#technichally not a fic
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ever since i read BTTS winged pebbles has been stuck in my mind
i was going to make a quick sketch but then I rendered the metal. so here.
#rain world#art#digital art#rain world iterator#rain world five pebbles#fanfic#fic inspired#what else do i tag#five pebbles#rendering#uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#yeah#sketch#technichally#iterator biology????
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Fic list just hit 80 🥳 fanfic writers I love you
#When I was first getting into them ao3 had around like 4 fics that I could see and then after a bit of digging I found like 8 or something#So this is crazy#good job everyone#sfthposting#< technichally
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On your idol parent post you mentioned a 'Big Mama'. What happened to her?
OK SO TECHNICHALLY BIG MAMA'S OG CONCEPT BELONGS TO MY BUDDY @remmston but she's like, our ray lady so it's fine I share you the tale of, Big Mama.
so- she's always loved her little ray. and, she and big dad were always in love. she loved to travel. adventure. maybe adventure a bit too much.
she loved, movies. and gardening.
spending time with her family was so special to her.
but so was traveling and doing many wild things. but.. things didn't end up well some time. and so...
Things happened. Big Man and his dad doubled down on spending time with each other though and like to watch movies together as a way to remember her. If you wanna read a fic about her, my buddy who made her made one that you can read here.
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ok since you're the first dandy's world fan ive found on tumblr (suprisingly through your tos reblogs) im gonna ramble to you about my ocs/headcanons/lore
Basically, I think that every toon has their own personal handler. They just dont get any attention because they handle "secondary characters". Each of them were selected for having personality traits that needed to be displayed in the characters they were assigned. Before their promotion, they had different jobs around the location and had their skills and personalities evaluated to make sure they were the right ones for the job-- even if those traits were caused by mental health problems/disabilities (ex. Curtis Thompson, who became R&D's handler due to having "two different personalities" caused by having (undiagnosed) bpd/did). Micheal Atlas, the manager of the handlers even brought in his 8 y/o daughter Lucy into this stuff just for work purposes (she was the handler for Toodles).
And yea they all lowkey had sh*tty working conditions in general which sucked. Once, two handlers (Curtis Thompson & Lucian Green) got locked inside the museum after hours. And nobody noticed. And yeah that incident was enough for the two of them to team up with their deaf coworker Honey Maplewood to file a lawsuit against Gardenview but at that point it didnt matter anymore bc then it got shut down, causing all of them to get laid off.
Almost all the handlers were interrogated afterwards about the shutdown and why it happened. And yeah after that all the handlers just tried moved on with their life + Lucy got picked up by child services bc yk... technichally she's a victim of child labor. Present day they all work normal jobs, some of them staying in the same field of "childrens education" while others have moved on to different careers.
Damn now I wanna write a fic where a group of the former handlers go back to the abandoned Gardenview and try to figure out the actual cause of it being shut down while also reliving past memories. Anyways thank you for reading all of this 👍
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how do din and luke meet in that modern au?
Oooh, so.
I don’t know why but I really like the idea of Din being the handyman at his apartment complex - gets a cut on his rent and pretty flexible schedule to take care of his tiny gremlin kid - but also?
Lends a hand at Cara’s gym or Boba’s bike shop or something and Luke comes in because his bike is acting up and he can’t figure it out?
Like, Luke’s usually pretty good about keeping his bike up to speed and stuff but there’s something wrong with it he can’t figure it out?
Din’s filling in for one of Boba’s guys, only one in when Luke pulls in and it’s like oh, no, he’s ridiculously attractive, and somehow he manages not to make a fool of himself.
He thinks Luke might be flirting with him??? There’s a lot of smiling and even some leaning, Luke in that yellow jacket of his and big old smile and pretty blue eyes leaning on the counter telling Din all about his bike woes and such with this smile like hey, what can you do, right?
Meanwhile Din’s gripping the ballpoint pen so tight the the plastic cracks - one of those clear plastic ones, name of Boba’s shop worn away from use and whatnot, and he is trying, okay, he is trying to be a professional but Luke is making it really, really hard. NO. Difficult. Luke is making it really, really difficult.
