#technically shes no longer a Blake but still
ladymonterosa · 3 months
Bound souls - Part 1
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1. Maybe not everything is fine
Sitting at the back of the classroom, I tried to hide behind my cascade of red hair. Today's lesson dragged on slowly, like a winter day. The professor's words bounced off the walls, forming an indistinct murmur that couldn't penetrate the barrier of my thoughts. My mind wandered far from the yellowed pages of the classics, traveling to a more personal and troubled place.
My gaze kept falling on the screen of my iPhone, discreetly positioned next to my notebook. Occasionally, the screen lit up, but it was just a trivial notification, an app update, or a reminder. It had been weeks since I had heard from them, and every day the silence grew more deafening.
The professor's voice rose in tone to emphasize an important passage, briefly bringing me back to reality. I tried to concentrate, to grasp the thread of the discourse on William Blake's poetry, but it was like trying to hold sand in my hands. Every time a thought formed in my mind, another, more insistent one, replaced it. I glanced down at the open book, Blake's verses blurred like a forgotten dream. I picked up a pen and started doodling absentmindedly on the margins of the pages, the curved lines and small drawings reflecting my restless state of mind. A wave of frustration washed over me. My mind began to race, trying to find a plausible explanation. Maybe he was busy with his studies, or perhaps with his job as a technical assistant. But deep down, I knew something was wrong. Sure, it wasn't unusual for Jordan to ignore my messages, but when they found the time, they would respond, even if just with monosyllables. This time, though, the waiting time was longer than usual. It had been two weeks since our last meeting. I still remembered his bright smile and the warmth of his hand in mine. We had talked for hours as if the outside world didn't exist. Everything seemed so perfect. And now, this silence. A silence that felt like betrayal. Every day that passed without a word from him was like a small knife digging deeper into my heart.
I was tempted to send another message, to ask for explanations, but a voice inside me told me to stop because I knew they wouldn't appreciate it.
Sighing, I briefly closed my eyes, wondering if I had done something wrong, if there was a moment when I said or did something that pushed him away. I reviewed every conversation, every gesture, desperately trying to find an answer. But all I found was a maze of doubts and uncertainties.
The sound of a notification startled me. My heart began to beat faster as I grabbed my phone. My hands trembled slightly as I unlocked the screen, hoping with all my might that it was finally Jordan. But it wasn't the message I was waiting for. It was Marianna, sitting not far from me. Her message was brief and simple: "Everything okay?"
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and felt my shoulders drop, heavy with disappointment but also with slight relief. At least someone cared about me. I quickly replied, "Yes, everything's okay, thanks," even though I knew my clever friend wouldn't be so easily fooled.
I went back to staring at the blank screen, hoping the next sound would be the right one. At the end of the lesson, Marianna approached me with a caring smile. "Freya, is everything really okay?" she asked, putting a loving hand on my shoulder. I nodded, but my smile didn't reach my eyes.
"Come on, let's go get a smoothie at the new campus stand. They say they're delicious, and I think a break would do us good," Marianna suggested enthusiastically.
I hesitated for a moment, looking at my phone again. But then I decided she was right. Maybe a bit of distraction would help me stop obsessing over that message that wasn't coming. "Okay, let's go," I finally replied, trying to convince myself that a smoothie with Marianna was exactly what I needed right now.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
We arrived at the campus stand and ordered two fruit smoothies. Marianna chose a strawberry-banana mix, while I opted for a mango-pineapple smoothie. With our drinks in hand, we decided to go to the campus park to relax and enjoy the afternoon sun. We found a spot under a large tree and sat on the grass
I tried to focus on the conversation with Marianna, but my eyes kept returning to the screen of my iPhone. The phone remained silent, as if my words had gotten lost in the digital abyss of nothingness. Marianna noticed my distraction and, after a while, decided to confront me. Putting her smoothie down and looking me in the eyes, she asked, "Freya, what's wrong?"
I tried to force a smile, but I knew it wouldn't fool anyone. "Nothing. It's just… I've had a bit of a complicated day, but it will pass." Marianna sighed, knowing I wasn't telling the whole truth. "Freya, I know you too well. This has to do with Jordan, doesn't it?"
I could no longer avoid the question. I lowered my gaze, nervously playing with my smoothie. "Yes," I finally admitted. "I haven't heard from him in weeks. I don't know what happened. Everything seemed perfect, and then… silence."
The blonde looked at me with understanding but also with a hint of disappointment. "Freya, I've always told you what I think of Jordan. His reputation on campus isn't the best, and you know it well. They're not reliable, and they only care about themselves and their ranking. I don't want you to suffer because of someone like that."
Her words hit me like a cold shower. "But Marianna, Jordan isn't like they describe. With me, it's different, really."
She shook her head, the disappointment evident. "Maybe he made you believe so, but look where you are now. You're wasting your time and energy on someone who doesn't deserve you. You're one of the most popular and intelligent girls on campus. You deserve better, someone who is reliable and caring, not someone like Jordan who disappears without explanations."
I felt a knot tighten in my chest. "But what should I do? I can't stop hoping everything will go back to how it was."
Marianna smiled at me affectionately, but with a determination I had never seen before. "You need to think about yourself, Freya. Your happiness can't depend on someone who doesn't respect you. Find someone who appreciates you for who you are, who is there for you in difficult times, and who doesn't leave you in this limbo of uncertainty."
I took a sip of my smoothie, enjoying the sweet and refreshing taste. The mango and pineapple blended in a symphony of flavors that brought me back to reality, at least for a moment. Maybe Marianna was right. Maybe it was time to stop waiting and start living.
Seeing that her words had started to make an impact, Marianna decided to seize the moment. "Listen, there's a student party tonight. I've heard it will be a lot of fun, with live music and many of our friends. Why don't you come with me? It could be the first step to freeing yourself from the memory of Jordan and having some fun."
I hesitate for a moment, the thought of going to a party while feeling so vulnerable scares me. But then an idea takes root in my mind. I look at Marianna, her encouraging smile and her hand extended towards me. "Alright," I finally say. "Let's go to this party. Maybe you're right, a bit of distraction will do me good."
Marianna smiles, visibly relieved. "Great! It'll be fun, I promise. And who knows, maybe you'll meet someone interesting."
We exchange a mischievous smile as we get up to head back to campus. If my friend knew what I really had in mind, I'm sure she would kill me once and for all.
*✿❀ ❀✿*
The evening falls quickly, and I find myself in front of the mirror getting ready. I'm wearing a simple black dress that's tight in all the right places, paired with white stiletto sandals. I've decided to leave my hair down. As a final touch, I have cat eyes and bright red lipstick. Marianna is waiting for me at the door, ready and radiant.
We arrive at the club, where the energy is contagious. The music fills the air and the rhythm is irresistible. Marianna guides me through the crowd towards a group of people she knows. "Freya, meet Alex and Tom," she says, pointing to the two guys. Alex is tall and blonde, with a contagious smile, while Tom is shorter, with dark hair and lively eyes.
"Nice to meet you, Freya," says Alex, extending his hand to me. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Nice to meet you too," I reply, shaking his hand.
Tom looks at me with wide eyes. "Wait a minute... are you Freya Hill, the famous actress?"
I nod slightly, a bit embarrassed. "Yes, that's me."
Tom grins widely and pulls out a notebook and pen from his backpack. "Could I get an autograph? I'm a big fan of yours!"
I laugh and take the pen, signing the notebook. "Sure, here you go."
Tom seems over the moon, but it's Alex who really captures my attention. "It must be incredible to be a movie star and attend university at the same time. How do you manage it all?" he asks, genuinely interested.
"Yes, it's quite challenging," I respond. "But I like the idea of having a normal life and studying like everyone else."
Alex smiles, moving slightly closer. "Well, I must say that's really impressive. You know, you're even more beautiful in person."
I feel my cheeks blush slightly. "Thank you," I murmur, feeling a strange mix of nervousness and excitement.
Marianna watches the scene with a mischievous smile. "Freya, do you want something to drink? I'm going to the bar with Tom to get something."
I nod. "Yes, please. A Virgin Mojito for me."
As Marianna and Tom head towards the bar, Alex moves even closer. "So, Freya, what do you like to do when you're not on set or in class?"
I smile, feeling a bit more at ease. "Well, I like to read, especially great classics like Pride and Prejudice or Wuthering Heights. And I love traveling and taking photographs. What about you? What do you like to do in your free time?"
"I love hiking. There's something special about getting lost in nature, away from the chaos of the city. And I'm a big music enthusiast. I play bass in a local band."
"Wow, that sounds fantastic," I reply. "I'd love to hear you play someday."
"Maybe we can arrange something," Alex says with a charming smile. "You know, it's rare to find someone you can talk to so easily."
I nod, feeling a connection growing between us. "Yes, it is. It's nice to meet someone interesting."
We start chatting, and I find out that Alex is not only funny but also fascinating. We talk about everything, from favorite movies to personal passions, and I realize that I'm starting to relax and enjoy the evening.
When Marianna returns with the drinks alongside Tom, she sees Alex so close to me. "It looks like you're already making progress," she whispers in my ear, making me laugh.
After drinking part of my drink, I feel the need to go to the bathroom. I excuse myself from the two guys and Marianna and head towards the club's restroom. I enter the bathroom, the noise of the music muffled by the walls. As I approach the sink to fix my hair, I look up and am left speechless.
In front of me, reflected in the mirror, is Jordan Li in her female form. My heart starts pounding, a myriad of questions and feelings overwhelming me. "Jordan... what are you doing here?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.
Jordan approaches with a tense expression. "What, I can't come to a club without your permission?" she replies, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
My breath becomes shallow; I didn't expect to find her here, let alone so angry. "That's not what I meant. It's just... it's strange to see you here."
She steps closer with a determined stride, her eyes never leaving mine. "Strange, huh? Like that little scene you were putting on with those two? What was that, innocent fun?" Her voice is sharp, each word a jab.
I feel caught off guard. "Jordan, we were just talking. There's nothing wrong with that."
She shakes her head, her face contorted with frustration. "Just talking, sure. And I'm supposed to believe that?"
I stiffen, trying to stay calm. "They're just friends. It's none of your business, anyway."
"None of my business?" Jordan responds, raising her voice.
Anger starts to rise within me, fueled by her hypocrisy. "It's not! Jordan, you're the one who disappeared! Without a word, without explanations. And now you come here to make a scene?"
She takes a step forward, her hands clenched into fists. "I've been busy."
"Busy? Jordan, you just decided to vanish. You can't do that and expect me to wait around without knowing anything."
A heavy silence falls between us, broken only by the distant thump of the music. Jordan lowers her gaze, the tension slipping away from her body, replaced by something else. Then, she looks up again, this time with a mocking smile on her lips.
"I think I get it, you know? Tonight, you came here with a specific goal in mind. A little revenge, perhaps? You decided to pay attention to those two idiots to get noticed by me and make me pay for my lack of attention towards you."
Even though she had caught me off guard, I feign indignation. "Are you kidding? Believe me, Jordan, not everything revolves around you and your paranoias. I don't need games to show you how angry I am."
She steps forward, closing the distance between us. "Oh, really?"
Her closeness makes me feel a mix of anger and desire, but I can't give in. "I have the right to go out and have fun with whoever I want, and I don't need your approval to do it."
Jordan moves even closer, reducing the distance between us to just a few centimeters. "Maybe," she whispers as she brushes my hair with her fingertips, "Tell me... would you feel the same if I told you that I've missed you terribly these past weeks and that I want you to come back to my dorm to show you how sorry I am?"
Her warm breath touches my skin, and for a moment, the temptation to accept her proposal makes its way into my mind. But if I want to win the war, I can't be easily swayed. I gather all my strength, keeping my gaze steady on hers. "I'm tempted, I admit. But it will be another time, Jordan. Someone else will think of consoling me tonight."
"Someone else?" she repeats, her voice cracking.
"Yes," I reply decisively, leaving her speechless. But, as I turn to leave and return to the party, something, or rather someone, grabs my arm, stopping me. I turn back towards her in a fury, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
They don't respond, at least not with words. Jordan takes a deep breath, while her grip on my arm tightens. Before I can react in any way, I find myself pressed between her and the wall, with her lips on mine.
It's clear that something is wrong with me.
Every time I see they, it's as if my brain turns off the reason switch and turns on the chaos switch. My heart beats faster, my thoughts get tangled, and I'm overwhelmed by a myriad of undefined sensations. It's as if  they had a power over me, a power that I can't explain or control.
Marianna is right. I should protect myself, build a wall around my heart, and keep they out forever. And yet, here I am, once again in their arms.
They always manage to get into my head, to manipulate my emotions. It's as if they had a power over me, something I can't break. She makes me feel vulnerable, confused. Every time I promise myself it will be the last, that I won't fall into her trap again. And every time I fail.
Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I'm the one who can't put an end to this story, to say enough once and for all. But how do you do it? How do you leave everything behind when every fiber of your being is tied to her? When even the mere thought of losing her completely breaks your heart?
I need to find a way to regain control, if not of my heart, then of my actions. With an effort, I push her away, breathing heavily.
"You can't always behave like this, Jordan," I say, my voice trembling.
Jordan looks at me, breathing heavily, her eyes fixed on mine. For a moment, I think she's about to say something, but then she just shakes her head. "You have five minutes," she says, her voice sharp. "Five minutes to meet me in the car and leave with me. If you decide not to, I'll leave."
Their ultimatum hit me like a punch in the stomach. I stand still, my heart pounding in my chest, as she walks away, leaving me alone in the bathroom. The door closes behind her with a sharp sound, and the noise of the music fills the space again.
Indignant at their attitude, I decide to ignore her. I walk out of the bathroom with a determined step, ready to return to my friends and enjoy the evening. Who does they think are? I hadn't realized how arrogant  they were... did they really expect that with an ultimatum like that I would run away with them? If so, then they are in for an unpleasant surprise. I head towards the table, trying to push her words and touch out of my mind.
But every step I take, every sound of laughter and music around me, seems to make me rethink what she said. The way she looked at me... I can't shake it off.
When I reach the table, Marianna greets me with a smile, but I'm lost in my thoughts. "Everything okay?" she asks, noticing my troubled expression.
"Yes, everything's fine," I reply mechanically, but inside me, a battle rages. And common sense has lost.
I excuse myself again, this time without explanations. I walk away from the table, heading towards the club's exit.
As soon as I step outside, the cool night air hits me. I look around for Jordan's car and see it parked a little way off, with her leaning against the hood, arms crossed, eyes fixed on me.
I approach slowly, my heart pounding wildly. "You've decided to come," says Jordan, with a triumphant smile on her face.
"Don't be too sure of yourself," I reply, trying to keep a firm tone. But she seems to ignore my warning.
When I get close to the car, Jordan gallantly opens the door for me. "Please," she says with a theatrical gesture, the smile still on her lips.
I get in the car, feeling her gaze on me. I close the door with a slight huff, giving her a stern look. "Don't think this means you've won," I say, as she gets into the driver's seat and starts the engine.
Jordan smiles again, this time with a touch of sweetness. "I think I just did, freshman." Part 2
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bafflement · 23 days
History Becomes A Legend, Legend Fades On Into Myth
For @remnants-of-rwby-events day two, History/Fairy Tales.
Still having an awful lot of fun! :D
Archive Of Our Own link:
Plain Text:
The old woman stretched from her hunched position in the chair she’d been occupying, smiling around at the room full of her grandchildren and their friends. Story time was always very popular, though most of the tales had been told so many times that the children could repeat them almost word for word without needing to even glance at any of the old books that surrounded them but then, some people said that fairy tales were as good as history, to Remnant. After all, history was always written by the winners. Stories were just that, stories. Oh, they grew in the telling sometimes, but that was why they were written down, so future generations could have something definitive. Something about the way whoever had transcribed these ones in particular had written them just felt… real. It always had, even though she was well into her nineties. She still wished she knew who it was, but though there might have been a foreword once, it hadn’t survived.
She trailed one hand over the ancient leather covers, smelling of sweet oil and the various preservation methods they’d had to use over the decades. Technically speaking, they all likely belonged in a museum, but there were always ways to prolong the lifespan of heirlooms and they was most definitely that; passed down from some distance ancestor that was no longer recorded. One ear twitched slightly as she picked out a specific volume, turning to watch the children smiling at her. A few of the younger ones were almost bouncing in place as they waited and she couldn’t help but smile. It was always so nice, to see them like this, untouched by all the pressures and nastiness that awaited them out there in the world. Not that there was much of that, anymore, but it would always be there. For all their similarities, there were still too many differences for everybody to accept them. Oh, there were laws to protect them, but still… ah well. There were more important things right now than her worries.
“You all know this story well, of course, but it’s been awhile since I told it, I suppose. Who wants to hear about why colours are so important?” She grinned out at them as they cheered. Well, that was certainly a good reaction. Turning to the first page, she let her fingers stroke the coloured drawing of the four huntresses from the tale. There had never really been any proof for the old family tales, but she liked to think that one of their ancestors might have truly been the fabled Blake Belladonna. There were family records that would tend to agree, but whether she was that specific legend? That was far harder to tell.
