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collectingall · 3 months ago
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∀ Robert O'Neill Signed Blue Seal Team Six Mini Helmet Never Quit Insc PSA Holo http://blog.collectingall.com/TFv0mh 👉 shrsl.com/4fujm 👈
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beeboxbeats · 7 years ago
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#Repost @awaken_chance_entertainment (@get_repost) ・・・ Halloween performance #halloweencostume #halloween #2017 #live #nightlife #club #music #passion #TeamSix @teamsixtaina @teamsixgabriella @tybless111
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irideyouride · 8 years ago
Trainings- bzw. Wetterbericht
Das Wetter schlägt seine Kapriolen und man weiß nicht genau ob die Ergometersaison jemals zu Ende geht.
Die ersten Traumtage der letzten Wochen hat Walter gleich genutzt, um sein neues und frisch gefittetes Rad an die frische Luft zu bringen.
Mit einer Solorunde von über 100 Kilometern hat er die neuen Einstellungen gleich top motiviert getestet. 
Um auch das Fahren in der Nacht zu trainieren, ist er vor zwei Wochen am späten Abend noch in die Dress geschlüpft und hat sein Bike mit Festbeleuchtung um den Attersee gejagt.
Eine gemeinsame Ausfahrt von uns, ob am Tag oder in der Nacht, lässt hoffentlich nicht mehr lange auf sich warten.
Auch bei mir kommt das Training nicht zu kurz.
Die, zum Teil schon fast kitschigen Frühlingstage wurden genutzt, um längere Ausfahrten für die Grundlage zu machen. Beim eher ruhigen Tempo lässt sich die wieder aufblühende Umgebung genießen und die Frische Luft macht den Kopf auch wieder frei.
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Auch bei gemeinsamen Ausfahrten, zum Teil bei eisigem Wind und feuchtem Wetter, mit Kollegen aus Wien habe ich meine Kilometerzahlen in die Höhe gedreht. 
In der Gruppe zu fahren ist eine perfekte Abwechslung, um die Trainingsfahrten, die ich großteils alleine absolviere, nicht langweilig werden zu lassen. Auch die Überwindung, seinen Hintern bei nicht optimalem Wetter aufs Rad zu bringen und draußen zu fahren, ist da nicht mehr ganz so schwer. Und ein bisschen plaudern lenkt dann auch von den, gerade zu fahrenden Höhenmetern ab.
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Am kommenden Wochenende steht auch das erste Rennen der Saison an. 
Gemeinsam mit Reinhard und seinem RAA-Challenge Teamkollegen Flo nehm ich beim Vita-Club- Radmarathon teil. 
Die beiden sind jetzt schon sehr stark drauf und möchten im August die Challenge etwas aufmischen. Mal schauen, wie lang ich mich an ihr Hinterrad hängen kann.
Auf der kurzen Distanz über 70 Kilometer möchte ich vor allem meine Form testen und hoffe, dass sich das Training der letzten Zeit ausgezahlt hat.
Die Vorbereitung in den nächsten Tagen dafür werden eher wieder am Ergometer getroffen, da sich ja schon fast wieder winterliches Wetter einstellt. Auch die Prognosen für das verregnete Salzburg am Sonntag schauen nicht gerade vielversprechend aus. 
Das Wintergewand wird also noch nicht verräumt und man kann ja mal auf ein paar Sonnenstrahlen und trockene Phasen hoffen dürfen! Und das Kettenöl für Regen wollt ich ja auch längst schon mal austesten.. 
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ballata · 3 years ago
@enricomentana @dlfabbri quando vi date marcatamente del Lei, vi palesate ai miei occhi come una vivace coppia clandestina. I vostri magnifici, tattici virtuosismi semantici nulla hanno da invidiare ad una special operation del più ardito teamsix dei navy Seal....a questo punto mi chiedo chi è L'incursore...e chi difende le retrovie?
Pomeriggi interessanti.
In foto William Bouguereau, Dante e Virgilio, 1850.
Il soggetto è tratto da un episodio del canto XXX dell'Inferno di Dante Alighieri: Dante e Virgilio sono nella decima bolgia dell'ottavo cerchio, ove sono puniti i falsari.