He has no idea what he writes down on the paperwork. Boba calls him up the next day trying to make sense of it and Din is like shit because for the life of him he cannot recall anything about the whole encounter aside from Luke. (Well, okay, he does once his brain kicks into gear, but when he’s talking to Boba on the phone it’s static.)
Luke with his big smile and pretty blue eyes and all that leaning and Din goes out to check on Luke’s bike and it’s something that needs a new part, and Luke’s bike is an older model - “It was my dad’s,” he says, this odd smile on his face, something that tells Din it’s better not to ask after that tidbit just yet - and he’ll have to order it. Should be at the shop in a day or two, and they’ll have Luke back on the roan in no time.
Because Reasons it’s not safe to drive the bike, and Boba’s shop doesn’t really do courtesy shuttle service, but Luke came in close enough to closing that Din’s sure there won’t be any more customers and Din does have his minivan, so...
And, okay, it might seem a little creepy, but also common decency since Luke mentioned being new in town and he probably doesn’t know that many people, and anyway. It would be weird to kick him out of the shop and just drive off, right????
Besides, it’s been cloudy all week and the forecasts look like they might be right for once because it feels like it’s going to be a hell of a storm, and he’d feel bad if he made Luke wait for his ride in the rain.
So Din offers to give Luke a ride home or wherever after he closes the shop, Luke tries to tell him it’s no problem, he can call a cab or a rideshare - he has a friend in town, old family friend or something but it’s kind of late and anyway, no need to go to all that trouble?
But Din insists, and it’s not like Luke’s putting up much of a fight about it, and he just hangs around while Din closes up the shop and locks up and then gets in Din’s minivan and it’s not as weird as either of them thought it would be?
They don’t really talk on the way aside from Luke offering up an address and such and Din grumbling about traffic and detours and construction. Mentions offhand to Luke about what to look out for when traffic picks up and so on.
At this point I don’t know if I like Luke staying at Obi-Wan’s place at the moment or not, but you know what would be hilarious?
If Luke gives Din his address and Din is just like ah, yes, I know exactly where that is and they zoom off in that direction only for him to have the belated realization that wait, wait. That’s my apartment complex.
But maybe that come later, you know?
A few weeks, maybe a month or two after their first meeting and Luke’s bike is acting up again and he has to bring it back into the shop and he and Din do this whole thing over again?
Only this time Luke is like, well, hot bike shop guy didn’t react badly to my flirting the first time, why not kick things up a notch? And poor Din is like oh, no, this is terrible when it’s really the exact opposite.
And maybe before he wasn’t really in the frame of mind to be looking at getting into a relationship of any kind? Busy with Grogu and work and other stuff and no real time to consider it, but things have evened out in his life and it might be nice, and then Luke walks back into his life and he’s like hmm, why not?
So double flirting and Din is pretty sure it is flirting this time - Luke did the thing when he handed his keys over, you know the one. Fingers brushing, lingering, intense eye contact and smiles - and anyway, yes.
It’s a few hours to closing, but Boba won’t mind if Din closes the shop early and Luke puts up a token protest about Din driving him home, and this time, okay, this time.
Luke gives Din his address and Din is like okay, great! And it isn’t until they’re actually on the road - the one he takes whenever he leaves Boba’s shop on his way home that he’s like, huh, and not until he’s halfway to their destination that he’s like weird.
Because last time he could have sworn Luke lived in the opposite direction, but he did say he was staying with a friend at the time, what with being new in town and all.
It’s not until he sees his the apartment complex he lives in come into view that he’s like wait, wait, wait.
His boss told him someone was moving in to one of the apartment units a week or so ago, and while he’d made note of it at the time it hadn’t come up since then.
Din stares at the apartment complex for a moment, and then looks at Luke who is all ??? at his reaction.
“You live here?” Din asks, brain no co-operating with him, so of course that’s the first thing he say.
Luke is still ??? but he’s like “Yeah, I just moved in last week. Still settling in, but it seems nice.”
