staying a firmer goodbye and leave, but not before his chuckles reach your ears and make you smile.
- Monday morning you make your way into your new office. It's pretty bare but you gasp when you see the bunny sitting on the desk, a little note wishing you "Good luck x" in it's arms.
- You kiss its head and beam as you start unpacking, feeling lighter than air.
- Maybe you couldn't work for Bucky anyway. It wouldn't be good to have a crush on your boss?
- You finish sorting everything out and get to work, making sure Bucky's card is back on your desktop.
- Then an email dings up and you are called to a meeting. 2 hours!! It should be illegal. You give your bunny a squeeze before heading off.
- You were feeling exhausted from the meeting when you came back to your office. Everyone in the area was quiet for a change. No snarky comments, no cruel joke.
- But you soon realised why.
- Opening the door of your office you found it trashed. Paper everywhere, screen scratched, books ripped and nasty words carved in the wood of your desk.
- Worst of all, the head of your bunny left sadisticly on your chair.
- It was too much. All the pain and awfulness you had taken on in the last year was too much.
- You had never done anything to them and they just continuously bullied you and made your life miserable.
- Looking around the room you felt utter dispair until you saw Bucky's card, ripped in half.
- Grabbing your bag you walked out of the room and didn't stop until you reached the lift. They shouted something at you but you didn't care. You couldn't take on any more of their hate.
- You walked through the city in a blur. Tears streamed down your face but you just kept walking and walking until you were there. You'd walked all the way to Bucky's building.
- The security desk looked quite disturbed to see you so emotional but you asked for Bucky and they pointed towards the lifts and made your way up.
- In that moment you wondered what the hell you were doing? Why were you in the lift?? Heading closer to his office looking like an absolute lunatic??
- Before you could stop them the doors slid open and there he was waiting. Without saying a word he pulled you out of the lift and into his arms.
- The dam broke fully and you sobbed into his chest. You managed to wail something about the bunny, your office, how mean they were...
- He managed to walk you into his office and sat on the comfy sofa and held you tight until you finally took a shaky breath and stopped crying.
- "Why are people so mean?" You whisper as he wipes the last few tears from your cheek before taking your hand in his.
- "I'm so sorry sweetie. You don't deserve that..."
- You feel so exhausted that when he takes you back in his arms and gently strokes your hair you just release a deep breath and slip into sleep.
- A little while later you wake up, a soft blanket over you and you mumble a quiet 'hello?' as you sit up.
- "Hey, are you feeling ok? I got us some dinner I was worried you hadn't eaten all day..."
- You feel mortified but he shushes your apologies and puts a plate down in front of you.
- "Be a good girl and eat" he says smiling and you can't help but tuck in as your hunger (and praise kink) kicks in.
- You both sit comfortably, talking about various things, avoiding the reason for your arrival, keeping it light.
- Still, you find yourself unable to be sad around him. He makes you feel so safe and happy. It's addictive.
- He drops you home a few hours later, walking you right to the door, his hand resting on your arm, keeping you close.
- "So maybe I can come in for an interview in the end?" You say, feeling awkward but ultimately worried about what you are going to do now you can't go back to your actual job.
- He chuckles and takes your hand in his. "Do me a favour, don't worry about it. Will you let me figure something out for you?"
- He pulls you in a little closer and looks down at you, a cocky grin on his face.
- "Umm well, I worry about a lot of things Bucky... How can I not?"
- He rolls his eyes and presses a kiss to your forehead.
- "Because Princess, you can trust me..."
- Speechless, you nod before planting a rushed kiss to his chin/cheek before speeding into your apartment.
- Then next few days are filled with texts, flowers, phonecalls and gifts from Bucky.
- You can't help the huge grin that spreads across your face when something from him appears, or his name lights up your phone screen.
- "Hi Bucky" you say one morning as he calls first thing. You roll over in bed and squeeze the huge bunny he sent you the day before.
- "Good mornin', tell me what you're doing today?" He says with slight growl as you snuggle down deeper under the covers and giggle.
- "Umm I don't know, maybe you should tell me?" You tease, biting your lip and listen to his deep chuckle.
- "Well first off, you are coming here for that interview, and then I'm taking you out to dinner to celebrate you're new job..."
- You giggle again and huff at his silliness. "Bucky that's cheating! I would feel bad if I didn't deserve it..."
- He tuts at the other end of the line and tells you, if you aren't there at midday you were going to have your first disciplinary.
- You were intrigued by that but you figured you better get moving.
- You showed up on time, dressed in a pretty dress, your portfolio of artwork in your arms and a smile on your face.
- Bucky's secretary greeted you with a big smile and even hugged you when you arrived.
- "Hi I'm Wanda, I feel like I know you already! Go straight in, he's waiting for you!"
- You smiled, feeling flustered as she ushered you into the room where he is indeed waiting for you, his crisp shirt and checkered pants looking divine, his hair slicked back into a bun. It almost makes you drop your folders but you manage to hold on and plop them onto the desk before taking a seat across from him.