She cleared her throat. “Once upon a time…”
The little boy grinned up at his father, ruffling through a sheaf of papers that was very familiar. The Arc family had kept versions of these tales for decades. Centuries, really. There were whispers that one of their ancestors had been the rusted knight, though Theo wasn’t sure he fully believed them. He was almost ten, surely that was too old to believe in those old tales? Daddy did, though… and his dad knew everything. If he said they were real, then maybe they were? He knew better than to boast to his friends, though. They had believed him once, but now they just laughed. A few pieces of rusted old armour didn’t really make a knight, even if they were very old. There was no proof. He wished he could have known them, though even daddy didn’t actually know what the knight had been called. There were even stories that he’d known the wizard! That was silly, though, the wizard was a totally different tale. Even at ten, Theo knew that much. It was silly, but sometimes the tales were far easier to remember than any dusty old history books could ever be. Why couldn’t they just listen to stories at school, not learn about all those silly wars and stuff that didn’t really matter any more? The stories were far more fun…
The father nodded at his son before clearing his throat and starting to read. After all, they needed to keep their ancestor’s story in the family, no matter how long it had been. He wondered sometimes whether the knight had been an uncle, a grandfather… whatever it was that he had been. It was far too long ago now to be able to tell, of course, but sometimes he thought he could almost picture them. It was easier when he was reading, the figure felt far more real than the other old family legends did. Maybe this one, at least, had been?
There was an old scythe, polished to perfection, though the edge was long dulled with time, hanging in pride of place on the far wall. The young woman in the chair opposite glanced at it occasionally with a wry smile on her face. It had supposedly belonged to a great huntress, but she wasn’t certain she really believed in that any more. She had as a child, but all children did. The stories had been nice, but it wasn’t as though there were many sightings of Grimm anymore, there was no need for hunters. And yet, the mechanics that let it shift from scythe to gun were still very much in working order. Truly, it was a marvel of mechanical engineering, there had to have been some point to it, once? Some great danger that required weapons to be so much more advanced than they were o these days? Oh, there were exceptions here and there, but those were the outliers as opposed to the rule. Young fools that believed enough in the old tales to go out and actually look for threats… not all of them came home again, but that was the way of things when you did something that dangerous. Sighing, she went back to her paperwork. The brackets beneath the scythe, that might once have held something long and thin stood empty, as they always had. Whatever it was that they had once held had long since been forgotten, much as the old weapon had not. It didn’t really matter anymore.
Humming, the woman at the loom continued to weave the tapestry that had been requested, moving the stencils inch by inch as she laid out the complicated design. There were more modern ways of doing it, of course, but she preferred the old way, more hands on. Besides, this way, any mistakes couldn’t be blamed on anything or anyone bar herself. She let the threads run through her fingers briefly as she rethreaded the old machine, smiling. The design was one of a huntress, weapon raised in triumph, standing over a stylised Grimm. Though the weapon hadn’t been specified, she’d chosen to make it a hammer in honour of her family’s symbol. Supposedly they had been descended from someone great, but that didn’t earn her coin. Her designs and hard work were what did that. As she worked, she kept humming, an old tune that, like the loom had been handed down through the generations. Huntresses were all well and good, but it wasn’t like that any more. Nobody needed a weapon, the army took care of any incursions from the old threat. Hell, she’d never even seen a real Grimm. Nobody she knew had ever seem one outside of books, though they knew that they were real enough. There was nothing to worry about, here in the old barn she used to weave. Everybody was safe.
Groaning to himself, the middle-aged man looked over the columns of numbers again, praying that this time, they might add up. He made a note to himself to fire the accountant that had made such a mess of the books, maybe have him investigated. The amount of mistakes in this felt deliberate, there was only so much he could excuse through the younger man’s uncertainty or youth. That was annoying, he was a cousin, given the job more on the strength of family loyalty than out of any real talent and that certainly showed. Surely, as a fellow member of their dynasty he couldn’t be actively fraudulent? No, there had to be another explanation. His family had far more honour than that… not to mention far more to lose. As he shook his head, going back to his figures, a stray shaft of light highlighted his white hair, blue eyes half shut in exhaustion. Being a Schnee was far frm easy, much though they were rather richer than most. Whether or not that wealth would keep on growing amidst the mutters of rising discontent from the workers remained to be seen.
Oh, they’d been trying their hardest. He prided himself on being fair and just, but there was no real pleasing those at the bottom that refused to work on moving up. It didn’t matter how many opportunities they were provided, they never seemed to take any of them. That was on them, though… surely he couldn’t be blamed if they refused to work? He glanced at the portrait on the wall, a slim girl in fine clothing and jewels. No, no, she wouldn’t want this. He had to be better, for the memory of that long ago ancestress. He owed her that much, to try to continue the empire his forebears had lain in place. No, he needed to audit that cousin. He just hoped that, wherever she was, Weiss Schnee could forgive him.
A man in his twenties wandered. He didn’t really have a home, or not anymore, he couldn’t risk settling down. He’d been medicated, provided all the help that modern science could give him, but the voice hadn’t ceased. The wizard wasn’t real, of course. The voice in his head was imaginary, a phantom of some long ago conflict. Remnant was at peace, there was no need to fight anything at all, much less those shadowy monsters. But, no matter how much he told himself that none of it was real, it couldn’t stop the whispers. Maybe he really was going mad, after all… or maybe he always had been? Oranis walked on, hoping that somewhere soon, he might find a place to rest, at least for a little while. He was tired of the glances, the pitying looks. Travel was safer now than it had been in the past, though he was never a student of history. That didn’t seem to matter to the voice, either. He wondered where exactly he could have learned all those things that he almost remembered, but shrugged it off. There were always those far more obsessed than he was with mere stories. No, he needed to get somewhere safe, take his meds and sleep. Hope that, this time, the voice would actually leave him alone for once.
Salem snarled as she punched the wall of her crystalline prison. She’d long since realised that the scant nine feet of walking room she’d been granted when she’d been sealed away counted as far as her curse was concerned. Technically, after all, she was still walking the face of remnant, albeit unseen. How dare Ozma do this to her? She was shut out of even contact with her loyal Grimm, how were they dealing without her? She punched her wall again and stilled, noticing the very beginning of a crack in the flat, featureless surface. Well, then… it had taken awhile, but she might just be out of there rather sooner than she had feared. How long had it been, years? Decades, maybe even centuries? Time enough, for those on the other side to have gotten complacent in their lack of belief. She’d forge her empire again, nobody would be able to stand against her this time.
Soon. She’d be free soon enough.
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basilone · 2 months
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“Morrison.” Her name is spoken like lead, heavy and unwelcome. “I wasn’t aware you get paid to sit down and do nothing.”
Max almost rolls her eyes. Almost makes it a full-body event the way she’s seen Lottie do, all well-practiced shoulders and an expression of affected annoyance written all over her face. Catches herself just in time, though she still topples back against the crates in what she hopes looks like an intended sort of reclining.
Captain Brady doesn’t look fooled by it, if the slight uptick of his brow is anything to go by.
“Push told me to sit here and, I quote, touch nothing, Max,” she says, even though Push had technically said that yesterday and not today. “Gotta listen to your flight engineer, sir. Also”– she blows the next words out like they’re air, hot and stuffy –“Dee’s mad at me. Again.”
“Perrault needs to stop bossing everyone around,” says Captain Brady, with the air of a man who’s been on the receiving end of Push’s orders one too many times. He looks tired, here, squinting against the sunlight, hugging a bag to his chest. “And you,” he says, then, squint turning into glare the longer Max looks at him, “are not exempt from your duties just because Llewellyn takes offense at everything that moves.”
“Not everything, sir.”
“Close enough.” He drops his bag on one of the ammo crates. Leans against a stack of other crates that George hasn’t seen fit to move yet. “I get that it’s not ideal…”
Jules screaming over comms. One-Eye limping across the tarmac, eyes wild. Max shakes her head. Shuts her eyes. Tiny collapsing against Dorrance-Jones during interrogation. Lucy repeating “there’s nothing I can do” over and over until Jack Ellis pulls her hands off another man who died before Max even learned his name. She shakes her head again. Feels her breath whoosh out of her. Lifeless eyes, staring eyes. Lottie sobbing into her pillow night after night, Frosty sleeping outside, Dee punching the door over and over.
“It’s not,” she forces out, opening her eyes to Captain Brady’s frown. “But it’s what we’ve got.” She doesn’t think she could stomach Bucky’s well-meant jokes over comms. Doesn’t think she could take Major Cleven’s prolonged silences, either. Is entirely sure she can’t be on a plane with Benny DeMarco, who always greets her like he will remember her. “Blakely wouldn’t take us, said Push would jinx his luck or something,” she says, which is a version of the truth as good as any, “and Dee said she needed a pilot without a mustache, sir, so that’s you winning in her book by a landslide.”
“Which I am certain explains her asking after my shaving habits.”
Max nods, careful to not let the fresh bubble of mirth rise from her belly to her mouth. “Her ex-fiancé had a most dreadful mustache, sir.”
Captain Brady’s nod is as sharp as it is measuring. “I assume any letters she sets on fire come from him?”
“Yup.” The ‘p’ pops nice and round in her mouth. “Everyone says that’s healthy. Lottie does the same with her letters, I think,” she says, frowning as though she isn’t fully aware of every move Lottie makes in their space. “Seems to me like you ought to be able to tell people to quit writing, though.”
“Some people might not listen,” he says, gingerly taking the crate two places over from hers to perch upon. “Especially not if they feel wronged in some way.” He exhales loudly. Fixes his gaze on their plane, which is almost through with repairs. “You have the right idea, Morrison. Just perhaps not the tact required to tell others about it.”
Max’s eyes narrow. “Dee told you.” She hisses through her teeth as he gives her a little affirmative nod. Swallows down a cuss word that would make One-Eye blanch and Tiny start another lecture. “She tell you what she said to me, too?” She keeps her eyes fixed on their plane’s yellow lettering, which Darlene still needs to go over with another brush. “That at least she, unlike poor little orphan me, got someone to return-to-sender any letters to?”
“No, she did not.”
“Figures,” she snorts out. Dee’s always been that. Half-stories that keep herself out of trouble. Max would’ve knocked her teeth out about some of it if it wasn’t just so damn sad. “Well, sir, now you know. I need more tact, Dee needs more honesty. We’re all right together because of that.” Better than Lana or Polly had been, in training, before they’d washed out and joined the WACs instead. “Ask Push if you don’t buy it.”
“I prefer to be my own judge of character, Morrison.”
“Is that why half the base avoids meeting your eye, sir?”
“I can’t speak for other people’s decisions,” he says, which Max translates as a yes without too much difficulty. “You might say I am not one for tact, either”– and isn’t that a funny little something –“nor am I someone who… sugarcoats.” His sharpening tone speaks greater volumes than his words. “Is that something you foresee yourself having a problem with, Morrison?”
Max hums thoughtfully. “Not me, sir,” she allows, casting a glance sideways only to find him looking straight at her. His eyes are flinty, much like Major Cleven’s are when calling Bucky to order, but Max doesn’t quite mind the blatant measuring. “At least you’re honest about it,” she adds, tucking her spiraling curls behind her ear best she can. “And you’re not singling me out any. You’re just like that with everybody.”
She longs to call it reassuring. Bites her tongue just in time, because she’s already said plenty about it without quite saying it. Doesn’t want to jinx things with a new captain now that Jules is gone and Tiny’s thinly veiled judgment finally isn’t anywhere near Max while flying.
“If you experience any…. singling out,” he says, emphasizing the term with a mouthful of abject distaste, “I want to know about it.”
The fuck’s a white boy from a nice little town upstate gonna do about it? Max digs her fingernails into the palms of her hands to stop herself from scowling. “Yessir,” she answers, gaze fixed on his neat little pressed uniform collar. Wonders if there’s a difference, for him, between knowing and doing something about it. Doubts she’ll involve him when it happens again. “I’ll let you know.”
“Especially,” he adds, hopping off his crate and stretching out, “if they tell you it’s just a joke.”
“Everything is just a joke when you have enough power to make it sound like just a joke,” counters Max sourly, huddling into her fur-lined collar despite the fact that the weather is balmy today. “Most people don’t know the difference.”
“Most people,” says Captain Brady, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “are not very clever.”
But you are, aren’t you? Max exhales. Remembers that Captain Brady can hold his own when talking with Push and George, who know more about planes than anybody she’s ever met. Recalls, too, that he’d put himself between Lucy and some belligerent replacement quicker than anything. You’re clever enough to realize some of the men aren’t joking when they try to ship me off to Tuskegee territory in Italy.
“– or not, Morrison?”
Max blinks. “Sir?”
“Are you going to help fix the plane or not, Morrison? She’s your bird now, too.”
“Still says Brady’s Crash Wagon on the side, sir,” quips Max cheekily, sliding down from her own crate. “Push has opinions about that, you know. She’s been saying it’s bad luck.”
“What do you think it is?”
Max stops. Considers. Narrows her eyes at him in a most flinty-gazed mimicry of his best stare. “Might be an honor, sir,” she says, testing the words out in her mouth. Liking how they sound. Liking, even more, the way he blinks in surprise. “Unless you crash us. I’m going to be mad as a buzzing beehive about that.”
“Noted,” he says wryly, turning his gaze toward the wing. “Fix her up right and we might get lucky.”
She isn’t entirely certain why, out of his mouth, hope starts to sound an awful lot like prayer.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Touch of Your Hand
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Emily Prentiss x Alex Blake x reader warnings: language, smut, teasing, dirty talk, sexting, sending nudes, phone sex, masturbation, mommy kink, daddy kink, fingering, oral. Covers the "dirty talk/sexting" square for bingo! And yes... there are more of this collection coming. Technically a follow up to THIS piece, but can be read as a standalone.
Emily was so hellbent on getting out of work clothes and into bed she didn’t even hear the beep of the hotel lock as she tossed her pants in the direction of her go bag, letting out a happy groan when she finally took off her bra.
“Oh god!” Alex’s voice broke through the silence of the room, “I’m so sorry.” She shielded her eyes right before turning around and Emily let out a bark of a laugh.
“Would you relax.” She chuckled, picking up a tank top, “or did you forget we were naked in my bed less than twenty four hours ago?”
Alex’s cheeks tinged pink, a tingle running through her body at the memories that began to float through her brain. “I guess you’re right.” She laughed softly, turning back around to find Emily now in the tank top, the hem of it barely meeting the waistband of her panties as she dropped down onto her bed.
“I’m gonna call y/n quick.” She gestured with her phone as she leant back against the headboard and Alex stilled in her movement.
“Oh, I can… take a walk?”
“Not that kind of phone call Blake.” Emily laughed, “I’m just saying goodnight, it’ll be super quick.”
“Alright.” Alex chuckled, folding her blazer over the back of a chair before she quickly changed into pyjamas and ducked around the corner into the bathroom to brush her teeth and give Emily a bit of privacy for the phone call.
The phone rang against Emily’s ear only twice before you picked up, “Hi baby.”
“Hey. Just calling to check in, say goodnight.”
“But it’s early.” You practically whined back and she chuckled.
“It’s almost midnight in DC.” Emily replied while checking her watch.
“Yeah, I meant for you. Besides, I’m off tomorrow. I was kinda hoping for playtime.”
“Princess…” she warned, practically hearing your pouting through the phone, “didn’t you get enough last night?”
“I wanna hear you daddy.”
“I’m not alone angel...” She chuckled, her eyes following Alex as the other woman crossed through the room to the other bed.
“Fine.” You huffed, “guess I’ll just have to use my imagination.”
“You better behave…”
“I’ll try.” You giggled and Emily rolled her eyes, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now get some rest.”
“I’ll think about it.” You giggled again and Emily let out a huff.
“Night daddy.” You purred into the phone before hanging up and Emily was left to sigh, dropping the phone back onto the bedspread as Alex let out a small chuckle.
“Sounds like someone’s toeing the line?”
“You think she wouldn’t be so needy after being used like that.”
“Poor girl probably gets lonely when you’re gone.” Alex said with a shrug, “was awfully nice of you to leave your credit card.” Emily laughed at that,
“According to the email I got she’s already racked up quite the tab.”
“Hmm.” She casually picked up her book from the bedside table, fingers sliding through the pages until she found her spot, “must be nice. Wonder if she got anything pretty.”
Emily glanced up from her phone, a brow raised at the other woman whose eyes were directed toward the book in her lap, but the small smirk on her lips told another story.
The low warm glow of light in the bedroom was what you preferred for taking risqué photos, and after your shopping spree and a few glasses of wine, you’d decided that was going to be your plan for the night. Hearing Emily’s voice simply spurred you on even more, wishing that she would’ve stayed on the phone longer, maybe asked what you were wearing like she normally would on longer trips out of state. When she didn’t, you simply huffed, changing into the second set of lingerie to snap a handful of photos to torment her with later down the road. You’d just changed into the third, padding across the bedroom when your phone buzzed on the bed. You glanced towards it with a curious expression on your face, as Emily had stated, it was getting late, there weren’t very many options for who would be texting you at this hour. Scooping it up you swiped open the message, it was a group chat, Emily’s name and a number you didn’t have saved but the same area code, the only message so far from Emily.
‘How was your little shopping trip?’
‘I thought you weren’t alone?’
The next message came in from the unsaved number.
‘Relax darling, mommy just wanted to see if you got anything pretty in green.’
Ah. Alex.
A sly smile on your face as you glanced down at your body, of course you’d just changed into the green set, it was as if these women had some kind of psychic powers. You quickly saved Alex’s contact in your phone, the device buzzing in your hand as you did so.
‘Convenient we happen to be sharing a room this week, isn’t it?’
‘I’ll say.’ 
‘Now sweet girl, would you like to show off?’
‘Yes.’ You quickly typed back, ‘just one second.’
Scrambling back onto the bed you positioned yourself to show off the full set of lingerie, practically pouting toward the camera as you took a handful of shots before switching positions and repeating the process another couple of times. Scanning through them you picked your favourite, double checking you were sending it to the right recipients before hitting send.
‘Naughty girl, you were already doing this before I called, weren’t you?’
‘Sorry daddy. Just wanted to look pretty for you’
‘I do think she looks rather gorgeous.’
‘She does. As long as she asks before touching…’
‘May I?’
‘Go ahead princess. Just remember the rule. You’re only allowed to come around one of our cocks.’