Din is like. “...” because he’s convinced this is the universe playing a joke on him. (Or maybe his asshole friends, who knows.)
“Uh, yeah,” Din says, awkward as hell.
There’s a little more awkwardness before Luke starts to get out - and stops. Stares out the windshield and Din is like ??? because Luke says in an undertone, “You can do this, you’re a Skywalker,” and rips off a corner of his copy of the slip Din gave him for his keys at the shop.
Gives Din this awkward look and a little “Excuse me,” as he snags the pen in Din’s workshirt and writes his number on that bit of paper. Gives Din this crooked little smile and tips his head before it clicks that oh, oh shit. Luke’s giving him his number.
And not, you know, because of work reasons. Because his bike and Boba’s shop and just. (God, he’s a mess.)
Din takes the paper and Luke beams at him before he slips out of Din’s little minivan with a “Call me sometime!” that’s almost swallowed by the rain because rainy season and Din sits in his dumb little minivan for a long, long time after that with Luke’s number clutched in his hand and brain full of !!! because !!!.
But also, also.
Din hearing about Luke all over the place because he works with that family friend of his - Ben, something? - with some kind of youth program and he went to Cara’s gym about holding classes there or something?
Turns out he and his family friends do something with sword? Or yoga or something, Cara wasn’t clear on it, just wanted to tell him all about these weirdos and what kind of sucker did she look like? (Din rolls his eyes because he knows her, knows she said yes, and probably cut them a sweeter deal than they were expecting and anyway, anyway, he hears about Luke from her which is unexpected to say the least.
And then there’s Boba, who gets this look on his face when he realizes Dins a little moony over this guy he met, someone he met through Boba’s shop, and then it’s -
“Wait, what?”
Because Boba used to be a bounty hunter back before he settled down and opened his bike shop and Din worked with/for him a bit before Grogu came into his life and he realized he needed something steadier for the kid.
Boba’s the one to tell him about Luke being buddies with Han, and after Din sees Luke’s tattoo and hears all about his days with his biker gang back home - “It really wasn’t a biker gang, Din, really” digs up an old bounty on Luke.
Old, old, from when the whole Family Drama was going down and anyway, it was a long time ago and everything’s been cleared up and just. Don’t worry about it, okay?
Anyway, before all that there’s Luke moving a new couch into his place one day and Din on his way back from fixing someone’s sink or whatever and offers to help?
Luke is like, “Um,” because what is Din doing there?
To which Din is like, “So, i didn’t realize it at the time,but I, too, live in this apartment complex and am also the resident handyman.”
Luke just looking at him over the top of his stupidly heavy couch because what are the odds?
Din feeling a little awkward and about to scuttle on home, but Luke snorts and take Din up on his offer of help and after struggling to get it up to Luke’s place and in the door, they collapse on the couch - stupidly heavy but surprisingly comfortable.
And it’s late afternoon and Luke didn’t have time for breakfast and Din straight up skipped it getting Grogu off to to daycare. Cara’s picked him up, and she likes to keep him with her until Din calls or she leaves the gym which gives him a free afternoon, and anyway.
They order pizza and watch terrible television because they’re too damn tired to do anything else and it’s actually really nice and maybe, maybe, they kind of gravitate towards one another somewhere in there.
Dip in the couch cushions or something and leaning against one another, maybe Din’s arm goes on the back of the couch and Luke’s shoulders happen to be right there, who can say.
(Maybe, maybe, there’s this little moment when Din’s leaving because Cara texted to let him know she’s bringing Grogu back and he has to leave and Luke sees him to the door where they just kind of...look at one another.
Soft smiles and so on, and not quite at the smooching stage just yet - Din helped him move his couch, Luke fed him pizza, a date that is not - and yet?
Luke might feel a little cheeky, might dart in and press a quick little kiss to Din’s cheek and laugh at the look on his face, might say, “I had fun, we should do it again sometime,” before Din’s phone buzzes again, Cara almost to the complex and Din has to go, and Din, okay, Din is like.
