#tyler scheid x sister!reader
haabooski-blog · 7 years
Cute dogs and cute boys
Hi all! Welcome to my first fic! I hope its okay :) 
Plot: Y/N is finally going to meet their older brother’s friends, but she keeps getting sidetracked - first by a missing Tyler, then by a really cute dog, then by an even cuter boy...
Warnings: Some swearing, and an overenthusiastic doggo :)
Word count: 1315
Pairings: Ethan/Reader, Tyler/Sister!Reader
‘Oh shit.’
Typical. Just typical. You finally meet up with your brother Tyler, and plans to meet his friends are finally going as organised, and you’ve bloody lost him. In the middle of the damn street.
You stand on your toes, peering around absorbed shoppers and buskers in the hopes of catching a glance of your ridiculously tall, curly-haired, beanie-wearing brother, but he’s nowhere in sight.
You pull out your phone to see if he’s texted you, but the only notification is from the Facebook group chat you have with him and his friends. One of them, Mark, texted, ‘be there in 5’.
You shoot Tyler a text. ‘Ummm, where’d u go??’ He calls back almost immediately, startling you so much you almost drop your phone. ‘Hey, Giant, where’d you disappear to?’
‘Hey, I turned around and you were gone,’ he chuckles. ‘I bumped into Ma-’
‘Oh. My. God.’
‘What? What? Y/N, are you okay?’
‘What? Oh yeah I’ve just seen a dog.’
You cross the road to say hello to the golden retriever tied outside the post office, smiling at your brother’s laughter.
‘Of course you did.’
‘Hey, little buddy.’ You get on your knees and hold out the hand that isn’t holding the phone. ‘It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.’ But there’s really no need to be so gentle. As soon as the little guy sees that someone wants to say hello, he bounds over and throws himself on your lap, knocking you sideways. ‘Woah!’ Your phone gets knocked out of your hand and it skids across the ground, bumping into someone’s foot. They bend to pick it up.
‘Oh, sorry!’ You struggle to sit back up, but it’s difficult when there’s an over enthusiastic retriever sitting on you.
‘You alright there?’ Someone laughs. It’s the person who picked up your phone. The two of you combined manage to shift the dog off you. It takes some convincing, but he finally sits down beside you, and you’re finally able to look at the boy who is now handing your phone back to you.
Well, damn. There’s no way around it, he’s cute. His hair is a vibrant blue that beautifully compliments his blue eyes. His smile is the kindest and gentlest you’ve ever seen and for a moment, you’re struck dumb by the butterflies in your stomach. Trying to smile back without showing too many teeth, or looking like an idiot, you take your phone, which he’s holding out to you.
‘One sec,’ you say, before putting your phone up to your ear and cursing to yourself silently. Why the hell would he care? He’s got things to do! He’s got places to be!
‘Y/N, what the hell?’
‘Sorry sorry! The dog knocked my phone out of my hands. He’s really cute, his name is-’
You reach out for the tag on the dog’s collar but he keeps moving. The blue haired boy, now grinning, wraps his arms around the retriever to hold it still. You mouth a ‘thank you’ as you finally grab the tag and declare ‘His name is Orion! Oh that’s lovely. Give me two seconds.’
You put your phone on your lap and look at the cute boy, who’s stayed to pat the dog. ‘Thanks for giving my phone back,’ you smile. He grins back. ‘Anytime.’
At the same time, you both jump at the sound of a buzz. ‘Oh, that’s me,’ the boy says, pulling his phone out of his pocket. ‘Yeah?...Yeah I’m just across the street...Yeah I’ll be there in a sec.’
He hangs up and gets to his feet, smiling shyly. ‘Gotta go. See ya!’
Before you can say anything else, he’s jogged across the road and is gone. I’ll probably never see him again, you sigh, before putting your phone back to your ear.
‘Would you stop this?’ He’s trying to sound angry, but you can hear the amusement in his voice. You decide to play along as you scan the shops for the cafe you and Tyler were going to meet his friends in. ‘Stop what?’
