#teamiplier x sister!reader
miaiplier · 6 years
(Mark x LilSister!Reader) HeadCanons
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Request: Hey hey hey I was wondering if I could get some little sister!reader HCs or mini fic (it's up to you!) about what they and Mark do in their free time together? Like game night or making food and watching movies ect. Sorry I just really love your writing and I've been dying for more sister stuff. 😘❤
-Most days, Mark is in his recording room editing or planning more videos. So for a few hours, you don’t see him at all.
-When he finally stops for the day, the sun is usually set and he’s decided to relax for the rest of the night.
-You both prepare dinner if Amy and you haven’t already. You all sit down together and eat, talking about internet memes and new plans for your hobbies or the latest in Mark’s ego lore.
-Sometimes a stream is involved, either playing a game or just talking.
-Other times you take Chica and Henry out for walks.
-Mark likes to joke about how uncultured he is in many things i.e movies, tv shows, music. So it’s now your job to show him all of it.
-You’ve forced him to watch all of the classic scary movies for Halloween.
-Then you forced him to listen to the classic 2000 era songs because that holds a deep connection with both you and Amy.
-He moans, groans, and complains about having to sit and watch your stuff but when you actually start watching he shushes everybody because of how invested he is.
-Sometimes you introduce him to some shows or books, and suddenly it becomes impossible for him to stop talking or learning more about it.
-When you’re both craving a little junk you and him make a cake or cookies together which leads to mess (mainly caused by Mark).
-You've gotten him to relax and unwind by painting together, it doesn't matter what sometimes with acrylic or watercolor. It's sort of nightly routine you all do, it helps you let your creative side out.
-"Look how much better mine looks" Mark sarcastically says showing off his stick figure painting.
-"I'm such a good artist" 
-You now have a little exhibit in your house set up for your best pieces.
-It's honestly Mark's favorite part of the day, all the stress and worries melt away and he gets to spend time with his two favorite people.
-It's rare you don't spend your free time together you all are a small little family (including the pups) and your time together is really important.
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haabooski-blog · 7 years
Cute dogs and cute boys
Hi all! Welcome to my first fic! I hope its okay :) 
Plot: Y/N is finally going to meet their older brother’s friends, but she keeps getting sidetracked - first by a missing Tyler, then by a really cute dog, then by an even cuter boy...
Warnings: Some swearing, and an overenthusiastic doggo :)
Word count: 1315
Pairings: Ethan/Reader, Tyler/Sister!Reader
‘Oh shit.’
Typical. Just typical. You finally meet up with your brother Tyler, and plans to meet his friends are finally going as organised, and you’ve bloody lost him. In the middle of the damn street.
You stand on your toes, peering around absorbed shoppers and buskers in the hopes of catching a glance of your ridiculously tall, curly-haired, beanie-wearing brother, but he’s nowhere in sight.
You pull out your phone to see if he’s texted you, but the only notification is from the Facebook group chat you have with him and his friends. One of them, Mark, texted, ‘be there in 5’.
You shoot Tyler a text. ‘Ummm, where’d u go??’ He calls back almost immediately, startling you so much you almost drop your phone. ‘Hey, Giant, where’d you disappear to?’
‘Hey, I turned around and you were gone,’ he chuckles. ‘I bumped into Ma-’
‘Oh. My. God.’
‘What? What? Y/N, are you okay?’
‘What? Oh yeah I’ve just seen a dog.’
You cross the road to say hello to the golden retriever tied outside the post office, smiling at your brother’s laughter.
‘Of course you did.’
‘Hey, little buddy.’ You get on your knees and hold out the hand that isn’t holding the phone. ‘It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.’ But there’s really no need to be so gentle. As soon as the little guy sees that someone wants to say hello, he bounds over and throws himself on your lap, knocking you sideways. ‘Woah!’ Your phone gets knocked out of your hand and it skids across the ground, bumping into someone’s foot. They bend to pick it up.
‘Oh, sorry!’ You struggle to sit back up, but it’s difficult when there’s an over enthusiastic retriever sitting on you.
‘You alright there?’ Someone laughs. It’s the person who picked up your phone. The two of you combined manage to shift the dog off you. It takes some convincing, but he finally sits down beside you, and you’re finally able to look at the boy who is now handing your phone back to you.
Well, damn. There’s no way around it, he’s cute. His hair is a vibrant blue that beautifully compliments his blue eyes. His smile is the kindest and gentlest you’ve ever seen and for a moment, you’re struck dumb by the butterflies in your stomach. Trying to smile back without showing too many teeth, or looking like an idiot, you take your phone, which he’s holding out to you.
‘One sec,’ you say, before putting your phone up to your ear and cursing to yourself silently. Why the hell would he care? He’s got things to do! He’s got places to be!
‘Y/N, what the hell?’
‘Sorry sorry! The dog knocked my phone out of my hands. He’s really cute, his name is-’
You reach out for the tag on the dog’s collar but he keeps moving. The blue haired boy, now grinning, wraps his arms around the retriever to hold it still. You mouth a ‘thank you’ as you finally grab the tag and declare ‘His name is Orion! Oh that’s lovely. Give me two seconds.’
You put your phone on your lap and look at the cute boy, who’s stayed to pat the dog. ‘Thanks for giving my phone back,’ you smile. He grins back. ‘Anytime.’
At the same time, you both jump at the sound of a buzz. ‘Oh, that’s me,’ the boy says, pulling his phone out of his pocket. ‘Yeah?...Yeah I’m just across the street...Yeah I’ll be there in a sec.’
He hangs up and gets to his feet, smiling shyly. ‘Gotta go. See ya!’
Before you can say anything else, he’s jogged across the road and is gone. I’ll probably never see him again, you sigh, before putting your phone back to your ear.
‘Would you stop this?’ He’s trying to sound angry, but you can hear the amusement in his voice. You decide to play along as you scan the shops for the cafe you and Tyler were going to meet his friends in. ‘Stop what?’
He groans. ‘Everything! Get over here - and you know what? Have some of your own medicine!’
‘What do you mean by that?’ You’ve spotted the cafe on the other ride of the road and begin to cross towards it.
Oh. Right.
The cafe is a few doors down. As you head towards it, you hear a voice coming from your phone - one that isn’t Tyler’s.
‘Oh my god, guys. Guysguysguys. I just met the cutest girl holy shit. She had these big gorgeous eyes and amazing sunglasses and the cutest star wars T-shirt.’
Confused, you come to a halt. You self-consciously adjust your sunglasses and glance down at your Star Wars shirt. Was he talking about you?
Almost instantly, you dismiss the possibility and push open the door of the cafe, still listening intently. There were plenty of girls far cuter than you with sunglasses and Star Wars shirts.
‘What was her name?’ You hear another voice through the phone.
‘I don’t know?’
‘Did you get her number?’
‘Shit, dude! What will we do with you?’
There’s a dramatic groan as you once again peer around people in attempts to spot your brother. ‘She was so cuuuuuuute!’
Oh! There he is! In the corner. His phone is on the table in front of him.
‘And she loves dogs! We met because she was patting a dog just now and it knocked her over and-’
‘Wait.’ That was Tyler’s voice - you’re close enough now to hear it coming straight from him. The two of you are frozen. You clap a hand over your mouth. A waiter has just moved and now you can see that one of the men sitting with Tyler is none other than the cute blue-haired boy! He has his face buried in his hands.
‘Y/N was just...oh, hey!’ Tyler looks up and sees you. The two men with him follow suit. One, with dark hair, smiles and waves a hand. The other, the one with blue hair dramatically lets his hands drop onto the table before looking up at you. His face lights up, making your heart skip a beat.
‘Wait a second…’ he looks at Tyler’s phone on the table, then at the phone in your hand, then at Tyler, then at you, still with your hand clapped over your mouth.
‘Oh my god.’
Tyler and the man who you assume is Mark burst into laughter at the two of you, both with bewildered expressions and red cheeks.
‘Did you hear...all of that?’ Ethan mutters through his fingers.
You lower your phone, finally ending the call. ‘Um...yes?’