“I’d like that,” and have to run even though he really doesn’t want to, wants to spend more time with Luke, but his kid, and anyway, anyway, maybe they can go on an actual date next time.
(They kind of don’t though, but that’s fine because they have a good time anyway, and they do manage to get to the smooching stage, which is just really, really nice.)
#replies#anon#star wars nonsense#dinluke#modern au idea#technichally not a fic#vagrant fic#long post#Anonymous
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Hey sorry Sandboy is taking a while its technichally made up of two chapters (one is optional for you to read tho and will be on the Series List instead of the Fic itself) but yeah lol what do you guys think’ll happen
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I think if the Damsel Association tried to send in a replacement for Roxanne, it would probably take a few weeks for Megamind to even notice she exists. And he might not see any reason to actually kidnap her, when Roxanne is right there. What do you think?
Depends which fic its happening in. Damsels come with a certain level of fanfare so it would be hard to miss given how much information Megamind has coming in in Topsy. He'd either think it was Roxanne trying to win their fight by running away and double down on her even harder, or he would wait until they were in the same place (probably for a news story or something) and purposefully kidnap Roxanne and deliberately ignore the new damsel who would probably be pretty judtifiably scared of taking the role on given the way Megamind and Roxanne are currently ripping into each other.
Damselling isn't easy. But the possibility of dying for the city is meant to be the scary part. Not the keeping the villain engaged to keep his attention off everyone else
The Damsel Association has very strict rules about poaching anyway, so they'd also need it publicly acknowledged by the hero that he knows who the new damsel is, and because Roxanne is an unofficial Damsel they technichally don't have a foot in the door into Metro City.
Its a very messy process.
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Fenk8- Denki Kaminari x Male Reader
After hours of having to rewrite this piece, another half hour of tumblr simply not co-operating, and a few minutes of needing to convince myself that my piece wasn’t trash... I present to you my submission to the BNHA Server Collab. Our prompt was plain and simple, Pen Pals.
Pairing: Kaminari Denki/ Male Reader
Rating: E for Explicit. And C for Crackhead Energy
Kinks: Cyber Sex, Semi-Anonymous Sex, Penpal Sex, Dom!Denki, Daddy Kink, Premature Ejaculation, Cum Eating Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Flexibility, Dumbasses in love
Word Count: 2930
QUICK NOTE BECAUSE I AM A DUMBASS- Paladin is our boy Icyhot... dumbass needed a real Hero name and in a fic I enjoy that is the one he chose. And Flashpoint is our favourite boy Touya Todoroki AKA Dabi. I made him a damn hero because baby deserves it.
His username had been Fenk8, of which you weren't certain why. The penpal website was known for people seeking out more adult interactions, but you hadn't been looking for that. Not at first, really. Charming messages such as, "Hey sweet thing" and "If we were the alphabet I'd put U and I together" changed that slightly. The message that made you laugh the most had been the U and I joke. Corny pickup lines were the way into your heart. Of course you had to respond with your own corny pickup line, "Did you just shock me, or was it your electric personality?" Of course he freaked out a little at that, which you didn't understand. Fenk8 got a little wiggy when anything mentioning electric personalities was brought up. So you tried to avoid it. But you couldn’t help that he sparked your interest.
>>Hey sweetness. Birthday cake can be any flavour. But birthday cake is a flavour
>>What is up, hot stuff? The opposite of waterfall is firefly.
>>My sugarcube, the oldest person alive was born with an entirely different set of humans around.
>>Technichally… if we made everything legal the crime rate would be zero. I'M JUST SAYING!
>>Woah, sunshine… if we can't see air… can fish see water?
>>Orange is the only colour you can taste. I'm just saying.