He groans. ‘Everything! Get over here - and you know what? Have some of your own medicine!’
‘What do you mean by that?’ You’ve spotted the cafe on the other ride of the road and begin to cross towards it.
Oh. Right.
The cafe is a few doors down. As you head towards it, you hear a voice coming from your phone - one that isn’t Tyler’s.
‘Oh my god, guys. Guysguysguys. I just met the cutest girl holy shit. She had these big gorgeous eyes and amazing sunglasses and the cutest star wars T-shirt.’
Confused, you come to a halt. You self-consciously adjust your sunglasses and glance down at your Star Wars shirt. Was he talking about you?
Almost instantly, you dismiss the possibility and push open the door of the cafe, still listening intently. There were plenty of girls far cuter than you with sunglasses and Star Wars shirts.
‘What was her name?’ You hear another voice through the phone.
‘I don’t know?’
‘Did you get her number?’
‘Shit, dude! What will we do with you?’
There’s a dramatic groan as you once again peer around people in attempts to spot your brother. ‘She was so cuuuuuuute!’
Oh! There he is! In the corner. His phone is on the table in front of him.
‘And she loves dogs! We met because she was patting a dog just now and it knocked her over and-’
‘Wait.’ That was Tyler’s voice - you’re close enough now to hear it coming straight from him. The two of you are frozen. You clap a hand over your mouth. A waiter has just moved and now you can see that one of the men sitting with Tyler is none other than the cute blue-haired boy! He has his face buried in his hands.
‘Y/N was just...oh, hey!’ Tyler looks up and sees you. The two men with him follow suit. One, with dark hair, smiles and waves a hand. The other, the one with blue hair dramatically lets his hands drop onto the table before looking up at you. His face lights up, making your heart skip a beat.
‘Wait a second…’ he looks at Tyler’s phone on the table, then at the phone in your hand, then at Tyler, then at you, still with your hand clapped over your mouth.
‘Oh my god.’
Tyler and the man who you assume is Mark burst into laughter at the two of you, both with bewildered expressions and red cheeks.
‘Did you hear...all of that?’ Ethan mutters through his fingers.
You lower your phone, finally ending the call. ‘Um...yes?’
Tyler and Mark laugh uproariously, drawing glances from the other customers. Chewing on your lip and blushing furiously, you take a seat next to the blue-haired boy, who you now know must be Ethan.
‘Well,’ you whisper, ‘I guess it’s okay to do what I wish I’d done before.’
‘What do you wish you’d done before?’ Ethan asked, his face still covered by his hands.
‘Gotten your number.’
Ethan sits bolt upright and grins at you. ‘Really?’
You didn’t think it was possible, but you feel yourself turning even more red. You nod shyly at the table and slide your phone across to him.
Beaming, but still flushed, Ethan enters his number into your phone and slides it back.
‘You be good to her, Baby Boy Blue,’ your brother says, straightening his back and puffing out his chest to look as intimidating as possible.
Ethan shyly peeks at you out of the corner of his eyes. ‘I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.’
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miaiplier · 6 years
Here’s all my shiz :) IM BACK BABY
Yancy x Reader
We Protect Our Own
Showing Yancy Affection (Headcanons)
I Don’t Appreciate Disrespect (Gender!Neutral x Reader)
Teamiplier x Reader
Recording videos with Teamiplier would include
Teamiplier helping you after a rough day
Don’t Sweat It
On The First Day Of Christmas
Holiday Troubles
Wet Duo
Band Antics (Marching Band AU)
No Hate Allowed (Trans!Reader)
We’re Here To Listen
Sleepy Phantom
Friends from Dangerous Places (ZombieApocalypseAU!)
Teamiplier x Sister!Reader
Being Mark’s little sister
Love Is Love
Protective Brothers
Not in my House
Need That Shot
Feelings Are Tough
Please Never Again
We’ve got an artist in the family
Not Cool, But Okay
Just a little phase
A little celebration
Talk to us (Trans!Reader)
Anxious Nights
Mark x Reader
I’m not okay
Happy Songs
Adorable Games (Child!Reader) 
Support System
Mark x Sister!Reader
Beings Mark’s little sister
She’s a winner?