Tyler and Mark laugh uproariously, drawing glances from the other customers. Chewing on your lip and blushing furiously, you take a seat next to the blue-haired boy, who you now know must be Ethan.
‘Well,’ you whisper, ‘I guess it’s okay to do what I wish I’d done before.’
‘What do you wish you’d done before?’ Ethan asked, his face still covered by his hands.
‘Gotten your number.’
Ethan sits bolt upright and grins at you. ‘Really?’
You didn’t think it was possible, but you feel yourself turning even more red. You nod shyly at the table and slide your phone across to him.
Beaming, but still flushed, Ethan enters his number into your phone and slides it back.
‘You be good to her, Baby Boy Blue,’ your brother says, straightening his back and puffing out his chest to look as intimidating as possible.
Ethan shyly peeks at you out of the corner of his eyes. ‘I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.’
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joan-of-stars · 7 years
Imagine being Jack’s sister and secretly dating Mark
Requested by: anon
Mark pushed you by your shoulders into the wall, attacking your lips, letting his hands roam your body. You both giggled, but you shushed him. “Mark, what are you thinking? We’re going to get caught.”
“It’ll be fine, we won’t get caught.” He insisted. He crashed his lips roughly into yours. You tangled your hands in his hair, and relaxed into the kiss.
“Mark? Y/n?” Neither of you even heard the door open.
Mark pulled away quickly. He didn’t have any words other than “shit.”
You pushed him away. “Jack, I promise, this isn’t as bad as it looks-” He raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, yeah, it’s exactly as bad as it looks.”
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If any of the guys or their girlfriends actually saw these things, I think I’d die of embarrassment holy fuck
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markiplier-bonjur · 7 years
When It All Falls Down
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Summary: Everybody says high school is the worst four years of your life. No one said it carried on through college.
Pairing: Platonic!Teamiplier x Sister!Reader
Request: “Can I request a teamiplier x reader who is being bullied by a couple of class mates and the team come to comfort her while Tyler and Mark go confront the bullies, and just a whole bunch of fluff and angst” @mettatonlover858
A/N: I fell in love with this request so fast, oh my gosh! I actually wrote it with the reader being Mark’s younger sibling who is living with him and the team! I didn’t get to the confronting part, but i hope you still like it! But if you or anyone you know is being bullied, no matter how old they are, tell someone. I cannot urge you more than I am right now to speak up. You could save someone's life.
Warnings: angst, fluff, bullying, slight swearing, anxiety attack
Your motions were frantic as you scurried about the house. You kept cursing yourself for being too loud, especially since it was almost 5:30 in the morning. Opting to skip breakfast, you sling your backpack over your shoulder, scribbling a note:
“Had to leave early. Chica’s been fed. Let her outside.”
You stick it to the coffee pot. A head rubs your leg and you look down to see Chica. You smile. “Yes, I love you.” You give her a quick pet on the head and slip out the door. You didn't want to go to school. Not one bit. Mark always urged you to finish your education, but it was growing harder and harder everyday.
You were under the impression that people grew up after high school; went off to live their happy little lives; but apparently, some of your classmates didn't get the memo. They were like the four horseman of the goddamn apocalypse, sent to destroy your world. And the sad part was that they were succeeding.
Your anxiety was through the roof 24/7. Every thought you had was double and triple checked, and even then, you never spoke up. It didn't matter who you were with either.
You didn't say anything to anyone at home though. At this point, you didn't feel you were worth it. They were all leading their lives with excitement in their eyes and you were just trying to stay above water. There was no point in letting someone else drown because you couldn't hold your own.
You round the corner. It was like walking into hell with gates wide open, not inviting you in, but not keeping you there either. Any person in their right mind would probably turn and run, but more than anything - more than wasting years of education, or facing four people who treated you like trash - you feared letting Mark down.
You were the baby of the family and Mark was your number one fan. He never gave up on you. Always said you were his inspiration for everything he’s worked for. But you just didn't see it. All you saw was the things you weren't.
“The Greeks believed Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was responsible for these events, which of course, wasn't true, but rather the because of the-”
“I bet she’s sleeping with Professor Bennet just to pass.” 
Don't turn around. Just keep writing.
“No wonder she’s always here so early!”
I’m okay. I’m okay.
“Excuse me, have you seen her? Talk about disgusting.”
I’m not disgusting, am I?
“I feel bad for the Fishbach family tree. Its gonna wither and die where she stands.”
Maybe I will be alone forever.
“But her brothers are totally opposite of her.”
I’m not like Tom or Mark, am I?
“Well duh, people actually like them.”
I’m nobody.
“How disappointing she must be.”
You stand up, the motion shoving the chair backwards. You leave your books where they lie as you run out, desperately trying to wipe away the tears. The lecture marches on, even the door thunks closed behind you.
You didn’t stop for anything as you ran home. You didn't care about the burn in your calves or the drumming of your heart against you skull. Only when you reached the door did you hesitate.
What if you were a disappointment? Would someone tell you? Or would they lie?
Those fears are shoved into the spotlight as the door swings open. Tyler is shouting something over his shoulder, his smile falling when he sees you on the front stoop.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” He drops Chica’s leash and pulls you inside. The playful pup nuzzles her head into your hand, perfectly content with it simply resting there. Your eyes sting as more tears make their way down your cheeks. Chica trots off into the living room.
“Y/N,” Tyler says gently, “you gotta’ talk to me. Please?” His eyes are searching yours, desperately searching for an answer.
“If you’re gonna talk the dog for a walk, that means you gotta take her-” Ethan says sarcastically; his sentence dies away upon seeing you “-with you.”
You remind yourself to breathe, but the sudden rush of oxygen makes your head spin. Tyler takes hold of your hands as they begin to shake. “Go get Mark,” he mumbles. Your windpipe seems to shrink, your breathing now short and choppy. Your knees threaten to give out. “Okay, I’m right here. We’re gonna sit down now, okay?”
You don't answer. The brunette stays eye level with you as he guides you to the floor. It was like you were staring straight through him. Everything around you seems to blur together into one movement. All of your thoughts running amongst each other, cascading into this detached emptiness swallowing you whole. There were voices, and there was silence; each one in the same. Some words ringing louder than the others.
“Found her...”
Small things came back to you. Your fingers twitched at the feeling of Chica’s fur. Pressure on your arms, nothing more than a silent, “I’m right here.” And after what felt like forever, you could see Mark kneeling in front of you. Tears threatened to spill if he so much as blinked.
“You gotta talk to me,” he whispers, his voice cracking, “please?” He brushes your hair away from your face, watching his hands as he goes.
“'m sorry,” you choke out.
Mark’s eyes snap to yours. “No, no, no. Don't be sorry, smalls.” He cradles your head in his hands. “You have done nothing wrong, okay?”
“But I haven't done anything right either,” you murmur. Your voice had no strength to it, only defeat.
“I try s-so hard, Mark, I do. B-but I can’t seem t-to get it ri-right. I’m just a dis- a disappointment.”
Mark was crying now. “Don't you dare say that, you hear me?” He wasn't angry. He was scared. “I am never-” voice crack “-going to think of you as a disappointment. Ever.” His grip loosens. “Why would you think that?”
You give a sad smile. “After hear- hearing th-things for so l-long, you s-start to- to believe them.”
He lets head drop, pulling you against him into a hug. You bury your face into the crook of his neck, sobbing. And you stay like that; holding each other as if the other will disappear. “W-when you were born,” he mumbles, pulling away, “I promised you that I’d be the best big brother.” He takes a shaky breath. “I promised I was gonna take care of you, no matter what.”
“I promised you, Y/N. And if some son of a bitch thinks they are gonna hurt you, or make you think you are a disappointment, I will do everything to show you that they are wrong.”
You smile for the first time that day, and wrap your arms around Mark’s neck, anchoring yourself in him. He sits back on his heels, holding you tightly.
“Thank you for keeping your promise,” you whisper.
He holds on tighter, pressing a kiss against your head. “Please don't scare me like that again.” He pulls away enough to hold your head in his hands again. “If you ever feel like that - even for an instant - you tell me. Or Tyler or Ethan or Amy or Kathryn. Just please,” his voice drops to a whisper, “say you’ll tell someone.”