Every conversation started with something random. Something that had you scratching your head, or made your eyes go wide because holy fuck he wasn't wrong. It was chaotic, but you loved it. He also tried out different pet names most of the time. Your favourite was Sugarcube. It was cute and different. You loved talking with him, it was like talking to your best friend. Only you didn't know your best friend's name, or what he looked like. Or what he did for a living. But Fenk8 was your best friend, nonetheless. The friend that had the nerve to ask you who put the alphabet in alphabetical order. But still your best friend. Days of talking turned into weeks. Weeks into months. The two of you had yet to share photos of yourselves yet, and that was fine. He sent you pictures of dogs he saw on walks, of beautiful flowers, and occasionally the most beautiful sunrises. He worked strange hours, often all over Tokyo and surrounding cities. But it just meant you never got the same scenery twice. Once he had been in the same area as you, sent photos of the bakery you worked at. He didn’t know you worked there, just sent a picture of a little pastry you had made. Said it reminded him of you. That same day Chargebolt had come in and bought one of your pastries. The two of you were excited for different reasons that day. Him because he found out that you made pastries, you because your favourite hero had bought something you made and even came up after and said it was delicious. You hadn't told him about that, you did tell him that you had a small obsession with the electric pro hero. Your potential friend(?) didn't need to know that your favourite sleepwear was an oversized t-shirt from the very first line of Chargebolt merch.
>>Hey sweetheart! Saw the cutest little dog today, thought you would love him as much as I did. His name was Chowchan!
>>How was your day??? I hope you didn't work too hard! I've missed talkin' to ya. Sorry I've been so busy, sweetcheeks.
Attached to his messages was a picture of the most obnoxiously fluffy Chowchow curled into a ball at the feet of… holy fuck was that Pro-Hero Dauntless!? Fenk8 got that close to the Number One hero, got a picture of his dog, and it looked like they were having a casual conversation based on the flush covering Dauntless' cheeks and the adorable pikachu bag you knew belonged to Fenk8 sitting beside him. Just what did Fenk8 do for work that he was chummy with a pro!? Reporter? Maybe he was a PR agent? Or a personal assistant? The last two would make a lot of sense, given that he travelled a lot for work.
<<you even got Dauntless out of his hero gear, sitting still… a god. You're a god.
After a few moments of silence, your phone dinged with another notification.
>>I guess Dauntless is your favourite pro then? Makes sense, he is pretty hot.
<<No? Chargebolt is my favourite. He's been to my bakery a few times, compliments my pastries. Sure, his quirk has a pretty big drawback… but over the years he has really gotten good at controlling his output. Did you see his most recent thwart of a bank robbery!? He got the emergency backups back up and running using his quirk! And when he let himself be the backup generator for the children's hospital last winter…
<<Sorry… rambling. I just… Chargebolt is the best. Some are born for greatness, others have to work for it. He works for it. He said my Lemon Puffs are his favourite, which is good because he inspired them. The popping candy in the dough represents static electricity! I can't believe that Chargebolt likes my sweets… sorry. I'm sure you don't want to talk about pros.
>>Honestly, reading you so passionate is amazing. I can't believe that someone would be so vocally passionate about a hero only in the top fifty. Ground Zero, Dauntless, Flashpoint, Paladin… even Uravity and Froppy. I hear so much about them. But never someone so excited about Chargebolt.
<<He is an amazing hero. I watched his first Sports Festival… all of his Sports Festivals really. I really love him as a hero. But ue never does press events, not like the top ten. And I work when he does patrols. So I've never interacted with him outside of work… but man what I wouldn't give to meet the man. I'm sure you have a favourite pro?
>>Honestly, I do. Red Riot is one of my favourites. Ever heard him sing Karaoke? I'll have to send you a video I have of it. Guy goes all out.
<<Red Riot is pretty cool. But Chargebolt will always be my favourite.
How had you gone off on a full rant about a pro hero? Especially to your internet friend. He was going to think you are such a weirdo now. But apparently he didn't, because he requested a faceless video call for that night. Something about needing to get off, and hoping you would help. Sure, he was a little more smooth than that, but all you cared about was actually getting to see part of Fenk8. You two had only done something similar once, and it had been through text alone. Now you got to attach a voice and a faceless body to Fenk8. You only hoped you still found him sexually attractive after this. What if he was too muscular, like Red Riot. Or covered in deep scarring like Flashpoint. Not that you didn't find them attractive, but with Chargebolt as the man in your fantasies anyone else would pale. He was your number one fantasy, could you really be blamed though? It didn't occur to you that Fenk8 could be a creepy old man, or a murderer or something. Surely the man who seemed chummy with Dauntless couldn't have even an evil bone in his body. Dauntless was too pure to be friends with someone who was genuinely bad.