Lonely Weekends
First Day Nuisance (TwinSister!Reader)
Ethan x Reader
Stormy Night
Blue Boy Comfort
Nothing Bad Is Going To Happen
Protective Goofballs
Exam Season
Boyfriend? (Trans!Reader)
A new addition to the family
Some nights aren’t so bad
Awkward Confessions (PlusSize!Reader)
School Comes First
Sleepy Phantom
Tyler x Reader
Beautiful Gifts And Friendships
Coffee Break
Things are okay when I’m with you
Warm Nights
Self Care Is Important
Soulmates (Headcanons)
Amy x Reader
Dating Amy would include
Pretty Flowers
Late Night Drives
Adorable Games (Child!Reader)
Kathryn x Reader
Dating Kathryn would include
Darkiplier x Reader
A Nice Suprise (Smut)
Couple Cuddles
Wilford x Reader
Yanderiplier x Reader
Dialogue prompts
Tyler Kathryn Ethan Mark Amy Darkiplier Wilford Teamiplier
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markiplier-bonjur · 7 years
When It All Falls Down
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Summary: Everybody says high school is the worst four years of your life. No one said it carried on through college.
Pairing: Platonic!Teamiplier x Sister!Reader
Request: “Can I request a teamiplier x reader who is being bullied by a couple of class mates and the team come to comfort her while Tyler and Mark go confront the bullies, and just a whole bunch of fluff and angst” @mettatonlover858
A/N: I fell in love with this request so fast, oh my gosh! I actually wrote it with the reader being Mark’s younger sibling who is living with him and the team! I didn’t get to the confronting part, but i hope you still like it! But if you or anyone you know is being bullied, no matter how old they are, tell someone. I cannot urge you more than I am right now to speak up. You could save someone's life.
Warnings: angst, fluff, bullying, slight swearing, anxiety attack
Your motions were frantic as you scurried about the house. You kept cursing yourself for being too loud, especially since it was almost 5:30 in the morning. Opting to skip breakfast, you sling your backpack over your shoulder, scribbling a note:
“Had to leave early. Chica’s been fed. Let her outside.”
You stick it to the coffee pot. A head rubs your leg and you look down to see Chica. You smile. “Yes, I love you.” You give her a quick pet on the head and slip out the door. You didn't want to go to school. Not one bit. Mark always urged you to finish your education, but it was growing harder and harder everyday.
You were under the impression that people grew up after high school; went off to live their happy little lives; but apparently, some of your classmates didn't get the memo. They were like the four horseman of the goddamn apocalypse, sent to destroy your world. And the sad part was that they were succeeding.
Your anxiety was through the roof 24/7. Every thought you had was double and triple checked, and even then, you never spoke up. It didn't matter who you were with either.
You didn't say anything to anyone at home though. At this point, you didn't feel you were worth it. They were all leading their lives with excitement in their eyes and you were just trying to stay above water. There was no point in letting someone else drown because you couldn't hold your own.
You round the corner. It was like walking into hell with gates wide open, not inviting you in, but not keeping you there either. Any person in their right mind would probably turn and run, but more than anything - more than wasting years of education, or facing four people who treated you like trash - you feared letting Mark down.
You were the baby of the family and Mark was your number one fan. He never gave up on you. Always said you were his inspiration for everything he’s worked for. But you just didn't see it. All you saw was the things you weren't.
“The Greeks believed Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was responsible for these events, which of course, wasn't true, but rather the because of the-”
“I bet she’s sleeping with Professor Bennet just to pass.” 
Don't turn around. Just keep writing.
“No wonder she’s always here so early!”
I’m okay. I’m okay.
“Excuse me, have you seen her? Talk about disgusting.”
I’m not disgusting, am I?