- The 'interview' goes well. He asks for your work history, where did you study and what you want to achieve.
- It was silly really. But you actually enjoyed it. You did have a big brain in your pretty head and it was nice to talk positively about yourself and not fear mocking, snarky comments.
- After an hour he smiled and stood up, reaching for your hand so you mirroed him and he shook your hand.
- "Welcome aboard darlin' now let's go celebrate."
- Hours later you were back in Bucky's office, a little tipsy and full of delicious food.
- He had taken you to one of his restaurants, one of the fanciest in town and both of you had gotten a little drunk on champagne and each other.
- You had insisted that a part of your interview had not been completed, so you headed back to the office, giggling all the way up in the lift.
- Back in his office you 'ah-hahd' as your portfolio sat on the desk untouched. "You haven't seen my work properly Bucky."
- He looks at you a lot more hungrily than he ever has before as you beckon him over and push him into his seat before placing yourself on his lap and opening your book.
- "See now look at this one" you say as his hands drift over your thighs and rub small circles into your skin. He hums as you turn the page and show him another, this time his lips press to your bare shoulder. "Very pretty" he murmers as you turn again.
- Suddenly his hands glide up your body and you drop the book, turning in his lap and crashing your lips to his waiting ones.
- He wastes no time lifting you up onto the desk and gripping your face before dragging you into a crazed kiss.
- You are moaning in moments as you help him push off his suit jacket and watch hungrily as he pulls the shirt over his head, revealing his tanned, toned chest.
- He leans in and captures your lips again as your hands drift over his body and his hands push your dress upwards and pulling your underwear down, stopping for a moment and breaking the kiss.
- "You gonna let me see you Princess? Let me take care of you?"
- Wrapping your arms around his neck you bite at his lip and nod, doe eyes staring up at him.
- "Please... Please Bucky..."
- He pushes you down slowly and removes your underwear with a firm rip making you gasp and moan as his hot breath fans over your folds.
- "Fucking.... So pretty baby, knew you would be" he growls before diving in, licking and sucking at your soaked folds, one hand pushing your thighs wider as the other toyed with your entrance, eliciting a loan moan of pleasure when he sank his finger in and curled it towards him.
- He teased you and drove you closer to the edge until he pulled back, dragging you upwards and planting a kiss to your lips as he presses his thick cock to your pussy.
- "You taste so sweet princess but I wanna feel you... You want that babygirl?" You can only nod and reach between you, guiding him to you.
- "Please... Da... Bucky need you..." You stutter and he can't help but pause, a sly grin on his face.
- "What did you say baby? Were you thinking about someone else?" He's smiling like the devil because either the truth will be delightful or the lie will be ridiculous.
- You shake your head and grab for his face, pressing kisses to his lips.
- "No, no, didn't mean, da- um Bucky please, please just.... Fuck, fuck me please da- shit Bucky please??"
- He fully laughs at that before resting his forehead against yours, slipping his hands under your thighs and lifting you, until he's seated and you are straddling him, his thick perfect cock just pressed against your soaked heat.
- "Princess, you aren't a very good liar" he says and rubs his nails along your sensitive skin. "Just say it baby... Say what you wanna say to me when I'm fucking that pretty little pussy...."
- He lines himself up as you whimper, chewing your lip before you lean in and whisper it, so quiet as if someone else in the world might hear it.
- "Daddy.... Please?"
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missriddle03 · 2 years
➪𝗧𝗲𝗱𝗱𝘆- 𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵
➪𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘀- 𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀
➪𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀-𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁
➪𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱: 7 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 16 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱𝘀
➪ 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁- 1,392
🇹 🇪 🇩 🇩 🇾 
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Bill started walking up the stairs to y/n's room as her mother let him in. He had been going round the house quite often so her mother had gotten used to him and allowed him in unlike Richie who her mother didn't like with all his bad words and sexual talks. Her mother had grown to like him and usally invited him round when y/n wasn't feeling well or just needed someone to talk to. He was always her mothers first choice for help with her daughter seeing as he made her happy.
He wanted to see her earlier but he got caught up with Richie. Bill wanted to leave Richie to talk with y/n but he never had the chance until Stanley and Eddie showed up. He knew if he left then no-one would notice. Y/n and Bill have been what you call high-school sweethearts. He met y/n in your first year of high school. They bumped into each other almost simultaneously after you locked eyes. Since then the rest is history.
Bill opened the door quite quickly thinking y/n was awake. "Y/n I wanted to ask if you-" he stopped in his tracks. He noticed she was asleep, curtains open and she was on top of the sheets curled up tight with a Teddy. He didn't get a proper glimpse of the teddy until she slowly turned over to her side. The light beaming from the outside onto the teddy that he now saw. A very familiar teddy. Georgies teddy. Bill placed his bag and books,that he had brought over to study for an upcoming test, under her desk and sat at the end of her bed.