#tgla7 #mentanavsfabbri #icons #bouguereau #masterpainter #painting @tgla7official @la7_tv #geopolitica #italia2022 #guerraucrania #tg #media #tv
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bestgamesintheplanet · 5 years ago
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Dark Descendant (TeamSix)
Survival Horror Game
Free to play (Windows, Mac, Linux)
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books-n-wine · 7 years ago
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~**~ ARC Review: Ivan (Gideon’s Riders #3) by Kit Rocha ~**~ (Link in bio) Release Date: March 28th, 2018 Description As the sheltered princess of Sector One, Maricela’s life is defined by duty: to her people and to her family. Her wealth and influence have allowed her to build a better world, but they come with a price—the responsibility to secure political stability with a practical marriage. Maricela cherishes the idea of marrying for love, but there’s not much romance in the endless line of suitors interested only in prestige and power. And her handsome, brooding new bodyguard isn’t helping the situation. Ivan is the perfect, deadly warrior, a man trained from childhood to be the ultimate protector to the Rios family. His focus on keeping her safe is intense–and a little intoxicating. When the threat of danger cracks his icy control, Maricela realizes she’s not the only one fighting against temptation. Ivan knows that the blood on his hands makes him unworthy of the pure-hearted princess. But from the first kiss, their forbidden affair feels inevitable. He can give her a glimpse of life outside her gilded cage and a lover who wants the woman instead of the crown. The only thing he can never do is promise her forever. Because spurning her noble suitors to marry her bodyguard wouldn’t just be a scandal. It could set off a political firestorm that would tear Sector One apart. #KitRocha #Ivan #GideonsRiders #SectorOne #ARC #Review #ComingSoon #dystopian #romance #bookstagram #blogger #ontheblog #bibliophile #bookworm #booksnwineblog #blessed #bookishAF #bookgeek #hawaiigirl #igreads #readersofinstagram #OKane4Life #TeamSix #TeamBren #ReviewCrew
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aerdnakwonheart · 7 years ago
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#teambuilding #teamsix (at Bagac, Bataan)
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jimelyot · 8 years ago
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@stlawrencecollege folks did some spring cleaning in the SLC neighbourhood today! #experienceslc #teamsix #pitchinkingston
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seongsilkang-kbs · 8 years ago
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빈 라덴 사살한 미국의 특수부대‘팀6(Team Six·네이비실 6팀)’가 한국에 온다. =중앙일보 기사입력 2017-03-14 #네이비실6팀 #TeamSix #America #USA #Korea #대한민국 #한국 2011년 5월 펼쳐진 미군 특수부대 ‘팀6(네이비실 6팀)'의 오사마 빈 라덴 사살 작전 '넵튠 스피어'를 재현한 영화 '제로 다크 서티'의 한 장면. [사진 소니픽처스] 오사마 빈 라덴을 사살했던 미국의 특수부대 ‘팀6(Team Six·네이비실 6팀)’가 한국에 온다. 세계 최강의 특수부대 자리를 놓고 팀6와 경쟁하는 ‘델타포스’도 함께 투입된다. 군 관계자는 13일 “올해 키리졸브(KR) 연습과 독수리(FE) 훈련 참여를 위해 역대 최대 규모의 미군 특수부대가 한국에 온다”고 말했다. 그는 “미국의 특수작전사령부 소속 특수부대 중 정예라고 할 수 있는 합동특수전사령부(JSOC) 소속 부대들이 한반도에서 고강도 훈련을 펼친다”며 “델타포스와 네이비실 6팀, 그린베레, 레인저 등이 참가한다”고 말했다. 대량살상무기(WMD)를 파괴하는 훈련을 실시. 네이비실 6팀의 정식 명칭은 미 해군 특수전 연구개발단(NSWDG)이다. 흔히 줄여서 데브그루(DevGru)라고 부른다. 항공기와 잠수함 등으로 적지 후방에 침투해 요인 암살과 아군 구출, 적 시설 파괴 공작 등 임무를 수행한다. 이 부대는 2011년 5월 2일(현지시간) 파키스탄 아보타바드에서 은신 중인 오사마 빈 라덴을 사살한 ‘넵튠 스피어’ 작전을 성공적으로 이끌면서 세계적으로 유명해졌다. 당시 6팀의 사상자는 전혀 없었다.