“I feel bad for the Fishbach family tree. Its gonna wither and die where she stands.”
Maybe I will be alone forever.
“But her brothers are totally opposite of her.”
I’m not like Tom or Mark, am I?
“Well duh, people actually like them.”
I’m nobody.
“How disappointing she must be.”
You stand up, the motion shoving the chair backwards. You leave your books where they lie as you run out, desperately trying to wipe away the tears. The lecture marches on, even the door thunks closed behind you.
You didn’t stop for anything as you ran home. You didn't care about the burn in your calves or the drumming of your heart against you skull. Only when you reached the door did you hesitate.
What if you were a disappointment? Would someone tell you? Or would they lie?
Those fears are shoved into the spotlight as the door swings open. Tyler is shouting something over his shoulder, his smile falling when he sees you on the front stoop.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” He drops Chica’s leash and pulls you inside. The playful pup nuzzles her head into your hand, perfectly content with it simply resting there. Your eyes sting as more tears make their way down your cheeks. Chica trots off into the living room.
“Y/N,” Tyler says gently, “you gotta’ talk to me. Please?” His eyes are searching yours, desperately searching for an answer.
“If you’re gonna talk the dog for a walk, that means you gotta take her-” Ethan says sarcastically; his sentence dies away upon seeing you “-with you.”
You remind yourself to breathe, but the sudden rush of oxygen makes your head spin. Tyler takes hold of your hands as they begin to shake. “Go get Mark,” he mumbles. Your windpipe seems to shrink, your breathing now short and choppy. Your knees threaten to give out. “Okay, I’m right here. We’re gonna sit down now, okay?”
You don't answer. The brunette stays eye level with you as he guides you to the floor. It was like you were staring straight through him. Everything around you seems to blur together into one movement. All of your thoughts running amongst each other, cascading into this detached emptiness swallowing you whole. There were voices, and there was silence; each one in the same. Some words ringing louder than the others.
“Found her...”
Small things came back to you. Your fingers twitched at the feeling of Chica’s fur. Pressure on your arms, nothing more than a silent, “I’m right here.” And after what felt like forever, you could see Mark kneeling in front of you. Tears threatened to spill if he so much as blinked.
“You gotta talk to me,” he whispers, his voice cracking, “please?” He brushes your hair away from your face, watching his hands as he goes.
“'m sorry,” you choke out.
Mark’s eyes snap to yours. “No, no, no. Don't be sorry, smalls.” He cradles your head in his hands. “You have done nothing wrong, okay?”
“But I haven't done anything right either,” you murmur. Your voice had no strength to it, only defeat.
“I try s-so hard, Mark, I do. B-but I can’t seem t-to get it ri-right. I’m just a dis- a disappointment.”
Mark was crying now. “Don't you dare say that, you hear me?” He wasn't angry. He was scared. “I am never-” voice crack “-going to think of you as a disappointment. Ever.” His grip loosens. “Why would you think that?”
You give a sad smile. “After hear- hearing th-things for so l-long, you s-start to- to believe them.”
He lets head drop, pulling you against him into a hug. You bury your face into the crook of his neck, sobbing. And you stay like that; holding each other as if the other will disappear. “W-when you were born,” he mumbles, pulling away, “I promised you that I’d be the best big brother.” He takes a shaky breath. “I promised I was gonna take care of you, no matter what.”
“I promised you, Y/N. And if some son of a bitch thinks they are gonna hurt you, or make you think you are a disappointment, I will do everything to show you that they are wrong.”
You smile for the first time that day, and wrap your arms around Mark’s neck, anchoring yourself in him. He sits back on his heels, holding you tightly.
“Thank you for keeping your promise,” you whisper.
He holds on tighter, pressing a kiss against your head. “Please don't scare me like that again.” He pulls away enough to hold your head in his hands again. “If you ever feel like that - even for an instant - you tell me. Or Tyler or Ethan or Amy or Kathryn. Just please,” his voice drops to a whisper, “say you’ll tell someone.”