Bill began staring at the teddy thinking of georgie and how he had lied about being ill to not play play him on that rainy day. The day played through bill's mind as he remembered georgie waving goodbye and a peircing scream coming from down the street. A tear left his eye as he began looking more at the teddy.
Y/n must of felt someone staring as she almost immediately woke up. "What are you doing here?" She had asked him as he still sat there looking. "I w-was um c-coming round to r-revise for t-the test" he had stuttered. His stuttering had gotten worse over the months and he knew it. "Oh sorry I completely forgot I was out like a light seeing as I didn't get much sleep last night" y/n indicated that it was because of the quarry and especially only Richie. Richie toizer had made them all stop up till midnight just so he could say his new joke about how he fucked Eddie's mom. It was a good joke till you fell asleep on the floor and Richie shook you awake. Bill got her to ride at the end of his bike.
Y/n noticed Bill's constant staring. "You okay?" She asked him. His concentration didn't change he didn't even hear her until she clicked her fingers for attention. "I said are you okay?" He just looked at her and looked down again "that t-teddy it w-was g-georgies" he admitted to her. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't know"
Earlier on in the week Bill had said that she could have any teddy she chose to help her sleep well at night. She went through his room and found a teddy that was on his desk. Y/n then took it and had slept with it ever since. Bill at the time didn't know which teddy she took and thought his parents took Georgie's teddy in a box of his stuff.
"I can give it back it's not an issue, I honestly didn't know it was his" Bill shook his head as she said this. "I-it's fine you d-didn't know a-and t-this way I can b-b-be w-with both of y-you" he smiled. He moved himself closer to y/n as she placed her head on his chest. Bill wrapped his arm around her and the teddy laid in-between them as she fell asleep. He placed a kiss on her forehead and then he placed a kiss on Georgie's teddy.
"I wish h-he w-was still h-here, I think y-you would l-like him" "I think I would very much"
After this was said they both fell asleep. Bill woke up an hour later hearing a noise. He silently moved away from y/n and followed the noise. Bill saw a figure with a yellow coat run past like thunder. Here and then got in a second.
Y/n must of felt someone leave because she woke up not long after. "Bill you alri-" she noticed he was gone. She immediately jumped of the bed leaving the teddy and went to find Bill in her house. She heard a noise so of course she followed it. Bill still followed the noise and went down y/n's basement. It was filled with water. Y/n found were Bill was and she ran down the stairs. "You okay what's wrong?" She had asked but he didn't respond. He was lost in thought more or so instead looking at something a yellow coat. He pointed at it. Y/n looked at it and slowly moved down the stairs. "It is just a coat" she reassured him. "You lied and I died" was heard. Y/n heard it and went back to Bill. He held her in his arms. Her body was facing the basement floor and started scanning the room for activity.
Bill was very considerate of you so when he knew that y/n was scared he asked her to "go u-upstairs". Y/n being the stubborn one she shook her head and stayed by his side. Something near the yellow coat moved, legs appeared then even a face. "Georgie" Bill had muttered. Y/n knew this was impossible seeing as georgie was and scientifically dead. More dead than a guy who was shot with blunt force head trauma. "Bill, you sure it's him?" She had asked with more like a whisper tone.
He looked back at her and didn't give her a response. Instead he walked towards the coat, towards the water in the basement and towards the voice. "You lied and I died" was heard again. Y/n started following Bill through the water. "You lied and I died" only being a few centimetres away the voice grew louder. The coat disappeared. Bill and y/n started walking back up the stairs. "You lied and I died" was kept being repeated. Y/n pointed towards a figure that was now infront of then, clear as day it was georgie. Georgie Denbrough. However, his face was different it was covered in a weird substance. "Maybe we should go Bill" she had said to him. The dazzling yellow coat with now the recognised face still kept repeating "you lied and I died" "Bill what's he talking about?" She placed her hand in his as she asked him. "You weren't really sick that day were you?" "N-no I w-wasn't g-georgie" "Bill come on we should go" Bill moved closer towards georgie. Or was was the representation of georgie. Tears fell down bill's face.
"It's not real Bill come on" he didn't listen. Instead he walked closer to the disoriented georgie. Y/n grabbed his arm and dragged him up the basement steps. "W-w-why did y-you do t-that?" She took him back down the basement steps."see, it wasn't real" she then walked up the stairs to her room alone. Bill took one last look before walking up the stairs. He followed her to her room. "Here" She handed him Georgie's teddy. "You need this more than me" he handed the teddy back. "I n-need to l-let go, I c-can s-still be with georgie if you k-k-keep it.
He gave y/n a kiss on her lips before sitting at her desk to study. Shocked at how quick he changed the subject of seeing a representation of georgie, she sat down and started revising with him. "I l-love y-you" Bill came out and said. "I love you too" she smiled.
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askii-your-girly · 9 months
Kiss Under the Mistletoe
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"A kiss? Can I get just a bit more,..."