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dmvalerts · 8 years ago
Sheriff's Office Monthly Bulletin - April 2017
You are subscribed to the free Alexandria eNews service. Replies to this message will not be received. For correspondence, please use the contact information in the body of the message.   News April 2017 Spring Community Outreach UpdateThis spring Sheriff Dana Lawhorne and his staff have been active in community outreach work, particularly in their efforts to keep seniors and young people safe, healthy, and connected to helpful resources. From delivering Meals on Wheels to sharing crime prevention information to spending time with kids in the classroom, the Sheriff's Office is highly involved in programs and events that benefit our community members. Six More Deputies Join Crisis Intervention TeamSix deputies recently completed 40 hours of training to become members of the City's Crisis Intervention Team (CIT). Congratulations to Deputies William Summers, Cory Moody, Samuel Clark, Deon Best, Norman Thompson and Frederick Amponsem and to their classmates from the Police Department, Magistrate's Office, Code Administration and Alexandria Hospital. CIT was developed to help improve staff interactions and outcomes with persons with mental illness and substance abuse disorders. Former Offender Shares Lessons for Hope and SuccessInmates at the William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center recently heard from a former offender who discussed his own reentry experiences in an effort to help them prepare for release. Kenneth Glover, who today enjoys a successful career with Miller & Long Construction, talked candidly about the challenges he faced and overcame when he returned to the community 15 years ago. He provided excellent insight and emphasized the importance of developing a solid plan before they leave jail. Volunteers Honored at Appreciation CeremonyTwo dozen Sheriff's Office volunteers were among those recognized at the City's annual Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony on Monday, April 3. City officials thanked the volunteers for their dedication and for serving the Alexandria community. The Sheriff's Office relies on volunteers to help deliver religious, educational and sobriety services to inmates, and volunteers also assist staff with administrative and outreach work. Public Safety Agencies Host Successful Job Fair With assistance from the City's Human Resources Department, Alexandria's four public safety agencies held a joint job fair to recruit applicants for sworn and civilian employment opportunities. The Sheriff's Office, Police Department, Fire Department, and Emergency Communications shared information about the application process, benefits and available positions. Dozens of applicants turned out for the first ever Alexandria Public Safety Job Fair on Saturday, April 8 to meet with recruiters and learn more about the rewards of serving the City Alexandria. Learn more about working for the Sheriff's Office by visiting our website. Coming Up Drug Take Back April 29 Help prevent drug abuse and pill theft by turning in unwanted medications at the Drug Take Back events from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 29. Deputies will be collecting medications outside the Neighborhood Pharmacy of Del Ray at 2204 Mount Vernon Avenue, and Alexandria Police will be staffing drop-off locations at their headquarters, 3600 Wheeler Avenue and at First Baptist Church, 2932 King Street. Check out the DEA's website to search for other collection locations.       To change your subscription choices, click here to login.  To request removal of your account, email [email protected].
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beeboxbeats · 8 years ago
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Dre's New Look Travel Squad.. Featuring New Artist @gabriellapulice ‼️🎥🎬🔥🛠🎹🎤 @thebetterthai ‼️⚠️🎬🎥🎤🛠🚨 & @tybless111 💯🎤🎹🎥🎬🤷🏾‍♂️🌴🎸#TeamSix #xtrememixxradio Tags by @HashMeApp #HashmeApp #level100 #love #threemusketeers #gopro #pines #forest #pro #fail #damlife #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #picoftheday #fashion #life #instadaily #style #cute #summer #nature #art #fun #amazing #smile #beauty #lifestyle #instalike #selfie
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irideyouride · 8 years ago
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Der Start ist gemacht! Gestern früh um 9:00 habe ich mich für die Challenge beim Race Around Austria angemeldet. Gemeinsam mit meinem Vater Walter stehen uns im 2er Team Anfang August 560 Kilometer und rund 8000 Höhenmeter bevor. Jetzt heißt es nur noch die Erkältung loszuwerden und das Training voll zu starten. 