You smile weakly. “I promise.”
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mythicalfanfics · 5 years
Is This Home? (Tyler Scheid x Fem!Reader)
Title: Is This Home?
Pairing: Tyler Scheid ( Apocalypto_12)/Fem!Reader, Platonic!Teamiplier x Reader, Markiplier x Amy, CrankGameplays x Mika
Requested?: Yes
Requested by: @lost-love
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Summary: The reader has a YouTube channel where she records cover songs. Her sister, Amy, helps her record another song for a special someone.
A/N: This request has been in my inbox for a LONG while now. I had been putting it off for a while, but I had finally gotten inspiration to finish it.
Pronouns: she/her
Warning(s): swearing, slight angst from Tyler
Word count: 1,236 words (got a little carried away)
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Amy settled the camera onto the tripod, centering you in the frame. She had, like the caring sister she was, volunteered to help you record another cover and shoo away any distractors, specifically Mark who always seemed to peek in whenever you tried to record. 
“Are you ready?” she asked, standing behind the camera. 
“Just a sec.” You adjusted the mic in front of your ukulele, strumming to check the feedback and sound. It seemed to be working properly.
You took a deep breath. “Alright, I’m ready.”
“You’ll do fine,” Amy reassured you. 
You shook your head. “Uh-huh, sure.” 
She paused, holding her finger over the record button. “You’re not nervous because of him, are you?”
You frowned. “No... no, of course not. Why would I be?” You waved your hand. “Just press record already, jeez.”
A mischevious smile came over Amy’s lips, but she said nothing more as she pressed record.
You bit your lip.
Another deep breath.
A sigh.
And you began to play.
“Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it.
Are you tired of me yet?
I’m a little sick right now but I swear
When I’m ready I will fly us out of here.”
“Is she singing?”
Amy turned her head to see Mark peeking in from the doorway. “Seriously?” she mouthed, pointing to the camera. “We’re recording right now.”
“Ooh, I’ll cut my hair
Ooh, to make you stare
Ooh, I’ll hide my chest
And I’ll figure out a way to get us out of here.”
“So, yes?” Mark leaned against the doorway, smiling cheekily at his girlfriend.
“Oh my God,” Amy whispered. She left the camera and strode up to Mark. “I’m not having this today, mister. This is very important to her.”
“Turn off your porcelain face
I can't really think right now in this place
Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane
Are you dead?
Sometimes I think I'm dead
‘Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet.”
“Is it because of--”
“Out.” She pointed. “Out with you.”
“Ooh, my eyes went dark
Ooh, I don't know where
Ooh, my pupils are
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here.”
“Okay, okay,” Mark said, “but only because you asked nicely.”
Amy rolled her eyes.
“Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space?
Get a load of this trainwreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
But little do we know, the stars 
Welcome him with open arms.”
Amy returned back to her place behind the camera, making sure everything was still in frame before giving you an apologetic smile. “Sorry,” she mouthed.
“Ooh, time is 
Ooh, slowly
Ooh, tracing his face
But strangely he feels at home in this place.”
Amy clapped when you finished the song. “That was amazing!”
Mark burst through the door. “Is she done?”
“Mark, seriously, what is wrong with you!”
Mark laughed. “Just trying to be supportive of my girlfriend and her little sister.”
You shrunk down in your chair, smiling weakly at him. “Thanks.”
Tyler lounged on the couch, staring at the ceiling. He had nothing to do. That is until you returned from your ladies’ day out with Kathryn, Amy, and Mika. Teamiplier was planning to see a movie that afternoon due to his suggestion.
“Hey, Tyler.”
Tyler glanced around and was met with the face of Ethan staring down at him. “What’s... up?”
“(Y/N) posted a new video yesterday,” Ethan said. “I was wondering if you saw it or not.”
Tyler frowned; he was skeptical. You always texted him right away after posting a new video. He had yet to receive such text. “...No, I haven’t.”
Ethan held out his phone to him, slightly smirking.
Tyler was good friends with Ethan, never having a problem with him except when it came to you. He always felt-- what was the word?-- jealous when he saw you and Ethan hanging out. You always seemed to sparkle with joy when you were around him. 
Tyler just couldn’t compete.
His eyes lit up when he saw your face on the phone. 
Ethan wasn’t lying after all. 
He immediately recognized the song when you started strumming, This Is Home by Cavetown. For the past month, you’d had played on repeat whenever he offered to drive you to work. He probably knew the lyrics just as well as you did by now.
At the end of the video, you would always talk a little about the song you covered and what it meant to you. This time was no exception.
“Cavetown is one of my favorite artists,” you said, “but I really covered this song for a good friend of mine, someone who always seemed to make me smile. He’s someone who I always want to be around and whenever I don’t see him... well, I miss him.” You smiled. “Thank you, guys, for watching. I’ll see you next time.” You moved your hand toward the camera as the video ended.
Tyler’s heart sank in his chest, a million thoughts racing around his head. He placed Ethan’s phone on the coffee table and stood up. Without looking Ethan’s way, he headed to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?”
“I just... I just need to use the restroom.”
“Are you guys ready to go see--” Mark started.
“Wait, where’s Tyler?” you asked.
Ethan put a hand on your shoulder. “Last time I saw him, he needed to use the bathroom,” he said. “He must have had a real large shit.”
You stifled a laugh as you tore away from your group of friends to look for Tyler. It only took you a couple of minutes to find the restroom he locked himself in.
You knocked on the door. “Tyler, you okay in there? We’re about ready to leave for the movie.”
There was a pause. “I’m... I’m fine, but you guys should go without me. I don’t really want to go anymore.” He sounded like a kindergartner who didn’t get the toy he wanted.
“Tyler, it was your idea to go in the first place,” you said. “What’s wrong, Tye Dye?”
You could hear a soft chuckle. “I hate that nickname.”
“I’ll keep calling you that if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
Another pause. “Who did you make the cover for? Ethan?”
“Goddamnit, Ethan,” you cursed. “Will you come out if I tell you?”
“Fine.” Tyler unlocked the door and opened it. The first thing you noticed was his red eyes. Was he crying?
“The video wasn’t for Ethan--”
“Then who--”
“He wasn’t supposed to show you the video. I was gonna show it to when... when I was ready to tell you,” you said.
“Tell me what?”
Your face turned red. “That... that I... I like you a lot, like a lot, a lot, Tyler.”
“I like you, too.” He reached for your hand, squeezing it.
You stood in silence for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. Then, you asked, “Were you crying because I thought I liked Ethan?”
“You realize he’s dating Mika, right?”
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ethans-a-nerd · 7 years
Chicago | Crankgameplays
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Hello! Could I request a Ethan x reader where she's on Broadway, (in the musical 'Chicago') But still a part of teamiplier, so everyone goes to see her? And she's in Cell Block Tango and so when the show is done she's goes and sees the boys and there like... intimidated? But Ethan is intimidated and like...oddly attracted to her? And that's what leads to them confessing their feelings for each other? Sorry if it's such a long request!
Yes. I love this. It's beautiful. Ironically, I wrote this when playing sound cues at a rehearsal for the musical my high school is preforming. It's kinda long so strap in. Sorry it took so long imma working on something really ace for this account :3.
Word Count: 1193
Enjoy- not Alice
"Y/N! Five minutes 'till C.B.T!" You tried your hardest to not roll your eyes at the ASM (assistant stage manager). The boy in question being a good friend of yours.
"You don't say!" You whisper yelled at him. Candace, the wardrobe mistress was giving your costume to the dressers as they took your clothes off hastily, but carefully. The small, lacy, and very reviling set of lingerie that was your costume for C.B.T was pulled over your body. Greg the ASM ushered you to the side wings of stage left.
"Sound cue hold" you held your head up and plastered on a big smirk.
"Sound cue go" the music started and you forced yourself to look pissed.
"Pop" Tina walked out from in front of you.
"Six" Louise strutted out and sat on her respected chair.