‘And you better show us what you’re doing sweet girl. Go on, play with those pretty tits.’
You pulled the cup of the bra down, revealing your exposed chest to the camera, hands cupping at the flesh, pinching at your nipple as you threw your head back, taking a few more pictures before sending one off. Taking the bra fully off you tossed it to the side, falling back onto the bed and angled yourself into another couple of positions before sharing those pictures as well.
‘Well you were right, green certainly does look good.’
‘Bet you wish we were there to suck on your gorgeous tits, don’t you? Imagine the feeling of both of our mouths on you at once, would drive you wild, wouldn’t it?’
You let out a whine, hands continuing to grope at yourself, pinching your nipples harder than before, wishing there was some way to replicate the feeling of what Alex was suggesting.
‘I do mommy, I really, really do.’
‘Patience princess. We’ll have our way with you when we get back, don’t you worry.’
‘Don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off you darling girl. My mouth may be busy with your tit, sucking it into my lips, biting you hard enough to leave a nice mark so you’ll think of me every time you see it until it fades. But my fingers? They want to feel you, they’ll start to explore your skin, tickling down your body until they’re sneaking under those gorgeous green panties you’ve got on. I’ll rub at your clit softly, watching the way your mouth falls open, a breathy moan leaving you as I press just a little harder. It's no surprise you’re wet already sweet girl, I know how badly you want us, I’m sure you’ve started begging by now, that pretty pussy aching to be touched, for the feeling of my fingers slipping into you while Emily holds your legs spread nice and wide. Thankfully she can keep you pinned down while my hands bring you to your peak over and over until you’re begging me to stop. Go on darling, touch that dripping cunt, I know you want to.’
Alex could feel the other woman’s eyes on her from across the hotel room, glancing up to her, “what?”
“How the fuck are you sending shit like that with a fucking straight face?”
“Figured we were just here to torture the girl, right?” She shrugged.
“I guess.” Emily huffed out a laugh, “I just didn’t expect you of all people to be that good of a sexter.” Alex laughed, turning toward her with a teasing grin.
“I just have a way with words, what can I say?”
“As a linguist, I’m not that surprised, but.. I— er .. Jesus!” She laughed again and Alex cocked a brow in her direction, her head tilting in realization as she watched the pink beginning to creep up the back of the other woman’s neck.
“Is this turning you on Agent Prentiss?”
Emily had never been more happy to hear her phone buzz, letting out a groan at the sight of your hand slipping beneath the waistband of your panties. A moment later it buzzed again, a video clip of your hand moving beneath the fabric and a breathy whine coming from your lips, “please…” Naturally, Alex was much more composed, able to pick up her phone to type out a reply before Emily had even processed your begging fully.
‘Oh sweet girl, tell us what you want. But don’t you dare stop playing with yourself, I want to be able to hear how soaked your pussy is, want to be able to see the mess you make all over those pitiful excuse for panties.’
‘Daddy didn’t get to come last night. Need to hear her.’
Alex glanced up from her phone to catch Emily eyeing her up and she laughed, a dark gleam taking over her eyes before she typed out another message.
‘Well if both of you are alright with it I’m sure I could help out with that.’
‘Princess, you still okay with our sharing rule?’
‘Absolutely. Yes. Please.’
You couldn’t hear it, but both of the women let out a laugh at your eagerness, exchanging a glance, Alex waiting for a nod from the other woman before she stood from her bed, crossing the tiny space in between them and standing over her.
“Give me your phone?”
Emily immediately handed it over, watching as Alex flicked through a couple of screens.
Your phone began to buzz against the bedspread and you let out a frustrated whine at the interruption, your body already prickling with heat, pussy fluttering around nothing.
“Hello?” You hadn’t even bothered to check who it was, at this time was either Emily or work. One would be entertaining; one would be hell.
“Put it on speaker and leave it beside your ear.” Alex’s voice, smooth as silk, came through the speaker and you quickly did as she asked.
“Yes mommy.”
“Good girl.”
“Don’t you forget princess.” Emily’s voice broke through the speaker and you could tell she was already wound up, “you don’t dare come.”
“Yes daddy. I’ll be good. I promise. Swear.”
“For someone who’s not allowed to come you’re certainly eager.” Alex taunted before turning back to the other woman, “as for you… I do think you’re a little overdressed. What do you say sweet girl, should Emily get naked? That way I can see her gorgeous tits?”
“Y-yes. Please!”
Alex nudged Emily back on the bed, crawling between her spread legs as her fingers toyed with the hem of her tank top. There was a murmur of words between them that you couldn’t fully hear, your hand continuing to lazily play with yourself before Alex tugged off the fabric, letting it fall to the bed beside them.
“So fucking pretty.” She murmured, “bet you wish you could have your mouth on them, don’t you darling?”
“Always.” You replied with a whimper.
Alex chuckled softly, her hand wrapping around Emily’s jaw, tilting it to the side so she could have full access to her neck, her lips hitting the base of her jaw and trailing their way across the porcelain skin. Emily couldn’t help but let out a quiet moan at the feeling and the sound made you clench down around nothing. Alex’s lips formed a smirk, testing the waters with a light nip at her pulse point and Emily gasped, her hand shooting up to grab at Alex’s arm before the two fell backwards into the pillows.
“So pretty all laid out for me.” Alex murmured, her hand ghosting up Emily’s stomach before cupping her tit, groping at the flesh and Emily let out another moan, one that made your entire body tingle before she directed her words to the phone. “You’re such a lucky girl darling, having all this be yours? I bet you just can’t keep your hands off daddy, can you?”
“Fuck—” Emily mustered, back arching off the bed as Alex continued to toy with her nipple while her mouth wrapped around the other side, “she really can’t. Oh god… that feels so good.”
“Daddy…” You whined through the phone, earning a chuckle from Alex as she popped off Emily’s nipple.
“You said you wanted to hear her, didn’t you sweet girl?”
“Well then how about you tell me what I should do?” Her fingers pinched at Emily’s nipple again, earning another gasp, “should I just play with these gorgeous tits or should I do something else, hmm? Should I get rid of her panties? Ah… how about…” Her fingers toyed with the hem of her underwear, “I get my hands on her gorgeous pussy I’ll tell you exactly what I’m doing to her and you… you do exactly that to yourself? Be like I’m fucking you too. Would you like that?”
The reply was instant and in pure unison from both Emily and you, pulling a dark chuckle from Alex who leant down to bite into the curve of Emily’s tit once more before she sat up between her legs.
“Are you still wearing your panties?” She asked.
“Mmhmm.” You replied with a whine.
“Time to take them off.” She instructed, her fingers slipping into the waistband of Emily’s underwear, tugging them down her legs and tossing them aside. “And I want picture proof.”
There was a scuffling noise on the other side of the phone and they could both hear your strained breathing as you shifted around before Emily’s phone buzzed, a picture of your legs spread wide for both of them to see.
“Good girl princess.” Emily breathed out, her head dropping back to the bed as Alex’s hands ran up her thighs, spreading her legs open.
“Such pretty pussies, both of you.” Alex murmured and Emily let out a gasp when her hand glided up her cunt, fingers twisting around to fully spread her open. “Now darling, I want you to start to fuck yourself, nice and slow, one finger for now, understand?”
“Yes mommy.”
You settled into the pillows of your bed, your hand sliding down your body, brushing over your clit before you slid one finger into your drenched cunt, letting out a soft moan as you did so.
“Good girl.” Alex praised through the phone, shooting a wicked grin down to Emily who was nearly shivering in anticipation already. A finger sunk into Emily’s heat with ease, wrapped in warm wetness immediately and Emily groaned. Alex’s finger pumped a few times, a small chuckle leaving her lips, “you hear how wet she is darling? I think we should give her more.”
“Yes!” You cried out, knowing you weren’t going to get anywhere without Emily getting off. You quickly added a finger, thrusting them deep into your cunt in a desperate search for your g-spot. You whimpered as the heel of your hand brushed against your clit, hips rocking up off the bed to meet your hand. You needed more, craved more, your hands were almost never enough.
Emily let out a gasp when Alex slipped a second digit into her, curling them perfectly within two thrusts,
“Fuck! Oh god, right there.”
“Play with your tits sweetheart.” Alex directed the command toward the phone as she leant over Emily, sucking a nipple back between her lips while her fingers continued to fuck the other woman. Emily’s breath picked up, her body vibrating under the other woman. Heat was coursing through her, pussy fluttering around Alex’s fingers while her hand tangled into Alex’s hair, holding her to her, encouraging more.
“More.. please.” You whined, one hand pinching at your chest while the other continued to thrust into you.
Alex immediately bit into Emily’s tit, adding a third finger into her cunt, moving her hand faster, resulting in a loud moan from Emily, nothing but soaked sounds leaving her pussy.
“Get the toy.” She gasped out, “oh fuck Alex…” her hand clutched at the bedspread, feeling Alex’s lips form a smirk against her skin, “the pink one that you like so much.” Her words were scattered, split up by laboured breaths, her body thriving against the bed. The two women could hear you scrambling, the sound of a drawer opening before the whir of the clit vibrator started.
“Pretend mommy’s mouth is on you sweet girl.” Alex murmured, her mouth kissing down Emily’s body while her fingers continued their torture and Emily pulsed around her, hips rocking up.
“Oh god!” You gasped as the toy hit your swollen nub, “daddy…need.. need to hear you…”
“Shit!” Emily couldn’t help the outburst when Alex’s lips wrapped around her clit, sucking it into her mouth for her tongue to trace patterns on. “Oh god you’re good at that…”
Alex simply chuckled into her, her fingers curling quicker, pressing into the spongey spot inside her drenched walls while her mouth continued to torment her. Emily tasted divine and Alex almost wished she had more time to devour her, though she knew that there was a high chance something like this would happen again. Her tongue lapped out lower, smearing the other women’s juices across her cunt, truly getting a taste of her and Emily let out a whine at the stilling of her fingers.
“Patience.” She murmured into her pussy, “just want to make you feel good.”
“S— so good…” She moaned back, her hand clutching at the back of Alex’s head. Pleasure was shooting through her, building lower and lower in her gut as fire prickled right under her skin. She knew she was close and she knew Alex could tell. Alex moaned into her, the vibrations making Em’s thighs shake before she licked upwards, her fingers plunging back into her and Emily cried out, “please! Pl- don’t… don’t stop…”
Your whine came through the phone right by Emily’s ear and the sounds of you moaning were just the perfect amount to spur her on. Your little whines and whimpers that you made when you were so fucking needy and desperate to come, the ones usually swallowed by her lips, fingers or cock. The little sounds you made when you needed more, wanted it harder, faster, or to be stuffed so full you’d feel it for a week.
Your fingers moved faster, pumping harder with each thrust and you clicked up the speed on the vibrator held to your clit. Your body was trembling, coated in a sheen of sweat as you climbed higher and higher to your peak, pussy clenching down around your curling fingers. Through the phone you could hear Emily getting louder as she got closer, her vocabulary became more diminished, only broken swears and gasping moans escaping her lips as Alex fucked her with skill. Your eyes scrunched shut as you imagined her, picturing just how gorgeous she would look all spread out and needy for Alex, chest heaving as she attempts to catch her breath. You could scarcely make out Alex’s voice, knowing her mouth was likely rather occupied, urging Emily on, praising her gently, pulling more and more from the other woman with each pump of her fingers.
“I know you’re close.” She purred, “come for me…”
You let out a moan at Alex’s words, the sopping sounds echoing through the phone that you knew were coming from Emily’s pussy and your juices were suddenly dripping down your wrist as your body trembled.
Alex’s mouth latched back around Emily’s clit, sucking hard right as her fingers crooked into the spongey spot inside her and Emily shuddered, her hand shooting to her mouth to muffle her cries as her orgasm washed over her. Her hips jolted up off the bed, pleasure soared through her entire body, tingling down to the tips of her fingers. Alex softly kissed her throbbing clit, pulling a whine from the other woman before her fingers began to slow their pace, fucking Emily through her orgasm. When she was sure her cunt had stopped pulsing around her fingers she slipped them out, sitting up on her knees to suck them clean.
“Holy shit…” Emily muttered and Alex chuckled.
“Feeling better?”
“So fucking much.” She laughed, panting through her words, melting deeper into the bed at the feeling of Alex softly rubbing at her legs, pulling her back down to earth. Emily rolled her head toward the phone, “princess?”
“Yes daddy?” Came the quiet whine and she realized you’d turned the toy off, nothing but the sound of your breathing coming through the speaker.
“You alright?”
“Alright. You did so good for us, you hear me?”
“Such a sweet girl.” Alex purred, “such pretty pictures.”
“I want you to go get a glass of water,” Emily started, slowly still catching her breath, “use that lavender sleep spray you like so much, you need to rest up, okay?”
“Mmhmm.” They could hear your slight groan as you moved from the bed, the sounds of you padding through the house before the sound of you crawling back into bed, stifling a yawn as you did so.
“You tired darling?”
“Yeah.” You yawned once again.
“Shouldn’t stay up so late then.” Alex chided.
“Worth it.” You replied with a small laugh, “thank you for taking care of daddy.”
“Of course sweetheart.”
“Now you get some sleep.” Emily instructed.
“G’night.” You mumbled, yawning once more, causing the other women to chuckle again before there was a click and you were burrowing into the pillows, asleep almost instantly.
“You alright?” Alex asked, her hand still stroking up and down Emily’s leg.
“This is the most relaxed I’ve been on a case in my life.” She laughed, thanking Alex when she shifted on the bed, tossing her the discarded tank top and panties before moving back to the other bed.
“You know she broke a rule, right?”
“Hmm?” She glanced up as she tugged the tank back on and Alex nodded toward the phone.
“You may have been a little…. distracted.” Alex smirked, “but she definitely came… and without even thinking about asking. Looks like you’ve got some punishments to dole out when you get home.”
“You’re the one who caught her, it’s only fair if you get to join in too.”
“Anything you’ve got in mind?” Alex asked, her eyes darkening already.
A sly grin overtook Emily’s lips as a dark chuckle broke free from the other woman, “Oh I’m sure I can think of a few…”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots @overtrred28 @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @heidss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @aws-l @alexusonfire
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ordinalastronaut · 2 months
From Now Until Forever (pt.3)
a/n : a follow up to chapter one (technically). Back to Maria's POV with some other friendly faces in the mix. I think I have one more chapter in the tank on this story before it's over. After that, I might move it to AO3, I might not, no clue but I hope you enjoy and have a great week, reader
summary : Maria's trying to come to terms with a life altering injury while returning to the life she no longer has. Natasha just wants her wife to be happy.
Other tags: established blackhill, mentions of injury, tattooed Maria Hill, because I can't help it, supportive Natasha, best friend Laura to the rescue, Service dog mentioned
word count : 2.7k
“Alright so it looks like we just need two cans of tomatoes and some garlic and that should do it,” Natasha looked up from the list Laura had sent them with. 
Maria pushed past the fatigue that slowly crept over the right side of her body, not wanting to think about the cane she had left in the car. She had made her decision and now she needed to stick by it. 
“The garlic is on the other side of the store,” the brunette motioned with her left hand, “If you want to go get it, I bet you’ll still beat me to the end of the aisle if I pick up the tomatoes.”
“Are you just saying that so you get to see that dog by yourself?” Natasha used her chin to motion to the service dog that was walking dutifully next to its owner in front of them.
“Who? Me?” Maria pretended to gasp, “I’d never deny you the opportunity to look at a dog. I think I explicitly said that in my vows.”
“That’s true,” the Russian nodded and looked once more at the list and then back to the produce section with a sigh, “okay fine, meet you back here after I get the garlic, no dog looking without me.”
The Commander smiled, nodded, and tried her best not to look like she was about to collapse as she took the cart in her hands and ever so slowly pushed it down the aisle. Section by section she balanced the task of staying upright and searching the cans of tomatoes for the right brand. Her occupational therapist would be over the moon at her “real-world application” of multitasking. 
She was halfway down the row when she finally found them and used the item in her hands to keep her from falling over. The wheels held as she bent down, but seemed to have a mind of her own as she stood up and went careening into the cart next to her. 
“Sorry,” Maria ground out as she regained control of the shopping cart, willing the embarrassment out of her cheeks as her hands threatened to spasm and drop the can in her left hand. 
“No problem at all,” the man gave her a broad smile as he straightened out his own cart. 
That was when Maria noticed the other aspect of the man, his left leg ended in a sleek black prosthetic. She only felt bad about staring for half a second when she realized the man was taking in the surgical scars that marred most of the tattoos she had. 
“They looked better a little over a year ago,” she joked and forced herself not to turn her body to hide the right side. 
“Would you believe me if I said I had a calf tattoo up until a few years ago?” The man laughed and motioned to his leg, or lack thereof.
Maria winced as she placed the cans in her cart, “bummer.”
“Blake,” the man stuck out his hand. 
“Maria,” the Commander offered hers back, knowing that her handshake would be nothing of what it once was. 
“This is Molly,” he motioned to the dog in front of him, “you can pet her if you’d like.” 
“My wife’s going to lose her mind if she finds out I got to pet this cutie,” and yet she couldn’t help but stick her hand out and let the dog sniff it before scratching right behind her ear.
Molly’s tongue flopped out of her mouth as she soaked up the affection. 
“You two dog people?” Blake asked with another easy smile. 
“Oh yeah, we were about to rescue one before…” she motioned with her left hand to the other side of her body, “and nowit doesn’t seem like it’s in the cards.”
The man hummed, “I’m the opposite, never a big fan of them before the accident. Now I couldn’t picture my life without her.”
Maria got one final dog pet before she looked up again. “That’s really nice.”