Teddy Peirce X F! Smart Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Warning(s): Making out, underage drinking (not teddy or reader), fluff, a tiny misunderstanding (readers end), Language/cursing, sexual? (They just really touch), People walking in on or interrupting a make out, bad grammar, writing, and spelling.
Reminder: Don't forget to be safe if you are parting make sure to bring a friend or two, and always put your drunk friend on their side so if they pass out, they don't choke. I don't approve of anyone underage drinking it's just for the fanfiction.
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A party? You mentally slapped yourself in the face for letting your friend know about it, getting to be the one dragged to it. The Friday of said party was great, just before Christmas break, everyone finished with finals everyone was in an amazing mood. Dreading the party you make your way home, it's not like you don't like parties, just you didn't really like the thought of being surrounded by drunk people on a Friday night.
After getting dressed in a red dress to fit the Christmas theme of the party your friends and you make your way to the party. Only being a block away from your own home. Upon arrival you hang your coats up and walk into the living room where all the dancing and drinks were. You were questioning making a run for it, greeting you was a half-naked guy yelling to another one that new people were here or as he said, "Fresh meat." was here. Ignoring him you made your way to the probably spiked punch bowl, taking some and having a sip. Yeah. Tequilla filled your taste buds, and you spit the drink put and set the cup down.
You liked parties but seriously, shirtless guys that weren't like the movies and walking into people making out or worse, fucking? Those thoughts made you not go up the stairs, walking outside you sat down on a small bench. "Seems like you could use some company." A voice said, turning around you are met with a "gang" kid? Or Teddy Pierce. Brown hair, brown eyes, he was quite attractive. "I guess." Not wanting to sound rude for not saying anything. He sits down next to you. Sitting in silence the loud party music and people in the background.
Hearing a scoff or a laugh he tried stopping you looked over, asking what was funny. He pointed up. Mistletoe. "So? Do I get a kiss?" You laugh, "Did you come out here just for a kiss from me?" He looked at you a tiny smirk on his face, "So what if I did? Who wouldn't want a kiss from you? Top of her grade, honors student, chess champ, I mean honestly your any guy like mines dream." You froze. He knew who you were? Sure, he was right about all those things, but someone like him?
Stuttering out words, "I mean if you came all this way for a kiss." He smiled, personally you did see him and his friends talking and laughing before he followed you. Did he really need to know, you knew? I mean hell your first time getting a Christmas kiss, it counts even if it is a bet.
Leaning in, he gives you a kiss. The kiss tasted like peppermint, and hot chocolate. Expecting him to pull back, you move back a bit, he didn't like that. He moved over, still kissing you rougher. He pulled back, letting you both get some oxygen. You honestly thought he was going to run back over to his friends and get the $20 or something they would give him for winning the bet. Moving back once again, he speaks "Just A kiss? Can I get just a bit more, think of it as a Christmas gift?" Smiling as he spoke.
What the fuck? Confused you ask, "Is this a joke? Part of the bet or something?" More confused is all you could say to describe how he looked at you. "Bet, joke, what are you talking about you think I'm going to kiss someone who I haven't liked since freshman year?" Now what is going on, your confused and so is he. "Well, I didn't know..." Maybe that wasn't really going to help you, but could he really blame you? His friends were known for that. Huffing he sighs, "Yeah I know. Now you do I guess." Silents follows before he smirks, when you can look at him again. "So, about another kiss?"
You laugh, "I guess you can have another one, but what would my Christmas gift be?" The smirk on his face increased to what you can only describe as devilish, he grabbed your hand and walked you threw the party and into a room. "Did you think you're getting lucky? Cause that's not going to happen, sweetheart." He smiles at you.
"Never, that's for our one-year anniversary." Maybe he was a better guy than you thought, "Oh? When would that be?" Opening the door and leading you into the room, "Today, next year. If you let me be your boyfriend." Let him? Damn he was messing with your heart. "And why wouldn't I let you?" He led to near the bed, laughing, "Well I'm not the best example." Sitting on the bed and patting a spot for you, you sat next to him. "I don't think so, so yeah I will let you be my boyfriend. But after this party I'm going to need a date. To truly tell." Smiling you look over at him, he is also smiling.
Leaning over you kiss him. He kissed you back in an instant, his hands moving to your waist, pulling you to him. You pull back from the kiss, that's when he pulled you onto his lap, straddling him. Pulling you in for another kiss. This time he bites on you bottom lip quite hard, making you gasp, giving enough room for his tongue to slip in. His tongue easily becomes more dominate, pulling you against him. You felt like hours went by of you two just kissing, his hands moving from your waists to your thighs or ass. Anything he could get his hands on without breaking a kiss or pulling back.
You heard people walking coming and going around you, thinking no one was entering the room you both took up. Soon you hear your name being called, a door open, and a gasp and giggle. You turn around the friends you came with were standing in the door frame, watching as Teddy nipped and kissed on your neck. One of them spoke, "We have to leave, she is drunk as hell and your mom called me." You quickly climb off him, apologizing before running out the door.