"Squish" Abigail moved her hands and joined the other two girls.
"Uh uh" Jacqueline said the rosery prop clutched in her hand.
"Cisero" You said putting your revealed leg out first. You sway forward and you glare at Annalise, the actress who played Roxie.
The song continued, flowing easily. As the other "merry murderes" sang their stories you swayed your hips, body rolled, 'smoked a cigarette', and looked fucking pissed.
Jacqueline finished her beautiful Hungarian song and you stepped up.
"My sister, Veronica and I had this double act. And my husband, Charlie, traveled round with us" you took a 'drag' from your prop cigarette. Keeping the grin from overcoming your face you continued to talk.
"I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later,
when I was washing the blood off my hands. I even knew they were dead"
As the chorus hit you revealed your fury as Velma. You danced with James and Lisa, who played your husband and Veronica. You were dipped, twirled, and carried, the lingerie did little to cover you. You kept singing as you moved into the triangle position with the other girls.
The song ended as Megan sang "Lipschitz". The lights faded to black and you rushed off the stage along with the other girls to change costume. The rest of the show went on without a hitch and by the time it was over you were overwhelmed with pride. Walking out 'Roxie' and 'Big Mamma' you three took a bow.
"Y/N! Holy shit!" Someone said coming up to you once you were backstage again. You grinned as Amy as she gushed about your dancing.
"Thank you so much. It means so much to me that you all flew up here to see me" you blushed as they all stared at you, amazed.
"It's your debut on BROADWAY like fuck we wouldn't come see you!" Kathryn said pulling you into a hug.
You adjusted your robe from slipping. The only thing on underneath was the last numbers revealing outfit. Being onstage was one thing but you weren't flashing anyone close up.
The boys still hadn't said a word just looked shocked.
"What?" You said look from Tyler to Mark, to Ethan. "Never seen a friend of yours dance around in their lingerie." You joked. This caused Mark and Tyler to snap out of it.
"I never expected to be intimidated by a musical" Tyler said and you laughed. Mark nodded agreeing with him.
"You guys were intimidated by me? You guys are fucking nerds!" You cried out laughing.
Ethan stayed quite as you laughed heartily with everyone else. He couldn't help but to replay Cell Block Tango in his head as he looked at you. Taking a shaky breath he gulped. He was pulled out of his intense gaze on you by a nudge.
"Tell her congratulations" Amy whispered noting Ethan's rare silence.
"Ah fuck" Ethan mumbled out causing you to laugh again.
"I've rendered Ethan speechless! Now that is my greatest accomplishment" you smiled at him but turned away, someone calling you. Candace was mock glaring at you and you looked down.
"Oh shit! I gotta change out of my costume. Wait here I'll be right back" you rushed into your dressing room and it closed behind you.
"Really Ethan?" Any and Kathryn said. Mark and Tyler looked over to the three. "You could even tell her how great she did"
Ethan looked down. His erratic heat beat calming down with you being gone. "You know that little crush I had on Y/N when she first joined the team? Well it came back"
The others froze and looked at one another.
He can't tell her Mark thought. If things get ugly she'll remember this night as the night she lost Ethan's friendship. She deserved to be so happy, she just accomplished her dreams.
Amy and Mark exchanged glanced, their minds thinking the same thing.
"Ethan hun" Amy began. She looked at Ethan's defeated expression and looked to the others for help.
"Wait 'till after she's been doing the show at least a week before you tell her" Mark said putting a hand in Ethan's shoulder. "Y/N has a lot on her mind. If you really like her respect her mental health"
At this moment Y/N came bounding back. A pair of shorts and a shirt with a button up opened on her.
"You guys want to go get something to eat? I'm starving" you asked rubbing your stomach. You glanced up and noticed everyone's awkwardness. You have a questioning look to Ethan then to Kathryn.
"Me too, we should go to that one pizza place that still makes healthy stuff" Tyler said looking at you. You smiled and nodded. Ever since you got the part as 'Velma' you had been working out and watching your figure.
"Come on guys" You said looping your arm with Tyler and Amy. They laughed at you and the six of you walked out of the theatre.
You chatted excitedly about the show and the rest laughed and asked questions when appropriate.
"Wait you have people rip off your clothes and then dress you?" Kathryn asked as you told her about the quick changes.
You nodded "it was really weird the first time but I mean they're doing they job and they're helping the show go along"
The others digested that as you all walked some more. The red lights of the restaurant lite up the night and you ran to it excited.
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iimtyler · 7 years
I Missed You pt 2
Title: I Missed You (pt.2)
Fanfiction?: Yes: Crankgameplays ft. Teamiplier
Pairing: Crankgameplays x Kathryn’s Sister!Reader (Romantically)
From Wattpad?: No
Warnings: Runaway
Ethan brings his new girlfriend to the office, only for there to be a surprise.
If there is anyone who wants me to write this with he/him or they/them pronouns, feel free to ask! You won’t be bothering, so go right ahead!
Keys you need to know:
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Y/J: Your Job
Y/W: Where You Work
A/N: During the Don’t Laugh Challenge segment of this, I had an idea for how i would want to see an episode of it play out, but I have not seen the Don’t Laugh #5, because it’s age restricted so I can’t. If this is how they did it in that episode, just ignore the part that says that this is slightly different. THE LAST TIME REFERRED TO IN THIS IS DON’T LAUGH 4!
“I missed you Y/N/N.” Kathryn said with a smile. 
Her mouth opened wide in shock, and She was speechless. There were a few gasps across the room. Y/N started to tear up, and ran up to Kat to give her a big hug. Everyone else was in shock, they had no idea Kathryn had a sister. 
The two hugged for a while and everyone else was suprised, but happy for the girls. “Y/N/N I was so worried about you. We didn’t know what had happened to you!” Kathryn said after you pulled away. “I’m sorry Kitty Kat...I just had this feeling telling me to go, so I did. I don’t know what I was thinking...” Y/N started to ramble...then Kat punched her in the shoulder, not to the point where it would really hurt Y/N, but enought so she knew how upset she was. “I know, I deserved that...” Y/N trailed off.
The room got silent, but a comfortable and happy silence. Then someone heard a small sniffle. Amy looked over at her boyfriend and said, “Mark, was that you?” Everyone looked over and there was Mark, with slightly red and watery eyes. “Yes!! Just because I am THE Markiplier doesn’t mean I dont cry! I HAVE EMOTIONS!” Mark said jokingly with a giggle. Soon everyone else realized that they too were on the verge of tears, but continued joking around and having fun.
It felt way too soon, but it was time for the night to end. “Well Eth,” Y/N said patting her boyfriends leg. “I think it’s time to go. I still have to go to work tomorrow. “Oh right!” Ethan said with a giggle as he stood up. “Oh, Y/N/N, what do you do?” Mark quickly added in a strange way. “Oh I Y/J at Y/W” Y/N added as she grabbed her stuff. 
“Well, Y/N/N, I have to tell you something. I’ve been talking to Ethan and the rest of the team, and we wanted to know if you wanted to work with us?” Mark asked excitedly. Y/N was shocked. “Well-I-We just met though?” “Well, that is true, but we trust you. Even more now that we know you’re Kathryn’s sister. Ethan has told us so much about you, and after tonight, I feel that you would be great as part of the team.” Everyone, especially Kat and Ethan looked at Y/N hopefully.” “Well, if you guys are sure, I’d love to! It would be an honor to work with you all.” Kathryn ran to hug her older sister. “I’m so excited to see you again Y/N/N! And we get to work together!? That just makes it so much better!” Y/N was so happy”
Once everyone had said their goodnights to Y/N and Ethan, the two were leaving, when Y/N added “Oh and Mark, I’ll give my boss my 2 week notice tomorrow, so I can come in around 2 weeks from now.” “Okay, sounds good!” “Okay, cool. Bye guys!” Y/N added as she waved to the crew.
“Well babe, what did you think? Do you like them?” Ethan said nervously to Y/N. “Eth, of course I liked them! I wouldn’t be working with them if I didn’t.” She said reasurringly with a giggle. “Oh right...” He trailed off in reply. 