You smile weakly. “I promise.”
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mythicalfanfics · 5 years
Is This Home? (Tyler Scheid x Fem!Reader)
Title: Is This Home?
Pairing: Tyler Scheid ( Apocalypto_12)/Fem!Reader, Platonic!Teamiplier x Reader, Markiplier x Amy, CrankGameplays x Mika
Requested?: Yes
Requested by: @lost-love
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Summary: The reader has a YouTube channel where she records cover songs. Her sister, Amy, helps her record another song for a special someone.
A/N: This request has been in my inbox for a LONG while now. I had been putting it off for a while, but I had finally gotten inspiration to finish it.
Pronouns: she/her
Warning(s): swearing, slight angst from Tyler
Word count: 1,236 words (got a little carried away)
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Amy settled the camera onto the tripod, centering you in the frame. She had, like the caring sister she was, volunteered to help you record another cover and shoo away any distractors, specifically Mark who always seemed to peek in whenever you tried to record. 
“Are you ready?” she asked, standing behind the camera. 
“Just a sec.” You adjusted the mic in front of your ukulele, strumming to check the feedback and sound. It seemed to be working properly.
You took a deep breath. “Alright, I’m ready.”
“You’ll do fine,” Amy reassured you. 
You shook your head. “Uh-huh, sure.” 
She paused, holding her finger over the record button. “You’re not nervous because of him, are you?”
You frowned. “No... no, of course not. Why would I be?” You waved your hand. “Just press record already, jeez.”
A mischevious smile came over Amy’s lips, but she said nothing more as she pressed record.
You bit your lip.
Another deep breath.
A sigh.
And you began to play.
“Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it.
Are you tired of me yet?
I’m a little sick right now but I swear
When I’m ready I will fly us out of here.”
“Is she singing?”
Amy turned her head to see Mark peeking in from the doorway. “Seriously?” she mouthed, pointing to the camera. “We’re recording right now.”
“Ooh, I’ll cut my hair
Ooh, to make you stare
Ooh, I’ll hide my chest
And I’ll figure out a way to get us out of here.”
“So, yes?” Mark leaned against the doorway, smiling cheekily at his girlfriend.
“Oh my God,” Amy whispered. She left the camera and strode up to Mark. “I’m not having this today, mister. This is very important to her.”
“Turn off your porcelain face
I can't really think right now in this place
Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane
Are you dead?
Sometimes I think I'm dead
‘Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet.”
“Is it because of--”
“Out.” She pointed. “Out with you.”
“Ooh, my eyes went dark
Ooh, I don't know where
Ooh, my pupils are
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here.”
“Okay, okay,” Mark said, “but only because you asked nicely.”
Amy rolled her eyes.
“Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space?
Get a load of this trainwreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
But little do we know, the stars 
Welcome him with open arms.”
Amy returned back to her place behind the camera, making sure everything was still in frame before giving you an apologetic smile. “Sorry,” she mouthed.
“Ooh, time is 
Ooh, slowly
Ooh, tracing his face
But strangely he feels at home in this place.”
Amy clapped when you finished the song. “That was amazing!”
Mark burst through the door. “Is she done?”
“Mark, seriously, what is wrong with you!”
Mark laughed. “Just trying to be supportive of my girlfriend and her little sister.”
You shrunk down in your chair, smiling weakly at him. “Thanks.”
Tyler lounged on the couch, staring at the ceiling. He had nothing to do. That is until you returned from your ladies’ day out with Kathryn, Amy, and Mika. Teamiplier was planning to see a movie that afternoon due to his suggestion.
“Hey, Tyler.”
Tyler glanced around and was met with the face of Ethan staring down at him. “What’s... up?”
“(Y/N) posted a new video yesterday,” Ethan said. “I was wondering if you saw it or not.”
Tyler frowned; he was skeptical. You always texted him right away after posting a new video. He had yet to receive such text. “...No, I haven’t.”
Ethan held out his phone to him, slightly smirking.