A few minutes passed as they continued to talk, and Maria continued to pet the dog in front of her. She had learned that they were local and had offered up that she and Natasha were just in town visiting. They both wanted to ask about the other's injuries, but they both kept their questions to themselves. 
“She’s spoiled rotten, I can tell you that much,” Blake laughed, “I swear when I take her to the VA she doesn’t even look at other dogs, thinks she’s one of the humans.”
“She should,” Maria smiled, “I’ve spent my fair share of time in the VA, everyone who works in those buildings deserves to be pampered.”
“You ever thought about a working dog?” Blake asked, genuine interest in his features, “A service dog?” 
“Oh- no, no I-” she shook her head and grabbed onto the handle of the cart once more for stability, “my mobility is pretty much tapped out after a grocery trip. I’m in no shape to look after a dog.”
“There are actually a lot of dogs who are great for mobility and low maintenance-”
Whatever else he was about to say was cut off by a slight squeal from the other end of the aisle as Natasha’s eyes got even bigger now that she saw the proximity of Maria’s hand to Molly’s head. 
“My wife,” Maria chuckled as the Russian speed walked to where they stood. 
“May I?” Natasha didn’t bother to introduce herself as she buzzed with excitement next to the dog. 
“Go for it,” Blake smiled and pulled out his wallet from his back pocket, “listen, if you ever want to learn more, I’m part of a service dog support group. Lots of good working dogs, and even more washed-up vets like me.”
Maria took the card in slightly shaking hands, intending to stick it in her own pocket and never look at it again.
“Give me a call if you want to learn anymore,” Blake smiled, “might not seem as impossible to have someone like Molly as you think it is.”
“Thanks,” she nodded and waved her goodbye to them both as they walked further down the aisle.  
She expected the Russian to make a joke about how Maria did in fact dog-look without her, but instead, the woman just gave her a soft smile as she walked alongside her. Maria continued to push the cart and think about the man not only as they paid for their groceries, but as she helped Laura with dinner. 
“You’re quiet,” the woman pointed out as she used the can opener, “what are you thinking about?”
“I’m… I’m probably not going to get all that much better, Laur,” she flexed her hands under the water as she washed the last cup in the sink. 
The water was blessedly warm and just for a moment allowed her right hand to open up fully. She kept her voice low as she spoke, knowing that Clint and Natasha in the living room wouldn’t let her say such things. 
But Laura was different, she just cocked her head to the side and stirred the sauce in front of her. She always let Maria, or anyone really, speak their minds before she offered any advice. 
“Physical therapy is going well but,” Maria turned off the water and felt her hand once again curled into a fist, “I haven’t made any improvements in the last 6 months. I looked it up and most people online say that this could be me hitting a plateau but some say that it could just be the max of what my body can do now.”
She looked at the jar next to her that she couldn’t open, one that hadn’t even been that tightly screwed on, and sighed.  
“And what do your therapists say?” the woman asked just as quietly. 
“That it’s too soon to tell, but… but I know my body and I don’t think it’s ever going to be the way it used to be.”
“Ria, they told you that from the beginning,” Laura offered. 
She was right the doctors had told her about that, Laura had been present for the conversation, probably more present than Maria given how many painkillers she was on.  
“I thought I would get further before I hit this wall,” she waved her left hand dismissively, “I thought I would have something at least close to my old life.”
“You might, this could just be a plateau that you will work through and get closer to getting to that point again,” Laura added fresh basil to the sauce before turning around and giving Maria her undivided attention, “is it really about not being able to open jars?”
Maria stood and looked at the jar once more, then her hand, before shaking her head. 
“I know that Tasha’s still turning down missions because she’s scared to leave me in DC alone.”
Laura didn’t deny this, didn’t try to make her feel better, she just nodded, “You’re proud and stubborn, and I don’t think the word ‘assistance’ is in your vocabulary Maria Hill.”
The Commander kept her eyes focused on her hands. 
“I think she’s scared that she’s going to go on a mission and come back to… well the worst case scenario for someone who has physical limitations and no intention of asking for help,” the woman took Maria’s scarred hand in her own, “you have to remember, you weren’t the only one who went through something traumatic that day.”
Maria let the hand around her own keep her grounded as she recalled what she had been told. Natasha had seen the video of Maria’s body moments after the bullet hit her and she fell out of the helicopter; she had been one of the first ones to see her both before and after her surgeries. Natasha had thought, multiple times, that her wife would die.  
“It’s going to be hard for her not to worry,” the woman ran her thumb down one of the longer scars on Maria’s hand. 
“I know.”
“Talk to her.”
The brunette nodded knowing that once again, Laura was right. 
She thought about how to say all of this to her own wife, mapping out exactly what to tell her to make Natasha finally return to SHIELD in the way she should. Of course, none of it went to plan and it ended with the same conversation each of these arguments did. 
“Then tell me, Tasha,” Maria sighed, “tell me what it would take for you to get back to the way your life used to be.”
“I don’t need to go back to that life,” the Russian shook her head with a sad smile, “I’m happy with where we are.”
There was some truth to it, but she had known her wife for long enough to know it wasn’t the whole story. She missed going on missions that she was part of from the beginning to the end, not the ones she and Clint took now where they handed it over as soon as they got enough intel.  
“No bullshit Natasha,” Maria reached out and placed her hand on her wife’s thigh as they sat on the edge of their bed in the guest room, “I know you want to go back into the field, for missions that don’t end in you handing over your work to B rate teams.”
The redhead said nothing as she absentmindedly traced over the dark ink that covered most of her wife's arm. The tattoos were no longer perfect, not much outside Natasha was, and so she pushed and asked again. 
“Tasha, tell me, what would it take for you to get back out there?”
Natasha gave her the same look she always did right before she requested the same thing, “you to use the cane and keep your phone on you at every moment of the day.”  
“The phone I can do, I can get better about that,” Maria nodded knowing that she would have to break the habit of it staying in her desk drawer or the coffee table for most of the day. 
“And the cane, Ria,” Natasha pushed. 
The Commander said nothing, they both knew how she felt about the mobility device. She had taken one look at it a few days after she started walking again and focused all of her energy on her lower limb PT for months just so she didn’t have to use it. She hated the sound it made, the way it looked, and more importantly the looks of pity she had when she was forced to use it. 
“It would make me feel better, I wouldn’t worry if I knew you were using it, and if anything happened you would be able to call someone for help,” her wife spoke softly, “without those two things, I need to physically see for myself that you’re okay every day.”
“Then I’ll send you a picture or… or…” the brunette shook her head. 
“You know I can’t look at my phone when I’m in the field most of the time.”
“The cane isn’t magic, it’s not going to guarantee that I don’t fall,” Maria dug her heels in.
“Those two things are the only way I’ll get any piece of mind when I’m gone,” Natasha said firmly in her own position, “I could be gone for days, and if you fell and couldn’t get back up?” 
Maria knew where this conversation was headed, knew that if they discussed it any more Natasha would talk herself out of ever going on a mission again. 
So blue eyes closed for a second as Maria nodded, “I’ll keep thinking about it. I’m going to go get some water.”
Slowly, she exited the room and made her way into the kitchen. She grabbed a plastic cup she was positive she couldn’t break if her hand spasmed and filled it with water. The moon was high in the sky, covering every surface in a cool blue hue as she thought about what her wife was requesting. 
She was being selfish by refusing the cane, it was one small thing for her to change so that Natasha could get back to a little more normality in her life. It needed to be done, she needed to just get over herself and suck it up and do it. Over and over again she told herself that and over and over again she tried to push the pit in her stomach away at the thought of how everyone would stare at her, see her as weak. 
But she loved her wife, loved her enough to do this for her so they could go on living the lives they had always dreamed of. Maria closed her eyes and thought about the life they had pictured, her and Natasha, maybe a kid or two, definitely a dog-
Her mind slowed as she thought about the dog she had seen earlier that day, the one that had helped the man with his everyday life. She shook her head, it wasn’t the same and she would just be trading one reason for stares for another. But it would be different, it would be…
Maria shook her head once more, squared her shoulders, and decided she would tell her wife that she was willing to use the cane, there wasn’t another option. She turned and went to leave the kitchen but stopped as she took in the faded photograph that was in front of her. 
There in the top left corner of the fridge, was one of Maria’s favorite photos of all time, the same one that adorned their own refrigerator at home. A gap-toothed blonde girl and a redhead trying to hide her smile in front of a sign that read “Tiboldt’s Circus”. It was an innocent enough picture, but a closer look revealed a boy in the background getting ready to perform, a bow strapped across his back as he talked to an older blonde teenager. 
Maria Hill didn’t believe in coincidences; for her, everything in life happened for a reason. Including the accident, including her journey to SHIELD, and including the two kids in Ohio who met years before they would end up saving each other in their own ways. 
It took her two tries to pull the business card out of her pocket, her fingers not cooperating in the way she wanted them to, and leaving it on the kitchen table. Tomorrow morning she would call the gentleman, tomorrow morning she would see if maybe there was another option out there. Maybe one that would save her in its own way. 
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gutz3rfryer · 1 month
some ideas i have for my rewritten version of RWBY MAIDENS Maidens can only control environments and the weather. Also they can change their surroundings, from a high tech hallway to a red maple forest (like an illusion). (so no sword making or whatever just purely environmental) - team rwby becoming the Maidens a. Ruby becomes the Spring maiden (can control flora and wind) b. Weiss becomes the Winter maiden (can create snow storms and ice powers) c. Blake becomes the Fall maiden (tornados and clouds/rain) d. Yang becomes the Summer maiden (heatwaves and thunderstorms) Maidens can used their combined powers to make combos, Fall and Winter making it hail or Fall and Summer making a dessert storm. YANG Technically she shouldve graduated at this point, however she chooses not to, after finding out that Oz invited Ruby (15) to train at Beacon Academy, she managed to convince Oz to let her redo her senior year at the academy to support Ruby. JAUNE the Jaune we know will be put in the bully team from the 1st vol, my version would be more of an androgynous-femme presenting guy BLAKE & RUBY they can make their own little book club :) BLAKE & WEISS I think Blake would stand up for Weiss (and the other way around), especially if Jacques would come to visit Beacon, after finding out that Weiss went to Beacon instead of Atlas Academy. Before Jacques would be able to hit Weiss, Blake would step in and put him in hsi place. BEACON, HAVEN, SHADE & ATLAS ACADEMY DRESS CODE Most strict in dress (1 being most strict to 4 least strict about it/only cares about results) 1. Atlas (has to wear assigned uniform, miss a tie or want to wear pants instead of a skirt? get expelled scrub (also the most discriminatory school)) 2. Shade 3. Haven 4. Beacon (''male student wears a skirt? ok and?'') Beacon Academy ''Dress Code'' Honestly they dont care if you bribe a fashion student or get a tailor to make a longer skirt or flared pants, as long that it has the Beacon Academy Pattern™️ and ''wearing'' the tie, anything goes
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ADAM (vs YANG & BLAKE) Making him more obsessive and weird by wearing Blake's tail (which he cut of before she escaped) as a belt. Also making him more Bull than original, because to this day i still dont see what makes him a Faunus. Like the black colored horns are cute but those can be easily mistaken for colored hair. Fall of Beacon (Adam vs Yang & Blake Round 1) Same story but instead of Yang immediately being defeated after getting her arm cut off, she powers through and uses her firey semblance the stop the bleeding in her arm, while Blake keeps up the good fight. After the bleeding stops Yang steps back into the ring to give Adam a burn scar. After losing too much blood Yang caves in while tries to keep her on her feet. Adam also takes Yangs severed arm Comm Tower (Adam vs Yang & Blake Round 2) Adam teases Yang by throwing her severed arm at her, but shrugs it off and tells him he can keep it. QROW & RAVEN Instead of turning into normal looking Ravens/Crows, they turn into a Nevermore look alike. Originally a power given by Oz, now turned curse by Salem. Both Qrow and Raven now constantly have to fight for control with their Grimm halves. Qrow has partially given up, hence the drinking, so his hands look like bird claws and his body is covered in feathers. Raven keeps her distance to avoid hurting anyone. Unbeknownst to them Salem is using their eyes to spy on Oz. SALEM/White Fang im not sure of this idea but instead of the White Fang (which will be renamed to something else) being a equal rights group, they're followers of Salem, the False Goddess, who gives promises that by serving her, they can save their world/make their world better. And that the Grimm exist to ''get rid of the bad people/sinners'' However i think there is a sort of White Fang group but only in Atlas where the most hate crimes, slavery and discrimination happens. As SDC and other companies in Atlas use Faunus for entertainment (for example Bull fighting for Adam) or for slavery. Yes that would imply that Blake was once a follower of Salem's, but turned around after the train incident. TEAM STRQ this might be the worst idea but hear me out. Team STRQ was a polyamorous quad. (in this version Raven and Qrow are >NOT< related) After Summer's death (at assuming Salem's hand), there was a lot of trust issues after, considering neither Qrow nor Raven told Tai what actually happened, and they slowly drifted apart but they all stayed in touch or checked up on the kids and Tai, Qrow would visit more often, while Raven stayed away for their (R&Y) safety. Raven and Qrow keep butting heads cuz they blame eachother for Summer's death/not saving her, but deep down they still care for eachother. Both Ruby and Yang are their kids (its Remnant they can like make kids in a tube or something). Yang has Qrow's alcohol problems (they sometimes drink together) Ruby has or had Raven's selflessness well thats all the ideas i have, nothing solid, just seeing what sticks to the wall. Admittedly the STRQ one might be a bit out there, considering Qrow and Raven are well known as siblings, and yes its weird as fuck idea to have them being/or were together as a couple. But if you remove the context of them being siblings, and see them having arguments, they argue as if they're a divorced couple. Also Qrow is more of a dad than Tai, protecting the gang when they're going on a trip, when Ruby is 15-16 yrs old (in the actual show). And generally being there for the gang. Even before Vol 4 Tai didnt even visit once, but was able to send Zwei. Qrow stayed the whole time, hanging out with Ruby and Yang but i dont remember in vol 1-3 Ruby or Yang ever calling Tai, y'know their dad? But again these are all ideas, nothing solid, just me rambling about RWBY stuff, uh uhm.... are these good ideas? most likely not feedback and criticism is appreciated :) my team rwby redesign v
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Iris Blake, Nancy Gillian, Tommy Vega, Judd Ryder, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland, Mateo Chavez Summary: When the crew of the super yacht Firebug finds themselves in need of a new chef, stew Iris Blake is quick to provide them with a solution: her ex, Carlos Reyes. Second stew T.K. Strand is prepared to share his cabin with their new chef, but he is not prepared for how quickly Carlos Reyes heats things up in the galley. Will their boatmance set sail? Or will it sink to the bottom of the Caribbean Sea? A/N: I have loved Below Deck in all its iterations since the day it first aired, so as I was thinking about a fun summer fic, a yachting au came to mind. This is my first (technically, sort of, mostly *cough cough*) au, and it was a HUGE challenge. I'm not sure I've gotten every detail of yachting life correct, but hopefully it's close enough for a good time! Read on AO3
Chapter 1: On Top
“T.K., T.K. Nancy. What is your location?”
“Busted,” Mateo says from where he’s laid out, one arm thrown up over his eyes to block out the sun.
“What do you mean busted? My shit is cleaned and polished and ready for charter,” T.K. says, kicking him in the leg. “You’re the one who’s slacking off.”
He reaches for his radio without getting up from his reclined position in his lounger. “Nancy, Nancy, T.K. I’m on the sundeck.”
“Copy that. On my way.”
“You’d better leave before she gets here,” T.K. tells him. “She’ll rat you out to Judd.”
“Nah,” Mateo says, wiggling a little bit so he’s more comfortable. “I think she likes me.”
T.K. wrinkles his nose. “Doesn’t she have a girlfriend at home?”
“Maybe.” Mateo shrugs. “But the heart wants what it wants. And what happens on charter stays on charter.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works,” T.K. tells him. “Please don’t go having a boatmance with my chief stew. That’s going to make things all kinds of awkward when she dumps your ass.”
“Ain’t nobody gonna be dumping my ass,” Mateo says, clearly offended. “She’s gonna get one taste of the Chavez and—“
“I would’t finish that sentence if I were you,” Nancy says as she strides onto the sundeck, clipboard in hand.
“Hey Nance,” Mateo says, trying to cover up how flustered he is.
“I just passed by Judd. He mentioned you had a jet ski to clean,” she says pointedly.
“Oh um, yeah, yes. I’ll just go do that…right now,” Mateo says, scrambling to his feet and heading back to work as T.K. chuckles.
The new deckhand likes to talk big and it’s pretty hilarious. He’s as green as they come, but he’s a quick learner and T.K. knows Judd has been pleased with his progress. 
“I vacuumed the main salon, did the beds and the bath in the master, and cleaned and restocked the bar,” T.K. says. “Iris is finishing up in laundry and then she’ll be done.”
“What did I do to deserve having the most perfect co-second stews in the world?” Nancy says, feigning tears as she plops down into the chair Mateo’s just vacated. “I didn’t come to ask about that though. Are you cool if the new chef bunks with you?”
“Oh we got someone?” T.K. asks. That last he’d heard Captain Tommy had still been calling around.
“Yeah Iris’ friend that she mentioned during our tip meeting,” Nancy says. 
Right. The tip meeting.
He’d been sandwiched between Judd and Nancy on the sofa in the main salon, a glass of sparkling cider in his hand as they all toasted the massive tip their previous charter had left for them. It was their biggest so far of the season and for good reason. They’d worked their asses off.
“Okay so as you know, unfortunately Chef Pearce is no longer able to finish the charter season with us,” Tommy had said as she passed out fat envelopes of cash to each of them.
“And good riddance,” Nancy mumbled under her breath.