------3 Months later------
“Hello Everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to the Don’t Laugh Challenge. We are going to be doing this slightly different to the last time we did this. Last time, it was Tyler, Ethan, and myself. This time, we are getting the whole team in on this, which means not only will us three be participating, but joining us is KATHRYN, AMY, and Y/N!” The three joined the guys in the view of the camera. “Hi Hi!” Amy said smiling. “Why Hello there!” Kathryn said. “Hi there!” Y/N said, and the video continued from here.
“So, Ethan and Y/N are tied for last, then Tyler, Amy, Kathryn, and Me.” Mark said looking around at the group. “Um...wrong... Amy is in first, then Tyler, Ethan, Kitty, Me, THEN you..MARK!! Y/N said correctivly. Mark stayed silent for a minute in fake thought. “Hey Y/N/N,” Kathryn whispered to Y/N, “Shouldn’t we explain why you’re calling me Kitty because fandom and shippers...” “Oh...yeah probably...” Y/N whispered back to her little sister. “Hey guys PSA, I called Kathryn ‘Kitty’ because she is my SISTER..not girlfriend...that would be weird...yeah” Y/N said to the camera once everyone stopped “yelling” at Mark for cheating. “Oh yeah, that is a good thing to mention.” Ethan said with a wink. Y/N and Ethan weren’t public yet, but they were planning on making a video on Ethan’s channel soon.
After the video wrapped, Ethan walked over to Y/N who was talking with Kathryn and they were laughing about how even with all that time spent apart, they still found the same things funny. Ethan went up and hugged Y/N from behind. “Ready to go babe? I still have some videos to record at home.” He said. “Oh, sure. Let me just grab my stuff.” She said. She went to go grab her bag, and say ‘Bye’ to everyone. Once she finished up, she walked over to the door where Ethan was already standing. “Oh Y/N, Ethan, we’re all going out tomorrow, meet here around 8?” Mark said unsure about the time. Everyone nodded agreeing to the time. “ Oh sure! Sounds fun!” 
 Once again, Y/N already was looking forward to the next day.
Going to meet her boyfriend’s friends and co-workers was a great idea, she just didn’t know it would change her life this much; and there is so much more to look foreward to.
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celestialmarkiplier · 7 years
Caught (crankgameplays x reader)
Requested? Yes! Anonymous asks: Hii!! Would you possibly be able to write an Ethan x short/awkward sisterplier or reader about their first time after being in a relationship for over a year and the rest of the team finding out after noticing the marks/hickies on the both of them? xoxo
Fandom: Teamiplier (Ethan)
Pairing: Ethan x reader / sisterplier
Warnings: mentions of sexual content
I slowly start to wake up, feeling a hand running gently through my messy hair and pulling it away from my face. I smile slightly and open my eyes to see a grinning Ethan staring down at me. I blush, remembering the things we had done the night before.
Ethan and I have been in a loving relationship for two years now. I moved to LA a couple years ago to be with my big brother, Mark, and moved into the Teamiplier house. Everyone was super welcoming and I have felt nothing but love since the beginning of my stay here. One day, Mark was supposed to show me around LA considering I had only been here a couple days and hadn't had a chance to explore that much. He had to cancel last minute, however, because he had gotten sick. I had been really bummed about it and was pouting on the couch when Ethan came in and offered to take me out instead. Long story short, we had a lot of fun and he asked me on a date soon after. The rest is pretty much history.
Last night Ethan took me out to dinner for our two year anniversary. When we got back home no one was here and there were rose petals leading from the front door to our bedroom. He had made plans for the ‘most perfect first time,’ as he had cheesily called it. We were both blushing wildly throughout most of the night, but it was absolutely perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend to share the experience with. 
Now it’s the next morning, which I have been told is usually quite awkward and uncomfortable, however, it’s not at all. We are both wrapped up in each other, legs tangled under the sheets and eyes trained on each other. Finally, he speaks up.
“Good morning,” Ethan hums in a voice that is slightly raspier than usual. I kiss his cheek and tuck my face into the side of his neck.
“Good morning,” I hum back. He wraps his arms around me and draws small patterns on my bare back. We continue laying there for a couple minutes, just enjoying the peace and quiet we have.
Soon enough though, the silence is interrupted. “Guys,” Mark says as he knocks, “Breakfast is ready.”
Ethan and I both groan before pulling away from each other. The only reason either of us is getting up is because we are starved. I sigh and sit up, popping and cracking a couple bones before getting changed and wearing one of Ethan’s shirts (that comes down so far i could probably wear it as a dress) with my jeans. He grins at me, and after putting his shirt on he says, “You should wear my clothes more often, baby girl.”
“Breakfast is served.” Ethan jokes as he sits a plate in front of me at the table. I smile and thank him before digging in.
The food is delicious, as always, and for a while everyone is silent. The only noise that can be heard is the slight clanking of forks against plates every now and then. Before long though, Tyler clears his throat and leans over to whisper something in Kathryn’s ear. I pretend not to notice because it's probably none of my business anyway, but soon enough Kathryn is telling Amy, who tells Mark, who looks between me and Ethan with a smirk. My curiosity gets the best of me and I ask, “What are you staring at?”
“Oh nothing, sis. It’s just that, well, have you looked in the mirror today?” He chuckles and I furrow my eyebrows before slowly getting up and walking to the bathroom.
My mouth opens wide at the sight of my reflection. I run a hand delicately over my neck as I stare at all of the love bites and bruises that had been left by Ethan from the previous night. I guess neither of us thought about our appearance this morning when we woke up. Oh God, now everybody in the house knows why Ethan had told them to go out last night.
I walk back downstairs with a blush and awkwardly sit back down. I look over at Ethan to see he has marks all over his neck and is blushing, too. Tyler snorts and shakes his head. “You two must have had a lot of fun last night, eh? Now I know why Ethan wanted to get rid of us so bad yesterday.”
Mark cringes and gags jokingly, “Tyler please, that’s my sister you’re talking about. I don’t wanna know about her and Eth gettin’ freaky.” he says and Ethan and I both blush harder, if that’s even possible.
“Guys,” I whine and cover my face, “Can we please not do this?” I hear laughing from the others and can’t help but smile myself.
Ethan laughs a bit too as he wraps an arm around me. He pulls me closer and kisses the top of my head, causing the others to make an obnoxious “awh” sound. It seems like all we are doing today is blushing, I swear.
“Did you guys at least use protection?” Mark asks us with a shit-eating grin.
“Oh my God,” I mutter, standing up and dragging Ethan away to the kitchen. “We are not having this conversation today- or ever!”
(A/N: well i tried! honestly the concept is really cute and i hope you like it! its kinda late here so if the writing sucks im blaming it on me being tired ((: -S )
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miaiplier · 6 years
One Year Anniversary
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Because it’s my one year anniversary of this blog I wanted to write a little bit about the blog and myself, and since that’s kind of a lame little celebration and you probably don’t care, I’m going through all the fics I’ve ever made and sharing some of my faves. I hope you enjoyed this blog if you’re new to here or you’ve been here for a while, Thank you. I love writing for you guys and the idea that so many of you like my writing means the world to me.
My name is Mia
I started this blog on April 9th, 2017
My first, fic was Recording Videos With Teamiplier  
(I'll admit it's not at all the best fic, but everyone's got their start).
One of my favorite things that I love to write is the Lilsister! Reader insert, I don’t know I just really love writing it, it’s very wholesome.
I started this blog because I was having a hard time emotionally and I think I used my writing to make myself feel better. I had too much time to think and writing distracted me from feeling like total shit. I don’t remember much about the fics I wrote I just remember it was always late at night. When I started getting requests I was ecstatic like I’d get one and immediately start working on it. (Not gonna lie I still do that but halfway through I get writer's block).
I've been apart of this community for about 4 years and I've met some great people but this blog is where I met some great friends. I love this blog and I love you guys thank you for enjoying my writing can’t wait to write more for you all.
If you ever want to know more about me just send me an ask. :^)
Throughout the day I will be reblogging some of my favorite stories and ones that I think you all would really like (shoutout to all the newcomers to my blog)
Happy 1yr everyone!