He just smirked. He may be on the naughty list, but he would be on it forever if it meant every Christmas that was his present. Hurrying out of the party himself needing to determine where he was going to take you for your first date. As he walked in threw door his siter Kate sat there looking at him, their father's old video camera in hand. "A thief Teddy...wait till I tell mom about this!" Everything fell apart. Or did it?
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I apologize for taking so long, Christmas was chaotic, and I had no motivation. I will try to post more since, there is like no fics or oneshots for him. I'm running out of ideas though. I will try and post as much as possible though. And thank you guys for 10 likes! If you want to be tagged every time, I post one don't be shy to comment and ask.
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inanimateinsanecandle · 2 months
I really like music (sorry I don't have any new art, i dont have any ideas) here's all the people/things i listen to:
Ricky montgomery, cavetown, the living tombstone, teddy hyde, sir chloe, rio romeo, mitski, roar, sodikken, cheesey hfj, mother mother, jack stauber, MARINA, tv girl, liama flores, omori, steven universe soundtrack, alex g, inanimate insanity soundtrack, antony kos, dev lemons, tugboat tony & the pushers, tally hall, will wood, lemon demon, The nightly manor soundtrack, laufey, Heathers soundtrack, the beach boys, they might be giants, rob cantor, bee swarm simulator soundtrack, the cardigans, cojum dip, total drama world tour soundtrack, cyriak, bfdi soundtrack, my chemical romance, peirce the veil, the scary jokes, bo burnham, dodie, south park soundtrack, the voidz, yourboysponge, edu, alan walker, the amazing digital circus soundtrack, the offspring, mariah carey, will smith, pearl jam, korn, itshappenedagain, limp bizkit, tyler the creator, nirvana, weezer, evanescence, danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, panic! at the disco, kevin macleod, foo fighters, rage against the machine, 311, kahoot soundtrack, c418, the presidents of the united states of america, metallica, beabaddoobee, "weird al" yankovic, vocaloid, muse, a perfect circle, tool, nonc nu & da wild matous, rammstein, joost klien, hozier, slipknot, sublime, princess tutu soundtrack, ihascupquake.
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davidshawshoe · 1 year
Redacted Audio character head canons!
Shaw pack edition..
David: When he's cleaning he just listens to metal music.
Asher: when Asher was 17 he stuck a Midazolam injection in his ear thinking it was for an ear peircing.
Milo: milo goes to the spa about every three times a week and sometimes he invites sweetheart to join him.
Darlin: their like one of the most fierce and trouble making pack member of the Shaw pack.
Angel: when they were just a toddler their parent used to always buy them a teddy bear but everytime they just found a way to rip the cotton parts out.
Sweetheart: the first time they went to a pack meeting david was talking and they sneased really loudly then everyone just turned to look at them.
Baabe: their actually really flexible, once they did the splits in front of asher and he thought they'd injured themselves.
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Who would you put in an American statue garden? Assume no limit for how many
all the best presidents (i won't name them all but just to list a few: washington, adams, j. q. adams, jefferson, madison, monroe, fdr, teddy roosevelt, lincoln, etc), franklin, alexander hamilton, friedrich list, henry clay, henry carey, samuel adams, ethan allen, thomas young, john jay, james wilson, gouverneur morris, christopher columbus (tbh i'm tempted to include figures like leif erikson and prince madoc because even though they were never americans, like columbus, there is a mythopoetic/cultural value), lafayette, john winthrop, cotton mather, nathanael greene, friedrich wilhem von steuben, nathan hale, johnny appleseed, emperor norton, robert e. lee, william tecumseh sherman, daniel boone, lewis and clark, sacagawea, davy crockett, emerson, thoreau, walt whitman, longfellow, hilda doolittle, emily dickinson, nikola tesla, einstein, eli whitney, abigail adams, edgar allen poe, john brown, herman melville, butch cassidy, wyatt earp, doc holliday, wild bill hickok, sundance kid, john henry, andrew carnegie, nathaniel hawthorne, washington irving, horace mann, john dewey, wernher von braun, j. robert oppenheimer, john marshall, wiliam penn, junipero sera, john d. rockefeller, clara barton, fanny wright, thomas edison, alexandar graham bell, ezra pound, kerouac, william faulkner, steinbeck, hemingway, dolley madison, john muir, annie oakley, lovecraft, eleanor roosevelt, john browning, samuel colt, elvis presley, claude shannon, henry miller, kanye west, stanley kubrick, john von neumann, thorstein veblen, edward bellamy, henry ford, cornelius vanderbilt, betsy ross, black hawk, sitting bull, tecumseh, hart crane, h. l. mencken, tennessee williams, charles sanders peirce, william james, quine, hilary putnam, richard rorty, charles hartshorne, walt disney, mark twain, etc.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 1 month
Unlikely Places - Chapter 39 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter: 39 - Smashed To Smithereens
I grinned as I finished up my report, saved it and powered down my laptop.
Three weeks later and I was anything but disappointed.