Pearce had made all their lives a living hell with his fastidiousness and inability to be flexible with their charter guests’ whims. When Nancy had brought back a steak that their primary guest had deemed too rare it had been the last straw for him and he’d immediately packed all his things and left the next morning without a goodbye to anyone.
“So,” Tommy said, giving Nancy a look that said she agreed with her but wasn’t going to badmouth any former staff, “we are currently looking. It’s a pretty big vacancy to fill and we need someone asap.”
“I have a friend who could probably do it,” Iris had immediately piped up. “Well, technically he’s my ex, but he’s also a friend. I’ve known him since elementary school. One time in third grade, I punched Jimmy Echolls in the face and he—“
“Iris,” Tommy said gently, guiding her back to the moment at hand.
“Right, sorry. His name is Carlos and he’s a chef. A really good one.”
“Give me his contact information and I’ll reach out,” Tommy said. 
That had been two days ago and the last T.K. had heard about it. Thank god they’d had an extra day in between groups so they hadn’t had to explain to any guests that their dinner choices were boxed mac and cheese or Chinese take-out. The crew had been taking it in turns to make dinner for themselves so they wouldn’t starve, but nobody had the skills necessary to serve five star meals to guests shelling out over a hundred thousand dollars for a vacation.
“Seriously, you’re going to make me bunk with another temperamental chef?” T.K. sighs. “Pearce made me clean the grout in our bathroom with a toothbrush.”
“Judd and Mateo are bunked together,” Nancy says. “I don’t want to move them because Judd’s a good influence on the greenie. Marjan and Paul refuse to be separated from what they have started referring to as their “bestie cave.” And I’m certainly not giving up Iris. She doesn’t snore or leave the toilet seat up. So that leaves you.”
“This is really unfair,” T.K. grumbles. “I feel like you’re taking advantage of my easy going nature.”
“Oh I for sure am.” She gives him a pat on the leg as she gets up. “Gotta go. Next guests want an 80’s themed dance party so I gotta call the provisioner. Get ready for some glow in the dark body paint. New chef’ll be here in like an hour so if you have any weird sex stuff lying around go take care of it now.”
“I want a new chief stew!” T.K. yells as she heads back inside.
She turns around and flips him the bird before the sliding doors close behind her.
He’d known he’d end up being the one sharing and he doesn’t really begrudge Nancy’s decision. It doesn’t make sense to move everyone around when they’re already comfortably settled in their rooms. Plus it’s not like he’s going to force Iris to shack up with her ex. It’s just been nice to have the room to himself after dealing with Pearce for a month.
He groans and hoists himself up from the chair, grabbing his towel to carefully wipe away the ring of condensation his sparkling water has left on the side table. Judd is a pretty kind and understanding bosun, but he’ll rip you a new one if he catches you dirtying up the boat after the deck crew has already cleaned things off for a new charter. 
He takes the stairs carefully down to the galley and swings by laundry on his way to his cabin. Iris is in there with her headphones on, bopping away to something he can’t hear as she irons one of Tommy’s white shirts. He taps her on the shoulder and instinctively ducks out of the way as she whips around, arms flailing defensively. “You scared the shit out of me!” she says loudly as she rips out one ear bud.
“Sorry. I came to see if you need any help.”
“Nah, just finishing up Captain’s stuff and then I’m done,” she tells him. 
“I heard your ex is going to be my new roommate,” T.K. says. “Anything I should know?”
“About Carlos?” Iris shrugs. “He’s a guy. He’s nice. Good chef.”
T.K. waits but Iris doesn’t say more. “That’s it?” he says.
She looks at him with her big, wide eyes. “What more do you want? He’ll be good at the job. Oh and he likes his room really clean. So maybe like, pick up your towels and stuff.”
She gives him a smile and then sticks the earbud back in, a clear dismissal.
T.K. rolls his eyes and trudges to his cabin saying hello to their lead deck hand, Paul, as he passes by.
He spends some time making sure the place looks decent. He’d switched to the bottom bunk and started using the top as extra storage the minute Pearce walked out, so he takes all the clean clothes he left up there and shoves them into drawers or under his bed, and then checks to make sure he hasn’t left out anything sensitive in the bathroom.
His phone buzzes with a text from his dad, and he sits down for a few minutes to answer it. Yes, he’s doing fine. Yes, Tommy’s a great captain. No, he doesn’t need a meeting right now. Yes, he’ll be around if his dad flies in to see him for a weekend next month. It’s standard father/son stuff, but it’s a little suffocating, and not for the first time T.K. feels glad that he’s finally out from under his dad’s shadow a little bit. 
Owen Strand had been the captain of the FireBug until about six months ago, when he’d been offered the chance to captain a much bigger boat out in the Mediterranean. He’d wanted T.K. to come with him, had basically assumed it was happening until T.K. had informed him that he wasn’t ready to leave the Bahamas or the FireBug or the family he’d made onboard. Crews like this one don’t come along every day. Judd is a competent and kind bosun. Paul, Marjan, and Mateo are hard working deckies, and fun to be around. Nancy is the chillest chief stew he’s ever worked with. Iris is a sweetheart, if a little blunt, and Tommy has turned out to be a skilled captain, rounding out the team in a way that just seems to work. 
T.K. loves it here. He feels free. Safe. Loved. Which is a pretty big change from how his life used to be. 
Another glance at his phone shows him the time. He needs to get back to work, there’s only an hour or so until the guests arrive. He takes a few minutes to change out of his sweat stained red t-shirt, the Firebug’s name emblazoned in white on the chest and the sleeve along with a distinctive curl of flame, into his more fancy looking white shirt and black shorts, before heading to the main salon to check it over one more time. Heaven only knows somebody has probably tracked something across the carpet by now.
He’s walking past the galley when he hears a softly startled, “Oh fuck,” and then a loud crash. 
Figuring Paul has gotten into another fight with the juicer, he stops and enters the galley doorway, a sassy bit of teasing ready on his tongue. Only he doesn’t find Paul or anyone else from onboard the boat.
Instead he comes face to face with the most gorgeous ass he’s ever seen in his entire life. Literally, this ass is a thing of beauty. It looks like it’s been sculpted out of marble by a master craftsman. This ass is life changing.
And then the rest of the human it’s connected to stands up and T.K. feels like he’s been hit by a rogue wave. If he thought the ass was life-changing, he doesn’t even have words for the full man who stands before him.
Eyes, dark and soft, and hair so curly that T.K.’s fingers immediately itch to run through it. Even through the man’s dark blue button down and chinos T.K. can tell that he’s got a great body. The kind of body that has, in the past, caused T.K. to make some very stupid, but very fun, decisions. 
His gaydar is practically screaming at him and it takes him too long to realize that he’s staring and that this strange god of a man is talking to him. “Hey.”
“Hey,” T.K. says quickly.
“Sorry about that,” the man says. “I didn’t realize the shelf was loose.”
“Yeah. Yeah that one’s a little faulty. Judd keeps fixing it and it just keeps coming out again,” T.K. says automatically. “Are you…you must be the new chef?”
“Yes, hi, sorry, Carlos. Carlos Reyes,” the man says, holding out a hand.
T.K. shakes it and feels like his knees might give out. Holy hell he can’t remember the last time he felt this instantly attracted to someone. “I’m T.K. Strand,” he manages. “Second stew. Well, co-second stew. Iris is the other one. Which, you already know because you and Iris are…well you…”
He is blowing this so freaking bad right now. He spots a large rolling suitcase in front of the fridge and clears his throat to try again. “Did you come straight here before unpacking your stuff?”
“Yeah I went up and met the captain and I was on my way to the cabin, but I saw the galley and got distracted,” Carlos says sheepishly.
Kind of like how T.K. had been on his way to the main salon and now can’t find a single reason to care about whether or not the throw pillows have been karate chopped into perfection. “I get that. Professional hazard.”
“Yeah something like that,” Carlos says, flashing him a smile that threatens to bowl him over. 
He’s Iris’ ex, he’s Iris’ ex, he’s Iris’ ex. T.K repeats it to himself sternly. That makes him off limits. Completely. Nothing more than a fantasy for T.K. to have when he’s alone. 
And he will be having that fantasy. 
Probably a lot.
He realizes he’s gone awkwardly silent again and searches for something to say that won’t sound weird or horny. “We’re sharing a cabin. I can show you.”
“Oh yeah, thanks, that would be great,” Carlos says, grabbing his suitcase and following T.K. down the hall.
The cabin is tiny. Just two bunks, a teeny wardrobe and a couple drawers each, and their bathroom with an awkwardly small shower. T.K. takes a quick glance at Carlos and wonders how such a large man is going to fit, and then quickly shoves it away. He can’t be thinking about his new roommate naked, soapy, water sluicing down his body…
“I left you the top bunk. Is that okay?” T.K. asks, hoping to god his voice sounds normal.
If it was anybody else he wouldn’t even ask, he’d just pull the longevity card because like hell is he undoing his whole bed, but something about this man has grabbed hold of him and he finds he would literally go dive into the ocean if it would make Carlos happy.
“That’s fine,” Carlos says. “I like it on top.”
T.K.’s knees go weak and he immediately breaks out in a sweat even though the A/C is on full blast. Thank god Carlos has turned around is starting to pull things out of his suitcase, so he doesn’t see T.K.’s complete loss of motor function.
“When you’re ready I can introduce you to everyone else,” T.K. says when he finally recovers.
“Yeah give me like ten minutes, I just need to change,” Carlos says.
T.K. makes a hasty exit and goes down the hall to sit at the table in the crew mess while he waits. The last thing he needs is to see Carlos naked. His brain is already on overdrive, if he gets any more input he’s going to need an extremely cold shower, and there’s no time for that.
Carlos emerges almost exactly ten minutes later, now dressed in his chef’s coat. Somehow it makes him look even hotter, all professional and buttoned up and T.K. nearly swallows his own tongue trying not to say something stupid. They head up the stairs and through the main salon to the aft deck where Paul, Marjan, Mateo, and Judd are doing some last minute polishing of the railings so they gleam beneath the Caribbean sunlight. 
“Well, well, well, look who’s finally back. Grab a bucket and start scrubbing,” Paul teases as they walk out through the automatic doors.
“You think I want a cushy job like this? Please. Interior is where the fun is. Vomit. People’s dirty underwear. It’s like an unending hazardous situation,” T.K. teases right back.
He sees the look of curiosity on Carlos’ face and fills him in. “I used to be a deckie,” he says. “Made the change to interior about a year ago. It’s a better fit.”
“What he means is that it’s easier for him to charm all the guests,” Marjan says, wiping a hand across her forehead. Her makeup is impeccable and she looks like a movie star even in the deck crew’s bright red shirts.
“I didn’t see you complaining when our tips were almost double last charter,” T.K. tells her. 
“Pretty sure that was because of the good time I showed them on the water toys,” Mateo says.
“Mateo you couldn’t even get the jet ski started this morning,” Judd says with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t think you were the reason we got a good tip.”
“Anyway,” T.K. says, breaking up the teasing, “This is Carlos. The new chef.”
“Hey Carlos. I’m Judd. Bosun,” Judd says, sticking out a massive hand to shake Carlos’.
The rest of the team chimes in and shakes hands as well. “Nice to meet you all,” Carlos says. “I’m excited to be here.”
“We’re glad to have you,” Paul says. “These people have been making me pull double duty on the deck and in the kitchen so we don’t starve.”
“You made one meal,” Marjan says, smacking at him with her towel.
“I made chili!” Paul says. “That’s so much work it’s basically three meals!”
“Wow, thanks for rolling out the red carpet and making a good first impression guys,” T.K. says, glancing at Carlos to gauge his reaction to the team shenanigans.
Carlos chuckles. “Chili is a lot of work, and I’m sure it was delicious.” He looks down at his watch. “I’m really sorry to cut it short, but I think I’ve got my work cut out for me in the galley.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t let us keep you,” Judd says, waving them off. 
“They seem nice,” Carlos observes once they’re back in the cool air conditioning of the interior.
“This team is solid,” T.K. tells him, feeling himself puff up with pride. “Judd has been with the boat since day one. The rest of us have been here at least a couple years. It’s family.”
He’s about to open his mouth to ask Carlos a little more about himself when there’s a yelp and a body comes hurtling toward them at light speed. Iris throws herself at Carlos, wrapping him up in an aggressive hug that almost takes them both to the floor. “You’re here!” she yells, glee evident in every line of her body.
Despite his initial shock Carlos immediately softens, his face going tender and warm. His hand cradles the back of Iris’ head and he practically cuddles her right there in the salon, making T.K. feel like he’s awkwardly intruded on a private moment. “Hey chica,” Carlos says, his voice full of something so tender that it sends a jolt of jealousy through T.K. Whatever happened between him and Iris, it doesn’t seem like Carlos is over it.
He pulls back after a minute, cupping Iris’ face in his hands as he studies it closely. “How are you? You’re good?”
“Oh my god, you’re such a worrier. Yes. I’m good,” she says with a laugh. 
“And Michelle?”
T.K.’s memory vaguely supplies that Michelle is Iris’ older sister. “Yeah she’s good too. Chief stew on a boat in Italy right now,” Iris says. She sends a glance at T.K., her eyes sparkling. “I see you met T.K. already. He’s your roommate you know.”
Something odd flashes across Carlos’ face. “Yeah I know,” he says, looking almost embarrassed.
T.K. desperately wants to know what’s going on. He feels like he’s missed out on a private joke, but at that moment Nancy strides into the salon. “Okay enough chatting people we have guests coming onboard in—” she checks her watch, “—less than half an hour.” She stops when she sees Carlos. “Oh hi. You the new chef?”
He shakes her hand. “Yeah, Carlos.”
“Thank god. Nancy. Chief stew. We should talk.”
“Yes,” Carlos says. “I didn’t see the preference sheets for the guests in the galley. Do you have them?”
She holds up a stack of papers. “On my way to post them now. Want to come with and we’ll figure out what kind of fancy ass food these people want?”
“Definitely,” Carlos says.
“And you two can start making drinks and getting cold towels ready,” Nancy calls over her shoulder.
“Already done!” T.K. and Iris chime together.
Nancy turns and walks the last few steps to the doorway backward, pointing at them and then clasping her hands over her heart. “And that’s why you two are my favorites.”
“So?” Iris says as she and T.K. step behind the bar to finish setting up the cocktails. “He’s hot right? I told you.”
“Actually you didn’t,” T.K. says mildly. She could not have said less about it in fact. 
“I didn’t?” She scrunches up her nose and thinks for a second, then shrugs like it doesn’t matter. “Whatever. He is though, right? Very hot?”
“I’m going to be honest here and say I think it’s kind of weird that you talk about your ex like this,” T.K. says, pouring champagne carefully into glasses.
“What does him being my ex have to do with it?” she scoffs. “He’s objectively hot. You have to see it.”
T.K. is going to admit to no such thing. And he knows if stalls long enough Iris will move on. Her attention span tends to be on the short side.
“God, why do they make these fucking skorts so short?” she asks seconds later, yanking at the black fabric covering her thighs. “It’s sexist. And misogynistic.”
“Aren’t those kind of the same thing?”
She glares at him. “You can mansplain sexism to me when you have a skirt the size of a postage stamp riding up your ass. Okay? Okay.”
She grabs the tray of champagne glasses from him and whisks them away without another word. He huffs out a laugh and opens the fridge to take out the towels and stack them up on a second tray as Tommy’s voice comes over the radio announcing that the guests will be arriving in less than five minutes and to please get to the aft deck.
Everyone looks fresh and ready in their whites and Tommy gives him a nod as he joins the line-up, tucking in at the end next to Iris. Seconds later another body slides into the open space on his left and he looks up to find Carlos. The other man gives him a quick smile, a trace of nerves hiding behind it. T.K. feels the overwhelming urge to reach over and squeeze his hand in reassurance. Thank god he’s occupied with holding the towel tray because he’s not sure he could stop himself otherwise. 
And then he’d have to throw himself overboard, swim to a deserted island, and start a new life with nothing but a volleyball for company.
“There they are,” Judd says half a second later, nodding toward the dock where a group of impeccably dressed men and women are walking toward the Firebug.
“They look rich,” Mateo says.
“They always look rich,” Marjan tells him with a roll of her eyes. “Only rich people can afford chartered yacht vacations.”
“Yeah but there’s a difference between looking rich and being rich,” Mateo says.
T.K. has to agree with him. People who are rich tend to have high expectations, but are usually pretty nice and leave big tips. People who look rich…that’s a crapshoot. And they usually end up being assholes.
T.K. hopes it’s the former this time.
There are greetings and handshakes all around and then Nancy takes them off to tour the boat as T.K. and Iris wash the champagne glasses and throw the towels in the laundry before heading down to help put away the luggage the deck crew has hauled onboard.
Then it’s a whirlwind of drinks and snacks and cleaning (there’s always something to be cleaned) as they set sail away from the dock, the white prow of the Firebug gleaming as it cuts through the cerulean blue of the ocean. 
T.K. doesn’t get more than a glimpse of Carlos again until dinner. When Nancy calls him over the radio to come for service he walks into the galley and stops dead in his tracks. The guests asked for a sushi spread but what he sees is…unbelievable. It should have been physically impossible for Carlos to produce this much food at this level of quality in the few hours he’s been on board. 
“Holy shit. This is gorgeous.” The words are out of T.K.’s mouth before he means them to be.
“Thanks,” Carlos says, slightly flushed from the heat of his work. He’s pouring heavy cream into a bowl, probably working on dessert already. 
“No seriously this is…how did you do all of this so fast?” T.K. asks.
He’s worked on boats for years. He’s seen impressive food before. Michelin star worthy meals. But this tops all of it. 
Carlos shrugs and starts whisking, the muscles of his upper arm flexing back forth in an impressive display. “It’s my job,” he says simply. “I put the crew dinner out too. Make sure you get some.”