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miaiplier · 7 years
The great livestream
A/N: The end of the livestream made my day and I neeeded to write this. It’s super short.
The chorus of cheers that were shouted through the room as the final moments of the stream came as Kathryn got ready to end it. The happy smiles on everyone’s face as they waved goodbye to the camera were infectious. You sat behind the camera watching as your brother and his friends finished the stream it had been a crazy 12 hours filled with rushed cleaning and prep, bobbing for apples, and a lot of screaming. What really brought the smile to your face was the excited yeah Mark yelled as he slapped his hand on the counter and hugged Tyler he was so happy. Then he hugged Ethan, it was cute he was so happy to have done something so great for others. You got up to hug him he held your shoulders in a tight hug with the biggest smile on his face. It felt great to have been a part of something so big, you looked up to Mark in some many ways. He was happy and you were happy because of that.
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miaiplier · 7 years
A little Celebration
(Markiplier x LilSister!Reader)
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Request: In celebration of Marching Band season, Marks sister comes home one day and tells Mark “guess who’s the color guard section leader!” Everyone is proud of her and Mark and her do a video showing off their marching band skills (guard and trumpet). Idk man I’m just kind of pumped up for guard.
Mark stood at his desk clicking through social media a hand rested on his face as music played through one earphone. He heard the slam of the front door and realized what time it was. The loud steps of feet were heard, and before he even had time to pause his playlist his little sister burst through the door and exclaimed “Mark! Guess what!!” She was out of breath and panting but her excitement had her bouncing like a child. She didn’t wait for him to ask what “I’m color guard section leader!!” She screamed and jumped and down a huge grin plastered on her face. Mark mimicked the same expression his smile was large and he rushed to her picking her up slightly in a hug. “Congratulations (Y/N)!!” He had forgotten about how she was getting the news, Mark was very excited and proud of her.  “I found out during lunch, but I wanted to wait and surprise you,” “Aint a surprise I already knew you were gonna make it,” he said as he kissed her head. She smiled “thanks,” “Well this calls for a celebration!” he exclaimed “No no we don't have to do anything like that it’s just a small thing,” she protested “whatever this is a big deal and we are celebrating no complaints,” he insisted.
“Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today we have a special video,” Mark started the intro with his usual smile and wave. He was surrounded by his friends as they too stood in front of the camera and smiled. “A few days ago my little sister made color guard section leader” he continued a bright proud smile on his face at that sentence. “So, of course, we have to celebrate that’s why today we are gonna throw her little surprise party and we thought it’d be a cute little thing to upload, she’s on her way back from school and we’re sorta gonna try to give her a little scare as well” he checked the time on his phone seeing as it was close to half an hour before you’d get home he explained how they were going to throw the surprise party in the living room but the trick is that they were gonna scare you by jumping out from hiding with masks and although it was a cheap prank yet, it still would be really funny just to see you scream a little. Mark was the one that would be wearing a cheap gag Halloween mask while everyone else hid behind the couch. 
You continued to mouth the words to the music playing through your headphones as you put your key into the door. Unknown to you Mark and the rest of the crew were giggling like crazy and shushing each other as they hid with their cameras ready and recording, Mark put the mask on and stood next to the door frame. His breath shallowed as he heard the click of the door unlocking and just as the door swung open he lunged out with a loud scream and grabbed your shoulders. You screamed as you felt a sudden force attacking you, your headphones ripped out as you lunged back and tried punching whatever or whoever your attacker was. Landing a good punch to Mark’s stomach causing him to stumble back, you stood panting halfway out of the door he wheezed and took off the mask causing you to gasp slightly at the sight of your brother hunched over holding his stomach. Everyone else popped out from the couch laughing at the sight that just unfolded, most of them couldn’t even breathe. “Mark what the FUCK!!” you exclaimed as you regained yourself from the scare yet he still was hunched over trying to catch his breath. The crew began giving you a chorus of cheers and high fives but you still were upset. They panned the camera to Marks pained expression “I’m sorry (N/N) we just wanted to give you a little scare” Ethan laughed out as he wiped some tears from his eyes. You cracked a smile when you had calmed down and saw the little payback you gave Mark. “Paybacks a bitch Mark” you teased as he stood and breathed looking red and disheveled. “So in honor of you making color guard leader we are throwing you a little surprise party,” Amy explained as she hugged you, “Thanks, guys” you smiled.
Once Mark had finally regained his composure he hugged you “Jeez kid you got a strong arm on you maybe section leader shouldn’t be your gig,” he teased. Finally, towards the end of the little celebration, Mark got out his trumpet he had been practicing with it some more and wanted to end the video with a little something special. “So we’ve got a little surprise for you guys (Y/N) and I are gonna play a little song for you,” Mark explained as you stood next to him with your flag ready to start. Although Mark wasn’t as good anymore he still pulled off one of the songs from his old marching band days and you did amazing. The crew watched with joy as the two siblings went through the song. They later watched the video back and laughed at the parts where Mark began to get winded. It was a nice video to look back on and when the fans saw the edited version they begun making a bunch of jokes about the good punch you gave Mark. It really did make the celebration into a bigger and better one.
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miaiplier · 7 years
Just a little phase
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Request:  Hi! I love your writing!! I really like your sisteriplier stuff and was wondering what it’d be like when she goes through the phase of having a crush on one of his friends
-Everyone finds out yet, you think you're doing well at hiding it.
-So they try not to make fun of you and just pretend it’s not real.
-But it’s so adorable that the guys can’t help but tease.
-Mark thinks it’s adorable and stuff but it’s so gross when he sees you staring at his friend.
-When the girls found out they thought it was the cutest thing.
-It’s super awkward when you admit it because they’re like we already knew that.
-When Mark first realized your crush he was nervous that it was for real but then after talking it over with Amy he realized it’s just a little phase and no big deal.
-Now he makes fun of you about it all the time.
-“Hey (Y/N) so me and _____ are going out wanna come I’m sure you’d be happy about that.”
-“Mark I swear to god that was so long ago and if you ever bring it up again I’ll kick your ass.”
-He’s always bringing it up during family events and you just have to awkwardly hide away in the bathroom for a bit to avoid talking about it.
-He never mentions to the fans, because he doesn’t want to embarrass you that much.
-Teamiplier doesn’t really tease you it’s mostly just Mark.
-But you get they’re just joking and it’s cringy to look back on but whatever.
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miaiplier · 7 years
Not cool, but okay
(Teamiplier x LilSister!Reader)
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Request:  Could you do maybe one where they find out she’s been doing drugs and they find them on her? And when they all sit down with her to have a serious talk it gets really angsty but reaalllyy sad bc shes been dealing with things that they didn’t really know about and tells them and they all get into mega protective mode, especially Mark?? But it ends up super fluffy & okay?
You regretted walking through the door the moment you did, as the sound of Mark’s angry voice ran through the house as you shut the door. Immediately you knew what it had to have been about, but still, you wanted to play dumb until you knew for certain. (Y/N)! Get over here!“ He sounded pissed. You hurried over dropping your bag down next to the door. 
You met Mark and his friends in the living room he had the angriest expression ever while the others had a mixed look of concern and seriousness. Chica ran to your side slightly startled at the sudden yelling she stayed by your feet tail between her legs you petted her head and avoided everyone’s gaze. It was awful when he was mad at you, it was rare for him to yell. He said nothing as he held up the small baggie of weed, a box of rolling papers, and lighter. You cringe slightly at that, "care to explain?” He stated in a malicious tone. “Heh, umm,” you didn’t know what to say, he wasn’t stupid he knew what it was. Mark looked so angry that Amy took over the little intervention of sorts.