Since that night at Pierce's house our friendship had cemented and the casual aspect of our relationship had definitely crossed over to personal and was starting to inch even closer to intimate.
Though we were not yet lovers, I knew that would change soon.
Pierce wanted it to.
I was pretty sure he had wanted it to almost from the first day, though he never pushed me.
It was, surprise, surprise me that was holding up that side of things.
Though in the last few days I started to realize that was no longer the case.
The kisses lasted longer.
The hugs were tighter.
The hands wandered further.
Saying goodbye was getting more difficult and all of this was just what I was feeling.
The way Pierce trembled against me, the way his voice got gruffer and his body tighter made me know I wasn't alone.
My grin grew as my mind wandered to all the intimate moments we had shared thus far and my heart raced as I thought about what was to come.
I sighed out deeply as I glanced at my watch.
First things first, though.
Pierce and I had to get through tonight.
We'd finally arranged that gathering between Pierce, Branson, Noah, Mick, Archer, Percy and myself.
It was supposed to be a casual get together just like any other but my friends weren't just any other kind of friends and Pierce was most certainly not just any other kind of man.
Tonight, would be interesting to say the least.
Pierce genuinely wanted to get on better footing with my friends.
He knew their importance in my life.
He knew it was what I wanted most.
He'd quipped a few times that it would be much easier on him if I would just ask for a new car or house or race horse.
I always just laughed and shook my head at him.
My relationship with my friends was priceless.
Money wouldn't fix this problem.
Thankfully though, with a little bit of help from Archer and his better half, I had high hopes Pierce would be able to win them over in the end.
The first part of the plan had already been initiated.
With Peirce's permission I had talked with Archer and told him some of Pierce's story.
I'd left out details but said enough to give Archer the gist.
In turn Archer had shared what he knew with the others.
My hope was that they would at least see Pierce's mindset that night.
I didn't expect all to be forgiven over night but I hoped it would at least open them up enough to give him, at the least, a chance.
That is all Pierce would need.
Though he could be obnoxious and arrogant and snarky as hell, Pierce when it came to me, was different.
He didn't miraculously turn into a teddy bear nor did he become a big old softy.
He was just Jackson-sensitive, if he could make me happy, he would.
If he could decrease my worries, he would, if he could make my friends like him, he would, for me.
It was only one of the things I loved about him and I did love him.
I loved him and I was pretty sure he loved me, too.
We hadn't exchanged the actual words, yet.
I felt them though.
Every time he smiled at me or kissed me or held my hand.
Whenever we ate dinner out or strolled hand and hand during a leisurely walk.
Whether we were playing with Cicero or Ziggy, playing pool or tennis or just lazing in the pool.
Any given moment on any given day, I felt his love.
I, in turn, strove to give back every look and action and attention that he showered on me.
I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me feel.
He never asked anything of me.
Only ever gave of himself.
It inspired me to respond in kind.
Not because I felt I had to but because I wanted to.
I hoped after tonight the last obstacle of my friends would be achieved.
I couldn't say that my friends liking Pierce and accepting him was a make it or break it thing anymore as I once would have but it did make things tense and uncomfortable.
I didn't feel like I was just one entity anymore in a way.
I couldn't just keep me at me and exclude anything about Pierce when I was with them when Pierce was now such a big part of who I was and what I did.
Over time that would become more and more awkward and difficult.
I feared I would even start to resent it and ultimately them.
There had to be a reasonable solution.
If I could just for once make my often times unreasonable friends understand then I knew it would all work out.
Unfortunately, a few hours later, not thirty minutes after everyone arrived, I started to believe there was no solution in this world that would bring these guys to a mutual meeting of the minds.
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Big Nate: Move It or Lose It! by Lincoln Peirce
Big Nate: Move It or Lose It! by Lincoln Peirce. Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2023. 9781524881290 Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4 Format: Paperback graphic novel Genre: Humor What did you like about the book? Oh my golly, the 29th volume of big Nate comic strips! All the regulars are here with Nate: Dee Dee, Chad, Mrs. Godfrey, Teddy, Artur, Nate’s dad, his grandparents,…
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the-queer-alien · 4 years
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madebyleftovermuses · 6 years
* Richard calling the building manager smug and then saying he doesn’t like it 👌
* Amelia walked onto the elevator of drama
* Amelia wants off that elevator
* DeLuca better not get hurt
* I forgot Maggie is breaking HIPAA left and right this season
* Everyone freaking out in elevator 3
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bakugosleftt0e · 2 years
Bakubowl brainrot hc
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I genuinely think that their trope is asshole x asshole. They're both pretty mean sometimes and theyre both pretty upfront about it.
Honestly me favorite au for these two would be tatoo artist/peirce person and bakugo would be the tated up motorcycle dude or skator boy and bakugo would be a regular at his shop and they would have some embarrassingly obvious feeling for each other
Shinsou definitely fell first. Bakugo would come on strong and shinsou would just happily accept it and even return it two fold. This would go on for a while, bakugo would come to the shop and visit Mina who is a peircer person and make small talk with shinsou to pass some time.