Nancy and Iris still haven’t arrived, so T.K. sneaks over to the crew mess and finds Paul devouring an equally impressive spread of sushi. “Save some for the rest of us,” T.K. says, snagging a California roll and shoving it whole into his mouth. 
“It’s so good though,” Paul groans. “I thought Pearce was good, even if he was a son of a bitch, but damn. This new guy….”
T.K. agrees. The California roll is the best he’s ever had in his life and he stands there at the table devouring a few more mouthfuls before Nancy and Iris sweep in and force him back to work. 
Dinner service goes shockingly smoothly. No one yells. No one sulks in passive aggressive silence. Carlos and Nancy communicate perfectly, food goes out on time, the wine flows, the guests are thrilled, it’s literally the best night they’ve had on the boat in weeks. 
Tommy comes down halfway through, a soft smile on her face when she sees how easily Carlos has slipped into the role of chef. He smiles and laughs as he cooks, chatting away easily with the captain as if they’re old friends. There’s a sense of relief flooding through the boat. Carlos is a good fit. Thank god.
T.K. and Iris run down in between courses to turndown the cabins (thank god these guests seem pretty neat and tidy) and then Iris heads to bed as soon as dinner service is done so she can get up early to run breakfast. The meal has created about a thousand dishes and Nancy starts to help, but T.K. shoos her away. He’s on lates tonight, staying up to make sure the guests have any late night drinks or snacks they need, but she should get some sleep.
Carlos is wiping down counters. His chef’s coat is partially unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up to expose his incredibly muscular forearms. The second T.K. sees them he repeats his mantra from earlier: He’s Iris’ ex, He’s Iris ex, He’s Iris’ ex…
Maybe if T.K. keeps reminding himself of that, his stupid heart will stop trying to leap out of his chest at the sight of this beautiful man.
“Oh thanks,” Carlos says, relief on his face when he sees T.K. roll up his own sleeves and start scrubbing away at the rest of the dishes. “I thought I was going to be here all night.”
“Happy to help,” T.K. says lightly.
“So how long have you been on the Firebug?” Carlos asks.
“Like, three years now?” T.K. says as he carefully sets some glassware to the side. “My dad used to be captain.”
“Oh cool,” Carlos replies. “Where is he now?”
“Boat in the Mediterranean. It’s a bigger vessel. They have good wine over there.”
“Sounds nice.”
“Yeah.” T.K. hesitates and then asks because he has to know. “So you’re from Austin? You and Iris grew up together?”
“Yeah the Blakes lived down the street,” Carlos says. “My sisters and I were always over at their house. They had a dog and a trampoline. We did not.”
“I see the appeal.”
“So three years here, where before that?”
T.K.’s stomach lurches. Before is hard to talk about. Before was full of pills and booze and shame and it’s something the crew all knows about, but it’s not a story that everyone can accept. The thought of this perfect looking man getting weird over it forces T.K. to hold back. “New York,” he says softly. “Manhattan. I lived there with my mom when I was a kid.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to New York.” Carlos sets a pan back into its place. “I have to know. Are the bagels actually that good? I mean…they’re really just regular bagels, right? Bagels aren’t even that great to begin with.”
“I’ll have you know that New York bagels are legendary,” T.K. tells him immediately. “There will be no bagel slander on this boat.”
“Okay, okay, sorry,” Carlos says with a laugh, holding up his hands. “I take it back.”
“You’d better,” T.K. says, also laughing. This guy is fun. Why the hell did Iris break up with him?
Carlos finishes what he’s doing and comes to dry the dishes T.K. has washed, but T.K. waves him off. “Head to bed,” he advises. “I know how much travel days suck and you’ve got to be up early for breakfast.”
“Thanks,” Carlos says, fatigue creeping in at the edges of him. “See you in the morning.”
T.K. puts away the last of the dishes and then heads up to check on the guests. He’s shocked to find Mateo hosing down the teak and not another person in sight. “They went to bed like ten minutes ago,” he says with a shrug. “Easiest night ever right?”
“Yeah seriously,” T.K. says. “You on anchor watch?”
“Yep,” Mateo pops the “p.” “All night long baby.”
“Don’t let us blow into a rock.”
“Ha ha.”
T.K. bids him goodnight and then heads toward his cabin. Maybe it’s exhaustion. Maybe it’s that Carlos brought up New York and now T.K.’s memories of that time are swirling around in his head. Maybe he’s distracted by the fact that these are the easiest guests he’s ever had in his entire life. Whatever the reason is, he forgets that Chef Carlos Reyes is his new roommate until he opens the door and sees him standing there.
In nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs.
It’s just a reality of boat life that you see people naked or nearly naked on a regular basis. Quarters are tight and honestly, after so much time together, it literally doesn’t even matter. T.K.’s seen pretty much everyone’s butts and boobs and dicks onboard at this point and it doesn’t even phase him anymore.
But the sight of Carlos, hair still wet, the entire room damp from the steam of his shower and smelling like sandalwood and pine, feels so intimate that it nearly sends T.K. to his knees. 
And he’s pretty sure he would do just about anything Carlos wanted once he was down there.
T.K. was right. The man has muscles. So. Many. Muscles. He’s an Adonis. A god. He can’t possibly be real.
He’s like T.K.’s dream guy wrapped up in neon yellow caution tape that screams OFF LIMITS.
Oh god. 
He’s not going to make it through this charter season.
He’s not going to make it through tonight.
“Sorry, am I in your way?” Carlos asks as he continues threading his chef’s coat onto a hanger.
Something flashes across his face. If T.K. didn’t know better he’d almost think it was something smug. Like he’s seen T.K. ogling him and possibly, maybe, is standing in their room mostly naked on purpose.
“No,” T.K. says quickly, squeezing in and shutting the door behind him.
Bad idea. Oh god. This space is so small. He’s practically chest to naked chest with Carlos and he can’t breathe or think and if he doesn’t do something right now he’s not going to be able to stop himself from reaching out and touching those washboard abs…
“Are you done in the bathroom?” he manages to squeak out.
“Yes,” Carlos says, that smug-ish look still on his face. “All yours.”
T.K. practically runs inside and locks the door behind him, collapsing onto the toilet lid. 
Shit. Shit. Shit.
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nightmare-foundation · 11 months
So why is Oz being given the excuse of "being 14" when he isn't but RWBY are being demonized despite being only a few years older and having endured massive trauma?
I don't think you're being very even-handed here.
Thing is, I'm not demonizing team RWBY. I 100% see where they're coming from and why they're so upset about being lied to.
And I'm not excusing Oz's actions, it's just not as simple as "Oz lied for no reason about something extremely important"
Thing is, Oz had JUST been betrayed by someone who he genuinely thought was a friend (Leo). He was much more guarded and closed off because of this, reasonably so, and likely took it harder because this isn't the first time he's been betrayed.
And before someone says "He should have told them from the beginning!"- Oz barely knows team RWBY/RNGR/JNPR. For the entirety of the very short time he's known them, he's been their adult teacher and mentor, as well as leader. He's only known them for maybe 2 years at most, and again, at least HALF of that was as their teacher/Headmaster. He likely hadn't interacted much with them during the Beacon Era either, given he was their Headmaster and thus was busy. So technically he's only known them on an 'even' level for maybe a few months by v6, and even then he was a mentor figure.
So, there was absolutely NO reason why Oz would've trusted team RWBY/JNPR with that kind of information. If he couldn't even trust his own friends with that information, why would he trust a bunch of teenagers he hardly knows??
And before anyone says that Oz should've told them because he 'dragged them into it', reminder that it was QROW that told ruby that their contacts thought something was going to happen in Mistral. Qrow was the one who told RNJR the basic rundown of the truth that he knew. And no, Oz admitting Ruby into Beacon early doesn't count because she was going into Beacon anyways.
Also about Oz technically being 14- he no longer has an adult body. His mind might be that of an adult, but he possesses an underdeveloped child (unwillingly). Oscar is his current host, and Oz possesses EVERY part of him, including his brain. Teenagers brains are underdeveloped in certain parts, which results in irrational decisions and emotional immaturity. It's likely why Oz hid himself away after being verbally and physically attacked and cornered.
I personally think Oz wouldn't have run away had Yang and Qrow not attacked him. This was the ONLY time we've so much as seen Oz visibly upset, especially upset enough to cry. His trauma was laid bare in front of him without his permission; it literally showed the death of his children and how he was an alcoholic for lifetimes afterwards.
And, for the record, I DO NOT BLAME RUBY for using Jinn to get answers. I see why she did so, and honestly I would've done the same thing. She had no idea WHAT Jinn was going to tell her, so I can't fault her for asking the question.
However, I do judge Yang and Qrow for how they treated Oz, and by extension, Oscar. Yang was extremely fast to get hostile (I don't blame her entirely for it), and Qrow full on punched a 14 year old boy in the face and never apologized for it (oscar visibly was in a lot of pain when Oz dipped). Yang has always been hostile towards Oz, even getting mad over him giving the branwen twins the ability to turn into birds (willingly on their part). Yang seemed to take the word of Raven with seemingly no issue despite her history (or lack thereof) with Raven when it comes to Oz.
Blake, really the only issue is that she didn't try defending Oz considering Salem and Adam are extremely similar characters.
Weiss only indirectly compared Oz to her dad, which... is still a little yikes, but I don't have an issue with her.
Again, I don't have an issue with Ruby either.
And, saying it again, I see WHY they were hurt by Oz lying/keeping the truth a secret. I'd be pissed too if someone I thought was a friend/mentor lied to me too.
I hope I got my thoughts on the subject across clearly. I highly doubt anyone will read this, let alone agree considering people have such a string hatred for Oz lol. But if you do read it, and at least consider my opinion, I'd be happy anyways even if I'm still disagreed with. 🤷‍♂️
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dmercer91 · 3 months
are any of the other girls bi/queer like landen?
it would be incredibly off brand for me to have a majority of my oc’s be het, SO!
blake’s sexuality is just a big ‘?’ but she notes that she is an avid lover of women (she also is extremely loud about her attraction to jamie and charlie- who openly flirt back. she almost faints every time. dawson can’t tell if he hates it or not)
raegan has about 10 years of shit to unpack emotionally before she clues in that she could possibly like girls (she does eventually conclude that she’s pan when she hits landen w the ‘how did you know you liked girls?’ and lans soul escapes her body)
robin has been in poly relationships but doesn’t really look into it at all or identify with the term (mostly out of fear that she no longer falls under the term for being in a monogamous relationship) (so, technically, she’s ambi)
mason (jamie’s boyfriend) is bisexual. i love him. that man is a no fucks (but simultaneously too many fucks) given crop top wearing extra large defenceman with a preference for people who kind of want to beat him up
rylie identifies as queer (when mackie asks what they entails she’s like …. just go with it baby <3 nd he’s like okay 🥰🥰)
charlie and jamie are both like lol no!! and they tell people who ask that they’re unlabelled (jamie also uses she/they pronouns) (charlie was a social pariah in middle school for her whole vibe she had going and now she’s dating the guy who all the girls who bullied her drool over, she won)
wesley’s pre-wyatt no strings situation was not limited by gender but she thought she was aro before wy, so there that— (still on the aro spectrum, 100%, if her and wyatt were to break up she probably would never seriously date again)
i don’t know if i went in depth but lan is bi with a preference for women (most people assumed she was a lesbian until luca came along. she was like no i swear i like men they’re just so S T U P I D)
draya, cam and dahlia are the token straights (affectionate) (draya and blake have drunkenly made out but that’s as far as she’s explored in terms of bi-curiousness)
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
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Future!Miles and his siblings. Around 5 to 10 years in the future!
I actually finished this almost a month ago but I wanted to post this along with his future e4/partners and Lin design but I figured I'd post it now and the others later when I feel like finishing them.
More info:
He is the champion of reborn obviously, the only one who have gotten close to beating him are Fern, Shelly, Cal, Saphira and Adrienn (Although that was only once and then never again.)
He's in his early to mid 30's.
He is married to Cal, Saphira, Ace and Taka! He proposed to Cal and Saphira, while both Taka and Ace proposed to him.
The ring on his right hand (Ruby stone) is the wedding ring from Cal.
The ring on his left hand (Sapphire stone) is the wedding ring from Saphira.
The ring hanging from his right ear (Emerald stone) is the wedding ring from Taka.
The ring hanging from his right ear which is intertwined with the Taka's ring (Amethyst stone) is the wedding ring from Ace.
He first married Cal, The Saphira and then Taka and Ace at the same time, they were already married to each other at that point which is why their rings are intertwined.
Laura is the one who inspired him to grow his hair out even more.
His boots has type designs based on his e4 members.
Still has the same color scheme as before besides his belt.
This design is close to his second appearance design but with more details.
He is the pokemon professor of the reborn region, he studies the new world! He also helps Adrienn and Miles with new trainers who come to the region and does other stuff.
18-23 years old.
Still best friends with Noel.
Inspired to grow his hair out like his big brother.
Teaches at Onyx's trainer school sometimes.
Was the top student at Onyx's trainer school, he also graduated there.
Realized he's aromantic.
His outfit is pretty much the same from when he was a child but his shirt colors are inverted and he now wears a lab coat.
World famous athlete (Track runner)
21-26 years old
Travels the world when competing in sports.
Still very close with Charlotte and Aya.
Is no longer as lonely and angry, she's also confident now.
Her outfit is now much more comfier and easy to wear, but still has a leather jacket.
7-12 years old
Enjoys hanging out with Blake and Heather in the orphanage.
Thanks to Shelly enjoys a lot of reading.
He's got a full team of six nfe pokemon, all gifted to him by his family/friends.
Brionne (Miles)
Magby (Cal)
Dratini (Saphira)
Gible (Taka)
Fenniken (Ace)
Cleffa (Noel)
Miles and Davis live in the Belrose mansion with Miles's partners and Charlotte, Laura and Bennett. Rose technically lives there too, but due to a lot of traveling both in the reborn region and outside of it she tends to sleep in hotels/pokemon centers.
David used to live there with them, but David moved to Lower Peridot Ward to live closer to the Grand Hall for his job there.
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skye-huntress · 1 year
Justice League x RWBY Part 1 Reaction
I watched it other day though I took a bit longer to put this post together than I planned. Overall it was a fun watch and I am certainly interested in seeing Part 2 whenever it comes out. It didn’t feel much like a Justice League or superhero movie in general, it was much closer to watching RWBY that was just a bit different from normal. It was a bit weird to see the JL as awkward teenagers trying to adjust to the way RWBY’s world works but there were some interesting and fun interactions.
I will join many in the FNDM in saying that Jessica Cruz is a precious bean and DC should allow us to permanently adopt her in the RWBYverse. DC, you’ve got a dozen different human Green Lanterns, let us have this one! I promise she will be loved!
Let’s talk about the evil plan for a minute. It was certainly ambitious, too ambitious, in fact. Forget about how Kilg%re got trapped themselves, the simulation and the alteration of memories were clearly never going to be enough to fool Team RWBY or the Justice League. They clearly had the technical skills and powers to break out on their own, so the only real obstacle in their path to freedom was to beat Kilg%re. That said, it seems the real dangerous one is whoever from Remnant managed to contact and manipulate a supervillain from another world and what they’ll do next.
When I’m watching a superhero movie, it isn’t unusual for me to just go along with all those names. That said, the names are kind of ridiculous, especially to Huntresses who don’t do the whole double life/secret identity thing.
Somewhere, Oscar is going about his day like normal and he suddenly hears a sneeze. He looks around, sees nobody and wonders if he actually heard it or if it was his imagination.
Yes, yes, it is cute how after meeting Diana, Blake’s first instinct was to call Yang. However, I would like to point out that Weiss had no such excuse but she tried to call Ruby anyway. She hadn’t even met Bruce yet, so as far as she knew, she just found herself in Altas, realised Ruby wasn’t by her side and decided to call her instead.
Apparently not even fake Oscars are safe from violence. This is how many times he’s been slammed into a wall?
Jaune asking why they are learning kid stuff is a bit ironic considering how cluelessly undereducated he was when he first came to Beacon. Still, if the world is built off of the memories of Huntsmen who never even completed a full year at Beacon, it’s unsurprising that there isn’t much material for actual classes.
Yeah, Jaune, don’t think about Oscar’s age too much, it won’t lead anywhere helpful. Actually, everybody here is older than they actually are, especially for the Justice League since they’re all apparently adults in reality. And from Volume 10 on, we know someone else who will be permanently in that category. So really, I’m trying to not think about it too much.
It’s not uncommon for there to be something going on between Bruce and Diana, so her going to see him is not unexpected. On the other hand, as leader, Ruby feels obligated to go where she feels she is needed most and she will trust in Weiss to take care of herself until the Bees pick her up.
All the cool kids are picking to go to the forest full of monsters, leaving Jaune to be the one to volunteer to go with Jessica.
Dick move from Victor. Who is Ruby? She grew up in a world full of monsters and she dedicated most of her life learning to fight them, the same as Nora. She’s also a leader and is constantly thinking about the safety of others and her team so if there is anyone Victor should be talking to about surviving Grimm encounters, Ruby should be at the top of the list.
You know I could have told Diana that it’s a bad idea to practice flying in a tightly enclosed space
I like the conversation between Diana and the Bees. Diana relates a lot more to them and vice versa because of her similar upbringing. But it also highlights just how different Remnant is from our world or even the DC version of it. Even when Oscar was just a farmhand, he still ended up having to fight Grimm. Ren and Nora’s background is fairly common in that world. Throughout Remnant’s history, countless civilisations have risen and fallen. Atlas was the most technologically advanced and had the largest standing army and it still fell. That Vacuo might be next is a too real possibility. I see people judge the current system with the Huntsmen Academies for training “children” to fight monsters, but that is so easy for us to do when we don’t have to live in that world.