So when the evening rolled around you found yourself in just an oversized fleece sweater and a pair of black boxer briefs. Your already straining erection begging to be touched as you looked over the thin yet very toned torso before you. Fenk8 was built just like you imagined Chargebolt would be. Lean and just toned enough to show he worked out. You noticed a faint glimmer in his nipples, holy fuck Fenk8 had them pierced! A tiny barbell in each dusky nipple, catching the light just right every time he moved. Below that was a navel piercing, man did he have a lot of piercings apparently. Because he had mentioned his tongue, and webbing in an earlier message you guys had shared.
"Like what you see, Sugarcube?" You could hear the smirk in his words. And the chuckle he made when you whimpered an affirmative was divine. "Why don't you take that sweater off, I had a long day at work and watching my Sugarcube stroke himself would really make my day." The man already stroking himself. A nice thick cock in his hand, nestled nicely beneath a cute nest of blond curls. Faintly you wondered if you would ever get to sit on it, positive that it would be a perfect stretch. Quick to comply you pulled the sweater over your head and let him see your chest in its entirety. A deep blush staining your chest, lower lip pulled between your teeth. Removing your underwear took a little more courage, your member was not as nice to look at as Fenk8's. You would call Fenk8's cock attractive. Thick, long, nicely curved. You would probably call yours cute. It was smaller than his, and looked smaller beneath your curls that were a little darker than the rest of your hair.
"That's a good boy. Now why don't you stroke yourself for Daddy. Let me hear you whine and whimper for my cock to stretch you out." You imagined a wicked smile on his face as he spoke. Eyes locked on the cock in his hands, mouth falling open when you finally noticed the glimmering bits of metal. A three piece bottom ladder, a two piece scrotum ladder, his lorem, a King’s Crown and an Albert. Eight piercings in his dick alone. Was there anywhere he didn't have pierced?!
"Y-yes, Daddy." Finally spoken as you wrapped a hand daintily around your length and began to softly stroke. A soft whimper ringing out before you could stop it. You had been pent up all day, ever since the message he sent asking for this call. Already your body threatened to betray you and make Fenk8 think you were some pathetic virgin. Which you weren't! And even if you were… it was no one's business.
"F-fuck!" You whined out and tensed as you came. Embarassed that you finished so quickly. But it wasn't entirely your fault. Fenk8 got you so worked up earlier. White ropes splattering your chest and stomach as you tried to hide your face from him while slowly slumping down.
"That was so hot baby. A few strokes and you're already cumming for Daddy. I'm so proud of you for wanting to make me happy. Want your reward, Sugarcube?" His voice was thickened, dripping like honey as he spoke to you. Opening your eyes you saw his hand lazily stroking over his length while the other reached toward the camera to adjust it. Raising it and- HOLY FUCK. Fenk8 is Chargebolt.
"Hey, Sugarcube. Heard you have a favourite pro." His charming smile on full display, the hand that had adjusted the camera shooting you a finger gun. Your eyes went wide and he licked over his lips. That tongue piercing you dreamed of, the one positioned a little off to the left, darting out and teasing you. The blond kept amber eyes locked on your frame while keeping the slight motion of him playing with his dick.
Never once did you think that Chargebolt would be a dominant. Or have a daddy kink. Nor did you think he would ever call you cumming in less than thirty seconds hot. Yet here he was with a straining erection, his plush tip glistening with pre, demanding you call him Daddy. Honestly, you had never been more aroused either. "Ch-char… holy fuck." Your own words stammered and stuck in your throat. The blond chuckling warmly as you seemed awestruck.