 “(Y/N), just sit down please so we can talk?” She stated her command as a question, telling you that it’d be appreciated but she understood if you needed some time. Your neck tensed and a slight blush spread against your face, you could feel a lump in your throat begin to form at what was ahead of you. But you sat said nothing and just stared at them trying to keep your face blank and emotionless. “How can you? Why?!” Mark rambled out the questions it was obvious that he was mad but also extremely disappointed. It was taking everything in you to keep the tears away and the anxiety and shame you felt were so overwhelming. “I-” you tried starting tears began sliding down your cheek and you hung your head in shame. “I’m sorry” you mumbled out avoiding their gaze. They stayed quiet, Mark didn't know how to handle this it was so difficult for him he’s never had to deal with this kind of thing.  He knew it wasn’t helping anyone being so angry yet he didn't know how to stop. “Sweetheart please just talk to us,” Mark spoke it a soft tone, as he bent down to your height trying to get you to look at him. You hid your face from them, trying to hide your tears. You sniffled and kept staring at your hands. Mark took a hold of them making you turn your gaze towards him. “I’m not mad I just want to know what’s going on, please?” his eyes pleaded with you. “I just smoked a little bit I promise,” “Why (Y/N) you know it’s not good for you,” "it's just nice to not have to worry," you shrugged fidgeting with your hands, the awkward tension in the room was making you feel terrible you wanted to get out of this already. You realized that they were waiting for you to explain, “School has just been tough... well I mean life’s tough, I don’t know.. it’s just that I haven’t been able to sleep, I’m always tired and sad, It’s been hard to do things and I just wanted to feel somewhat okay.” As you spoke you avoided their gaze trying to stop the crying. 
“Why didn’t you talk to us (N/N)?” Ethan asked with the saddest face you shrugged ignoring any of their gazes. Mark had tears in his eyes feeling so heartbroken. He felt awful for not realizing what was going on his with own sister. Only to found out by looking for some dumb thing in one of your drawers he couldn't even remember what it was now. “Please don’t cry... I’m sorry,” you told Mark when you saw the tears streaming down his face. He looked up at you and grimaced slightly then pulled you into a tight embrace which made you start crying more. You both hung in that hug for a while when you pulled away the rest of the group went and gave you the same type of hug. “We’re always here for you (Y/N) you just need to talk to us,” Tyler said and everyone nodded. You gave them a small ghost of a smile. “I”m sorry about the weed I know it wasn’t cool to do that and I promise it won’t happen again,” your voice was raspy, Mark sat next to you and kissed your head “It’s okay just please talk to me I want you to be okay as long as you promise to get rid of it and you won’t do it again we’re good,” he spoke as he hugged your side. You smiled slightly and wiped your tears away. Some things weren’t okay all the time, but your family would help you along.
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miaiplier · 7 years
Lonely weekends
Markiplier x Lilsister!Reader
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Request:  Maybe sisteriplier going on her first abroad/away from home trip by herself and Mark is all lonely bc he doesn’t know what to do or something? I love your writing!!!
You ran around in a rushed daze trying to find your charger. “Mark?” You yelled out as you slammed drawers and banged doors. “Yeah?!” He responded from a different part of the house. “Have you seen my charger?” You exclaimed as you still ran around searching. “You’re what?!” He asked. “Uhhh. My charger!” You persisted. Still, he didn’t hear you with another groan you marched up the stairs towards his room and asked again. “Oh I’ve got it, sorry,” he replied pointing to your charger. “Thanks” you mumbled and rushed out the room. He followed you in only two minutes later to see you stuffing your bag with your things. “(N/N), you good?” He chuckled out watching you sit on top of the suitcase for it to close. “Yep” you smiled out as it finally closed. “All packed and ready,” you smiled. “You gonna be good without me?” You teased “yeah I’ll find something to do without you constantly annoying me,” he sasses back “yep now you can sleep in on Sunday and forget to do anything productive,” you replied.
 He laughed “but seriously you gonna be okay? Ya know being away from home for so long,” he asked “of course you know me,” you smiled. “Yep, that’s why I’m worried” “Oh shut up you’re so overdramatic,” “whatever” he rolled his eyes. It was an exciting time for you, you were going on a school trip out to New York. Although he had his worries he still loved to see you happy and excited.
 Mark sat around lazily bored of everything. He’d gotten some work done that day and he had practiced some of his hobbies but at that moment he wasn’t feeling up to more practice. Usually, at times like these, you would find something to do together or you needed some help with something. Now he just sat on the couch doing nothing staring idly at the commercials playing on tv. If he was being honest he missed you a lot and waited for some updates. You trickled very few sending one or two pictures of that day and telling him you were off to bed, he understood but wished you were back already. It was an agonizingly slow and lonely week it seemed like it would never end. But he didn’t want to be seen as overbearing and clingy so he didn’t mention or text much only asking towards the end of the night how your day was and he hoped you were having fun. Although he would send it pretty late he’d still be long asleep before he got any answer leaving him to see it in the morning without being able to text anything to you. The house was quiet without you there it felt empty, he noticed that even Chica missed you. She paced around your door at times and when he let her into smell she laid on your bed and huffed. They both missed you. When the two weeks of your trip away passed it was hard for him to hide his excitement. He didn’t talk much about missing you to his friends but everyone could tell it was so obvious. He was front and center to pick you up at that airport, as each person passed he searched and searched. Using your height as an advantage you snuck by him and scared him from behind. Mark screamed bloody murder, getting a few stares as you laughed and hugged him. He fake pouted and hugged you back, “did you miss me?” you teased he said nothing and smiled as he rested his chin on your head still hugging you. You felt the tight hold that Mark was giving you and knew that he did miss you, but didn’t mention it. 
“so what did you do while I was gone?” you asked on the drive home. “oh, you know got caught up on videos and stuff,” he responded “did chica miss me?’ you asked, “she was so sad kept going to your room and sniffing, then she’d just lay on your bed for the day.” “aww” Although Mark didn’t admit he still loved to have you back. There was a silent agreement between you both, not to mention it and just keep going, but you knew.
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miaiplier · 7 years
Young Love
(Ethan x Reader)
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Request:  could you do an ethan X sisterplier where she doesn’t think mark loves her and that mark neglects her. then Ethan explains everything amazing about her and then they end up kissing and about two months later mark finds out about them and goes crazy.
Ethan walked over to you, yet you were so wrapped up in your own thoughts you didn’t notice. You jumped when the bed dipped and he made an effort to hold your hand. “What’s wrong babe?” He asked with a solemn look. “It’s just some things don’t worry about it though,” you responded melting into his touch. He wanted to give you space, but it seemed like it was something that had been bugging you for awhile so he persisted. “(N/N) you can talk to me what’s wrong?” “Ok don’t like laugh, but I don’t know… I’ve been feeling like Mark doesn’t love me as much as everyone else ya know. Like I come kinda dead last in everything. I know that sound selfish but…” You trailed off never meeting Ethan’s gaze. He was stunned, he didn’t know what to say.
 Mark always spoke so highly of you, he loved you, you’re his little sister, his best friend. “Mark loves you (Y/N), so much!” Ethan exclaimed you didn’t say anything. “(Y/N) look at me, he’s always talking about how proud of you, he loves you (Y/N)” he firmly stated “there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you,” you said nothing he had a point but it was hard to come to terms with it. “We love you, I love you so much you’re one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I love spending my time with you,” he nuzzled into the crook of your neck hugging your waist while a small smile spread across your face. “I promise you (N/N) Mark would do anything for you and so would I,” he hoped his words had left a lasting impact on you. You had heard enough to realize what your role was in everyone’s life you mattered to them, they loved you. You met his hug by turning and kissing his cheek, hugging him and thank him silently. Ethan was always there to remind you that you were loved and important. He was the best boyfriend. Ethan had made sure to keep your spirits up,  you kept the whole event completely out of mind Ethan had helped you overcome the incorrect feelings and you dropped it. You had kept your relationship from Mark for a while now, not knowing how he’d react left it something you were avoiding. Ethan understood and gave you the time you needed, although he did wish the time to tell him would come soon he knew Mark would be angry if you both kept it from him for a long time.