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Let's be honest Todoroki definitely fell for Bakugo first and told straight to his face. At first bakugo thought he was joking and turned him down. If I were to associate a trope for them it would definitely be enemies to lovers. Todoroki is way nicer to Bakugo and Bakugo sees Todoroki as the enemy and Todoroki sees Bakugo as the lover.
Over time Bakugo began noticing the little things about Todoroki and Todoroki kept hanging out with Bakugo. I feel like Todoroki and Bakugo go on shopping trips for dinner at the dorms. Todoroki would also spend a lot of Endeavors money on getting bakugo gift at the mall and other random stuff. Them seem like the type of couple to go book shopping while one person is super talkative and the other doesn't care about the books but cares about their lovers opinion on random books and spending way too much money on books.
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We all know that this is the childhood friends to lovers. Izuku makes it clear throughout the show that he looks up to Bakugo, even through childhood he kept on looking up to Bakugo. Izuku adores Bakugo and know way more about him than the rest of his classmates. I honestly think that he takes pride in that fact.
Bakugo also knows alot about Izuku. He knows his favorite foods and sometimes cooks special meals for Izuku. Izuku already has a training and food regimen but sometimes he forgets to take care of himself and Bakugo has to slow him down and make sure he eats properly. I also feel like Bakugo pressures himself to be perfect and ends up not talking to people for days. Izuku also helps him with that by frequently completing him, giving him blankets, and them having study dates and coffee runs early in the morning.
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Their trope is head over heels in love x oblivious
Or loud blonde x their person. I feel like they would go on mall dates, and by that I mean Bakugo looking in stores and looking through the food court and criticizing all of their unhealthy food options while Kirishima is just walking alongside him and just agreeing with everything that Bakugo is saying.
Kirishima is definitely one out those people on valentines day that spread their partners favorite flower petals in a big heart in their room and buy those cheesy cards with an extra long note written personally with multiple oversized teddy bears on the bed. Bakugo would definitely pretend that he doesn't like it but will definitely get over it after a few minutes and shower kirishima with affection.
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Trope for them is one that I haven't really seen before and that is probably loud mean blonde x loud nice blonde. I haven't really read much on these two but I really like their dynamic and they seem really fun together. I think that they would have outside dates like going skateboarding or going to a place where they could spray paint or something.
I think that their friends would only be kind of surprised but genuinely happy for them and very supportive. Mina was most likely the reason they got together. Bakugo would hang out with her and they would talk about classmates and Bakugo having a crush on Kaminari definitely came up and on the flip side I think that Kaminari told Sero about his feelings. Sero and Mina definitely pushed them to confess their mutual feelings.
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When it comes to these two I like to thing that bakugo come onto ilda first with the whole "I like you and you've been eyeing my ass for a while so we should make out." Ilda was definitely surprised but he had a crush on bakugo so he just went with it. I think that ilda got a bit more relaxed around bakugo (a.k a. he became less of a stickler for ALL of the rules & maybe even started cussing abit.)
They're the type of couple that goes to those pottery stores and makes bowls or cups for the other. They also go on three day long hiking trips and take those cheesy photos of them kissing on the ledge of a mountain. I also think that they cook for each other. Ilda makes more traditional meals while Bakugo makes dishes with a personal twist to them. Anyway, I think that their classmates would only kind of be surprised but their fun to think about.
I just love all these ships and especially love Bakugo❤
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estergen · 3 years
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My new dyed hair and new peirced ears!!!! (Also my dog teddy)
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mooncalf87 · 2 years
⚡ and ❤, together in one or as individual snippets!
Okay! You didn't say a ship, so I'm just going to assume (and hope) you meant Remadora!! So let's dive into a fic where they are scared of thunderstorms and kisses.
Tonks sat bolt upright as a bright white flash shone through the curtains of Remus's room at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place.
She tried to lay back down, but as the thunder came a few seconds later she decided she couldn't deal with this anymore.
She quietly climbed out of bed, trying not to wake her love, but then she realized he wasn't there. The bed sheets were warm as if he had just left, but truth and all, he wasn't there.
She grabbed her wand from the bedside table, and tripped over the blanket as she stood. She grabbed her glasses off the table, as she had taken out her contacts and couldn't see, and put them on her face.
She left the room just as another flash of light peirced the night. It was mostly quiet, all the kids were sleeping, and Molly was spending the night with Arthur at St. Mungos, they had all been more edgy lately since Arthurs snake attack.
She slipped quickly and quietly down the many flights of stairs, and to the main library. She saw a light coming from inside, and heard the crackle of a fire.
She slowly opened the door, and let out a small, "eep!" As another big flash came.
"Dora?" Came Remus's voice. "That you?"
"Y-yeah." She said, her voice coming out more fragile then she had meant it to be.
"Did the thunder wake you?" He asked, holding out his arms for her. She shuffled across the floor, and sat curled up in his lap.