"Don't be like that, Sugarcube. Your mouth has better uses. Clean yourself up. Scoop all that cum into your cute little mouth. Show Daddy how badly you want his cum." Instructions you quickly followed. Two fingers sliding through the mess on your belly and bringing it to your waiting mouth. Lewdly moaning to make sure your dream man had the best show in the world. You wanted him to never end this, and if happily eating your own cum was what he wanted… it was what he would get. Your tongue pushing apart your fingers to clean between them before you repeated the action. Another scoop of your own cum dancing on your tongue. Fuck, were you already getting hard again? You supposed that was the best part of cumming so quickly anytime you got into it, you were always ready to go again real soon. Apparently he noticed you growing hard too, because your next instructions followed not long after.
"Sugar cube, you're going to cum directly into your own mouth this time. Lay on your shoulders, and bend those pretty legs over to rest at your head. Use the wall to help support you if you need to. I just wanna watch you get all cute and cum drunk on your own cum. Can you do that for Daddy?” His instructions weren’t hard in theory. But actually maneuvering your body to make it work was actually kind of hard to do. But after a few minutes, and comments from the man about how juicy your ass looked, you managed to get the position perfect. Your tight asshole on display as well, but Chargebolt wasn’t looking for that yet. He wanted you to eat your own cum. Tentatively you began to stroke your length again, at least you would last longer than thirty seconds this time. You hoped so at least. It would be pretty fucking embarassing if you only lasted less than a minute again. You might as well just end the call, move away from Japan, change your name., and start a new life as a Norwegian sheep farmer or something if that happened. Premature ejaculation wasn’t cute, no one would want you if they knew you only lasted a few seconds. Your soft moans filled the air, and you felt something bubbling in your stomach. Only a few strokes in and already you were getting closer by the second.
“Cum for me, Sugarcube. Open your mouth and cum on that pretty tongue of yours for Daddy. I love how quickly you cum. I can already hear how needy you are. Just like last time, you get so pink when you need to cum. And look at all your precum dripping onto your pretty lips. Perfect lips for wrapping around Daddy’s cock. Cum for Daddy so he can cum too.” Honeyed words low and sultry. If you opened your eyes you would see his hand flying furiously over his length. The blond trying to cum at the same time you did. But he wouldn't get there before you did, already you were spilling down into your waiting mouth. Groaning at the slightly sweet taste blossoming over your tastebuds. Legs collapsing by your head, your body almost falling off the bed as you tried to right yourself again.
It was amazing the sight you saw. The blond man, basically a twink in his own right, completely debauched. Chest covered in his own spunk, a dazed look on his face, both thumbs sticking up as he blinked a few times as his only response to you asking if he was alright. Did he always overcharge when he came? Was this normal for him? Part of you wanted to try and contact someone to check on him, but the better part of you knew to just give him a few minutes to recover. Grabbing a tissue from your bedside table and cleaning your chest off slowly, keeping an eye on the man filling your laptop screen. Making sure he didn’t like, die or something. Could you die from cumming to hard? Was it possible for his quirk to completely fry his brain? But then you heard him say something other than whey. At least he wasn’t brain dead. That was good.
“Denki. S’my name. Use it… Kaminari Denki.” Words slightly slurred, but clearly understandable. He was giving you open permission to not only use his name… But his given name. Holy fuck. Of course you whispered back your own name. Letting him know he was free to use yours. The two of you had a good connection, and continued this on for a while longer.
“So… Denks. Why the ever loving fuck did you choose Fenk8?” It was Kirishima that asked that while you all lounged on your couch. The entire squad knew how you and Danki got together, apparently he never shut up about you in the beginning. Always mentioning the really cool baker guy that made the best sweets. It was actually Bakugou that stole Denki’s phone and made the request for the video call that night. Tired of hearing the electric blond complaining over how awesome you were.“Heh… Funny story. It was supposed to be Denk8, but I misspelt it while signing up and didn’t notice. Cn’t change your username, even if you’re a pro apparently. If you said it out loud it was supposed to sound like my name. The 8 was for my di-” Cut off by a pillow thrown at him by Hanta while Mina died laughing. You even couldn’t help the laughter as you heard what was shouted through the pillow over his mouth. “-CK PIERCINGS! BECAUSE I HAVE ONE FOR EACH INCH OF MY COCK!”