Tyler was good friends with Ethan, never having a problem with him except when it came to you. He always felt-- what was the word?-- jealous when he saw you and Ethan hanging out. You always seemed to sparkle with joy when you were around him. 
Tyler just couldn’t compete.
His eyes lit up when he saw your face on the phone. 
Ethan wasn’t lying after all. 
He immediately recognized the song when you started strumming, This Is Home by Cavetown. For the past month, you’d had played on repeat whenever he offered to drive you to work. He probably knew the lyrics just as well as you did by now.
At the end of the video, you would always talk a little about the song you covered and what it meant to you. This time was no exception.
“Cavetown is one of my favorite artists,” you said, “but I really covered this song for a good friend of mine, someone who always seemed to make me smile. He’s someone who I always want to be around and whenever I don’t see him... well, I miss him.” You smiled. “Thank you, guys, for watching. I’ll see you next time.” You moved your hand toward the camera as the video ended.
Tyler’s heart sank in his chest, a million thoughts racing around his head. He placed Ethan’s phone on the coffee table and stood up. Without looking Ethan’s way, he headed to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?”
“I just... I just need to use the restroom.”
“Are you guys ready to go see--” Mark started.
“Wait, where’s Tyler?” you asked.
Ethan put a hand on your shoulder. “Last time I saw him, he needed to use the bathroom,” he said. “He must have had a real large shit.”
You stifled a laugh as you tore away from your group of friends to look for Tyler. It only took you a couple of minutes to find the restroom he locked himself in.
You knocked on the door. “Tyler, you okay in there? We’re about ready to leave for the movie.”
There was a pause. “I’m... I’m fine, but you guys should go without me. I don’t really want to go anymore.” He sounded like a kindergartner who didn’t get the toy he wanted.
“Tyler, it was your idea to go in the first place,” you said. “What’s wrong, Tye Dye?”
You could hear a soft chuckle. “I hate that nickname.”
“I’ll keep calling you that if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
Another pause. “Who did you make the cover for? Ethan?”
“Goddamnit, Ethan,” you cursed. “Will you come out if I tell you?”
“Fine.” Tyler unlocked the door and opened it. The first thing you noticed was his red eyes. Was he crying?
“The video wasn’t for Ethan--”
“Then who--”
“He wasn’t supposed to show you the video. I was gonna show it to when... when I was ready to tell you,” you said.
“Tell me what?”
Your face turned red. “That... that I... I like you a lot, like a lot, a lot, Tyler.”
“I like you, too.” He reached for your hand, squeezing it.
You stood in silence for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. Then, you asked, “Were you crying because I thought I liked Ethan?”
“You realize he’s dating Mika, right?”
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miaiplier · 6 years
One Year Anniversary
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Because it’s my one year anniversary of this blog I wanted to write a little bit about the blog and myself, and since that’s kind of a lame little celebration and you probably don’t care, I’m going through all the fics I’ve ever made and sharing some of my faves. I hope you enjoyed this blog if you’re new to here or you’ve been here for a while, Thank you. I love writing for you guys and the idea that so many of you like my writing means the world to me.
My name is Mia
I started this blog on April 9th, 2017
My first, fic was Recording Videos With Teamiplier  
(I'll admit it's not at all the best fic, but everyone's got their start).
One of my favorite things that I love to write is the Lilsister! Reader insert, I don’t know I just really love writing it, it’s very wholesome.
I started this blog because I was having a hard time emotionally and I think I used my writing to make myself feel better. I had too much time to think and writing distracted me from feeling like total shit. I don’t remember much about the fics I wrote I just remember it was always late at night. When I started getting requests I was ecstatic like I’d get one and immediately start working on it. (Not gonna lie I still do that but halfway through I get writer's block).
I've been apart of this community for about 4 years and I've met some great people but this blog is where I met some great friends. I love this blog and I love you guys thank you for enjoying my writing can’t wait to write more for you all.