An interesting idea for Bruce to be presented with the possibility of going to Remnant where he can actually have powers that are his own.
Although their reunion was a little late, we got some good White Rose moments in this movie, including the team attack. It’s been so long since they had one just between the two of them.
Bruce really chose to arrive last so he could have his dramatic entrance. What a dork.
I don’t think I have much more to say. However, I did have one last observation. Blake mentioned something about a training mission, so whoever did all this is either in the Atlas Military, has inside connections, or somehow managed to hack into Atlas tech. Watts isn’t a likely candidate since he needed Jacques’ Council access to get into Atlas’ secure network. Plus there’s still the mystery about how whoever was able to contact a being from another world.
Perhaps there is an Atlesian scientist who was researching creating doorways to other worlds, after all the Vaults are existing proof it can be done. Whoever it was also considered the young Huntsmen their enemy. Merlot’s name was floating around, and it would make a certain sense. Otherwise, it might be someone whose toes Team RWBY stepped on since coming to Atlas. Before they showed up, Ironwood didn’t have enough people he trusted to look into any important or sensitive matters. If someone within the military was working on a secret project they wanted to keep from the General, it would have been easier to do so during that time period when he was only relying on those within his inner circle and focused on the Amity Project.
Part 2 will likely kick off with a hunt for the culprits, as well as whatever was used to connect the two worlds together. We must see the Justice League come through to Remnant for real this time, or Team RWBY will end up chasing the bad guy on their side to Earth. Either way, it should be interesting.
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Dropped and forgotten storylines of DCLA
(...plus storylines that weren't properly concluded or could ahve been concluded better)
Diego's mother (Where is she? What happened to her? Why didn't she tell Diego the truth?)
Braco and Napo (Do I even need to explain? Where are they?)
Luca and the Restoband (What happened to that? Did it finally go bankrupt?)
Esmeralda (Just because. What happened to her? Where did she run off to?)
Matias and Parodi (Yes, I know she came back in the finale, but I am still calling that a dropped plot line)
Camila and her acting career (So, did she just quit? Definitely from acting? Since her sudden quitting off her first movie must not bode well for the other producers)
The boy band (they dropped this storyline so many times, even if it, in the end, was endgame)
Ludmila and her father (So he just went back to Africa? Yeah I get that he had to, but he said that he would be trying to find a pace at BA. That never happened.)
Ludmila's future (After that brief chat, they never really established what she was planning to do for the future)
Vilu being mad at German for being Jeremiah (She literally just forgave him after the Madrid arc)
Jade and Nicolas' divorce/remarriage (Did they ever get divorced? If some did they get remarried?)
Broduye being Gregorio's accomplice
Ludmila pretending to be Vilu to cut the broadcast
Gregorio threatening Andres
Where did Andres get that space paint??
Soy Luna
Nina learning how to skate (she magically got competition-level skills in S3 when she could just and just do spins in S2)
What Matteo studied in the university (I don't think they ever established what he ended up studying in addition to music)
Delfi's career path (It was a big dilemma to her in S1 and 2. In S3 when just gone to college with no information about what she is studying)
Luna being shaken by being Sol Benson (She literally went through an identity crisis but was fine after S3E1 and was much more worried about Roller)
Yam being Mora's assistant and Yam's fashion career in general (Actually, I think this was changed because they realized that Chiarra was such a good singer and made her pursue music so they could utilize that more)
Blake South College and the fact that Sharon was responsible for Luna's place there (They just stopped going to school in S3 and Sharon could have gotten Luna kicked out of the school in S3 by withdrawing her support)
Tino, Cato and Amanda (Don't get me wrong, I don't want more of them, but they just vanished)
Amanda's delusion (So she was just delusional and probably had some kind of mental disorder but it all stopped with little bit of therapy)
Nina's passion being creative writing (In S3 they made her a journalist)
Felicity (in S3 totally abandoned and basically forgotten except for the certain occasion when it was brought up just to throw it and Gastón under the bus)
Anyone's future (Luna graduated, what was she gonna study? Same goes for Nina, she even had stupid discussions about it with Eric, but never got to a conclusion.)
Roller Band (Nico is gone and Simon and Pedro are playing on one song in Matteo Album, but what happens after that.)
Roller's management (So Gary left, and Ambar was no longer in charge, but Jam and Roller is also not the official team for Vidia anymore? Are Red sharks still a thing in formality form, with a team that still technically exist while it has no members.)
Obviously, this excludes BIA since I have not seen it, but anyone else, feel free to add
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tacticalhimbo · 3 months
bet this is my current fixation even if i'm posting fuckall for it
[send me a fandom]
The first character I first fell in love with: 47... which is fucking funny because absolution was my first hitman game so i like. i fell in love with such a wildly different version of him then i played the woa games (only the first two; i brought them when they were still separate games so i don't own woa by technicality) and i just.... him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: victoria. i liked her in absolution but i was initially was kinda like "ok" but now? now she is also my daughter. 47 and diana and i share custody actually. i care for her so much i want her to come back as a character i need to know what happened to her like yes she was safe yes she was with diana but why isn't she still with diana. did she become an agent? if she did was she also safe when the ica leaks happened??? hello????!??!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: there isn't one i love all these bitches. even the constant. well, there are a few exceptions actually—
The character I love that everyone else hates: idk if people hate him??? but soders. i'm obsessed with his cunty energy. like. the dialog between him and diana in the intro to hitman (2016)? his relationship with her in general (i love love love his appearance in the birth of a hitman comics and how he was a family friend who swooped in at one of the most convinient and inconvinient time possible). i also love his characterization in the brief story, overachievers, because he's so petty with diana (and she returns the energy) and it's so... i wanna study him.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: there isn't one.
The character I would totally smooch: ☺️☺️☺️ diana
The character I’d want to be like: diana ☺️☺️☺️
The character I’d slap: the constant. JFLASDJFLASJF. it's funny bc i said i love him too but like. c'mon now you're telling me y'all wouldn't slap him. but characters i would genuinely wanna fistfight? blake dexter and edward wade. it is on sight!!! they're such pervs (negative)
A pairing that I love: ... diana/lucas grey. OKAYYY i have been persuaded i have been scheming i can see the vision and i am obsessed.
A pairing that I despise: i don't despise it bc it's like. i genuinely do not have strong hate for ships unless there's smth deeper goin on. but i also don't dislike it as much as say like... obikin (re: my star wars ask. using them as an example bc it's a "family but not by blood" kinda vibe. difference there is the age gap + the fact obi wan did effectively become his parental figure; diana is just. there for 47 on an interpersonal level compared to other agents she's handled). i've seen some good 47/diana content and i fuck with some of it! i think it's just because i do personally read them as more platonic/familial that i'm like. "ok".
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blessyourpixels · 2 years
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There’s nothing like a day at the waterpark to start your summer off right! Pro tip, if you go on a week day when it first opens, you might get lucky enough to get the waterpark to yourself!
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
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summary: after kissing dolores umbridge, you and regulus are no longer on speaking terms. neither you nor regulus have been getting by without each other. genre: angst, fluff at the end. warnings: swearing, mentions of self harm and depression. a/n: i know the technicalities of this are wrong but i just wanted the reader to be in a clique with bellatrix and narcissa, lol
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"Shut up, Cissy," you hissed loudly, "I don't care what you say about your cousin. We're over." Narcissa huffed loudly and Bellatrix grinned, "told you so."
"But Y/N!" crowed Narcissa in dismay, "he's miserable! He doesn't eat or sleep. Do give him another chance!" for a while, the thought of Regulus being unhealthy several days in a row made your stomach drop and churn horribly, but then you remembered what he did to you, and all you felt was horrible and bitter as your jaw tightened.
You and Regulus had begun dating in your fifth year. It was your two-year anniversary, and Regulus was late, but as Patricia Parkinson approached you with teary eyes, you'd learnt why. "Isobel Waters heard it from Charlotte Blake who heard it from Ivory Hill who saw -" Patricia sucked in a shaky breath, "your boyfriend snogging that fat Umbridge pig." and then Patricia slumped miserably into the armchair beside yours, blowing her nose wetly into a tissue. "Where?" you tried your best to keep your cool as Patricia sniffed, "the broom closet on the fifth floor near the Astronomy tower." and then she started crying again, and it appeared that she was uncapable of speaking any coherent sentences at all after that.
"I still think you should have used the Cruciatus curse on Dolores," said Bellatrix gleefully, "she would never snog anyone's boyfriend again." Narcissa frowned and her sister, "do you want yn to get thrown into Azkaban?" she hissed loudly, "they said last year that Crucio is one of the new unforgivable curses." you grinned at Cissy before turning to shrug at Bella, "the hex I used was good enough, those pimples are going to last for three months now you've threatened her not to run off to Promfrey." Bellatrix cackled loudly as Narcissa said, "serves her right, the stupid pig." this time, all three of you laughed.
"Y/N." said a soft voice behind you, making you jump. The three of you stopped in your tracks. Bellatrix and her sister shared looks with each other as you turned around and said, in the coldest voice you could muster whilst talking to him, "Regulus." he shuffled his feet and stared at them, but you forced your head to be held high. "Can we talk?" he mumbled softly. You bit your cheek and narrowed your eyes, "fine."
Regulus shook his head, "can we talk alone?" and the horrible churning feeling started in your stomach again. You pushed it away, "if we have to. But only for a bit. I have things to do, you know, other than talk to unfaithful boyfriends." Belatrix snorted softly at this and Regulus looked down. You wanted to punch her, but then you remembered Regulus snogging Umbridge and you didn't feel so sorry for him anymore, and would gladly punch Regulus instead.
You didn't, though. You followed Regulus to the side of the street as Bellatrix and Narcissa entered The Hog's Head.
"Y/N," Regulus's voice was soft, so soft, and it was only now that you were alone did you see the things Regulus was hiding from the others. How pale he was. The bags under his eyes, the tinted redness of them, the puffiness of his skin around his eyes.
"Regulus," you breathed softly, the icy demeanour finally breaking, "Reggie. Why didn't you tell me?" your eyes started to get watery.
Now it was Regulus's turn to tighten his jaw and scoff, "I can say the same to you." this caught you off-gaurd for a moment. "I don't know what you're talking about," you really hoped you didn't, but Regulus crossed his arms. "I know you sneak out of the Common Room every night, yn, and I know where you go. I followed you last night."
There really had been someone following me, you thought to yourself, before hissing loudly, "that's so fucking creepy! Do you do that to all the girls you sleep with, Reg? Did you do it to Umbridge too? | bet you did, didn't you? That's why you snogged her in front of a broom closet. She was probably just taking a walk." your eyes stung with tears that were bound to spill at any moment.
"You know that's not true," Regulus hissed back at you, his voice full of hurt, "and you know why I followed you. Cissy told me you left at strange times during the night and only came back a while later." his eyes were soft now. You kept your gaze stony cold best you could, "Cissy's a liar."
Regulus sighed heavily, "really, Y/N?" and opened his bag, taking out a long black quill, which you wished right now would be anything else. He was still holding the quill as the tears fell freely from your eyes, "give it back, Regulus," you hissed softly, your lip shaking, "give it back." but Regulus shook his head, "no." putting the quill in the pocket of his robes, "show me your hand, please," he asked quietly, though it was more of a demand than a request as you fought him and said, "give it back, Regulus, give it back!" trying to reach for the quill in his robes, you took outopened your wand, "Acci -" but Regulus grabbed your hand before you could complete casting the spell, your wand dropping to the ground, shooting a lazy silver spark at the wall.
Regulus loosened his grip before taking out his own wand, pointing it at your hand, "Revellio." the concealment charm broke as the tears fell from your cheeks. Etched into your skin were the words "you deserved it", in messy red handwriting.
Regulus's breath hitched softly as he whispered, "how many times?" his eyes swimming with tears. You looked down at your feet, which were buried in snow, and mumbled, "enough." but when Regulus said, "Y/N," in a stern tone, you choked Regulus's breath hitched softly as he whispered, a sob, "nine." and Regulus was crying now as he pulled you close, crying softly.
"Why didn't you just talk to me?" Regulus mumbled sadly, pressing his Lips on the top of your head. You scoffed ridiculously high, "couldn't have wanted to!" you choked on your tears as Regulus rubbed your back, "not when you were running around with Dolores Umbridge, you know how much I hate her! I kept on seeing you with her, every time I got the courage to talk to you. You weren't Regulus anymore. You were just..." your voice drifted off into more sobs.
"She kissed me," said Regulus softly, causing you to have a double take, "she cornered me and she kissed me but I didn't kiss back. She kissed me, Y/N. D'you really think I'd go out with anyone else who's not you? I know how much you hate her! I was going to tell you but she kissed me again even though I told her not to. I said I would hex her if she kissed me again, but all she did was laugh. Too many people had seen by then and then you came and you hexed her and you ran off before I could tell you and you holed yourself up for days and -" Regulus cried softly. "I told her not to. I told her not to."
You looked up from Regulus's robes, "you weren't the one who kissed her?" you eyed him dubiously, sniffing softly. Regulus shook his head, "no! I swear on Merlin's beard it wasn't me. Who told you it was me?" he did look upset about it. "Patricia Parkinson said she heard it from Isobel Waters who heard it from Charlotte Blake who heard it from Ivory Hill who was there and saw it happen told me. She said you were snogging Dolores at the broom closet near the Astronomy Tower." you sniffed again.
"That stupid bitch!" groaned Regulus, "I told Ivory to tell Patricia to find you! I didn't tell her to tell you! The stupid story got messed up on its way to you! Please, you have to believe me." you looked at him for a while before you said, "you won't kiss anyone again?" and Regulus shook his head, "no." and then you said, "and you won't speak to Dolores Umbridge ever -" Regulus scoffed, "I've never loathed her more in my life. So, no, I promise." then you added, "you'll give me the quill back?" and Regulus was about to answer before closing his mouth and glaring at you, "nice try, Y/N. But you're never getting this quill back." and you sighed, "okay. I believe you."
Regulus smiled so brightly it was blinding, "thank you, thank you so much. I love you." Regulus pulled you close again, but pulled you close this time to kiss you - "ouch!" the two of you span around, the snowball falling to the ground.
"Bellatrix!" yelled Regulus loudly, "you bitch! What was that for -" but another snowball had hit the two of you, landing on Regulus's face this time. You giggled softly as Regulus roared, "Narcissa!" at his other cousin. The snowballs came pelting after that, and you took your wand, yelling, "Incendio!" loudly, a long line of fire shooting from your wand. Bellatrix shrieked with glee as she sent an enchated snowman towards you, which broke off and started chasing a group of third-years, it's sharp pointy teeth snapping away.
"Oh no," you giggled softly, "better go before they find out it was us." and you grabbed Regulus's hand, running with his cousins, your laughter rolling down the streets of Hogsmeade.
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harry potter masterlist (marauders requests are open!)
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Stranger things incorrect quote generator (feat. The Sapphic senate, The party, the Byers-Hopper family, Scoops Troop and random shit 👌)
Pt 4
Sapphic Senate
Chrissy: H-how do you ask someone out?
Robin: Well, first-
Nancy: Don't ask them, they asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot.
Chrissy: ...And you said yes?
(ofc she did, to both Robin and Nancy)
Chrissy, planning a group disguise: You cannot be Blake Bortles.
Robin: Fine! Then I’ll be Jake-
Nancy, under their breath: Don’t say Jortles.
Robin: Jortles! And I work at the molotov cocktail department.
(Molotov Cocktail let's go 😩)
Chrissy: *aggressively throws water bottles*
Vickie: Uh... what's up with them?
Robin: They're trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.
Nancy, crying: It's working.
(Nancy needed that 😪)
Nancy: Chrissy you can’t move in with Robin.
Chrissy: Why not?
Nancy: Well, um, how are you going to feel when they see you without any makeup?
Chrissy: I’m not wearing makeup right now.
Nancy: Holy crap, you’re beautiful.
(Nancy was jealous at first, also yes she is 🥺✨)
Nancy: You’re just being paranoid. Again.
Robin: When have I been paranoid?
Nancy: Um, when you first met Vickie you thought they were an undercover cop…?
Robin: No one has a wart that big, I thought it was a surveillance camera!
Nancy: And last year you were sure Chrissy was a mermaid!
Robin: They hate wearing shirts! COINCIDENCE?!
*Later, when Robin’s theory is proven wrong*
Nancy: Do you have anything to say for yourself?
Robin: I still think Chrissy is a mermaid.
(She probably is tho 👀 *gasp* Mystical Creature AU or smth and Chrissy is a mermaid 👍)
Vickie: Did you buy eggs like I asked?
Chrissy: Even better!
Vickie: What the fuck did you-
Chrissy: *holding up a chicken* Her name is Fluffy.
(She 100% brought a cow once too for the milk)
Nancy: If you water water, it grows.
Chrissy: ...What.
Vickie: They've got a point.
(she does)
Vickie: I’m in love with you.
Chrissy: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Vickie: I know.
Chrissy: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
(They definitely had a prank war)
*The squad is playing a team sport*
Nancy: Are you upset you don’t get to be on the same team as Chrissy?
Vickie: Have you ever played a game with Chrissy?
Nancy: No…
Chrissy: Have you ever been trapped in a cage with a wolverine?
*Meanwhile, on the other side of the field*
(leave Robin alone! She said it took her 6 months longer to walk than other babies!)
Nancy: We call that a traumatic experience.
Nancy, turning to Robin: Not a "bruh moment".
Nancy, turning to Vickie: Not "sadge".
Nancy, turning to Chrissy: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
(these fit perfectly)
Vickie: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
(that's her personality right there and I love it)
Robin: Why are you late?