"Yes." She said. "And you weren't there. Didn't know where you went." She said, kissing his cheek.
"I will never leave you, love. I will always be within arms reach." Remus assured, wrapping his arms around her small frame and kissing the top of her head. "I like your glasses on you." He added at random.
"Than-" she gave a small wimper of fright as thunder, so loud it shook the house, came. "I dont like thunder."
"Me either." Remus said nodding. "Thats why I'm awake."
"It always reminds me of battles as an Auror." Tonks said. "I used to like it. Not anymore."
"I used to go play in the rain with my mother." Remus said. "It was raining one day at sunset, full moon, when I was four. I wanted to play outdoors so bad. . . I begged mother to take me outside. I got bit a few minutes after the sun fall. I don't remember it much, just a flash of lightning right when Grayback bit me."
"Thats. . . . Really scary." Tonks said, holding Remus close as if he could disappear.
"Yes, it was. But. . . . Im still here, aren't i?" Remus said.
"Yeah." Tonks agreed, kissing him. "And I'm glad to have you."
"My life wouldn't be the same without you Dora."
And they fell asleep, right there infront of the fire.
Tonks smiled as she looked at a photo of her and Remus snuggled together infront of the fire. The Weasley Twins had taken that in secret and then given it to Remus and Tonks as a wedding gift.
"What do you have there, love?" Remus asked, sitting down next to his wife. Teddy gave a small squeak in his fathers arms, and reached out for his mother.
"This photo the twins took of us." Tonks said, handing the photo to him and taking their two week old son in exchange.
"I remember this night." Remus said. "We had just begun dating."
Tonks laughed, but then gasped as a crack of thunder sounded in the distance.
"Dont worry, love." Remus said putting an arm around her waist. "Just thunder. I will always be here to protect you, it can't hurt you. I will always be here."
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who is your fave oc/s and also pls describe them in detail so i can draw them ty <333
- female! she's albino! she has long, straight hair that is almost wavy??
- very pale skinned and curvy
- short bean
- (second generation)
- main colour palette for her are different shades of orange and cream! (mostly pastel orange etc)
- very graceful and flamboyant, always
- she's an electricity elemental! but her varient of the element gives her power a orange hue
- think aoyama
- male and latina (of some description lol)
- quite tall and muscular (himbo energy)
- he has vitiligo! (skin is light in patches)
- he is very tan skinned for obvious reasons
- space elemental!!
- loves pirates! main fighting get up is pirate/sailor inspired
- he has shiny, short black hair with an undercut and it's swished to one side,,also straight hair
- colour palette = purple, deep blue, and black!
- very friendly, teddy/Labrador in human form!!
- think kirishima kind of??
my mc, topaz!
- female, mtf
- she's black and quite short, and not very curvy
- has that chin peircing with the two dots??
- hair is a light pink (think baby pink mixed with rose pink) and long and straight
- eyes are gold-brown
- lava mermaid!
- chubby
- big hands
- todoroki energy
clover, the love interest!
- i always use mina's hair as a reference, but her hair is black!
- demigirl!
-nature elemental! her personal version lets her emit thin vines with small pastel purple flowers :))
- short, slender, pale skinned (cherry's younger sister)
- lots of freckles on her face
- pastel purple flower growing out of her head!
- main colour palette is pastel green and purple
- very air headded and energetic (topaz's opposite)
- think nejire hado
- and mina ashido
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qood4u · 3 years
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izla de baz  was seen listening to karma by mod sun on their way to her law firm. izie is known to be reliable & headstrong.
basic information
full name: izla lilis de baz
nickname(s): iz, izie 
birth date: april 13th
age: 28
astrological sign: aries
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
romantic orientation: panromantic
sexual orientation: pansexual
occupation: partner at a law firm 
birth place: huntsville
hometown: huntsville
parents: nadia de baz, ishaia de baz
sibling(s): brula arbella de baz
children: marjanita nadia de baz
pet(s): teddy the golden retriever
other important relatives: her husband (wc coming soon)
physical appearance & characteristics
face claim: inanna sarkis
eye color: brown
hair color: brunette
glasses/contacts?: no
dominant hand: right
height: 5′5
build: slim
tattoos: her daughter’s birth date and footprint
peircings: ears are triple pierced. 
personality traits
positive: reliable, loyal, outgoing, commanding
negative: headstrong, scatter-brained, workaholic, spoiled
mbti: entj
temperment: sanguine
hobbies: she enjoys shopping, hanging out with her friends, going to mommy and me dance class, doing yoga, and spending as much time with anita as she can. 
hidden talent(s): she’s excellent at the claw machine game and is always winning little stuffed animals for her daughter. 
biggest achievement: getting into and graduating from law school, having her daughter
biggest regret: she doesn’t like to think of things as regrets, but lessons learned. 
most embarrassing moment: most anything that happened while she was pregnant. 
favorite memory: having her daughter, her little mini, her best friend. 
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