If you ever want to know more about me just send me an ask. :^)
Throughout the day I will be reblogging some of my favorite stories and ones that I think you all would really like (shoutout to all the newcomers to my blog)
Happy 1yr everyone!
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miaiplier · 7 years
Holiday requests are open!
So since it’s the holiday season I wish to open requests for a little bit and get some of those sweet brotherly and friendly type shit that have to do with the holidays so send me some, also I miss talking and give good jokes someone send me an ask.
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miaiplier · 7 years
Protective brothers
Request: I LOVED the last story you did for that anon!! Could your please do another one where its teamiplierxreader and it’s marks baby sister & there out and about and what not when a guy comes out of nowhere and says something inappropriate and try’s to come at her but they all get in ‘protective’ mode, and Mark gets heated but Tyler gets him before he does anything he will regret? And then after that, they go home and it gets super fluffy and the reader is so grateful for them? I hope this is ok love!
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It was a sunny day in California, you walked along side Chica as you held her leash. Mark your brother was next to you while, Amy was at his side holding his hand, and behind you was Tyler and Ethan. It was really a lovely time. You had wanted to get out of the house but you didn’t want to go alone. So you dragged the guys out of the house to walk with you and Chica. You all had been walking for a while around the park so you decided to go and get some ice cream. You walked into the store as Amy took care of Chica and waited outside. “What does Am, want?” You asked Mark, “She said chocolate” you nodded. Once you all ordered, Mark and you waited for the ice cream as Tyler and Ethan sat inside. You hadn’t noticed but you had an “admirer.” Tyler tapped Ethan pointing out the man’s wandering eyes. A clean cut looking tall man sat gazing at your body up and down. Ethan shrugged saying “Let’s just keep an eye on him don’t do anything stupid.“ As the man stepped up behind you just as you were about to walk out, Tyler and Ethan both stood up. Walking casually over to you. You all grabbed the ice cream and walked outside with Amy.Just as you had grabbed your ice cream from Mark you felt someone touch your ass. Yelping you turned around with a disgusted look on your face. Before you could say anything Mark pushed you behind him turning on protective big brother mode. “Did you just touch my little sister’s ass, pervert?!” He seethed. “So what if I did, what are you gonna do about it?” He shot back as he jabbed his finger into Mark’s chest, the guy was only slightly taller than Mark but, Mark didn’t even seem fazed. Tyler and Ethan had joined Mark giving him the same bitch face. “(Y/N), stay with Amy,” Tyler said not even turning to you. “Aww is that your name darling, pretty name for a pretty girl.“The man replied "Guys let’s just go it’s not worth it” you said completely ignoring his comment. Mark looked even angrier “You don’t get to talk to her that way asshole.” He spat. You and Amy shared a glance “Mark let’s go I’m not joking” you said louder “Why don’t you ditch these jerks and come hang out with me” he said. You had crossed your arms “Listen I’d really love to, but I don’t date guys with a smaller brain than their dick size” you sassed back. Ethan looked at you with a shocked face. “Hey bitch, at least I’m not a whore that has guys with her all the time” he sneered “Alright, That’s it!” Mark said as he grabbed the man by his collar and pushed him against the wall. “MARK!” Everyone yelled as they tried to pull him off Chica even started barking. Tyler and Ethan pushed him back and held him off "Mark calm down,” Ethan told him. “Whatever assholes I don’t need to put up with this” The guy spat and walked away. Mark walked up to you “You ok?” He asked looking panicked “yeah, of course, Mark thank you” you hugged him. As you walked back into the house you asked Mark “why would you do that though Mark I could’ve handled it.” “(Y/N) you know I’m not just going to stand around and let my sister get harassed.” “ I know Mark but you could’ve gotten in trouble.” you sighed “But seriously thank you.” You turned to Ethan and Tyler “And thank you for getting him under control.” You hugged them “I still can’t believe what you told that guy (N/N)” Amy said. You laughed “It was good huh” “hell yeah babe.” Amy replied. “I love you guys,” you said “Love you too” they replied
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