It was early in the office, expecting to be alone for at least another hour you and Ethan didn’t hide any affection. You sat cuddled on the couch watching a tv show that you’d forgotten the name off. You both were much more occupied with each other. You rested against his chest and he kissed you making you lay nearly completely on top of him. You jumped out of your position at the sound of Mark’s voice. “Wow, um… ok, ” he said shocked in silence. “I uh… it’s not what it looks like?” Your statement came out more as a question and he looked almost angry to you. “How long?” he questioned in an oddly calm tone giving his expression looked so angry. “6 months” Ethan replied, his stock expression stayed the same as you both stood. “You’ve been dating for 6 months! and no one decided to fill me in on that information?” You both said nothing he looked angrier by that. “wow alright,“ he trailed off and made a beeline to the door saying nothing. “Mark wait!” You yelled at him as the door shut, immediately you ran after him giving Ethan a worried expression, he stayed put. You caught up to him before he completely left. Although he was walking fast once he heard your pleas he let you catch up. “Mark, I’m sorry I didn’t mean for you to find out this way,” you spoke looking at him with the biggest plea. “(Y/N) why didn’t you guys tell me,” he asked ignoring what you just said. “Mark I promise we were I just I wanted to see if it was going to work out, and then when it was going well I was afraid of your reaction.” Although the reason wasn’t a great one he accepted it. “Are you sure he’s treating you right?” he asked out of nowhere, it caught you completely off guard. “How can you even ask that Ethan's one of your best friends, of course, he treats me right!” you exclaimed growing angry at his question. “(Y/N) I’d rather lose a friend then have someone hurt you. So I want to make sure that you’re alright,” his voice stayed even and calm completely opposite to yours. “Mark, I promise you I will handle it if it ever comes to that” you softened your voice and continued “can we please just move on I really love him, Mark.” "Alright kid, just keep the whole lovey gushy things to a minimum in front of me please” he joked around pulling you into a tight embrace. “Hey you and Amy are always being cute and gross why can’t Ethan and I!” he rolled his eyes and ruffled your hair “Do as I say not as I do,” he replied and hugged your side as you both walked back to the office.
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miaiplier · 7 years
You're good enough already
(Mark x lilsister!Reader)
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Request: How about Mark's sister gets compared to Mark at school in negitive ways (ex. "You'll never be as good as your brother.") and she's so used to it she just accepts it. One day, Ethan decides to pick her up and he overhears the insults and he sees her response, "why do you keep telling me these things? I already know." Just, lots of angst.
Sometimes it was hard being the little sister of Mark. He was an awesome big brother and a great role model, but his fame sometimes made you feel like you were living in his shadow. You had never received any pressure from your family to be successful like Mark, but you felt it. People knew who you were and it was a weird thing, everyone thought they knew you because of small appearances on Mark’s channel. When you started school it was an odd time, constantly you went through people asking about Mark and what he was doing, “say Hi to him for me,”Hey (Y/N), can you get Mark to sign this for me.” It made you feel used and it sorta creeped you out, but you ignored it simply gave a shrug in response and said nothing. People saw it as rude behavior but you ignored them, you avoided telling Mark about any of it not wanting to make him feel bad for something he couldn’t control. But it was putting a toll on you, there was always a constant struggle of feeling like you weren’t as great as him. When the comments and bullying started it had hit the nail on the hammer, sealing your thoughts of negativity. A group of guys had begun harassing you, daily comments of “your brother is so much better than you,” and “you’re nothing like your brother.” It plagued your school days and left you heartbroken, but still, you didn’t tell Mark part of you felt it was true while the other part of you didn’t want more drama to come out of it. 
So you dealt with it simply giving them the shoulder and trying to walk away not letting it get to you. You’d come to terms with it being a daily thing. You hadn’t expected them that day to follow you to your waiting spot. You hoped that they left before one of the guys came to pick you up, but life doesn’t work out that way. 
Ethan pulled up to your usual waiting area and waited for you to arrive, he saw you talking to some guys and figured they were friends of yours. He pulled his window down to greet you, but he stopped himself once he heard some of the comments your “friends” were telling you. “Come on (Y/N) you actually think you’ll ever be as successful as your brother? You ignored them continuing to stare down at your phone. Ethan stayed silent and strained to hear your response. “I mean seriously you can’t even give a guy a simple answer!” One of the boys said, “like do you actually think people are ever going to like you?!” The guy continued and you shrugged and spoke: “does it matter?” They laughed at that, “listen why can’t you just leave me alone, I already know these things so just screw off,” you challenged and it made their smiles disappear. “Whatever you sa-” the boy started but Ethan stopped it. He had heard enough and with a loud honk of his horn, he got your attention. You quickly grabbed your bag and ran to the car ignoring the boys completely. You didn’t say a word to him just mumbled a quick hi and sat down on the passenger side. He would sneak many glances at you totally obvious, and you tried to avoid them pretending to be very interested in your phone. “Were those guys friends of yours?” He brought up the question. “No just some guys from some classes I have, they were asking me about some assignments and stuff,” you lied and avoided eye contact by continuing to look down at your phone. Ethan had to admit you were a pretty good liar, he wondered what else you were hiding. He dropped it and gave you your space, it seemed like something you needed time to calm down from. And he was going to tell Mark.
 "Mark I’ve got something to tell you,“ Ethan said as he walked into Mark’s recording room. Ethan expression held extreme urgency. "What’s up Ethan?” He asked taking off his headphones. “It’s about (Y/N)” he said, “she’s getting harassed at school” “Wait! What do you mean harassed” his voice raised and his expression immediately changed. “When I went to go pick her up I overheard some guys giving her a hard time about you being her brother,” “What?!” He exclaimed, “yeah they were saying stuff like you’re not as good as your brother, and she just took it she didn’t even try to defend herself!” Ethan told him. Mark stayed silent for a moment “I’ll talk to her, um thanks for letting me know,” he told Ethan. 
You had been hoping that Ethan hadn’t heard much of the exchange with the boys, but it seemed he had. You heard a knock on your door and grew worried it was Ethan trying to talk about what happened, but it was Mark which was way worse. He said nothing to you just had a really sultry look on his face, “um hey what’s up?” You spoke first. “Why didn’t you tell me about school?” He asked you quickly, you stayed silent. “(N/N) come on you know you can always talk to me” he continued. “Look it’s not a big deal it happens all the time I’m over it.” You stated and shrugged it off. He looked at you with the same sultry look and sighed. “If it’s not a big deal then why do you feel like they’re right?” He asked you. You just shrugged he had caught you there. “Bug, come on why does it bother you?” He asked you gently “I mean come on Mark it’s not like we don’t all know that I’m not going to be as great as you,” you shrugged and avoided his gaze at you. He didn’t know what to say, he was speechless.  ”(N/N), do you seriously think that?“ He asked after a short time of silence. You nodded, "babe you are capable of amazing things, don’t focus on what I’m doing I’m a goof you’re capable of amazing things!” He proclaimed. “Mark I’m not creative like you, I can’t speak like you, and I’m not vibrant like you.” “(Y/N) I promise you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever meet, you can do amazing things. Do you remember when we worked on a date with markiplier?” He asked you, you just responded with a nod “you helped with so many things, you figured out how to get those hard shots we needed, you helped us when we couldn’t figure out any substitutes for props, you were there to help when we couldn’t figure it out. When we started editing you helped us find some shortcuts for our coding and our editing, you saved us so much time. Many kids your age don’t know the things you know. We couldn’t have done it without you, (N/N) you helped us, without you those videos wouldn’t have been amazing. You aren’t living in my shadow you’re standing right next to me doing both equally amazing things.” He gave an entire speech, tears rolled down his face matching yours. You hugged him and sobbed into his shirt he hugged back. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled out “Hey kid don’t be sorry, don’t listen to those jerks I promise you, you’re going to be way better than me. Don’t you see all these comments from fans, they’re always saying you and Amy are better anyway.” He joked out and you laughed a dry laugh. “Thanks Mark, you said and he smiled at your somewhat lighter mood. “Love you shortie,” he answered and kissed your head as he pulled you into another hug. “Woah, who you calling shortie huh?” You sassed in return dramatically pulling away from the hug. His smile widened and he laughed.
Mark would deal with the bullies soon, but right now he needed you to know how important and amazing you were.
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