Nancy: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness.
Robin: Overslept?
Nancy: Overslept.
(Vickie is like "That's why I don't set alarms" or smth) 😌
Robin: You can't wake up if you never got to sleep.
(Robin, go to sleep, pls😪)
Robin: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Vickie: But are you shuffling?
Robin: Everyday.
Nancy: What language are you two speaking??
(Robin and Vickie are just Vibin' ✨)
Nancy: I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, Robin. Except you!
Robin: But Nancy, I think you're suspicious!
(Oof, heartbroken 💔 such betrayal 😔)
Chrissy: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
(too soon?)
Nancy: Vickie taught me to think before I act.
Nancy: ...So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
(That's one of the differences between the Responsible Sapphics here)
Nancy: How late were you up last night?
Chrissy & Robin, in tandem: Me?
Nancy: No, not you two. You stay up late all the time.
Nancy, to Vickie: You.
(because of all nap roulette lol)
Nancy: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Robin meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
(So Robin started it is how I read it)
Nancy: Why are you burning our marriage certificate!?
Robin: Good luck trying to return me without a receipt.
(I feel like Nancy has made a copy of it, she somehow knew that something was gonna happen)
Robin: I love saying 'fuck me' because it can either be sexual or self-loathing and those are two things that describe me perfectly.
(Chrissy and Vickie would say something about how Nancy will or 'i don't wanna get on Nancy's bad side' or just 'no thanks' idk about Nancy tho I'm torn between either 'gladly' or her getting flustered)
Chrissy: *pulls back the curtain while Nancy is showering*
Chrissy: Hey did we - stop screaming it’s me - did we run out of Cheerios?
(Chrissy does it to everyone, stay safe 😬)
Robin running into the bathroom: I heard screaming what's wro- *faints*
Nancy: *concerned* Robin!?
Chrissy: *confused* I thought she already saw you naked?
Robin: *watching their house burn down*
Robin: *starts filming* Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
(this was the start of them going to be Roommates 👍)
Nancy, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan??
Nancy: Wait. I the fuck used this pan…
Robin: It was you the fuck.
Nancy: It was I the fuck…
Vickie: Who cooks rice in a pan?
Robin: They the fuck.
(I just loved that 'I the fuck' 😂)
Vickie, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-
Robin, whispering: Should we call the exorcist?
Chrissy, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.
Nancy, appalled: Call the exorcist.
Robin: Like they say, "If you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs."
(I- this reminds me of a ronance fic I read damn)
Nancy, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
(Don't make her your enemy)
Nancy: *raises eyebrows*
Robin: Put those back down!
(is she surprised or why she raising her brows?)
Nancy: Your lover doesn't have the mental strength to caramelize onions.
Chrissy: Your lover thinks it takes 5-10 minutes to caramelize onions.
Vickie: Who's fucking caramelizing onions? Have you sociopaths forgotten that apples exist?
Robin: Do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions.
(I don't understand what is going on)
Robin: Is the plural of milf/dilf milfs/dilfs or milves/dilves?
Chrissy: Milfs.
Vickie: Milf/dilf is an acronym, you can't change the spelling to milves/dilves.
Robin: Wait, they're acronyms? What do they stand for???
Nancy: Mom in late forties, dad in late fourties.
Nancy: I learned that from the movie called M.I.L.F that I saw the trailer of in theaters probably 5 to 7 years ago.
Vickie: Mom/dad I'd Love to Fuck.
Nancy: Oh, is it not mom in late fouries?
Chrissy: What? No! It isn't!
Vickie: Nancy...
Vickie: I am entirely unsurprised that this is coming from you.
Robin: The word milf has been ruined for me.
Vickie: Y'all are dumbasses.
(Chrissy and Vickie definitely call Karen a milf (in front of Nancy sometimes) and were surprised they didn't die lol)
Robin: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
[The Byers-Hopper Family]
Hopper: How many children do you have?
Joyce: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference.
(She is everyones mother, like Steve but an actual mom)
El, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs?
Hopper: It means like in hand-to-hand combat.
El: Ohhhh-
Joyce: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
Will: I’m sad.
Jonathan : Don’t be sad, because sad backwards is das.
Jonathan : And das not good.
(This is literally the S2 scene, I love Jonathan being a good brother✨✨)
Will: You’ve got to learn to love yourself.
Hopper: But don't you hate yourself.
Will: Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
(will 😔)
Hopper: What is this!?
Joyce: That’s the weight of guilt. Give in to the nice side. Help those unfortunate, and make the guilt go away, my friend.
Hopper: Ow! Make it stop!
Joyce: Surrender to your kindness, Hopper. It’s nice to be nice.
Hopper: Your guilt is strong, my friend. But it is no match for the power of my selfishness!
(S1 or smth idk)
Joyce: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Hopper: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Will: Three of us saw it, Hopper. How do you explain that?
Hopper: *points at El* Sleep deprivation. *points at Will* Paranoia. *points at Jonathan * Delusional personality disorder.
(best family trip ever 👍)
Hopper: Yes, I'm adopting Will and you cowards can't tell me no!
(I had it once with El but I forgot to copy paste it, but this is cute too🥺)
El: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Hopper: Cannibalism.
El: *confused chewing noises*
(Looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you)
Joyce: I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.
(yes, you have a cute smile 🥺)
Joyce: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you.
Joyce: Ask me to kill for you.
Hopper: ...First of all, calm down-
(She kinda wouldn't but also would 🤔)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Jonathan : Would never stab anyone.
Joyce: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Will: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hopper: Would stab without warning.
El: Would stab as a warning.
(I feel like it couldn't fit better, maybe Joyce and Jonathan switch ig)
Hopper walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Joyce, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Joyce, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
(apparently the generator loves jopper, lots of good Jopper quotes. love them)
Will: ...This is one of those moments where it doesn't really matter what I have to say, isn't it?
(this sums up S3 and S4 👍)
Joyce: I don’t even use tubberware anymore.
Hopper: What are you saying? Say it again.
Joyce: Tubberware.
Hopper: Say it again. Slow.
Joyce: Tubberware.
Hopper: Slow, very slow - actually, say the first syllable.
Joyce: Tub.
Hopper: Wrong.
Joyce: What do you mean, wrong?
Hopper: I thought I caught that. You’re saying tub. It’s P.
Joyce: What are you talking about?
Hopper: Tupperware. Tupper.
Joyce: It’s tupper!
Hopper: It’s tupper, always has been, always will be.
Joyce: I thought it was tubberware because it kind of looks like a tub.
(I love you Joyce✨❤️)
[The Party]
Max: El kissed me!
Lucas: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Max: It was unbelievable!
Lucas: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Will: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Lucas, get the wine and unplug the phone. Max, does this end well or do we need tissues?
Max: Oh, it ended very well.
Lucas: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Will: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
Max: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Will: Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back?
Max: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair.
Lucas and Will: Ohhh.
El eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed them.
Mike: Tongue?
El: Yeah.
Dustin: Cool.
(this was the first thing of them combined and I love it 😂✨ #Elmax also the groups 👌)
El: Why does everyone want to kill Mike?
Max: Because, goddamnit, have you seen them? Their neck looks so snappable.
(the best of frenemies ✨🥺)
El: Where have you been all day?
Mike: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
Max, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
(Her Moms are watching her 👀 so she can't drink alcohol)
Bonus: (also from the generator)
Max: I drink to forget but I always remember.
Lucas: You're drinking orange juice.
(well she just said drink, she didn't say what she drank 👀)
El: So, Mike, do you have a crush on anyone?
Mike: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety
Mike: Also Will
(Byler is canon ig)
Lucas: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Mike: We have three actually-
Will: Pick your favorite.
(Lucas catching Mike cheating or what is going on?👀)
Teacher: Your child was in a fight.
Mike: Oh no, that’s terrible!
Will: Did they win?
(Honestly, I feel like this fits, also set in the future ofc)
Dustin: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Will has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them.
Mike: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don’t want to be at?
Dustin: I knew you’d understand.
(Will doesn't want a party and Mike is trying to stopped them from throwing one)
Dustin: Time sensitive question how to flirt with boy.
Will: Throw rocks at him.
Mike: Hot Dogs.
Max: Kill him.
Dustin: Thanks guys.
(maybe max killed Lucas and that's why he isn't here 👀)
Mike: You're way of annoying me is the same way you are flirting?
Max: is he serious?
Dustin: omg
Mike: what?
Will shaking his head: How oblivious can a person be 😪
Also Will obliviously eating the Hot Dog Mike gave him:
Max: They are both idiots
Dustin: yeah
(i feel like will wouldn't be oblivious tho, just not believing that Mike likes him back)
Mike: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash.
Will: Oh. We're going out?
Mike: Wh...
(Will no)
Dustin: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Max's birthday invitations.
Lucas: Well, what are they supposed to say?
Dustin: "Max's birthday".
Lucas: So, what do they say instead?
Dustin: "Max’s bi".
Lucas: Works out either way.
(I love that it's Lucas saying that)
Mike: Do you ever get pre-annoyed? Like you already know someone is going to piss you off?
Lucas: What? No, I—
Max: *enters room*
Mike: *jaw clenches*
Will: There are three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way, and the Mike way.
El: Isn't that the wrong way?
Will: Yes, but it's faster.
Will: Regular soda is too sweet!
El: Diet soda has a weird after taste!
Will: No! Ugh, oh my god. Diet soda is THE BEST! It doesn't have sugar! It's SPICY!
El: It has other weird stuff in it! I'll take REGULAR sugar in my REGULAR soda!
Will: It's SO SWEET like it's a dessert though! Diet feels more like a drink!
El: I'm going to physically attack you.
Will: Which is better, Mike?
Mike: Oh, I usually drink water!
El: Wha- NO!
(i love this so much)
Mike: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
El: No.
Will: I did not.
Max: I may have actually forgotten one.
Dustin: Also no.
Mike: Oh good, neither did I.
Lucas: *Exhausted sigh*
(Lucas is so done lol)
*Max is telling a story*
Lucas: Wow, Max, this story has everything! Action! Adventure! Romance!
Will: Romance?
Lucas: I have a crush on them.
(That's adorable, he's such a dork)
Will, looking over Max’s shoulder: You can draw?
Max, stopping what they were doing: You can speak?
(I feel like this is canon lol)
Max: Watcha doin?
Dustin: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Max: Scandalous.
Max: Can I help?
(Rip mews 😔)
Dustin: Max just threw a tantrum about a chair.
Dustin: I just won Max Tantrum Bingo.
(Ginger snaps 😬)
Max: I hate taking off my glasses, because without them, my vision goes from Full HD all the way down to buffering at 240p and I just can't handle that.
(if she still has her vision it would definitely be fucked so yes, also I relate so much)
Dustin: *aggressively throws water bottles*
Mike: Uh... what's up with them?
Will: They're trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.
El, crying: It's working.
(naww, El 🥺)
Dustin: Who wants to make fifty bucks?
Mike: How?
Dustin: I need someone to take the fall.
Mike: What did you do?
Dustin: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked.
Will, from the other room: Oh my god.
Dustin: ...
Will: OH MY GOD!
Mike: Make it a hundred.
Dustin: Deal.
(Dustin probably did something with one of his drawings.. And because Will is kinda a simp he'd not be that hard on Mike)
El: I'm not doing to well.
Dustin: What's wrong?
El: I have this headache that comes and goes.
*Max enters the room*
El: There it is again.
(S2 Elmax)
Dustin: El is not a morning person. Or a night person. There’s really only about seven minutes a day you are fun to be around.
El: The best part is you never know when they’re coming.
(I just love this cause 7/11...)
Dustin: You have an impressive pain tolerance.
Will: Thanks, it's the trauma.
(well, there is more trauma coming, honey)
Mike: How petty can you get?
Dustin: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
(I wonder who he argued with)
Max: If any person here knows of any just cause or impediment why these two should not be joined together in holy matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
Will: Yes! I do. One of the partners is already married! They married me three years ago. And don’t let them deny it! I’ve got the marriage certificate to prove it!
*Dustin turns around to face them*
Will: Oh... sorry. Wrong church.
(He meant to go to M*leven's wedding)
*In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run.*
El: *Minding their own business, looking for Eggos*
El: *Finds Eggos.*
Max, to Dustin: See, they know what they're here for. They know what they're doing. Be more like them. Make a decision, Dustin!
(I just found it funny and change the other thing to eggos, and Max is also just admiring El)
Max: El-
Max: It- it was just an ant-
Max: Here you go, El, a nice hot cup of coffee!
El: It's cold.
Max: A nice cup of coffee.
El: It's horrible!
Max: Cup of coffee.
El: I'm not sure if this even IS coffee.
Max: C U P.
(S2, Max trying to be nice to El)
Lucas: Start talking!
El: Well, I-
Lucas: Shut up!
(good old days)
Lucas: I’m going to hell.
Max: Probably.
Lucas: I'll pick you up?
Max: *nodding* Carpool
(Lucas could never go to Hell ✨)
Will: Hi.
Lucas: Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell them?
Will: I did.
Lucas: And what did they say?
Will: “Thank you.”
Lucas: You’re totally welcome. What’d they say?
Will: They said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and Mike said, “Thank you.”
(S5 basically?.. Also Lucas 🥺✨)
Lucas: If I stay in bed I'll be warm. If I get in the shower, I'll also be warm. But the distance between the bed and shower? No. That is not warm.
(such a dork)
Max: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Lucas: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
(The question is, does max have fuzzy socks? 👀)
Max: I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. And I want to be set loose.
(just gonna let it stand there)
Max: You seem familiar... have I threatened you before?
(no, but I wouldn't mind- I mean what?)
El: When I see initials carved into a tree with a heart I think it’s so romantic. Two lovers on a date... one of them carrying a knife for some reason.
(Imaging Mike making one for him and El and El still using it but for Elmax)
Dustin: Say no to drugs.
Dustin: Say yes to drugs.
Dustin: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs, cause if you're talking to drugs... then you're on drugs.
(he and Robin are smart)
Dustin, after getting a library card: Now I know what true power feels like.
(Now you know 🌠)
Will: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator.
Lucas: Yup.
El: Maybe the generator is watching us.
Will: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added?
Will: ...
Will: Wait—
(I love the fourth wall break 😭❤️❤️. Also yes, some are very accurate!)
[Scoops Troop]
Steve: Are you ever going to listen to me?
Erica: Yes. Absolutely.
Steve: When?
Erica: When you're right.
(She ate and left no crumps)
Robin: When you've been on the internet for as long as I have, you develop thick skin.
Erica: Navy blue isn't your color.
Robin: Navy blue brings out my eyes you prick! *Chases after Erica*
(She looked amazing in her uniform 😌, how dare you insult her Erica 👀)
Robin: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done?
Russians: *sighs*
Russians: I killed a man.
(I added Russians and this is the only good one)
Dustin: *sees someone doing something stupid*
Dustin: What an idiot.
Dustin: *realizes it's Steve*
Dustin: Wait, that's MY idiot!
Robin: The first time Steve opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside they yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
(he's a dingus)
Steve: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment...at all?
Robin: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.
(well Damn)
Steve: First the spider thing now this. What is wrong with you.
(It feels accurate)
Steve: Don’t go picking a fight with me. I could make your life difficult.
Robin, sarcastically: Wow. I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life.
(Robin angst let's go ✨)
[The Almost and Adult adults]
Steve: Have you done this before?
Robin: Well, Steve, it's like if you read the script you come better prepared.
Joyce: That's not what we do in the US, we don't read things.
Steve: I don't read, Robin.
(Waddup I'm Steve, 19, and never fucking learned how to read)
Jonathan : I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Murray: We could attack them with hummus.
Jonathan : I stand corrected.
Murray: Just keeping things in perspective.
(good idea)
Hopper: What? I'm not aggressive!
Murray: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips?
Hopper: Survival of the fittest, bitch.
(You kinda are tho 👀)
Hopper: Where is Enzo?
Joyce: I'll do you one better, who is Enzo??
Russians: Here's a better question, why is Enzo?
(Omg wait another Russians one and it's perfect lol. Also I know his name is not Enzo)
Murray: When do you usually go to sleep?
Jonathan : Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods.
Jonathan : What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you.
Robin: Being a fish.
Jonathan : Well, shit.
(I want them to be friends)
Hopper: I really like Eminem.
Jonathan : I prefer skittles.
Joyce: They are talking about the rapper.
Jonathan : Why would they eat the wrapper?
(Jonathan is high)
Nancy: You don't think I can fight because of my gender!
Joyce: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Murray can fight in that dress either.
Murray: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
(yes you would! AAAH, Canon 😭❤️)
Jonathan : Hey, are you okay?
Robin: Yeah.
Jonathan : You don't look okay...
Robin: Then stop looking.
(S3 interaction)
Steve: If I say I love you, will you say it back?
Nancy: Yes.
Steve: I love you.
Nancy: It back.
Murray: Why is Steve crying face-down on the floor?
(Yes yes, perfect, I love it, Canon, let's go, Good game Nance! He should have seen it coming, Damn, I love her, gaslight gatekeep girlboss idk)
Nancy: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body.
Robin: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.
Steve: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
(idk if they are high or sober)
Robin: I’ve invited you here because I crave the deadliest game...
Steve, nodding: Knife Monopoly.
Robin: I was actually going to play Russian roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is.
(Russian roulette tho)
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Joyce: The fuck, no I'm not.
Enzo: Excuse the hell out of you?
Jonathan : Ding dong, you are wrong!
Murray: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Nancy: Rude.
Robin: *punches the person*
(Robin would punch them tho, I feel like she definitely would)
So um
This was a lot.. Sorry.. Hope you liked it tho!
And um.. Ye.. Lots of Love ✨❤️🥺✨
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