Als Team Six by DiagnoSix werden wir uns nächste Woche nach Malaga begeben um endlich dem österreichischen Winter zu entkommen und die ersten Schritte zur Topform setzen :)
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aerdnakwonheart · 7 years ago
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#teambuilding #teamsix (at Bataan Sunrise Casilyn Cove -Bagac Bataan)
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blackbird-em · 9 years ago
Forget your celebrity beefs, your election speeches and your own drama.
Karen getting slimed was one hundred percent the most iconic thing to happen this year.
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seongsilkang-kbs · 8 years ago
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빈 라덴 사살한 미국의 특수부대‘팀6(Team Six·네이비실 6팀)’가 한국에 온다. =중앙일보 기사입력 2017-03-14 #네이비실6팀 #TeamSix #America #USA #Korea #대한민국 #한국 2011년 5월 펼쳐진 미군 특수부대 '팀6(네이비실 6팀)'의 오사마 빈 라덴 사살 작전 '넵튠 스피어'를 재현한 영화 '제로 다크 서티'의 한 장면. [사진 소니픽처스] 오사마 빈 라덴을 사살했던 미국의 특수부대 ‘팀6(Team Six·네이비실 6팀)’가 한국에 온다. 세계 최강의 특수부대 자리를 놓고 팀6와 경쟁하는 ‘델타포스’도 함께 투입된다. 군 관계자는 13일 “올해 키리졸브(KR) 연습과 독수리(FE) 훈련 참여를 위해 역대 최대 규모의 미군 특수부대가 한국에 온다”고 말했다. 그는 “미국의 특수작전사령부 소속 특수부대 중 정예라고 할 수 있는 합동특수전사령부(JSOC) 소속 부대들이 한반도에서 고강도 훈련을 펼친다”며 “델타포스와 네이비실 6팀, 그린베레, 레인저 등이 참가한다”고 말했다. 대량살상무기(WMD)를 파괴하는 훈련을 실시. 네이비실 6팀의 정식 명칭은 미 해군 특수전 연구개발단(NSWDG)이다. 흔히 줄여서 데브그루(DevGru)라고 부른다. 항공기와 잠수함 등으로 적지 후방에 침투해 요인 암살과 아군 구출, 적 시설 파괴 공작 등 임무를 수행한다. 이 부대는 2011년 5월 2일(현지시간) 파키스탄 아보타바드에서 은신 중인 오사마 빈 라덴을 사살한 ‘넵튠 스피어’ 작전을 성공적으로 이끌면서 세계적으로 유명해졌다. 당시 6팀의 사상자는 전혀 없었다.
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irideyouride · 8 years ago
Wien is a heißes Pflaster, oder, die Klassiker gehen weiter!
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Die Frühjahrsklassiker gehen weiter und es gibt keine Gnade für Mensch und Material!
In den letzten Tagen hab ich 3 Segmente mit Kopfsteinpflaster im Rahmen der Radsporttreff Frühjahrsklassiker hinter mich gebracht und meine Liebe zu dem zähnezeigenden Untergrund hält sich sehr in Grenzen.
Das Bild oben stammt schon von der Abfahrt nach einem holprigen Segment, auf dieser Seite des Hügels schaut das Pflaster schon wieder halbwegs befahrbar aus. 
Die Steine auf der anderen Seite sind gefühlte (im Wahrsten Sinne des Wortes) 100 Jahre älter und haben unglaubliche Ecken und Kanten, mit Zwischenrillen so tief, dass man Angst bekommt, dass sich das Vorderrad verfängt und man einen Köpfler macht. (für ein Bild davon wollt ich nicht noch einmal durch diese Hölle gehen bzw fahren)
Die Wiener Höhenstraße darf bei den Klassikern natürlich auch nicht ausgelassen werden. 
Das wohl bekannteste Kopfsteinpflaster auf rund 15 Kilometer bietet neben der sportlichen Herausforderung eine großartige Aussicht über Wien.
Dass bei der Höhenstraße auch mehr Budget im Spiel war, im Gegensatz zur Kellergasse in Stammersdorf, merkt man schon auf den ersten Metern. Als hätte die STRABAG gerade wieder jedes Pflastersteinchen frisch geschlichtet..
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Und wichtig für Ausfahrten wo es scheppert was das Zeugs hält: Schlauchtascherl doppelt sichern! (Ich hab’s nicht bereut)
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