#denki#kaminari#denki kaminari#kaminari denki#chargebolt#reader#male reader#fanfic#kaminari x reader#denki x reader#chargebolt x reader#yaoi#listen this is a whole mess#bnha harem server#server collab#bnha server collab#dumbasses in love#denki is pretty chaotic
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So I've been lurking through various star war au threads and reading fic after fix-it fic and now I am dealing with an insistent plot bunny that will probably never be written but I can at least talk about.
Note: that this AU heavily features one Kaida Uzumaki, a naruto oc I created years ago and is still one of my most used characters youknowforallthoseficsiveneverposted, but i don't feel like explaining everything about her at the moment so Imma gonna go through this as if everyone already knows her (maybe i'll actually get around to talking about her someday)
Its the war and everything is loud and chaotic, and her dead father is alive but a corpse and her brother is stripped of his bijuu before given the other half of it and the traitor and oh how she hates the traitor not for leaving but for hurting her brother who is to bright and kind and- he's standing with Naruto and Madara is gone and for a moment she's releived but then something worse is here and its worse so so worse and she is so scared and tired and then there is a ripping sound and she's falling and falling and falling
She hits sand and at first all she thinks is that she's in Suna and someone tried to mimic her father's and she still can't cope with the idea that yes the man her brother admired and she hated was their father so she doesn't think about it techniche and she's annoyed and needs to get back soon
Its not Kaze no Kuni, its not anywhere she knows about, she realizes as soon as she finds settlement and sees no familiar artchitecture and she is accosted by a trio of unwashed very strange looking creatures later so much later she learns them to be an arcona and two nemodians and they speak and she doesn't understand the words but she knows body language and she knows threats so she does what she does and in moments their dead from the kunai in her hand and a snapped neck, its a clean death but people stare and mutter
There is a little boy who immedietly disregards the bodies and reaches for her hands, he doesn't touch them, but he gestures at her and smiles and she follows because this isn't Kaze no Kunai, this isnt Suna, this isn't the elemental nations, and if she was willing to think it she would say it isnt even the right planet
The boy takes her to a small area, run down and taken care of but poor, it reminds her little bit of an abandoned apartment complex save for two small children in one apartment and into one of the houses to be met with a woman probably the boys mother with kind eyes and those eyes! all she can think of is Iruka and suddenly it crashes into her all the things she's most defientely not been thinking about and she collapses into tears because even if they win the war she lost
There is more, so much more, but I have work and school and need to do other things so I'll have to come back to it some other time
#naruto shippuden#star wars#Kaida Uzumaki#once more i am going to put this girl through emotional hell before it even remotely gets better#Chakra and the Force AU#yeah its Aniken and Shmi#this does become a fix-it technically but not yet#just pain and suffering right now#headcanons
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OM Questions
The first question is, there are laws that the magic government put in place that monster hunters have to follow, right? (Just making sure cause I don't think it was mentioned? Feel free to correct me though)
The second (two-parter) question is, are there monster hunters that operate illegally? And if there are, are we gonna see them or nay?
Hello hello!
For question one! Yes! There is!
Question two! Technichally yeah! Before all the laws, it worked more as like a general hunting service, like "oh there's some deer in the woods we should kill it" energy in comparison to "we're killing a Person".
Now in days it works more like assassination or mercenary work. Illegal monster hunters work and kill anything/one. Legal monster hunters, like the ones in our fic, usually work on a much more careful scale of "is this person too important to kill", "do they have magic government protection", and "is the cost worth the dangers"
Making sure you background check your targets or whatever your work is being paid to do is like, making sure you don't accidentally kill like, the president of minotaur. It's a very important part of being a modern monster hunter.
It's no surprise why the 'hunter' and 'killing' part of the job is slowly dying out and people are just being mercenaries.
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